tv Hannity FOX News September 29, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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weekend. my school inducted yours truly and others into their hall of fame on saturday. it was great to be home again. great to hear that cheering section that calls themselves the ans. i love that. go eagles! lots of love. welcome to "hannity." newt gingrich, kevin mccarthy, are all here tonight. marco rubio will join us. first, tonight president obama continues to meet with america's adversaries is at the united nations. earlier today obama sat down with cuba's communist president raul castro to discuss normalizing diplomatic relations. the first time leaders from both countries have met on u.s. soil in almost 60 years. yesterday president obama also held talks with russian president vladimir putin to figure out ways to end the crisis in syria and combat isis. now, president obama also shook hands with the iranian foreign
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minister making it the first handshake between a u.s. president and iran's top diplomat in more than 30 years. here with reaction, 2016 gop presidential candidate senator marco rubio is with us. let me start with vladimir putin. i thought you had one of the best moments in the last debate when you called him a gangster and then you went on to make a prediction that is absolutely now coming true. explain. >> well, we know that russia -- a couple things are happening with russia under putin. one is this kneejerk reaction. they're going to be against whatever america want. but the second is he wants to reposition russia as a geopolitical force equal to the united states. so this thing going on in the middle east is an example of it. he's going across to the counties in the middle east and he's saying, look, the americans broke the middle east and now they're leaving. and they're unreliable. so we're going to step in and we're actually going to fight isis. we're really going to do it. but his real goal is to protect assad, keep assad in power and
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increase his leverage in the region and that's exactly what he's achieving by what he's done now over the last 48 hours. not just repositioning military assets within the territory of syria, but also going to the united nations and saying to the world that russia under vladimir putin, they're going to be the ones that lead the anti-isis coalition. it really diminishing america both geopolitically in the region and in the eyes of aur allies and others around the world. >> machiavelli once famously said it's better to be feared than loved. why do i see vladimir putin as the one who is feared, not loved and obama's not loved or feared. in other words, is america now on the world's stage creating a vacuum, betraying our allies like israel and others in the middle east and opening this basically giving away the table to the iranians is now putin coming in and taking advantage of that and what does it mean for what's going to happen down the road in terms of
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international safety? >> well, here's what it means. number one, vladimir putin's reputation, people may not like him in the international stage or some of the things h s he's but he's seen as decisive although not in is interests of the rest of world. obama is seen as unreliable, skittish, afraid to engage and not clear what he wants to do moving forward. barack obama does not fundamentally understand and has never understood that in the middle east in particular weakness is an invitation for further aggression. and that's how america under barack obama's viewed right now by many of the nations in the middle east. an unreliable country, maybe even a country in decline but most certainly a country run by someone who they view as unreliable and weak. the consequences are significant geopolitically because it extends to the asia pacific region and even into europe. >> 62% of republicans feel betrayed by the republican party in d.c. 52% of americans feel that
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congress is corrupt. you're in the middle of negotiating a continuing resolution in the senate and the house and the issue of planned parenthood's coming up. executive amnesty, that ended up getting funded back in february when the republicans said they would stop that in the election cycle. then go back to defunding obamacare, americans wouldn't use the power of the purse. is the republican party fighting hard enough? in other words, do they deserve that poll number? because i would argue they probably do. >> yeah. and here's why. because the first point i would make is fighting isn't just saying we're going to take a vote, we're going to prove to people we don't have the votes, then we'll do what we need to do. that's not what fighting means. what fighting means is we decided we're not going to fund these organizations. these videos have exposed them for who they truly are. then you spend week and months making the argument to the american people, this is why we're not going to do this. you win that argument or do the best you can to try to win it. they didn't even try to do that.
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in essence put a few press releases out saying we're against this. then they took a show vote and ultimately nothing happened. that's the point. it's come to the point where the leadership unfortunately in both parties but there's those who now believe that we can't win an argument. we can't win going out there and advocating for these positions in the american people. so let's not even try. if you say we're going to do the best we can but there's no way we're going to win, in essence you've already given up. >> how do we solve this? >> that's my problem. we should have said early on we're not going to do it. go ahead, i'm sorry. >> but republicans ended up funding obamacare. they have the power of the purse. that's the way i read the constitution. i believe they'll probably end up funding planned parenthood just like you funded illegal and unconstitutional executive amnesty. boehner has now pretty much been pushed out as far as i'm concerned. he's leaving. we'll check in with kevin mccarthy tonight. but is mitch mcconnell fighting? does he need to go?
