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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  September 8, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> yeah. good idea. bill: hope you had a great labor day weekend. as much fun as those folks were having. >> back to school process everyone. trying to keep up. we feel your pain. back here tomorrow. bye, everybody. ♪ jenna: wall trying to keep up indeed. hillary clinton pushing reboot button on her presidential campaign as her poll numbers drop and list of contenders. i'm jenna lee. >> nice to be with you at home. i'm leland vittert in for jon scott. vermont senator bernie sanders holds the lead in a new hampshire poll. it shows him surging ahead. he is now leading by nine points. his biggest margin yet. the poll also included potential candidate, vice president joe biden. jenna: emphasis on potential. all of this sparking new efforts by the clinton crowd to refocus
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and re-energize her campaign which kept her busy during the labor day weekend. she hit early decisions states, new hampshire one of them and iowa, holding on to a narrow lead. let's talk to brit hume, fox political analyst. when you look at hillary clinton and some of the national numbers of "real clear politics" she is still far ahead. so what is the significance of these numbers at this point in the campaign? what's at stake? >> well the first significance i think it's fair to say nobody ever expected bernie sanders of all people would be leading her in new hampshire at this stage and doing as well as he's done elsewhere. bespeaks a certain yearning in the democratic party for somebody exciting, somebody with the full ideology that many democrats yearn for and that is what we're looking at and she's not exciting people. the notion, jenna, romans has a lot to do with politics.
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jenna: talk to us about that, brit. that sounds great. go ahead. >> there was something romantic about the idea of the first african-american president, someone a man who appealing that he would be a great leader. he has had a heart time in office but he got reelects but that is something. hillary could be the first woman president. there is something romantic about that in the eyes of liberals in particular and many woman. that idea has been around. now comes bernie sanders with the full portfolio of left-wing ideas that many democrats care about. and he might seem like the, an odd custodian of that but he is the one and he is doing pretty well. so this suggests that she is beatable possibly. possibly in the primary. certainly in a general election. that is significance of where it all stands though she remains the likely winner. >> let's extend that analogy. as we see in politics, public
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false in and out of love of different candidates at different times. say hillary clinton loses new hampshire and say she also loses iowa, could she still become the candidate for president? >> history has shown you can lose those states but still prevail but it is not easy if you lose them both. so she needs to win iowa. you can lose in new hampshire or lose iowa and win new hampshire or do so very well there that it's, you know, expectations game it's a win. she does probably have the resources to wage a long campaign. and, if joe biden gets in of course, that's the wildcard in the deck, jenna, because we don't know how much sanders support would go to him and how much clinton support would go to him. jenna: you think democrats would like to fall in love with joe? >> i think a lot of them are very fond of joe biden. he has been around a long time and has certain --joe biden in person is a person that you
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likeable and impossible to not find him a likeable guy. he could be someone counted to carry on at least in the eyes of the democrats policies of barack obama. so he would have real appeal. the question is, who does he hurt and who does he help? jenna: that is the big question, everyone meaning the pundits saying labor day will be the decision day for joe biden. we're still waiting for that decision. i want to ask you about this comment from a leader in the dnc, the vice chairman of the dnc in the "washington post" quoted saying this today by hillary clinton. because of all the stuff surrounding her, she, more than others needs a couple of months to knock the dust off and to get real again. brit, what do you think of that comment coming from a member of her own party and some of the leadership? >> well i think it's, tells you that the guy thinks she's in trouble, right? and it also tells you that, i mean, in a way it is kind of silly. here is somebody who has been
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out on this campaign trail new for some time. remember the big deal when she went out and introduce herself to voters and do a long listening tour and that will shore up her support with the grassroots and all of that. she has got nothing but trouble. then she anchor around the neck in form of email scandal that will continue to trouble her and emails will be continued to be released like cards off after deck periodically as far as the eye can see. the idea she will reinvent herself in some way or relaunch herself is fanciful because she is has been around so long, so well-known and people know her. a lot of people have quite firm and long established opinions about her. she has a real hill to climb to try to reawaken some new sense of herself. jenna: according to the staff this start this is week. stories in "the new york times," "washington post," some others talking about new strategy and new interviews she is doing. we'll see if that changes numbers in some of the early states.
