tv Hannity FOX News October 16, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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something trump just appeared to reiterate on twitter. what do you think? does he have a point or are the comments offensive?, on twitter @megynkelly. have a great weekend. i am megyn kelly and this is "the kelly file." welcome to "hannity." hillary clinton may be in very serious trouble with the fbi tonight over the use of her private e-mail server. i'm tucker carlson in for sean. a source familiar with the fbi's ongoing investigation has told fox news that federal agents are now working to determine if clinton violated the section of the espionage act that regards her potential failure to safely store national security information. standing by in washington with the very latest tonight is ed henry. ed? >> reporter: good to see you, tucker. the reason why that's so critical and important to underscore is that that is a statute involving negligence. and so, you would not have to prove that someone purposely did something. in the case of this story, remember hillary clinton and her
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staff has repeatedly said, well, it was not marked classified, so she didn't know. if, in fact, this statute was a key part of the investigation that ends up being pursued, all of a sudden, you would have a different standard to meet, and that's why, as you say, this could be very troubling for hillary clinton. another big development today is "the new york times" reporting that various fbi agents involved in this investigation are very upset with president obama's recent comments to cbs news when he went on "60 minutes" last sunday and said that he believes there was no national security harm done by hillary clinton having her own server. that is at the very heart of the investigation by the fbi, trying to determine whether or not national security was jeopardized, whether or not classified information was, in fact, mishandled here. and so, for the commander in chief to do that, later walked back a bit by the white house, is frustrating people inside the fbi, which also raises more questions about whether they're going to be more determined than ever to get to the bottom of what really happened here.
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meanwhile, secretary clinton today was in new hampshire, a state where she's losing to democratic socialist senator bernie sanders, and she used an interview with cnn to try to beat up a little bit more on that house select committee on benghazi. listen. >> i will do my best to answer their questions, but i don't really know what their objective is right now. >> so, you can see that given republican kevin mccarthy's recent comments about that benghazi committee and hillary clinton's poll numbers coming down, first said, by the way, right here on "hannity," that the clinton campaign continues to try to undermine the committee's work, and they politically are having some impact doing that. today, though, the drip, drip continued when huma abedin, one of hillary clinton's closest aides and confidante had to go behind closed doors for hours of testimony before that committee. all of this, by the way, is setting up hillary clinton's public testimony next thursday, which will be another big test in her campaign. so, i think the bottom line tonight is, look, she has been
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very effective after the mccarthy comments in going after the benghazi committee, trying to undermine their work, but it's going to be a lot harder to do that to the fbi investigation, when, "a," it's non-partisan, and "b," it's being overseen by the obama justice department, tucker. >> that's a great point. ed henry live for us in washington. thanks a lot, ed. >> reporter: good to see you. >> here to react to all of this is 2016 presidential candidate, kentucky senator rand paul. senator, thanks for coming on. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me, tucker. >> so, what do you make of this "the new york times" report today, that the fbi is very upset with president obama specifically for talking down, in effect, their investigation? he said this on "60 minutes" -- "i don't think it," hillary clinton's private server, "posed a national security problem," says the president, before the investigation is wrapped up, before they know the facts. they took that as political pressure against their investigation, him sending a message, look, we don't want hillary clinton indicted. do you think that's what it was? >> possibly, but actually, i have a great deal of respect for the fbi being independent of the
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administration. they're part of the administration, but i think they actually will continue to investigate this. and you know, the clintons have always sort of had this aura that they think they're above the law. i think this time, they may actually be tripped up in this, because to me, it seems very similar to what happened to general petraeus when he allowed privileged or classified documents to get into the hands of those who didn't have access or should not have had access to them. it sounds very similar to that. it's sort of a carelessness, but a carelessness that could potentially harm our national security. and it also goes to wisdom, ultimately, of whether or not she has the wisdom to be able to be in charge of all of our national security. >> but isn't that exactly the point? so, in the case of general petraeus, the fbi, when it completed its investigation, suggested felony charges, a possible prison sentence for david petraeus. the president comes out, says no, i don't think it's a big deal, and then the justice department, who decides whether charges will be pursued, decides to charge him with a misdemeanor. isn't that the point, that the