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>> i'm not calling for that right now, but i am saying this. we need to do a better job up front of saying this is what we're doing. and this is what we're not going to do and here's why. and in a sustained way over a consistent period of time make the argument in a court of public opinion. that's not going to change in my opinion until we have a nominee and hopefully a president that will do that. right now that's not happening. it's not happening in either house. it's one of the things that's leading to this incredible amount of discomfort among the base of the party and america at large. >> wasn't the election, give us the senate, we'll stop the illegal unconstitutional executive amnesty. that was the whole campaign was about. >> that's exactly right. that's why people are so angry. that's why people are so angry. we gave you the house, we gave you the senate and obama keeps winning. >> in many ways this presidential campaign is the year i would argue of the nurjt candidate. you do the best among, i would argue, the nonnurjt candidates.
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is a fair characterization? >> well, the -- yes, i worked in the senate for four years. but i'm not of the senate. i work in the senate. i'm proud to represent florida in the senate. but let's remember why i went there to begin with. i didn't like the direction of this county and i didn't think either party was doing a good job in that regard. that's why i'm not running for re-election and instead running for president. i'm convinced that we're not going to get this country on the right track until we put someone in the white house until we do what needs to be done. it takes presidential leadership to do these things. >> you had a significant increase this polls especially after the last debate. i'm sure that makes you happy. with that comes added scrutiny. a back and forth between you and donald trump. he's attacked you, you responded. the voters, you didn't get a great response. let's roll the tape. >> senator rubio's a lightweight. we understand that. he wouldn't be able to do this.
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y wouldn't know a trade deal from any other deal. >> marco rubio is a lightweight. i can't imagine that he goes anywhere. who by the way, has the worst voting record in the united states senate. you have this cloud marco rubio. i've been so nice to him. i've been so nice. i've been so nice. marco rubio, he's like a kid. he shouldn't even be running in this race as far as i'm concerned. he's a kid. marco rubio, who has the worst voting record in the united states senate and a young guy, although he sweats more than any young person i've ever seen in my life. >> now, you responded, and let's play a little bit of what you said in your response. >> look, i'm not interested in a back and forth to be a member or part of this freak show. i would say this, he is a very sensitive person. he doesn't like to be criticized. he responds to criticism very poorly. but this election is not going to be about donald trump. he thinks it is. but it has to be about the issues confronting our country. and my sense of it is every time issues become prominent, he will say something outrageous or do
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something outrageous so he doesn't have to talk about the issues. >> what's your reaction to all of this? is this just part of p of presidential politics we should expect? >> no, it isn't. it shouldn't be. it's very clear he's a very insecure person. he doesn't like to be criticized. the presidency is a tough job. you will be criticized. you can't flip out every time somebody says something about you. he does. that's his problem. i don't have time to analyze why that is. he had a bad week, he got booed on a stage, he had very few people show up to an event. today tom brady said he's not endorsing donald trump even reports that he doesn't even have tom brady on his side now. that's his problem. i won't worry about it. here's what i am going to worry about. i'm going to worry about the future of this country. >> what is he tapped into that you think he's doing so well? >> first of all, three-quarters -- well, let's be clear, three-quarter of the republican party does not support him.
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he and other candidates tapped into what we discussed, the political class is completely out of touch with this country. the disconnect between washington, d.c., both political parties and our people has never been broader. you have millions of people in this country living paycheck to paycheck. and this government is making it worse for them, not better for them. there's the feeling that the only people that win are the people that are connected to government, who can hire a lobbyist and influence the direction of it and for the first time in 35 years you have more businesses dying than starting. and nothing is happening. and they've been hearing promises from both political parties for the better part of a decade. >> las question. >> people are angry and they're frustrated. >> you've now come up significantly in the polls. walk us through the path that you see to the presidency, to the nomination. >> well, i've always believed these campaigns are about going out and telling people who you are and what you will do. in essence telling people where we can go as a country and showing them what it will take to get there. i don't think there's a federal
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government answer to every one of our problems. i believe in a limited government. i want the make america the best place in world to create the best jobs of the 21st century. i want to make it easier and cheaper for people to acquire the skills for those jobs, but i want a federal government who keeps us safe that secures our border, that rebuilds our military, that has a foreign policy of moral clarity and strength. that's what my campaign is all about. i've outlined clear ideas about how to achieve it. that's what i'm going to keep doing from now till the votes are cast. i'm very confident that if we do that consistently and effectively, that we're going to be the nominee. it will take a lot of hard work. it's a very competitive field. but i feel very optimistic about it. >> four months is an eternity in politics. no doubt about it. >> four weeks is an eternity. >> never mind four months. good point. coming up john boehner rips his conservative critics on his way out the door in washington. coming up next senator ted cruz will have reaction. newt gingrich will weigh in on
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the gop leadership shake-up. kevin mccarthy, he wants to be the (wind noise) (road noise) what's happening here... is not normal, it's extraordinary. 291 people, 350 tons, 186 miles per hour... you're not sure what's on the other side to that time after you land. but momentum pushes you forward. you are a test pilot, breaking through where others broke. this is why you take off. same reason the pioneers before you went in canoes and covered wagons, with wild eyes and big fevered dreams and it's why we're with you. 80 thousand people now... on the ground. in the air. engines on. because there is no stop in us.
