tv Hannity FOX News October 1, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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>> what was your best year? what was your best age? >> when i was got married. i was 23. >> happy birthday. goodnight. welcome to "hannity." a fox news alert -- we are waiting a police press conference on a deadly campus shooting at a community college in oregon. authorities at this hour are still trying to determine why a gunman went on a shooting rampage earlier today that left ten dead. >> the name of the shooter is out there. we haven't independently confirmed it with law enforcement so we will hold off for the time being. the governor of oregon said the shooter is 20 years old but we now hear he is 26 years old. one of the students said the shooter shot a bullet through the window that hit her teacher,
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then he came in and told everyone to get on the ground, then stood them up and asked their religion. the roseburg beacon says if the answer was christian, you were shot in the head. if the answer was not christian, you were shot in the leg. if this is a hate crime, there are reports the shooter had posted a racist manifesto, federal agents will be heavily involved in this. we know the fbi and atf are already on screen. the name has been confirmed, sean. the name is 26-year-old chris harper mercer. 26-year-old chris harper mercer has now been officially confirmed by fox news channel. as we say, the fbi and atf are already on scene. there is word there is a heavy presence now outside of his apartment in roseburg, oregon. some neighbors have been asked about him saying that he got mad at them, angry at them for smoking. we know very little about him except for the fact that they are now going to be looking at
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his cell phone. his laptop. his social media footprint. of course, we are doing the same thing. and it appears that this chris harper mercer appears to be very heavily involved in weapons. there is a picture of him on a social media site with a weapon. there are also other pictures of weapons. now there are reports that three or four weapons were found at the scene of today's shooting, including handguns and at least one long gun. one law enforcement official told "the new york times" the shooter appears to be an angry young man filled with hate. again, there is no word of his religion or motive. remember, before the shooting, someone posted a warning message online saying don't go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest. as we get more information about chris harper mercer, 26 years old, apparently at one point lived here in southern california with his mom before moving up to oregon, we will
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break in and let you know. >> trace, go back a little bit here. this is a really important aspect of the case. it's been now widely reported that the shooter lined eight people up asking if they're christian. if they were christian, they were shot in the head. if they said no, or didn't answer, they were shot in the legs. as we now examine social media for chris harper mercer, do we know if there is anything religious or religious-oriented or any type of affiliation on his part that gives us any idea of maybe some faith he may be aligned with? >> no. all it says -- i can tell you that i spent 35 minutes looking at his social media profile and he has a profile on there but it's very thin. there's only two known associates on there. in other words, it's not facebook. >> trace, hang on one second. the images we're showing now is reportedly outside of chris harper mercer's apartment. obviously people are getting
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more information as it becomes available. we're trying to be as accurate as we possibly can. so you searched the social media page for some 35 minutes. back to that. >> we were on social media page for 35 minutes. apparently it turns out that the social media page has very little on it. there's a couple of things, photos and in the photos you can see a man who is apparently this chris harper mercer and he's got a gun on. he's wearing -- standing with a gun. there are some other pictures of the irish republic an un republ some other friends pictures on there. but friends connections, there's only two other people. there are no videos, no statements. nothing about him, no background. it just simply said that at one point he lived in torrance, california. other thannothing else on this to go on. it is very thin and that's why it is very important for
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authorities to get inside his apartment. i'm sure they'll get a warrant very quickly to get inside his apartment and to get his laptop and to get his social media footprint and to get his cell phone to find out who he's been in kt ka with in recent years. we don't know if he's got any kind of religious, you know, problems. we don't know what religion he is. so right now -- >> if he's lining people up and asking if they're a christian and shooting them in the head if they answer yes, there's some religious component to this. . >> you would think. there was some religion component. clearly if you're lining people up and asking if they're christian and if they are you shoot them in the head and if they're not you shoot them in the leg. the question is what is the component? his name doesn't bring anything to mind where he doesn't sound like he's muslim. it doesn't sound like he would have any problem with organized
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religion, though he may. ht.t's a question that what's the connection. why is there this hatred toward christianity if that in fact was the case. if this wps is accurate and, by all accounts she is what she saw in the classroom today. then what is the problem. that's what law enforcement will spend the next several days trying to figure out. as you know and i know, if there is a hate crime component to any crime like this, the feds will get heavily involved around they will, en masse, show up tomorrow or late tonight in roseburg, oregon trying to find out exactly what's going on. >> let me go back to your reporting earlier that this social media post, don't go to school if you live in the northwest. that was posted yesterday. what do we know about where that was posted? >> it was posted on a website or social media side called four chat. i know very little about it except it was posted by