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want to ask you quickly, brit, about congress being back in session. coming back to washington, d.c. huge battle over the iran nuclear agreement. if republicans pass legislation rejecting the deal, the president is likely to veto it, because they still don't have votes in the senate to override it. "the wall street journal" describing the deal all but guaranteed. you see it the same way? >> i do. going into effect is probably guaranteed unless the iranian parliament does something strange but make no mistake about it, jenna, it is, the deal, remember, it is just an executive agreement, not a treaty. so it is not binding on future presidents. so it stands on somewhat shaky ground for that reason. and if it fails, to achieve a majority of vote in the congress, that will contribute a sort of political shakiness to it as well. so it's a vulnerable agreement, highly controversial. and not acceptable, it would seem to a majority of congress. that is not something that is
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desirable outcome for this president and this major foreign policy or a major foreign policy achievement at least in his eyes. >> technically even if the president does get this victory as it appears through the votes it is still a weaker victory than the administration would have liked? >> of course. it puts a kind of asterisk next to it, not approved by congress. executive agreements don't have to be to go into effect but having it rejected by a majority and surviving on the strength of a veto is hardly a, feather in the cap of president or this deal. jenna: well, it's a big topic of conversation. we'll see if anything unexpected happens. meantime though, certainly a lot to watch in d.c. great to have you to watch with us, bret. as always thank you. >> thank you, jenna. >> breaking right now, germany telling its european neighbors they need to pick up the slack and take more refugees. the german demand comes as a record number of migrants try to make their way from the
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middle east to new lives in western europe. the european parliament debating relocation of tens of thousands of refugees now in italy and greece with their futures uncertain. hungary meantime speeding up work on a border fence in an effort to slow the flow of people. amy kellogg is following it all from our london bureau. hi, amy. >> reporter: hi, amy. london is taking a lot of heat for the razor fence. french president asked how east europeans would have felt 25 years ago when they were bursting through fences and walls if the west said, hang on, not now? but those were europeans and these are arabs and afghans and africans. there is quite a lot of anti-immigrant sentiment on the continent. some e.u. countries only want to take in christian refugees u.n. says such statements go against principle of humanity.
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they're asking for europewide quote at that system. poland and hungary are pushing back. greece ferrying thousands off islands where so many migrants arrived in boats to the main land is one of the countries totally overwhelmed. britain's prime minister said it will take 20,000 refugees over the next five years. opposition leaders say the u.k. and others should be taking more >> our hearts and heads should be telling us we need to respond to the scale of this crisis because it is not going away. simply because we can not help everyone doesn't mean we should help no one. we should do our bit. >> reporter: leland, what has been agreed is that the processing of these people really ideally should be taking place closer to home. for example, in the camps there in turkey. that would be in order to discourage them from jumping into those rickety boats and rafts and ultimately many of them losing their lives, but, it
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is also hard to imagine how at this point it will be possible to stop the human tide, these waves and waves of people who set off and heading to europe with nothing stopping them. leland? >> amy kellogg, live in london. thanks, amy. jenna: right now we're awaiting new information for the search of the suspects in the murder of that illinois officer. a news conference is being held in just a few hours. police officers from all over the nation gathering yesterday to pay their respects as the officer was laid to rest. he was gunned down as you remember and recall unfortunately last tuesday. matt finn live from fox lake, illinois, with the very latest. matt? or the. >> reporter: jenna, so many family friends, police officers from around the country turned out yesterday. a service scheduled to last four hours ended up lasting about eight. our entire crew was sitting there watching procession saying we had never seen anything quite like it. over 1500 police vehicles were in the procession yesterday for lieutenant gliniewicz.
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an estimated 3 to 5,000 police officers from as far as new york showed up to pay their farewell. the funeral was at a high school where lieutenant gliniewicz worked with teens in the community. hundreds if not thousands stood outside in the hot sign with signs and businesses saying thank you for your service. lieutenant gliniewicz brother was a firefighter. at the funeral yesterday he described his brother's personality. >> he was reasonable, fair and just. he took every effort to turn his interactions into teachable moments with the hope of helping people down a more positive path >> reporter: now we are expecting that presser any minute but it is latest in the investigation is that police say they have two crucial pieces of evidence. one being surveilance from home and traffic cameras and another being something they found in the field near his murder but they haven't said what that is. there was an autopsy. we're not sure of results just yet. police have not released information.