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a wonderful experience. my oldest son now works for pg&e. when i do get a chance, an opportunity to work with him, it's always a pleasure. i love my job and i care about the work i do. i know how hard our crews work for our customers. i want them to know that they do have a safe and reliable system. together, we're building a better california. congressional report shows more than 250 americans have traveled overseas in the past few years, hoping to join terrorist groups such as isis and several of them have been able to sneak back into the u.s. without being arrested or monitored. the study concludes the terrorists are becoming more sophisticated in their recru recruitment efforts. georgia has executed its
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first female prisoner in seven years, kelly guess endanner was put to death despite last minute moves by her attorneys to keep her alive. in the end the u.s. supreme court denied three requests for a stay of execution. back to hannity. beware of false prof ets. and there are people out there, you know, spread iing noise abo how much can get done. >> is ted cruz a false prophet? >> you can pick a lot of names out. i'll let you choose them. >> you don't debate that assertion? >> i'll refer you to my remark at a fund-raiser i made in august in colorado. >> that was speaker of the house john boehner over the weekend taking shots is at conservatives including senator ted cruz just days after announcing he'll resign from his post at the end
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of next month. here with reaction presidential contender ted cruz. tell me if i'm a false prophet, senator. because he said false prophet, unrealistic, spreading noise, we never had a chance to defund obamacare, a fool's errand. am i wrong in thinking that congress could have defunded obamacare, could have defunded executive amnesty, can defund even planned parenthood? am i wrong? am i a false prophet? >> you know, sean, you're looking to something as basic as the united states constitution. of course you're right. the problem is republican leadership begins from the perspective that they can accomplish nothing and they're not willing to try to accomplish anything for conservatives. if speaker boehner wants to go on national television as he did this weekend and direct epithets at me or conservatives, he's welcome to do so. i have no intention of responding in kind. >> senator, i think it's a good thing he's gone.
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60% of republicans feel betrayed by congress. 52% think most members of congress are corrupt. if john boehner largely responsible for that? >> well, we've got republican leadership in both houses that are fighting for nothing that they promised the american people they would fight for. the basic problem, sean, you've got ostensibly two sides. on one side the democrats, barack obama and the democrats, they are absolutely committed to fighting for liberal principles. barack obama will practically crawl over broken glass with a knife between his teeth. he never, ever, ever gives up. he's like the terminator. what does republican leadership do? it begins every negotiation with surrendering at the outset. and you know, it all plays out because republican leadership says very innocuously, there will never, ever, ever be a shutdown. now, to most folks that sounds like that might be reasonable. the problem is when you're dealing with a radical on the other side, obama's discovered all he has to do is whisper the word "shutdown" and republican
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leadership will run for the hills. so obama says, if you, republicans in congress, don't fund 100% of obamacare, if you don't do nothing for the millions of people being hurt by that failed law, i, barack obama, will veto funding for the entire federal government. and republican leadership says, we give up, we'll fund obamacare. he does the same thing on amnesty, planned parenthood, on this catastrophic iranian deal. and republican leadership leads the fight to fund every single one of obama's big government programs. >> you're right. this washington cartel and especially republicans have surrendered. if you go back to 2013 or even this week where you are going forward with a debate over a continuing resolution to take us to december 11th, if every republican had stood with you or stands with you this week, could -- do you have the authority to defund planned parenthood, obamacare, stop executive amnesty and stop this bad iranian deal? do the republicans have that
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power? >> of course we do. we have majorities in both houses of congress. all funding under the constitution begins in congress, the power of the purse. the problem is leadership won't use it. they surrender at the outset. you know, it's the reason we have no appropriation bills. democrats are blocking them, but why are they blocking them? because they know if congress passes no appropriations bills we'll end up at the end of the fiscal year, we'll have a continuing resolution and republican leadership will surrender and fund every one of obama's priority. so if you're a democrat, why would you let congress operate when you know that republican leadership will join with harry reid and nancy pelosi and barack obama and, you know, sean, as you noted, i'm leading the fight right now in the senate to stop this. i introduced yesterday an amendment that said we should fund the entire federal government but number one don't send $500 million of taxpayer money to planned parenthood, a
