tv Hannity FOX News September 10, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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terrorism is still very much with us 14 years later, and so are american heroes. tomorrow night in a world exclusive, the three american heroes who took down that terrorist on a train in france last month speak to the kelly file together. tomorrow night at 9:00. thanks for watching. tonight -- >> i'm talking about persona. i'm not talking about look. >> donald trump tries to clarify his comments about carly fiorina. then dr. benjamin carson attacks trump's faith. >> that's a very big part of who i am, humility and the fear of the lord. i don't get that impression with him. >> our panel reacts to the latest campaign jabs. plus new poll numbers show that trump is surging and hillary clinton is sinking. ainsley earhardt has a full report. and we'll have the latest developments in the clinton server scandal. . all of that plus 2016 gop presidential candidates governor john kasich and senator rand
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paul. "hannity" starts right here, right now. welcome to "hannity." new poll numbers show dr. benjamin carson and donald trump are surging. and standing by at the "hannity" big board with a full report is the co-host of fox and friends. >> we have some new numbers to report. ainsley earhardt. >> thanks, sean. we have some new numbers to report tonight. a new cnn/orc poll shows donald trump and ben carson pulling away from their republican rivals. trump takes the top spot with 32%. becoming the first candidate to cross that 30% mark for this particular poll. as for dr. carson, he continues to improve his poll position as well, taking the second spot with 19%. former florida governor jeb bush checks in at 9%, followed by ted cruz, mike huckabee and then scott walker. on the other side, it is hillary clinton's server scandal that appears to be having a big impact on her poll numbers.
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a new quinnipiac poll has vermont senator bernie sanders beating hillary clinton in iowa for the first time in this election cycle. his lead is small. and within the margin of error. he is still beating clinton 41-40% other. sean, it's also worth noting other poll numbers show sanders is still ahead of clinton like in new hampshire. and as always, we'll be keeping our eye on these latest numbers for you, and we'll bring them to you each night. >> ainsley, thank you so much. also, donald trump is now feuding with his republican rivals. we'll get back to trump's back and forth with dr. benjamin carson. first, the republican front-runner is causing controversy by taking shot at carly fiorina. while trump was being interviewed by rolling stone yesterday, fiorina appeared on a nearby tv causing trump to say, quote, look at this face. would anyone both vote for that? can you imagine that? the face of our next president. he added, she's a woman and i'm not supposed to say bad things, but really, folks, come on, are we serious?
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last night, fiorina responded to those comments on "the kelly file." take a look. >> i'm not going to spend a single cycle wondering what donald trump means. but maybe, just maybe i am getting under his skin because i am climbing in the polls. >> now this morning trump tried to clarify those comments. watch this. >> probably did i say something like that about carly. i'm talking about persona. i'm not talking about look. when i get criticized for my hair, which isn't that bad. you know, you've seen me, right? it's not that bad. when i get criticized about my hair, nobody does a story about isn't that terrible, they criticize donald trump's hair. the fact is i probably did say that about carly or something, in a jocular manner, obviously. >> here with reaction fox news legal analyst peter johnson jr. and outnumbered co-host andrea pan teros. good to see you both. >> good to see you.
