tv Hannity FOX News October 26, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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big show tomorrow night. glen beck, charles krauthammer and brit hume. final question, do you believe in life after death in accounts like we discussed with john burke? thanks for watching, everyone. i'm megyn kelly. this is "the kelly file." tonight -- >> we need new and great leadership. >> donald trump continues to dominate the polls as a large majority of republican voters think he'll win the general election. the one and only mark steyn is here tonight with reaction. then just days after a new york city police officer was gunned down, quentin tarantino reportedly calls cops murderers at an anti-police rally. >> i have to call the murderers the murderers. >> former new york city police commissioner ray kelly and david
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clarke are here to respond. and a daring raid to free hostages held by isis. here with reaction. hillary gets a ringing endorsement from the one and only katy perry on the campaign trail. >> you just have to roar about what you need to fight for. >> "hannity" starts right here, right now. >> welcome to "hannity." tonight donald trump continues to dominate the republican field. a new associated press gfk poll shows that a large majority of republican voters thing trump is the candidate. 70% saying he would win if he were the nominee. ben carson is next behind with 62% indicating he would win the white house if he ends up getting the nomination from the party. jeb bush would become president if he prevails in the primaries. 54% said marco rubio would take over as commander in chief if he
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were given the chance to run. trump's success has made him the target of criticism. he continues to push back against the attacks from his rivals. take a look. >> bush is out there. his campaign is a disaster. that's because i came along. i'm proud of it. so he's meeting now with mom and dad. no, it's true. he needs counsel. and he was very angry over the week. he said, you know, if this is going to be this nasty, let them have trump as their president. by the way, carson is lower energy than bush. i don't get it. i saw him being interviewed. he's lower energy than bush. >> rubio is controlled by his pac and he needs a lot of water on top of everything else. did you ever see a guy sweat like rubio? i've never seen anything like it. >> here with analysis, author of "a disgrace to the profession" mark steyn is back with us. i think it's funny. i listen to all of this.
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but when you listen to the comments of jeb bush this weekend, it doesn't seem like he's laughing too much or even dr. carson. is it getting too close to the iowa primary they're taking this seriously? >> yeah, i think jeb didn't think he'd be in this position this close to iowa and new hampshire. the fact is that kind of whiny little case of rich boy petulance where he said, listen, i don't have to do this. i could be doing a hundred other way cooler things, well, this isn't a monarchy, he isn't the crown prince and he did have a choice about whether or not he wanted to do this. so to get on tv in front of a camera and do his you're not going to have jeb to kick around anymore routine, i think gets to the way he's -- trump is getting under his skin. and trump is actually quite effective at this. trump has basically run rings around him all summer. every time he says he's low
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energy and then jeb lashes out, trump goes now you're high energy. i like that. he gets him talking about his brother for the whole of the autumn. now he's -- again, this remark about oh, now he's run back to mommy and daddy in texas to seek their advice because the big school yard bully is beating up on him. if he can't stand up to trump, does he have to go back to mommy and daddy when putin says no to him or when the ayatollah khamenei says death to trump. is low grade insult is a very subtle strategy for undermining him. >> it's interesting you say that. i had him on my radio show earlier today and lindsey graham lashed out of nowhere. he's 1% in the polls. i can't believe i'm losing to trump and carson. well, senator, believe it, because you are losing to them. i asked him specifically about jeb bush and he used the exact
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same lines you're using, what are you going to do when putin comes after you. >> right, right. i think that's reasonably. lindsey graham feels he has a reason for running and he's running. he's got 1% of voters who agree with him. but jeb's rationale is that he's the electable guy, he's the front winner, he's the donor's choice. he's what the smart money in the republican party is bet on. and his numbers have tanked. and actually, realistically now jeb should not be in a debate with trump and carson. jeb should be moving down into the debate with lindsey graham and george pataki. this idea that -- jeb's whole rationale depended on his sense of inevitability, of the coronation, of the fact that it was his turn and he was the moderate guy who had across the aisle appeal.
