tv Hannity FOX News September 22, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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tomorrow night a television event. kim davis sits down with yours truly. what will she do if they arrest her again? set your dvrs, kim davis speaks right here tomorrow at 9:00. tonight -- >> anybody regardless of their religion or affiliation, if they embrace american values and they place the constitution at the top level, then i'm supportive of them. >> dr. benjamin carson clarifies his comments about a muslim being president. mark steyn is here tonight with reaction. >> the world is a more dangerous place. >> then carly fiorina unveils her foreign policy plans amid a surge in the polls. >> terrorism is not waning as a threat as our president tried to reassure us. >> newt gingrich will weigh in on the shrinking gop field.
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and a special report from the front lines of the refugee crisis. all of that plus frank luntz reveals which candidate is connecting best with you the voters. "hannity" starts right here right now. dr. ben carson continues to be attacked for his comments about a muslim being president while hillary clinton gets a pass for what she and her campaign did back in 2008. dr. carson clarified his remarks that caused such an uproar last night right here on this program. take a look. >> if someone has a muslim background and they're willing to reject those tenets and accept the way of life that we have and clearly will swear to place our constitution above their religion, then, of course, they will be considered infidels and heretics, but at least i
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would then be quite willing to support them. >> hillary clinton was quick to attack dr. carson for his original remark. she wrote on twitter, can a muslim be president of the united states of america? in a word, yes. now, let's move on. now, we've got to remind you, our viewers, that back in the 2008 campaign hillary clinton and her staffers, they were trying to raise questions about then-senator obama's faith. you may remember this. >> you don't believe that senator obama's a muslim? >> of course not. you know, there is no basis for that. i take him on the basis of what he says. and there isn't any reason to doubt that. >> you said you take senator obama at his word that he's not a muslim. you don't believe that he's a muslim. >> no. no, there is nothing to base that on. as far as i know. >> as far as i know. joining me for reaction, the author of a disgrace to the profession, mark steyn is with us. the media reported all these
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outlets reminded us that it was the clinton campaign that circulated an e-mail questioning obama's citizenship. barack obama's mother was living in kenya with his arab father. she was not allowed to travel at the time. so his mother took him to hawaii to register his birth according to the e-mail chain the clintons sent out. >> that's right. >> she's the original birther, if you will. >> yeah, that's a good way of putting it, sean. a lot of the sinister, exotic, foreigner stuff about obama was actually started by the clinton campaign. he to a certain extent has done his best to vindicate some of it. but the fact is this was an intrademocratic party dispute started by hillary clinton trying to paint barack obama as the exotic other. she started it, the original birther.
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>> and david ploth said at the time the most shameful fear mongering we've seen. they had to fire two iowa staffers for circulating the e-mail. so it's kind of funny ben carson says it, she's lecturing ben carson. is this the highlight of hypocrisy on your part? >> well, i think it's actually worse than that. ben carson was asked a theoretical question. muslims seem to be -- the muslim question seems to be the equivalent of the contraception question four years ago. nobody was talking about it. but suddenly we must all have a view on whether we can have a muslim president. there isn't actually a declared muslim candidate. but hillary is being particularly ridiculous because she specifically attacked a specific person for his faith and his background whereas ben carson is just entirely
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legitimately answering a hypothetical. there were plenty of reasons to look at the conflict between islam and free societies and discuss that hypothetical. i mean, hillary clinton is resting on the constitution. she says the constitution doesn't impose a religious test. no, but it imposes the constitution imposes a constitutional test. and for many observant muslims, the paramount of the constitution would be a significant problem if you were to become the chief executive. >> we can start with freedom of speech. >> right. >> those that are critical of islam or the prophet, the punishment could be death. we could look at the application of shariah in muslim countries today. i went through this with dr. carson last night. in other words, in saudi arabia women can't drive. they can't be seen in public without a male relative. there are other muslim countries where women need four male eyewitnesses for rape. if you leave the faith, you are
