tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News September 13, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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he said, four, four, four. we're going to sweep them all. >> he will be missed. >> all right. >> wonderful man. >> thank you very much. he'll be missed. it's rosh hashana. hi, i hi, i'm eric bolling in for bill o'reilly. thanks for watching this special edition of the factor alexandria 2016. they call the summer the silly season in politics. the political sniping seems to have gotten even worse after labor day this cycle. at the center of it all is republican front-runner donald trump who lobbed this grenade at carly fiorina. >> speaking to "rolling stone" magazine trump said of fellow candidate carly fiorina, look at that face. would anyone vote for that? >> i'm not going to spend a single cycle wondering what donald trump means. but maybe, just maybe i'm getting under his skin a
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little bit. >> carly will have more to say when she joins us later in this hour. meantime ben carson is the only g.o.p. candidate within striking distance of trump in the polls. and trump had some choice words for him, too. >> i have known ben carson of him for a long time. i never heard faith was a big thing until just recently. all of a sudden he becomes this great religious figure. i don't think he is a great religious figure. >> that's a very big part of who i am. humility and a the fear of the lord. i don't get that impression with him. >> trump's fellow candidates seem to be tiring of all the insults and are trying to give him a taste of his own medicine. >> i think it's pretty outrageous for him to be attacking anybody's appearance when it looks like he has a squirrel sitting on his head. asked for comment trump told us i only respond to people who register more than 1% in the polls. i never thought he a chance and i have been proven
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right. >> ouch. we are going to hear from governor jindal when he joins us later in this program as well. joining us now from washington with reaction mercedes slapp, a republican strategist and david goodfriend a former aide to president bill clinton. david, you guys on the left must be loving all this republican infighting. before you answer that it's also bringing out a lot of interest on the right. >> i'm not going to sit here and gloat there is a lot of uncertainty and changes on our side as well. what's going on on the republican side though is that donald trump has clearly emerged as a frontrunner and it's hard to see who is strong enough to take him down. what you see going on right now are attempts at that certainly. but every time he enters a full-on fight with another republican, his poll numbers go up. so what does that tell us? i think it tells us that he is consolidating support and expanding his support among primary voters on the republican side. and, again, it's hard for me to picture someone on the republican side taking him down all the way to the point
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where he is no longer the frontrunner. >> by the way, mercedes, while this is going on, hillary clinton, who was the clear frontrunner is now no longer the frontrunner on the democrat side. this season of what was supposed. to be the summer of trump is now becoming the year of trump. it seems to be a lot of sniping. a lot of political cheap shots, low blows. it seems to be resonating as well. >> get the dirty laundry out now. this is what we need to do as a party. i think that what it does do is when you start hearing all these different candidates. you know this, eric. you are in touch with a lot of these folks out there in the country, they want to know the character of the person. and so i think what you are seeing is with donald trump, there is this brash personality his simple rhetoric connecting with some of these voters angry and frustrated with what's going on in washington. what's happening with president obama. and then, again, he took it an extra step, i think with carly where i think some of these folks who may be in between trump and ben carson are basically saying wait a second, are these insults becoming a little too much?
