tv Red Eye FOX News October 23, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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lot going on here, breaking news. so much going on here in washington you don't want to miss even one "on the record." i will see you on facebook, gretawire, twitter, all over social media good night from washington, d.c. >> tonight on "red eye." did democrats on the select committee ask tough questions? and is there such a thing as a tough question? fixing the gender pay gap is not his job. will someone changing his wikipedia entry to jeremy renner, actor and fixer of the gender pay gap? i will let him back and demonstrate on the other guests. we provide comfort, joy, but first a news break. >> this is a fox news alert. i'm patricia stark. police say three people have been shot at tennessee state university. police say one person is dead and two others are injured. it is not clear yet if the
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victims or the shooter are students. the shooting took place during a dispute over a dice game of the just over a week ago another shooting left three people injured at an off campus party across the street from the college. the hillary clinton hearing on benghazi just wrapped up. it happened during her tenure as secretary of state. an e-mail calling it a terror attack which is different than what she told the public at the time. paul ryan making it official he is running for speaker of the house. he declared his candidacy after getting support from the gop major caucuses. the full house will vote next thursday. a u.s. service member is dead following a raid to free hostages from an isis come pound in northern iraq. he is the first troop member to be killed in iraq since the u.s. began its campaign against isis in 2014. some 70 people were freed during the raid. a nurse quarantined last
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year because she had contact with ebola patients in africa is suing chris christie. the suit is seeking $250,000 in damages. claims christie's decision was politically motivated and driven by fear. a nation's drug bust after u.s. law enforcement uncovered a cross border tunnel from mexico to california. agents seized 12 tons of marijuana and arrested 22 people. the tunnel connected warehouses in tijuanna and san diego and was equiped with a rail system. i'm patricia stark. now back to "red eye." for all of your headlines go to fox you are watching the most powerful name in news. fox fuse channel. fox newschannel. >> welcome to "red eye." i'm tom shaw lieu. let's check in with tv's andy levey at the news desk. >> it is an awful day at the
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"red eye" news desk. there were reports that maroon 5 may perform at the super bowl. this is the worst thing ever. >> doesn't sound so bad. >> give me something to believe in because i don't believe in you anymore. >> how dare you say my behavior is unacceptable. >> it is like we can't stop. we are are enemies. you are like a drug that is killing me. >> you and i get so dam dysfunctional we stop keeping score. >> wonder if it makes a difference to try. >> you and i get sick. i know we can't do this no more. >> so this is goodbye. >> let's welcome our guest. she can walk and chew gum, just not in a straight line. joanne know saw chin ski. joanne know saw -- nosachinski. and his album "when a man loves a woman" is waiting to go double platinum as soon as he records it. the former ambassador to the u.n and fox news contributor.
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and it is a dog eat dog world out there. sitting next to me is comedian tom kodder. let's start the show. >> if the benghazi select committee was not partisan before, it was now. 4eu8 -- hillary clinton split them right down party lines, but it wasn't the republican's fault. they were nothing but respectful. >> welcome madam secretary, we are happy to have you here. >> thank you for being here. >> madam secretary with your indulgence we will take up one housekeeping matter. >> i can pause while you are reading your notes from your staff. >> nice. to be fair some of the democrats wanted to get to the truth and asked the tough questions. >> i sincerely hope this puts this offensive claim to rest once and for all. i'm asking you, madam secretary, did you order leon
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panetta to stand down on the night of the attacks? >> i want to make the most of your time and allow you to debunk many of the myths. >> have we found anything that tells us something different about what happened in benghazi and the answer is no. >> i guess those weren't that tough. hillary found time to plug her new book. >> i wrote a whole chapter in my book "hard choices" and i would be glad to send it to you, congressman. >> did these hearings help hillary clinton today? >> i think they did, unfortunately. i think she demonstrated she can keep her temper which is something in question. she had command of the facts because cheryl mills who is implicated in this scandal was sitting behind her feeding her notes. and she was able to filibuster a lot of her answers because the republicans like most members of congress are not