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viewed as an apostate, the penalty of which is death. >> right. >> i think it's legitimate and it is fair to say shariah, the application of islam in muslim countries, every one of them to some extent or another is the antithesis of what our constitution offers. so doesn't that make that argument more legitimate? >> yes, i think so. and what's ridiculous is that the same liberals who are saying, oh, wouldn't it be lovely to have a muslim president and make us even more delightfully diverse and multicultural are the same people who a few months back were demonstrating outside the beverly hills hotel which is owned by the sultan of brunei because they say he's a huge homophobe because the penalty for that in brunei is stoning to death. when his country was a british colony, it lived under english
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common law and since it ceased to be a colony, it's been getting less and less common law and more and more shariah. 70 years ago pakistan lived under common law, now under islamic law. 50 years ago nigeria lived under english common law now half of it's under shariah. so clearly the coming to power of observant devout muslims has driven a stake through the legal tradition and inheritance that these countries also have. >> that raises another question. the president, even though james clapper and our state department have told us the highest levels of our intelligence community have told us that isis and al qaeda will infiltrate the refugee population, they want to take as many as 200,000. i assume that number will go higher over time. i happen to be of the belief that if we risk taking one radical islamist into the country in the refugee
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population, that we've made a big mistake and put the entire country at risk. are the republicans going to fight back on that? >> well, i would certainly hope so. the fact is several republican candidates seem to think we should take these refugees and seem to think we have the capacity to check their bona fides. >> how do you do that? how do you determine if someone's a genuine refugee or someone is a terrorist who has been trained to lie to you and say that he's here for humanitarian reasons for a better life for his family? >> they won't. they won't because it will be a straight -- my lawyer told me that my application, they spent six minutes on it. i would think that if anything it's maybe down to three minutes by now. so i would imagine that most of these refugees, it will in effect be no more different than what's happening at the hungarian border where every so
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often a bunch scramble across the fence and you don't know who the hell they are. here you'll just be filling in the paper but it will be the same as scrambling over the fence. you have no clue who they are and where they came from. >> shariah and the constitution are at odds with each other. that's what the american people need to know as we continue this debate. more mark steyn coming up after the break. scott walker has suspended his campaign. what does that mean for the rest of the gop field? and carly fiorina rises in the polls after her strong ke bait performance. we'll get reaction from newt gingrich and have more on this refugee crisis. do you want migrants pouring out of the middle east into america? should we be taking them in? geraldo river a i go one on one on that issue. goals is to e them. then, let the principal help you get there. join us as we celebrate eddie's retirement, and start planning your own.
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm kelly wright, good evening. the fbi has recovered deleted e-mails from hillary clinton's private server. according to bloomberg news, the information came from a person familiar with the investigation. the fbi is trying to find out why classified information ended up on the private server during clinton's tenure as secretary of state. a large crowd welcoming pope francis as he arrives in the u.s. for first time ever. tomorrow the pontiff will address 15,000 people at the white house followed by a parade and an afternoon mass. later this week, he'll visit new york and philadelphia. president obama declaring a major disaster in one of the northern california fires that destroyed some 1200 homes. the fire in lake county also killed three people. the declaration frees up federal money for recovery and cleanup. i'm kelly wright. now back to "hannity."