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let it happen now in the primary. >> is it that or donald trump realized it really doesn't matter what he says as long as what he is saying is what any other politician doesn't have the guts or never think of saying. >> that's right. he is like your stream of conscience. >> it's opposite year in politics right now. do the exact opposite of what a normal politician would do and you do better. >> hey eric. i want to jump in here to say if you had asked donald trump a year or two ago would you be the front runner by double digits at this point. i'm -- >> he would have said yes. >> donald trump i would tell you if you would have asked me 30 years if he was going to be the frontrunner by doubling digits he would say hell yeah. >> the last time tried he was way out of the running and this time it's just different. this is a different year. >> david, and it's different, too, because it's for real. i mean, he brought out his financials. he built up a real team this time. he is in it to win it. guess what, we are all playing the donald trump
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monopoly game and he is just moving the parts right now. now, the question is will his comments, his insults keep going on and on, will that back fire and that's i think where we. >> here is what you have figure out. while donald trump continues to rise in the poll and ben carson continues to raise in the polls, jeb bush continues to lose ground. scott walker loses ground. these are establishment republican candidates who have done business, the same way for decades. literally decades, and now these new politicians types come along and they say hey, we are going to throw out business as usual. we have a new strategy. jeb bush and establishment should they stick by this or go after the trump. >> if i were in the jeb bush campaign, i would rip up all the scripts, all the talking points, all the messaging, this is about your gut and your emotion. this is what is working. you can see this with trump. you can see this ben carson
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who just had a press conference today. carly fiorina. what are they doing? they're talking from their gut. from the emotional part of saying how do i connect with the voter? in talking about issues as well. we could be all the policy wonk in the world. but, guess what? politics to a certain extent is changing. it's almost becoming like the entertainment industry. we need to figure out besides it being entertaining that we have candidates, especially like today like 9/11 where we are dealing with incredibly tough issues. we need the president -- the presidential quality of a good manager, strong leadership, and a vision for this country. and that's the answer. >> stay on your sued for a second david for one minute. the hillary clinton campaign has relaunched for what, the third or fourth time the relaunch of the relaunch of the relaunch. they say she has to have more heart and humor. she has to be more real. maybe they are looking at the g.o.p. side saying, hey, look, all those people over there that are winning are really kind of real candidates. you need to be more like that. >> it's interesting, you know, we have a congressional committee set up with the explicit purpose of trying to take shots at
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hillary clinton. we don't have a democratic run senate doing the same thing to any of the republican candidates. so it's a little bit of an apples and oranges this year. i will say this. those of us who have seen hillary clinton in action in a small setting, personal one-on-one around the table with a group of people, we see a warm, fun, loving, interesting, interested person. i do think that the campaign will do a better and better job of getting that real hillary into the minds and hearts of other people. >> the real hillary is scary. >> good luck with that. >> i got one quick thing. at this point in the election cycle, in prior cycles, we had michele bachmann leading the republican. >> big difference there. >> howard dean. >> who those people didn't have was the money. >> real hillary and fake hillary. the real hillary is scarier than the fake hillary. >> david and mercedes thank you very much. >> thank you. >> as the nation commemorates the 14th anniversary of 9/11 terror attacks the world is confronting
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in the impact segment tonight, chaos overseas now having major repercussions right here at home. and on the campaign trail. iran supreme leader once again calling america the great satan and predicting israel will no longer exist in 25 years. despite this, senate democrats blocked g.o.p. efforts to stop obama's nuclear deal with iran. meantime, the president has announced that the united states will prepare to take in at least 10,000 syrian refugees over the next year as they continue to flee the civil war and isis. all this instability abroad raises new questions about who is ready to deal with these issues as the next commander and chief. with us now, from los angeles, rick grenell a
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former u.s. spokesman at the u.n. and in washington simon rosenberg, a democratic strategist. so, rick, i'm going to start with you. before we get to who would be better on foreign policy, i have got to talk to you about this 10,000 refugees coming. do we know who these refugees are and how the heck are we going to vet them and make sure they are not isis fighters now or soon to be isis fighters. >> well, first of all, we don't know who those people are. we don't know any details about them. we do have a responsibility to make sure from a humanitarian standpoint that the refugees that have been created by this syrian crisis are taken care of. we can do that without bringing them to the united states or bringing them anywhere else. we could have safe zones either in turkey or inside syria. we should be able to do that without immediately taking all of them and permanently placing them in the united states. our duty is to feed them and to give them temporary relief while we figure out their situation. our duty is not to immediately give them
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citizenship or work visa inside the united states. >> simon, do you think it's a good idea to bring 10,000 -- look, it's predominantly young male muslims. we see he pictures of young boy down in the surf and young women and children when we have some sort of duty to do this. however, if you look at the videos, people coming off the boats, people coming off the trains are predominantly young male muslims. almost exclusively >> traditional way our refugee system works go through screenings which is why we don't take too many. the refugee system has powered way down because in part of concerns of like what you're saying. of the millions of people that are refugees in syria, i think we can find 10,000. >> do you? you talk about a rigorous screening process.