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president exerted political pressure, his justice department ignored the fbi's recommendations. do you think that's hacked in the case of hillary clinton? >> i mean, anything can happen, and i think she's far enough up the food chain that they'll do everything they can to protect her, but i also think that there's a possibility that there is a legitimate investigation going on. i was surprised initially that it even got started, because i thought they would have quashed it before it even began, but the fact that they are looking seriously about whether or not she revealed secrets or didn't use the appropriate protection to protect national secrets, i think all of it goes to judgment. it's just like for me, benghazi, it goes to bad judgment and not providing the adequate security that they needed in benghazi. >> so, hillary clinton has said she does not believe any of the information on her server was viewed by people who shouldn't have access to it, namely, foreign governments. do we know that? are we certain that none of that information was hacked by, say, the chinese military? she was, after all, secretary of
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state, presumably a target of their hacking efforts. >> yeah, i think they're unlikely to sort of send us a message and say, hey, we hacked into hillary's e-mails. so, i don't think they're going to let us know. it's really the fact that she did not use appropriate caution in protecting that and she didn't obey her own rules. one of the greatest bits of hypocrisy was that she let go one of the ambassadors that worked for her because that ambassador had a private server. so, i think it's the height of hypocrisy where she thinks, oh, my goodness, i'm going to actually fire an ambassador, but for me, there's a different standard. it's this whole idea that the clintons think they're above the law, that there's sort of a different law for them. and then for the ordinary people, the rest of you guys, you will obey ordinary law, but for the clintons, there's some sort of exalted law they're allowed to entertain. >> well, exactly. the administration just put a cia officer in prison for giving classified information to a reporter that never was even publicized.
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benghazi -- all of the attention, most of it has been paid to the deaths, i think rightly, of those americans in benghazi, libya. little attention, however, has been paid to why all of those cia officers were there in the first place. there had been reports that the obama administration was collecting arms from gadhafi's stockpiles to send them to forces in syria who opposed the assad regime. "a," do you think it is true? and "b," if so, is that a scandal? that was never approved by the congress or the public. >> i'm still convinced that's what was happening. i asked her that question in the committee hearing, and she acted like, oh, i know nothing about it. i don't think that was an honest response. i think she did know something about it, and it may well have been classified, but i do believe that there was an arms trading going on. now, i think ostensibly, the purpose was to get dangerous arms out of radicals in the hands of libya, because when hillary clinton promoted the war in libya, one of the untoward things that happened is, is they bombed gadhafi. 15,000 surface-to-air missiles
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went missing. this is one of the bad outcomes of hillary's war in libya. they were trying to then recapture those weapons, but then instead of disabling them, they were going to send those weapons to a new set of jihadists that are in syria. and so, none of it made any sense to me. none of it that i know of was approved by congress. and yes, hillary clinton should be held accountable for that. >> you think? if that's true -- let's just replay what you just said -- and they sent those surface-to-air missiles to a new set of jihadists in syria. if that happened, why is it not a crime, and why aren't people yelling about it and demanding answers to it? >> well, i think there's a question of whether or not it's approved at some level by the cia or the intelligence committees, but no one's been honest about this, and it's kind of like the bulk collection of all our phone data. they lied to us and said they weren't doing it. and even though this is in the past, that's my question, should we not bring the intelligence officials forward and ask them, what was the cia doing there? and did that potentially cause
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the risk and cause the attack, because the people who saw the arms being shipped to one side or the other in syria were maybe upset with the arms program in the cia annex? that may be the root cause and nobody's really asking or searching. is that or was that the root cause of why people, the ambassador, was ultimately assassinated? >> bob gates, the former secretary of defense who i don't believe is a hillary voter or an obama supporter, said in an interview with bret baier yesterday, he described the obama administration's efforts at arming various groups within syr syria, groups about who they know absolutely nothing, as insane. i wonder why more republican candidates aren't pointing this out. >> well, you know, i've been trying to have this debate, because the thing is, is i don't think we should be allied with al qaeda. and they ask about how are you going to stop isis? first thing we ought to do is stop funding them, stop sending arms to them, stop sending arms into all of these jihadist groups that are opposed to
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assad. that doesn't mean that i think assad is a good guy. i just think that by funding al qaeda and the remnants of al qaeda and the friends of al qaeda that we've created a space, and in that space, isis has grown. so, yes, absolutely, we should quit sending arms into there. the whole idea of training these moderates, the so-called syrian moderates -- we spent $250 million to train 60 of them, over $4 million per fighter, and they were immediately captured when we put them back in there, and all the equipment went to isis and al nusra and other al qaeda fronts. >> for an administration supposedly staffed with geniuses with harvard degrees, they learn nothing. it's remarkable. senator, thanks for coming on tonight. great to talk to you. >> thanks, tucker. coming up next here on the "hannity" program -- >> it's about time we have paid family leave for american families. >> make every public college and university in this country tuition-free. >> i watched last night as hillary and bernie sanders -- they just couldn't give things away fast enough. >> free ice cream!