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private organization under multiple criminal investigations and caught on tape apparently committing a pattern of felonies selling the body parts of unborn children. and number two, don't spend money to implement this catastrophic iranian nuclear year. don't send $100 billion to the ayatollah komeny. you know who stopped my amendment? republican leadership. our own side who was convinced, no, we can't fight obama. we must surrender. >> you say you think mcconnell needs to go? >> we need leadership that actually leads. right now both senate and house leadership, they believe that we must surrender to obama on everything. it's why people are so frustrated. you know, i'll note, we've had now two republican presidential debates. every candidate talks about how they're standing up to washington. every candidate talked about how they didn't want to fund planned parenthood. well, you know, the fight that's
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happening right now today, none of those other ten candidates on that stage are anywhere to be found. i would love to have all 11 candidates on that stage come be part of the fight and come lead, if you want to take on washington, do it. >> every one of these republican senators and congressmen made the same promise you did. why are they unwilling to use their constitutional authority, and if mitch mcconnell won't use it and won't lead, who would you like to see as leader? >> look, the problem is leadership isn't listening to the people back home. leadership knows how to fight. >> they tell us every election. >> but it's what they're fighting for. leadership listens to the special interests and the lobbyists on k street and wall street. for example, a couple of months ago when it came to corporate welfare, the import/export bag, they used every procedural tool they could because giving hundreds of billions of dollars of loan guarantees to giant
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corporations, that produces campaign checks. >> i agree with you there. >> let me ask you this. you talk about leadership in the house and the senate. kevin mccarthy wants to be the next speaker of the house. he's going to join us coming up later in the program tonight. you are largely credited for leading the effort in part, you and mark meadows to push speaker boehner out. what do you think of kevin mccarthy? >> i like kevin personally and i would encourage kevin or whoever the new speaker is. what is most important is that republican leadership honor the commitments we made to the men and women who elected us. if kevin becomes speaker and he's the speaker who will fight to do what we promised the voters, then i'll be happy to work with him or anyone else. that's what we've got to do. i would be remiss if i didn't mention if you want a true proven conservative fighter, go to ted
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and if the grassroots rise up, that's how we can break the washington cartel with a strong conservative president did just like ronald reagan did in 1980. >> thank you for your time. newt gingrich is here to weigh in on the republican field and speaker boehner's resignation. kevin mccarthy wants to take boehner's spot as speaker of the house. why he thinks he should get that job. ♪song: "that's life" ♪song: "that's life" ♪song: "that's life" ♪song: "that's life"♪ that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise, jardiance works around the clock
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looks like we have some sort of sea monster in the water hazard here. i believe that's a "kraken", bruce. it looks like he's going to go with a nine iron. that may not be enough club... well he's definitely going to lose a stroke on this hole. if you're a golf commentator, you whisper. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. this golf course is electric... welcome back to "hannity." joining us to weigh in on speaker boehner's resignation, former speaker of the house newt gingrich. good to see you. >> good to be with you. >> 60% of republicans feel betrayed by the republican party in washington. i'm one of them. are we justified? >> i think people are very justified to be frustrated that there's not more aggressive fighting, that there's not a
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more effective opposition to obama and that there's not more effective use of the investigative tool of all the committees to lay out a record of just how bad this administration is. so yeah, i think there's a lot of justified frustration. and i think that it makes life more difficult. >> listen, you laid out a vision for the country. you shut down the government, but you also got us the end of welfare as we know it, the era of big government being over and a balanced budget. i know you paid a personal price for it. i don't see john boehner's vision. i don't see that they will win a fight and use their authority on planned parenthood on obamacare. i don't think there's any excuse for this behavior, myself. >> i think part of it's a very deep disagreement about how history unfolds. ronald reagan went through a period where he was quite unpopular. margaret thatcher went through a period where she was quite
