tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News September 28, 2015 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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burger king, bringing its black bun burger back to america. fastfood giant introduced it in japan last years, instant success. american investigation as a-1 think and hearty sauce in the bun. is that a good idea? i'm not sure. let's head over to shep. >> ey know that president obama and the russian leader putin each spoke at the u.n. today. now it's time for them to talk to each other, a one-on-one meeting set for this afternoon and considering how much tension we have seen between washington and moscow, it should be an interesting one. ahead, why it mate be up to president obama to set the agenda here. plus, if you work at the drug enforcement also argues --ed a consideration you can get away with anything. party with prostitutes? sure. like handing out some drugs? you can do that. not an issue. so what exactly does it take for someone to get fired from the dea? kennedy will be here.
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let's get to it. >> good monday afternoon from the deck. theout is willing to work with any nation, even iran and russia, to take out isis and bring peace to syria. that the word from president obama at the united nations general assembly, response to a surprise weekend announcement that caught american officials offguard. russia and iran are teaming up with iraq to share intelligence on the islamic state, and those nations left the u.s. out of the loop. but president obama said any deal to fight isis must also get rid of syria's dictator, bashar al-assad. iran and russia are huge backers of the syrian dictator, even though he killed innocent men, women and children, sometimes with poisonous gas. according to the pentagon russia increased its support for assad, sending in all sorts of military equipment to boost his brutal regime. president obama says he rejects the mindset of russia's
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president putin that stomping out isis makes it okay to support a tie tie rapt like assad. >> when a dictator slaughters tens of thousands of his open people, that is not just a matter of one nation's internal affairs. it breeds human suffering on an order of magnitude that affects us all. >> in an address right after president obama, vladimir putin said it would be a huge mistake not to support assad. >> translator: no one but president assad's forces and current militia are truly fighting the islamic state and a terrorist organizations in syria. i must note that such an honest and frank approach of russia has been used as a pretext to accuse it of its growing ambitions, as if those who say have no ambition. >> a not at all subtle dig at the united states and europe. it's other sure to add tension
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for the meeting between president obama and president putin. the white house calls it's business-lick relationship. she what okay call it today. eric shawn at the u.n. eric? >> that meeting much anticipated, set to kick off 5:00 5 this afternoon at both leader goes eyeball to eyeball after the dueling appearances here's. vladimir putin is clear saying that any fight against isis must be a broad coalition, and that would include assad. he was also critical of the united states for arming the rebels against assad, in an early interview he said that was illegal. he didn't go that far in his speech here, just criticizing it, and said that the -- is the center of world dominance and was critical of that. president obama was blueprint and -- blunt and direct criticizing russia's aggression that violatian's sovereignty, and as for dealing with terrorism he said the u.s. work with russia on that but if it
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includeds tyrants like assad who bombed his own people. after the speech there was the annual secretary general's lunch. both presidents sat side by side with secretary ki-moon sitting between them. that is one of the roles of the secretary general. as for the lunch think had choices of smoked trout and for dessert. chocolate covered strawbers, more like a romantic dinner. >> short ribs were also an option. i would have gone with that. not that anyone cares. iran's president spoke today. what did he say. >> he tried to reach out to the world. rouhani is the president of what the state department considers the largest backer of terrorism. he called the recently completed nuclear agreement a, quote, brilliant victory, but outside they weren't buying it. demonstrators from the national council of resistance of
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demanding that the u.n. have a mechanism to make sure that billions of dollars in money that will flow to tehran because of that agreement, not be used to fund terrorism. rouhani, they said, is not even deserve to be on the u.n. stage. >> hopefully it will show that we are against the president of iran and we're not in any way supporting him, and it will show that the united states should also support our organization instead of supporting terrorist organizations like the regime of iran. >> reporter: as rouhani spoke, u.s. diplomats left the general assembly chamber. if this was a bar, that's like getting get punch in the face. >> let's turn to william taylor now, former u.s. ambassador to ukraine and the coordinate for of u.s. assistance to former soviet union and eastern europe and now the executive vice-president at the u.s. institute of peace, an independent nonpardon partisan institute working to manage
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international conflict without violence. russia getting together with iraq to fight in syria against isis. you're take on -- your take on this. >> my take is president putin is looking for a way to change the subject. as you mentioned earlier on, the real issue for president putin is how to get out of the sanctions that he has incurred on himself for invading ukraine. so, one of the reasons, one of the motivations for him taking this action in syria, is to try to change that subject. president obama is not going to let him do that. this coalition with the information sharing, intelligence sharing, with the iranians and iraqis, is an element of that attempt to change the subject. >> and that is the reason in theory that the president putin asked for this face-to-face with president obama? >> i think president putin realizes that as long as the
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international community, including president obama, and the europeans, continue to hold russia responsible for shooting down civilian airliner, for invading ukraine in the southeast portion, for annexing a part of a sovereign neighbor, that is, crimea, part of ukraine, as long as the international community holds him responsible, he will not be able to recover economically. russia will not be able to recover because the sanctions are hammering him, as well as low oil prices. so he needs to change the subject and one way to do that is to pick up in syria. >> i hear people at least acting like they're concern that russia might have some success in syria and might be one to fill a vacuum there should one come. is that a worthwhile worry or not so much? >> we have worked with the united states has worked with the russians on other topics, like the iran nuclear deal.
