tv Americas News HQ FOX News September 6, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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>> don't want to give it up. >> what's in your mystery? >> i don't know. >> that's part of the problem. we ate it all the time. >> that's it for us. we're wrapping up for this week. >> thank you for watching "sunday house call" every sunday here on the fox news channel. thousands of migrants attempt to make their way across europe. a brand new development that could make their journey easily. we go budapest where tens of thousands are trying to get to germany. hillary clinton speaks out this weekend on another revelation in her e-mail scandal. 'a brand new poll shows very troubling numbers for the presidential candidate in the key early voting state. and scott kelly taking control of the stays station. criticism is growing over why our astronauts take a hitch from
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prussians to get there. have that discussion next. i'm shannon bream. welcome to fox news. >> thanks for spending this labor day sunday with us. ♪ ♪ >> whether in jgerman, italian, french, greek, it's the word that needs to translation, welcome. thousands are pouring into germany and austria for a second day to begin a new uncertain future. refugees cater across the country. angela merkel has stepped up to do more to help. 800,000 ref yees are expected to apply for asylum in germany by
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the end of the year. >> they'll be coming will through macedonia, major transit point for syria and iraq. the situation remains mostly calm. migrants walk to board buses to hungary. now the policy changed allowing thousands to board trains without visa checks to get to western europe. that came a day after hungary's prime minister said one bus convoy would transport all those refugees and migrants. >> the pope called on those to help those from death, war, hunger. he asked parishes across europe to provide shelter a refugee family. the vatican will shelter two families itself. we've seen so many changes in the past few hours from the
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hungary government. is this an ease in the crisis situation? >> i'm afraid not. it released the pressure for the time being. i mean, hungarian railway station is shiny. there's 300 migrants settling down for the night. may sound bad but when you think of 300,000 last week, it's a huge improvement. the problem is more are coming. germany, it's a complicated situation. germany continues to insist it should stand by the dublin agreement meaning mi ining migr should be processed in the first country. >> give us a sense of this.
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we've heard from angela merkel saying there needs to be more done, let them come to germany. we'll provide them shelter. vatican and pope francis speaking out. you have very antiimmigration regime inside hungary that migrants and refugees have to get to. it seems to be the position on open door from one side and closed door with a heavy hand on the another. >> to some extent that's true. if germany maintains the policy, hungarians will be more than happy to send them on which in fact was happening up until two months ago. suspension is the crack do you know has been internal domestic consumption to boost the government's popularity. there's no reason as far as hungary is concerned if not stopping here and germany is taking them. let them go i think. >> from the hungarian standpoint, it's no longer a
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problem in their backyard. reporting live from budapest, thanks. one thing folks have been pointing out about this crisis is if everybody heads west to germany and austria, the countries not taking refugees. many are coming from syria and iraq, saudi arabia, kuwait, qatar. those countries are not taking a single refugee. we'll let you know if that changes. two of the youngest victims of this crisis are remembered in the place they hoped to one day call home. this photo of the lifeless body of the 3-year-old shocked the world. he drowned with his 5-year-old brother and their mother off the coast. they were hoping to get to greece and eventually canada. family, friends, strangers
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packed in a small theater. they were ready to remember the victims in hopes they didn't die in vein. >> he woke up the world. his body on that shore is outcome of our silence. >> relatives released balloons over the water front in the boy's honor. the boy's aunt is hoping to bring what's left of the boy's family to canada. >> about 4 million people have fled syria since the civil war broke out in 2011. 1500 have been resettled in the u.s. u.s. does plan to take a few thousand more syrian refugees in 2016. according to the state department, the u.s. provides $26 million to the u.n. refugee agency. also according to safe, we've provided billions of dollars to
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refugee aid. some say u.s. could do more. we want to know what you think. what should the u.s. do to help the migrant crisis? are we overwhelmed here at home? send your tweets to us. we'll try to read those later on in the show. labor day weekend picnics and barbecues make great campaign stops for presidential hopefuls. they're trying to make the most of the weekend with multiple top across new hampshire and early primary states. especially republicans ahead of next week's big debate. kristin fisher joins us now with more. >> hey. i know this comes as no surprise a lot of presidential candidates are laying low this weekend. not hillary clinton. she starts a two day swing in
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iowa. yesterday she was in new hampshire. no matter where she goes, questions about her private e-mail server continues to follow her. we learned yesterday she paid a private staffer to maintain that private server in her home. >> with respect to personal services he provided to me and my family, we obviously paid for those services and did so because during a period of time, we continued to need his technical assistance. i think that's in the public record. >> the first debate for the democratic candidates is over a month away. on the republican side, it's almost time for round two. the second debate is 10 days away. it's looking more and more likely like carly fiorina will make the cut. >> are there were a lot of people all across the country, thousands and thousands of people across the country, who said you know what, this isn't
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fair. we want to hear from her. good for them. i really appreciate hit. >> kim davis who's still in jail for refusing to issue same-sex marriage license. one of her biggest supporters is mike huckabee. many opponents including ohio governor john kasich strongly disagrees. >> i respect the fact this lady doesn't agree. she's also a government employee. she's not running a church. i wouldn't force this on a church. in terms of her responsibility, she has to comply. >> hosting a liberty rally for davis in kentucky tuesday. he's even planning on visiting her in jail before the realli r. how's that for a photo opp? >> thank you very much. shannon has more on that debate.
