tv Red Eye FOX News October 20, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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never miss my favorite picture. benghazi testimony help or hurt her? here are your results and up next the o'reilly factor. good night. tonight on "red eye", should republicans be talking about impeaching hillary clinton? that means they think she is going to be president. it is something to annoy everyone. and a new attack ad says donald trump can't be trusted with our 4,600 nuclear bombs. wait, how many do we have? a man attacks a passenger on a plane for reclining their seat. we'll investigate andy levy's alibi. first, a news break. >> live from america's news headquarters, i'm robert gray. an anonymous hacker is claiming to have broken into the private e-mail of the cia director john brennan.
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it is proof that one of them containing the social security numbers of the senior intelligence officials. the cia says it is looking into the possible hack. the canadian people are casting their vote for change. they are ousting the conservative prime minister steven harper and electing the liberal leader justin true dough to take his -- justin trudeaux to take his place. it ends harper's nine-year rape in office. >> it ends harper's nine-year rein in office. unmanned drones have become a serious risk as pilots continue to spot them in the air. the secretary of transportation says registering drones will create accountability. >> registration will help us enforce the rules against those who operate unsafely by identifying the operators of the unmanned aircraft. the small town of nevada can
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take a deep breath at a waste disposal site. they say there is no sign of contamination. it was used to bury the low-level radio active waste until 1992. the teenager who got in trouble for bringing a homemade clock to school made a special visit to the white house for astronomy night. he was invited following his arrest that happened after teachers mistook the clock for a bomb. mohamed says he is grateful to have the president's support. i'm robert gray. now back to our overnight show you can't get enough of, "red eye." and for all of your headlines log on to fox >> welcome to "red eye." hello, everyone. i'm tom shillue. let's check in with tv's andy levy at the news deck. hi, andy.
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andy? andy -- it will be one of those weeks. let's welcome our guests. she has a million followers on instagram and three camera guys following her at all times. correspondent for not exactly news, julia kelly. and i'm still upset that they stopped making encyclopedia, but lucky for me i have a real life encyclopedia on the panel. and we let her write her own intro tonight. please welcome amoral, unethical , satan worshiper and founder of the accountability project. and he is not from brooklyn. he just looks like it. paul odo. let's start the show. >> it is time to start talking
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impeachment hearings and for once i am not talking about president obama. yes, one hero congressman has promised to instantly impeach hillary clinton if she is elected to the oval office. they believe her use of a private e-mail server is a national security issue that may have threatened the lives of americans. and during a recent radio interview he dropped this bomb. >> it is a national security issue and in my judgment with respect to hillary clinton she will be a unique president iffy elected next november because the day she is sworn in is the day she is subject to impeachment because she committed high crimes and misdemeanors. >> we here at "red eye" salute you. finally someone is talking seasons in congress, right? >> mo brooks may be the dumbest man in america. this is not the first incredibly dumb thing he said. i speak as a conservative and he makes me blush and ashamed.
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he makes me think occasionally of perhaps enjoying my colleague to give the idea of talking in october of 2015 of impeaching hillary clinton. we could get hit by a meteor between then and now. >> anything could happen. >> joe biden could enter the presidential race and she could be win. jim webb could win. well, maybe not, but you get where i'm going here. >> the real problem is that it makes you think of her as president. doesn't it bother republicans to even hear that? >> no, i think the problem is that guys go on talk radio and speak nonsense simply to get time and to get themselves through it it. they cooperate pronounce the word unique. >> he was having trouble with that. >> and he didn't even follow with new york. usually people have trouble
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-- >> that's a great warm up. >> he couldn't even say new york because it is too far from alabama. >> could you tell me, why don't you -- as an exercise, why don't you defendant this congressman since he has been attacked from the right. you probably want to defend him. >> i want joe biden can -- i want joe biden to run. it is the dream of the 90s and it is alive in the house of representatives. i don't get his mentality. he is trying to appeal to a very, very ridiculous base that is not in reality and also known as the ben carson supporters. that is what he is appealing to now. it is not realistic. the benghazi thing is blowing up in their face. >> i have to differ with you there. it is hanging around her
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neck. >> the cia source today, the congressman who is heading up the benghazi investigation leaped the cia source today. >> the state department did it. they handed him documents and they released the documents. >> hold on. i will solve this argument. julia, which was it, the state department or was it trey-goudy? >> you have six seconds to answer. >> i don't know the answer to that question. >> will this hurt hillary clinton? >> probably not. >> are you supporting hillary clinton? i know, i will tell you something. i talked to your mother and she doesn't like hillary. >> she doesn't, but i don't have an issue with her. >> would you vote for her if she is a woman? >> we don't need people like you voting.