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anonymous and posted some time prior to the shooting. the exact time stamp we don't know or at least we haven't gleaned yet but it was posted saying if you live in the northwest, don't go to school. it was a warning. we knew about this minutes after the shooting today. we knew about this. but again we didn't know if it was legitimate or what time it happened. when we found out this morning was in fact posted prior to the shooting? well, maybe it wasn't about this but it is an awfully big coincidence if it wasn't. anonymous, there were earlier reports that people on that same website had identified somebody as the shooter. well, those reports turned out to be wrong which is why at the top of the show we were very careful to point out that we had not yet confirmed the name with you are o law enforcement sources so we didn't want to go with it. now we have confirmed the name with our law enforcement sources and it is this chris harper mercer and he is the focus now of this swarm of law enforcement that is now gathering in
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roseburg, oregon outside of his apartment. they will very soon be inside taking everything and anything they can out of there and of course talking to family members, friends, any known associates who might know about his background and what motivated this horrible crime today in southwestern oregon. >> trace, one last question. you referenced an ira reference on a social media page. was it just a glancing reference? was there anything more to that? >> there was nothing. there was no words, there was nothing. just pictures. i think three or four pictures on there that showed pictures of ira, men in guns, ira. but what does that tell you? you can go back and you look at the conflict that the i.r.a. had, there was no -- at some point they came out in favor of the catholics and it was the protestants and some referred to
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that as the old sunni and shia rivalry in ireland but there was no anti-religion in there, per se. so that doesn't really fit into this whole thing of being anti-christian. >> we're trying to glean everything we can. trace, stand by. joining us on the ground, dan springer with the very latest. dan. >> reporter: i can tell you that there is a massive police presence in this small county of about 107,000 people. douglas county, very rural. but we're also being kept about a mile and a half away from the campus where the shooting took place this morning. umpqua community college is right down the street where the police have set up a line and not letting anybody go closer to it. i just saw a fully armored vehicle from douglas county sheriff's department come out of there but mostly people have been staying inside that police line. well over 100 police officers, state, local and federal. we know the atf and fbi is here,
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conducting interviews with witnesses. they are still going through and combing through that scene. let me give you a little bit about the timeline and how quickly they responded. first 911 call of shots being fired came in at 10:38. there is an oregon state patrol office that's right down the street from me. i could probably hit a 9 iron right there. very close. those responding officers got there probably we are told within three, possibly four minutes. we don't know exactly how long it took for them to engage this gunman and start firing at him but we know that when they got to him they started shooting and then they radioed back to their office saying that the suspect had been neutralized. their words. and by five to 11:00, it was all over. so we don't know exactly what happened after that but we know that typical stuff. right? we've seen this over and over again where you have people going door to door, cops going from building to building searching for a possible second
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or third gunman. we've seen students being bussed over to a location. i want to take you to the president of the umpqua community college who was over at the fairgrounds nearby here where the students who were able to get out of this were taken and the president saw the parents lined up there waiting to see their kids. >> i feel awful. i mean to witness the families that were waiting for the students on the last bus and to see all of the hugs and weeping and trauma that's gone on. more people were hurt than just the ones that were shot. >> reporter: just excruciating for another parent who i just spoke with, a mom who works at the local hospital here who was on duty whether she got word that there was a shooting. she couldn't get hold of her daughter who, by the way, is a freshman in her fourth day at umpqua community college. four about an hour she was having to work on these patients
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who were brought in from the college not knowing if her daughter was going to be one of them. she finally got word that her daughter was okay and was able to talk to her but he shall kru excruciatingly long time before she found out her daughter was safe. many, many stories like that in this small community where it is very tight knit. i've been down here several times. we're usually doing stores by the lobbying industry. these are hard working god fearing people in this community. roseburg has just been dev staptstap devastated by that. >> is it true the university was a gun-free zone? >> the president in her brief news conference today said that it is a gun-free zone. however, i can tell you oregon law doesn't alaw for that. it is an open-carry state. while this is a pretty blue state politically, this is a very pro-gun area.