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prosecutors and they don't ask the questions the right way. i think new things were uncovered that were harmful to her including e-mails within hours of the attack where she says it was a terrorist attack and the video had nothing to do with it including onec@ conversation with the prime minister of egypt. by and large the mechanism for finding the truth about benghazi is not well suited to it. the real mechanism is the fbi investigation that is still going on. >> there it is. i always feel these congressional committees, they don't really work with the american people. it seems like show politics and everything like that. i think what gets her this trouble is the lie after the fact. isn't it right when they went on and on about this video, that seems to be the smoking gun to me. >> it was a federal crime to lie to a federal official and that includes congress. so she now testified a number
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of times and she has told clear and consistent stories. i do think there are sub -- substansive qualities and what they. i just hope the policy issues don't get lost. i think they have been today. i think they can be recovered. you are not going to do it through congressional hearings. >> i think you agree with everything the ambassador just said. correct? >> it is kind of awkward because that's all i was going to say. >> i stole his notes. >> i haven't been following this too well because i don't want any spoilers. i was looking forward to it, so i would rather thought spoil it. rather not spoil it. >> joe -- joanne these hearings show clinton is poised under attack, is that right? >> yes, but she keeps
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repeating herself and she thinks if she says the same thing over and over again maybe people will get board and stop asking her questions which wasn't the case because she went on for several hours. i enjoyed the first five mind you. we found out new key pieces of information specifically from her e-mails that contridicts things she said in the past. and yet she isn't saying anything to clarify the situation or make herself seem trustworthy. all she was trying to do was to deflect, but it didn't answer any questions. >> she didn't do much laughing. she likes to laugh it off. >> the awkward laugh that she has which is appropriate on halloween, but not when you are addressing the committee. i thought elijah attack. and it was in the video about the the blasphem of islam.
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the other thing i thought was humorous is this will be her undoing. she will be taken down by something abroad and her husband was taken down by something that happened with a broad. you knew i was going there. >> i didn't. >> that's good. from one political scandal to another, australia's foreign minister, julie bishop had a fun interview using emojis and it was the world's first political emoji interest view. interview. they were asked to use oney emoji to describe vladimir putin. it was a sad red face. now they are using the moment to attack her as they should. here is the head of the labor party during session. >> i am trying to understand what is the public message from australian foreign spokesperson about our relationship that is a
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difficult one with russia which is being expressed by our emoji. it may be she is angry with him. it may booy she thinks he is -- may be a red faced angry man. i don't know. >> i don't know either. what exactly what she trying to say? >> we will discuss that. we want to know what they would use to describe world leaders. it is a new segment we are calling -- before the show we asked the ambassador to submit his responses for a number of world leaders and let's get to it. first u.s. president barack obama. they used hard eyes to describe him. one of his favorites. british prime minister david cameron. bowl -- bolten went with ladies dancing.
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what else? chinese president ping. he went with jazz hands of course. they love jazz hands in china, don't they? the french leader and bolton went with kinky >> winkie face. >> and all of the bureaucrats at the u.n. we had to edit that one a little bit. am bees deer, thank you for -- ambassador, thank you for ending us the emojis. jay they did a great -- >> they did a great job. were the opponents justified in attacking her? >> no, she was wrong. they interviewed putin after that and he said better red than dead. it is the perfect emoji for him. there is no emoji for a pasty
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white meglamaniac riding a ors. until they have that, this is perfect. >> i don't know why they conducted the interview in this way, but maybe it was a nice way and maybe if we did communicate only using emojis we would get more done. >> i never actually used emojis. i just play a partly person who does on "red eye from time to time. i do know she is a good friend of the united states and she was trying to communicate with mill 11 -- millennials. i think that was part of what she was trying to do. the labor party has no sense of humor. it may have been a mistake. she got a better rise out of putin than she did the labor opposition. >> they were humor less. >> when they talk about these things it sounds nice and i wish our congress could communicate in that way.
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>> i do wish we could communicate in that way. i am thinking it will lead to a full allout -- a full allout war. >> i think it is flying around too much. i am seeing that emoji on my twitter feed. >> it has a smiley face, so it is not too offensive. >> you use emojis every day talking to your mill 11 friends. do you think it is silly getting politicians in on the game? >> if this is australia's biggest problem we are doing all right. we are missing the point. maybe putin is a little constipated and could use some of the poop emojis. i think that's a good thing and he probably appreciates it. >> doesn't get enough fib are. >> probably not. in russia, what are you eating?
