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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  September 29, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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mother taking offense to it, don't buy it. >> see 3-year-olds. >> "outnumbered overtime." go on the web, tune in tomorrow, when we're back here at noon eastern. "happening now" starts rice now >> we felt like savannah was not killed if not for kelly. >> judgment day for a woman on death row. scheduled to die for conspiring to kill her husband. could her life be spared. >> and i don't know. it locks like a sci fi movie.
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>> and pilot forceed to make a landing. and a primate escapes loose and not the first time. >> neighbors know of the monkey. it had gotten loose couple of years prior. >> it's all "happening now". >> we begin with president obama, leaving new york city after a busy couple of days in the united nation where he pressed world leaders on climate change. >> i am jenna leely. >> and i am jon scott. what the world saw was brief. it started with a handshake and ended without break throughs. live outside of the united nations with more on what we
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know, kevin. >> good day to you from a busy active and probably tell, loud united nation. he met with cub an president raoul castro. the white house said they had more clarity on russia's expanding role in syria as it pretends or portends to help in the battle against isis. the president is talking not just isis, but terrorism in general as he of course, spoke at a summit here in the u.n. >> as syria defeating isil requires i believe a new leader and inclusive government that unites the syrian people. this is a complex process and as i have said before, we are
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prepared to work with all countries including russia and iran, to find a political mechanism in which it is possible to begin a transition process. >> reporter: bottom line from the president, get assad out of power. that has been the u.s. policy position for quite sometime now. in the meantime, i had a chance to have a conversation with british foreign minister and said even though everyone wants assad is out of power, a more measured approach one that includes the russians is smarter and safer way to go. >> the russians have to be involved in a sustainable solution in syria. they have a significant. >> they have leverage over the regime. and that's the crux of what our
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partners are saying. utilize the leverage that russia has. >> interesting to look at how other country's media covers what happen in the u.n. syria's media said putin offered simple solutions to fight terrorism. in today's washington post, the piece of the headline both mr. putin and mr. obama are wrong. short sighted and cynical mr. putin has a plan and mr. obama does not. we'll talk to the analyst. who has the solution for syria?
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>> at least putin has a plan and obama doesn't. usually a plan beats no plan? putin's plan is that he has a new coalition. russia, iran/iraq and syria and others. you saw the british prime minister. >> that was a strong statement saying russia has to have a role here and supportive of putin. >> president obama said my plan is working and get rid of assad. putin gets up. assad will stay and this is what we will do. increasingly they are looking for putin to solve the problem. is he successful? only time will tell. and if he is successful and defeat isis and have a mange
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role for russia putin is the new king maker. >> he gains further legitimacy. and speaking from a perspective of an advisor. when you see it prioritizes and going after isis and assad, what should that be a priority? >> who is your enemy. everybody is everybody got enemy. enemy of my enemy is my friend and only for a while. putin thinks that the biggest rallying cry is to defeat isis. that's how he will get to support. assad. >> you think assad should stay. does it matter what happens with assad? >> how dow defeat isis? put pin will get it done because of willing to make deals with the devil. russia will get hands dirty.
