tv The Kelly File FOX News September 25, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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>> house speaker boehner calls it quits. announcing his retirement effective the end of october. serious questions about the upcoming budget battle. on the very same day, the conservatives gather in washington to hear from a number of presidential contenders. speaker boehner shocked announceme announcement, some of them thrilled that mr. boehner is stepping aside.
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we hear from dr. ben carson, senator rubio. first, to the fallout from the boehner decision. from what we understand, only a couple of people knew about his plans before the announcement. it followed an emotional 24 hours during which the ohio republican welcomed pope francis to the capitol in which was arguably a highlight to his entire career. >> this morning, i woke up and i said my prayers as i always do. and i decided, you know, today is the day i'm going to do this. as simple as that. that's the code i've always lived by. if you do the right thing for the right reasons, the right things will happen. and i know why good things happen to this house and this country. and i'm proud of what we've accomplished, especially proud of my people. >> our fox news digital politics editor.
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amazing that he managed to shock washington. were you shocked? >> i was shocked about the timing. i knew that there had been a lan that team boehner had been discussing for some time and it was in the nuclear options space. well, if everything goes south and we can't figure out a way to get over the fiscal cliff that's coming in five days, well, maybe he would just jump out of the plane. well, everybody said he wouldn't do that. and after talking to people very close to him was maybe leaning in that drexz. and, as he said today, he woke up today and he said he decided that, as we would say in west virginia, he caught a case of the blankets. we don't say blank in west virginia. but he caught a case of them. and he jumped out and said i'm done. you all can enjoy a good time having a terrible civil war. >> right. im'm out as speaker. so we're going to show the audience in a minute, but this was celebrated, in particular,
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by ted cruz, today down in washington at this summit. and you have many sort of, you know, core conservatives who are aligned ideologically with cruz saying this is great. they feel like we won. we got the hand of a establishment republican. it's a dawn of a new day. so that's the case? you agree with that? >> oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. it was a huge victory for ted cruz in particular. this was his day. he did his thing. he became the de facto leader of the 35 or 40 members of the house of representatives who had been most after boehner. today was ted cruz's giant victory. he is in a fantastic position to be the last guy standing on the right fighting for the republican president shl nomination. he's made so many good moves. today, he rubbed it in.
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he rubb ebed salt in the wound. contrast that with what ben carson did. >>. >> this group of conservatives, why do they hate john boehner so much? >> a part of it is people promised impossible things. as we learned with president obama. people said that if only we would have done this, we would have funded obamacare, we wouldn't have planned parenthood
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and all happiness would reign across the land. >> so what happens now? is he replaced with somebody like kevin mccarthy who is just like john boehner? or is is there any chance that that conservative wing will get somebody they like better? >> what it will depend on is who does mccarthy populate his leadership team with. he is basically, this is sad to say, but he basically gets to choose who his hostage takers are. and if he chooses the right squad, he might get through this successfully. but here's a prediction. the conservatives who were sharing john boehner's aster
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today, will probably be even less happy with what happens in the future. >> well, doom and gloom at the end of that hit. thank you for that. >> but in a cheerful way. cheerfully rendered. >> as always, it's a pleasure. >> as always, you bet. >> well, we mentioned a moment ago, most of the front runners from the gop presidential field were speaking to the tenth annual in washington, d.c. joining us now is tony perkins, the group that hosts this summit. tony, great to see you. >> good evening, megyn. >> what was your thought today on the winners and the losers? who, over all, won over best. >> well, i think ted cruz did well. marc marco rubio did well. in fact, donald trump came and got a very warm reception here. >> so there were no losers? >> i don't think you lose -- no,
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not really. there's so many candidates in the race. this is one way. they're very receptive. now, donald trump did get a boo when he took a shot at marc marco rubio. it was a very warm reception that he got. and this is not necessarily his credit. i give him credit for coming here and talking to him. >> explain why if you're talking to a group of social conservatives, it's not all, you know, cruz, carson, huckabee. why would these voters listen to anybody other than those poor guys who stand up for what they believe in? >> well, i think you look at the social conservative voters. they're much more complex than people care for. they care about the economy. in fact, we began this morning with senator john mccain. he's clearly not a favorite from this group. but they respect his stand on national security. they respect his stand for what
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he's been doing for religious freedom and the he reception. >> how big is it? how big is this? how important is this in the gop election? >> well, the reason you saw most of them here today is because 50% of primary vote comes from social conservative voters. >> is it that much? 50%? >> yes. when you look akroz tcross the country, it's even higher in some places. when you look at the general election, it's still about a third of the vote. >> why then -- why -- you know, e we're going to talk to rand paul a little bit later. why is carly fiorina showing up? you think she'd want to speak to this group. >> yeah, this would be a very good group for her. i was told she would have a conflict and there's confusion in the campaign. it was a missed opportunity for her. it's clearly very well-received here.