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>> vodka and protein. ambassador, we have an emoji for you. ambassador, next story. paul ryan wants it all. a balance between work and family. the wisconsin congressman said this week that one of his conditions for being the house speaker was making sure he had plenty of time to spend with his wife and kids. the facebook coo and author of the book "lean in" applauded his comments giving her the lean in award of the day. she wrote "we need work to work for parents and having leaders who have responsibiliti to their jobs shows everybody what is possible. it didn't go over well for everyone and he voted grens -- against a paid family leave
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bill. and another, no reference to ryan's position. no even slight push for support to legislation. and finally, there was this. i am not sure if the previous guy was slap happy or sneaking powdered donuts for the workouts. i am not sure how that got in there. >> that is relevant. >> again, it is a bit of humorlessness. can't we cross the aisle for one minute? he wants to spend time with his family. >> she made up her own award to give to people who already have power and enough awards and accolades. and it promotes her book. paul ryan will do well and who knows why he didn't vote for
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the bill. it doesn't mean they don't want to have time with their families and support people who love their families. i don't know. you can't express everything you mean in 140 characters. >> exactly. and who cares -- he wants to take his weekends to spend time with his family. it has nothing to do with paid leave, does it? >> no, but it threatens republicans in the house because they won't bow out raising money. >> i permanently don't care -- i personally don't care what they think about anything. but the reaction is extraordinary. unless you support this particular bill on this particular issue you don't care about terries and mothers ' relationships with their children. this kneejerk reaction reminds me of the late 60s and the radicals on the campus. it is extraordinarily dangerous when you get people so i'd logical that everything
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triggers the response. >> there it is. i think the ambassador is crct. correct. in the mainstream media so and so voted for a bill and because they are anti-woman or anti-gay and whatever. what they do is put an ideology on top of a vote and you can't do that. it may have been a horrible bill. he wants to spend more time with his family and i don't see how that's a crime. it is not a minimum wage job where he is asking for more family leave time. he is third in line and you negotiate when you have a job offer which is why you have a stripper pole in the green room. you get to choose your 401k, sal vee and the vacation time. hire me, but know this is what i want. if they don't want it, they don't get it. he gets to spend more time with their family. people are more productive when they spend time with their people.
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manson killed a lot more people because he spent time with his family. >> that's a shummy pole to strengthen my arm. what do you think of cheryl sandburg and her lean in policy? >> i don't know too much about it. but i vote with her and i think he should win the award. all he wants is a job that is flexible like being the president of the united states would have been like you can go to football games on the weekends. >> you can do what you want and work a couple days a week. they are without a speaker, right? they need somebody. he puts his demands out there and he doesn't want to run around and raise money for these guys. you have to say only a crazy person would be speaker of the house. what he was thinking of being is joy of being vice president. >> you get to fly around in nice planes.
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i think ryan is doing a service in the country and we will see if he is able to survive it. i think he has a real future if he can get past the next 15 months. >> something says he well be bursting more than the former seeker. >> it ma i not be just his personality. whose job is it to next the gender pay gap in hollywood? i hope it is not me.
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negotiate alongside the female co-star to make sure there was that gender-based pay disparity. in the film jennifer lawrence was paid less than lawrence and bradley cooper. cooper said he would be happy to share salary info with the leading lady so she could get a better deal. what did square me say? no way. that is not my job. i don't know contracts. that was too much. said so lucky for jeremy runner he doesn't have to worry 3w* equal -- equal pay and he can do what he is good at being a fatuous human being. he leaves the negotiating to professionals and then pays them 10% of his income. what a jerk. >> should jeremy renner be criticized for not jumping on the latest ban wagon?