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we need you out there doing the good work on vine. do you think it is wise to talk about impeachment? >> i think people get weary if they don't hear the word. >> they shouldn't be focusing on that. at least it does indicate that they have accepted that barack obama is the president. now we can move forward from there. it is a ep coulding mcniche. it is a coping mechanism. >> we believe it happened. it was real. and now we can confirm ourselves with further insanity. >> and why would she care if she heard about this? is that the guy that started the war on whites? i think we can safely not worry about him. >> did he start that? i never heard of the guy until you say he has a long history. >> he has a long history of extreme stupidity.
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it is like your family member. it is like the guy at thanksgiving who says things like -- there was awe fo outside the window and you say it was just your neighbor. >> trump's dad is a little like that. >> you should only be a little like ivanka trump's dad. $4 billion and leading in the polls. we should all be like ivanka trump's dad. >> that's something we can all agree on. presidential candidate and elderly second graders jeb bush and donald trump are at it again. it is hitting hard and donald, all caps and no punk punctuation, is calling him on fit to lead.
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>> well i watch your shows. i really see a lot of great -- when you watch your show and all of the other shows -- >> that's one of the ways he comes up on our national security. >> he always felt i was in the military despite never serving in the military. >> i will be so good your head will spin. >> not to be outdone trump calls jeb a dirty four-letter word. i can't say it. trump denies jeb's claim that he kept us safe .ing out that 9/11 happened on jw's watch. and chris wallace said it would not have happened if he was president. >> i am extremely, extremely tough on illegal immigration.
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i am extremely tough on people coming into this country. i believe that if i were running things i doubt those families would have -- i doubt those people would have been in the country. >> there you go. first i want to ask you don't you have to say that jeb bush had interesting creative use of a clarinette in his ad? >> it is sad. the clarinette is a noble instrument. my daughter is studying it right now and perhaps she can get a job on the sequel commercial. i cannot believe that jeb bush is falling for this again and again. he is charlie brown and trump is lucy with the football. trump says come at he, come at me. jeb says now i'm really gonna get you. then he will pull the football away and jeb goes boom. of course trump isn't ready to be president and not fit to be commander-in-chief. everyone in america knows that
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and it is still the case that people are supporting him. >> that's the thing you say everybody and there are a lot of people out there. they like trump. >> they like trump and this is the point they like trump in spite of the fact that he is not prepared to be president. >> national review says the establishment is coming around and they think it could happen. he could win. >> i am terrified that that is correct, yes. >> do you have a choice? >> i love that analogy. it is lucy with the football. and he keeps playing trump's game. it is not a wise game. >> it is not. up until thiss point, donald trump has gone after immigrants and jeb's mother and sister. we had to wait until his brother to defend him. that's what i don't understand. it has been up until maybe last year incredibly unpopular. the republican base now loves
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jeb bush except for the people who got done thald trump to where he is. the -- who got donald trump to where he is. the we want to turn this town upside down kind of folk. donald trump is going to figure out should he support the establishment? jeb is 4% of the polls right now. or will he stay with his base which is like let's burn washington down now and bring donald trump in and put a t on the white house. i think he is stuck. >> trump is stuck. >> you should be so stuck. >> you should be so stuck. >> it is four months into a preposterous campaign. he is thousand not only leading nationally, but leading in the states. it is the worst campaign ever run or the best campaign ever run. and coming at him
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conventionally is to say he is not prepared and that's not the thing that will puncture his balloon and bush keeps coming at him. the interesting thing about trump's attacks on george w. bush is that jeb bush doesn't need to engage with it. 90% of those who identify as republicans in polls have a favorable opinion of george w. bush. 90%. that means attacks on george w. bush will resonate negatively without anybody having to flash -- shine a flash flight on them if that is a problem. jeb is simply -- all he is doing is giving trump a megaphone and making him look like his brother's lap dog. it is an astonishing bit of malpractice. >> what do you think of donald trump? he has a lot of personality. he has appeal to people. what do you think of him? >> i think he is a cool guy
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and i used to watch his show. >> can you picture him as president? >> i kind of could. >> what would you say? can i call you a low information voter? you don't follow politics that much. >> no, not at all. >> you are the person. you are most of america. they don't know. they are not reading and writing articles. >> how dare you? >> not everyone in america looks like her either. >> but she is the american voter, right? and so you look at trump and he seems like a leader. >> i feel like most of my generation and most of the young people out there trump is usually out on social media and very popular on social media. a lot of young kids talk about him because he has been on mainstream media for so long and he has his own show and he have very popular. >> he speaks to you. >> yes. >> did you say we have time for the third story or no? we do. a southwest plane -- we are