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what is kind of unusual labor day weekend here, this is considered kind of a resort area and we don't necessarily know what the suspects look like. people trying to keep their eyes and ears open were not sure what they were looking for. police say they are confident that video they do have might depict the suspects, and that there are other people out there who could help this case. >> the subjects are dangerous and i reiterate this. they murder ad police officer so they're capable of doing anything. >> we have images of people that we believe are subjects that we would be interested in talking to. >> reporter: now the entire community has rallied for lieutenant gliniewicz. everywhere you look are blue ribbons and signs and american flags and a lot of corporations come forward offering rewards. one motorola company offered $50,000, jenna. jenna: we look forward to getting new information at the press conference of the matt, thank you very much. >> police hope an arrest in the murder of a texas dentist will
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help lead to her killer. an unknown gunman shot her in a parking garage. what the reported accomplice says she got out of the deal. we're awaiting for a rally to start this afternoon as a presidential candidate turns out to support the kentucky clerk sitting in jail over the same-sex marriage debate. we want to hear from you. do you think vice president joe biden will decide he is running for president? our live chat is up and running right now. you can join the conversation by going to
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leland: some crime stories we're following right now. amanda knox has been vindicated once and for all. italy's top court explaining why it threw out her murder conviction last spring, ripping prosecutors for what it call as flawed case against knox and her italian boyfriend in the murder of knox's british roommate, meredith kircher. police widening their search for a new jersey woman missing since last week this is picture
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of christine rosy. she was reported missing near hamilton township in trenton. her car was foundized i willing alongside of the road. police remain on the hunt for whoever murdered a dentist in dallas. a dental assistant admits she was paid $500 to drive that gunman. jenna: mike huckabee and senator ted cruz reporting he hadly meeting with the jailed kentucky county clerk. that clerk, kim davis, is behind bars for refusing to grant same-sex marriage licenses. she said she can't do it because of her religious beliefs. shannon bream is live in washington with more. shannon. >> reporter: an emergency appeal with kim davis's legal team is pending with the sixth circuit, a rally in support of her will be outside of the jail where she is being told. 2016 presidential contender mike huckabee was the first to
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come to her defense. i says this about today's gathering. >> first to show support for kim and let the world know that it is unacceptable to put a person in jail without bail because she followed her conscience. >> reporter: number of prominent conservatives will join today's rally. in ace have it his team said is not specifically tied to the gathering senator ted cruz, also a 2016 contender, planning to meet with kim davis and defend her position. davis, a democrat was jailed last week, cruz said that was proof of judicial lawlessness turned into judicial tyranny. there are multiple legal efforts underway there could be a shift in the case. federal judge david bunning, who ordered davis to issue issued this, asking the parties to clarify whether any of named plaintiffs in the case received a marriage license from the rowan county clerk's office. he asked by 10 a.m. remember several deputy clerks agreed they would issue licenses to the
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to the couple. bunning could suggest that he is weighing status. if all have been able to get marriage licenses that could impact whether there is still live controversy and possibly whether davis remains in jail. jenna? jenna: story to watch. shannon, thank you. leland: who among us has intaken a selfie but there now there may be legitimate reason to take selfie. according to a major credit card company that is. how it could keep your account safe. plus two high school football players apparently targeting a ref on the gridiron. take a look at video. should the football players face criminal charges now? our legal panel is standing by to weigh in. we were in a german dance group. i wore lederhosen. so i just started poking around on ancestry. then, i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. it turns out i'm scottish. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt.