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>> you have to give him credit. they made fun of my hair. i'm just being jocular about it. every time someone thinks they have a big controversy on donald trump, his numbers rise. is this a big deal some. >> no. i think it will help carly fiorina. >> interesting. why? >> because it makes her not look like the victim. but it draws her into the news cycle which the other candidates have been fighting for. >> she has been running a great campaign. she has been running a great campaign. it draws her into the news cycle. people don't like when women are attacked personally. especially personally. and her response was masterful. she used it as an opportunity not to play in the mud with trump but remind people that she is pulling ahead which i thought was a great way to put it. again, people don't expect donald trump to act like the polite just a moment. he has called rosie o'donnell a pig. this is what he does. so, again, this isn't surprising. >> rosie dropped a new bombs on donald trump first. if we go back and look at this controversy. >> yes, she did. >> peter, it seems -- i use the term define conventional political gravity. and it continues. >> in every way. an indefatigable juggernaut who
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keeps going up even with women in the latest survey, increased with women. but i don't suggest that he engage in that kind of conduct. i think it's below him. he won't be hurt by it over time. i think he can aspire to greater things. he is smarter than that. he can do better. he doesn't need to engage in that kind of conduct. >> why don't you leave that alone and focus on say, china, iran, syria, russia, the economy, getting people back to work, out of poverty, off of food stamps. to me, that's what i think most people want to focus on. >> we both recognize, and i think you did too early on what others were not, the juggernaut that he could be. and the raw nerve that he was touching with the american people. the issue is can is he go to the next level. >> 32% the next level? >> no, 50. and then democrats. how do you motivates hispanics, how do you motive women when you're insulting women in a race? how do you bring people together? >> what about black america? >> he absolutely is. he can improve.
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he can become a better candidate. >> this is interesting. there are 17 candidates. he gets 32%. far and away the leader of this race. >> oh, dominant. absolutely dominant. and a lot of the people are saying early on, oh, well, he's only got 28%. he's only got 26. now he has 32 out of 17. >> you notice -- well, we'll have rand paul on later. he has been going after donald pretty hard, and carly is battling donald, and jeb has been battling donald. and dr. carson. we'll get into that in the next segment. it almost seems coordinated. it seems like they're a little tired that he has been sucking all the oxygen out of the room. >> i think they're trying to get their own ink by attacking him. they're trying to imitate him. i heard scott walker trying to impate from this position. you can imitate but you can't replicate. there is only one donald trump. rather than push out some 37-point economic plan like jeb bush did earlier this week or
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put people to sleep, it's very different what trump is doing. he is just saying we're going to win. it's very simple. we're going to win. we're going to make america great again. and you know what? people are sick and tired of everything else. that's what they want to help. >> i actually think -- peter, i love your thoughts on this. do you think maybe donald trump has shown you can be more genuine, more sincere, more free, less focus group oriented. in other words, let it loose a little bit. these guys are so rigid and tight and -- >> scripted, boring. >> there is a point. but at the same time there is a limit to it. when you hit that limit, you need to show people the diversity of your viewpoints. even as bush says, how do you bring everybody into the tent. how do you bring everyone together while making america great again and speaking truth to power. >> for the republican base, and you know this from your radio show. we saw a nice guy in mitt romney
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who didn't want to go negative. they're sick of it. they want someone who will stop bowing and apologizing, mr. nice guy. they want someone to go fight. >> let me ask you. >> i want to add to his point. >> okay. you add to peter's point. i'll add to your point. >> okay. i think it's a very good one. i think he has to figure out a strategy if he wants iowa. hillary clinton will cry and play the victim like she does when she is attacked. >> that didn't work. >> right. i do agree. >> here is my analysis, though. conservatives like myself, these guys promised that they would repeal and replace obamacare. they wouldn't use their constitution authority to defund it. they promised they would stop executive amnesty and stop the illegal executive order of the president. now they've got in the next three weeks a dilemma, a quandary, whether or not they are going to pass a cr that funds planned parenthood. and i suspect, peter, that if they punt, you're going to see the ben carsons, the carlys, the
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trumps, their numbers are going to go higher, the cruzes, because they're viewed as the insurgents. it will be one more log on the fire. >> everyone is looking from the insurgents, not only the refreshing viewpoints they have, but how they're going to do it for america. how will trump, fiorina, carson do it for america and do it for all americans. everyone is looking to see that. >> all right, guys. good to see you both. >> good to see you. >> appreciate it. coming up next tonight here on "hannity" -- >> that's a very big part of who i am. humility and the fear of the lord. i don't get that impression with him. >> dr. ben carson, he questions donald trump's faith. we'll play you what he said and trump's response. also, the former clinton staffer who reportedly set up hillary's private server was called before congress today. he is refusing to talk. he plead the 5th. plus, the obama administration is planning on taking in 10,000 refugees
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm patricia stark. cnn announcing the lineup for next week's gop debate. 11 candidates in all will take to the stage. ten of them took part in the fox news debate. the only new face is carly fiorina. the remaining candidates will face off earlier in the evening. vice president joe biden speaking about 2016 during an appearance on "the late show" with stephen colbert.