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roseburg for sure and douglas county. and the state as a whole. >> hang on one second, dan. back to you in a second. we got trace gallagher with some new information for us as we await this press conference from the police department coming up momentarily. trace, what's the latest? >> reporter: i just warrant to point out, because we just got this and i failed to mention this. from our chief national intelligence correspondent, matthew dean our justice department correspondent. justice dopt pepartment produce. chris harper mercer -- the 26-year-old is in fact the person who was the shooter today at the college in oregon. i wanted to mention that fox was told as precaution that counterterrorism officials are running mercer's name against watch lists and they are combing through his e-mail history, his phone logs, any social media profiles. so it's interesting that they're
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running his name against these watch lists trying to rule out any links to terrorism which is a standard procedure in mass cash itty events such as this. it just kind of fascinating dynamic when you have the feds that are converging on this town in oregon and now they want to find out as quickly as they can to rule anything out did they have any kind of terrorism background, was he on any watch list, what was his criminal background, any infractions, who did he come in contact with, who did he call, they can go back a long time in his phone logs. any e-mails, nefarious contacts. was he an angry young man as a law enforcement officer told "the new york times." was he upset about something. talking about his family life. was there a death in the family, any kind of relationship break-ups. they'll be scanning through all that stuff in the coming days trying to paint a better picture of who this guy was and what
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drove him to do such a heinous act today. >> i think, trace, one of the bigger clues that we have is this comment about christianity and asking people if they're christians and if they said yes they got shot in the head and if they didn't answer or said no they were shot in the leg. that's a pretty good indication they were on to something. >> that's a good indications and that's of course the first avenue they go down. other witnesses say it wasn't just kind of a one and then you shoot someone and then shoot somebody else's leg. at some point in time he just started opening fire because the other witnesses who ran out of this classroom were saying that he was just shooting. there were reports that he had at least three or four guns. couple of handguns. maybe a long gun. we don't know if it was a semi-automatic rifle. we have no idea because police have not confirmed that to us. but at some point in time it appeared to be methodical. it appeared to have a purpose and a motive and that at some
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point it time it appeared to just be some kind of random mass shooting where he started shooting everybody that was in his way. that's another aspect of this thing they'll start looking at. the first bullet came through a window and it hit a teacher in the head. that's what the eyewitness reported. the teacher unless he knew the teacher was in fact a christian you would think that's a random shooting right off the top. and then the reports from the fire department were that the shooter was actually outside the classroom shooting in and then we have reports that he walk in, he made everybody get on the ground, he stood them up, then one by one was asking them their religion, if they were christian, it was bad. if not they get shot in the leg. so it all doesn't fit together as a certain motive and certain parameters that authorities have to work in. it seems to be kind of random willy-nilly shooting to begin with, they be it goes to a more specific reasoned shooting, then
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it goes off to another recklessly mass shooting that kind of ends this whole thing until he gets involved with the shoot outrequest police which is not far from the classroom that he targeted. and where he is finally shot and killed. >> trace gallagher, stay right there. we'll get back to you as we continue our coverage here tonight on this mass shooting in oregon. 13 dead, seven injured. more after the break. we are waiting a press conference from the police department. plus how president obama has already within minutes begun to politicize this tragedy as we continue. ♪ ♪
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i'm a senior field technician for pg&e here in san jose. pg&e is using new technology to improve our system, replacing pipelines throughout the city of san jose, to provide safe and reliable services. raising a family here in the city of san jose has been a wonderful experience. my oldest son now works for pg&e. when i do get a chance, an opportunity to work with him, it's always a pleasure. i love my job and i care about the work i do. i know how hard our crews work for our customers. i want them to know that they do have a safe and reliable system. together, we're building a better california. we are just moments away from a police press conference on the oregon community college shooting that left ten dead and seven injured. police have not yet determined a motive. we go back to be trace gallagher
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with the very latest. i said 13. it is ten dead. we know seven are injured severely -- lang on, trace. i see the police coming to the podium. we've been awaiting this press conference to get the latest and maybe more details on the shooter, 26-year-old chris harper mercer. here's the police. >> good evening. again, i want to remind everyone that our focus tonight is on the families and of the victims of today's horrific incident. we have paired up deputies and detectives with the family members of the deceased.
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to help work through the process of grieving and answering questions to the families of these victims. also in an attempt to help identify the victims that we have mentioned earlier, as we talked previously, this is considered a mass casualty and with a mass casualty comes protocols. protocols that will likely result in us not being able to release the names of the victims until at least tomorrow. obviously notifications of the families is our priority and we would ask that the media respect that. respect the victims and respect the families as they manage these most difficult times. we have information that leads us to believe that we know who the shooter is. the official i.d. will come from the medical examiner's office.
