tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News October 14, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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if you have a question, send in a video. we hope you'll set your dvr and we take attendance. it hurts our feelings if you're not here. . >> tonight: >> everyone else has to be accountable but not the gun manufacturers and we need to stand up and say enough of that. >> i will do everything that i can to make sure that the united states does not get involved in another quagmire like we did in iraq. >> the democratic candidates running far left in the debate last night. but who won and who lost? donald trump and i have some thoughts. >> what's the secret of my popularity? honestly? it's my looks. [ laughter ] request of the republican nomination. also address strategy
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questions tonight. >> i believe that marriage is not just a bond but a sacred bond between a man and a woman. >> also ahead had, hillary clinton explaining why she has changed her position on some very important issues. should americans buy that? >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the democratic debate. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. in just a few moments donald trump will analyze what happened last night. as mr. trump might say, hillary clinton won. that, i can tell you. she destroyed her main competition bernie sanders on the gun issue. senator sanders from vermont a gun loving state has not aggressively fought for gun control something the left
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fervently wants. >> senator sanders did vote five times since the brady bill since it was passed more than 2 million prohibited purchases have been prevented. he also did vote as he says for immunity provision. everybody e.m.s. has to be accountable but not the gun manufacturers. ee need to stand up and say enough of that. >> oh, the play here is this. if the federal government ever allows law suits against gun makers that would destroy the industry as they would be sued that bankruptcy. that's how the left wants to get around the second amendment just so you know. on other you, of the debate was a stale meat i -- stalemate. i couldn't understand lack of foreign policy issues. mrs. clinton owns much of the debacle that has unfolded. questions about isis were few. >> i will do everything that
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i can to make sure that the united states does not get involved in another quagmire like we did in iraq. >> we don't want american proops troops on the ground in syria. what i said is we had to put together a coalition. >> whenever you hear the word coalition, you know nothing will be done. nothing. that's code kind of like comprehensive immigration reform. that's code for amnesty. last night it was apparent that neither sanders or clinton have any attention of aggressively confronting isis just like president obama. on the economy, however, none of the democrats on teenage would criticize president obama directly. all of them are not happy about the situation. >> middle class of this country is collapsing. we have 27 million people living in poverty. >> this inequality challenge we face, we have faced it at other points. it's absolutely right. it hasn't been this bad
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since the 1920. america has been knocked down although we have made progress we are standing but not running the way america needs to. >> knows problem is that? why didn't cnn asked ask that follow up question. the email deal with was also played down but here a rehearsed answer stirred up the crowd. >> let me say something that may not be great politics, but i think the secretary is right. and that is that the american people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. >> thank you. they -- me too. >> they are sick and tired of hearing about it. hey, bernie. the email controversy goes to honesty and accountability. maybe you haven't heard, senator, but the bureau is investigating. i hope the bureau is not sick and tired of it.
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the democratic party are strongly urge the debaters behind the scenes not to attack the frontrunner mrs. clinton and they did not. and that's the memo. top story tonight reaction. joining us from his campaign headquarters in new york city, republican presidential contender donald trump. now, you were goght during the debate. you can tweet and walch at the same time? is that possible? >> well, i had plenty of time because that was a pretty boring debate but i did and picked um like i hear 160,000 followers lastçóñi night. >> did you actually watch the debate though? >> i didf; i actually did. i felt i had an obligation. i would have rather have watched me other things to be honest they all know they
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are not going to win and they would like to have a role in the democratic party going forward. that's not like the republican field where anybody could win. now, i'm surprised you didn't watch the mets get pounded last night. you did watch the two hours. in your opinion, did hillary clinton wins a i believe she did? >> she did what she had to do. i thought she won. i thought actually she was pretty effective.ñi she was not strong. gave up one of the strongest points, the emails as you know totally gave that up. he did it for a sound bite and actually big beneficiary much more so than him. got a nice applause line. in the end he gave up a very powerful point and it almost looked like maybe he doesn't
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want to win because that was a very powerful thing to give up so easily i. >> were you surprised as i was there was no isis stuff in there? we have got putin running syria and your solution to syria is kind of controversial let putin fight it out with with the various factions inside the country. putin de facto is running that country now with an assist from the iranians. pretty much a dangerous situation. isis has now expanded to afghanistan. they are all over the place committing horror after horror after horror. cnn doesn't quiz them about it and doesn't ask them about the migrant influxion into europe which is humanitarian catastrophe. i was surprised they stayed away from that, were you? >> and very little on the horrible treatment that our veterans are receiving. yet, they are talking about the illegal immigrants getting college education. they don't mention vets in terms of them setting going.