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trump has blown that strategy apart. and the people that want the kind of moderate with just enough appeal to independents to get you to 51.00%, they're going to start looking elsewhere unless he gives a really rollicking performance in this week's debate. and there's no evidence -- jeb bush hasn't fought a competitive election this century. >> before i play the comments he made on my radio show, to me this is like my martial arts training. and the bottom line is i'm either all in if i feel threatened or i'm all out. there's no in between. it seems that jeb has been trying to step his toe in and pulls back, and he wants to get in and is really mad and expresses itself in other ways. here's what trump said on the radio show about jeb bush. >> well then he went to see his mother and father because he wants advice. you know, that's not what the people want. when you're dealing with putin and you're dealing with all these people and killers and all the people you have to deal
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with, you know, you got to move quickly and you have to be nimble. and i was surprised, a lot of people are surprised by that step. it's almost like he's getting out of the race, if you want to know the truth. >> almost the very thing you said, to me jeb's campaign needs to go all-in or just pull back and say we don't want this fight. >> also, you've got to be a happy warrior. you know, if you are going to be the moderate standbearer, the establishment standbearer, you've got to do it confidently and enthusiastically. that's the trouble with him. you can't turn jeb bush into trump. but right now jeb bush is not very good at being jeb bush. he is supposed to be that guy who has moderate appeal. >> the guy that is coming in number two -- now, if you look at all the polls, we've had a lot of polls in the last week and a half. trump is winning every position nationally, he's killing everybody in new hampshire, south carolina and even the other states.
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the other exception to this is in iowa. here's trump talking about dr. carson who is now leading there. >> i'm presbyterian. can you believe it? nobody believes i'm presbyterian. i'm presbyterian. i'm presbyterian! boy, that's down the middle of the road, folks, in all fairness. i mean, seventh day adventist, i just don't know about. >> ben carson has asked for an apology, will you give it to him? >> i didn't say anything bad about it. i just don't know about it. i would certainly give an apology if i said something bad about it, but i didn't. all i said was i don't know about it. >> iowa, that's not really been a predictor in terms of who the nominee will be. mike huckabee won, santorum won, do you think a different constituency, more evangelical voters is that why ben carson is
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winning? or is this a trend? >> no, realistically donald trump is a slightly awkward fit for iowa. he's the guy who said right at the site of his campaign that he's never felt the need to ask for god's mercy about anything he's ever done. he's made so many smart moves that god has trouble keeping up with donald trump, that's basically donald trump's line on god. and that might not necessarily be a great fit for iowa and ben carson might be better there. ben carson would have great difficulty winning in new hampshire and south carolina. so it might well be the case that this is where, as trump fades, iowa turns to ben carson, but that's the interesting point. we were told that when the trump bubble burst, all the senators and governors would still be standing and it would be a question of whether people preferred jeb bush or marco rubio or john kasich, and the
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fact is that when iowans took another look at donald trump, they decided they quite liked ben carson. we've now got a huge bloc of republican voters who don't want anything to do with the senators and governors. >> last yes or no question. we're less than a hundred days from the iowa caucuses. can donald trump go all the way, in your view? >> yes, i think so. i think that's what this poll shows, that actually people now -- and again, this is what the donor class is going to do to him. if he wins new hampshire and he wins south carolina, the amount of money that will be spent trying to destroy donald trump -- >> oh, i think it's going to come way before that. >> -- like nothing that has ever been seen. nothing ha has ever been seen. this is a different kind of election. >> mark steyn, good to see you, sir. thank you. 2016 republican candidates getting ready to square off in this week's debate. herald other rivera and monica crowley are here with a preview. then later tonight -- >> when i see murder and i
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cannot stand by and i have to call the murders the murders and the murderers the murderers. >> quentin tarantino calling police murderers at an anti-cop rally in new york city. ray kelly and sheriff david clarke are here with reaction. that's all coming up later tonight. and also -- this is pretty disgusting comments as it relates to the rhetoric they're using and much more as we continue this edition of "hannity." you wouldn't haul a load without checking your clearance. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. quiet! mom has a headache! had a headache! but now, i...don't excedrin® is fast. in fact for some, relief starts in just 15 minutes. excedrin®. now available in geltabs.