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mr. biden is unsure if he could commit fully to president because he still overwhelmed at times by his son's recent death. l.a. county, police forcing a carjacking suspect off the road after he took them on a high-speed chase. the armed man got away and ran into a restaurant full of people. the suspect barricaded himself inside, holding several hostages. he is now dead. no word on other injuries. i'm patricia stark, and now back to "hannity." for all your headline, log on the welcome back to "hannity." a new feud is developing in the republican party between two of its top contenders for president. this comes after dr. benjamin carson recently challenged republican front-runner donald trump with some pretty pointed words about his faith. take a look. >> one of my favorite bible
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versus, proverbs 22:4. it says by humility and the fear of the lord are riches and honor and life. and that's a very big part of who i am. humility and the fear of the lord. i don't get that impression with him. maybe i'm wrong. i don't get that impression. >> now those remarks obviously did not sit well with mr. trump. here is how he responded. >> ben carson, you're talking about his faith. excuse me, chris. go back and look at his past. request go back and look at his views on abortion and see where he stands. very low key. frankly, he makes bush look like the energizer bunny. if you look at his faith and i think you're not going to find so much. but i don't know ben carson. he was a doctor. perhaps an okay doctor by the way. you can check that out too. we are not talking about a great -- he was an okay doctor. ben carson will not be the next president. that i can tell you. >> wow. earlier today dr. carson did apologize, saying he doesn't want to get into a back and forth with trump, and didn't
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mean to offend him. here with reaction from the national review, rich lawry, and fox news contributor dr. jeffords. dr. jeffords, i always feel uncomfortable getting into deeply held religious views of people or candidates. ronald reagan didn't go to church on a regular basis as president. people criticized him. i understand that decision. because he doesn't want to put other people in harm's way in any way. he doesn't want to be a distraction. i'm not so sure i'm comfortable about a debate like this on religion. >> and i understand that. the fact is that if it were 2016 or any other year, trump would be toast with evangelicals right now for some of the things he said, and other evangelical candidates would be topping the polls. but i think this year is different, sean. i think there's a palpable feeling among evangelical that's this country has been in a downward death spiral since the time barack obama and 2016 may be the last time to reverse that trend.
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and while in a perfect world, evangelicals would like a candidate who is a committed christian and a competent leader, i think if they had to make a choice this time around, they're going to leave religion out of it and go for the person they think is a competent leader like trump. >> he said his favorite book is the bible. he said he reads the bible. he said he is affiliated with a church. he doesn't go that often. he is pro-life. on issues that are important to you. he explained how he changed his view on abortion. i assume you take him at his word. you're going to meet with him on this very issue. right? >> he has called for a meeting with a small group. of evangelical leaders to hear our concerns. and i applaud him for doing that. and look, sean, seven years of barack obama have so lowered the threshold of what we eevangelicals are looking for in a president. we no longer require a president to be one of us. we just want one who doesn't hate us like barack obama does. so it's a whole different field
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in 2016. >> interesting. rich, what is your reaction to all this? >> well, certainly every rule of political gravity seems to have been suspended so far when it comes to donald trump. it's not just that he is doing well among evangelicals. he is doing well among every single faction of the republican party. right, moderates, evangelicals, not evangelicals, it doesn't matter. but i really think ben carson here, those comments, it's almost too much to call them an attack. they're extremely mild. in keeping with carson's character, and with his faith, he apologized for them and said i don't want to get into this. and i really think that will be very appealing to iowa voters. you look at the type of candidates who won in iowa. and usually past the prolog, unot all the time, it's mike huckabee, it's rick santorum, it's george w. bush. it's candidates who are not as manifestly uncomfortable talking about their faith and the bible as donald trump is.