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so, it is not out of the realm of possibility to do some business if the russians have something to gain. and something to give, some reason to cooperate. if the russians and the americans and the international coalition that we have put together, that the united states put together, to fight isil, then we should take advantage of that. mr. putin would like to do that using m-assad, bashar al-assad, and that's the bad reason. that will make it worse rather than better. >> we're watching. should be interesting this afternoon. i don't know if we'll find out what happens in the meeting. i'm confident there will two different versions, one from the kremlin and one from the house. thank you. the u.s. and other countries have failed to stop thousands of foreign fighterred from traveling to syria to join the islamic state and other grouches. that's according to the reporting of "the new york times" this morning. it reports u.s. intelligence analysts have been preparing a
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confidential review showing nearly 30,000 recruits have traveled to syria from 2011. that's double the number of officials estimated a year ago. the "new york times" reports those recruits including 250 americans up from 100 last year. the taliban have overtaken a key city in northern afghanistan, and freed hundreds of terrorists from the local prison. that is according to afghan officials. [explosion] >> rid escrow shows afghan forces trying to push back the taliban. the "associated press" reports this is the first time the militant group has controlled a major urban area in afghanistan since the u.s.-led invasion back in 2001. officials say the taliban launched a huge surprise attack with hundreds of fighters and witnesses say within hours the militants raised their flags over the city's main square. afghan military officials say they have sent in reinforcements
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are trying to take back the city as soon as possible. some break news coming to us and that's on the market today and the dow is in what appears at the moment to be freefall. we have been watching it all day, and hovering around 250 to 300 town but just broken the the psychological barrier that was 16,000 on the dow. we're below and it there are concern what the rest of the session will bring. the dow is off almost 2% and going down quickly. why is this happening? there are real reasons. oil is tanking. oil is down to like 44 bucks a barrel. there's a concern about the chinese economy, with new numbers out today and raised global concern about slow economic drought, and the dow is taking it on the chin. sometimes in the last hour it is all down, and today the last hour does not feel good. a new poll shows donald trump with some serious competition at the top of the republican race. that as trump unveil as new tax
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plan which he says would eliminate federal taxes on the poor, cut taxes for the rich, and also benefit corporations. he says he can do all of that without adding to the deficit. the donald's plan and how much he says you'd pay coming up front the fox news deck just like eddie, the first step to reaching your retirement goals is to visualize them. then, let the principal help you get there. join us as we celebrate eddie's retirement, and start planning your own. where our next arrival is... red carpet whoa! toenail fungus!? fight it! with jublia. jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. are you getting this?! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. oh, epic moves, big j! fight it! getting ready for your close-up? ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. visit our website
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and want to share every bit of your life for the world, they don't care anyway, and a few minutes off facebook will not kill you. that said, facebook is down. please panic and tweet about it. maybe you could start an instagram story. those things are working, thankfully, but facebook is not working. not right now. facebook not working. be very afraid. ben carson is now neck and neck with donald trump for the republican nomination. according to the latest nbc news "wall street journal" poll. we have the numbers on our wall. trump in lead with 21%, carson with 20%, so close to a texasal tie and so far from the election it does not matter at all. nothing on your screen will be relevant. nothing on this screen will be relevant in just a few short months. nothing. so don't sweat it. don't even think about it. look how things changed since
