tv Red Eye FOX News September 15, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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thanks for watching us tonight. miss megyn is up next. i am bill tonight on "red eye", how did carly fiorina respond to trump saying look at that face. this gorgeous face will tell you all about it. and topless female protesters disrupt a conference on women. it is nice when protesters have the male viewer in mind. and a classroom dare leads to criminal charges. it is like the time i was dared into break into fort knox. our panel provides words and courtesey, but first a news break. this is a fox news alert. i'm kelly wright in washington. the suspect in a domestic shooting is dead. police say they were following shannon lamb when he ran. they found him with an
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apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound and was later pronounced dead in the hospital. on monday police say lamb fatally shot a woman he lived with and killed a history professor at delta state university. tragedy along the utah-arizona border. authorities report eight people have been killed. several others are missing after two cars were washed away by a flash flood. some of the victims are are identified as small children and their moms. the flooding was triggered by heavy rains. three survivors were pulled from the fast-moving water. out of the flames, 23,000 people were forced out of their homes. one fire burning hundreds of homes and to blame for killing one woman. another fire in the sierra in every never destroyed 135 homes. a defiant north korea is saying its restarted all of its nuclear bomb fuel plants and analysts say it is meant to put pressure on wash wsh to restart talks in an attempt to
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get concessions and an easing of international sanctions. the declaration of state media follows an earlier warning that they are ready to launch long-range rockets. and thousands at the american airlines center in dallas. the gop front runner allowing action saying he will build a wall and get mexico to pay for it. not everyone is happy. hundreds protest it outside saying, quote, he has money and we have power. kelly wright in washington, now back to "red eye. >> welcome to "red eye." i'm tom shillue. let's check in with andy levey at the "red eye" news deck. andy, did you see the big
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""vanity fair"" on late night hosts? the viewers who haven't seen that one, fantastic. pretty cool isn't it? they called us the titans of late night. >> that is obviously fake. >> what do you mean fake? >> i mean part of the picture was clearly photoshoped in. >> you caught me. i am not more of a titan. a goliath of late night? >> no. >> what am i then? >> you kind of -- you are just there. >> if that's true what are you? >> oh i'm a titan of late night. >> let's welcome our guests. she is so sweet i have already developed a cavity. entertainment and lifestyle expert jill dobson. he is is a veteran boston graduate who recently got his
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masters. and she has her own brand of politics, fire brand. author of adios, america. and i promised him i wouldn't write an intro reminding people he lost to a back flipping dog in a talent show, so i won't. let's dance. >> look at this face. seriously look at it. now look some more. okay stop. this is getting creepy. last week donald trump said of carly fiorina, look atce. can you imagine that? the face of our next president. and now the pack responded with possibly the best political ad of the season. >> look at this face. and look at all of your faces. the face of leadership.
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the face of leadership in our party. the party of women conch. women sufferage. women, note to democrat party. we are not a special interest group. we are the majority of the nation. this is the face of a 61-year-old woman i am proud of every year and every wrinkle. >> take that democrats. i love that ad. >> jill, it is fantastic. i am all hyped up on women power. >> i got goose bumps three times and cheered twice and almost ruined my make up which would show every wrinkle. we are about more than our looks, people. it was a very empowering message. >> she did the right thing. anne, listen, i know you are a huge fan. >> huge. way back. >> the thing is wasn't this
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brilliant? trump attacked her, and then she took that ammo and went at the democrats. wasn't that great? >> i don't really think so. no, i don't like carly fiorina because she forgot the civil war and she keeps trying to do this give power thing like defending megyn kelly by claiming donald trump was talking about menstration. which i thought was silly. the whole ad is the girl power thing. republicans don't do girl team. trump is winning a majority of women. republican women don't vote because oh you're a girl. that's how the democrats vote. that's why hillary is talking about her mother suffered so much as a child. no men vote for the democratic party. they are relying on the women. >> wasn't it refreshing to see the women's faces and then she said we are the party of conch. she didn't play the victim card or the special interest
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card. she said women's issues are everyone's issues. >> she played the girl power card. i can't stand it. >> i like when you play the girl power card, but you don't act as if one party has a lock on the women's vote. i think that's cool. >> i think it is cool and i thought it was a brilliant move by her. she took the high road. she could have showed a picture of trump saying imagine this face for the next four years. she didn't. shea went after the -- she went after the democrats and said we are a party of women sufferage. there was a power opposing women's choice. every party opposes choice for women. it is nice that they envoke the republican party back in the sufferage days, but i think they have to bring it up a few notches in my humble opinion. i am a man and i vote for the democrats and not just women are voting for the democrats.