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it was a busy week on the campaign trail, an amazing one, really. next up, charlie hurt, joe trippi, peter johnson jr. join us on who won and who melted down. and then later -- >> i think there were people in the white house, and i don't want to name any names, who were constantly goading him and saying, the military's trying to box you in, the military's trying to trap you. >> former defense secretary robert gates is a sober man of restraint, and yet, he didn't hold back when talking about the obama administration's distrust of the military. we'll have reaction to that from lieutenant colonel oliver north later tonight. stay tuned. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm patricia stark. hundreds of people trapped in their cars after massive mudslides in southern california. most of them stuck on highway 58 and interstate 5, north of los angeles. rescuers working all day to help them. thankfully, there have been no deaths or injuries. the mudslides happened after heavy rain hit the area. the california highway patrol says it will take days to reopen all lanes of the highways. well, lamar odom's condition reportedly improving, but doctors remain cautious. a family spokesperson says the former nba and reality tv star woke up, spoke and gave a thumbs up. if true, it would be odom's first communication since he was found unconscious tuesday at a nevada brothel. a worker there reported he had taken cocaine and a sexual performance enhancer. odom's in-laws, the kardashians, are asking for prayers. i'm patricia stark, and now back to "hannity." ♪
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welcome back to "hannity." it was a huge week in politics. for starters, the democrats held their first debate on tuesday night. holy smokes! what a show that was. here's some highlights. >> thanks to president obama, our country has come a long way since the wall street crash of 2008. >> well, i think that president obama has been a great moral leader on these issues. it's about time we had paid family leave for american families and join the rest of the world. >> make every public college and university in this country tuition-free. >> we would be a stronger nation economically if we had paid family leave. >> enough of the e-mails! let's talk about the real issues facing america. [ applause ] >> thank you, bernie! thank you. >> well, never one to let an opportunity pass, republican front-runner donald trump slammed the democrats on their policies. he called bernie sanders a communist maniac. watch this. >> i watched last night as
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hillary and bernie sanders, they just couldn't give things away fast enough, and they're giving them to illegal immigrants. they want health care for illegal immigrants. they want driver's license for illegal immigrants. they're suggesting -- listen to this -- they're suggesting social security for illegal immigrants. he's going to tax you people at 90%. he's going to take everything! and nobody's heard the term communist. but you know what? i call him a socialist/communist, okay, because that's what he is. >> okay? that's what he is. and finally, ohio governor john kasich running on the republican side made headlines this week for releasing his plan to balance the federal budget in just eight years. here's what he said on this show last night. >> it takes everything. it takes regulatory reform, it takes an energy policy, it takes a reasonable trade policy so workers are not run over, it takes being able to make the hard choices on the budget and
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also to cut taxes so that our children are not enslaved in debt and we can get this economy growing. look, i've done it twice. i'll do it thrice. >> so, who won this week and who crashed and burned? joining us now, three wise men from "the washington times," charlie hurtt, democratic strategist and fox news contributor joe trippi, and fox news legal analyst peter johnson jr. welcome to all three of you. starting with you, joe, the democratic debate, people say hillary won, and maybe that's true, but clearly, the emotional star of the night was bernie sanders, who's still leading in new hampshire, of course. he got up there -- this is the man who honeymooned in the soviet union -- and basically called for more than $1.5 trillion in new spending, new net spending, and was cheered by the crowd. meanwhile, jim webb talked about killing a vietcong soldier. you heard not a peep. what does their reaction tell you about the state of play among democratic primary voters 2015? >> look, i thought the debate went well, and -- [ laughter ] >> it did? >> and hey, look, by the way,
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tucker, a poll just came out a few minutes before we came on that showed hillary going into the lead in new hampshire after the debate. >> interesting. >> so,look, she clearly did well in that debate. but look, the difference really is, it just showed -- it did show a really stark difference between the democratic debate and the republican debate. one of these parties just isn't, like, they're on two different planets from each other. and i'm willing to admit that. i'm willing to bet that it's not my party, not the democrats that are headed the wrong direction. >> interesting. so, you just heard this -- >> i heard it. >> hillary clinton is now in the lead in new hampshire. that's not because she's distanced herself or trying to go against bernie sanders. it's that she's aping him. she said today, she favors an australian form of gun confiscation here in the united states. we should look at that, she said. >> she also said that workers should be taking the profits of
