tv Bulls Bears FOX News October 10, 2015 7:00am-7:31am PDT
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you brought up the amazing display from the farms. >> thank you you for having me. >> thank you for having me. you can find me in clinton dale, new york minor family >> we're painting the face after "fox and friends." >> bye everybody. see you tomorrow. house lawmakers set to get an ear full as they take the week off with no end to this leadership drama in sight. some here say forget the leader of the house, if you want to see real change we have to see the way that the entire house is ran. high everybody i am brenda butner and this is bulls and bears. welcome to everybody. okay. john, what's more important changing the leader or changing the system? >> well the system of course
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because if you change the leader you just get more of the same. this is just not working. our system is broke. we don't have a plan for anything. it's hard to believe that this is the republican party founded in 1854 by the wigs and free soil party. the party of lincoln that was responsible for the 13 and 14th amendments that gave citizen all equal rights. not like thomas jefferson saying that all men are equal while owning slaves. they wrote it in the law. they will not reck economize what is going on now with the republican party. is it a chases of the rabbits and doing the immigration or tax reform, they're going after the president's birth certificate or take the narrative to the emotional level of the bible belt and going after the santty of more rage, we should have a separation of church and state. thankfully we do. this is right for an independent person to come in here and now take over. i think america is sick of this
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two party system. >> okay. susie really change the system? i mean our system has survived world war, pdepressions and the created this so that it would with stand the crisis. >> yeah, they did a job of it. it's like capitalism and it's better than all of the rest. i think what we don't have is a problem with is system and the people. we don't have the leader that's willing to be a lead er and a fool. going to be hero i can republicans together under a bigger tent. divided they're going to fall. they have to be a fool because you're going to be mocked and yelled at and hated. it's like being a parent. the whole system is an over
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kill. >> well, i think john for king would solve this every time. >> we support him. >> yeah, exactly. the system of congress has always reacted to crisis. sin since the revolutionary war, they have been in crisis mood. that's not going to change. if congress stepped up and did the responsibilities. congress was put in to in act the laws and enforce the laws. in the past few decades congress has let the president get away with writing the laws as this has done a recess appointment and immigration, tax law and things like that and using the exec tiutive powers to exert wh congress is doing. we get back to the separation of powers as written in the constitution, and we should be just fine. >> jonas will we be just fine?
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>> well, it was a sound system before it was in vented and then the radio and then like today the internet stars and tv stars are not the most sensible in the society. they're the biggest cranks or those that can garnish an audience. that's what each one is taking advantage of. they're getting attached to a group of voters and they get to get on tv and people vote for them in primaries and then all of a sudden the games change. they're not representing the smart people and agree with people. they're doing what the founders did not want us to do and that's what the laws would be like you have in california and propositions and in sanity. they're not doing their original function as was decided before we had radio. i think that it's getting worse for the internet and unfortunately it's not the solution. >> well, the house is supposed to be the house of the people though. >> that's right. forefathers set up the house to be the voice of the people. the senate was supposed to
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represent the state. you have all of these state legislature that draws and you have politicians drawing districts for others and then they get all of the republicans in one and then dem katocrats ie other. they're worried about people in the right or extreme left. when happened is that people could come together and find con sen souse to get something done. back to what john said. we used to get things done and now we're wore eried of the primary of the right or the left and then you have the stalement and then the system is broken. >> okay. i know that's a stretch but how would it work if they did not shut down and did not get their own way and employees were paid for and wooed by crisis management? how would that work?
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>> imagine how many presidents in all of these companies could be president? i would say all of them. how many of the presidents could do their job? i would say a small percentage. the reason that you have a five week vacation is because you did not have ac in washington dc. we get it and now they still take a five week break. the founding fathers never dreamed that they would be so balt by special interest. the president wanted syria for a decade. he worked to that. we don't have a ten day plan for anything. this system is horribly broken. do you want more of the same? i don't. throw them all out. find a way to start over. add an extra party or we're going to be get more of the same. americans deserve better than this. >> isn't it our fault in part? we're electing the people. >> yeah, they would say yes it's wroe broken and i wish that it was fixed.