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we have to start taking care of our vets properly. that wouldn't blowt up, black lives matter they asked a couple of people busm when she got to hillary she never answered that question. >> we have a seeing. interestingly enough. let's say you are debating hillary clinton so it's trump -- i think you could charge for thatñi money. charge money for that one. that would be like a may weather fight on pay her view. are you going after her personally? say listen, your personal life and your controversies one after the other disqualify you from being president? are you going to go that far? >> well, i think i would certainly be talking about the emails. i don't know if i would go totally personally. >> you wouldn't see me doing what bernie sanders did last night and basically say ha okay fired of hearing about it serious charge.
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people's lives have been destroyed over what happened. if you look at petraeus. if you look at, you know, so many other people have been destroyed for doing just a tiny fraction of what she certainly did. >> i think the democrats frankly are protecting her. whether it's the prosecutors or whatever. they are protecting her. >> i think they we have to wait before we convict mrs. clinton on television as you just did for the fbi to weigh in because it is a sear just investigation, we call for the fbi to do it they stepped inwith you but let's wait and see. no question throughout her career that hillary rodham clinton has been involved oneçó after enough sand another. i don't know boy she didn't respond security is terrible. why did you ignore that? and we haven't got' answer for that. >> you grow back further in
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the career you had whirt white water. everybody thought that was going to be. nobody went after her last night. i think, frankly, that maybe cnn -- they could have been told not to do it but when we were debating they were asking well, mr. trump, well, but there was much different kind of a debate. they were saying, mr. trump so is and so said this how do you respond? i'm talking about somebody to my right or to my left. >> then wanted to make you look gadd, no, no, they didn't do that last night. >> so, are you saying now that cnn was in the bank they made an editorial decision to be no difficult on democrats tran republicans. >> maybe the democrats said this is the way we want it and we insist on doing it this way. >> you think the democrats told cnn what they were going to do?
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that's a pretty tough charge. >> i think it's possible. >> really? >> glow, i don't think so. anywise anything wrong with it even. the way they spoke with us was pitting against each other. how do you respond, mr. entrepreneurship. there was nor ever of guys back and forth. let's be fair about it dictated terms of the debate to cnn. that's a pretty strong accusation. >> it was a much different debate charge. if you look at what happened with us and if you look at what happened. by the wavy thought anderson cooper did an excellent job. in that case they were asking questions. they were giving answers. in our case it was like a reality show. okay. if you want to know the truth. and that's what happened. and, franksly, i liked it. i enjoyed it but it was a very different way of doing the debate. >> certainly different.
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now, if you just kang with us a next few later bernie goldberg on why the moderators cannot ask (vo) what does the world run on? it runs on optimism. it's what sparks ideas. moves the world forward. invest with those who see the world as unstoppable. who have the curiosity to look beyond the expected and the conviction to be in it for the long term. oppenheimerfunds believes that's the right way to invest... this big, bold, beautiful world. can't afford to let heartburn get in the way? try nexium 24hr, now the #1 selling brand for frequent heartburn. get complete protection with the new leader in frequent heartburn.