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unpopular. we closed the government twice when i was speaker and initially people were very upset, but in each of those three cases we achieved policy break through s that were historic. welfare reform, balanced budgets, the only time in your things happened that were very good. if you're not prepared to stand firm under our constitutional system, you basically make the president emperor. the president gets to do whatever he wants because he'll threaten to veto and close government, then the news media will run over and beat up the republicans. that's the price of government. >> every time speaker boehner and mitch mcconnell say i'm not shutting down the government, didn't they ostensibly pretty much surrender. >> sure. >> to president pushover, the worst negotiator we've ever seen as evidenced by this iranian deal? they surrendered. >> look, he's only a pushover in foreign policy. in domestic policy he's gotten an amazing amount of what he
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wants because he's a bully and willing to run over people and willing to abuse the constitution and he's willing to play on lies. >> they're allowing that to happen. >> i think that's right. >> let's look at the 2016 field. donald trump, carly fiorina, ben carson and ted cruz together, four surging candidate, you got 60% of the republican vote in a field of 16. what does that tell you? >> it tells me to look at the american people more than the candidates. the american people -- gallup reported that 75% of the american people believe there is widespread corruption in government. the average american believes the federal government wastes 51 cents out of every dollar. 45% of the american people are afraid of the federal government. i mean, these are numbers that tell you that the country wants very bold, very dramatic change and in a sense scott walker,
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although he didn't execute it very well, scott had the right slogan in go bold, go big because i think the country wants leaders who are prepared to stand up and say, we're going to break the nonsense in washington, we're going to break the bureaucracy and we're going to get back to a commonsense america ngt doesn't donald trump have a good slogan, too? people are tired of 50 million americans on food stamps and 94 million americans out of the labor force. and he said let's make america great again. do you see donald trump, do you see a path for him? do you think he could win this thing, go all the way. >> sure. and part of my recommendation to trump would be to pick up on scott walker's slogan, go bold, go big and come back with -- and he took a step with his tax plan. it's a step. but i would come back with a series of very bold programs. trump's got to get in. he's now proven he can be the front-runner. now he's got to consolidate and prove he can be a leader on policied ideas, not just on
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attacking his fellow candidates. >> i like his plan. >> i thought it was a very good step in the right direction. let me offer you a step that i'll be writing about. quit trying to pay for tax cuts about policy. pay for tax cuts by cutting spending and say into you rather have money thrown away by a federal bureaucrat or would you rather have that money in your pocketbook? that's a much better way to pitch federal government o so we fatten your wallet. >> what about ted cruz, what about marco rubio, what about carly fiorina, ben carson, where do you see them ending up? none of us have a crystal ball, but you've been around this a long time. >> look, i love, bill kristol wrote this piece none of us would have predicted scott walker dropping out and john boehner retire. when we tell you our predictions, remember that. let's start there. any of the people you mention, i would throw in kasich, certainly kasich, rubio, cruz, fiorina,
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carson and -- >> jeb. >> obviously trump, those six are all in my mind positioned to be the nominee and have a real shot at it. huckabee has a longer shot, i think. rand paul has an even longer shot. christie has a longer shot. but in a world that's this topsy-turvy, and remember, we have no idea how foreign policy's going to affect us. you have the chinese being very aggressive in the south china sea. >> very. >> as well as with cyber attacks. you have putin projecting russian power into syria in a way we've never seen since the cold war. >> it's scary. i'm running out of time, though. one last question. does hillary survive? >> no. >> does she get the nomination? >> no. >> i agree with you. joe biden gets it, right? >> somebody, but not her. >> you mean the guy that says you have to have a slight indian accent to work in a dunkin' donuts or a 7-eleven, the same
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guy that says obama's clean and articulate, that guy? >> you could get your first openly socialist nominee. >> oh, my gosh. >> why not? you already had a covertry socialist nominee. >> newt gingrich, always good to see you. coming up, kevin mccarthy wants to replace john boehner as speaker of the house. how would his leadership be different? just like eddie, the first step to reaching your retirement goals is to visualize them. then, let the principal help you get there. join us as we celebrate eddie's retirement, and start planning your own. welcome to today's working world.