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>> i didn't mean to limit you to the biological side. >> what do you think? i think i have to give her credit for turning a negative into a positive and it will help her in ways other candidates haven't been able to respond to trump. >> it will hurt hillary which helps. full disclosure, i watched the ad and i got my period. it is a flow of estrogen flowing in. i think it is funny donald trump said who could vote for that face? who could vote for that ass? he opens his mouth and makes blunders. >> they don't hurt him though. how are they blunders if they don't hurt him? trump responded as he always does. he responded immediately with this ad. >> let's see.
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you. >> isn't that brilliant? >> goose bumps four times. three times. this is my new winner. >> it is unbelievable. >> by definition carly's ad is playing victim. you said that before. >> i am contesting what he said. i am responding to what he said. they are constantly making fun of trump's hair. he doesn't come out with an ad "i am proud of every hair." it is by definition a girl power ad. >> i think it is okay girl power -- i thought she did great because she took the girl power of the message -- every one of hillary's ad is women working the buffet. she did the same, but said they're for us. you should like it too, ann coulter. >> they don't vote for us. they vote for them. >> we are not getting jimmy's
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vote. >> notice when she said i am proud of every wrinkle, it wasn't a close up. did you notice that? i went back to school in the 50s. you get the student id and the senior discount. i know where she is coming from. >> from look at this face to look at these breasts. two topless protesters were arrested after disrupting a controversial muslim conference on the role of women near paris. i mean the role of all women. the women are part of the feminist protest group femin. the women ripped off their arab arab-style cloaks and stormed the stage as the preachers were discussing the question whether wives should be beaten or not. here is the video.
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>> that was more man-splaining. earlier in the conference shopping and cooking were showcased as appropriate feminine activities. tom, look, is this easy llama -- islamaphobia run a muck? >> it is brilliant for two reasons, the left one and the right one. anytime you show your breast and to get someone's attention you will get 50% roughly of everyone's undivided attention. it is great and obviously we are talking about it here. they weren't talking about beating women on the tennis court or beating them on the chess board, unless they are beating them with the chess board. these people have no respect
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for women and they are throwing it in their face. i love that they are saying in your face. we have to cover up every inch of our body and now i will show myself. if they keep showing that they could make a nice profit. >> anne, why don't american feminists do this kind of thing? they are always complaining about republicans. why not complain about the islamic world and they are more honored in europe? >> it is true, but i don't think the protest really works. they are looking at the 8-year-old boys. >> yes, that is an issue. >> don't leave us hanging. how do they vote? is it okay to beat your wife or not? >> what if these protests -- what if they were just getting to that. what if he was about to issue a spot that said no more beating the women, and then these ladies messed it up. >> how do they vote? >> they didn't vote. they had to shutdown the
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conference. >> i think you know and you are not giving us the full story. >> what do you think? >> they are fantastic. >> they threw them off the stage and answered the question do they beat them or not? in their minds it is okay. it is a lot of hype. did you notice the guys covering their breasts saying i am doing this so they bring the towel. this is the problem with feminism in this country. they seem to be always -- the real problem is in other countries, am i right? >> i think they are feminists. i think there are feminists who vote in this country. i am all about free speech.
