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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  September 15, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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help to find thieves who used a bucket loader to knock over a bank and removed the volt and loaded it on a dump truck. the damage is at least 50,000 and that doesn't include the money in the bank. "outnumbered" starts now. >> i am andrea tantaros, and here with us is harris faulkner, sandra smith, host of kennedy on our sister network, and today's hash tag you know him and best-selling author brad thor. his 15th book, code of conduct, which launched here is out now and we remind brad he is out numbered. >> and happy to be so. >> how is the book going? >> it has been the best launch and most critical acclaim.
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people saying it is their favorite thriller. >> i was at the chicago airport and the big looks bigger. are they making it bigger? >> i think it is all of the buzz. congrats. >> good to have you. >> good to be here. >> we have our own code of conduct here. we will tell you the two rules later. all eyes on donald trump who doesn't have a code of conduct. the gop frontrunner is giving a major national security address in california later today. this, less than 24 hour, after the billionaire businessman drew a crowd of 15,000 people at a texas-size rally. trump raising the roof at american air lines arena blasting his rivals.
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some women were crying even. >> we have to build a wall, folks. [applause] >> we have to build a wall. and a wall works. all you have to do is go to israel and say how is ur wall working? walls work. and i want people to come into the country. but i want them to be legal. i want them to go through the process. i want to have a big beautiful door but they have to be legal. they have to be. we have to end this sanctuary city crap fast. fast. but new polling could spell a little trouble for trump. a new washington post abc news found 56% of registered voters don't consider him to be qualified for president with
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democrats and independents viewing him the most negatively. this cbs poll has trump leading with a 27% lead up from 24 before the first debate in early august. and a big jump for dr. ben carson now with 23% up from 6% in august. walls and doors, spoken like a true builder. one thing is true, his poll numbers are still high and did you think they would be this high and maintain this lead? >> i talked with the mayor was in the previous primary and he wasn't packing stadiums the way trump has been in texas and alaba alabama. in the poll you sited about democrats and republicans it means nothing. donald trump is not running to woo democrats and independents. he is running to woo republicans. i have been on record as not
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being a trump fan, but as soon as he gets the nomination, we will woo the democrats and independents and you will find his numbers going up. >> what about in the primary states? >> they are very interesting. you have to ability for people to come in and vote against him. he is 30% across the board in most states, if not higher, so people are divided up. i don't see how trump uses. he is bullet-proof stepping on landminds and -- landmines. >> 54% he is not qualified. i am not certain him caring about what people are interested in. there is something about his nominate being bush, or clinton, and he is an outsider.
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>> it was the longest speech of any candidate running. people stuck, cried, wept, laughed, had every emotion and were hanging on every word. it was interesting to watch the faces of the crowd. i am starting to question the republican party. he is the frontrunner and i hear republicans complaining about him soaking up the airtime and i hear you say why should anybody be crying about that because the republicans wanted attention. when are more establishment people getting behind trump? you have a guy holding a third of the polling in poplarity but i don't see t. if they are a party of the people and he has the people i am curious. >> i will play devils advocate.