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two refugees who came over from chechnya. >> it's a first time foreign officer who is on the front lines and we have not given that young foreign service officer the tools that he or she needs to actually understand what they are doing. they are going to have a quick meeting, they will look at a database, they will ask a couple of questions and then they got to make a judgment of how to rate this person coming in. we're asking foreign service officers to be on the front line of a difficult situation. >> let me stay with you. jeb bush on the republican side agree with bringing some refugees. do you think that's a mistake. who would be west to deal with this foreign policy crisis going on in the 2016 field? >> i think we have to be able to and we as america can reach out
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and take some refugees. on a temporary basis. you don't give them a work permit. a refugee means you bring the home safety and figure out whether or not they can go back to their situation. the whole idea is to get them back. when i look across the gop spectrum, i think we got marco rubio, carly fiorina, john kasich and jeb bush, those four with great gut instincts about world affairs. i like what they are saying. they need donald trump's tone. >> some are saying bring refugees here. i have a tough time with that. simon to you we spent a lot of money on refugees. middle eastern refugees the numbers are 90% are on food stamps. we're a broke country and spending a lot of money on refugees. >> can i answer the question which is who is best equipped. first of all, i have said on taxpayer here many times i think the republican field is very
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deep and it's a strong field. i don't think it's very deep on foreign policy and even rick just said these guys have good gut instincts but not a lot of experience. democrats obviously have a former secretary of state who was first lady, joe biden may get in the race. i want to say on the question of who is best equipped, i'm going to tip my hat to the democrats and say that we're far more likely to produce a nominee with strong foreign policy experience. >> thank you very much. >> troubles continue to mount for hillary clinton's campaign. ed henry will be here with some details. also ahead, bobby jindal and carly fiorina will be here to discuss their strategies to take on the front-runner donald trump that's upcoming up.
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a new cnn poll shows clinton with just 37% support in the democratic primary. a 10 point drop from august with bernie sanders pretty much holding his own and nine candidate joe biden gaining ground. a state department reportedly opened up a criminal investigation into clinton campaign big wig huma abedin for alleged embezzlement but that went nowhere. joining us from washington ed henry who covers the campaign for fox news. they are not happy with ed. so, eddy, what did you do this time. >> late this week, hillary clinton had a couple of events, one in ohio and one in wisconsin. at the first one i was there in columbus, right down the street by the way ohio state with tens of thousands of college students. i have been to columbus many times with president obama as president and the candidate. he always gets thousands of people because you have got a lot of students excited about democratic candidates for president and hillary
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clinton only had a few hundred people in columbus, it was an event women for hillary had. trying to show strength and yet this was a pretty sparse crowd. the room was about half full. i posted some pictures. you probably see on twitter. campaign wasn't happy. they started posting pictures of their own saying look, the room is more full on this side. then later in the day in wisconsin they said that the room was so packed that there was an overflow crowd and hillary clinton had to go greet the overflow. my point is it's interesting, regardless of the numbers that the clinton camp is so much on defense now that they are on social media saying our second event had a lot more people and hillary clinton races to the overflow room to say i'm so excited there is more people. she is the frontrunner. she should be getting a lot more people right now. look at the rallies bernie sanders has with thousands and thousands. >> packed stadiums. >> you are going to get in trouble. one time she told you you are only entitled to one question.
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and one time wipe a serve severe with a cloth. let's talk about this situation where the, it looks like the state department inspector general recommended some action against her for possible $10,000 worth of embezzlement overstating hours she worked. sne embezzlement a heavy charge. her legal team say this was a mistake, misunderstanding, no criminal activity here. and the bottom line on the story is you're right the state department inspector general suggested to the justice department the fbi that there should be a criminal probe. in the end justice department didn't move forward. we should be clear to report. did they not move forward because they didn't have enough evidence or some other sfloen we don't know. the broader point is huma is very close to hillary clinton, always at her side on the road. she's under fire not just here
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but on the e-mail situation. her name popped up on these emails that allegedly had classified information. the bottom line hillary clinton said in march, united nations, there was no classified information in that server. that's been proven to not be true. whether it's marked or not or what the intent was it will be flushed out in this fbi investigation. her poll numbers are dropping. >> we know about her e-mail scandals. we're worried about what she's doing with the clinton foundation. now her top aide may be -- i don't know. involved in some sort of embezzlement scandal that was pushed or shoved under the rug. i don't know. it doesn't look good but it looks like you'll have a lot to talk about. >> she's dropped ten points for example in one month which is huge. >> i got to go. thank you very much. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along. new polls showing trump surging and hillary losing in iowa.