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purpose. mastercard, testing a program that allows cardholders to verify their online purchases with a selfie. it is also testing fingerprint and voice recognition methods for verification. they're all available on the company's app. the trial runs through next month. leland: who knew? a high school football game got ugly, real ugly, with the football players apparently going after the ref. all right, this is video of it. video seems to capture one player blind siding official, while another hit the official. there is the first hit, while he was already down on the field. the two players have already been suspended. but obviously with video like this there are a lot of questions remaining, including did players plan the hit? was the coach perhaps involved? should they face more punishments? joining us for legal fallout, lis wiehl, fox news legal analyst. wendy patrick, veteran prosecutor and trial attorney. lis, first to you, our understanding that these two players have been suspended from
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the team, suspended from the school. no kidding. the question is, should they be in handcuffs? >> yeah. assault and battery. look on video. not running around, bumped into him. he is lucky he can walk out of there with out sustaining more injuries. they will be tried as juveniles. they will be not be convicted of that much time. what i would want to know what i have with those two, come-to-jesus moment, you come to me, tell me exactly what happened. tell me about the collusion. tell me about adult involved. if so you tell me now, maybe i will go easy on you, give you a predeal. if you don't, you're in big trouble. leland: seems like could be big trouble including possibly felony charge. wendy, that goes to rile issue, you see the first player hit him from behind you have to make a big stretch to think the kid was going after the ball or something involved in the play. the second guy piling on the ref, seem almost impossible that the kids hadn't colluded. >> that is going to be the issue, leland, was this
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coordinated attack ore coincidence. doesn't look like the second attack was spur of the moment decision. what they will be looking at now, while it is true, youth matters, they're also going to be looking at background circumstances that might lead to a conspiracy. there are all kinds of other factors by the way that will factor whether or not this is a felony, whether it's a misdemeanor, what the punishment is going to be and part of that will have to do not just with the context, was it preplanned and if so with who, but what are extent injuries. thankfully this ref, we don't know the full extent how he has been recovering but speaking out. he is not dead. but how significant were his injuries? remember they are padded with helmets on. this ref was totally exposed. this was hard to watch. he was clearly ambushed and didn't see it coming. >> you look at context, the refs thought the team thought was bad call against them. they were upset. perhaps did the coach say
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something? let's bash that ref. we don't know that get the kids in there now with lawyers. this is your chance to tell the truth. leland: hopefully they do tell the truth if a coach was involved. >> oh, my goodness. leland: that would take it to whole different level. >> i hope that is not true. leland: like to get your lady's thoughts on this. the trial beginning for harold hen thorn. we've been covering the case. he is accused of pushing his second wife off a cliff to her death in rocky mountain national park. you see a picture of the couple in their happier times. prosecutors plan to introduce evidence of the death of his first wife 20 years ago. she was allegedly crushed while car slipped off a jack and changing a tire. colorado ruled that death an accident. that is under new investigation. he was charged with that. they will reopen as they look at second case. interestingly enough, one of the big pieces circumstantial
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evidence which is all the prosecutors have a map of rocky mountain national park with a really big x where his wife died. lis, is circumstantial evidence enough in a case like this. >> yes. he literally marked an x where he was going to kill her. that is what the prosecution is going to say. they have what they call prior bad acts, death of his first wife. the judge let that in. a lot of times they won't let that in. here they did. circumstantial evidence is good evidence. direct evidence is somebody actually saw him with the gun over her, killing her. that doesn't happen every day. circumstantial evidence cases are built brick by brick. x marks the spot. where she fell. what she -- all of those things, tie all those together. leland: you tie together the fact you probably wouldn't want your sister to marry this guy considering his past. >> no. leland: second of all, he had a $4.5 million life insurance policy on his second wife. third, you have x marks the spot. on the other hand, wenddy, no
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medical report that says this is murder. nobody saw this happen. how do you prove this beyond a reasonable doubt? it isn't gee it looks bad you have to prove this to a jury? >> legally circumstantial evidence is every bit as good as direct evidence. the judge made powerful ruling that the jury will hear about the freak circumstantials under which his first wife died. the reason there is no direct evidence, both of these freak accidents occurred in remote locations with no witnesses. that alone is chilling. even were it not for the x marks the spot diagram, there is plenty of evidence, including financial incentive for a jury to be able to conclude this is proof beyond a reasonable doubt even though nobody actually saw it except for the defendant, who by the way, prosecutors have noted have had