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july. carson, marco rubio, carly fiorina the biggest games, fiorina went from asterisk territory to a tie for third place. jeb bush lost most, seven points. donald trump reef leased a tax plan today. trump has a tax plan. peter does use is reporting. >> the plan would have half of all american households paying zero federal income tax, people making under 25,000 or couples making less than 50. everybody else would have their tax rates set to preworld war ii lows, corporations would only pay 15%, no matter how big or small, and the money for all these cuts comes from closing some loopholes that have been benefiting the rich and the upper middle class. >> i believe that the economy will do so well that even though they won't be getting certain deductions which aren't far for them to be getting, they'll do better. >> and, shep, trump says this plan will make the economy grow
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at 5% or 6%, which is a lot higher than the 3.9% growth that was announced for the second quarter of this year, even though that number was a lot bigger than analysts expected. >> it was. word that jeb bush is getting pressure from some top republican donors? >> yes. now that scott walker, a favorite of the so-called establishment, is out, people who liked walker and have some money to spend are looking around. one bundler who is presently backing bush is an honestly telling tell "washington post" that jeb needs to get his favorability numbers up and another fundraiser said, quote, people are looking at the stage and saying jeb, and marco, i'm going with the new. you're seeing people gravitate to rubio and say, okay, we'll buck the bush machine. rubio is just a fraction ahead of bush in real clear politics average of national polls the two politic from florida or fourth and fifth behind three people with no political experience.
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>> peter, thank you. bernie sanders is clothing in on hillary clinton in the same poll. he has cut her lead in half since july, among democrats nationwiding are without joe biden in the race. even closer with the vice-president in the mix. of course he has not announced he is running so nobody is campaigning against him. now organizes say joe biden can take partner first democratic debate even if he waits until the day of the event to get in. cnn reports all five democratic candidates have qualified for the faceoff next month in las vegas. water does in fact flow on mars. this is new. a major discovery for nasa scientists today. why one of them calls the news tremendously exciting. and did you catch the weird moon last night? incredible pictures to show you today, jason is here to volunteer
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>> see the moon last night? a total lunar eclipse and a super moon. morn earth shadow covered the moon at the same time. a two fer. gave people in the world a show. this is pictures from kansas. a super moon happens when full moon makes its closees approach to earth and here's the supermoon about to pass behind the washington mon independent d.c. as you can see, supermoon is much bright than usual, 30% more so than other moons. early today in capetown, south africa ex-here's how the super
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moon looked during the lunar eclipse which lasted an hour. great shot of the moon at the end of the lunar equip at a church in belarus. the supermoon looked like a huge dinner plate early this morning behind the brandenberg gate. that's it right there. and finally, i didn't realize we had four moons. but we do. this four-picture combo shows the supermoon as it changed from nearly full to almost total eclip, and if you missed it, that's a shame. this won't happen for another 14 years, and this particular version of the moon is not even round. i'm concerned about the moon now after seeing these. they're very egg-like. facebook working? >> nope. >> nope, facebook still down. one step closer to fine us out whether life exists on mars. nasa scientist announced they
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have evidence which seems to confirm both frozen and liquid water do exist on the plane's surface. that's mars. that's mars. and it doesn't look like mars but it is. see those dark streaks flowing down? nasa scientists say the streaks were formed by streams of salty water. they say the streaks form in the springtime, grow in the summertime, and disappear by the fall. scientists say because water is essential for life, the findings could have big implications. >> when you look at earth, the water is in the central ingredient, and just about -- well not just -- everywhere we go where tracer liquidward, whether deep in the earth or arid regions, fine life. this is tremendously exciting. we have not been able to answer the question, does life exist beyond earth? but following the water is critical omen of that. >> following the water is a critical element.