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>> he said our troops are not active now. do you believe that and what do you see with the real russian involvement? that is state side for 2 or 3 years. >> we will not put boots on the ground. he has the iraqis who have boots on the ground and iranians he's working with and assad's forces. he will keep his own in the end to win. putin doesn't want to lose it. but he could get bogged down. >> what is a win for putin and the united states, isis destroyed or pushed back to a small portion of syria and iraq and they still exist? what does a winning strategy mean there? >> a winning strategy is security and piece and stability and number two, who gets to be left standing when all of this is done. you don't want isis or ah sawed
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standing. are they likely possibilities, probably not. what have we learned in the 15 years in the middle east. you get rid of the strong man whether it is sud saddam hussein and we get worse. >> you hear the president speaking about terrorism and knowing that we are going into the election season and lame duck season that happens to the president. what is the cost of the inaction in the region and sets up the next big debates for foreign policy for who ever takes the presidency? >> what this leaves left on the table. what is in the best interest with with my country and not the middle east. what is important to us about the middle east. surrival of state of israel and terrorist staying there and not
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coming here and free flow of the economic community. how does the united states do it without getting involved. help israel and do what needs to be survived. longer there is fighting there will be refugees and they will go to europe and potentially come to the u.s. they will destabilize europe. >> and years ago, people thought it would be over like so many other issues. >> no, a genation. >> thank you. jon? >> second time this year, president obama is meeting with cub an president castro in the united nations. it was a rare one-on-one meeting of the two nations working to restore ties after decades of his tolity. president obama wants to
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normalize relations to cuba given the demand of the return of the guantanamo naval base. is normalization now a good idea? it is a topic of our live chat and go to to join the conversation. >> fireworks on the hill. head of planned parent hood answers law makers. it comes in the budget battle of funding of the organization that previously threatened to shut down the government. peter barnes joins us live, peter? >> reporter: republicans plan to keep the fire storm over planned parent hood front and center and that is pushed off until the end of the year because retiring speaker john boehner the have a vote to keep funding in place and extend
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government spending through december and avoid a shutdown. many republicans are demanding funding for planned parent hood to be eliminated. they are grilling the organization's president at an over sight hearing. >> the question before us, does this organization, does planned parent hood really need federal subsidy? does it need federal dollars? every time we spend a federal dollar, we are pulling money out of somebody's pocket and given it to somebody else. >> the outreasonablingous accusations on planned parent hood are offensive and untrue. i realize though that the facts never got in the way of the campaigns to block women from health care they need and deserve.
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>> richards said the videos are part of an effort to entrap her staff in illegal activities and designed to smear planned parent hood. >> a jet liner forced to turn back to the airport. the pilot had to make an emergency landing with more than 100 passengers on board. he had only practiced on simulators. >> a suspect in custody and the search on for a good samaritan who stopped to help the officer. >> it is heart warming that there are people that are out there that do want to help.
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>> attention nervous flyers. a plane headed from new york to ireland forced to turn around and making an emergency landing back in jfk where it originated.
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ashes parentally a hydraulec leak caused complications and the pilot said he practices all of. it this type of emergency in a simulator and first time doing it for real. no one was hurt. >> i know you like the airline trouble stories. >> practice makes perfect. >> and great. >> and a brazen attack in las vegas when a gunman opened fire and hitting one of them. police want to find the good samaritan that helped the injured cop. adam? >> reporter: yeah, jon, usually when the video comes out the cops are trying to find the bad guy. but this time it is the good guy. there was an incident of a man who helped an officer in the time of need. good video and good story and basically happen when two
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officers were shot at sitting in a stoplight. and one was hit in the hand and meanwhile, the unidentified man ran in the store and rushed to the officer's aid. and he left the scene before they could talk to him. and they are asking the public to help find him for good reasons. >> the department appreciates the effort of going up and beyond for assisting the officer. we hope he will come forward. >> this is a closeup. he was driving a meredez when the shooting happen. and the officer's injuries were not life threatening. but the man ran in the store despite not knowing what was going on. and got the towels and helped hip out on. another police officer was shot in the leg. but that man is not only
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a witness but a hero in the minds of many and they are looking for the good samaritan. if you know him call the las vegas police department. >> he did the right thing. good for him. donald trump shaking up the polls. is there any precedent for a man like him in politics in history? apparently there is. congress scrambling to avoid a shutdown. if you missed this action earlier today, you have highlights you don't want to miss, next. >> what is a continuing resolution? >> it is a steaming pile of the same old, same old.
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right now law makers in the senate are trying to prevent a government shutdown set to begin at midnight tomorrow. majority leader mitch mcconnell calling the current bill the only viable way in the short term. rand paul spoke about his opposition to the bill and process. listen. >> what we have here in congress is a failure to legislate. we were told when we took over congress and republicans were elected to congress, things would be different. and that if voters put us in charge, we would right the ship. we spent 300000 last year studying whether or not japanese quayle are more sexually promisuous on cocaine. we can poll the audience and save money. what is a continuing resolution. it is a steaming pile of the same old, same old.