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companies as well. so, here we have a debate in which hillary clinton wins. well, that's incredible. she was debating a socialist on the verge of being a communist, two republicans and a governor who she basically laughs at on the stage. and so, she wins because bernie sanders, the avowed socialist, says you know, you have a clean bill of health, hillary, on this issue of e-mails and benghazi. we've heard enough of these damn e-mails. don't want to hear any more about it. and then everyone says, yes, bernie, way to go! >> well, he makes a good point. if bernie sanders doesn't want to hear more about it, conversation over. >> then it's over. >> agreed. and it was over! >> so, charlie hurtt, this, keep in mind, is the sane party, the democratic party, we're always hearing from the press, unlike the totally crazy donald trump. bernie sanders who has suggested at one point a maximum income in the united states he's fine. donald trump is insane.
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you keep hearing people predict trump going to blow up for months and months and months. it hasn't happened. why? what's the truth? >> i think the most obvious truth is just that donald trump has put, you know, set a laser on both parties, people in both parties, and absolutely is tearing them to pieces. but as for the debate, i love the thing curt schilling said, the real winner of the democratic debate, of course, was isis. but granted, bernie's ideas may have been what penetrated in that debate and risen to the top, and hillary may have been the sort of winner, you know, coming out of the debate, but i still think when you have all these guys, bernie sanders and all the rest of them completely vacating the field and giving -- and allowing her to step forward for the coronation with, of course, a lot of help from the dnc who are trying to rig this thing for her, i think the opening is still there for somebody that's not hillary to step in and make a really good race, because the poll numbers, joe is exactly right about her
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numbers, but there's still a lot of dissatisfaction out there with hillary among democrats. and if somebody came, stepped in, i.e., joe biden, and decided to actually go up against her, run against her and be the alternative to hillary clinton, i think that person would wind up being the winner out of -- >> i think that's a really wise observation. not surprising coming from you. joe trippi, the last time democratic elders tried this, the power brokers tried this, it's almost 50 years ago in 1968, and it didn't end well at all. the grassroots rose up, most famously in chicago, but all through the country. they hated it. how's that so different from now? the average democratic grassroots voter isn't in love with hillary clinton. she's being imposed from above. she's pretending to be a wild-eyed socialist maniac, but that's not really who she is. >> that's not true at all. >> yes, it is. >> wait, she's ahead by 20 points, whether you put a sitting vice president of the united states up against her or not in the polls, she wins by -- beats biden by 20 points. she beats bernie sanders by, you
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know, 20, 30 points. that's grassroots. right now, those are the only voters that are being polled. they're not polling the hierarchy of the party. >> bernie sanders, come on. you could buy him off with a duffel bag full of weed and he'd go away. that's not a campaign. you know that's true. peter, isn't it also true that hillary's campaign at its roots -- and she basically says this -- is she's different because she's a woman. men and women are exactly the same, except women are better, so vote for me. >> she takes longer in the bathroom. >> who says that, joe trippi says that? that's terrible, joe! >> i did not say that. but you know, but you guys can laugh all you want about democrats and hillary clinton. take a look at the other side. it's not like -- >> no, no, i'm not laughing at all. i like hillary clinton on a lot of things, but i think as a candidate, she's essentially weak, and her numbers show her weakness in this race. and i agree that there is an opportunity for joe biden to come forward and help save the democratic party. >> but then, real quick --
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>> hold on, we're almost out of time. >> i think it would be great to have that strong donald trump up against her in november 2016. that will be a fun thing to watch. >> all the polls show that she loses. >> you describe a party yearning for another candidate. why not elizabeth warren? >> i think because she appears not to have the energy to actually get into this race, and she turned it down at every opportunity. but if she did, i mean, that would be a tremendous -- although i don't know that she would be any different now that hillary clinton has come full circle and become a bernie sanders socialist. i don't know that that will be any different -- >> she's an american indian. >> tucker, how do you make the case -- >> i'm hearing we're out of time. >> oh, great. >> we're moving toward the answer, but unfortunately, commercials intercede. gentlemen, thank you. >> see you. coming up next right here on "hannity" -- >> i think there were people in the white house, and i don't want to name any names, who were constantly goading him and saying, the military's trying to box you in, the military's