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it's been a very interesting day in watching the interaction of the voters. one of our largest gatherings to date. what you were talking about earlier, the biggest applause line today was when marco rubio announced that john boehner was resigning. >> why, what's your take on that? >> well, i think it's not an issue. i mean, john boehner is a nice guy. but why do you see donald trump and carly and olders doing so well, it's not that people respect the republicans to win every battle they fight. they're tired of them running the battle and waiting a life's line. they want them to fight for something they believe in. they're not willing to fight and people are tired of that. >> what would you say is the biggest issue that resonated
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with the voters. to live out your believes is a major issue in social conservative voters. >> is that why we didn't see chris christie there? >> we've opened the door and would love to have them all here. they would have a hard time talking to some of those voters. they were all treated very, very well. >> well, dr. ben carson getting
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and this was written by my mother with my name -- it was a long time ago -- with my name, with my address, with everything, in case i lost it, somebody would return it. in the old days, if you lost something, they returned it. today, a little bit less so. we're going to have a very interesting period of time. and maybe it starts today because speaker boehner, some people like him on a personal basis. i don't understand. they get elected, they're full of vim and vigor. they're going to change things, they're going to get rid of obamacare. they're going to do all of these wonderful things. they come down to these magnificent, vaulted ceilings and what happens? they become different people. what happened with this clown marco rubio. i've been so nice to him. but he's in favor of immigration, and he has been. he has been.
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we have a president that is extremely bad for everything that the folks in this room stand forment i mean, extremely bad. freedom of religion is so important. that contract, that agreement, has to be changed. we have no choice. if it isn't, you're going to have nuclear proliferation. you're going to have potentially the destruction of israel. we're giving them $150 billion. right. one of them is over there because he's a christian.
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he's over in jail because he's a christian. >> i always say i will be the greatest jobs president that ever was. cnn did a poll. and i come out so high on that, much, much higher. not even close. one week, people said they're not so sure i'm a nice person. i am. i am. i'm a giving person. i believe in god. i believe in the bible. i'm a christian. you know, i have a lot of reasons. i love people. at number 289, substantially ahead of everybody else. you know why? that's the reason. i love christmas. i love christmas.
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you duogo to stores now, you do see the word christmas. it says happy holidays. all over. i say where's christmas? i tell my wife, don't go to those stores. i want to see christmas. remember the expression merry christmas? you don't see it anymore. you're going to see it if i get elected. i'm going to tell you now. this is the key. thank you, all. thank you very much. thank you. thank you very much, everybody. ♪ no, we ain't gonna take it >> a little quiet riot there. his love of country, and a chance to set the record straight about some of his more controversial comments. >> i love enthusiastic crowds, you know. it makes up for my low energy.
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>> i really get irritated when people complain about america. if we are so bad why is everybody trying to get in here and nobody is trying to escape. you know? that's craziness. anybody is welcome to come to america, as far as i'm concerned. as long as they meet all of our criteria. but they don't get to change who we are. that is a very important concept. i deeply believe in compassion and being kind to other people. we're in a very good position in america to be kind to other people. i went back and forth with one commentator. but you said that somebody who was of the islamic faith and a muslim could not be president of
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the united states. i said will you go back and read the whole transcript? i said anybody from any faith from any belief system who comes to america becomes an american citizen, embraces our american values and principles and is willing to subjugate their believes, i have no problem with. we have some serious problems in this country. our fiscal irresponsibility is ruining the future for those who come behind us. as a paid yaediatric neurosurge cannot sit by and watch them ruin our future. if they continue to vote to
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increase our debt and to raise our debt ceiling and raise the amount of money that we're going to spend at the expense of those coming behind us, you need to find out who they are and you need to throw them out of office. that is absolutely imperative. >> one nation. unity. let's stop letting the purveyors of division divide us up. it was thomas jefferson who said the american people, they will become less vinl lent. they would stop paying attention. and, as a result, the government would grow and grow and infiltrate every aspect of our lives and it will begin to control and dominate the people. he said just before we turn into something else, the people would wake up and they would once again take control. i say now is the time to wake up and take control.
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thank you. >> twisted sister. not quiet riot as my staff and about 2 million people have told me on twitter. got it. copy and rog. one of today's most rocket speeches came from texas senator ted cruz who fired up this crowd. we'll show you what they like best. >> i want to come to you this morning with a word of hope, encouragement and exhortation. all across this country, the american people are waking up. i'll tell you today. help is on the way.