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>> yeah. that county clerk in kentucky, kim davis, is not backing down. she's spending another night and day behind bars no. end in sight. the county clerk is refusing licenses for same-sex couples. the representative for davis, thank you for joining us today. give us an update on how she's feeling. >> today is day four. she never envisioned herself to be in jail. she never saw herself wearing an orange jail jump suit on the other side of the bars, but that's where she is. her message is all is well. that's what she says when we talk. she's content where she is now even though it's unpleasant situation. she wants to be there with her family. >> i want to play what josh earnest, white house press secretary, had to say reacting to the judge's decision to jail her. here's what he said. >>? success of our democracy depends
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on rule of law. there's month public official that is above the rule of law, certainly not the president of the united states but neither is the county clerk. that's a principle inshrined in constitution and democracy. it's one obviously the courts are taking to uphold. >> your reaction? >> seems like it's a one way street. obviously if he took that seriously, the president wouldn't have done a number of things. he ignores law he's supposed to enforce as well as his attorney general. 75% in kentucky passed the marriage amendment. she took oath to did defend that constitution as well. when she ran for office and people put her in at the time office, same-sex marriage was not part of the agenda. five people, two months ago, change had. it's questionable in terms of whether they have constitutional
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authority to do so. besides that particular debate, the fact of the matter is she's not going to step down. people put her there, want her there. it was not part of her job duty. all she's asking for is reasonable accomodation. she'll issue the license. she wants her name and title taken off the license because she can't associated her name, official tight and will authority with a marriage license hah conflicts with god's definition of marriage, man and a woman. that's her simple request. it's easy to accommodate it. that should be did done rather than jail her. >> i want to play one of the same-sex cup couples reaction to the situation and her being in jail now. >> i don't want her in jail. no one wanted her in jail. this isn't a blessing.
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civil rights are not subject to this. >> he says it's a civil rights issue. he says he doesn't want her in jail. that's what the judge has decided. my understanding the plfr plai came forward with a deal saying if she promises she's not going to interfere with five deputy clerks that issue the licenses, we want her out of jail. you all decided not to take that deal. is it her fault she remains in jail? why not take the deal? >> it wasn't a deal they presented to us. in fact originally they never asked for jail time. they asked for civil times. the judge went from that to jailing her without notice. the problem is not whether she someone else issues it. it's issued under her name with tight and will authority. either way it comes from her name.
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she can't have her name and title officially associateed with something that directly collides with her beliefs. the kentucky clerk association that represents all clerks in kentucky have asked for same kind of accomodation for all clerks not just kim davis. that's a reasonable request kim is asking. >> really quickly because we're about out of time. do you think at the end of the day if not resolved in her favor, the message is if you adhere to your tradition and only believe in traditional marriage structure, can you not take a position with u.s. government that may in any way touch on documents or official recognition of same-sex marriage? >> that's one reason she doesn't want to step down. if she steps down, what does that send a message? if you're christian or believe in union of a man and woman. you can't serve any public office. that goes back to what mike huckabee says is. criminalization of christianity.