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>> it might not surprise you that donald trump took to twitter, prediction. rand paul has been driven out on of the race by my statements about him. i hope when he gets out, his supporters come over to me, i will do a much better job for them. >> donald trump is not short on confidence and he will lead all of the polls for the republican nomination. trump's lavish self praise and unpredictability masking his long developed political acummen makes him seem a unique political figure in american history. but maybe not completely unique. he goes through names. ab drew jackson is unpredictably
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dangerous. and comparison louisiana governor howie long and new york governor and nelson rockefeller. did they work? we'll bring in our political panel. you know, i enjoyed the comparison. it was looking back deputy broadly speaking about donald trump and whether or not he is unique as many pundits say he is. what do you think about the comparisons and do they work? >> i think they do. hughie long from louisiana had a ability to speak to the people. donald trump cuts through everything and build a personal relationship with his supporters so much that they don't care about past convictions and policies that they once believed regardless of what he said.
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they like. hughie long connected through the radio and trump is it it through reality tv and twitter. >> i want to read more about the comparison of rockefeller as well. here's what michael baron wrote about that comparison. rockefeller was richer than trump and gifted patron and less given to boasting. he had a longer public career from fdr to being gerald ford's vice-president. and he was regarded by insiders as an unguided missile and not subject to institutional constrants. he was elected governor and served until trump was 27 and about the jump to manhattan. is that an example that works as well? >> they do work in some way, but in another way they don't.
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you can't discount the media influence on trump's biggest and his reality tv and twitter. he seems omnipresent and his celebrity and fame sealed his rise in the polls. he had 100 percent name id by the time he got in the race. you can't discount the modern trappings that donald trump took advantage of in the race. he is truly unique in a lot of ways. >> i wonder if we talk about the media if there is a double standard. he didn't have a plan or policy details and comes out with the details and tax plan he did yesterday and pundits jumping on on him for not liking the details. is there a double standard when it comes to donald trump and fame and name recognition. is he held to a higher standard than other politicians. >> he might be but he is
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a master of the media and able to control the conversation since he gets in the race. and you have pundits complaining no specifics, he's able to go against that. look i have a immigration plan and a tax plan. and no body is happy because no one can control him, right. and they like a candidate they can expect to hear what they will say and serious and all of that. he flips that on their head and they don't know what to expect from them. there is a unique relationship there that is unlike anyone else but trump. >> i wonder how important the details are versus meaning what you say. voters and pundits call for details from the candidates and a question of whether or not they can do what they will do and whether or not they mean it? is that where trump is succeeding. when he said i will go after isis but perhaps they hear he means it? >> he might mean it, but it
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doesn't mean he will do it. the devil is in the details and with donald trump promised the moon and stars and puppy in every home. >> how many details do you need at this point? >> i think you do need a plan. >> you need to hear more from him than other candidates? >> no, i think you have heard details, particularly marco rubio who trump went after recently. you heard what he would do foreign policy wise. whether you agree or not is a different issue. but go bomb the oil fields and surround them with troops, you can't really do that. details are what is going to bring down trump. he was light on policy. and we have seen his poll numbers come down-to-earth. >> the new york times said they are making a mockery of the
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political process. you agree with that. details will be a problem for trump by iowa? >> i think it is when he decided that his polls are slipping or he's sick of the game. that's when he will get out. i think he's in if for the long haul as of now. >> and maybe he will surprise us. and elizabeth and jackie, great to have you both, thank you. >> there is the presidential side and now the republican party in congress. number two man in the house. kevin mccarthy wants to take over as speaker, but will that fly with tea party conservatives. we are live on the hill. plus, u.s. allies finding isis in iraq said the white house sent them armorred trucks without with the armor calling
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and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. >> two separate meetings on capitol hill to choose a new speaker of the house and avoid a government shutdown after the resignation of john boehner. mike emmanuel has more from