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just like eddie, the first step to reaching your retirement goals is to visualize them. then, let the principal help you get there. join us as we celebrate eddie's retirement, and start planning your own. welcome back to "hannity." in just one month john boehner will step down as speaker of the house. who will fill the void at the top of what appears to be an ever-divided house of representatives? joining us now, a man who just threw his hat in the ring. he's the house majority leader, congressman kevin mccarthy of california. thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me, sean. >> congressman, 60% of republicans polled this week
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feel betrayed by the republican party in washington. are they justified? i'm one of them. >> yeah, they are justified. i'm one of them, too. sean, think of this. 50 times this house has repealed obamacare. it goes to the senate and it sits there. but you know what's a little different that started today? we've got reconciliation, and what that means is -- >> but congressman, wait a minute. you never defunded obamacare. you have the constitutional power of the purse in the house. you guys never defunded it. it never had any teeth. >> sean, wait one second. reconciliation, by getting a budget in the house and the senate allows you to take it through with 51 votes. watch what happened in the ways and means. the leading democrat said you just gutted obamacare because that's the best thing i heard today in congress. and that's going to pass and get to the senate. but i'm frustrated, too. look what happened with iran. when the senate can't change a nuclear option to protect a
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nuclear-free world? >> let me ask you some specific questions. give me a great for john boehner. since he's been the speaker of the house. the debt has gone up -- since he's speaker, he's a republican, limited government, $4.1 trillion. look at the amount of money republicans funded for obamacare since he's been speaker under his leadership. $209 billion. i mean, you were there as majority leader. do you bear any responsibility? >> i bear responsibility, but sean, i came here one year ago and let's see what we've been able to do. when i came into office our deficit was running at 1.4 trillion. now about 400 billion. that's the fastest decline almost ever in american history. >> that's because -- let's be honest. >> but let's be honest who is in the white house. think of this. my first day on the job as majority leader, i got booed when i went to the microphone by the democrats.
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why? because i told them they weren't going home until we passed a border security bill. you knew what was going along that border. you know what's more important? we'll hold this president accountable for his -- >> let me ask you this. give me a great for john boehner, speaker of the house? >> i think he deserves a b minus. you disagree with me? >> yes. >> he won a majority. we've got the highest margin we ever had before. we lowered the deficit with him there. but you know what? we passed 300 bills this year, but look into the senate, they haven't moved. >> i agree with you on the senate, and mitch mcconnell deserves his share of responsibility as do republican senators. but i'm not talking about the senate. let me ask you this. you voted 50 times to repeal obamacare, but there's a constitutional power you guys have that you don't use. and it seems all obama has to do is mention we're going to shut down the government and blame republicans, you fund obamacare.
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you fund executive amnesty which you told us -- the whole republican caucus told us they would stop if we would elect the senate last year. they funded it. >> sean. >> and you're with to fund planned parenthood. >> no, sean, amnesty is not going on. the courts have stopped that. there's no funding there. there should not be as we go forward. >> but if february didn't you guys end up funding it, you passed the krom ne bus, you gave up your leverage. >> no, the courts put a stay on that. no funding going towards that. the question i think you really want to ask me is how am i going to be different. >> i love how you asked my questions. but go ahead, that is one of my questions. >> i knew you'd want to ask it. what you'll see is a conservative speaker, that takes a conservative congresses that puts a strategy to win. everybody thought hillary clinton was unbeatable, right? but we put together a benghazi
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special committee, a select committee. what are her numbers today? her numbers are dropping. why? because she's untrustable. but no one would have known any of that had happened. >> i agree. i give you credit for sequestrati sequestration, i'll give you credit where credit is due. but here's what every conservative wants to know. >> yes. >> are you willing to defund obamacare and use your constitutional authority? are you willing to use the power of the purse to defund planned parenthood? will you use the power of the purse to stop the power grab of this president through the use of executive amnesty ignoring our laws and our constitution? if you're speaker, will you go into your conference and say, this is what we should do, we need to unite together? >> i will unite them and, yes, we'll do it. >> you will do those? >> we won't do that when we have one day. this is what we'll do. we can't do it alone.