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trying to trap you. >> that was former secretary of defense robert gates opening up about president obama's distrust of the military, especially in afghanistan. a man who spent a lot of time in that country. colonel oliver north joins us next with his reaction. and later, hollywood liberals love to bash conservatives and praise the left. we'll show you the latest examples, if you can handle them. buckle your seat bet, ladies and gentlemen, as "hannity" continues. you wouldn't order szechuan without checking the spice level. it really opens the passages. waiter. water. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. no tellin' how much i'm gellin'. you gellin'? you gellin'? i'm like magellan, i'm so gellin'. quit yellin' we're gellin'. riigghhttt. dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles are so soft they make any shoe feel outrageously comfortable. are you gellin'? dr. scholl's.
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generals on the ground in afghanistan as well as iraq. this move did not come as a surprise to former defense secretary robert gates. here's part of what he said about the obama administration's distrust in the military last night on "special report." watch. >> i'll just say this about president obama and the military. president obama was "deeply suspicious of their actions and their recommendations." >> i think this was particularly true in afghanistan. and i think there were people in the white house, and i don't want to name any names, who were constantly goading him and saying, the military's trying to box you in, the military's trying to trap you, the military's trying to bully you, military's trying to make you do something you don't want to do. >> i'll name names. was vice president biden one of those people? >> i think so. and i was told so. >> joining us for reaction on this is the host of "war
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stories," lieutenant colonel oliver north. lieutenant, great to see you tonight. >> great to be with you. it makes me glad that i fought this war over there instead of washington, d.c., when i hear things like that. >> well, that's the toughest landscape of all. and gates, as you know, is not a wild-eyed conservative, not particularly ideological and has been reticent. he's not a grandstander eager to criticize president obama. it takes a lot to do so, so i think you have to take his word seriously. do you? >> look, i would not hesitate to tell you the consequences of what he's done. i have a very difficult time telling you why he does the things he does. >> yeah. >> i can't tell you, tucker, what's going on in that man's heart or his mind or his soul, but i can tell you the consequences of what he has done consistently, not just in afghanistan, but in iraq as well, and the broader mideast as well. so, none of it's been particularly good. this is not going to necessarily turn out well, because he's not taking the advice, once again, of the recommendation of 10,000 to 11,000, which is what joe dunford has recommended. and now we're looking at half that. >> but it seems like, i mean,
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just like any problem that you ignore, it becomes more costly as time goes on. so, 5,500 troops now. i mean, there's no guarantee that that will be the maximum number needed. i mean, if we short-change the force now, doesn't that suggest we're going to need to send many more in the future? >> well, he had to do something, because he did not want the iraq outcome to happen in afghanistan. he now sees what happened, the precipitous withdrawal, what the troops still call the obama bug-out in december 2011, when they pulled out of iraq in 30 days. he can't afford to do that if he's going to have any legacy whatsoever. so, he's going to gaffe it off on to his successor with 5,500 troops on the ground, which by the way, means very little can be done in offensive operations. those troops are going to be conventional and special operations units. they're going to remain at bases in kabul, in bagram, kandahar and jalalabad. and the taliban, meanwhile, is going to increase their control over the population. they've got about 30% of the population under their thumb now. it's there because of pakistan
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and the taliban are going to harvest the opium, collect the taxes and provide public services such as they are in afghanistan. >> yes. that makes sense. you spent a lot of time around the military. of course, you served in it for many years. is it your sense that it's weaker now than it was at the beginning of obama's first term? >> well, there's no doubt the numbers are smaller. >> right. >> the amount of money we're spending on it is smaller. the outcome of that -- we saw this in the carter administration back in the '70s. every time you gut the budget -- and they've gutted it consistently over the course of the last five years -- this administration leaves a military that is weaker than it was the day before. the end result is, look, the purpose of having a military is very simple, it's to deter war and win one if you have to fight it. we don't go on the offensive. we don't launch wars against other people. we're not preemptive, even. i mean, it took us five major attacks by al qaeda and finally one enormous attack here in the united states in 9/11/01 before we decided to fight them.