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>> historically though, you would agree with me. an outspoken evangelical christian conservative would have an advantage in iowa. but the polls show donald trump is killing it in iowa. >> well, look where ben carson is in iowa. he is rising in iowa. it's ben carson, who is clearly a man of faith, and it's ridiculous for donald trump to question ben carson's faith. this is someone whose life was saved by god. and he has testified very movingly and powerfully about that for years. someone who nearly stabbed another kid to death, had his horrible fits of temper that he couldn't control. what did he do? he got on his knees and did he what donald trump apparently never does according to what he said a few weeks ago. he asked for god's forgiveness. he asked for god's mercy. he asked for god's redemption. that will resonate, sean, with iowa. >> i don't doubt that at all. let's be honest here.
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if you're look for humble, donald is not your guy. >> very true. >> if you're looking for strong -- i can't think of two diametrically opposed candidates than these two guys. and there are things i like about both. >> let's look at what they have in common. they're both outsiders with over 50% of the vote combined. i think the planned parenthood debacle you've been covering so well illustrates why people are going for outsiders. i mean, look. planned parenthood has no better friend than the democrat party. we all know that. it is also true, they have been in the federal budget since 1970. meaning for the last decades, they have received tens of billions of dollars. both under democrat congresses and presidents as well as republican congresses and presidents. and i think a lot of people look at this and say a pox on both your houses. senates, democrats and republicans. let's go for an outsider who can change the status quo which ronald reagan said is latin for the mess we're in.
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people feel like we're in a mess, sean, and they want a leader who can lead us out of that mess. >> i understand impulse to go to the outsider. but donald trump as an adult not too long ago opposed a ban on a partial birth abortion. opposed a ban on infanticide. and that wasn't a youthful indiscretion. this was a guy that just 10, 15, 20 years ago who should have had quite well developed views on such important moral matters. and he was completely on the other side. and iowa voters eventually are going to pay some attention to that too. >> guys, good to see you both. it's going to be a heck of a week next week. you can see the battles lining up. it's going to be fun. appreciate it. coming up, hillary clinton's former aide who set up her private server was called face-to-face with lawmakers earlier today on capitol hill. he didn't budge. he plead the fifth. and the obama administration would welcome over 10,000 middle
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eastern refugees, syria, iraq, elsewhere, despite a dire warning, this dire warning from the director of national intelligence. >> i don't put it past the likes of isil to infiltrate operatives among these refugees. so that is a huge concern of ours. >> is the white house putting america's security at risk? 2016 presidential candidate john kasich. he weighs in next. take a look at these bbq best cracked pepper sauce...
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i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. make sure your doctor hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, don't suffer in silence! step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. tell 'em cedric sent you. welcome back to "hannity." bryan pagliano, the former state department staffer who worked on hillary clinton's private e-mail server appeared before the house committee today where he invoked his 50 amendment right and refused to answer lawmakers question. here is fox news contributor tamara holder. if there is no legal issue, why would you invoke the fifth? jay?