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today i believe that i'm being called to lead by helping to clear the field in this race so that a positive conservative message can rise to the top of the field. with this in mind, i will suspend my campaign immediately. i encourage other republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same so that the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive conservative alternative to the current front-runner. >> that was wisconsin governor scott walker last night announcing he's suspending his presidential campaign. during the speech he urged more candidates to consider to do the same and he seemed to take a shot at donald trump. what happened to the pledge that everyone would support the winner? we continue with the author of a brand new book "disgrace to the profession" columnist mark
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steyn. no matter what people say, this pledge that will support the eventual nominee doesn't seem to apply to trump even though everyone pressured him to sign it. reaction. >> no. yeah, people have been quite openly dismissive of it including scott walker who's basically saying that maybe another t12, 13 guys should bai on this competition so the anti-trump figure will emerge and that will be the end of him. the fact is he's wrong. generally in the past few weeks there have been a handful of candidates near the top. unfortunately for scott walker they're not the ones he would have preferred. they're trump and ben carson and they're carly fiorina. just to go back to what we were talking about before the break, sean, scott walker was not a credible candidate on, for example, the issue of the migrants pouring out of the
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middle east. he said that was a hypothetical question and he wasn't ready to answer it. it wasn't a hypothetical. it's going on on our tv screens even as we speak. what that means is he's basically saying he's a performing seal who hasn't been yet given his poll tested answer by his consultants yet. that's why scott walker pulled out. the idea that somehow scott walker is going to lead a coalition of wise men who will unite the republican party against the joke candidate, his campaign failed in part because on serious issues like that and on immigration and other issues, he turned himself into a joke. >> let's talk about the democrats. let me read off some headlines about hillary just today. a charity watchdog group warning people not to donate to the clinton foundation. you have the talent agency in hollywood turned their back. george clooney is ready to support biden in the race.
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you've got unions now that have put off their endorsement of hillary waiting to see if biden gets in the race and kline has a new book coming out that raises serious issues about her health, that that might hurt her in her race. for the first time in new york her poll numbers are under water. on top of that the clinton camp is trying to warn joe biden about getting into the race. add the e-mail scandal to this, how does she get to the finish line at this point? >> yeah. basically hillary has defeated hillary. nobody else, nobody else can defeat hillary. hillary did this to herself. and if you're the president, it's not a difficult choice. do you want the democrat party to go over the cliff with hillary clinton or would you prefer to back another candidate such as joe biden who will be a more explicit third obama term and hasn't -- and doesn't come tainted with all the sleaze? the sinful dynamic of the
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democrat race has been that obama loathes the clintons and he's the only guy who's ever successfully driven a stake through the heart of the clinton machine four years -- eight years ago. and every indication is that hillary is such a weak candidate that he's ready to do it all over again. >> so look at the mark steyn crystal ball. who will be the republican nominee and who will be the democrat nominee if you had to pick today? >> going into iowa and new hampshire, lots more republicans are going to fall by the wayside. donald trump, ben carson and carly fiorina are not going to be one of them. the question is whether there's an establishment candidate, a senator or a governor -- i mean, all the governors left in the race are ancient history now like george pataki and jim g gilmore, but whether there is a figure to see off the trump,
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carson, fiorina thing. whatever you thing about lindsey graham -- you always roll your eyes when i mention him -- but he's sincere about his issue and he's going nowhere. the leading candidates like jeb bush don't seem to be able to project any compelling reason why they're running for president. that was scott walker's problem. if they want to knock out trump, they got to find an establishment guy who can be compelling, who can be passionate, who can be -- if you disagree with trump on birth right citizenship and the border war and all that other stuff, you got to be able to do with some passion and hammer him. otherwise right now he's going to win iowa and he's going to win new hampshire and after that all bets are off and they'll be the ones wishing they hadn't signed the pledge. >> all right. mark steyn. thank you for being with us. carly fiorina, can she keep this momentum going? newt gingrich weighs in on why the outsider candidates are connecting so well with you, the
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american people. frank luntz is here to explain which ads are resonates best among you the voters and which ones are falling flat. ♪ [music] defiance is in our bones. new citracal pearls. delicious berries and cream. soft, chewable, calcium plus vitamin d. only from citracal. ♪ nothing artificial. just real roasted turkey.