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surprise resignation to his to-do list when he says he becomes president. well, hitting home, his key message of religious liberty. take a listen to senator cruz. >> you want to know how much each of you terrify washington? yesterday, john boehner was speaker of the house. you all come to town, and somehow, that changes. my only request is can you come more often. if i am elected president, let me tell you what i intend to do on the first day in office. the first thing i intend to do is rescind every single illegal and unconstitutional executive
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action the president tells us he's got a phone and he's got a pen. well, you live by the pen and you die by the pen. and my pen has got an eraser. the second thing i intend to do on my first day in office is instruct the department of justice to open an investigation into planned parenthood and these horrible videos. the third thing i intend to do on the first day in office is instruct the department of justice and the irs and every other federal agency that the
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persecution of religious liberty ends today. the fourth thing i intend to do in office is rip to shreds this catastrophic iran yan nuclear deal. we will rebuild our militariment we will honor the commitments made to our soldiers and sailors and airmen and marines. and we will protect our servicemen and women's constitutional right to keep and bear arms to defend themselves. we have a simple task before
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us. if conservatives unite, we win. so i'm here to ask each and every one of you, standment stand in your face. stand with your principles. come together. how do we turn this country around? just like in 1980. we rise up as we, the people. and we say we will defend this last, best hope for mankind. this shining city on a hill that keeps the united states of america. thank you and god bless you. >> and that, ladies and gentlemen, is what they call bringing down the house. rise up, they did, repeatedly with several standing os for senator cruz.
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up next, two more candidate that is brought the crowds to their feet with messages of hope and pride. governor huckabee and how the american dream has changed his life. and florida senator marco rubio on why he owes so much to america. >> everything that i've accomplished, everything i will ever accomplish, i owe to god. to my parents' sacrifices. and to the united states of america.
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it's basically a series of concessions to the united states. america realizes how bad the deal is. they're opposing by an overwh m overwhelmingly 2-to-1 margin. and the issues like this are so generational that people cannot help but ask how can it be? how can it be that we sent a republican majority to congress. and, yet, they're still not able to stop our country from sliding in the wrong direction. and we'll see how things progress. just a few minutes ago, speaker boehner announced that he will be resigning. >> i'm not here today to bash anyone. but the time has come to turn the page. the time has come to turn the page and allow a new generation
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of leadership in this country. and that extends to the white house and the presidency, as well. and that's why after just 4 1/2 years in the senate, i decided that i would run for president. because i realize that none of the problems i got elected to solve are going to be solved if we keep promoeting the same people to higher and higher ranks in our government. here's the simple truth. to set a new precedent, we need a new president. most of all, what we need is a president who, on the first day in office will put the left hand on the bible and the right hand in the air and promise to uphold the entire constitution, including the right of religious liberties.
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to uphold the entire constitution including the right to god given and inalienable right to life. for many of us, for me, for most of you born in this country, it's sometimes easy, sometimes easy to forget how special america is because this is all we've ever known. but i have one more blessing. i was raised by people who knew how special america was. because they knew what it was like to lose a country.
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i'm just a generation away from a different life. everything i've accomplished, everything i will ever accomplish, i owe to god, to my parents' sacrifices and to the united states of america. >> wow. former governor mike huckabee portraying himself as an outsider and a champion of the working class, fighting to preserve the american dream for the next generation. >> i've been blessed to live in this country. i'm grateful to god that i was born by his grace in the united states of america. and this country has been awfully good to me. i grew up dirt poor and my dad never finished high school, his dad didn't and his dad before him didn't.
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i'm the first male ever to do that, much less going to college. i lived the american dream. i didn't just read about it. but i also know this, unless we make some changes, i'll be walking my grandson through the charred remains of america. most americans in this country have been punched in the gut by the economic policies that have happened because it's all about making sure that those in the washington to wall street axis of power get their cut whether you get one or not. i say it's time to quit taking a punch in the gut and give america a kick in the butt. that's what we need to keep doing now. [ applause ] >> i've never had a washington, d.c. address. ever. in my life.
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never lived here. i've never had a paycheck from this town. people say we want an outsider. well, you can have one. i've nevada lived here, i've never worked here. i've never had a paycheck here. but i do understand that simply making a speech is not leadership. unless you bring it to the point where it gettings sign pd and implemented, it's nothing but talk. leadership means you get the job done. we must begin to get the job done. i've heard enough speeches in america. i want real leadership to change network. >> fiery day down in washington. you just heard five of the gop front runners.
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which of these messages worked best. and which may have fallen short. what he says was one of the most significant moments of the entire event next. think your heartburn pill works fast? take the zantac it challenge! zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. when heartburn strikes, take zantac for faster relief than nexium or your money back. take the zantac it challenge.