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military analyst bill cowan is here on that next. 's evil. and ladders. sfx: [screams]
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leland. leland: four more mexican officials now stand accused of helping a major drug lord break out of prison back in july. you might remember the case, the drug kingpin known as el chapo, escaped from a maximum security prison crawling through a tunnel that magically led right to his jail cell. a mexican judge has begun proceedings against two members of the mexican intelligence services and two prison employees. william la jeunesse is following the story from the west coast newsroom. hi, william. >> reporter: leland, experts always said this had fingerprints inside job. the question was how high and how many? right now that is seven. mexican judge say two prison employees in the control room and two members about mexico's domestic intelligence agency helped el chapo escape. three others two guards, supervisor have already been charged. remember there was a camera in guzman's cell. the guards were charged purposely looking other way and failing to sound alarm after the
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escape which reportedly cost el chapo, 15 million bucks in bribes, seven million each. maybe they won't enjoy that anytime soon. the two men are being held in the same prison they were guards. el chapo is one of the world's richest and most wanted men. one place you don't want to be captured anywhere with extradition with the u.s. one that does not, costa rica. guzman's son saying satisfied here. you already know with him. attach ad photo appearing to show his dad with costa rica tagged location although know one is really sure that is where he is. his escape confirmed what mexicans already know. 90% say cops are corrupt. 80% say judges are as well, according to poll in 2013. the question now, does it bo higher? was this a few people inside of the prison? or others on the outside helping him? country's most wanted guy escapes from the country's most secure prison on a motorcycle, it does not inspire confidence
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in the mexican people when they, the president, new president said he would reform the system. doesn't look so good right now. back to you. leland: that might be the understatement of the day. william la jeunesse. live in los angeles. thanks, william. jenna? jenna: drone strikes in syria from british forces now after jihadis were suspected of plotting an attack on the queen and the rest of the royal family. britain's prime minister defending his country's actions ad the u.k. defense secretary warning more strikes are possible as threats continue. now joined by lieutenant colonel bill cowan retired from the u.s. marine corporation and fox news military analyst. lieutenant cowan, what do you think of the brit's move and reason why now they decided to get involved? >> i love it, jenna. got to hand it to the brits. the message to all jihadis don't mess with the queen, don't threaten her. you have to look and wonder if this is part of a program they will get going. jihad johnny is out there, a number of brits have gone over to join isis. i think brits will get more
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engaged. parliament restricted kind of engagement british forces can have against isis in syria, that is. i think we'll see more action. jenna, the other interesting thing about the story, the nature of intelligence. this is very precise intelligence. these two guys and one other traveling in a car in raca. you can imagine how difficult it is to come up with that kind of intelligence. the question is who did it? was it british intelligence in which case you hope they share with others and if it was u.s. intelligence you wonder why we passed it to them to dot strike. jenna: who has the intelligence because that is one of the criticisms or obstacles we talked about last couple years when it comes to syria. having appropriate intelligence to strike the people you want to strike with the tools that you have? >> yeah, you know what? we had about a year to be working this inside of syria. the collection of signals intelligence, telefonic communications, human intelligence, assets on the ground. imagery intelligence, watching these things. frankly in the course of a year,
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i think we, the united states and perhaps in direct conjunction with our british partners have done a very good job. we have done a number of drone strikes. we have taken out a number of senior targets. remember the israeli have done this for year but they have had decades to put the systems and programs together. jenna: sure. >> i think our intel guys are doing a good job. our strike sends a message to all the brits running around there and isis and isis leadership. jenna: i have a question for our leadership as well but to finish out with the brits. how do you think the refugee crisis in europe is playing calculation to become more aggressive? do you think that is a factor. >> i think it has to be. i know there is talk about isis sending their own people up with the refugees. i'm not as kind on that as to say many refugees will get up into the other countries moving to, expectations better life will be hard to find. no jobs, no housing, no places. at that point they have the
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opportunity, those people of becoming radicalized. the whole refugee thing is very big issue. letting refugees, those fleeing syria are able to do. see what brits and our other allies are able to do sends a message to you all of them. jenna: if you take care of isis you take care of part of the refugee problem because the refugees are fleeing isis. the pentagon, according to "new york times" the pentagon is drawing up plans to training program. few dozen fighters kidnapped inside of syria. this is how it is described. they will revamp the program dropping larger numbers of fighters into safer zones and providing better intelligence and improving combat skills. should we continue down this route, colonel cowan? will this bear the fruit we hope? >> this is so embarrassing. june of last year the white house announced a hundred million dollars, that is 500 million, to train, equip, recruit, what have you 5000