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>> well, he's invoking the fifth because he's concerned that the statements he would make would be used in a criminal proceeding against him. and his lawyer said because of that, there may be criminal action. i think that's a good lawyer. if i was representing him, i would say the same thing, because i suspect that there is information that if it was made public that would either be constituted crime in and of itself, or might lead to something like perjury. so the fact is what i think the senate should do is grant immunity here and get this guy to testify, which is what the approach should be. they're taking the fifth because they're concerned. and i've done this for clients before. >> in fairness, could it be a simple issue that maybe he didn't pay taxes on the money that he was given? >> it could be anything. anything that would constitute a potential crime. the fifth amendment right against self-incrimination can be used. what you've got is a situation like this. it could literally be anything as significant as why the server
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was put in place in the first place, why it was put where it was, the reason that secretary clinton did it, or it could be as you suggested. was the money reported or not reported? we don't know that and we won't know that. you grant immunity. you get the answer to the question of why the server was set up in the first place. >> this is a key point. if congress does grant immunity and he still refuses to testify, he could be held in contempt. it would appear that he is going to get the immunity. >> he is not going to be held in contempt. because in the event that there is a vote and then there is an order that he is given immunity, then of course he would testify. a and the last time that happened -- >> whoa, whoa, whoa, of course he would. but at that point he is obviously looking for immunity. there's got to be a reason. >> sean, just like jay said, i agree with jay. i agree with jay in that he is this is a good lawyer who is advising his client not to testify in the event that something could be -- there could be something that could be used against him in the future. this is like a harry potter excursion on behalf of these committees. what they're trying to do. this is a benghazi investigation. they're trying to grab
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information about the server during a benghazi investigation >> -- tam remarks hang on a second. i'll go to jay. there were some 33,000 e-mails that were deleted here. a server that was wiped clean and not with a cloth by hillary clinton. he was in charge of it. it was a server that had top secret classified documents on it in a closet of a bathroom of a mom and pop shop, which is illegal. >> right. >> so these are significant issues here. >> yeah. tamara, i completely disagree that this is not within the scope of legitimate inquiry for the united states congress. there are multiple committees investigating this, as they should. you're not going to argue that this situation that secretary clinton hoisted upon herself is problematic. of course it is. this is a witness that obviously has intimate knowledge of it. he is being offered immunity which means any statements he uses will not be used in a criminal proceeding. >> he hasn't been offer immunity yet. >> i don't think they'll have to
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go that far to take contempt. i think their lawyer will have him testify. if they do refuse to comply once the immunity offer is granted, well, sean, i think that ratchets this up even higher. >> this rarely happens. i can there is a lot of excitement here because the last time this happened was in 2007. >> well, 33,000 e-mail were wiped out by the secretary of state. that's what rarely happens. >> no. what rarely happens is the immunity order that is entered. the last time that happened was in 2007 when there was a department of justice investigation. so this isn't something that happens every single day. >> it happens all the time. >> because you and people on the right want to do a witch-hunt of hillary clinton and try to get information about the server for the benghazi testimony. >> you really think it is a witch hunt? >> it's absolutely a witch-hunt. >> jay, let me ask you a question. we're talking about crimes here. potential crimes here. rudolph giuliani said as many as 13 statutes he would be investigating as a former prosecutor. but we have one of the espionage
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act, 1793, whoever being entrusted with having lawful possession, control of any document, writing, code, book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, information. >> right. >> related to national defense through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place or custody, delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, maybe this i. the server guy, or having knowledge of this statement has been removed from its proper place of custody, it's not allowed to legally be on that server, it is? >> correct. that's precisely why despite the of tamara's protests to the contrary, that congress has the right to know why that server was set up, how it was set up. what material was contained and was in fact the person that the witness now, was he authorized
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to receive. >> so you're basically saying -- >> that's why he is asserting the fifth. so we can get answer. >> you don't believe in the fbi. you think that congress and all the republicans should be investigating this. >> here is the problem with the fbi, tam rachlt. >> there is a whole fbi investigation right now. >> limited to not -- >> can i finish? >> can i have one point. we have checks and ambulances. congress has oversight authority. >> right. >> we still don't have answers. >> they want to hijack this investigation. >> well, you're saying that. but the reality, this is national security. it was on a private sevener in a bathroom closet of a mom and pop shop. >> i'm not defending the whole weirdness of this situation. i think it's bizarre. >> now it's beyond bizarre. it's in the criminal investigation. go ahead, jay. >> tam remarks it's serious. we all acknowledge that. you're a lawyer. it's serious. this is a legitimate scope of congressional oversight to interview witnesses that have knowledge of potential criminal