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carved thick. that's the right way to make a good turkey sandwich. the right way to eat it? is however you eat it. panera. food as it should be. i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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welcome back to "hannity." a little deep purple. following a strong performance at the gop debate carly fiorina saw a pretty big spike in the polls. she sought to capitalize on that at a community forum in charleston, south carolina. >> it's interesting to me that the obama administration has been roused to say something about syrian refugees and asylum and taking more of them and has said virtually nothing about the persecution or crucifixion or mass exodus of christians all across the middle east. we know that many of the people who come here are coming from
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terrorist-infested territories. we must ensure that we understand who is coming in and why and are they a threat to this country or not? but john kerry and president obama want to make a gesture, so they say 100,000 isn't this great? we don't have to deal with it. the next guy or gal will have to deal with it. >> and here with analysis, former speaker of the house, newt gingrich. an honor to have you back. welcome back, sir. >> great to be back with you. that was a pretty compelling speech by carly that you just had on right now. look at her specifics, look at her delivery, look at how she draws a sharp contrast with the administration. you can see why she's done well. >> i think she's performed very well in the debates. i can tell you having interviewed her, very meticulous in her preparation. she's informed. her background and experience is far more extensive than people really know. give me your general state of the gop field, where it stands
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and where you think this is going. >> well, i felt for a long time that you have to look at it in clusters. the top three people in the race are all nonoffice holders. you've got trump now followed pretty closely by fiorina followed by ben carson. i mean, it's amazing to me over half the republican voters are picking three people who have never held public office. it's almost like you show up and you say, hi, i'm a senator or i'm a governor and they check it off, okay, next. because it almost becomes a disadvantage to have held public office. and i think that reflects the degree to which the country's alienated from washington. the remarkable numbers we're seeing in the gallup poll, for example, that 75% of the country believes there's widespread corruption in government. that's breathtaking in terms of alienation. >> so then let's walk through this together. where does this end up? i mean, i saw you gave advice,
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for example, to donald trump to focus more on issues, less on personal attacks. is he still going to be the front-runner three months from now? any advice you'd give him to maintain that position? could either of the three be the nominee for the republicans? >> oh, i think any of the three could be the nominee. i mean, first of all, these are three really smart people. no one should underestimate how smart trump is. fiorina proves every time she gets a chance that she really is an extraordinarily intelligent person with great clarity and great decisiveness, remember, ben carson was the youngest head of the division at johns hopkins hospital in the history of the hospital. he did brilliant world class neurosurgery on siamese twins in his 30s leading a 70-person operating team for 22 hours. these three people are remarkable in their general
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ability to learn, their general ability to master things. very difficult but all three are remarkably smart. >> let's look outside of those three, you've got ted cruz and senator rubio and john kasich and jeb bush and where do you see them fitting into this? >> there's almost a contest right now between -- and cruz is kind of, by the way, the one guy who bridges both. he's in the senate but he's really not of the senate. i mean, he's worked extra hard to make sure that he's an outsider in the senate. so he's almost -- when i count votes, i count him as the fourth outsider rather than -- >> i agree, another insurgent candidate. >> we've seen good friends of ours, rick perry and scott walker drop out who are absolutely talented people. but this is not a year where that by itself is enough. so then you got a race between jeb, who has enormous assets
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still, between rubio who is extraordinarily talented and gets very good remarks in every debate and john kasich who i think is probably the most innovative governor in the country. those three guys really are in a contest over here for traditional candidate, if you will, somebody who has held office, operates within the traditional system, would manage it much better than obama but is not a radical. over here you have the four radicals. >> of all those, who do you see having the best chance at this moment the break through that other classic candidate? >> listen, if you had said to me a week ago we'd be talking with scott walker no longer in the race -- >> i would have been shocked. he was a great governor, i agree with you. let me ask you this question. republicans are going to battle over the funding of planned parenthood. there's a group of republicans that want to revisit the issue of the president's illegal unconstitutional executive order on immigration and some that
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even want to defund obamacare. why do i believe -- and even the refugee issue. why do i believe that on every one of those issues once president obama says i'll shut down the government, the republican leadership will cave. am i wrong? >> i think the republican leadership has no faith in their ability to win a public relations fight with barack obama. i think they believe that the news media is so biased that they can't get their message through and they'll just lose the fight. >> so we can expect another surrender. isn't that fueling the insurgency rise? >> absolutely. absolutely. i mean, i did notice that mitch mcconnell wrote an article in the cincinnati newspaper in which he said there was going to be a way to defund planned parenthood. i want to see how he gets it done. i think there's an enormous burden. mcconnell has a harder job than boehner because the senate is a much harder institution to manage.