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this makes sense. this doesn't. the next worlds are: we want to me to do you think life exists on mars? it says we want to know. i don't want to know bus it doesn't matter what you think. not going to change whether there's water on mars. doesn't matter at all what you think. but if you'd like to share it you can tweet us@shep news team. let's bring the corey powell. doesn't matter what anybody thinks. >> the universe is going to do whatever it wants to do. what we think about it, not going to change things one built. >> how do we know the water is salty and what difference it make? >> the salt is how we were able to find it. it's very hard to see water itself. like reflection off a swimming pool you. can't really tell what it is. what they saw ills there are these dark streaks and they knew something was making them dark. then they saw the salt in the same police. the -- same place. the only wait to get salt flowing is if the water is
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carrying it. why it matters is you probably heard water on mars, the story -- >> for while now. >> maybe more than you wanted to. people were often talking about water billions of years ago, maybe once there was a time. this is water right now. it means there are aquifers on mars, liquid water there, and it tells you if you want to look for life, now we know where to look. if you want to follow the water, now we know what to follow. >> it doesn't mean there is life but means it's at least possible. >> right. it's certain of one more link in the chain. it's hard problem, and honestly, we're looking hard but not looking that hard. we're sort of doing measured resources here, and it's taken ten years of detective work to figure out what these dark things are. >> why cooperate we send a probe up there. >> we could. the way you want to do it is you would have a rover, and then at robot that could repel done the cliff and actually sample the things and test it.
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we have the technology to do that it's just there are lot of things to do in the world and people are not as -- saying we have to spend everything we need to find life on mars but this abig step. what is does is tellouts -- if you're going back you can do it in a very targeted way, you know where to look, what you're looking for. everywhere on earth where there's water, there's life. doesn't mn mars but if there is life on mars, we have a better idea where to look. >> if we were to get a sample of the water and let's say there's some sort of life in there what might that life be like? do we have a way of knowing that? >> yes. so, one question is, do you want to bring it back san antonio do you dare bring it back home or study it over there? that a whole other question about we don't want to contaminate mars with life here and we don't want to contanimate us with anything from there. so what you want to know is life on mars the same as life here?
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not as the exact same thing but work the same way, uses dna, lives the same way. one possibility its life on earth came from mars. life started on -- >> hope that's true. >> wouldn't that be cool? >> why would that be. >> because in some ways, long ago mars was a better place for life than earth was when the planets were first forming, and when asteroids hit they knocked rocks into space, and amazing as it seems bacteria can live for thousands -- maybe even millions of years in a rock in space. so it's possible that germs from mars got knocked into space, crime earth and liability liked it here. the cool thing would be is life is totally different. if it's totally different, then you know, it's more than one way you can do this and that's the thing that would be really exciting. >> that would be insane. i like the idea of us all kind of being one in mars. we might all be martians.
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>> i like it. we're not even green. when we will be able to do something abouts know there's water there? any projects? >> there are two things i'm particular live excited about. one is a rover that nasa is sending to mars in 2020, and this one will have radar. ground pen threating radar so if there's an underground aquifer might be able to see and it map water on mars. and nasa is supposed be collaborating with the europeans to bring sample back. the question you want to be really careful when you do it but it that could happen in next five or ten years and that would tell us allot. >> thank you, nice to see you. >> how is facebook. >> down. >> still down. >> still down. >> facebook. still down. find out about its stock. there's word immigration level inside the united states could reach an all-time high here in the next decade. this is interesting.
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another group could end up replacing hispanics at the top of the immigrant list. details from the study on america's changing demographics coming up. plus, wait until you hear what john boehner has to say about his fellow republicans now that he is on his way out of washington. what might he say about the rite can right wing of the party? have you heard this? facebook stock is also down. facebook is down, and its stock is down. 4%. i know. woman: my mom and i have the same hands. same eyes. same laugh. and since she's had moderate alzheimer's disease, i've discovered we have the same fighting spirit, too.
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which may raise the chance of ulcers and bleeding; nausea and vomiting; difficulty passing urine, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. the most common side effects associated with namzaric are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and bruising. woman: mom and i share a lot of moments. and we're making the most of each one. vo: ask your doctor if new namzaric is right for your loved one. ♪ ♪ (singing) you wouldn't haul a load without checking your clearance. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. >> more of today reside headlines. police in israel say they fired sun grenades and tear gas to break up protests as a holy site. happened in jerusalem. police say young palestinian protesters barricade themselves inside a mosque, throwing rocks and fire bombs.