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moving on. a southwest plane has to return to the gate at los angeles international airport after one passenger choked another over a reclined seat. i'm sure andy levy had his reasons. the flight left l.a.x. on sunday night and doubled back a half hour later after a man started choking a woman who leaned her seat back. the man was removed from the flight and the remaining passengers arrived in san francisco five hours later than scheduled. it had a happy ending. does it bother you when people lean their seat back? >> depends on how they do it. it is all about method. i can understand dash if she threw her seat back like immediately they say now you can lean your seat back. it slamses and knocks your coffee off. i hate that. >> so you would choke her? >> no, but i also think that -- nobody was arrested in this story. they took them apart and they are questioning people. i almost feel like the fbi asked them when they got them in the room, what happened? she slammed her seat back.
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oh well don't do that again. >> i understand why you did that. i have to add that to the announcements now. don't smoke. don't take the fire alarm apart. don't be an animal in the plane. can we not choke people too? it is stuff you should know already that this is the life vest. >> they are doing it less now. i was in a plane this weekend and people weren't putting their seats back. you just got into it on a plane. there was a guy in front of me who wouldn't let me watch my snap chat. >> that is uh nowing when you -- that is annoying. >> how dare he? >> you were playing your snap chats or recording them? >> for two seconds. and then he yelled at me right away. >> that is terrible. >> you have headphones. >> i didn't have headphones.
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it is right before we took off. >> i would also like to say i think that man should be given the congressional medal of honor. i believe the act of reclining the seat in a universe in which there are now 31 inches per passenger is terrorism. the terrorists win if someone reclines their seat and there is no response. it is the worst thing you can do in economy on a plane. it is the worst thing, period. >> capitalism. >> do you pay the extra $80 or $90 and get one of those extra room keys? >> occasionally, yes. don't you? >> yes, i do. >> and you are a rich tv star. many people can't afford that extra -- >> i am not first class of the i am just the extra $80 to get the extra inches. >> this is what happens when
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you privatize everything. this is what happens. you get smaller seats. you don't get to put your legs back. it is suddenly against fat people. if you are not skinny, you can't move. this is what happens when you privatize the world. >> so you are saying they have good leg room? >> have you ever been in first class? they have bubbles. you have your own little room. >> you are against that? >> it is like $10,000. >> it makes us all want to work hard. the business class seat is responsible for me working hard. >> if you have opportunities like you did. what about the little guy who didn't grow up in the right part of town and didn't go to the good schools. >> i with will have to go back -- i will have to go back and fly moscow airlines in the early 70s. >> it is m -- mo money and mo problems next.
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it is not easy having green. to the average joe the good life is good fun and seems to be the ideal. but if are you part of the top 1%, you can suffer from isolation, guilt and loneliness. well now there is a solution. they featured a few of of these therapists to the super rich. he takes clients on walk and talks in central park and said most don't take the problems of wealthy seriously enough. there is a fair amount of isolation and ironically it is harder to talk about having money than it is talk about not having money. it is more socially acceptable to say i am broke. than saying i have a ton of money.
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a wealth psychologist says it is easy to scapegoat the rich. sometimes i am shocked by the things people say. if you substitute the word jewish or black you would never say something like that. then adding i am not necessarily comparing it to what people of color have to go through, but i think by not comparing it you compared it. in addition to not being able to brag about how rich you are and not being like people of color there are other things the 1% finds stressful like not noying if picking up the -- like not knowing if picking up the dinner tab is kind or condescending. not knowing if people are friends with you just for your money. and people protesting outside your huge estate and seeing yourself being portrayed negatively in movies and tv and many, many more. john do you agree with the rolling stones when they sang
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money can't buy you love? >> well there is a deeper point dough spite -- despite how obnoxious every quote was. it is true that there is a wealth of sews sociological data that says money does not make people happy. it should maybe people happy. there is every reason why it should make people happy, and yet it doesn't. in someways it is a wonderful thing to know. it means contentment and a sense of richness in life is not bound by what is in your wallet. and having too many material possessions can in fact be soul crushing. that's a good, equalizing thing about life. on the other hand it says something gross about human nature that people who have plenty often can't enjoy what they have.