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less than a day. 0% contained. california's governor declared a state of emergency not just because of this one, there's several burning including one that started burning last week called the san andreas fire. destroyed 80 homes southeast of sacramento. chewed up more than 100 square miles. only 20% contained. the flood of refugees into europe is forcing germany to control its borders. germany said its resources are being stretched to the limit. european union interior ministers will meet tomorrow amid deep divisions in the 28 nation bloc on how to handle the massive influx of people coming here from syria and iraq. now back to the factor. in the unresolved problem segment tonight, the negative headlines seem to be pulling down hillary clinton's poll numbers in iowa. a new quinnipiac poll shows hillary trailing bernie sanders 41 to 40 in the hawkeye state, a big change since july.
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meantime, donald trump continues to maintain his frontrunner status in iowa with a q poll showing trump in first place with 27%, ben carson at 21%, ted cruz at 29%. jeb bush at 6% and carly fiorina, marco rubio and john kasich each with 5%. joining me now with analysis is caitlin huey burns of real clear politics and from charlottesville, university of virginia politics professor larry sabato. so, professor, the headline for you from these polls is what? >> hillary dropping like stone. trump maintaining altitude. and, look, both are very significant because, remember, hillary's biggest problem may not be on the plate yet, which could be joe biden's entry. there are a lot of people betting he won't enter but who knows? every day is different and who knows how wakes up on the day he makes that decision. if he gets in suddenly
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establishment democrats have a real alternative and he has been getting great press. >> what if he doesn't, larry? what if he says no i am not going it run. he was with colbert last night and hinted he might not have it in him to run. if doesn't, does that support go back to hillary? it seems to have taken from hillary. >> i think it stays up in the air. i don't think a lot of those people are going to go to bernie sanders. and i don't see any of the other contenders on the democratic side picking up much steam. i will tell you what could happen, eric. if hillary clinton ends up being indicted or she gets taken out of the race for one reason or another, you're going to have somebody new come in. it could still be biden, even if he said no originally or they could recruit somebody else. >> i think i said al gore here a couple of months ago and they laughed at me. becoming more of a possibility. >> is he losing weight. >> that's what i said. he was in the gym. good point.
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donald trump says these things and hurts him in these groups. hasn't hurt him with the latinos. how is he doing with women? >> he's doing well with women. we'll see new polling come out probably soon that includes the remarks that he made to carly fiorina. after the fox news debate he continued to do well with women and his numbers have improved. it's interesting to see that we try to predict where he will go and where his support will go if it falls at all and it hasn't. meanwhile you have two candidates kind of waiting in the wings. you have ben carson who has been in donald trump's rear view all summer, really creeping up to the top and also you have ted cruz who is hoping to inherit a lot of the support in iowa. that remains to be seen. >> how important is iowa? everybody says -- everyone wants to win iowa. you want to be on the map and on tv. if you don't win iowa you can't win? >> there's so many candidates this cycle and so many
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opportunities for different candidates and the threshold to make it through iowa and new hampshire is very different this cycle because there are so many candidates but it is a really important test of campaign infrastructure organization and all of those things. >> how does jeb bush get out of the cellar? he's lost so much support. he's living up to donald trump's names, name calling. how does he get out of that >> he'll have to use his money. he's got morgan than anybody. assuming trump doesn't really dip deep into his fortune. and he's also going to have to rely on bush world which is this enormous network of republicans in every state. they've been around since the elder bush's career. but even then it's going to be tough. he has fallen far. many, many people say they will not vote for him under any conditions. and only scott walker seems to have collapsed more than jeb bush has. >> we're going to have to leave
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it there. thank you very much. straight ahead, gop presidential candidates bobby jindal and carly fiorina, how do they plan to take donald trump down. up next. i try hard to get a great shape. this... i can do easily. new benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. new benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do.