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i applaud these women. they are braving than i am, i will tell that you much. >> we do agree. there are feminists who vote all different ways. you wouldn't know that when reading all of the prominent feminist literature. they are all tied to one party in this country. yes or no? they voluntarily tied themselves tots democrats. come in and gee -- agree with me, anne. >> i don't think this protest is counter what it is they seem to be protesting. all of the sclock out of hollywood and the nude at the and -- tude tee and degrading of women. the muslims degrade women in a different way. this is women degrading themselves. the opposite of muslims beating their wives is not jugs magazine. it is american morality. >> do you think these women -- these women are not for jugs magazine either, are they? >> they look like they are posing for it. 24 is not an appropriate protest. the appropriate protest is
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civilized american men who open doors for women and speak up for women. and the women who love them. >> let's take a look. i want to put a picture up of the preacher looking at the topless woman. look at that picture. look at the guy and her. have you seen that look anywhere? does it remind you of anything? >> statue of liberty. >> it reminded me of dustin hoffman. anybody? >> it reminded me of letterman when drew barry more ripped her shirt off. he by the way, a titan of late night. a real titan. >> by the way titan begins with one first three letters? tie it together. get charged with assault and i double dog dare you. a 13-year-old boy is facing assault charges for kissing a 14-year-old girl at school. the boy told police someone dared him to do it. both students are in the eighth grade. the girl said he grabbed her
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shirt near the stomach and open mouth kissed her with his tongue. that's gross. i may be changing my opinion of this story as i read it. police confirm the boy is facing second-degree assault charges which is the mba of assault charges. jimmy, i wanted to pitch this story to you, the panel, as what is happening to the world, young boys can't kiss girls anymore. but this is gross. the eighth grade is not that small. >> i think assault is called for. you can't kiss people against their will. >> i did in grammar school. i walls always -- >> you have to ask first. >> no, i didn't ask. >> you have to ask. you have to say, excuse me, would you mind if i kissed you? >> by a junior i learned that. but as a rambunctious kid i was grabbing the girls and
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forcing myself on them. but it is gross when an eighth grader and an open mouth kiss is gross. >> i had seen the headline and i thought this is another silly thing. but when you get to the open mouth kiss it is thought so much i think it is gross, but now i need to know what he looks like. >> it does make a difference, doesn't it? >> here is the thing, tom, you told me the kid is getting off easy compared to what happens when you try to kiss 14-year-old girls. >> welshes first of all when i was -- well, first of all when i was in eighth grade i was 19. second of all she got the last laugh because by the way she had cooties which is another name for herpes simplex4. this happened in baltimore and we found you can loot and throw molotov cocktails at cops which is okay because you
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are expressing rage. but two kids sucking face and the legal system will come down on this kid. georgey porgie kissed a girl and made her cry. >> i don't know about bringing in the law, but he should be disciplined by the administration, right? >> yes, absolutely. who brought in the law, her parents? my daughter is in school and this guy comes up to her and grabs her and kisses her. that's intrusive. >> it is true. like anne i want to see a picture, jill, what do you think? >> do you think it helps if it is the most popular guy in eighth grade? >> that's what i'm thinking. >> it is horrible and he should be in trouble. just suspended. >> should he do time? >> should he go 20juve. >> morning detention which is worse than detention. the ironic thing is he was
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dared to kiss this girl and his tongue stuck to her like flick. >> make it is a punishment that he has to kiss every girl in the eighth grade. >> that woulds terrible. >> and suck face with the lunch ladies. >> cheerleaders honoring the usa, god i love this country. back after the break. stick around, america.
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the lumberton high cheerleading squad from texas performed a 9/11 performance as they do every year. this year a video of the routine backed up by "god the attacksa" and audio from and the voice of president bush went viral. some said it was in a bad way. let's take a look. >> i ask the american people to join me in saying a prayer
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to the victims and their families. >> ♪ i gladly stand up ♪ next to you ♪ and defend her still today ♪ ♪ because there ain't no doubt i love this land ♪ ♪ god bless the usa >> they called it cringe worthy and labeled them unoblivious dummies. gawker sarcastically asked them to watch this tasteful cheer routine and there were tweets like this, america, we are tasteless passes for homage. so, of course i was eager to for once have a legitimate reason to watch a cheerleading routine over and over, and i found the routine to be tasteful and moving. maybe because i'm proud to be an american.