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>> you've done this. you said no. and you stood strong. you paid a little price for it. your approval rating went down a little bit. but they've never done this. they didn't do it on obamacare, they didn't do it on immigration. now they're going to do it on planned parent hood. the base conservatives like myself say they tell us it's a difference in tactics. i don't support the tactic of continually surrendering to obama. >> look, i think this is a big problem. it absolutely is part of why traditional candidates have a hard time right now because the republican base is i think the angriest i've seen it since the goldwater period. you now have -- when i go out and talk to people who are major donors, they're just fed up. they're looking for candidates who ventilate in very aggressive language, people who traalk abo changing washington, not managing washington. a huge difference in those two. >> i have to ask you a question about the pope.
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you may not like it, but i ask it. the pope goes to cuba, he meets the murdering dictator with all the political protesters, the castro brothers. he comes to the united states and everything we hear he's going to lecture america on the failures of capitalism, he's going to try and encourage us to open our borders on immigration, open our borders for refugees from syria and iraq, which i think is a bad idea and he's going to talk about a nuclear ban. that is frustrating to me. what's your reaction as a catholic? >> first of all, you've been spoiled by pope john paul ii. >> that's correct. >> who was a great heroic figure who understood the modern world brilliantly and was intellectually decisive. second, i'm an optimist. i think that pope francis is, in fact, attracting people to the church, starting dialogues, doing things that are useful. in cuba, for example, he did exactly what john paul ii did and what benedict did. they have a very clear sense.
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if you can force a castro dictatorship to allow a mass on the size that they were having, the number of people who are reconnected to the church today in cuba is dramatically greater than it was two weeks ago. and i think it is a move in the direction of freedom. and i wrote a piece today for the "washington times" where i outlined the pope talked very clearly about religious liberty in cuba. i hope that the president and the supreme court and the congress will listen to the pope as closely when he talks about religious liberty which they have been coercing. i mean, we're drifting towards an anti-religious secularism imposed by the state, enforced by putting people in jail that i think is very dangerous. and i hope that that part of the pope's message will also come through. >> i suspect i'll have disagreements with him, but mr. speaker, thank you for being with us. >> good to be with you. >> frank luntz is here to reveal which campaign is putting out
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the best political ads that resonate with you and more on the crisis in the middle east. where migrants are coming over by the boat load. i go one on one with geraldo rivera, should america be taking these people in? my position is no. hey babe, last one home cooks? ♪ ♪ ♪ another tie. order in? next time i drive. the right-sized nissan rogue. ♪
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we offer our best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. ♪ hi, welcome back to "hannity." the road to 2016 is in full swing. as we saw with scott walker exiting the race, some candidates's messages are resonating more with you the voters. frank luntz is here to explain results. good to see you. >> already this series of ads are out. and it is significant that we've had some really good ads that have impacted republican primary voters, but some of them have been awful. and they just really haven't resonated. >> let's look at marco rubio. if he's president, our enemies
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will not test us. let's see how this did. >> the first thing that will change if i'm president is we're not going to have a foreign policy designed to make us popular in the world. we'll have a foreign policy designed to protect our people and make sure we're respected and our interests are respected in the world. we'll rebuild our military and we'll have for now and the foreseeable future the strongest military on this planet and no one will dare test it. we'll have a foreign policy of moral clarity that is clear whose side we're on. we're on the side of freedom and democracy and those who are willing to fight for their own freedom and democracy and liberty. and number three, we're going to have a foreign policy that makes it very clear that we are good to our allies. they can rely on us. and our enemies and adversaries will not dare test us because they know that if they do, they will not prevail. >> the longer he spoke, it kept going up and up and up. that's not always the case. >> no. and sean, this is an issue that people don't realize. republican primary voters prioritize national security
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even above economic security. foreign policy matters more to them than jobs and the economy. and marco rubio is one of the reasons why in the most recent polling he's now into double digits that he's the one candidate that's talking about what needs to happen to restore american security. >> there's another candidate that says we need to be tougher with isis and islamic terrorists that scored very well as well and that's senator ted cruz. let's look at that. >> we will not defeat radical terrorists so long as we have a president unwilling to utter the words "radical islamic terrorism." what we need is a commander in chief who makes clear, if you join isis, if you wage jihad on america, then you are signing your death warrant. i introduced the expatriate terrorist act in the senate that said if any american travels to the middle east and joins isis, that he or she forfeits their citizenship so they don't use a passport to come back and wage jihad on americans.