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i am willing to fall on my sword to get it fixed. that's the person that needs to step forward. the person deep down say that is the functional american is a higher person and that they would rally behind a person or man or woman that came forward and able to deliver that. >> that person will likely lose his or her job because they're taking on the things like entitlement and the thing is that people don't want that to change. >> the problem is that they're telling people. not just telling people what they want to hear but doing what they want. that's where the problems are happening. people are elected and the nation is going to suffer in the long run because we're not doing the policy that benefits the most people. >> chuck? >> well, for the first time in american history you see independent out scaling. i do elections for a living. this is a reason that you see the rise with donald trump and bernie sanders. on each side there's so much
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frustration, that they don't think that reflects the values and gets anything done. you have you a unique chance in history talking about things that we have never seen before and that's a true revolution of ideas. >> well, we have seen a crisis like this before in the late 18 00s. it took months and ballots to elect a speaker. john? >> yeah, we have to change the system. susie is right. you're not going to fiechbd a guy to fall on the sword. you have to take the option away and the special interest groups that are out there and that can influence and buy the politicians. until you do, you're going to have the app the. i do not have a party in american. i am the majority of americans. you have to chose between the lease er of the two levels. i guy like murdock and a guy like that runs gets elected
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because they're so fed up with the two parties. >> jonas last word. two seconds. >> i think i that we're going have to blend the voters and vote for sensible candidates that are not so like them. >> okay. you're not going to get elected. forg forget about that king thing. >> hooe neey neil, what do you ? >> imagine your boss shoving you away and every boss aside. is that why the heards are getting the shove right now. it's coming back to bite them. one has a tax plan that requires everyone pay something. the other wants more americans to pay nothing. which plan will get the economy going? find out. we will see you soon. >> you will. can't wait. up here first the donald saying that the government seizing the american property can be good for america. other candidates disagree.
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who is right? the debate is next. s ] woman: [laughs] no way! that really is you? if they're not a cfp pro, you just don't know. cfp -- work with the highest standard. choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number. don't miss the columbus day sale. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore.
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a fox news alertd. terror on the streets in turkey. a peace rally rocked by twin explosion. more than 80 people were killed in the center of the turk irk. so far no group has yet claimed responsibility. in california nine construction workers were injured over night after part of the bridge they were working on suddenly collapsed. paramedics rushing the injured from the scene near los angeles to the hospital. no word so far on the injuries officials say that the crew was working to widening the bridge when it gave way.
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back to bulls and bears. so in the do mamain when it comes to jobs and roads and p republican lick go republicpu republican lick property. >> saying that he could not be more wrong. we had audio problems and will have to soldier on. susie, what do you think about this? >> well, donald trump is the gift that just keeps on giving. he is a hot button issue and keeps on pushing them. what wigs people out more than the thought that the government could come and take away your home? i don't know what's left to debate. maybe he is going to have to us talk about what is better dogs or cats. >> we know the answer to that.
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>> yeah, it's dogs. >> i tremble and he does you have a point about the domain and that has a very bad wrap, but without that we would not have places like the at&t stadium in texas. there are places that imnant domain should have occurred, and i think that there are times that it's so blighted that it takes an effort and an eminent domain is that. the thing is that it has to be handled with the extreme care. it's a terrifying thing, and that's usually what happens. it's a perfect example of the government trying to do it and it being pushed back by the neighbors. woerndf wonderful is not a word that i would use to describe it but useful. >> is this good for the economy? >> if i told the politicians walk away slowly but keep the eye on it. you don't want to talk about it with voters. the supreme court ruled on it and they did it broadly.
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it kicked it to the states and then the states put it on the b ballot. it failed in every state. i run campaigns and have you ever seen a tv commercial ran by a politicians that anyone mention ask domain? donald trump will be the only one talk about it. it's a good thing to build interstate highways and give it to private people like donald trump to tear down a building. >> sit such a bad thing? >> no, it's not. this is what is fresh about donald trump. the competitors in the race have not had a build a birdhouse yet a tower with smoke and glass. they do not understand the reality of the world and how they're conflicting with their own things that they're for like the keystone pipeline. you would not build it without imnant domain. forget the highways and the stuff that the government does. it would not happen without -- so they can not be for one and against the other only in a
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fantasy politician. with that said you can put condos in central part. it's good for the economy but not everybody. there's a limit. just because a developer wants to do it and it's a job, does not mean that it's good. it's a touchy issue and trump is right. you have to deal with it for the benefit of everybody. >> okay. john, what do you make sense of this. >> chuck must be a goodman. it must be the east texas up bringing that made you so smart. it was kilo verses london. they did it based on two things. it's the fifth amendment and the private taking of the land for public use and how you define the public use and the due process and that validates that. the problem that you have is new london. remember now that it's been taken for the racetrack parking lot and that's a lot different than taking it for hospital and railways were being built across the country and to the commerce.