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in the united states video shows police rescuing man trapped in his car in a canal with two broken legs. happened over the weekend in plymouth, utah. police there say the driver was in a spot where nobody could see hem but say a wilt alerted them after seeing car parts on the side of the road. apples are you iphone making history. the company claims it sold more of the 61s and 6s pluses in the first three days than the previous iphone. stores in the united states reported long lines of the weekend. and no matter what iphone you have you can't get facebook on it. facebook is down. ♪ ♪ it's the final countdown! ♪ ♪ the final countdown! if you're the band europe, you love a final countdown. it's what you do. if you want to save
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contributing to the political grid lock. >> the bible says beware of false prophets and there are people out there spreading noise about how much can get done. >> speaker boehner referenced promises that republicans would get rid of the health care law by doesn'ting off funding. that led to a shutdown that cost the united states billions. now conservatives are working to stop money from going to planned parenthood. the speaker is confident the congress will pass a bill before the money runs out. what are speaker boehner's critic says about a possible shutdown of the government. >> enough that speaker boehner decided to resign the threat of a government shutdown seems to have dropped substantially. a boehner critic predicted on "fox news sunday" there will not be a government shutdown. >> that exactly what is going to happen.
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that been the plan from the very beginning. one rein rope i think -- tom and i have had this conversation be -- we pear ode poorly two years ago our leadership didn't believe it. they got themselves backed into a shutdown but never believed it. >> reporter: enough that boehner is leaving he can pass an a government extension without fear of any consequences or political price to pay. >> i mentioned that the house majority leader announce he will be running for the speakership. i don't understand how this speaker is going to be any different. they still won't be able to do anything all those things promised to do because you can't do it. >> kevin mccarrie says he poke to eave republican in the house of representatives to get their advice, to get their feedback. he says they will fight for conservative prim principles and listen to constituents but today he was delivering a tough foreign policy speech. >> when it comes to dictators, tyrants and terrorists, strength
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and the threat of force is the only language they understand. we have lost the respect of our allies. and adversaries alike. wherever you look, the world is less safe and less secure because america is less engaged. >> reporter: if mccarthy is the next speaker of the house that's correct widely seen as the toughest job in washington. >> mike, thank you. tonight, brett will talk with man who could be the next speaker of the house, kevin mccarthy is the number two republican right now and most an hiss say he is a front-runner to take over the job socially since hi just announce head wants it. what better timing. it is for few to us. tonight, special report, must-see tv, 6:00 eastern, 5:00 central, right here on fox news channel. the percentage of immigrants living in the united states has grown to a near record level and will reach an all-time high a
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decade from now. it o's immigrants make up 1 point -- 13.7% of the population and on pace to fake up a record 14.9% by 2025. a greater level than during the immigration boom at the turn of the 20th century. the study also estimates immigrants will make up nearly 18% of the u.s. population by 2065. researcher says the largest group of immigrants right now is hispanics but asia asians are now on track to surpass them over the next 50 years, trace gallagher has more. what are the experts say about the rising number of asian immigrants? >> they're surprised because for the last 50 years, hispanic people have far and away been the largees group of immigrants coming into the country. now you have this shift where the new arrivals are coming from asia, china and india. and they're coming for two reasons. one to work in the technology industries and, two, they come
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to get an education so they can work in at the technology field. at the very same time the study shows that mexico is seeing its own dramatic shift. listen. >> since 2007, there's been a real change in what has been happening in mexico, particularly the economy there has improved some, at least since 2007. and we also see that the demographics of mexico no longer support a large outmigration because there around's many young people and mexicans are having smaller families. >> reporter: right now 47% of u.s. immigrants are hispanic. by 2065 that number is expected to drop to 31%. that is a big-time dip. >> part of this poll here asks americans how they feel about this -- all the immigrants. >> reporter: and not a huge surprise, we have very mixed feelings about whether immigrants have been good or bad for this country. 45% of those polled believe that immigrants are making the country better in the long run.
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37% believe they're making things worth. half alf owl americans think immigrants are making crime and the economy woes but making food, music, and the arts better. european immigrants are viewed mostly positive, latin american and milled eastern immigrants are viewed mostly negative. the study says the bottom line is eight out of ten americans believe our immigration system either needs to be rebuilt or dramatically overhauled. >> trace, thank you. i fox urgent. songs urgent. they're sinking in the final hour of trading. we're well off the session lows, though. we picked up 60, 70 points. it was looking bad for a while. adam shapiro is live in the new york stock change headquarters. what is causing this? >> well, a couple of things, shep. first you have bad economic news out of china, industrial profits down. 9%. that led to a selloff in commoditied like oil. the price of oil fell.