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he said the middle class has been decimated and he will lower the tax rate and wants to address business. i will release my tax plan in a few weeks. if it is so great why isn't he telling us now? >> he doesn't know. >> he doesn't need to. you know what he knows better than anyone else? the 38-72-62 plans from republicans have been rolling out from romney to bush and people don't care. they put people to sleep. >> is that part of the tactic? i will cure your problems putting h and r block out of business. >> if he talked about immigration i would change it. >> i would not change to things
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he is weak about. the comoderator tomorrow might try to back him into the the box again. in the cbs new york times poll he has 27% and carson is a few point behind him at 24%? this is a guy who was considered to not have a phenomenal debate performance but whatever he is doing is working. bush shows 7% and others showing 6% in the single digits. scott walker is at 2%. >> if someone doesn't take a piece out of trump tomorrow night it is over. you will see the establishment falling behind him on thursday morning. we will move on now and donald trump will take the stage for the second republican debate and plenty of folks will be waiting to see if there is a showdown between him and carly
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fiorina. front and center of course that face gate. will donald continue to diffuse insults of carly's looks like last night. >> i like carly, and i like ben, and i like many of the people i am running against. many of them are terrific people. but nobody is going to be able to do the job i can do. >> run him face first on the insult and what does trump have to do to avoid coming off like a sexist bully or does it matter? he has continued to climb in the polls no matter what he says and his take last night on attacks from the debate rivals was basically, whatever! >> you know what? i laugh but only jokingly. there is a part that would love to dial up the inner donald
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trump in me especially when my kids are not listening but i will say he better respect carly fiorina based on where she is in the poll and turned his comments attattoat a -- to her benefits. i rewatched, because you know i love c-span and they replayed her speech in new hampshire at the stretch kennedy center over the weekend. you know what? she doesn't just talk economy. she explains dodd-frank and pulls people along with her. she gets to those core, quintessential table issues and walks us through them. it is like a business titan. >> she may have the key to unlocking the trump riddle. you know who is watching this? hillary clinton. she is going to watch his
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dynamic with carly fiorina and i think that will be the most important dynamic at the debate. how are he and carly fiorina? because their strengths are opposite. christie versus rand paul round two as well is going to be interesting. i think those two -- >> it seems like the ones to watch are the outsiders. carly fiorina, ben carson, and trump. attributtes only matter if it is something the voters care about. >> we joked around last time about sweet mead of death. i think trump is smog. tomorrow night i think it will be a donald trump and carly fiorina match up. i love carly and thinks she
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handles herself very well. i think the big surprise tomorrow night is you will see zingers against trump from mark rubio. >> on illegal immigration? >> on everything. >> i think everybody at this po somebody who could handle herself. >> i don't know anybody is treating her special or the woman on the stage. >> is he going to insult her again? is he going to say them to that face? >> she said i don't need an apology from the guy. >> she will wait for him to stumble and come in and cleanup >> there is not one person that got trump to back track off a bad statement but she is. i put out a tweet saying you are an entertainer or candidate for president of the united states, make up your mind.
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the guy is so skin thin and insecure he cannot get it go. >> i actually don't think -- i think he is overconfident. >> because of the insecurity. >> i don't think anybody cares what he says, you know why? because they don't care about carly fiorina's. they get carly in the headlines this way. >> i want to bring up your dark horse. >> kasich! >> only 14 more to go. >> kasich of ohio and how he handled donald trump on the last debate stage with a little sugar and moved on to his own topics. what are you thoughts? >> i think he has incredible debating skills, he is very tough, and has a trump-esque style.
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he is from ohio, an important state, but is not perceived as a beltway guy. he was a tv host which is why i think he is teleogenic. >> it is walker and bush plummeting and his numbers bolstering. >> i will watch walker and rubio as well because they have to do something because they are struggling. and jeb. >> be sure to tune in to the best part of the night with the debate analysis starting after the debate with bill o'reilly and i will join bill. megyn kelly at midnight and sean hannity at 1 a.m. it will be worth it. and north korea threatening to united states once again. this as the rogue nation is claiming they are resuming production of fuel needed to more make more nuclear weapons.
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how serious is this threat? it is because of iran? and north korea fell off the white house radar because of the attention surrounding iran. and a high school football coach under investigation not for cheating or busing players but for praying after the game. join us online and we will talk about brad's book and you can ask him anything you want. no code of conduct on overtime. no code of conduct on overtime. did you know that good nutrition is critical for brain health? brain food, hmmm. ensure has b vitamins that help support brain health - now that's smart nutrition. ensure's complete balanced nutrition has 26 vitamins and minerals and 9 grams of protein. ensure. take life in. when your windshield needs trust safelite. our exclusive trueseal technology means a strong reliable bond. at safelite we stand behind our work... ...because the ones you love, sit behind it.
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us more aid. the 70th anniversary of the people's worker party is coming up. that is a big deal. they are into significant dates like that. one thing people are forgetting, we were concerned with south korea we claim close to activity on the korean peninsula. i think they want to look tough to their people and want stuff from us and i think it is saber rallying. this is what we will see in iran, too. we were told north korea
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wouldn't get nukes if we entered into a deal with them. >> in 2013-2014 satellite images showed this compound wasn't producing enough but now we see they have enough plutonium to do one bomb's worth a year. >> north korea made it clear with their nuclear ambitions. but we signaled to the world we are willing to go soft with iran and everybody else is lining up saying we want the same thing. it led to and is leading to a global arms race. i look at brad and say what leverage do we have against north korea and they say not a lot. we cannot control this isolated rogue nation. >> it is a human rights effort. these people make the soviet stuff look like a kindergarten classroom. >> what leverage do we have? >> we have no leverage. chinese protect them.