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this is taken not for the public use. they claim that it was for public use and it was a benefit. it was from a private person in the home and taking it to a private person that was going to develop some economically. the funding fell throw and you took the home for no reason. that's the problem that you have when you take something from private and then that's the misuse of the government and the supreme court was 100 percent wrong on this. that's where you use this and politicians can be bought out to the racetrack or whatever and take someone's land. it's in the poor neighbors and it's used to get rid of the poor neighbors. >> yeah, last word. cashing in just over an hour from now and eric what do you guys have coming up. >> busted for trying to sell nuclears as they expand. can we trust the country of putin to lead the fight in the
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middle east. plus there goes the neighborhood. the government is giving early release to 6,000 federal prisoners. how this could affect you and where you live. cashing in and see you in at 11: 11:30. >> you will. we will be watching. set up over fees. what banks are charging you us saying that banks are robbing us. >> these are outrageous. they keep ongoing up and up and up. (gasp) shark diving!
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bank. atm fees hitting an all-time high with the charge nearing five dollars a pop. chuck, you say that this is bank robbery? >> yeah, i think this is robbery. i have a brilliant team. what that means is time are changing and the bank ain't changing with them. when i asked me paw paw for five, he asked for a five. he said pigs get fat and hogs get slaughter. those of us using it and paying more and more. i realize the capitalism, but you have to change with the system. >> john, fellow texan go ahead. >> right after i said that you were brilliant and i have to disagree with you. this is a first world problem if nothing else. chuck is right if it's bad business, people are not going go to the atm. one of the reasons is because i am one of the 37 percent of the
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people of american that has a checking account that does not have fees. these banks have to build them all over the country and world. they have a right to charge whatever they want. if that's what they want, people are not going to lose them and they're going to lose money on the atm's all over the place. it's a simple of choice. if you do not like it, don't use them. do like chuck does and carry a wad of money. >> do you think that this is way too expensive? >> there are people getting dooped by this because the remaining machines have to be paid for by everybody else. with that said i don't believe and this is a case that you need caps both with the interest rate on debts and would that mean less machines in unreserved areas? sure. you have atlanta paying higher fees than san francisco. that's not right. this industry charges more to
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poor people than healthy people. there's less available credit with caps and some won't get hit by these. the average transition is $60 and to charge $4.52 is not right. >> i am trying to think of the verse in there about atm's. i remember when you could not get cash on the weekend. atm's is not a right, atm's is a cost of doing business for the consumer and the bank. likely we still live in a system and we may not for long if john is the king. for now we live in it and consumers largely will go some place us and stores are charging for milk. i hear you jonas after people
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being charged more. this is how the free market work. these will sort out. it's robbery and will not stand. >> i will run john's campaign for king, and that's where i will leave it. >> thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. justin beiber nude pics going viral. we will not show you but we will show you how to profit from them. hing boats featuring some of the best factory warranties hing boats in the business. so come get your trophy deals, only at bass pro shops.
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predictions, john, take it away. >> i have been look at all stocks all week and a lot of them have incredible yieldings. bp has a seven percent and they settled with the government. i have not bought it yet, but i plan on buying it. >> i know that this is unbelievable, but the same thing in borromeo vera borromeo vera is where justin beiber had had nude pictures taken and there's nothing available for a cannot buy that kind of stuff and same thing owned by star
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ward hotels and it's a good stock for the portfolio. >> john, i don't have anything to say. do you? >> what are you doing on the internet after justin's beiber. i don't know how you search that stuff. i have to be honest. i have a bear. >> my company doesn't block stuff. fed up because leader on the hill will not listen up. i want you to think about that while everybody else is pabting this as a war, i think that it just comes down to facility. imagine how you would feel if if the boss refused to listen to your ideas and then punished you if you question theirs time and time again. does not do for productivity and peace in the dc place. so is this really about a revolt or the rankin file of finding it revoltings. ben stines and charless payne
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