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my parents. but i, nonetheless, think that i come from extraordinary privilege. i'm a citizen of the single greatest nation in all of history. [ applause ] >> that was senator marco rubio today. the senator getting a lot of praise for his performancement what did he and the other candidates do right and wrong? so wo is the winner if there was a winner today? >> you just saw it right there. marco rubio. i put out a tweet as this was going on because i saw the tript where i said that marco rubio was booed. having now seen the video, they were not booing marco rubio. they were booing donald trump. one of the most important findings is that you can go too far. that you can attack too much. >> he just joined us. we showed this earlier, but there was one moment today where
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mr. trump got booed. here it is. >> you have this clown, mar marco rubio. i've been so nice to himment i've been so nice. >> go ahe. >> you don't call someone who's a united states senator, a successful speaker of the hougs of florida and someone who's a living, breathing embodiment of the american dream, you don't call him a clown. call me a clown. the audience there resented it. this is christian values sum my. that is not part of christian values to go and insult someone for how they look, how they speak, anything in that personal nature. >> that works for trump in other circles. that wasn't the right audience for him. >> when he talks about the frustration with washington, he's scrolling points. in his speech, he talked about the failures of the republican leadership. when you insult someone personally, that's not part of the judao christian ethic.
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>> politicians never talk about polls. let somebody else do it. let pundits do it. they're expecting you to have answers about substance, not about politics. he's getting more preacher-like with every appearance. it's the idea of engaging them in the change in leadership against washington. >> some thought that was ungracious. just walk away. you know, don't gloat. >> a republican primary voter is frustrated with washington and the leadership there. ted cruz hits it perfectly. it's the reason why he's a first-term senator and has done so well nationwide.
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>> totally different manner in ben carson. that's what donald truch has to figure out. how to be self dep ri kating. i'm convinced he doesn't know how to spell it let alone what it means. >> he went to the wharton business school. he's smart. what about mike huckabee? >> i would say it's time to give this government a kick in the butt. that's what we need to do in america right now. i've never seen mike huckabee so angry, so compassionate. to want, he dem strated he's
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bad. >> he's living up to the nickname i gave him that one time on air. >> if it's after 9:30, you're -- if it's in the second half of the show, you're okay. >> confirmed reports that could damage even further the hillary clinton campaign that's already under fire for is e-mail controversy. senator rand paul is here on the breaking news over hillary clinton, the valued voter summit and his future in this race.
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reporting today that the obama administration found a chain of work-related e-mails between hillary clinton and the now-retired general petreus. the new find raises questions about the claim clinton made back in march that she has surrendered all e-mails that could possible lid be work-related. the state department now says it has another 900 libya-related e-mails. thought they had already been turned over? and the committee said they believe these should have been turned over long ago. joining me now, kentucky senator and republican president shl candidate, rand paul. >> senator paul, good to see you tonight. so, as it turned out, amazingly, all the e-mails have not been handed over, apparently.
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>> wow, here's my question for you. do people care? when you have clinton supporters on, they say no one but the republicans cares about this. >> i think you will matly, it goes to wisdom, judgment. you want a commander in chief who, at the very least, will protect our secrets and not put them out there on display. i think this combined with benghazi. it wasn't the spin afterwards. to me, it was the nine months where they pleaded for security in advance. it shows somebody who really, for the 3:00 a.m. moment, wasn't there. the phone was ringing and she didn't pick it up. i think all of this adds together and it is going to give her serious problems. i think you're going to see a real race on the democrat side. and i think that's going to be
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the big surprise of 2016. not only will it be a competitive republican primary, there's going to be a competitive democratic primary, as well. ds. we're out there trying to campaign. campaigns not all in washington. campaign is getting out into the country side. in new hampshire, they expect you to come here and they expect you to meet people. that's what i'm trying to do. >> people are already talking about whether you're going to get out of this race because your poll numbers are not great.
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governor walker said this week he bailed because others need to seriously consider getting out so that the sort of establishment can mount a real challenge to the front runner. your thoughts on whether you're getting out? >> i'm for all the others getting out. we have a thousand students alone akbrgreeing to caucus for. i'm the only one saying i'm snoot going to let the government kwlekt all of your phone records. we're in it to win it.
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♪ girls rock your boys >> yeah, brings you back. perso fan. tonight on "red eye," the pope is a progressive when it comes to rock. hear the first track off his new album next and john boehner announces his resignation singing zippity, do-da. and cnn announces the first democratic debate will be in virtual reality. finally a way to humanize hillary. our pam provides love and laughter, but first, a news break. >> live from america's news headquarters. it is on to the city of brotherly love. after a highly celebrated tour of new york city, the pontif
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