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>> i agree that it is not his job. i found out meryl streep makes more than jeremy renner and she is a woman. >> she is and she is not in "the bourne supremacy." >> no. she was doing the hunting. >> and she wasn't just hunting deer. >> all of the woman stuff. >> looks like jennifer lawrence didn't ask for more money. >> she is unhappy and she needs to fire her agent and get a better one who is looking out for her interest. the last thing you need is talent working onset where there is an pho moss tee -- a@imosity. it is interesting because people say it is so unfair that jennifer lawrence is only getting paid $3 million. she should be paid more. are you serious? these people are part of the 1% and yet a lot of these
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liberals will only hate the 1% on wall street, but are advocating for jennifer lawrence to get more money? granted i too want to be like her and make lots and lots of money. >> she is like number two on the earnings list if i'm correct. she made tons of money doing the movies where she acted like jeremy renner. >> i am hungry. s is thegry dialogue. latest thing, equal pay for equal work. in hollywood we all know the big ease stars get the biggest money, right? >> the idea you canada fine what equal work is real issue. what makes a film successful and who is the draw that people come to see and how you allocate the responsibilities and what you start out with and then what you end up with later is different. the idea you get $10.50 this
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welder gets it and the next gets it and it works on assembly lines. it doesn't work on a lot of industries like this one. i have to say like joanne said , it is hard to take. >> isn't it? and that's the low end of her pay. she makes it up on the -- >> on the back end. >> i didn't say it. >> bradley cooper, why is he going along with it? >> he is trying to get women on his side. >> he is trying to be a male feminist. >> he has the ex-boyfriend guilt. >> he should have said i'll look into it. he should have blown it off and said it isn't my job. the conversation shouldn't take place in the media. it should take place on the casting couch and that's where you make your negotiations. i would like to have a private conversation with you, oh, cosby. you argue your point and you
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advance your career. >> joanne, she wrote -- general for lawrence wrote an arrest cal on lenny, lena -dunham's blog. do you read that blog? >> no. i don't read the statement as a form of protest. i think it is that ridiculous. and i am lazy. >> it is not like jennifer lawrence is not a shrinking violet. she can ask for what she wants, right? >> i would make love to her. >> i think that's what i was asking. would you make love to her if she off -- offered. >> and i would pay her money. more than jeremy renner. >> guys are good at negotiating. >> coming up, my favorite time of day, half time with tv's andy levey.
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this is a fox news alert. at least 40 people are dead after a head on collision between a bus and a truck in the southwestern part of the country. reports say it happened east of bordeaux around 7:30 local time and both vehicles caught fire after the crash. local media reporting the bus was carrying elderly people on vacation and only five of them
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survived of the dozens of firefighters are on the scene. in the u.s. another deadly campus shooting and this time at tennessee state university in nashville. it happened late thursday night. one person died and two others are hospitalized with gunshot wounds. we don't know if the victims are students. it happened during an apparent dispute over a dice game. it comes over a week after they were in an off campus shooting near the college. the storm moves closer to the central pacific coast. the u.s. national hurricane center is calling it catastrophic. the maximum sustained winds are 160 miles an hour. forecasters say parts of mexico could get up to a foot of rain with up to 20 inches possible in someplaces. the rain could cause flash floods and mudslide. it is expected to make landfall on friday afternoon or evening. meantime, heavy rains causing problems in west texas and hurricane patricia could make
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things worse. 4 inches are falling in odessa. it caused trailers and a mobile home to float away from an rv park. they are expected through austin and san antonio through saturday. now back to the overnight show you love, "red eye." log on to fox for more news of the you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. >> welcome back. it is time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed in the "red eye" news desk. >> i would like to poift out the banter consisted of maroon five lyrics. i had to compile that by going over whatever website and i
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was still in the military i would ask for hazard pay. >> i i wasn't just ab-libbing with you? >> he is a worst leer raw cyst cyst -- la -- lyracist. >> he is still wonderful. >> ambassador bolton was not interest -- introduced as the president of "red eye." have you resigned? >> i was going to bring that to tom's attention and the reason i have been taken over in the polls by donald trump are untrue. the benghazi hearings. you say the hearings helped hillary. i didn't watch them because i know hillary is a liar and that the republicans are incompetent and it would make them look good. the problem is the media are set to say she didn't do anything particularly stupid.