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that's the harbor of what's to come. >> critics say it would be simple to step down and resigning. doesn't seem like she's close to doing that. thank you for making time for us. >> thank you. my pleasure. this is anything but a holiday weekend off for fire crews out west. they are continuing their epic battle for life and property. half a dozen fires are burning in california alone. the biggest phrase is east of fresno, 134 square miles and only 25% contained. cooler temperatures have brought t some relief but there's still a lot of dry vegetation. winds will with pick up as the region heads to what is still to come the peak of fire season. u.s. markets are closed tomorrow for labor day. in china, markets are open after a long four day holiday. the world will watch to see if
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dramatic volatility returns and causes more havoc for the rest of the world here in america. hello bren dachdbrenda. >> crazy ups and downs becoming the norm. you may be relieved wall street is taking down tomorrow. when it opens, there will be n plenty to it's ready. inflation figures from shanghai. let's keep in mind a few things as we go through the reports. problem with chinese data is it focuses on manufacturing. it may skew a bit negative. much can be outdated, and it's not clear how accurate numbers are. there's a bit of a vacuum here at home, the number. it pitched our markets into a ditch with steep declines. ahead of us, feds meet in a week
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and a half. will the bank raise short term interest rates for the first time in years? there's a few key things. we hear from you. consumer sent isment out friday. lots of you consumers eyeing apple, the gadget giant expected to debut the latest fancier version of iphone 6s. for those of you getting sick from the wild ride in the last few weeks that put s&p 500 which is probably a part of your retirement plan on the edge of correction, the fact that summer is unofficially over and people back from vacation, may make volatility easier to stomach. friday was thinly traded. more people out there on the floor, the harder it is to rock the markets. back to you shannon. >> all right brenda. thank you for explaining. we'll buckle up and watch for tuesday. >> that's right. thank you. this man buckled up and did so much more. a war hero that held a place in american history has passed away.
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at a time when thousands of japanese americans were held in camps, ben overcame discrimination to become a deck dated tail runner world war ii. he became the only japanese american to fly missions over japan. he was born and raised in great state of thnebraska. he and his brother volunteered and had to convince the military to take them. his mates nick named him most honorable son. he died at his home in california at the age of 98 years old. rest well sir. coming up, saying good-bye to one of the four police officers gunned down, killed in the last two weeks in separate incidents across the country. baltimore's controversial state attorney sees no connection between spike homicides in her city. the next guest thinks it's time
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the state attorney takes some of the responsibility. the inspector general report says 300,000 of our veterans died while waiting to get health care. we're going to talk to the chairman house committee on veteran affairs. how do we solve this? that's next. ♪ [ male announcer ] he doesn't need your help. until he does. three cylinders, 50 horsepower. go bold. go powerful. go gator.
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we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone ringing] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around.
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friends and family are mourning the death a louisiana police officer shot in the line of duty with his own service gun. his cousin is chargeed with his murder. henry nelson was killed while responding to a domestic violence call in the town of sunset august 26th. law enforcement officers came from across the country to pay respects at the funeral. saluting as the coffin past transporting it to the final resting place. >> i think it would help us get stronger and closer together and respect the police officers more. we have lost a great man that one i think could replace, only god. >> nelson is one of 22 police officers shot and killed in the line of duty this year, four in the last two weeks.