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bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us this special edition of the factor, election 2016. louisiana governor bobby jindal seems to be testing out a new strategy to get noticed in the pack of 17 republican presidential contenders. he is punching up. >> donald trump is shallow. has no understanding of policy. he is full of bluster. he has no substance. folks, donald trump is not a serious person. this is a carnival act. and seeing that donald trump said that the bible was his favorite book. yet, when asked he couldn't even name a specific or a single bible verse that was important to him that had an impact on him. well, do you know why? well, it's clear donald trump has never read the bible. the reason we know he has never read the bible, he is not in the bible. donald trump is a narcissist, and he is an ego maniac. >> governor jindal joins us now from washington, d.c. so, governor, this going after trump, new strategy. what is it all about? >> eric, thank you for having me. look, the idea of america is
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slipping away from us. $18 trillion of debt. planned parenthood selling baby parts across the country, our president who is about to allow iran to become a nuclear power even while he doesn't stand by israel. the left is running the country into the ground. we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to get our country back. to apply conservative principles. >> but let's stay on topic here. okay, you clearly are going after donald trump. is this to help pull your poll numbers up? you are struggling in the polls right now. >> not at all. it's not about me. we as conservative have a choice to make. do we apply conservative principles or turn to a man no believes in nothing but himself is. is he not a liberal, not a conservative, he is not a democrat, is he is not a republican, he is not a moderate. he has no substance. he doesn't want to make america great again he wants to make donald trump great. i love the idea of donald trump great. i love this show. i love the politically incorrect language. i love going after the d.c. establishment. i love the outsider. i think he is entertaining. i love the helicopter rides
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at the state fair giving out lindsey graham's cell phone number. it was all great fun. >> you've said donald trump needs to stay classy but then you've also said things like he has a squirrel sitting on his head. >> that's right. i was asked about his attack on carly fiorina, going after her appearance. i said he has no room to criticize anybody given how his hair looks. he's not against big government. he's just against big government that he doesn't control. he's been for socialized medicine. he changes position constantly. he would implode in a general election. if he gets elected we have no idea what he would do in office. he doesn't believe in anything but donald trump. we need to elect a tested true conservative. now is the time to shrink the government. now is the time to stand by israel. we have a chance to apply our conservative principles.
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time to tell him he's fired. tell him to go downstairs. give him a reality show. he's very entertaining. >> he's been listening and i know for a fact he listens to this program and he listens when i host this program. here's how he tweeted in response to your latest round of volleys back at him. oh, wow lightweight governor bobby jindal who is registered at less than 1% in the polls. just mocked my hair. so original. >> his takeaway he's worried about his hair. he proves my point. he's a clown. america must do better. let's elect a conservative. >> governor thank you very much. governor jindal isn't the only candidate who got into it with trump this week. carly fiorina was on the receiving end when the donald told "rolling stone" magazine quote look at that face would anyone vote for that. can you imagine that, the face of our next president?
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trump defended his comments saying he wasn't talking about her looks. >> she mentioned something about me. she knocks me. when somebody knocks me like jeb bush or anybody else i at least decide i think it's appropriate to fight back. but we're talking only about her persona. some comments are made as an entertainer and as everybody said as an entertainer is a much different ball game. >> joining us on the phone from arizona, carly fiorina, so do you accept mr. trump's explanation specifically that he wasn't talking about your face when he said face he was talking about your persona? >> no. but i do accept his comments that he was speaking as an entertainer. when i was in third grade the last little boy that really liked me. he said mean things about me and, you know, pulled my pigtails all the time. and my husband and i have been together 30 years. i think i know when somebody is flirting with me >> you're breaking some news. donald is flirting with you.