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she didn't commit an indictable offense. there is no obstacle for her road to the presidency. after biden's withdraw and the performance today she has the democratic nomination showed dash dwash sewed up. all she had to do was not do something stupid and she did that. one more question. you said the congressional committee, you don't think it is the right mechanism to dreys -- to address benghazi. are you talking to the e-mail server? >> you will see questions raised about what she told congress in earlier incarnations and the reel yes, sir hearings. it is an effort to obstruct justice by concealing the observer and the operation. if you listened to my reference it is called the jiving the fbi statute out and
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this possibility gets the fbi if ways that no other crimes do because it prevents them from doing their job. that's the torpedo in the water. the press can talk about it and people don't know what the fbi investigation is up to and they won't until it comes to a conclusion. >> what was the citation? >> what is section 1002? >> i had the slightest idea. >> memorized one by the show. >> i have to say 1001 is easy to remember. >> tom kodder, agree or disagree with the ambassador? >> i am not on 1002. but in 1001 we are in lock step. >> you said you are not watching the hearings because you don't want spoilers for the upcoming benghazi movie, but you can't remember the name. >> it is four nights? four something. >> 13 hours. >> 13 hours, i knew it was a
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number. >> you are thinking of the harrison ford movie. >> oh, "the fugitive." >> no. "six days, seven nights" or something like that? can you walk us through your choice of emoji that we showed? why did you pick jazz hands? >> i don't have the slightest idea because i didn't do it. you can find somebody else to blame for it. >> you don't remember at all. wasn't me. >> they will come me like they came after julie bishop. >> i think dancing girls was great for david cameron. >> i was inspired and it did look good. >> you said you were hoping this leads to a full eye emoji war between countries. i'm assuming who ever has the
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most rockety emoji is winning. >> and there is an airplane emoji. that can be helpful for sending in troops. cheryl sandburg gives the lean in award. >> they say there is a bit of humor lessness. you think the idea of paid family leave is funny? >> no, i don't. wait. >> sounds like you do. >> i am thinking -- >> joanne -- -- what? >> i am saying they were human less. >> we don't know why ryan didn't vote for the paid family bill and he doesn't think the government should mandate paid family leave. you said -- well that is definitely for the next story.
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jeremy renner -- no, it is not. which story is that comment for. >> 1002. >> actually that's right. >> it is the next story. jeremy renner says equity is not his problem. i mostly agree with you. >> there you go. >> it is point was he doesn't deal with contract stuff. >> one of you said he could have thrown a bone in his answer. >> i think that was tom. i'll take a bone from him. but why? why throw a bone? i will tell you why. we need to be clear on issues and people aren't clear when they are throwing bones and evading the issue. >> are you calling women dogs? throwing them a bone? >> is this in reference to the scene in 2001 when it goes in
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the air and it it cuts to the nuclear satellite. >> that was the harrison ford movie. >> this is a comment that was supposed to be for this authority. maybe it was the paul ryan thing. this was for the last story. it was tough because they are in the same story. you said you negotiate and they said that's why they have a stripper pole. he said it is a s hmmy -- shimmy. >> you said you did googling and found out meryl streep makes more money than jeremy renner. the point was jennifer lawrence got mid-- paid less. >> i am not good. >> did you refer to j-lla's
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if you are matt cevedo and you starred on "the sopranos" and" banshee" you probably think you are -- >> i am. that's weird. >> i don't want you to think you are too good for my panel. >> i didn't deserve your panel. >> i wanted to talk about "banshee" and i needed to get nut leather chairs. let's start at the beginning. most people know you as agent harris on "the sopranos." you probably get stopped to this day. do people give you quotes from the show? >> yeah, and the good thing is in this second half of my tenure on that show people started to like me. i was least liked guy because i was the fed chasing tony and
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then season five or six there was a turn and my character went to anti--terrorism and i was not in organized crime so tony and i could be friends and we would go have an espresso and so the fans stopped spiting on me on the subway. >> isn't that funny? you were law enforcement and the bad. -- bad guy. >> you spent five seasons as a regular character, but in that 6th season you and tony had the mutual respect. >> i said it was like wile-e coyote and the sheep dog. they punch clock. the sheep dog knows he will chase him. night john, night bob. we had this mutual respect. i would say that show was like -- it was those moments of two guys who have kids and live in jersey and talking about water heaters and wives that have --
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>> and food. you are italian, right? >> yes. >> what is with the italians and food. i married into an italian family. >> the catering on that show was incredible. >> that makes sense. >> it was always there with the canoli's. i was convinced there was a wayne on money. >> the cast, if they were not on that show they would be outdoing that stuff. >> the guy who played pauly walnuts, he would pull up in a cadillac in a purple sweat suit with gold chains and then come out in a green sweat suit in cadillac wented by hbo. it was seem less. is this our wardrobe? >> tell me about the generousity of james gandolfini.