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this is a pir fect -- perfect red state and blue state. others found it respectful and appropriate. and people on gawker found it cheesy and laughable. so take the test. if the video offends you, you are probably a college educated urban dwelling sophisticate. if you enjoyed it, you probably come from the real america. >> why is it tasteless to cheer for america? >> first of all i am a college educated urban dwelling saw fist cet. and i think it is lovely. >> fantastic. >> i was expecting it to be something funnier because we are on "red eye." it is fine. it shows you that it is the commenters. there is something the matter with them. >> i am talking about the websites. they said look at this tacky, horrible video and it created controversy because they were
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commemorating 9/11 by cheering. >> it didn't bring me to tears like the carly video brought jill to tears, but there was nothing offensive about it. >> do you remember when all-americans enjoyed the same things like "all in the family" and" hee-haw"? >> exactly. >> can we show a clip of "hee-haw." >> they did it up. they expressed their way of commemorating the horrible tragedy. very tasteful. it was gymnastics to the music. i thought they did a great job. >> jill, there was also -- we didn't play -- >> and i am a saw fist cet too. >> harvard grad, what are you talking about? >> also they played 9-1-1 emergency calls as part of it and some people thought that was tack key, but it is all part of the day. when we remember 9/11. >> the thing i am most upset about is i was prepared to argue all of you and say it
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was nice and well done and you are all already agreeing with me so i don't know what to say. i'm from the real america. i thought they were great. they were talented. they are much better cheerleader than i ever was. >> definitely. there was a cheerleading squad in high school and i watched them all the time. they are really athletes now. >> they are athletes. and the nice thing is they weren't cheering. it is not like, 9! 1! 1! it was tasteful acrobats and flips. >> didn't our fore fathers die so we can watch youtube videos ? >> that's exactly why they died. i don't think you should commemorate something with tragedy and horror and anything with cheer. at the beginning they had a moment of silence and then they did the psycho jumping around thing which i can't stand anyway. i hate cheering. what is next? a holocaust queen?
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you don't cheer for this stuff. it is somber. >> what do you do every fourth of july? don't you blow off you bombs like the rest of us? >> on occasion. >> but that is celebritory. >> that's not a good come back. >> i mean it was a war. do we have fun? we barbecue on the wars. we barbecue on memorial day. >> on 9/11, palestinians cheered on 9/11 when the buildings came down. cheering and that tragedy should be two separate entities. the last pyramid they made, i don't know if anyone caught this, but it fell down. >> too soon? >> yeah. when i got to the video -- >> go jill. >> i thought they were very talented and i think you are just jealous because you can't do a backhand spring, can you? >> are you right. stop calling them good palestinians. >> coming up, the fourth dimension divided by two.
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officers were following 45-year-old shannon lamb last fight when he jumped out of his car and ran off and shot himself. lamb, a professor at delta, became the focus of an intense manhunt after his girlfriend and fellow teacher were murdered. the campus was on lock down for several hours. still no confirmation on what triggered the violence. tragedy near the utah-arizona border. authorities say eight people were killed and five others are missing after a flash flood ripped through two neighboring towns. the flood was triggered by heavy rains which unleashed a larnl wave of water. it smashed into two vehicles with 16 women and children inside. washing the cars and the occupants downstream. three survivors were pulled from the water. the search for more victims will resume at daybreak. despite an emergency meeting, eu leaders have failed to come up with any plan on how to share the 120,000 refugees
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arriving in hungary, italy and greece. hungary will roll out the razor wire along its border at serbia. cops on the ground and helicopters are patrolling the region. >> we have to wait and see how the emergency and how the potential emergency on the other side of the border or the fence will be handled in the future. >> and sales of the new iphone 6s and 6s plus could break a record. apple has not yet revealed exactly how many phones it sold since pre-ordering started on saturday. last year's ready, 10 million phones in one weekend. welcome back. time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed from tv's andy levey at the news desk. >> hi, tom. i am actually allergies andy levey. >> it is that time of year.