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activity or violations of other statutes that would impact criminality. this witness has an intimate knowledge of that. the fbi said the scope of their investigation is very limited. now it maybe it will broaden out now. it should. but to say the congress under separation of powers doesn't have oversight authority powers here is absolutely wrong. congress does. the constitution allows for it. and granting immunity is how you get information. you're right. it was 2007. you look over the past 50 years, grants of immunity have consistently happened when you have had situations like this. this someone of those. last word. >> i don't have any words. he just took over all the time. look, there is an fbi -- a pending fbi investigation, sean. >> it's serious. >> i agree this is a bizarre situation. why does congress need to hijack one investigation about the server into the benghazi investigation. >> here is the last question. why did she lie about e-mailing her husband? why did she lie about only wanting to use one device when she used two? >> well, that's not a question -- >> it is a question. >> for any other witness but
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hillary clinton. >> we have to go. up next here on "hannity" -- >> i don't honestly put it past the likes of isil to infiltrate an operative among these refugees that is a huge concern of ours. >> pay close attention that was the national director of intelligence warning about the refugee crisis. today the president announced he wants to bring 10,000 refugees into america. could isis supporter sympathizers make it here? john kasich has more. and then later tonight -- >> i think donald trump is a disaster. i think he'll hurt the country, and we'll lose in a landslide. but i will still pledge to support the nominee. >> senator rand paul has declared war against republican front-runner donald trump. he'll join us and tell us why as we continue. ♪ every insurance policy has a number.
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welcome back to "hannity." migrants from the middle east are flooding into europe. and today the u.s. announced it would welcome 10,000 syrian refugees. watch this. >> the united states is on track to take in about 1500 syrian refugees. the president has directed his team to scale up that number next year. and he has informed his team that he would like them to at least make preparations to accept at least 10,000 syrian refugees. the top priority when evaluating these kinds of policy options is the safety and security of the united states and our citizens. >> now this come just one day after the national intelligence director james clapper issued this very important warning. >> this is, you know, getting to be a in its total -- totality a disaster of biblical proportions. i don't obviously put it past
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the likes of isil to infiltrate. operatives among these refugees. so that is a huge concern of ours. i'm not as uniformly confident about each european country that is going to be faced with welcoming, or allowing refugees into their countries. so this is a huge issue for all kinds of reasons. >> joining me now with reaction 2016 presidential candidate ohio governor john kasich. governor, look. my heart goes out to the people that are refugees, genuine refugees. europe, we see what they're now dealing with. we spent what, about $4 billion already on syrian refugees, and the price tag keeps going higher. my question is if the president is going to take in these people, how do we ascertain people that genuinely are
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fleeing isis in iraq and terror in syria and the war-torn country that they have been in from those that want to bring harm to our country? how do we ascertain that? >> sean, this would be a place where frankly we all ought to work together. at this point i would actually welcome the congress to weigh in and make sure that we have a procedure that can verify who these people are. i mean, there is nobody in this country that would want somebody connected to isis to be able to come in here. it's interesting to know, sean that when we -- >> but how do we determine that? they're trained to lie. >> it's how we determine a lot of people that come into this country legally. we try to do the kind of check. and if it requires a change in immigration, which i think frankly we need, but i wouldn't say to these people you can't come in. we've got the statue of liberty that says give us your tired, your poor, the people that want
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to be free. we're not taking the bulk of these. this is a european problem. but we ought to do some of what we can do to help, including some logistics and some humanitarian aid. i think, sean, we ought to use this situation as an opportunity to get closer to our european allies so that when we want to extend sanctions on russia, they're going to work with us. when we esay we need to form a group to go and deal with isis, we get them. we have become estranged from people who ought to be our best friends. lack at this as an opportunity. >> our own state department, our own government, our own intelligence is saying it is possible that these people could have isis and al qaeda ties. i don't see any way to separate the majority of good from the few bad. and that means in the process of trying to be good people, we're going put americans at risk. we have 94 million americans out of the labor force. 46 mol food stamps. don't we have to take care of the people at hole first?