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so, we're not using our military as an offensive. it is a deterrent. that deterrence has failed in the middle east. why? because of the total lack of leadership. tucker, we've now got russia back in the middle east where they've not been since 1973. this is a repeat of the carter administration on steroids, and it's leaving us very weak in the area. >> yeah, and yet, every time i hear a debate in washington from the obama administration about the military, it's always about how do we make the military more inclusive to previously excluded populations. how do we integrate women into combat units, how do we make it safe for transgenders. it seems they view the military as a social experiment and employment program and not as a deterrent force. >> i'm not even sure it's a employment program. i'm sure it's a radical social experiment and they're treating the military like lab rats. meanwhile, the best military that's ever existed in any part of the world at any time, which is the one we have today, they're better trained, better led, brighter, better educated and more combat experienced than any military force in history.
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alexander the great's hot plates weren't as experienced as these guys are, and we're getting rid of them left and right because of that social engineering that they're doing. it's crazy, brother. >> it's got to be so depressing if you're actually serving right now. thanks a lot for joining us. >> good to be with you, tucker. >> appreciate it. coming up next, hollywood liberals love to come to the defense of the democratic party. we'll bring you the latest in this trend next, if you can handle it. and later in the show, larry the cable guy sat down recently with sean to talk about his project, the most recent one, and the 2016 election. it's pretty good! stay tuned to see it.
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and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor, and for details, visit 40% of the streetlights in detroit, at one point, did not work. you had some blocks and you had major thoroughfares and corridors that were just totally pitch black. those things had to change. we wanted to restore our lighting system in the city. you can have the greatest dreams in the world, but unless you can finance those dreams, it doesn't happen. at the time that the bankruptcy filing was done, the public lighting authority had a hard time of finding a bank. citi did not run away from the table like some other bankers did. citi had the strength to help us go to the credit markets and raise the money. it's a brighter day in detroit. people can see better when they're out doing their tasks, young people are moving back in town, the kids are feeling safer while they walk to school. and folks are making investments and the community is moving forward.
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40% of the lights were out, but they're not out for long.they're coming back. ♪ welcome back to "hannity." it's no secret that hollywood is pretty much monochromatically liberal. take a look at recent appearances from two top presidential candidates on the democratic side, bernie sanders and hillary clinton, on "the ellen degeneres show."