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let me be very clear -- i will not name the shooter. i will not give him the credit he probably sought prior to this horrific and cowardly act. media will get the name confirmed in time. but you will never hear me mention his name. we would encourage media and the community to avoid using it. we encourage you to not repeat it. we encourage you not to glorify and create sensationalism for him. he in no way deserves this. focus your attention on the victims and the families and helping them get through this difficult time. we do know that we have at least
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two heroic officers who responded in to the building within minutes and exchanged gunfire with the suspect. the oregon state police is handing the aspect of the officer-involved shooting and will release any information surrounding that portion of the investigation at some point in the future. tactical teams and bomb squads have cleared all of the buildings on the campus. they are currently going through the hundreds of vehicles that are parked in the parking lots to clear those as well. evidence teams from the fbi and from the oregon state police are working to process the crime scene. again, i want to thank the hundreds of law enforcement officers, mental health counselors, victim specialists and others from all over this state that have responded here today to help my agency and to
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help this community. with that i would like to interviews the president of the umpqua community college, rita cavitt. >> thank you. i'd like to begin by offering my heartfelt condolences and the condo lens of everyone connected with ucc and the families of anyone hurt today emotionally or physically. this has been a long, sad tragic day at ucc. and the thing that we should take away from it is the power that love can bring to this community. we saw people rush to our help, rush to assist us, rush to comfort us. people all over the community came in. i think that's one of the blessings of a small town is that we're so interconnected. i've only been here a short period of time, but the friends
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i knew that we had all came and did everything that they possibly could. they're still helping us and they'll continue helping us as we go back to normalcy. this will take us some time and we need the patience of the community but we plan to have the college functioning, safe and comforting as soon as possible for our students to return. this is a crisis, and we are asking for help and receiving help. it's important i think we can focus on what would cause somebody to do this horrendous act, and i absolutely agree with the previous statement that the focus should be on how many people opened their hearts to help us today. thank you. >> i will be headed over to the candlelight vigil now and with that, i will ask my public information officer to come up and answer any questions and
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discuss any other administrative issues. >> we're watching the press conference about today's events. you just heard the sheriff saying don't focus on shooter. though we have identified the shooter on the fox news channel, 26-year-old chris harper mercer. he says you shouldn't create sensationalism or encourage the media to talk. we go back to the press conference now. >> we'll be posting to that twitter account as well as it is not determined when theness briefing will be, but when that is decided we will post that information, and our social media accounts. that's all i have. i just have a couple of logistics items, if you could just bear with me for a few minutes. >> do you suspect a briefing tonight or is that still not
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clear? >> not clear. >> okay. year's not taking any questions tonight. thank you. >> when do you expect to get an update -- >> that what happens up the press conference. the media trying to get a few questions in here but the sheriff pointed out he's asking the media to focus on the victims, foep cuss on the families today. they know the name of the shooter. we have identified him on the fox news channel, 26-year-old chris larp harper mercer. we'll get into a discussion of whether or not we should name him. he encouraged the media to tnot repeat it because the shooter probably wanted sensationalism. dan springer has the latest reaction to that. >> i was listening to that, also, very strong words from the sheriff. as you heard, he does not want that shooter's name mentioned. he will not do it. he was waiting for the medical
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examiner to do that. the sheriff has some strong views on guns as well. it's been reported that just yesterday he sent vice president biden a letter around he talked about this letter on his webpage that he would not enforce any policy that went beyond oregon law or laws here in douglas county, oregon in terms of gun control. he said obviously he is very upset with what happened today and upset with the coverage of the shooter's name already being out there but sheriff john hanlon has a beef with gun control and vice president biden who has been in charge of -- put in charge of a task force looking at ways to get different gun laws throughout the country. but we're standing by here. lots of police coming and going. you heard the sheriff say that they are going painstakingly
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through that campus, going through about 100 cars or so to clear all of them. they have avenue cleared all the buildings. it is a long process with that much of a scene to cover. >> thanks, dan springer. joining me now, former ny my la enforcement guests. comments of the sheriff. every media outlet for the most part has already identified who the shooter is. i don't know if i agree or disagree but i with a'nt to give the sheriff enough respect. we've given out the name tonight. but give respect to the families, we all agree with that. our thoughts and prayers go out to all of these families. he says they know the names, they're not going to give him credit, encouraging the media not to repeat it. does that make a difference? >> i get what he's saying. i ive's always said it all along which why put the guy's name out there, give him the sensationalism. in reality, its a he leaked ow. this is his feelings, i
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understand this and all that. as far as the acting president of a university, i've been doing this story all day. her statement i really got sick to my stomach when she mentioned we have no guns on our college. in light of what just what happened when you have a security officer with no dwgun,e has mace, with this kind of action, would you reconsider -- no, we won't reconsider guns on the campus. if this can happen in a small town in oregon -- >> i was really disgusted with the president's comments tonight. his race to politicize this. we will be discussing that in the days to come. i'm not going to spend a whole lot of time on it. >> the 15 kids that were killed in chicago over the weekend. >> not a word. >> all the cities with the best gun control laws, new york, washington, baltimore, chicago. those guns are not nra guns.