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it is a sickness. >> it is sad. you have to be seriously feeling bad for the wealthy. julia, if you had a dollar for every time somebody downloaded something of yours you would be a millionaire. but you are not. you don't have that dollar, do you? >> no. >> but why is it hard to realize that rich people are people too. >> they have these materialistic things and from the outside they are content and happy, but i feel like those things just don't fulfill like your happiness. >> what makes you happy? >> what makes me happy? >> yes. >> puppies. >> it is pretty simple. >> we are all the same on the inside. >> sure. >> you hate rich people, but you hate all sorts of things, freedom, america. where do you draw the line? >> i get it. money doesn't buy you happiness, but it also doesn't prevent -- it prevents
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suffering i should say. there is a clear difference between suffering and not being able to survive and knot being able to pay your bills and the stress of having to work three jobs and being in a split up family and not being able to pay for schooling and education and all of these different things that wealth affords you. there is a big difference between that and too many red dresses in your closet and not knowing which one to pick or not knowing whether your friends like you for your money versus not knowing whether or not you had time off to spend with your family during the holidays or to be able to have discretionary income to, i don't know, pay the bills. >> interesting. you can see our conservative guests care about things that matter to people and our liberal guest only cares about money. isn't that interesting? >> both have a good point. people are people at the base of it. rich people have had too much
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of what everyone chases that they idolize as happiness. there is no gravity in the situation. you don't have to search for the thing. you don't know why you are searching or why you are doing kneeing. doing anything. you are dealing with the situations when you are crying and jetskiing. i don't have that problem, but i know that money doesn't buy you happiness, but it does buy you time to find happiness and that is on you. if you can't figure it out with all of the tools i have no pity for you. >> perm responsibility. deciding what to do with that time. it is so philosophical of the this got really deep all of a sudden. >> coming up, did someone ask for more half time? you're in luck. half time is next.
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm robert gray. oscar pistorius, the so-called blade runner has been released from prison and is now under house arrest. the olympian and the double amputee who shot and killed his girlfriend was put under correctional supervision on monday night. pistorius served nearly a year of his sentence foreman slaughter. a gun fight sends an actor to
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the hospital. it was made famous by wyatt earp that was supposed to shoot blanks and instead has live rounds inside. he was rushed to the hospital, but he is expected to survive after under undergoing successful surgery. donald trump and ben carson are asking for secret service protection. homeland security jay johnson will consult with five senior members of congress before a decision is made both trump and carson have made remarks about ethnic and religious minorities. jim webb is thinking about leaving for the democratic nomination. the former virginia senator campaign says he would instead seek the oval office as an independent. during the first democratic debate last week web complained repeatedly about how little time he had to answer questions. and monday night football is sporting even more action with
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the trailer for "star wars" episode seven "the force awakens." tickets for the film which opens on december 18th are now on sale. i'm robert gray and now we go back to "red eye." but remember, all of your headlines are on fox you're watching the most powerful name in news, fox news. welcome back. it is time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed from tv's andy levy in the "red eye" news desk. still have that towel? >> sorry. hillary impeachment. you said that the congressman may be the dumbest person in america? doesn't that just point out how obvious it is that hillary needs to be impeached?
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even someone that dumb knows it. >> you got me there. >> he did not leak that source and they did not redact something they should have. >> do you have google there or something? putting me in my place. i read it in like u.s. news. >> there's your problem. >> i went to fox and got the truth. >> fair and balanced. >> you said you would probably vote for hillary just because she is a woman. same for carly fiorina? >> probably. >> i enjoy consistency. the best part of the interview is after brooke drops the whole i am going to impeach hillary bomb he doesn't follow-up at all. he says that and okay joining us is congressman brooks. really? the guy just said he would
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impeach hillary. >> they were on biden watch. >> it happened at 2:00 a.m. >> paul, you said mo brooks started the war on whites hash tag. >> he was involved in it, butt i don't know if he started it. i talk a lot from my bottom. >> i think you are right. i don't think he started the hash tag, but he went on the radio show saying the democrats were accusing him of having a war on whites and then a bunch of people pucked up on it on -- i can ped up on it on -- picked up on it on twitter. >> are you part of the war on whites in that case? >> i just don't like mixing them with the colors. i like keeping them separate. >> not a shock. as with laundry so with life. now i know what that sign in the office means.