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capitol hill. >> reporter: jon, good afternoon. some expect fireworks behind the closed door as house republicans vent frustration. for john boehner his focus is what the house can get done in a month. >> there is a number of initials to deal with in the coming months and if there is a way to get things dunn. i may get it finished. >> reporter: sounds like he will tackling raising the debt ceiling before he leaves congress. and there is focus on how new leadership might change the house in the favorite to be the next speaker. >> a lot of people in washington concerned about power and institutions, i am concerned about making a difference in everybody's lives. we want to make sure we are closer to the people and they feel it is their government and they are in charge and we serve them. it is not easy and it will not
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change overnight but that is our mission. >> the concern shifted from tomorrow to a possibility of a government shut town in december. he believes that the house and senate will pass a temporary funding extension. house conservative sound hopeful that new leadership will fight for conservative principles. >> it doesn't come down to a personality like john boehner as a person. it is a matter of leadership. we have to keep our pledges to the people and make sure they know our pledges on paper ahead of time. >> leadership sources hope that the later meeting will be focused on the future. there is frustration and they want to look at strategy and ideas and ways to change it, jon. >> new questions over the
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military aid to allies fighting isis. ambush protected vehicles were delivered missing heavy armor. catherine herige has more on what the story is about. >> reporter: thank you, jenna. these photos show 30 mwraps arrived with no armorred side panels last month and affective against the land mines. but compare the images with what one is supposed to look like and the difference is plain to seat. the large armor wered added to the design. and this video shows the use of rpg's on the battlefield. isis has taken control of syrian armories. and the terror groups know that the mwraps can be pierced like
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a sadine can without the armor. >> i don't know who made the decision and it was stupid. i don't know if it was low level or high level. with the amount of rpg is committing suicide. >> defense and state department investigated the photos and confirmed that the u.s. government sent them as part of used and surplus program. a state department official acknowledged they were sent this way because the armorred panels are considered an upgrade and no u.s. can get them because of the technology. the explosive form or vehicle side are not part of the standard configuration. but a defense official said the policy is flawed. >> we have a responsibility if these people are going to be the
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boots on the ground not just for themselves but for us to make sure they get what they need and we failed to do that and from a messaging stand point, the kurds are reading a lot that is negative from the united states stand point and defeating isis. >> the u.s. government is concerned that the technology could fall in iranian hands and this claim was not disputed by the officials in washington, jenna. >> and the refugee crisis in europe is more dire. migrants going rain and road soaked with no place to go. >> and an inmate set to be executed for trying to murder her husband.
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>> hi, everyone. i am gretchen carlsson on. we'll have real talk with rand paul about the senate smack town and why the government wastes your money and mine? how safe is your car? there may be another recall. and the team player who died on the field could have a common ailment that others could have and not know it. >> president obama looking like a petullant child in the u.n.? we'll tell who you said it. >> and brutal conditions as they work their way in western
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europe. in croatia they are wading through mud soaked road. and babies are soaked. and 100,000 migrants entered croatia. and they are a north route to the north sxern western countries that are more welcoming to migrants seeking a sylum. >> a georgia parole board is considering a final appeal from the woman who consphired to have her husband murdered in 1997. if she is put to death, she would be the first woman executed in georgia in 70 years. joining us now is our analyst. she had a boy friend at the time. she let him in the house, she
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went out to party while the boy friend stabbed her husband and father of throw children to death. he pled 25- years and she was sentenceed to death and now on death row tonight. it has been delayed a couple of times. go ahead. >> this woman is evil and she had a boy friend and set him up to go in there and stab the father of the kids to death. only reason she put a jury through that and the jury said she should be executed. this woman should be executed. and so i think that if we are going to have a delth penalty it qualifies for it. but the issue here. jurors in states very rarely execute women.
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it is a reverse stereotype. >> brian you stated your opposition to the death penalty and one of the arguments that her lawyers are making, the guy who killed the husband will get out after 25 years and she was not in the room and she gets the death penalty. she went for a jury trial instead of a plea and so why should that make a difference? >> this will be a major black eye in our justice system if she is executed tonight. there is a couple of reasons why. talk about what she said. she had ineffective legal counsel in the first trial. her lawyer told her not to enter into the plea bargain and that is a mitigating factor that the parole board should take in to consideration.