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everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? continuing now with donald trump's quest to become president last week in georgia he said this when asked about his popularity. >> personally, what's the secret of my popularity? honestly? it's my looks. [ laughter ] >> it's true. i'm very handsome. that's the only thing i can think of right now. >> rejoining us now from his headquarters in new york city donald trump. that's from the namath playbook, is it not? >> we are just having fun. the question was asked why are you doing so well with. i thought that would be fun. every once in a while we with k. have a little bit of fun. >> i loved it. i think that's what's separates from you the other people. now, ben carson the latest
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fox news poll out yesterday he is right on your heels. i think it's 24, 23 you are beating him. would you vote for ben war son for president if you weren't in the race? would you support him? >> yes, i would. yes, i would. goodñi man. he has been very nice to me. very respectful and nice. and i have also been very nice to him. we have so far gotten along very well. every once in a while i want him to say something bad so i can go after him but he has been so nice i can't do that. very hard. if it comes down so the debate in a couple of weeks the field is going going going o winnow. it will become more back and forth because you have to best your competitors. what's ben carson's weakness? >> well, it's the lack of experience. he is experienced in certain things but certainly in terms of negotiating withtñ
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china and all of these countries that have been ripping are us off for so many years, they are ripping us so badly you have no idea even, bill. and i am the best at that. i deal with them all the time. i have beaten them so many times in terms of private enterprise. right upstairs we have people, the biggest banks in the world in this building from china. that's what i you do for a living and ben doesn't have that kind of experience. okay. by the way unless you turn things around from a trade standpoint, this country is going to go down, bill, because we are losing a fortune. >> your unfavorable rating is high. 50% in some polls. do you have a plan to bring that down to make people like you more? do you have a plan? >> well, i also number one in leadership by far by a factor of two and three if you saw that poll that just
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came out. and some people don't love me but i get the highest marks in leadership. i get by far the highest marks on the economy. you know, there is some pretty important categories. >> i understand that,ñi are you worried about the people -- are you going to persuade them to like you if so how you can going to do that. >> >> every place where i intend time. you saw those polls come out today north only leading by 20 and 25 points. i do well in favorability. where they get to know me where they come for speeches and we get to know each other i do very well in favorability. i haven't been able to do that nationwide yet but that's happening. i think we will be able to do it. i think leadership is very important. i think the leadership poll is the most important to be honest and on that i'm double digits ahead of everyone else. in fact, two or three times in some cases ahead of everybody else. leadership is going to be really the most important thing. >> you are well aware that
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some people feel you are entertainer and not a serious candidate. "saturday night live" has gotten you signed on to come over to go a show in november. i have beeni have been ins are e mad they don't want you to host the show. any reaction to that? >> no reaction at all. i just -- i think you saw the poll in nevada where i'm leading with hispanics. i'm doing very well with hispanics. i think i will win with hispanics which i think will surprise a lot of people. buff you think i will end up winning. >> what about your message is going to make hispanics vote for you. >> i'm bringing back jobs in this country, taking away he from china and snan. tens of how sands of hispanics working for me. i have thousands of them right now working for me. believe me, they like me a lot. they are doing great. they are making great salaries. they like me very much. and, you know, of the radio host in new york, the
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hispanic -- they say they really like trump. >>' trump. what if they start mocking you? if i were you i would wear your hat on that whole show so they couldn't get the air. >> i actually hosted it 10 years ago and lauren michaels called me up the other day and said i would love to have you host. it's an honor. i did 60. highest rating in a long time. i think "saturday night live" will be a lot of fun, bill. >> never forget, the biggest honor in your life is being on the factor can't forget that. >> that is true no, question about it, number one. >> donald trump, everyone. thank you very much as always. directly ahead, bernie goldberg on glaring he owe owe writings they debate. how democrats are conducting
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weekdays with bernie segment tonight. let's get to the purveyor of i was surprised that foreign policy questions were scant. scant in the debate. were you surprised? >> i'm not sure if i was surprised but you are right in your analysis. do you know how conservatives who are critics of the media are always complaining that they want the moderator to ask questions that republican primary voters want asked? that's what anderson cooper did just on the other side. he asked the kind of questions that liberal democratic primary voters want asked. that's why almost all of the questions were about
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liberal, domestic policy and are you ready for this? 19% of the time spent last night was on foreign policy. let me give you three very quick examples. we heard a lot about climate change last night. but much less about isis or about the iraq nuclear deal. >> iran nuclear deal. >> the iran nuclear deal or about the mess in syria. if vladimir putin was watching last night you know he has to be rooting for a democratic victory next year that's number one. >> let me stop threw because i want to add a little perspective here. neither clinton nor sanders and you correct me if if you have a different take want any part of those questions. they don't want any part of them. >> exactly. exactly. i total agree with that a journalist has a different position than candidates.