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in what has become a rare appearance for the once regular television marilyn mosby, the baltimore state attorney played defense this morning hitting back against claims she's to blame for recent spike in murders. police say they're scared to do their job in her city. >> i think that violence is -- we're seeing the effects of policies that have not worked. i think this is what we're seeing. >> what policies have not worked? >> zero tolerance. >> on thursday, baltimore judge will hear a request by the officers charged in freddie gray's death for a change of ven venue. on wednesday he allowed mosby to stay on the case. in the clear defense victory he ruled each officer will receive his or her trial rather than a couple trial covering all six officers. joining us, assistance state
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attorney who worked for mosby now in private practice. you know that office and mosby well. talk about the prosecution of six officers on the trial for their lives in the death of freddie gray. is this politics or justice for her? >> this is ultimately about politics for her. a scant number of facts would indicate that ms. mosby has any leg to stand on when prosecution of these officers goes forward. for some officers she's not allegeding they did any actions to cause them to be on trial for murder. she's alleging they didn't act when they should have. >> tough standard to meet. when we look forward to the change of venue, i don't think any of us thought this would get thrown out from the judge. here are the six officers. they do not want to get tried from baltimore because of
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publicity. one of the things they point to is where her press conference she said no justice, no peace, i heard your cries. which side should we be on? >> i think there's a lot of law on both sides. in this particular situation, i do believe ms. mosby's speech when she said our time is now, this is for you young people. all of that sort of rhetoric did make it very -- >> sounds like a politician. >> it does sound like a politician. it made it difficult for those officers to receive a fair trial. >> this is video of her press conference. people that watched were stunned. the people most stunned were police officers in that city that serve and protect and put their lives on the line every day. a lot of them tell me they're scared to do their jobs. they're worried there will be a press conference about them. >> the bike officers know
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they're trained by the state attorney offers that unprovoked flight in a high crime area gives rise to a stop. that stop can lead to an arrest. based on ms. mosby's actions she doesn't want to follow what the supreme court said in that particular case. she's going to make the law as she sees fit. she'll charge officers if she wants to >> no surprise now officers aren't making as many arrests. that's a fact. no surprise the murder rate sky rocketed. >> we had a 10-year-old boy and 93-year-old grandmother this week shot in the crossfire. >> does mosby have blood on her hands in this case? >> the fact she has not been enforcing g laws as she should and allowing plea officers, a lot of murderers and shooters to
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go free. >> unbelievable. we want to point out one more piece of video. this was marilyn coming in and going from court this the freddie gray case. she was protected better than the president sometimes walked in and out. what is she scared of? media asking questions, police officers upset with her? what's going on here? >> i have no idea. it doesn't make sense. when i would go to trial and trying people for gang cases, i would walk back and forth to my offices followed by gang members. i don't know who she's necessarily scared of. she has 24 hour protection, three executive protection officers at three times. >> a lot of sheriff deputies out there. unbelievable. ofl everyone wanted to talk to her after the court hearing. she didn't want to talk to us. we'll see what plays out thursday in court. wish you good luck in private practice. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. shannon?
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hillary clinton takes another stab at explaining her private e-mail server. is the scandal taking a bite out of her poll numbers? how a premiere military academy is dealing with self-inflicted wounds. vo: with beyond natural dry pet food, you can trust our labels. when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. when we say there's no corn, wheat or soy, it's not there. learn more at
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hundreds of thousands of our nation's veterans waiting for health care from the va. more may have died than previously ever thought. that's all according to new inspector general's report. here to help us take a closer look at the issues in the report, jeff miller, chairman of the house committee on veteran affairs. good to have you with us today. >> shannon, good to be with you. >> i've got to tell you though, you and i have had this conversation many times. it feels like a broken record. this report says some 300,000
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veterans may have died sitting on a waiting list to everyone across the country and across the aisle. both sides this is completely unacceptable. how does it change? >> well it is unacceptable because these people weren't in the system. they were trying to get into the system. we found, based on whistle blower complaints, early last year that probably 200,000 veterans died while waiting to get into the system is. we now find that number may be be above 300,000 people. actually there's almost 1 million numbers in backlog of people trying to get into the system. they can try to get the health care they've earned. >> i've got to say to you my stepfather was very sick few years ago and got excellent treatment from the va. i want to say we know there's a lot of good people there. it basically saved his life. he's had a great experience. for millions of other veterans they can't get an appointment.
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the inspector general report finds all kinds of things, applications pending. half of them don't have application dates. investigators couldn't determine how many veterans were associated with applications. we heard numbers of applications being shredded never going anywhere. the system is flawed. even when it works it needs overhaul. how is that addressed in a concrete real way? >> there has to be account lkt. people have to understand there are consequences to decisions they make f. they choose to delete 10,000 applications, that person needs to be fired. if they misplace 40,000 applicatio applications, that person needs to be fired. the va is not firing anybody. we passed a be bill in the house, calling the senate up as soon as we get back. pass this bill to make it easier
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for secretary to hold people accountable. the secretary is trying. same song different verse. it happens in every part of the agency whether the health administration, benefits administration. doesn't matter where it is. there are systemic problems that have to be corrected. >> is there unwillingness to fire these people? there's appeal, formalities and procedures that have to be followed. you can't just over ride those. i know there's some efforts. you mentioned this new bill cutting red tape. you passed something being able to fire certain people. i know what's critical to this process, a number of whistle blowers risked their own careers and more trying to come forward and tell you they've tried to reform the system. how critical are whistle blowers to giving you a full picture of really happening? >> whistle blowers have been important. they've been part of the solution when we were trying to bring oversight and
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accountability to the department. we had whistle blowers coming to us. the department kept pushing them down down. scott davis in atlanta was a person that was a credible witness at a hearing we held early last year that said this problem existed. va wouldn't pay attention to him. we asked the inspector general to get involved. low and behold, everything he was saying was true and more. >> all right. mr. chairman, we thank you for your time. we want to stay on this when you're back in d.c. and introduce this measure. please come back and let us know what's happening. all our viewers and you are outraged by this. thank you sir. >> thank you. the only way this is going to be changed is pressure. >> all right. we'll keep it up here. we know you will too. thanks sir. sounds like harmless fun after a summer of hard work, somehow west point's summer fight to celebrate the end of
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summer turned violent. 30 cadets suffered concussions, hairline fractures, dislocated shoulder and broken nose. the superintendent is investigating how things got out of hand. the pillow fight while not condoned is a long west point tradition. apparently some put helmets and hard objects in their pillows. all these are young men and women that will become officers in the next year. where's the good judgment? >> military under grad institutions are rough and tumble. there's a lot he wouldn't tell me. i would bug him and say what's the hazing is this he would never tell me.