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that led to some of the big manufacturers and minors dropping. so, we have seen this global slowdown but doesn't make sense in the ute because consumer spending in august here was up .4 of a percent. we have the china slowdown impacting stocks and you have the federal reserve. we're getting mick messages from the federal reserve. one federal reserve bank saying we're going to raise interest rates, another saying we're not going to. there's no direction. a lack of leadership and people arer in voice, and the traders -- nervous and traitors are running for safety, buying u.s. treasuries. >> what about our retirement accounts and 401ds. >> i'm like you, i do a 401(k) and tied my 401(k) the s sp 500. i'm young enough to do nothing soow leave it there. but people 60 years and over you should be talk wilk your financials a vicar and say how much do we have in equities and stocks and do we need to protect some of that?
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>> i just looked at mine. i shouldn't have done that. don't need to do that. that was dumb. thank you, adam. don't look at it. i know you'll consider it because facebook is down so you don't have that to lean on. remember that crazy prison break and man point upstate new york, the one that cost taxpayers 20 million bucks? the women who helped two convicted killers break out today learned how much time she will spend behind bars. that's next. ♪song: "that's life" ♪song: "that's life" ♪song: "that's life" ♪song: "that's life"♪ that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance.
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along with diet and exercise, jardiance works around the clock to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it works by helping your body to get rid of some of the sugar it doesn't need through urination. this can help you lower blood sugar and a1c. and although it's not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. other side effects are genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction. symptoms may include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor, and for details, visit
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this bale of hay cannot be controlled. when a wildfire raged through elkhorn ranch, the sudden loss of pasture became a serious problem for a family business. faced with horses that needed feeding and a texas drought that sent hay prices soaring, the owners had to act fast. thankfully, mary miller banks with chase for business. and with greater financial clarity and a relationship built for the unexpected, she could control her cash flow, and keep the ranch running. chase for business. so you can own it.
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chase for business. it takes a lot of work... but i really love it.s. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost®. the former prison worker in upstate new york who helped two convicted killers tunnel out from behind bars learn her fate today. she doesn't look happy. >> not at all. joyce mitchell gave hack saw blades and other toolers to the worker to help them escape. a judge sentenced her 2 two 1/3 and to seven years the prison.
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no word where she will serve time. the sobbed today thought the hearing, cried, paul usinged to her family, community, coworkers and mouthed, i love you, to her husband, as guards were taking her away. remember that the inmates were reportedly going to kill her husband as part of the escape plan. she denies that. this man here, also supposedly had sexual relations with her before the escape. you'll remember, they used those tools to carve their way into the pipe and cut out of the cells. sparked a huge manhunt with officials searching all of this wooded area around the prison. hundreds of people searched for three weeks until they killed one inmate, shot and captured the other one. now joyce mitchell has a restitution hearing sit for november, and the state i seeking $120,000 in damages to the prison from the escape. >> seeking that from her? >> from her. they want her to pay part of it. >> good luck getting that.
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>> yep. >> they can check facebook. it's working now. >> it's back. >> that's good exciting. >> okay. >> still down. >> john glenn, such a kill joy, facebook is still down for some people. maybe for him. a fifth person has tied after lost week's crash of a bus and a duck boat in seattle. an awful thing. according to officials at a local hospital there. a spokeswoman for energy seattle college says all -- north seattle college says the students were from their school. federal investigators truer toying figure out why the axle sheared off. the company that refurbished the boat recommend fixing the axle two years ago but the repairs never happened. it's apparently not very easy to get fired from the drug enforcement administration. there's word agents kept their jobs even after the dea busted them for dealing drugs. while lying to investigators and going to sex parties is not enough to get you canned, next.
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my psoriatic arthritis i'm caused joint pain.o golfer. just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu.