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>> you said they are rattling their sabers because they want food and money so we do have leverage if that is what they are looking for. are we tough enough to use it? i know it hurts the people. you look at iran and that is the decision again do you hurt the people to get to the government? >> in iran it will be an interesting experiment to see if the $100 billion goes in and enriches people who want change. the big difference is this is not a theocracy and you don't have the iranian dennis rodman. i don't know who the basketball diplomat is going to be. you don't hear much of him. he spilled the state secrets and hasn't been invited back. >> 28,000 troops stationed in
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south korea and you wonder what degree the united states gets pulled into the general crisis. an analyst at the asian policy institute said it has been three years since the last test and it might be time to test the new technology. you might wonder when that will happen and if we will get involved. >> they trade with iran hand and glove. >> a new twist in the controver controversy surrounding hillary clinton's private e-mail server. we are learning the state department transparency zar is in the e-mails she is overseeing. and joe biden had a very long meeting with top obama fundraiser. if he gets in the president has a decision to make: who will he support?
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welcome back to outnumbered. to come it seems like the fox guarding the hen house. remember the new transparency czar the state department brought online to streamline the mountain request of hillary clinton's e-mail? it turns out janice jacobs is among the records she is charged of overseeing raising questions about her being impartial. she is copied on an e-mail that discusses diplomatic issues in north korea. e-mails released by the state department show 55 passed
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through commercial e-mail services like google and aol. so far the government appears to have done little to retrieve or secure those records. brad, it is unbelievable. these e-mails, now classified e-mails, are floating about. >> i write political thrillers. i would never have written this because nobody would have believed it. my editor's office across the street would have thrown me out the window. i wrote a novel called black list a couple years ago that dealt with the surveillance state and everything and hillary clinton knew what she was doing when setting up the private server and did it for control and so people only saw what they wanted. hillary clinton would have gone through specific training
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dictating this is classified and not classified or this could become classified. she has blown the basic stuff, though. if you are a government official and tell me something about the refuge crisis that is born classified. >> that means you and i, if we are in her job, bore means we might be able to tell it is classified without a marking. you know what they call that in intelligense. >> but the rules never apply to the clinton's. >> 51% of women in a cnn poll agree that she did something wrong and the area where hillary clinton is needing support. i want to go back to jacobs. i do think you keep your friends closer and your really close friends in the car with you. this woman --
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>> or in the car while you are out. >> she donated 2700 to hillary clinton's campaign 11 weeks ago. >> she is in charge of the e-mails and discerning them. how is this possible we are sitting here and the state department isn't in crisis mode trying to figure oout what to do? >> you have five agencies going over the e-mails, and 50 people at the state department who should be working on american diplomacy but are not and cursing the former secretary of state under their breath. i think you have a lot of resources dedicated to the problem that hillary clinton is not sorry about. she is not sorry about mishandling the information and breaking laws. there will be a hillary's laws about the death of personal responsibility. >> the biggest story is this is an administration wide cover-up. and why hasn't the fbi moved on
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it they way they did on the lawyers' thumb drive and on petraeus? they moved with rapid speed on that one. obama and the national security team knew about the server. the fbi is dragging this out. comey is a political guy. they had to go to ashcroft's bed side to get approval at one point. he is dragging his feet. >> maybe the plan is to drag it out. >> i think they are dragging it out so we cannot pardon her. >> let's talk about who the president -- why could that happen? president obama is apparently keeping his 2016 card close to his vest. i know the prompter says chest but i think it should say vest. when asked at a town hall who he would vote for to replace him he gave a vague answer:
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>> i cannot tell you who to vote for. at least not right now. i will later on. >> i call that answer light. a lot of speculation swirling around joe biden who is admitting to thinking about a white house run and it was confirmed joe biden met with a top obama campaign leader while in new york. >> my opinion is the obama's hate the clinton's and the clinton's hate obama. that is number one. number two, if you are barack obama, who do you want safeguarding your legacy? if i am obama i want biden reminding people how good my term was. you will not get that are hillary. >> i understand when people argue why hasn't president obama jumped behind the former secretary of state already, i get that.