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syrians to go against assad. in meantime we pushed asaud aside, we'll go against isis. let me say this can you imagine where isis would be right now if that $500 million had been dedicated to the kurds, iraqi kurds and syrian kurds? only ones who are carrying on effective battle against isis? had they gotten money, had we put programs together again, isis would not be in the position it is in today in my judgment. jenna: it is interesting. we'll see what happens and impact of brits quote-unquote success has on broader strategy to defeat isis for all of us. colonel cowan. great to see you as always. thank you. >> thank you, jenna. leland: a stubborn wildfire is intensifying forcing more evacuations along the west coast. we'll tell how much of firefighters have been able to knock down so far in this battle. controversy over a youtube video called, and we're quoting now, dear fat people. we'll tell but the comedienne
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who claims fat-shaming is not a real thing and backlash about this video that has already begun. >> it is really big thing, no pun intended. it is the really nasty spawn of a larger apparent problem called body shaming which i'm fairly certain everyone on the planet, especially woman has -- three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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leland: a comedienne and youtube celebrity is facing some major backlash over her latest video entitled, and we quote now, dear fat people. listen to the part we can actually play on television. >> fat shame something not a thing. fat people made that up. that is race card with no race. leland: the video has spawned an outcry led by leaders in what is called the body acceptance community including whether itey thor, the star of tlc show, my big fat fabulous life. >> shaming is a thing.
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it is a really big thing, no pun intended. it is really nasty spawn of a larger parent problem called body shaming which i'm fairly certain everyone on the planet, especially women has experienced leland: joining us now obesity specialist and a dr. chuck williams, a psychologist and graduate director -- director of grat out studies at lincoln university. first things first. youtube briefly suspended channel over this video. do you think the video rose to the level of worthy of censorship. >> i don't think shy should have been censored. i think she has the right to say even if what i think she has to say is horrible which i think it is horrible. >> thanks for having me. i agree with dr. joanna. it is all about first amendment rights and freedom of speech. no one iss toes anyone to watch youtube. if you don't like a clip, go
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past it, go to something else you enjoy or maybe cats playing hand you ball earnings cats playing hand ball. cats being thrown off fans. youtube said it was mistake and can no longer claim to be censored which got her even more views. you study this issue. essentially she is saying look, fat people, essentially is your fault that you are fat. is that helpful or true. >> this is not helpful in any way. this is not tough love as she is claiming. there was no love in the video and she was mean and she was cruel and she knew that she knew exactly what she was doing. only thing she was trying to be helpful to was herself and her career. if she says anything otherwise you just need to watch the video to know that is not true. leland: chuck, on other side of this, when you listen to folks from the body acceptance movement, and we're listening to jonah, is there issue telling
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people, this is not your fault. don't worry about it, rather than trying to take personal responsibility? isn't this balances act between how much you eat and perhaps your own metabolism? >> right. look i'm a slim guy, naturally. i have a high met tab iism no matter what i do. i will probably never be a big guy like chris christie. speaking of government christie, i was always uncomfortable when people brought up his weight when ever they talk about him. i don't think that is appropriate. i don't think shaming really helps people. however, as he watched the clip the comedian was he had can tiff and informative and corollary between obesity and overweight and hypertension and heart disease and diabetes. if she wanted to like my colleague just mentioned, to just be plain mean, like a lot of comedians who want to be funny maybe not just mean, she didn't have to mention all the science around obesity and corollaries to things that could
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end someone's life. i thought she was pretty even-handed even as a comedienne doing what she did. >> she didn't really mention science. she said obesity, if it's a disease and being shopaholic is disease and made a lot of jokes along that frame. and you know -- >> but she also mentioned diabetes, right? >> she mentioned -- one or two facts. in there there was a lot of misinformation. >> as a comedienne she shouldn't have to mention -- >> i am speaking there. are a lot of met billionic processes that make weight loss difficult. sheave didn't mention anything like that. made it seem like it is simple and it is not simple. leland: my grandmother said not what you say but how you say it sometimes. i want to get to this, back to school. a lot of schools started last week and this week, that kind of thing. all of sudden kids, teenage girls, oh gee, if it is on youtube i'm okay to make fun of fat girl set sitting next to me in school?