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not a peep from the candidates or from anderson cooper about how dysfunctional behavior leads to poverty which contributes to income inequality. because liberals whether they are liberal candidates or liberal journalists don't like to talk about dysfunctional behavior. >> no judgments. 15-year-old girls having babies. and finally there was lots and lots of talk about big government and free putting the word in pro-quotation mark free stuff. i'm listening to the debate and i'm thinking these candidates make the occupy wall street crowd look like a bunch of right wing nuts. the audience didn't want to hear about benghazi, that's why only 1% of the questionings at the time was spent on foreign policy. >> she is the former secretary of state. my god, and by the way.
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>> journalists have different obligations. >> i don't know why cooper didn't do it. i can't tell you. now, by the way on the free stuff front you are not getting any. free stuff. i'm not getting any free stuff. >> we are not getting any but allñi this free stuff, free stuff, by the way. you know, a moderator might say you know, mr. sanders bernie sanders that isn't free college education. somebody is paying for it. >> somebody has got to pay for it. >> unless the professors areworking for free and janitors are working for free. >> if i were moderating that debate i would have handed a brochure to bernie sanders to venezuela. i know it's not too quick to stsm vermont. >> i was wondering if his middle name was shae. >> big shae poster. it's a billion will.
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>> i know. >> did you notice a change in trump's behavior tonight? much calmer guy? >> iñi did. you know what i'm thinking? >> first of all, iñi he know trump. he is a nation guy. much moo thin skinned and mean spirited about people who say things about him. after watching the debate last night i'm starting to like trump. i'm also. >> he livens it up. >> when he behaves the way he has been behaving recently, his poll numbers would be even higher if he had done that from the jump. >> we have got to get a hillary trump debate even if he doesn't get the nomination. >> that's pay per view. no question about that. >> plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. hillary clinton certainly has done that will it hurt her? then miller on the debate and a cecil the lionñr update.
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you are her target audience. power women. do you think she's a phony? >> i think this is her problem. i think people don't believe she means what she says. >> do you think she believes what she says? >> no. i don't. >> part of a way of life. people enjoy hunting and shooting because it's an important part of who they are. not because they are bitter. how much longer will we just shrug? oh, my god, something else terrible happened whether in your neighborhood, eric or at a community college, or the murder
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of children in their classrooms. >> president obama's guns and religion two comments? >> it's not exactly the same thing. recreational hunting and target shooting isn't protecting yourself with firearms. >> since 2008, 1 of the ways she differentiated herself from president obama is that she said he's going to go after your guns and defended it as part of american culture, so the problem again that gets asked we believe she believes these things or she just doing it, though, because she knows it's going to pull. >> you hiv in manhattan, right? okay. so you must know people that change their beliefs every day. it's a matter of expediency. here is the final sound byte on immigration. >> we've got to do several things and i am against illegal
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immigrants. people have to stop employing illegal immigrants. >> i will fight for comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship for you, and your families across our country. i will fight to stop partisan attacks and executive actions that will put dreamers at risk of deportation. >> that is the most-damning sound byte. last night she wants to give illegal aliens obamacare subsidies, too. she's evolving as people tend to do. >> people can evolve. the problem is that when you're in the political spotlight like that, you need to be consistent. they want to follow you. they don't want you following them all the time. so the issue do i believe she believes what she's saying? i think that is the problem.
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rom any had the same problem. >> not to that extent. that last immigration sound byte, boy. coming right back it will be miller time. and the late cecil alliance. and black lives matter, democrats like to like that outfit. those reports after these messages. married my high school sweetheart... and pursued a degree in education. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet.