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let's talk about the upcoming debates. cnn announced you'll be one of the candidates in the primetime debate along with donald trump. what's going to be your approach dealing with him on that stage? >> oh, there are many fine candidates on that objs to introduce myself to the american people. you know, half that audience doesn't know my name and doesn't know i'm running for president. and so i know it seems hard to believe, particularly maybe if you're a celebrity like donald trump everybody knows who you are. but i still have the lowest name i.d. in the field by a wide margin. in need to introduce myself. >> will you use this back and forth that you got with trump? basically you have a lot of buzz going on right now. will you use that to step it up in the debate? >> you know, my principle objective is to make sure that people know who i am and what i
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have done. i have a track record of leadership, of problem solving, of challenging the status quo. i'm not an entertainer. i started as a secretary and went to ceo. i deliver results. people need to do that. i'm sure there will be opportunities for me to respond, to donald trump, to others and i won't shy away from those opportunities. but fundamentally i'm running for president because i think our nation needs the kind of leadership i'll bring to the value office. >> no doubt. i will tell you, those other nine candidates on that stage that aren't donald trump would love to be in your shoes where there's a lot of buzz surrounding you and donald trump. if nothing else it brings the attention, governor jindal did it and he's on the factor and obviously it works. >> well, it's also true, eric, that this isn't entertainment. this is serious. this is serious. our nation is at a pivotal
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point. americans know it. so it's very entertaining for us all to talk about donald trump and by the way the media seems to talk about nothing else but donald trump in many cases but voters never ask me about him. never. what voters ask me about is how do we get the economy growing? why is america's leadership waning in the world. how do we cut this government down size. voters know this is the pi slottal point. most people are tuning in because they want to know what candidate will do. >> so, you were surprised he's doing as well as he is with women voters? i have about 15 seconds. >> no not necessarily. i think if you look at all of the outsiders together, the outsiders are polling over 60% of support. i'll tell you something else. there's one outsider moving up in the polls and gaining on donald trump and i'm one of them. >> carly, thank you. now we want to remind you this
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is a great time to become a bill o'reilly premium number. when you sign up you get any of his books free including "killing reagan" and few tickets remaining for his upcoming show with dennis miller. directly ahead joe biden gets emotional on late night tv. we have analysis. oh, look. we have a bunch of...
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in the personal story segment tonight joe biden's struggle, ever since the death of his son bo in may, the vice president has been publicly wrestling with his emotions as he decides whether he wants to run for president. >> i don't think any man or woman should run for president unless, number one, they know exactly why they would want to be
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president and, two, they can look at the folks out there and say i promise you, you have my whole heart, my whole soul, my energy, and my passion to do this. and i would be lying if i said that you knew i was there. i met a whole group of military families. i was thanking them and i really meant it and it's going great. and a guy in the back yells: major beau biden bronze star, sir. served with him in iraq. all of a sudden i lost it. how could you -- i mean, that's not -- i shouldn't be saying this, but that -- you can't do that. >> joining us now from washington, robert costa political reporter for the "the washington post" and with me here in new york jeanne.
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i know a political science professor. start with you, robert. have you ever seen a candidate so open about his 100 grief and his decision-making process as to whether he wants to run for president? >> it was a powerful moment, president? >> it was a powerful moment load withed emotion. you could see the vice president struggling trying to make a political calculation to see is there a lane in this democratic primary for him while also thinking about his family's consideration. >> jeanne, he literally said i have to figure out if i have the heart to do this and then he opened up his heart. if you watch enough politics, you watch enough turns v hillary clinton hasn't opened up her heart. going to show her with more humor. i thought it was a very, very powerful interview on the part of both colbert and the vice president. and i have to say if you compare his performance on colbert and hers on ellen, and you look at
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trustworthiness, you see he will have the upper hand. i do think more so than i fast forward to the vice president if he and his family decide that he can make this race that he can put himself oue there. >> h jeanie makes a good point. if he does will that -- if he does get in will that bring hillary down? >> it's an open question. there's such goodwill for the vice president. there's respect for him, empathy for him and his family. but in politics empathy, respect, thesed don't often translate or always translate into a political base. so biden sees senator sanders animating the left, sees secretary clinton getting the donors and establishment. they are in line with her. where does he fit? even all of this outpouring of affection is there whether that translates to political support he knows that's an open question. >> we read today the political donors on the left are nervous about the sliding poll numbers.