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we'll put a strategy today just as we do with a select committee on planned parenthood. we go out across the country and they see. the president won't even watch those videos. the democrats won't watch those videos. we need america to watch those videos. we need your help as well. >> listen, if you guys fight for that, ted cruz was on earlier, last night we had the house freedom caucus members on. i asked the members, i said, wait a minute. tell me if i'm wrong, because john boehner actually said, let's see, it's unrealistic, i'm a false prophet. we never had a chance to defund obamacare. we're spreading noise. it's a fool's errand. he's attacking conservatives for saying use the constitutional authority you have. all of these members say that you have the ability to do that. do you agree with them? it's just a matter of uniting together and engaging in that fight. do you agree with that? >> we have the ability to do it. but we have to have a strategy
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to be able to win it. >> here's the next question. you'll do that? >> i'm not in for a fight for the sake of it. yes. >> you'll do that. >> you have watched me. sean, i came here in '06 when we were in the minority. who traveled the country recruiting people to defeat the democrats? who created young gun, who wrote pledge to america? sean, that was me. >> i agree with all that. there hasn't been a vision, i suggested in 2014. when boehner said these are false prophets, those were promises republicans made. i find those comments despicable he made over the weekend. am i right? >> look, i am the ronald reagan 11th commandment, i don't speak ill of any republican because every republican should have a voice here. that's the fundamental difference. i believe in the bottom-up strategy. too many people in washington care about power and institutions -- >> state there, congressman. >> and not change the lives of every day. >> i have more questions for congressman, he wants to be the ♪
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immigration. defunding obamacare and this iranian deal is an unmitigated disaster that will lead to a modern-day holocaust. on those four issues, if kevin mccarthy is the speaker . >> that you will encourage every member to defund. >> it is dealing with iran, it's just this week. we have a bill. do you know there are 80 judgments against iran for almost $44 billion of the -- we're passing a bill that says none of that money can go there
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with out paying those judgments. those are court cases in america that stood up. people who have been murdered from the terrorist acts of iran, they need to pay us. >> let me ask you this. >> yes. >> john boehner referred to louie gomer as, i can't say, a blankhead. are you going to include them in power sharing? are you going to bring in solid conservatives around you from the freedom caucus to be part of the leadership? >> i'm going to bring in everybody. my understanding is that you had them on the air last night. they told me when you asked them to say one word about me, they said he is listening. >> i was surprised because you're a part of leadership that they're that nice for you. >> wait a minute, sean. why are you surprised? >> because you're closely tied with boehner. you gave him a b minus, i give
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him a d minus. i think he failed on major promises. >> sean, let's be fair. if you judge him on what he leaves out of the house, i think you'd change his race. i'm not here to argue about that. what i will tell you is that everybody learns the lesson on their own. the speaker changes the culture. the culture i'm going to change here is that i'm going to make members closer to who they represent. >> if you get elected speaker, boehner won't take my calls. >> have you ever not taken your calls? >> you've taken my calls. are you going to duck and dodge if it's an uncomfortable issue? >> good, bad, or indifferent. if i'm fortunate enough to be speaker, the next three months are very difficult but i'll come on every month if you want, or more, you hold me accountable
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because i'm going to hold myself accountable. and importantly, we need to join together. >> if you guys do these things i will run up the hill with you. and so will every conservative in the country. they want you guys to fight. >> we want to fight to win. >> i agree. we have to fight, win, we've got to change the country. the country is going down the tubes. thank you for being with us, congressman. i appreciate
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this person. >> sean, why is it that during this election specifically, most republicans with some exceptions are making it a goal against the 11th commandment and attack other candidates? why are almost every other republican candidates going after donald trump? thank you. >> that is a simple answer. i'll give you the short answer with this. he's in the lead. it's kind of the thing that happens in politics. in fairness, we've got to admit, donald trump is pretty capable of firing right back. if you have a question for me, go to twitter, use the #asksean and better yet, snend a video and you can be on tv. and tune in tomorrow night, 7:00 eastern as secretary of state john kerry goes on the record with greta. tomorrow night, 7:00 p.m. that is all the time we have left this evening. we hope you'll set your dvr so you never miss an episode.
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we take attendance and it hurts our feelings when you're not here. see you back here tomorrow night. this is a fox news alert. tonight, "on the record." the threat of isis is growing and just what you feared, america is losing that battle. a brand new report from the house homeland security committee showing the united states is failing to stop american fighters from fleeing to syria to join isis and wage violent jihad. a shocking 250 americans have tried to join isis but even more alarming, only 28 have been stopped before they leave the united states. committee chair congressman michael mccaul warning of this dangerous situation. the findings indicate that number one the threat is getting worse, not better. that we are losing in this struggle. to keep americans from the battlefield because many are
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