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these are illegal guns killing our kids. >> who makes those guns possible, bo? nra. where do the guns come from? places that have loose gun control. >> we have too many issues and there's too much information to get out. when the president said today this is it a political choice, we've got to make this to allow this to happen. that is a goss lie by this president. you want to keep kids in school safe? have former detectives on every campus and every school and your schools are going to be safer instead of these gun-free zones. >> send children to armories now. >> not armories. >> you just want guns everywhere. >> there's too much happening here. i want to go to mark fuhrman
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here. this whole issue, if you are a christian you get shot in the head. if you're not a christian or don't answer you get shot leg. that to me is at least the biggest piece of the puzzle we'll try and piece together in the days and weeks ahead. how do you interpret that? >> i would agree with you but once again motive in a homicide is never understood. that's why it's not proven in court. it is usually muddled because of the suspect's interpretation of his right to kill somebody. but i think in this instance, it gives you a window into at least a small portion of this suspe suspect's anger was certainly for christians, whether his religion is muslim or buddhist or whatever his religion is. it could be atheist for that matter. it is an important part of the puzzle. that's what they're searching for. >> who posted the message.
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if you live in the northwest, don't go to school tomorrow the day before the shooting occurs. the second thing is i want to know why he posted something with the i.r.a. up there. two other little pieces we need to examine. correct? >> well, of course. the picture of the i.r.a., that was a struggle, catholics versus protestants. they were -- >> but they're both christian. >> it was a gorilla war within a small country. yeah, but they're all christian so it has nothing to do with their belief in god -- or their god, the christian god. so when you see that coupled with somebody actually putting out that they are going to do this or threatening to do this, and i think we should know who that person was that received that and actually put out a message if you're in the northwest don't go to school tomorrow. there should be some level of guilt or culpability for that person for not calling law
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enforcement to actually look at it right then especially in the environment we're in this world today. >> let me bring bo into this whole question. there was random shooting through the window. that was where the first shot was fired. that's random. i don't know what you glean from that unless you didn't know the particular faith of the teacher that got shot first. if he's lining people up as reported, asking if they're christian, if they say yes they get shot in the head, if they say no they get shot in the leg, to me it is inexplicable but it gives us some insight -- he obviously hated christians. >> mark being a former homicide detective, myself also, this case is just beginning. there will be witnesses he spoke to on his cell phone. his computers. there's going to be a development of what was in this guy's head. i say you will have a motive whether the guy's completely insane -- >> or an atheist --
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>> the puzzle all gets put together as the investigation. this is so brand-new now. in the next weeks to come this will develop and we will have an answer to this. i guarantee. he could be totally crazy. >> you have any doubt that he was mentally crazed? >> everybody that kills an innocent person is not well. >> some people are pursuing some agenda. >> we're sitting here and wondering was he connected to some kind of jihad? was this guy inspired by it? >> we'll find out. >> we want to know exactly lly did it. >> this is the case of an anti-christian agenda. >> he's shooting people in the leg. not like if you're christian you're free to go. what it suggests to me, this's guy a nut job. >> we got to take a break. we'll come back. we'll have more on this breaking
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welcome back to "hannity." joining us, john parker, an air force vet who was on the oregon campus at the time of the shooting. he did have a concealed weapon on him but he was not allowed to go to the scene. how many years did you serve in the air force? >> just over four years. >> you go to school. you're a student there now. right? >> yes, sir. >> how far away were you from where the shooting occurred? >> at first i was probably 200 yards away in another building across a large field. >> so you know a shooting's going on. you know that you're armed with a weapon and based on your training in the air force i would assume you probably wanted to assist. is that right? >> well, it was more than just
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me. there was a few people in the vet center. when we heard the shooting happened, we got up and we were going to go out and see what we could do. immediately the staff -- school staff stopped us and told us to get inside of the building. some of us went to other buildings but essentially a staff wouldn't let us go. >> so john, you were in the vet center with other vets. were they also armed, do you know? >> i have no idea. no business. i just know that i carry and i was willing to help. >> i have a license to conceal carry permit. the campus is a gun-free zone. >> the campus -- they might have made a policy overnight all of a sudden but that's public property and i'm licensed to to carry and i'll continue to carry. >> you're a vet. believe me, i would like to have armed guards at schools
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especially where there are schools with a lot of violence and inner cities. think it is a big mistake. former police officers, retired officers. when you were locked down, did you see, did you hear anything that you can share with our audience? >> i really didn't. some of the people had smartphones and they had the tweet scanner apps where you can listen to active radio communication. one of the instructor turned on the projector on the internet and put on one of our local radio stations -- or television stations that was broadcasting so we could be updated a little bit. but there really wasn't anything that i seen or witnessed other than willing to go out there and try to do what i can. >> i know you would have if you had the opportunity, john. thanks for being with us. we appreciate your insight. >> thanks for having me. >> joining us now with more from the fox news medical a team, dr.