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that is a valid question. why hasn't he? >> joe biden might still be entering the race. if he does, you wonder if the bigger threat to president obama's legacy is if hillary clinton is the nominee, and if joe biden enters, if he enters too late it might be too late >> next month hillary has to testify in front of the benghazi committee and that would be brilliant for biden to wait, let it happen, he may miss the debate but that will be damaging. >> he has plenty of time it get his name on the ballot >> he will have delegates, the obama infrastructure, plenty of money, name recognition moving from one wing of the white house to the other. >> namely him. it takes his campaign money.
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andrea, what do you think about what happens in the inner working? you have done messaging on campaign. does a guy like joe biden just quitely court the president? does hillary clinton -- is it bill clinton who is doing it? what does it look like behind scenes? >> i think he is close with obama and knows he has his support. i don't think there is any love lost between the clinton's and obama. look at the administration. scandal after scandal. it is rogue and lawless. hillary clinton is not on outlier here. this is an administration-wide problem and that is why they are protecting her because they all knew about it. period, end of story. >> i think biden is waiting for her numbers to dip below 40. she is at 42% right now. >> biden hasn't decided -- >> i think hundred percent but i
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think he will get in when dipping below. he needs one more big news story to bring her down. >> he is better off not getting tht race. the longer he can wait the better. he want to see what happens with the benghazi hearings. >> a major push by players to keep a high school football coach. his crime? holding post-game prayers on the field. why his defenders insist he didn't do anything wrong and the outrage over his job being threatened. stay with us.
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welcome back to "outnumbered." faith under fire? a high school football coach and veteran of the marine core is under investigation in washington state. his crime? praying with his players.
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praying at the 50-yardline after games and has been doing it for years. he never asks the players to join him but they do it voluntarily. the coach has been warned he could lose this job. it is sparking a protest with the #keepcoachkennedy. >> i want to make a direct appe appe appeal to the people going after coach kennedy, all of the people going after the coach for playing on the sidelines, let me say you are morons. this is freedom of association, a first amendment right, and the kids are not being forced.
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>> considering the problems we have with players abusing their spouses and cheaters like the new england patriots, and you have a high school football coach in washington, beautiful bremerton, who is taking time after the game to express his prayers. >> i got invited to go see a game, friends have a teenager, i would have loved to see the parental outrage on the other language i heard coming from the coach's staff. it was nasty, honey! >> that is okay. >> my point is if you curse or whatever, because your team is loosing and these kids are 16 and under, why not have a coach praying when the game isn't going on? >> they were going to go after the player who runs the ball into the end zone for a touchdown and does the sign of the cross.
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>> where is the victim here? why does a man who is a united states marine, and thank you for your service, coach kennedy, how is -- how is this not hurting these kids? how is this not setting a great example for the community. he is thanking god if he wins or loses and for no one to get hurt. >> it is against christianity. if there was a muslim player bowing down the aclu would jump to dhis defense. you see the groups of players break off in the nfl and pray. >> that was a great point, andrea brought up. tebow was ridiculed for giving
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credit to his lord and savior. it was the most bizarre thing. >> and how many people are okay with saying it when you win a grammy? >> when you go to an nfl game and stand on the field you ought to hear the stuff coming out of their mouths. they are adults so they can say what they want. but the point is if you can curse like that why can't the man who has a pure mouth speak? >> once you play sports at a high level, this is fact, most top athletes are religious. they do support some of practing of religion. i don't think it is out of means for the coach to go to the 50 yardline and say a pray and expect the others to follow.
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>> it would be awesome if he was krishna and handing out flowers after the game. >> that would be wonderful! >> great to see you, hello! >> actress kim considers herself a parent and the debate on if you can be a mother without having kids. having kids. do you suffer from constipation or irregularity? trust dulcolax® for dependable relief. try free at dulcolax® tablets are comfort coated for gentle, overnight relief. hurry! try free at dulcolax®. designed for dependable relief. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, dulcolax®. designed for dependable relief. carpenters and piano tuners were just as simple?