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pretty tough questions. watch this. >> please welcome senator bernie sanders. ♪ ♪ burn, baby, burn ♪ >> a lot of people like you a lot. a lot of people are talking about you and like you a whole lot. our next guest could be the first woman to be elected president of the united states. please welcome hillary clinton! ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day >> you are the smartest, most qualified person for this job. >> and in a recent interview with "the daily beast," actress olivia wilde claimed that saying hillary clinton isn't warm enough is a sexist sentiment. here's the quote -- "it's pure sexism," she said, "this bs about her not seeming warm enough is pure misogyny. it's ridiculous. i think she's one of the
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warmest, most personal politician i've ever met, much warmer than other politicians, in fact. that is pure sexism." joining me for more is "in touch weekly," sarah. chloe, since you're seated closest to me, what is it about bernie sanders and hillary clinton that has hollywood so in love? neither one of them is particularly hip. i mean, they're not like, you know, youth-friendly -- >> right. >> and yet, they love them. why? >> it's just the fact that they're democrats and hollywood is predominantly democrat. and hillary clinton, though, knows, though, that her public image isn't necessarily warm and fuzzy, which is why she went on the season premiere of "snl," because she's trying to get that likability factor out there. i have met her. she was very kind to me when i did run into her on the streets of new york city, but this is nothing new. and with social media, celebrities like ellen degeneres and other people are able to be more outspoken and, you know, in terms of supporting democratic
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candidates and slamming republican candidates because they have a platform through social media. >> well, they certainly do. and dagan, i want to put up on the screen a tweet from actor seth rogen. he makes a powerful and nuances case against ben carson. it says "f-you, ben carson." >> that's mild compared to some of the tweets -- >> what a moron! >> what i've gotten from liberals. people talk about people on the right being vicious and nasty. it is nothing compared to some of the stuff that's been said to me on twitter by people on the left. i'll add this. no celebrity wants to be outside of the group. they're joiners. they're driven by being liked by other people. they want to be on the cheerleading squad so nobody in their right mind is going to come out for a republican, because you'll be ostracized. and i want to oppose this to olivia wilde -- is president obama a sexist because he ran against hillary clinton and ruined her chances back in 2008? is he a misogynist because he
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didn't give her the opportunity to be the first female president of the united states? >> well, that's a really good question. >> would you ever say that about the president? and the answer is no. >> when i see her at the gym, i will ask her that question. i want to put up something from kathy griffin, who posed as a comedian -- obviously isn't one because she's deeply unfunny, but here's what she writes -- "wow, these gop debate candidates are scary. they can dress up their rhetoric however they want, but, um, they just hate mexicans." i don't think that's a joke. i think it's dead serious, and it kind of sums up the view that if you disagree with me, you're not just wrong, you're immoral, and that seems to be something a lot of hollywood actors believe, you're immoral if you disagree. >> see, i think -- we hear this every year, every time there's a presidential election. there's always celebrities that come out against various candidates or support various candidates. i think this year might be different. first of all, you just had t.i. making some comments about hillary, saying she could never be president. he would never vote for a woman as president because they're too
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emotional and make rash decisions and they might set off a nuke. but then also, you have the donald trump factor. and donald trump is a celebrity in his own right. and i think if he is ultimately the republican nominee, i think there will be more hollywood people lining up to support donald trump, more hollywood folks who don't like donald trump, certainly, but i think he'll bring -- he is a celebrity in his own right, but also, he has more celebrity supporters. there was an issue with steven tyler this week who was upset about his song, but it wasn't about politics it was about copyright issues. steven tyler is a republican and was at one of the debates reportedly as a guest of donald trump. i think this year everything could be completely different. >> it might be. what's so interesting, though, and i guess i'm a little confused by this, chloe, is these are all people with adds audiences and they don't want to alienate any part of the audience you would think. most actresses have stayed quiet about their views in public. this year, they're letting their freak flags fly. >> all bets are off, and you're
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right, everyone's taking to social media and anywhere and voicing their opinions, really i think because of the trump factor, the extreme things he says. anything goes. so many outrageous headlines that he's made, that everybody out there is just giving all of their opinions out, but also, i think this isn't just about the political issues anymore. it's also in hollywood becoming about whether a woman should be president, and a lot of people are voicing their opinions for hillary clinton to be president, whether or not they support their political views, just making it about a gender debate. >> i'll add this about people in hollywood and celebrities. they can help you raise money if you're running for office, but their power in influencing votes is minimal, except for oprah winfrey, because people in this country had a real spiritual connection with her. what she did for president obama was unbelievable. but in terms of getting folks elected, look at all the people who came out for alison lundergan grimes against mitch mcconnell when she was running for senate. jennifer garner, jack black,
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cameron diaz, mike myers, tom hanks, john ham, i am not naming all of them, and she lost. they all gave her money and she lost. >> kim, let me ask you in two seconds, where are the publicists? why aren't they stopping seth rogen from saying dumb stuff on twitter? >> i think this year is so froent. i think you're seeing -- you've never seen republican primary candidates line up to go on late-night talk shows with seth meyers and jimmy fallon, and you know, so many of these republican primary candidates. donald trump is hosting "snl." so, i just think everything this year is very different. >> no, it's a smart point. [ everyone talking at once ] >> steve forbes hosted "snl" -- >> ladies, we are totally out of time. it was a long time ago. we're going to call him great. thanks so much for joining us. coming up next right here on "hannity" -- >> i mean, there's five cameras. i'm trying to figure out which one to look at. by the way, cameras put 10 pounds on you, so -- >> you look a lot better.