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keith. by definition, is it fair to say that anybody that would go into a shooting like this is, by definition, mentally ill? whether they have an agenda or not have an agenda, normal, healthy people have empathy and don't go shooting innocent people especially if they have to answer a question like if they're a christian. is that a fair statement? >> absolutely, sean. that's why i keep saying that mental health care and case finding of people who are psychologically disturbed is the way to combat this, not gun laws. so you're absolutely right. it is the failure of empathy. empathy defines human beings in a certain way. when that's broken, it doesn't operate, you are free in a horrible way to do things other people would not. >> sociopath, psychopath, what would be the medical terms you use for people that don't have a
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conscience, don't have a soul, can shoot somebody and go have a mcdonald's hamburger and not think twice about it. in other words they don't have the same guilt and conscience that the rest of us have? >> well, slure. it could be that somebody like that has antisocial personality disorder, no respect for law, no respect for the truth, no conscience. it also could be, listen, somebody laboring under a delusion canby l behave this wa somebody that believes that evil versus good and that somehow -- >> what do you glean from the remarks that have been reported that the shooter was lining people us, are you a christian, if you say yes you get shot in the head, if you answer another religion you only get shot in the leg. what do you make of that? >> it could be an element of hate or it could be this person is laboring under and psychosis
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where he thinks that christians with involved with martians, for all we know. we'll find out if people close to this person knew something was brewing. >> don't we always find out there were signs and evidence and symptoms, then we find out about it afterwards that so many people thought that this person to do something like this. quick break. more after this quick l e helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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. a comment and say obama politicized this issue. well, this is something we should politicize. it is relevant to our common life together. to the body's politics. >> wow. ten people dead. seven injured and this is the president? really? why doesn't he talk about the 49 people shot in chicago last weekend? he went on to say further in the comments which i thought is grotesque this is a political choice we make to allow this to happen every few months in america here. that is a grotesque lie, if you disagree with the president. for him to do that and
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literally, we barely know the names of the victims in this hour is just beyond. >> i watched this afternoon, live, and got sick to my stomach. he is talking about these poor people, they lost their loved ones. he's trying to make an issue against the nra. all of the guns that are killing our black lives in america, black on black crime, they're illegal guns, not nra guns. >> this is a rhetorical low point for him. we're not responsible because we believe in the second amendment for what happened here. what about the call for bo, myself, and mark furman, saying maybe retired police officers should be in schools in chicago, new york, and maybe oregon. but most liberals won't hear it. >> oh, yeah. you know there is an armed guard at columbine.
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do you think it stopped anything? no. do you think this was a low point? is it the case we haven't had a series of men murdered in this country? >> that was grotesque. >> what is despicable is that we don't protect ourselves from mass murders in this country. the president made a point of saying to gun owners we should do something as responsible gun owners to stop this. >> i notice he has a lot of armed guards around him. >> that is the way it should be. we should protect our president and our kids, too. mark fuhrman. >> most police agencies and courtrooms have armed guards to protect judges and politicians. politicians have that option, so i guess our children aren't as
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important as the president, politicians or judges. the president doesn't have the facts, yet he was making accusations that we're somehow the cause. because we allow people to drink alcohol we're responsible for the deaths on the highways. it's absurd. it's no different from a gunman we don't know, that picks up a gun and decides at that one moment to become a mass murderer. >> the president uses the killing before the victims are even known, before bodies are even called, within hours to, advance his gun agenda. that is disgraceful. that is all the time we have left this evening. stay with the fox news channel for continuing coverage of the shooting. we'll see you back here tomorrow night, 10:00 eastern right here on the fox news channel. you can reach me on twitter and we want to hear your comments as
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