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>> today has not been fun. >> nice weather though. >> yes, and that's the shame of it all. i had to end and the whole day in traction. >> carly ad, jill, you said you got goose bumps three teams and cheered up twice. >> it is an emotional rollercoaster. >> isn't this why a woman shouldn't be president though? >> look, i am not saying i should be president. >> hold it together, woman! >> you know what i mean? she can probably keep things in check. she didn't cry during the commercial and it was her commercial. >> we didn't know she didn't cry wile watching it. >> you win. no woman should be president because -- >> what a horrible thing to. >> i cannot wait to clip that and put it all over. >> app, you said you don't like carly because she does things like saying trump was talking about menstruation
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coming out of megyn kelly's -- well whatever it was. >> the first reason i said was and is my main reason is she forgot the civil war. i think that is important -- >> i didn't get that. >> she is one of several who thinks that in 1868 we added an amendment to the constitution to make sure la raza could get illegal immigrants to run across the border and drop a baby and oh they are citizens. they had something to do with the war that was just fought. i don't like the girl power stuff. >> jimmy, you pointed out that she took the high road so she could have taken a picture of trump's face. we have learned -- if we learned nothing else trump is like -- said this before, reagan was a teflon president. trump is a rubber candidate. anything you say to trump bounces off him and comes back to you.
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by not attacking him she may have found the one way you can go at him. >> i thought it was a brilliant move on her part. the obvious is the hair. people don't want to go there. i thought she did the right thing. i don't know why she attacked the democrats. we didn't say anything about her . we didn't say she coobt be president. >> be honest with america. >> the one thing about the ad is she says note to democrat party. >> i don't mind she went after the democrats. just do it the right way. that's all i care about. >> i'm curious what you hear about this. the one thing the ad does president do is she -- doesn't do is she doesn't mention she
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is the first ceo of a top 20 company. did she do that on purpose to make it more universal? >> yeah. >> she'll get to that later. >> all right. >> i don't think she wants to talk about the hewlett-packard thing. >> i think that may be what it is. i was thinking that too. >> shillue, you noted that shopping and cooking were showcased as examples of appropriate feminine activities. you like that, didn't you? >> not that they are inappropriate, but they seem to think it was the only thing that was appropriate. 24r* are many other things. there are many other things. >> manicures. pedicures. massages. hair appointments. >> raising babies, you know. >> when tom asked if the problem with feminism in this country is tied to the left you responded responded -- uh -- that was correct. >> again, i shouldn't be president. >> i was with you.
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>> if we learned nothing else tonight. anne, you said the opposite of muslims beating their wives is not jugs magazine. >> excellent 90s reference. >> i haven't been keeping up with pornography, i'm sorry. >> i will e-mail you after the show. 13-year-old boy charged with assault for kissing a 14-year-old girl. first of all good for him foregoing after a cougar. >> i agree. >> jimmy, you think the assault charge is called for, is warranted? >> i do. i think it is a serious offense. >> i do agree he assaulted the girl. he grabbed her by the front of her shirt and pulled her and then tried to shove his tongue down her throat which is basically assault, but i feel like there is a way to make it clear to a 13-year-old kid and his buddies that this is not
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appropriate behavior without giving him a criminal record. >> i don't think he will get a criminal regard -- record, but it depends on who brought the assault charges. if her parents did it carries more weight. is it the school? most of these things will be finished by the school, for in this case the police got involved and it sends a stronger message and it is a message that kids have to hear. >> i agree. i would hate to see a dumb 13-year-old kid be convicted of a sex crime. >> it could be assault. >> that's true. he said i am against this. those sound worse. it is not treating women as if they are independent beings. it could be syria. at least for assault. i wouldn't label him a child
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molester, but for assault. >> he is going to get charged with assault anyway and he may have gone to second base. doesn't that make sense? that's something we are signing you up for now. >> that cheerleader 9/11 video. tom shillue, as you know i council a lot of cheerleaders one thing in general don't do routines based on 9/11. i don't really have a problem with this. >> they don't do it all the time. they do it on 9/11. >> that makes sense. >> i just feel like if a troop of modern dance -- if they had done something like this all of the people mocking these cheerleaders would be like, oh this is so good. >> boom. that's it. i should have made that earlier.