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>> almost the exact same phenomenon. that is not normally the case. >> you're right. these are two of the best ads of the campaign season so far. notice the different approach. that ted cruz is using a very direct -- he's using one of the most powerful sound bites yet spoken in this presidential campaign. marco rubio's more thoughtful and more philosophical, ted cruz is more passionate and in some ways more powerful, but they both get to the same point. my advice to republican presidential candidates, you better have a national security strategy and you better start talking about it now. >> well said. let's look on the other side of this. american crossroads has an ad out against hillary that goes after her and the e-mail server scandal. let's watch this. >> i did not send classified material and i did not receive any material that was marked or designated classified. so that's all i can say.
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>> did you pipe the server? >> i have no idea. that's why we turned it over. >> did you wipe the server? >> like with a cloth or something? >> no. >> i don't know. i don't know how it works digitally at all. i have no idea. >> you mean like with a cloth? that did not go over well. i would assume we're going to see a lot of that. >> you're going to keep seeing hillary's words -- secretary of state clinton's words used against her again and again. one of the things that we found in our testing, the more she talks the more agitated people become simply because she don't believe she's telling the truth. so crack a joke, wipe it with a cloth? that was ed henry questioning her. that by the way, of course, the reporter at fox news, that's questioning at its best. very smart to use her own words against her. the public doesn't believe it any more. >> ben carson, very soft spoken, he might be described as the
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anti-trump in the sense of his demeanor, personality, soft spoken, but he explains why he's running for president. let's roll this one. >> our children, their future, nothing is more important. i'm ben carson. people ask why run for president? because our children face a very harsh future. unsustainable debt, future generations will suffer. at $10 million a day for 5,000 year, it still won't be repaid. washington is broken. the political class broke it. please join me, for their sake. i'm ben carson, and i approve this message. >> interesting, his tone and demeanor, while different, is still very acceptable to that group. >> and more than acceptable. it's embraced. >> that's a better word. embraced is a better word. >> and -- but he goes into something that again i urge republican candidates to pay attention to. 55% of americans believe that their children are going to have a worse quality of life than
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them. sean, it's never been a majority in the last 50 years, but it is today. that feel that life is simply going to -- that their kids are going to suffer. and ben carson is focused on that in this campaign and it's one of the reasons why he's doing so well. >> we'll have frank back with jeb and trump and carly in the next round. appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up, we'll go to greece for an update on the refugee crisis. what happens to the migrants once they arrive in that country? plus should we be taking these migrants into america even though our intelligence agencies are warning us that in fact isis and al qaeda will infiltrate the refugee community? geraldo and i go one on one next. ♪music we don't just certify our pre-owned vehicles. we inspect, analyze and recondition each one, until it's nothing short of a genuine certified pre-owned mercedes-benz for the next new owner.