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typical willy death row inmates get bad legal represent aegsz. and the parole needs to consider rehabilitation. she was a mentor in jail and found god and mentoring other women and doing well in jail. that should be considered. and the law jon, is not applied uniformally. how can jodi arias who stabs her boy friend 35 times doesn't get the death penalty. this woman didn't care out the act and she will die tonight. >> that's because defense lawyer like you don't like sentencing guidelines. that's why it is not uniform. defense lawyers don't like the guidelines and if that was an issue would be won on appeal and she would have won on appeal if she could have approved that. >> and i want to play, or read
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a statement from her daughter. her daughter was seven years old at the time of the murder. and the daughter didn't speak for the mother for years when she found out her mother was involves in the father's murder. my dad would not want my mom to be executed even knowing her role, he would not want us to endure a devastating loss. they have to deal with that. but the parents and siblings of the dead man issued this man. >> as a murderer she has more rights than she afforded to doug. she gave him no rights or mercy or choices and opportunity to live his life. his life was not hers to take. how does the parole board balances them. >> the one from the daughter is
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a mitigating circumstance. i think georgia will say we haven't executed a woman in all of these years and we reenacted the death penalty and never for someone who didn't do the killing herself. i think she will get mercy. but this woman is evil, evil, evil. >> and let's turn quickly brian to a case that frankly i can't believe it is 20 years since the verdict of o.j. simpson. that is coming up this weekend. your latest podcast and you talked to a famous member of the o.j. simpson dream team. listen. >> we didn't win this case. they lost. it we were a pretty good defense team but they were a poor prosecution team. don't be upset with with the defense attorneys, be upset with the prosecution lawyers. >> you learned new information
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about the case. >> i did. the dream team thought they were going to lose and that's why they hired professor dersowitz. and he was in the room when the gloves that department fit happen. he was hired because they thought they were going to lose. they had amazing things and testifies about the autopsy. all new information. >> more on your podcast. thank you both. >> and it is relaunch time on the florida state coast. and someone else is monkeying around florida. this is a monkey for real.
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not the other way around. looking to bring jobs back to the area after the space shuttle ended in 2011. >> just four years ago the space center look and felt like the one aired. it lost their purpose. now you can see boeing has taken over and brought more than 500 jobs and conducting rocket science on scene. the last commander of the shuttle atlantis says there's a renewed sense of relevance here. >> there's a lot of new
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construction all over the kennedy space center. i see bob smiling for the first time in about three years. this is great. we have got our mojo back. >> reporter: bob cabana is the space center director. florida's historic space coast had a huge void and devastating job loss. around the cake customers vanished. store front sat empty. today excitement and the economy are surging again. amazon planted the space company's flag here this month promising blue origin. by 2020 spacex, boeing should all be launching people and cargo from the cape. the space coast economic development commission says it's lured 7,000 new jobs worth 2 shuttles.ollar since the loss of >> locally it's great to have the jobs. they shop. they be car, housing. you can see it all happening as we speak.
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literally this is taking place around us. it also is helping us be more competitive globally. >> reporter: boeing and spacex are contracted with nasa to begin returning our astronauts on american made spaceships from here in 2017. >> thank you. on the other side of the state monkey business going on in small town near orlando. people capturing video of an escaped pet monkey. david martin has more. >> reporter: he was wandering around the hidden lake subdivision. >> the monkey was actually eating mail from mailbox. >> reporter: that junk mail must have gotten stale because he wound up on top of one of the patrol cars sent out in search of him. >> the monkey tried to do some damage to our patrol car and pulled the molding off the roof. luckily it was able to snap back on. one of the lieutenants was able to distract the baboon with a
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bottle of water. >> reporter: 20 minutes later the owner arrived, got the monkey off the pd's back, end of story. wait. >> tampering with mail is a felon offense. >> reporter: this case is still under investigation. >> david martin from wofl. >> don't mess with the mail. i don't want him roaming the neighborhood. the final 30 is next. ♪
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group of children battling cancer. they were on some thrilling tandem rides. >> thank you for joining us. >> have great day. you have the planned parenthood president in the hot seat as the fight over funding is center stage on capital hill. we're here to bring you the real story. the hearing convened after outrage sparked by secretly recorded videos showing planned parenthood officials talking about using tissue from aborted fetuses for medical research. how is she trying to explain what we all


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