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maybe they are looking for someone else to get in. they can't send it over to the socialists. >> right they should be nervous. she is still remaining popular favorable views against democrats the poll numbers are problematic. democrats cannot put all of their eggs into the hillary clinton basket. if she implodes what are they going to be lefthe with? they are not going to be able to run a bernie sanders. it is an uphill battle if biden decides this late to get in. >> is it an uphill battle if president obama jumps on board, too? clearly there's a rift between the obamas and the clintons. everybody has talked about it. if biden gets in and the grass-roots organization that put barack obama in the white oouse it is powerful. >> very, very powerful. what would also be powerful if biden shakes up the race image a
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biden warren team. that could be tough for hillary clinton and persbernie sanders. it has been an uphill battle for him. >> president obama have it in him to back up obama and say here's the class roots organization he's t developed? >> president obama is the person to watch. whether he endorses any one or nottc it'sh. about his body lane it's about what he says is he leaning towardou clinton or towd biden. he clearly encouraged the vice president to make his decision. the vice president and president are close personally. but when it comes to who is going to be the post obama successor who really inherits obama's political base it seems like the president doesn't want to wade into that territory unless he makes a an endorsement it will be >> we have to leaf it there. thank you so much. donald trump and the evangelical vote a look at why he is doing so well with that group a look when this special edition of "the factor" comes right back.
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in the back of the book >> in the back of the book segment the all important poll says donald trump is in the lead ahead of candidates who would seem to have a more obvious appeal such as former evangelical pastor mike huckabee or ted cruz the son of a pastor. what's this all about the donald that makes him so popular among those voters? is joining us from dallas fox news contributor pastor robert jeffe jeffers. pastor, what is going on, donald trump leading among evangelicals. that's a surprise now. >> i am not endorsing donald trump but i am explaining why he is so popular among evangelicals. new york times attributes trump's popularity with evangelicals to ignorance of who donald trump is or hypocrisy for not caring. i believe there are two other words that explain his
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popularity, barack obama. there's a feeling among evangelicals this nation has been in a downward spiral for the last several years and they are willing to look outside of the box for the leader they want to choose. there's something deeper going on here. the same-sex marriage decision earlier this summer was a water shed issue for evangelicals. it was a gut punch causing many evangelicals to think they lost the cultural war at least at the governmental level they can find it in their homes and churches but they are beginning to think some of them let's let government solve practical problems and let the church take responsibility for spur trit actual problems we don't have the spiritual giants to do that. >> go ahead. >> one thing. the problem with that kind of separation, if you will, is that many of our nation's ills, eric, is a spiritual component to them whether you are talking about drug abuse out of wedlock,
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lawlessness, selling body parts by planned parenthood there's a spiritual component every president has to acknowledge or address. >> if i am reading you right evangelicals as a group are focusing on leadership or economic might verses spirituality or the cultural war. >> i think that's exactly why you are seeing such a large group gravitate toward trump. they believe he has the leadership ability to do that and they are willing to delegate the responsibility for spiritual renewal that our nation needs to the churches and people of faith. >> but this is also a change. we have been doing this for a long time. there's always the push to make sure as you p point out that some are the root causes of evil in america have to be addressed at the cultural level by politicians. >> that is right. we have a president right now unwilling to acknowledge and address that spiritual component of our nation's ills. we have to be honest here, eric,
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and also acknowledge mathematics plays a role in this as well. never in history have we had so many candidates vying for the evangelical vote. when some of these candidates inevitably drop out will they coal us among other evangelical candidates or move toward donald trump in frustration. i think this is ref rently possible only god knows what will happen there. >> if you are right they will coalesce around the one that is winning the donald trump. if mike huckabee leads the race or ted cruz leads the race they can stand in line. >> i wouldn't bet against donald trump. people have gone rouge doing that. i do belief evangelicals will wake up at some point and say we want a competent leader but we want somebody who has spiritual base. >> that's it for us tonight. thank you for watching this special edition of "the factor:
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election 2016" check out cash inin right here saturdays on fnc. please remember the spin stops here, because we are looking out for you. >> it is a story of bravery, selflessness and a little bit of luck that made international headlines. tonight for the first time three young americans who prevented what could have been a large scale terrorist attack on a passenger train sit down with yours truly for an exclusive interview. what went through their minds at the time? and how are they dealing with the aftermath? we will cover it all. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. terror on a train. i am megyn kelly. it is not lost on us this is a day that our nation pauses to grieve and remember the nearly 3,000 innocent souls who lost their lives on a september day 14 years ago. tonight we honor them and t
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