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a horrible person. bush and trump fight over 9/11. can't we agree it was both their fault? >> bush and trump? jinx. >> we're besties. >> every time jeb attacks trump by stating the obvious it backfires. it is amazing. >> that's what it means to be an unconventional candidate. it is that comic book power that when somebody hits you you absorb it and you get strength and get stronger. >> i said like reagan was a teflon president and trump would be a rubber candidate. >> it is like fighting a chimp. >> you can't apply traditional mma methods to fighting a monkey. >> to be fair, i have been hearing oh 9/11, who could have prevented it? for years you hear these arguments. and i think trump's argument
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about immigration is the closest thing to being a legitimate argument about what could have prevented 9/11, don't you? >> if we agree that the closest thing is still not legitimate which does follow. then yes we can agree on that. >> tom you brought up the national review establish meant is coming around. >> to be clear they don't like him. >> right. i know they don't. >> they are not laughing it off anymore. >> totally agree. >> did you claim the republican base now loves jeb bush or did i miss hear you? >> i miss said that whole thing. can we do a rewrite there? they do not like the establishment. the 90% left loves the bush family for some strange reason. and so donald trump is having a hard time because he is still pushing hard on jeb bush. but the national review wants
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trump to be the main candidate now. >> i might argue that if 90% of the republican party loved jeb bush he wouldn't be at 4% in the polls. >> it gets confusing because it is all the same. >> clinton, clinton, clinton, clinton, white person, 80-year-old white person, 80-year-old white person. >> barack obama, barack obama, barack obama, barack obama. >> best president ever? >> who is your option? >> regan, lincoln, lincoln? lincoln? >> these two are sitting next to each other all the time now. >> was abraham lincoln white? yes, he was white. >> he was a republican before they turned. >> enough. >> i want to get to paul because tom rudely did not go to him during the story and i want him to have a chance to say something if he wanted it. >> what was your question?
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>> you did not get to speak during the story so i wanted to give you the opportunity. i didn't want you to feel like jim webb. >> will you restate the question? >> i don't have a question. >> then it is good talking to you. >> i think you said you would investigate an ally. second of all it is one of the families. depending on how she put her seat back you can understand how the guy choked her. i always looked for chris rock on guidance like this. to paraphrase i am not saying he should have choked her, but i understand of the. >> that's apropos.
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>> you said there was a guy siting in front of you on the plane who yelled at you for listening to snap chat. and then people asked why you don't have your headphones or ear buds. why didn't you? >> i forgot them. i am not good at packing. last minute. >> first of all, what is more genius than becoming a wealth therapist? you will soon be wealthy. you can charge what you want. >> then you will need a wealth therapist. >> a wealth therapist would then need a wealth therapist. >> it is job security for the industry. that's why it is a fast growing industry. >> it is a new market and you could get in. >> you pointed out that there is a wealth of data that that money doesn't make people happy which is true. i think the thing is while it should be obvious that wealthy people can be unhappy, that unhappiness shouldn't be because they are wealthy.
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>> there is a regression to the mean in which they think that having money will make them happy. after three months of spending oren gnaw straighting and buying an island off kauai, it turns out they wake up and they are still themselves lying in the bed and facing their imminent demise. >> tell me about it, man. tell me about it. >> it is a bum are. >> i have to go. >> thank you, andy. it is time to take a break. first, what are you talking about, kennedy? >> hello "red eye" fans. it is andy levy plus jillian michaels is gefg me a preview -- is giving me a preview of her new show. that's on fox business network.