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these guys do it as a right of passage. did this go too far? 24 people with concussions. you've got to ask that question. >> who would helmets in the pillow and hurt your friends? these are people you go to war with. >> this could be a precursor. scott kelly on the international space station. he had to hitch a ride with russians. we're going to talk to a former astronaut that rode that shuttle many times. on the hot seat, more questions for hillary clinton about the private e-mail server. between that, dropping poll numbers and possible biden entry in the race. what does it mean for her political race? our panel weighs in next.
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well he's definitely going to lose a stroke on this hole. if you're a golf commentator, you whisper. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. this golf course is electric... wi noticed benny right away. , i just had to adopt him. he's older so he needs my help all day. when my back pain flared up we both felt it i took tylenol at first but i had to take 6 pills to get through the day. then my friend said "try aleve". just two pills, all day. and now, i'm back for my best bud! aleve. all day strong and try aleve pm, now with an easy open cap. new polling released this morning shows hillary clinton's numbers plummeting in new hampshire, same state that famously made bill clinton the comeback kid. it's not looking too kindly on
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his wife and growing e-mail scandal. nbc polls show bernie sanders leading clinton 41-32. compare that to july when clinton led sanders 42-32. we did the math for you. that's a 19 point swing in less than two months. here's john hart, editor and chief and tarin. first to you. we've come a long way from the nomination for hillary clinton. is it time to consider hillary clinton may not be their nominee? >> that's fair to say. i also think the primary, when you've got a crowded gop field, it's a good thing. not having a nominee that's attacked for all these months while they duke it out on the republican side makes sense. this is good for the party. >> john, would pit be better for
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republicans rather arer than spending time beating up on donald trump to beat up on hillary clinton? >> that's a good idea. hillary's challenge is she's out of step with the rest of her party. one of the most important polls that's come out was in may. 43% of millennial democrat voters view socialism as favorable as capitalism. bernie sanders movement is idealogical far to the left of the main stream media. you could argue there's war on capitalism growing on the left. hillary clinton has to decide where she stands on weather. >> she has a tough time of deciding where she stands on a lot of issues including her private e-mail server. her aid has taken the fifth amendment and said he's not going to testify. he was her aid not only at the state department but worked privately for her. how does she shake this off, or can she? >> she can definitely shake this off. one of the things we're seeing here is this story is the one that won't go away.