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of afghanistan, and india. a prosecutor now says it appears the woman who crashed into parade goers near oklahoma state university did so intentionally. four people were killed after the suspect adacia chambers, drove around a barricade, through a red light and into the crowd. chambers is being held on $1 million bond. one person remains missing after a canadian whale watching boat sank off vancouverer island. the vessel was carrying 25 people, five of them, all british nationals, died. the cause remains a mystery since the boat sank sunday on a calm, clear and sunny day. i'm kelly wright. now back to "hannity." ♪ >> hi, welcome back to "hannity." on wednesday the republican presidential candidates will once again face off during a debate. who has the most to gain or lose in wednesday's showdown? fox news correspondent geraldo
rivera, fox news contributor monica crowley. you interest me because you love donald trump. >> i love donald trump. >> but you can't stand his position on one issue -- >> one issue. >> immigration. >> i'm convinced that given time i can sway him my way. >> you believe that about everybody. >> you as well, but trump is so specific about immigration and he's so draconian about immigration and so good on other issues, he's a guy that can win the election. >> why can't we just have people respect our laws and sovereignty? i'm for immigration, but legal. why is it so dramatic to say, mexico, if you go in that country illegally, they either put you in jail or they deport you. are they draconian? >> the problem is his language. the problem is he's gone to the extreme when it comes to his rhetoric. he's defended a whole race of people. and it's easy enough for him to back off and still have strong borders people not against strong borders. >> i had the governor of texas on my radio show today.
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a sense that they're losing control of their country. that their country is disappearing and illegal immigration is the big reason for that. the other thing is that illegal immigration is the only issue that has the potential to change the very nature of america. that's why people are responding to trump and what he has to say. as far as language, geraldo, a lot of americans think there is no more time for niceties, about diplomatic talk about these issues. you have to have a leader that will come out, tell it like it is and bunch back. >> i don't think you can win the general election that way, monica. i think that to take a position that is so intentionally raw and insulting to 45 million american citizens who vote, i think is very dangerous politically. why not be a little bit more moderate in your language? you can accomplish the same goal. he says nice things about latinos. and he's my friend, i'm his friend. >> i think there are a lot of people who traditionally vote democrat who hear his language and actually like what he is saying.
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you might be right about a big bloc of the latino vote, but reagan democrats and -- immigration is threatening their livelihood. >> i have a question for you. >> let's say it's trump versus hillary, who are you voting for? >> it depends on trump on immigration. he's my abortion. you have to understand that, sean. that's my litmus test. >> you're either -- so wait a minute, your litmus test is do you support illegal immigration -- >> no, my litmus test is reason and compassion and understanding. >> as defined by you. >> historic relationships. >> so you would vote for hillary. 60% of americans think hillary's a liar, dishonest, do you thing american people are wrong about her or right about her? >> he was the nicest guy. >> i didn't ask you -- i asked about hillary. >> i thought he'd make a great president. i supported his economic -- he was against gay rights. >> you're never going to
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convince him to vote republican. >> i'm going to ask it one more time. 60% of americans think hillary is a liar, dishonest, untrustworthy, do you think those people are wrong? >> 60% of the people, i'm not sure where you're getting that statistic from. hillary clinton is on a roll right now. >> a one-week roll. >> a one-week roll. >> so is ben carson on a one-week roll. >> it's a long campaign. so he's had a good week. >> wait a minute. i don't think it was such a good week. because it was exposed in the hearings that at the same time she's telling the american people that this was a spontaneous demonstration related to a youtube video she's telling her daughter and the prime minister of egypt it is not related to a video and it's terror related. >> that's fair game. >> one of the reasons this has blown up, e-mail scandal, server scandal, benghazi, the most problematic scandals for any
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politician running for office are the ones that reinforce an already existing negative impression. >> do you think she's dishonest? >> i think she's a traditional politician. >> that's such a weak answer. that's a weak answer. >> i'm going to get another sentence in here. i think republicans have made a dire mistake in focusing on the wrong thing. in focusing on the night we lost our ambassador and trying to place blame in terms of the -- >> how about the lies she told us? >> rather than concentrating on the spin, on the fact that she -- >> spin? can i ask you a question, is it possible for america to elect a person where 60% think they're dishonest and untrustworthy? is that possible? >> it's entirely possible as we sit here tonight that hillary clinton will be the next president unless -- >> you don't answer a single question. counselor, i object, your honor, its he's obfuscating the issue. >> i would say with hillary clinton, it's already baked into