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a rabbi, a minister and donald trump were on a sinking ship. there is no punch line. it is just a very inappropriate homework assignment. a mom is furious that her daughter's 6th grade class was giving -- given a test in which they had to decide whom to save on a sinking ship. 15 choices were given including a white man, black man, hispanic m would, pregnant woman, a minister, donald trump and president obama. the students could only pick nine to survive. she wondered why her 11-year-old daughter had to
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make an adult decision. the kennel complained, how is she supposed to pick people based on what they are saying. like to her, everyone matters and everybody should have a chance. they didn't do anything wrong. everybody deserves to be saved. why do pre-teens have to make a decision as to who lives or dies? >> because this country is doing down the tubes. >> wa-wa. >> all are you doing is posing one of the most famous questions in all of moral philosophy which is how do you choose between -- this is like one of the central questions. >> that's right. >> the point is there is no good answer. that's the point of the life boat choice. some people said they would save the people closest to them and other people said they would save those who are oldest and they would say they would save people who are the youngest. it reveals what you think is most important, but it is the tragedy of life that you can't
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save everyone. everyone cannot be saved. >> isn't that right? it is like no good answer, no bad answer. you have to talk it out. >> it is more of an emotional check. it is where you end up on this. maybe what they are expecting people to say is i will go. take me out. maybe that's what they are expecting a good person to do. it is not about the answer. it is about how they explain it, of course. that's why these things are good. >> tom? i have to say i am actually surprised to hear you say these things are good. >> really? >> yes. remember a couple months ago you did something kind of similar to this in one of our "red eye" team building meetings. >> oh yes. >> i think we have video, actually. it is a team building exercise and there are no wrong answers. remember, we are in a dingy and somebody has to life the boat.
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i will put a check mark next to me. it does president matter who it is. >> tom. >> tom. >> tom. >> tom, tom, tom, tom. >> it doesn't really matter who is in the boat. >> why are you still here into into -- here? >> have you been thrown over board and the rest of us are fine. there is no point in continuing this. >> there is no wrong answers, guys. >> that's why i did that, andy. there is no wrongances. wrong answers. >> somebody is always filming. >> there may be no wrong answers, but there was definitely a right answer. >> do you what i'm saying? the reason i am with -- i am with the school for once because it is a moral problem. you have to grapple with these things even if you are a teenager. >> it is like a sofie's choice. >> do you know that
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reference? do you know that film? it came out when you were not alive. >> i was not alive to be fair. >> but do you understand? you are not that far off from middle school. did you do things like this? >> no, i was actually home schooled, but i did do uh seen ments like this. >> you were home schooled? >> i don't know what that means. >> we will close things out with a bedtime story.
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like many of you out there, i would love a pet pig, but i fear it might grow too huge. now there is a solution. a chinese biotech company announced they have created genetically modified micropigs that weigh about 30 throughy pounds. i believe that's half of what pigs actually weigh. the scientists edited the swine dna with a growth hormone gene to keep them small. they plan to take customer orders to gauge interest in the pint sized porkers. initial interest is high, but others worry if they are too popular it could lead to not enough pigs to go to market and too many who go w-wee-wee all the way home. >> you are throwing to me,
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right? >> first of all i want to know if this story was worth -- >> it is always the jews. andy said it before and i am coming back to it. yes i keep kosher. people should not have pigs in their homes. >> let's get this straight. i thought you couldn't just eat pigs. you can't even have one, someone to watch "love actually" with? >> well, i guess you could, but what happens if the apocalypse comes and there is only one thing left to eat? >> that's true. there is the moral quandry. forget the life raft. >> i would say you can eat a cat, but pigs -- i don't know what is going on. >> you were friendly up until now. >> i don't like him now. >> are you a cat person? >> i am a cat person, and a dog person. >> you would love a little pig? >> i would. they are so cute. >> get one of those miniature pigs and fill out a form and it is your comfort animal and
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you can take it on airplaness in case somebody criticizes you. >> and you can hang your headphones around its neck so you would never, ever forget them. >> i think it is exciting that we are creating smaller pigs. do we need them? >> i blame george clooney. it was a famous thing. i don't know if it is alive still. i hope it is. but the pigs are very smart animals and we slaughter them and we eat them and that's terrible. they are great pets. >> you don't eat anything? >> i ate a little fish. but nothing with legs. if they walk or talk. >> why does she hate the creatures of the ocean so much? >> the fish have no souls. >> quick answer and then we will say good night. what do you think? >> it was a fish? >> the whole deal.
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miss an episode of "the five." "special report" is next. texas pulls the plug on planned parenthood. this is "special report." good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. there is new serious fallout tonight over the images of planned parenthood officials apparently negotiating the sale of leftover parts from aborted babies. texas is yanking government funding from the abortion provider, a move that has already set off a war of words and is destined for a courtroom. chief leading correspondent shannon bream has tonight's top story. >> reporter: texas is putting every planned parenthood
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