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>> sean, you know that we have to. but we're also a global leader. and we can't just put our heads in the sand when something like this happens. do i think that we can create a system where we can determine these folks are? i sure as heck would think so. and if we can't, then we'd have to look at it again. but i think it's possible to do that, sean. one other point i want to make. the reason why we face this now is we had a red line in syria. we ignored it. we didn't support the rebels early on. u.s. leadership is what has aggravated this situation. there are many stories, all the way into world war ii where we refused to take a boat load of prime minister into this country. and we don't really know what happened to them. they happened to be friends of the jewish faith. look, it's not the same as this, but america has always been welcoming. we've just got to make sure that we properly take care of our security. but to just say no because we're not 100% sure of anything, i just don't think is the right
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approach, sean. you and i will just have to disagree with this. i would say this. i would bring the best people in and make sure we're not taking bad people in here. >> if we could ascertain that, i would be more inclined to do it. let me give you one other statistic. >> you would be. your family wouldn't be here if there were not immigration. >> i know. but there is different. because you know that isis and al qaeda, they're evil, but they're not stupid. and they want to take down the great satan. and they want this caliphate advanced. and you know that they're going to put -- isis fighters and al qaeda fighters in that group of refugees. >> sean, i've been calling for boots on the ground with the coalition of our partners for i don't even know now, month, maybe even close to a year. we have to go and destroy isis on the battlefield, and we have to destroy them with the battle of ideas. both of them. if we were to just say, hey, we're not getting involved. we're not interested. >> i'm not saying that.
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>> i want to build a closer relationship with our european allies. look, let's up the security. i don't care what it takes. let's get the government bureaucracy and all this political correctness out the door and let's figure out who these people are. and if we can't figure out who they are, and we think they pose a danger to us, well, that's a whole new ball game. and of course we wouldn't let them in. let's create a process and a procedure where we can determine this. i share your concern. i think we can meet it. look, i can't guarantee anything. nobody can. but i think it's part of america's responsibility in terms of this global crisis. >> all right, governor. we'll give you the last word on this. appreciate it. thank you. >> coming up next right here on "hannity." >> i think donald trump is a disaster. i think he'll hurt the country and will lose in a land slide. but i will still pledge to support the nominee. >> 2016 republican presidential candidate senator rand paul. he is declaring war against donald trump. he'll explain next. trump. he'll explain next.
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see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. i think donald trump is a disaster. i think he'll hurt the country and we'll lose in a landslide. but i will still pledge to support the nominee because i think hillary clinton is the worst person on the planet to run the country. and i think the e-mails have
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cemented the notion that she has bad judgment. >> how can we have majority conservatives in the country think that somehow donald trump is going to help us? he is the consummate insider. what's wrong with washington? people buying and selling politicians. what is donald trump known for? buying and selling politicians? >> that was kentucky senator rand paul going after his republican rival donald trump. and joining us now to, 2016 republican presidential candidate senator rand paul. 22% in the latest poll. i noticed both you and ben carson and carly fiorina and jeb bush, you are punching hard against donald trump. is that a preview of coming attractions for next week? >> well, you know, i think there is a celebrity factor going on. but i think once people know who he is as a person and that he's been on the wrong side of so many conservative issues for so many years, you know, i got involved in politics through the tea party. and we were upset about fake
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conservatives, republicans who said they were conservative but then really weren't so. one of the big issues back then was the bank bailouts and the government stimulus. well, trump was for both of them. and trump has been for raising taxes. trump has been for using eminent domain to take property from small property owners to give to it big business. so no, i don't think there's anything conservative about him. and i think he is selling us a bill of goods. so i think we need to be very careful that we don't succumb to celebrity and all of the sudden get a fake conservative that turns out to be a big government republican. >> so you think of the 32% that support him in this most recent poll that we put on the screen tonight, that they're being bamboozled, and you don't think a lot of this is maybe rooted in the fact, and i would separate you and i would separate somebody like ted cruz as people that are against the establishment. but i think that republicans in many ways have earned the contempt of conservatives.