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welcome back to "hannity." the staggering refugee crisis continues. benjamin hall is following a group of migrants as they arrive on the shores of greece. what's it like on the ground? >> sean, the island we're now at becomes a symbol for the plight of refugees fleeing middle eastern conflict. this is the klose point between turkey and europe and the one land they so desperately want to reach. it may be the closest but it is also the most dangerous. waters around this island have
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become a graveyard. 80 have died. that doesn't stop them from coming. they brave the choppy seas. we watched as boat after boat arrived at the shoreline fleeing the horrors behind them. the gas attacks and barrel bombs of assad and the beheadings of isis. ahead of them, though, lies a continent which is struggling to cope and which in some cases doesn't want them. this tragic journey is only possible due to a massive underground railroad and human traffickers charge $1500 for the one-hour journey giving the desperate refugees a life jacket, putting them in a boat with a small motor and simply pointing them across the six-mile sea and letting them steer for themselves. even here when they arrive their journey is just beginning. once on the island the thousands sleep rough, before being fingerprinted and i.d.s checked and they're given permission to leave. then they're pushed from country to country until one will take them. that process is about to change
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with european ministers voting to set up a quota system that would redistribute refugees around the continent. many middle eastern countries are unhappy with this arrangement. the u.s. may start to do more about this. secretary of state john kerry just announcing that the u.s. will raise its number from 70,000 immigrants to 85,000 this year and in 2017 it will take 100,000. sean, all this ignores the fact that until the conflict in syria is dealt with, the mass exodus of people, the largest since the second world war will continue to keep coming. and that is the problem. sean. >> benjamin, thank you. joining us with reaction, geraldo rivera. you commented accurately so during benjamin's report, we keep seeing in the media women and children, but the most are men. >> that haunting picture of the child dead on the turkish beach is what generated compassion and
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concern. but the vast majority and i think the statistics bear it out of people fleeing, look at the lifeboat, the vast majority of the people on that boat are young men. if they're shiite. >> the u.s. director of national intelligence, the state department spokesman john kirby and others have all said the same thing. isis and al qaeda will infiltrate the community. we'll take in now upwards of close to 200,000. it's probably just the beginning of a number of people coming from an area we cannot ascertain what their intentions are for this country when they get here. to me, to risk taking in one isis fighter is too great a risk. >> let me give you a quick alternative, then i'll address mr. clapper who i think is spot-on.
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why why not have russia and the united states work jointly to establish a safe zone within syria? this is a zone where we have sufficient military prowess, where we can keep people relatively safe. not in jordan, not in lebanon. >> keep them where they are. >> in syria. let all the aid come to them. we protect them against isis and against islamic terrorists. >> putin and netanyahu met with putin this week. that would be a perfect coalition. >> that's absolutely the way to do it. now, to the importation of the misery to the united states. i think it is a curious exchange of misery, what the president proposes. even as he's now suggesting almost a quarter of a million immigrants coming from syria, we are expelling from this country millions of undocumented law abiding mexicans who have been law-abiding mexicans who have been here for decades. >> we're not doing that, but
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okay. >> in 2008 they were in the meat packing plant in iowa, where mexicans have been working for decades they got deported in 2008. who took their place? we imported tens of thousands of refugees from somalia, they took the jobs of the mexicans in iowa. what happened? 40 of the somali refugees went back to fight for al-shabab. you import a young man from the war zones and you're almost guaranteeing a small percentage will turn bad. this is the way. why not this safe zone? >> it would be cheaper. >> i never thought i'd say these words, geraldo, you're 1,000% correct. we can get putin, we can get
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here is tonight's question from estonia. >> sean, i'm a big fan of yours. i was wondering have you ever thought about running for president? perhaps in the future? thank you. >> thank you very much. we appreciate it. i have not given much thought to running for political office, i'd like to at least facilitate. i do all spokes of the wheel. i do radio and tv every day to get a good strong solid conservative solution. my hope is that altogether we can get this country on the right track. running for president, i don't think my own family would vote for me. but thank you for the vote of confidence. if you have a question, use #asksean and we might put your
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face on tv. and you'll be a big part. that is it for tonight. we take attendance and we'll see you tomorrow night. good night. the loirl factor is o'reilly factor son tonight. >> i think the pope is wrong. ininfallability is on religious matters not the religious ones. >> what is the truth behind the political opinions of pope francis? are they anti-capitalist? is he a liberal man? talking points will address it tonight. >> reagan raised taxes, okay? reagan actually had an amnesty program for illegal immigrants. neither of those things would allow reagan to be nominated today. >> the very liberal stephen colbert using ronald reagan to interrogate senator ted cruz. we will show you what happened. >> do you think will ferrell knows
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