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from georgia was crowned miss america despite giving what i thought was a troubling answer to a cut and dry question. watch. >> did tom brady cheat? >> did he cheat? that's a really good question. i'm not sure. i think i would have to be there to see the ball and feel it and make sure if it was flatted or not deflated. if there was any question there? i think he cheated. if there was question to be had i think he definitely cheated and he should have been suspended for that. that's not fair. >> in response the nfl has reopened its investigation into tom brady. [laughing]. >> many people on the internet were disturbed by her accusation. one woman tweeted, did miss georgia seriously win miss america after that ridiculous answer about feeling tom brady's balls? oi. there were other vexing thing about the pageants like the
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left wing judges. i will let fox's own todd starns explain. >> miss south carolina was one of the few ladies refused to go down to the agenda shooting down an anti--gun question saying she opposed banning firearms. needless to say the pride of the palmetto state did not win. liberals frown on pistol-packing beauty queens. >> i bet next year they lose the left wing judges and start asking questions about hillary's private server. why? because -- >> ♪ that's the power of starns the power of starns ♪ >> jill, what did you think of the new miss america's performance, and why are they asking them these weird political questions ? >> here is my question. why are they asking football questions? i once competed in miss usa
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and i didn't win. you know who won? a girl whence answered a question -- a girl who answered a question about football. >> what did they ask you? you must remember. >> what word would i play in scrabble? i said magazine because it has a z and that is worth 10 points. the people were board. i am good a scrabble. >> that answer came off the top of your head? >> yes. >> i think you should be president. i really believe that. >> would she have received your vote with that rambling answer about tom brady? >> ironically coming from an air head talking about bird -- about air pressure. i'm sure he hillary do his opinion on the case. i don't like these pageants. >> will vote for you for president.
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i just can't stand it. does trump own this one? >> he is buying and selling them. it is like monopoly. this is not trump. >> miss usa. >> this is miss america. the real one. >> did you notice they did ask a lot of political questions. and he was right. they didn't ask about hillary's server. >> yes, though next year they will be performing partial birth abortions for the talent segment to really appeal to the judges. the only time -- >> wow. >> ann is where you can find her. >> the only thing i know about these beauty pageants are the questions you have shown and the ones i have seen in the past. left wing this time. usually -- i mean your answer sounds great, but all of the others i have seen are moronic. >> my answer was good, but for the talent, the abortion i tried to perform i lost it.
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>> i am starting to think they shouldn't ask these questions at all. you are picking a pretty girl and so far every answer i have seen which admittedly is only three is only dumb, dumb girls giving dumb answers answers and they are making fun of pretty girls and it is mean. >> i would fumble. i would fumble answers here and i have a script to go by. >> i am with you, tom. >> don't you wish they talked about world peace like they used to? >> yes. i'm done. >> we will close things out with a bedtime story. oh, look. we have a bunch of...
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announcer: babies who are talked to from the time they're born are more likely to have a successful future. talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at
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♪ >> anne, did you learn a lot from the brief video we just showed? >> i'm sorry, i just woke up. i think it was too long. >> you think we should have just done number one and two? >> yes. and also i think i should run upstairs to do megan megyn kelly and have you say nothing about it to pretend that we
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are taping live at 3:00 a.m. and have everyone on-line say i stormed off. that's what i was hoping to do. >> the last time anne was here she had to leave to do another taping. >> which you apparently didn't mention. >> i didn't mention it at all. >> people come back and i am not here and andy levey is sitting here. >> it was all over, what happened to anne? a lot of complaints. what happened about the ostrich attacks? >> never been attacked by an ostrich, but i have been attacked by a cocatu? >> you need a rake. >> folks on the panel are acting as if it is not a big problem, but it is. >> especially in manhattan. you are walking down the street and there is the ostrich. do you get a cab? do you go on the subway? do you straight arm him? according to the video you observe the ostrich at a distance. that's been my mode of
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defense. >> i am detecting sarcasm. ostrich attacks can kill you. >> and disem bowel you. i learned that. i did not know that. >> it happened to johnny cash. >> that's how he died. >> look it up. >> we saw the bio pic. >> can we show how dangerous this is? >> honey, honey! go! honey, go! that hurt. >> it is a muslim bird. >> that's what i was thinking. >> they should have taken off her shirt to protest. >> you saw how aggressive they are. why not put them down at the border? >> that was like the muslim conference. honey, leave, this thick is
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quote, very confident about her campaign, but her latest poll shows her losing a third of her support since july, with the biggest loss coming from women. this is "special report." good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. hillary clinton tries to raise her numbers. on the gop side, it's all about donald trump and ben carson leading the pack. we have fox team coverage tonight, brett hume with why
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