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thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the miller time segment tonight. let's get to the sage of southern california who joins us from los angeles. so, your critique of the debate last night is, what? >> you know, billy, i you watched it with the sound down and the picture down. so, take on it. i assume hillary has been shaped into that role. it will be our first yogi master president. i'm going to double down on my bet here. these are diminished times. there is no more leading exemplar of diminishment of the expectation of our public figures hillary clinton. i think she is a lock to be the president of the united states because she is a perfect person for her time. i'm not saying that's a plus. but she perfectly represents the easy convictions of this time. >> now, depending on the
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republican nominee i may have a major wager with you on that but we will see what happens. now, how about bernie sanders though. he is our kind of guy don't be a pinhead show. millionaire, billionaires. you know, i'm tired of it. >> that's gold for our upcoming show. seem to be working your bernie. >> i don't know anything about him. he looks like the least charismatic man that can draw people in the history of the earth. >> i like bernie, he has been on this program many times. i want him to go to venezuela and report back on how well that social thing works out. i think bernie and sean penn. >> you permanently like too many guys who are running us into hell. it's that simple. i guess i could go meet him and like him. i don't care about that. i want the country to do better. yeah, he is a nice guy. he would take us on a nantucket slay ride.
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>> but he has no chance. miller, in germany, 160 miles south of berlin, you can buy a bunker, all right. for a lot of money if the end of the world happens, you will not die and you say? >> yeah. well, any time you can go into a bunker with german people, sure, why not? what could go wrong there? next thing you look out the front door of your cubby, you have got merkel, naked sunbathing and hydroponic chamber. then you have got justin bieber one of the few kids who can afford it drag racing his golf cart up and down the hallway. it looks like vaughn meets the love boat. i think they could have the villages, have casual friday. odd job wednesday, keeping in theme with the bond thing where he eat asian food. get smaller portions. i can see it being a big fun vibe in there had to put it
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in germany. you can't have u.s. affordable housing. you need affordable housing for the end of the world in the united states. all i you can tell you is i don't even know if you need that bunker. if you herein coming, get yourself a drink. kick back, 4 o0 seconds later you won't have to listen to debbie wasserman schultz crap anymore. >> this is a real thing in the german village of rothenstein you can buy your way in that bunker for a lot of money. bob way not going to be charged. i don't get what this guy is doing. it's nothing to interest me. i think it's weird to look at the thing you are looking at i will take a gun and drop it seems like madness. people are mad. if i were this dentist. i would did over there with the greenxd peace guy and what else. do -- whales.
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level my karma. take two safaris and work on these democrats. help their teeth for free pro bono. why are they shooting these animals? it's crazy. dennis miller, everybody. quick reminder nine days. don't be a pinhead. i found 10 premium tickets if you want them get them. next night chicago a few tickets there. hard rock, all the other shows sold out. go on bill o' black lives matter on deck. why is that group acceptable to some democrats. right back. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business...
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and the reason -- the reason those words matter is the african-american community knows that on any given day some innocent person like sandra blank can get into a car and then three days later she could end up dead in jail. >> i think that president obama has been a great moral leader on these issues. we need a new new deal for communities of color. >> all right. with us now to comment eboni williams, monica crowley both fox news analysts. monica i have called the black lives matter, i have called them a hate group, all right? here is why. roll the tape. [chanting] >> pigs in a blanket. >> fry them like bacon ♪ chanting] >> what do we want. >> dead cops. >> when do we want it? >> now. >> what do we want? >> dead cops. >> when do we want it? >> now.