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the pope is back home at the vatican following a trip to the senates. immediately upon his return pope francis paid a private visit to the basilica this morning where he laid a bouquet of flours at the altar. vatican officials they's usual in pilly, thousands flooded the city of brotherly love for nope's final u.s. mass. officials say he met with five survivors or section all abuse and apologized to them. they say he also issued a warning to bishops that they would be held accountable if they failed to protect their flock. federal agents who have gone to sex parties with prostitutes
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or lied to investigators have been able to keep their jobs with uncle sam. the "usa today" up in records dea officials called for 50 employees to be fired for misconduct in recent years but only 1 have actually lost their job -- only 13 of them have lost their jabs and even dealing drugs is not enough to get you fired from the dea. a spokesman says that the agency often hands out lighter punishments after investigators hear both sites of the story. kennedy is here. >> shep. >> you can't -- it's hard to get fired from that dea. >> this this branch of law enforcement i'm sure law enforcement officials most want to work for, because you can do whatever you want. i was looking through a list of charges, covering up a shooting, dealing drugs, sex parties, paid for with drug money, with hookers. i couldn't get away with that stuff at fox, i don't think.
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i checked the manual. nothing specifically about colombia hooker-filled sex partied butylate pretty certain, do not have a badge i-not a officer but i would get fired. >> i think a lot of people are going to blow signing up to work for the dea. >> absolutely. of the people 50 recommended terminated, over the last five years, only 13 have been fired. and of those 13, often times they get their jobs back, and it's not just the case of people not being fired. they also weren't stripped of security clearance when they're in trouble so they could be in deep yogurt, hot water, hot oil, and still have the ability to arrest people and find out naughty secrets. >> do you think they're aware we lost the drug wars. >> i don't think so because apparently we have dea agent inside colombia. >> do we need the dea. >> i dope think so. i've got a bunch of unortho cox ideas he she enforce some laws
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in the country, what should and should not be illegal, so perhaps if we're focusing on law enforcement, we don't need a dea and we should focus on local law enforcement and the fbi, when things get bad. >> having listened to you over time, your position seems to be, if you're not hurting anybody else, what you do to yourself is your business. >> yes. >> if you get behind a car or something -- the wheel of a car -- >> you're your hurting somebody else and the police should arrest you and throw you in jail. >> but just taking drugs no, what they are, shouldn't be illegal. >> what i found in my investigations, people take drugging every day, whether it's hydrocodone for a bad back, whether it's the six cups of coffee that people need before the get to lunchtime. so many thing wes put in our body that alter our performance. and so the question, what are drugness the first place? we need to ask yourselves that, and are we applying this arbitrary enforcement to various
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substances use, we are. >> i think so. >> congratulations to your bruins. >> congratulations to your rebels. >> they looked solid. he's back. >> he had the yips last week but i think he shook it out and now they're ready to party in the pac-12. >> we played vanderbilt. they looked good and we didn't look great. >> but you got the w and starting 4 or is solid. >> knowing gore to gainesville. what do you think of the-outs. >> i don't like them and never have some never well. >> they're making a big statement. >> i don't like what they did to oregon. they figured out -- they had oregon's number going into the game. they've got some problems not only -- >> oregon. >> oregon has problems. their qb needs to be mentored until he can learn math. >> 60 pitch end on them. >> 62. it's rough. the bruins almost scored that
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on this day in 1960, ted williams stepped up to the plate for the last time. he hit a home run, ending a legendary career spanning more than 20 years with he red sox, nearly two decades earlier to the day, ted williams finished the season with a batting average of .400, record which stands to this day. ted william was also a pilot in the marines and missed a few seasons during world war ii and at the korean war. he said he wanted to be remembered at, quote, the greatest hitter who ever leveled, and ted william made his case when he went out with a bang, 55 years ago.
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today. if news breaks out we'll break in because breaking news changes everything. the dow has had better days. it's off a few. cavuto will have explaining coming up. >> welcome everybody, i'm neil cavuto. you're looking at your world and a world of hurt for anyone interested in buying stocks and thinking they can make money. today not the case. china has a lot to do with that and concerns its factory sector is slowing downful with china we don't know what is up because we can't trust the numbers we're getting from there. suffice to say this was a day that had a lot of folks wondering what the heck is going on, barely holding above the 16,000 level. they really were not buying stocks today. that we know. but we already saw just for today, which is fascinating, some high-flying names like yahoo!, down more than 5.5%. a single day loss. fit bit down close to 5%. so then you're probably a
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