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do you not agree with that? >> yeah. and i think that he is tapping into dissatisfaction with washington. the same dissatisfaction that caused me to run, frankly, and causes me to still be upset that we're borrowing a million a minute up here. but what people haven't quite come to grips with yet, and they don't know yet about donald trump is that he is not a conservative. that he believes in using the government, the bully force of government to take property from a small property owner and give it to a big business like himself. that he has been for a single payer health care system like obamacare, that he has been for abortion before he was against it. so i think once people know that, they will say well, gosh, yeah, i like the way he is angry at washington. but i've discovered he is not a conservative. >> every one of the questions you have brought up i have asked him. for example, he supports health care savings accounts. i know his comments about single payer. i asked him about his one-time support of a tax on the wealthy. he explained it.
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he says where he stands now. are you saying that you just don't like the fact that he is he has changed his position? you don't believe that he is a conservative now? or that -- >> i don't believe -- i don't believe that he is a conservative. but i really have no idea what he believes in because he has been on both sides of every issue. as an adult, most of his adult life, he has been a progressive democrat. he has had a realization that he has a better chance in the republican party. so i believe he is pretending to be conservative because of his sort of desire to be all things trump, all things to all people. but i don't believe it's genuine or sincere. >> all right. i want to ask about the syrian refugee crisis. i mean, some 400,000 men. we see what it's doing to europe. the president now is taking in, or at least 10,000, probably more. senator lindsey graham said the u.s. should take in its, quote, fair share of syrian refugees. or he said we should take the statue of liberty and tear it down. do you think that's a good idea?
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and how do you ascertain those that are sincere refugees from those that might be affiliated with isis or al qaeda? >> i'm all for helping those who are in desperate need. i've been trying to support glenn beck's project nazarene to help christians out of the middle east. but the thing is we do have to be careful. i read in the newspaper one young man that had just left afghanistan within the last few he was 19 years old. and all he had for identification was political asylum from hungary. no preceding documents, no passport. this is a -- well, it's a terrible humanitarian crisis, it's also a recipe for disaster fer tens of thousands of people who want in -- >> will you let them in or not? >> i would be very, very careful. even of the 60,000 iraqis who came over after the war, some of them even in my little town, bowling green, kentucky, have tried to attack us. so i think we have to be very, very careful. and in some ways, we have to try to not create or be part of such a mess that allows disaster and famine to continue over there.
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orencia may worsen your copd. if you're not getting the relief you need... ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra in a different way. welcome back to "hannity." time for our question of the day. so do you think america should be taking in refugees from syria, iraq, the middle east? this is a big problem, because while i understand we have sympathy for those people that are having to deal with isis and al qaeda, how do we determine whether or not those people, some, maybe just a small, small portion, could be affiliated with these groups? these groups may infiltrate the refugee groups? anyway, what do we do? go to slash sean hannity. that's all the time we have left this evening. quick programing note. be sure to tune in tomorrow night, friday, for a special edition fox news reporting, " 9/11: timeline of terror" this
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friday at 10:00 p.m. we hope you set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "hannity." we take attendance. when you're not here, it really upsets us. we want you here. anyway, thanks for be with us. have a great night. g.o.p. presidential donald trump topping more polls at the same time talking his way into more controversy. here are the new polls. a cnn poll shows trump surging to 32% among g.o.p. voters. get, this the donald doing even better among women. that same poll finding 33% of women support trump. now that's a 13% increase since august. but then fast forward to right now, the billionaire businessman taking heat for comments he made about carly fiorina in a rolling stone article he published yesterday. trump reportedly saying look at that face, would anyone vote for that? can you imagine that? the face of our next president? so what does donald trump have to say now? donald trump joins u
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