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money wise, we all know the stories. but he was a generous actor with his time and energy. >> yeah. truly one of the good guys. and privately a really good guy. some people are uh sten day shoes with the yen ross tee and he kept it in the family. if you were in the sopranos family you could call jimmy at anytime and i did. if you needed something, help, money, somebody to come and get nut middle of the night jimmy is who you call. he was protective of his crew and i was lucky enough to be on his crew. >> i want to talk about "banshee" and people may not know it and i want to introduce them. the quick lo down on the show. there is a police sheriff who has died. the lead in the show, he is an ex-con and he has taken over his identity. >> he sees him get killed. the ex-con is trying to figure out how to weasel into the
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town because his ex-girlfriend who had her own identity, a fake identity and whole other life has tried to put down roots in a small town and leave this past with this guy behind. he has come to find her because he got out of prison and she was the thing that got him through those years and she doesn't want to be found. when he sees in this bar the man get killed and realizes he is about to become the sheriff of banshee and he assumes his identity and becomes the sheriff. >> you are the deputy. >> i am. >> and you are pissed off because you wanted to be sheriff. >> a friend says what i love about the premise of "banse" you could never jump the shark because you jumped the shark in the first episode. if you go with that premise -- once you realize how outrageous it is that this guy is pretending to be somebody else and becomes sheriff in the age of internet and google and he passes and people believe it.
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next "red eye," john devore, kennedy and mike baker. these fists were made for punching. a new study says hands may have developed the ideal shape over time for throwing punches without getting hurt. the cadaver arms had them put it in a different position. a clinched fist and an open fist. the clinched fist resulted in the greatest force of breaken. break edge. i had a colleague conduct a test to test these findings. >> done. you're done. throw in the towel. >> yep, the puncher was not hurt. anyone recognize the punchee? that was gavin mcginnis.
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he is okay. that is actually the least dangerous youtube video you have ever done. >> how many have you thrown in your life? >> more than i can count. do plo ma see -- diplomacy can be tough. sometimes you have to take it into your own hands. >> how about the old college days ? >> those were gentlemen games. nobody drank or smoked. we didn't have trouble at our college games. >> what do you think, joe? the fist is made for punching. the reason this is actual news is they thought it was for tool purposes and now i thought it was for fighting. >> i thought it was for tweeting. >> i am more of an emoji guy and not a fist guy. >> you know what in this less violent society that we live in men don't settle things
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with the fist as much as we used to. maybe we will grow abnormally long thumbs. >> i use them to pump as i run. >> joanne, maybe i will grow abnormally long arms to take selfies. >> if you think about it, who ever takes the better selfie has the better mate. it is all science. >> it is selection. do you believe it? i couldn't tell if i agree or not. >> every time i see somebody throw a punch and they do this. my hand. >> have you ever punched someone in the face? it is painful. you will hurt your hand. >> yes. not that i ever know that. anthropologists smoked crack because it was for the gripping and the crunching. you would have not had the the
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most sensitive organs on outside of your body. >> special thanks to joanne and ambassador bolton and that does it for me. i'm tom shaw lieu and i'll see you next time. need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over one hundred of the web's leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. and now you can use zip recruiter for free. go to
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breaking tonight, stunning new evidence in the search for the truth about the terrorist attack in benghazi, libya. it led to the first assassination of a u.s. ambassador in decades as well as the murter of three americans. for years, americans have demanded to know why security was so lax on our benghazi consulate. whether and whether the administration may have misled the nation about the reasons behind the assault. now, after an exhaustive hearing featuring former secretary of ta
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