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>> so none of the democratic candidates last night would address the question posed by law students will coins iowa what they thought about black lives matter. they all went the philosophical realm. you say? >> bernie sanders invoked the slogan black lives matter but none of them answered the question about the group. the movement. the other thing that i notice, too, if these candidates really do believe that black lives matter, i should have heard some condemnation of the antipolice rhetoric of the kind that you saw there coming from black lives matter. >> you are never going to hear that. >> nor did you hear anything about did you hear anything about black violence in chicago. >> in the democratic party, in those presijts, you'll never hear that, will you? >> here's the thing. black lives matter, that is true. they don't matter more than other lives. >> i think that a lot of black people in the country feel that the pattern of actions have shown a devalue. so that's the response. what you've just showed, there,
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bill, that's the out liar segment. >> no, they did not. and let me tell you why you're desperately wrong here. the leadership of black lives matter could have repudiated those things and they did not. >> in a broad way. >> they did not repudiate it at all. and, in both of those video tapes, all right, the people singing the words were members of the black lives matter movement. >> but they're not representative of the entire movemented. >> but if the move. ment doesn't repuduate -- it's like the ku klux klan. they're all in the same soup bowl. they don't divorce themselves from the group who did do those things. >> but the point is every group kind of has out liars. >> you've got to condemn that kind of number. they don't want to alien nate
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the militant. i don't believe most blacks in america support black lives matter movement. i don't believe it. but they do. >> you have a black president of the united states and a black attorney general. neither of whom who have condemned the movement. >> no, you're wrong. the attorney general has. >> well, she has come up -- >> yes, she has. >> but the president, who is the chief law enforcement member of the country -- these candidates know that they have to get out in the black and community number in election. without him on the ticket, it's going to be very tough. >> now, do you believe that most african americans support the black lives matter movement? >> i believe most black americans believe black lives matter and don't have a lot of knowledge or concern with the movement. they don't care about the
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movement, bill. i agree with that. they just care about seeing actual legislative change. >> i don't believe most african americans support that movement. i don't. the movement doesn't have a clear agenda. >> it makes it harder to change because they are so extreme that people back away entirely. >> i don't see the movement makes if issue not relevant. >> the issue is always relevant. we want every american to pursue happiness. every american. >> it would appear that black lives matter are a wetter issue. >> my appearance with the ladies on out numbered. the tip moments away.
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tip of the day in a moment. bill me thinks hillary was given the questions for debate. first of all, me thinks? not really a great use of the language unless you're starring in macbeth. msubeliac,anderson cooper proved himself to be the best moderator of debates thus far. i thought our folks did a better job because mr. cooper forgot the isis and foreign policy department. alabama is an open minded and educated voter, i thought the questions were tough, but the minor candidates did not get enough time. >> they have no chance and cnn knows it. bernie sanders has no chance, but he's entertaining, at least. that was the equation. national tennessee, bill, my sister and i watched you on out
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numbered today. while you come across sometimes as gruff, we see the depth of yurhearted. we appreciate and admire your courage. well, that's a nice letter. i appreciate that. adrian price, curious to know whether kirsten powers has found a starving child yet. >> it's not easy getting poor folks to come on tv to talk about their circumstance. but i'm on it. sandra callfield, as a political junkie, i have read all of the killing books. mar marjoie has requested your book on hitler and my son, david, is getting "killing reagan" for his birthday. here's a tip. become a premium member and your discounts will save you a bundle only christmas gifts, plus you'yo you'll enjoy the membership. it's fun. and a very happy birthday to
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josie graham, 103 years old. tip of the day, i appeared on out numb we ared today. and a question about my physical fitness came up. it was answered this way. >> don't drink, don't smoke. i do get exercise. i still play in a touch football league. so i'm out there. and i'm good. >> really? >> yep. >> what position? >> i'm a quarterback. i was always a quarterback. and i don't eat fried food. i'm out of the fried food thing. i try to stay away from the gluten. the bread will bulk you up when you get older. berfie sanders eeds a lot of bread. and you talk like this if you eat bread. >> back to tip of the day. eat as healthy as you can and chew eclipse gum to cut hunger between meals. it works. i did it today. i was craving fritos.
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got the gum, popped it in, it went away. i love fritoes. but you can't eat a lot of fritos or you start to talk differently. >> that is et for today. different from bill o'reilley t o' >> word of the day. do not be a puzzle wit when writing to the factory. next week, i'm going to take words of the day directly from you. if you have a word of the day that you like that, you know, is not common usage, e-mail it to us and i'll attach your name to the word of the day. but it's factor viewers, words of the day next week. what else do we have going on? i have a little time to kill here. tomorrow, we have waters. waters is on tomorrow, which it's kind of a warning and a promo. and, again, we thank you for
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watching this tonight. i am bill o reilly. thanks for checking in. >> breaking font as the dust settles from the democrat's first debate of the 2016 race for the white house, some political analysts are suggesting one thing is very clear. this group of candidates is running further to the left than any in recent history. welcome to the kelly file, everyone. i'm megyn kelly. just a week ago, a recent study for princeton yumpt suggests the gap is getting wider than ever that once were considered political suicide. as if to prove the point, last night's democratic debate found five presidential contenders at various points
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