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inspector general and secretary of state can say these e-mails she didn't send or receive confidential e-mails. for the aid, i'm not speaking for. i'm saying if he pled the fifth he thinks he's staying out of it in some way. that obviously is not going to cool the fires here. >> take a listen quickly to hillary clinton on "andrea mitchell" trying to do damage control. >> are you sorry? do you want to apologize to american people for choice you made? >> well, it wasn't the best choice. i certainly have said that. i will continue to say that. >> why is it so hard for the clintons to say i was wrong, i am sorry, i learned from, let's move on? we saw it with bill clinton, i didn't have sexual relations. why? >> she did say she was sorry
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this was going on. >> but not sorry she did it. >> she doesn't feel she did anything wrong. if you're hillary clinton, you didn't do anything wrong, and everything was above board. if you're going to be hillary clinton and say i've did everything right, you don't want to apologize for something if you think you didn't do anything wrong. >> i think it keeps it lialive. it's like when you have a fight with your wife and say i'm sorry you were confused. i'm perfect otherwise. my wife would disagree. hillary's apology didn't feel honest, sincere or truly regretful. beyond that, with the lingering aspect of this is the notion that here's the secretary of state creating her own private rogue e-mail server to avoid
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accountability. you can't do that in this day and age. it's going to be a drip, drip, drip of new reporting. >> last word or 20 seconds. >> i think what i said, the primary on both sides, you see with gop and candidates, they're fighting for the heart of the party. we've seen this with trump and sanders as the rogue. like this is the heart of it. >> you're in the pillow fight. >> exactly. i kind of see it that way. >> you may sleep on the couch tonight. >> that's right. >> thanks for being here today. all the best. still ahead, a nasa official callings it a national disgrace. why are u.s. taxpayers paying russia to get our astronauts to the space station we paid for? . why are u.s. taxpayers paying russia to get our astronauts to the space station we paid for?
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a call to action from the head of nasa. the nasa administrator charles bolden blasting congress for not funding the american-made spacecraft. they say america should not rely on russia to transport our astronauts to the international space station. quote, we are the country that kissed the moon. we're the country that's roving mars. we aught to be able to get our own astronauts to space. thank you for being here with us, we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> you know congress is fighting
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over everything and don't get a whole lot done. there are plenty of funding battles here, so are you surprised that congress hasn't allocated the money that the administration is asking for saying essentially we need it if we want to regain control of the american space program? >> well, i think congress is wrestling with issues where to send its resources just like families everywhere have to make those same decisions. so i'm not surprised that it's a decision and an issue that congress is taking up. personally, i definitely agree with administrator bolden. we need to get u.s. astronauts flying on u.s.-made vehicles as soon as possible. >> the fact is, we are spending plenty of money on the space program even if we are not done it via the space program. we are paying that money to russia. because it is not cheap to hike to the international space station, but the money is being
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sent and that's a primary objection. if we are spending the money, why are we paying another country to do this? >> correct. we have been paying the russians to take astronauts and cosmonauts from all over the world to the space station for a number of years now. but ever since the shuttle program went away, we are 100% dependent on the russian vehicle to get any astronaut or cosmonaut up to the space station. so we are paying them. i would like to add, though, it's not just taking nasa and just giving it to the russians. we are investing in other spacecrafts. we have a deep space but want system and capsule itself that we are spending money on. the commercial part of it, these are the vehicles that will take astronauts to the space station. into lower orbit. it requires a much lower investment than the deep space vehicle. but by the same token, it has to be fully invested in otherwise
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we can't get those vehicles and we will continue year after year to be dependent on the russians. >> well, as you said, it's a tough sell in a lot of ways because people are worried about their own -- putting food on the table, keeping their kids in school and keeping a roof over their heads. and the country is struggling with a lot of financial issues, so we know the conversation will continue to play out. mary ellen weber, thank you for your service to the country and for your time today. we appreciate it. >> thank you very much. break out your ketl. do you have one? >> under my underwear. >> tmi. the british royals bundle up to take part in a great tradition. you're here to buy a car.
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we ask, what do you think the u.s. should do to help with the migrant crisis going on. walt says nothing since we have a serious immigration problem here. dave says, we should help by going after the root of the problem, isis. as always, keep tweeting and thank you for sharing. queen elizabeth and prince phillip braved the cold to head to scotland to the highland games. they cheered on the competitors with highland dancing. the scottish bagpipers played for them. she will be britain's longest reigning monarch. elizabeth was crowned in 1953. think about all the world has seen and all that has happened in the years she has been on the thrown. >> and she's been so classy
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throughout it all. it is really incredible. such a fabulous example. that's all for us here in washington. "fox news sunday" is next. >> see you next sunday. thank you so much for watching "america's news headquarters." i'm chris wallace. police officers targeted as anti-cop rhetoric reaches new lows. what can ease the tension? we've heard black lives matter, all lives matter, cops lives matter, too. >> at some point in time, you have to stop yelling and screaming and start listening and discussing. >> we'll discuss the deadly attacks on police as well as rising murder rates at major city americans with two top cops. philadelphia police commissioner charles ramsey. and milwaukee police chief edward flynn. then president obama gets enough votes in c
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