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it can't send that great of a message. >> it makes it socially acceptable to shame somebody who is overweight. this is as society have to say this is not acceptable. we need to treat others well. we need to be nice to people. i don't think we should give this attention. this is non-issue. she is not someone we should be talking about. we don't treat people this way. and people who do we shouldn't be talking about. it is not acceptable. leland: chuck you're adolescent psychotherapist as it says on my sheet. you have the last word. >> i have a anti-bullying. i talked about anti-bullying on this network. this is very important issue for me. however, don't forget comediennes are not making us laugh. they're not public policy advocates. they have no responsibility whatever to us, except to get us not think about our problems and our everyday goings on and to laugh. that is what she did. i think that is okay. we should leave it at that and
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political correctness can go too far even as it relates to bullying. we have to teach kids sometimes people will say mean things but you have to have the self-confidence and self-esteem you know what? that is not who i am. that is also something we teach kids as we think about back to school and bullying. leland: very ad food vice for parents and -- good advice for people that might be watching. doctors, appreciate you being here and your insights. jenna, what is next. >> thank you. >> air force offering five million dollars for a property near an area made famous in two hollywood movies. the two current owners turned it down. so what is the air force's next move and why?
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woman: when a student understands a concept for the first time. man: when the students get it. man: their eyes get big, the lightbulb pops on. woman: "i got it, i think i got it!" they light up.
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it's like magic. woman: this is not just a job. woman: the rewards i get are... priceless. man: we help kids grow, and that's part of the rush of teaching. narrator: the california teachers association. educators who know quality public schools make a better california for all of us.
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hour. andrea and harris are here. what is up. >> hillary clinton when will you handle that scandal? she is still refuse to apologize over her email scandal even as second review confirms there were top secret emails on her server. how will this play with voters? >> but she will be funnier and spontaneous. the kentucky clerk refusing to handle gay marriage licenses a 2016 issue as two candidates visit her in jail. does she belong behind bars. we'll debate that. >> yoga, football, they go together, right? one of the nfl's top teams with new age approach to coaching. can it work. >> i love that story. maybe in a downward dog. plus our #oneluckyguy, "outnumbered" at the top of the hour. leland: looking forward to it, ladies especially football and yoga combined. something everyone can agree on. >> yeah, maybe. leland: jenna? jenna: land featured in two hollywood hit movies at center of a fight.
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air force giving ultimatum to owners of a remote nevada property surrounded by a bombing range that includes the supersecret area 51. ultimatum, take the $5.2 million offer for the government will seize your property. the owner is saying no deal. jonathan hunt is live in l.a. with more on this. john? >> reporter: hey, jenna. the 20 or so property owners say $5.2 million just isn't enough for the 400-acres of land they have owned for decades. not exactly in a prime spot for amenities. a whole lot of desert, constant noise from the bombing ranges that surround it, a dried up lake and no plans as far as we know for a whole foods or starbucks to be opening up anytime soon but to the owners, some of whose families have been connected to this land for more than 100 years it's a worth a lot more than five million. in fact they say it was valued at more than $13 million back in 1986. and add to that the personal owners says the government needs
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to think again saying, quote, why don't they ask themselves what it costs my family over the years in blood, sweat tears, and money? now the owners also say they have been good neighbors to the military and never made public the things they have seen and heard on military sites nearby including famed but never formally admitted area 51, possibly home to the aliens some believed crash in roswell, new mexico back in 1947. of course immortalized in movies such as "independence day" and indiana jones. jenna, thursday is d-day. the owners say if the owners don't agree by then to the $5.2 million offer, they will seize the land, all of which is alien concept to owners who say they want a fair price for their personal peace of history. jenna? jenna: alien concept. nice one. jonathan. >> reporter: i couldn't resist it. leland: got nothing new.
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next hour of "happening now" coming up. police officers in the cross-hairs. an ambush in one city and a chilling threat in another. we'll let you hear that 911 call. level of performance, and there's no going back. lease the 2015 gs 350 with complimentary navigation system for these terms. see your lexus dealer.
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>> see you back in an hour. "outnumbered" starts now. >> i am andrea tantaros, and she is back from vacation, harris faulkner, host of kennedy on our sister network, fox business kennedy, and melissa francis and an international man of mystery, former cia covert officer, mike bar. >> and that is all the time we have. >> what is your sign, blood


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