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>> 15 pounds heavier. i was a thin guy before i came on here. i'm looking at the camera, i'm blown up! >> well dressed larry the cable guy recently sat down with sean to talk about the 2016 election. you won't want to miss that interview, right after the break. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] if you don't think "i've still got it" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp." life reimagined gives you tools and support to get the career you'll love. find more real possibilities at
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♪ welcome back to "hannity." comedian, actor and friend of this program, larry the cable guy, dropped by recently to talk to sean about his latest project, the 2016 presidential election and a whole lot more. watch this. >> larry, >> oh, my god, really? >> the thing is, sean, it's from one of those overhead traffic cameras. [ laughing ] >> what is going on? i must have been on a late night arby's run or something. i don't know what it is. i'll do anything for a big montana. >> you teamed up with prilosec. i have used it.
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you brought your grandma -- >> your last show. >> you brought your grandma's sloppy joe's. >> those are my fear factor. >> those were huge. it tasteded great going down. the other side was not as great. it was not good. >> i hear you. >> thank god i had prilosec. >> this is a cool thing. i teamed up with taste of the nfl this year. we want to give away a million meals. people go on -- you can't beat it gives you all the information on there, but you can win a trip to the super bowl and you give to your local food bank on there. >> you got to give away a million meals to people, and it's all part of this thing that -- you do a lot of good stuff. i should -- i shouldn't say this. you donated a ton of money to our military charity. you raise money with your golf tournament every year. you do good things. >> people that think you're not a nice guy, it's not true. >> who doesn't think i'm a nice guy. i love people? >> what if hillary goes to jail?
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>> well, cry me a river. >> i vote like anyone else does. >> do you like trump? >> i did like a lot of stuff he says. it's far way from the election. i want to see what everybody else has. >> if i keep asking political questions you're going to need prilosec in double closes. >> people realize that they're popular because people are sick and tired of that garage. >> you guys are going on tour. and and you know, it's down here you guys are saying anything. it's funny. we've lost our sense of humor.
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>> we really have. that is what humor is all about. it helps you deal with many things. people go maybe you shouldn't have said that. maybe he deals with it differently. that is the cool thing about comedy. if you don't like a certain comedian, don't go see a certain comedian. >> i'm a one liner guy. >> you tell stories. >> i don't do a lot of stories. >> you do. i have to tell you. someone said to me, they said, you need to write more socially conscious material you're dumbing down america and all of this kind of stuff. and i tried. one time i wrote a joke about the banks are too big to fail. what does that mean? evidently, the government has not seen two fat folks playing
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twister. >> what is the website? >> you can't beat a million people are going to get meals. and you're going to send someone to super bowl. are you going this year? >> i will be there with prilosec. >> you are doing a show in san francisco? >> i love it there. >> good to see you. >> sean you're a good man. >> i can't ask you once what you think of oeb wrauma. i got youff the hook. >> larry the cable guy, get it done. >> still more "hannity" right after the break. the cold truth is, there's no easy way to do your job when you're sick. tough symptoms need alka-seltzer plus cold & cough it's four cold symptom fighters put you back in control. stay unstoppable. alka-seltzer plus.
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meantime, have a great weekend. ♪ ♪ hi i'm eric bolling in for bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. let's get right to our top story. the fbi livid at president obama over his comments over the hillary clinton email investigation. the "new york times" reports today that the bureau's agents are mad the president down played the situation during his interview with "60 minutes" on sunday. >> did you know about hillary clinton's use of private email server? >> no. >> while she was secretary of state? >> no. >> do you think it posed a national security problem? >> i don't think it posed a national security problem. i think that it was a mistake that she has acknowledged. i do
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