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>> let's see what is coming up on "happening now." >> southern california is getting hit with flash flooding now in addition to all of the fires. also, new polling out from cbs and new york times. ben carson giving donald trump a run for his money and bad news for jeb bush and scott walker. and stocks up today in the
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united states despite the weakness in asia and chinese stocks down. there is a decision on interest rates this week and why watching your money. >> your mind on my money and my money on happening now. >> in a recent bbc radio
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punished or relegated to a special area of society because you chose not to have children.
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>> you can mother someone you didn't give birth or adopt. she has nieces and nephews. i have nieces and nephews. you can be in a child's life and mother them. you don't know why women don't have children. i decided i am younger, i haven't had them yet, but kim is older and maybe she could not have kids. i get peppered about why i don't have kids and women who get asked this, when are you getting married or having kids? maybe they just had a miscarriage. you don't know what is going on
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in people's lives. >> she said has much. she said for many women who have careers like her wait until their are in their 40s before deciding they have time and meeting the right person. >> i come to this with a completely different thing. i totally have kim's back on this. we were a foster family. my mom was a social worker. and no one could convince me those little children who came into the home even temporarily felt like mom was their mom. kim talked about helping her nephew trying to get in the military. god bless her for having that kind of heart and wanting to share it. not everybody is giving the blessing of carrying a child in
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the womb. it doesn't mean your ability to love stops. >> it takes a village and it would be a beautiful world. >> i don't agree with it takes a village. >> i believe everything said on the couch is fantastic and my hope for kim is the experience of providing good mentorship and great role model and aunt to those children makes her want to do it more. i am hoping the experience is so great she wants to do it full time. >> she is 59. >> doesn't look it. >> just because you give birth doesn't make you a mother. you see women who have given birth and have nannies. >> versus having kids 24-7. >> as a parent -- >> i disagree. >> i see women who have kids -- >> you don't know what it is like to be a parent until you. >> that is her personal experience and saying she is childless and --
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>> she said she knows what it is like to be a mother. she doesn't know until she had the constant 24/7 responsibility. >> brad, a lot of mothers don't know what it is like to be a mother but their nannies do. >> i don't think she has enough experience with kids that gives her the experience of a parent. >> those parents are nannies are worried about their kids. >> how do you know? >> i have friends that did it. there is guilt leaving your children to come to work. kim doesn't have the background saying i know what it is like to be a mother. it is like donald trump saying he went to military school and knows what it is like to be a soldier. >> that is her opinion. >> but we can disagree. >> that is true. >> this isn't my viewpoint but there are mothers who would agree with brad saying she hasn't had the experience of giving a baby by birth or adopting.
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>> that doesn't make her the love she has for the people in her life any less relevant. >> it doesn't make her a mother, though. >> maybe she will be a more positive force in these people's lives than their own mother. we need more mentorships and strong role models in our lives who love us unconditionally. >> foster parents, adopted parents, i don't like the judging and putting people in boxes because they didn't give birth. >> she spent time with niece and nephew -- >> you don't know how much time. that is the variable we are missing. >> i am guessing she doesn't go home and worry 24/7 and change her life and what she does because she is worried about the outcome of those lives which is what parents do. >> i think we have all met parents, as a news report, i cannot tell you how many scenes we walked up on from parents who
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were not wanting to raise theirs and did terrible thing. you cannot say across the board because they have a label they are going to wear -- >> not all parents are good. >> we have to wrap it up. "outnumbered" will be right back diabetes, steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead. it's the brand more doctorsose recommend
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>> oot is going to be g.ed >> the childbearing topic. fox and click on the ot
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tab. it will be good. i can feel it. >> the gloves are coming off. >> the fox news alert from california. the state fighting historic wildfires and now fascing flash flooding. >> what is next for the golden state? we'll cover all of the news happening now. >> this fire with 40 miles per hour and nothing would stop. it >> on the front line of a natural disaster that destroyed homes. can mother nature lend a hand to the thousands of fire fours who are battling the california wildfires. >> and the biggest threat is russia and 1980s are calling to ask for the foreign policy back. >> are those words


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