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the cake that she's a serial liar. that's why i think republicans should focus instead -- >> did you hear that, baked in the cake? >> that's why they should focus on the competency rather than the lying. >> let them eat cake. >> let them eat cake. okay, maria. marie antoinette here. coming up next on "hannity" straight ahead. >> when i see murder, i cannot stand by, and i have to call the murders a murders and i have to call the murderers the murderers. >> quentin tarantino attended an anti-cop rally here in new york city this past weekend. he called police murderers. former new york city police commissioner ray kelly is here with reaction to those despicable comments. and sheriff david clarke will weigh in on the war on cops. then u.s./kurdish forces rescuing hostages held by isis in iraq. dozens of lives were saved, but why is the administration downplaying our involvement in
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welcome back to "hannity." it's been less than a week since police officer randall holder was gunned down by a career criminal. but over the weekend in a disgusting and tasteless move an anti-cop rally was held in new york city denouncing, quote, police brutality. liberal hollywood a-lister quentin tarantino protest. listen is what he said. >> what am i doing here? i'm doing here because i'm a human being with conscience. when i see murder, i cannot stand by. and i have to call the murder the murder and i have to call the murderers the murderers. >> i thought a cop was killed. here with reaction the author of the brand-new book "vigilance," former nypd commissioner ray kelly. appreciate you being here.
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you did keep the city safe. murder rate i think before you took over was what, 2500 a year and you brought it down to 500? >> it went down to 333 under the bloomberg administration. 245 in 1990. >> so it seems like a war on cops. it seems like it's open season on the people. the black lives matter movement literally chanting, pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon. the democrats are going to do a forum with this group. what are your thoughts? >> certainly that's a rhetorical war on cops. there's a lot of verbiage out there. we saw quentin tarantino, that was absolutely disgraceful. cops feel at greater risk because of the rhetoric that's floating around. it's a dangerous job to begin with. we don't need that sort of talk out there. doesn't help anything. >> yeah. let me put up in a closed-door speech fbi director comey said
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that police are scared to do their jobs. they told me we feel like we're under siege and we don't feel much like getting out of our cars. you still talk to the rank and file. you're so well respected in new york. is that what you're hearing? >> yes, jim comey is telling it like it is. clearly police officers are hesitating. they're not engaging in the way they engaged for the last two decades, quite frankly. that's why crime is down significantly throughout the country. but yeah, police are backing off now. anyone who denies that is not facing reality. >> the mother of this officer made a plea to reinstate top and frisk in new york, which the murder rate's gone up here, gone up in chicago and gone up in most major cities, but here's what the mother said. >> i think mayor de blasio should reconsider the stop and frisk because i think it's going to be a deterrent to these thugs who go around and taking innocent people's lives.
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>> yeah. police officers tell me that's just a lot more guns on the street. stop, question and frisk is not the be all and end all but it's certainly a deterrent as far as someone's willingness to carry a gun on the street. it's a valuable tool. it's constitutionally valid. it was validated by a supreme court case, terry versus ohio. it's codified virtually in every state in america, and yet the -- certainly in this city backed off tremendously. puts us all at risk. >> i want to ask you one political question and i want to ask you through the prism of this machine mb march, black lives matter, pigs in a blanket, fry it like bacon, then to hear the president defend them and the democratic party will have a forum with the black lives matter movement. let's go back to what they said. this was in minneapolis. >> pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon, pigs in a blanket, fry emlike bacon. >> what do we want? >> dead cops.
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>> when do we want it? >> now. >> the reason the organizers use the phrase black lives matter not because they were suggesting nobody else's lives matter. rather, what they were suggesting is there's a specific problem that is happening in the african-american community that's not happening in other communities. the african-american community is not just making this up. and it's not just something being politicized. it's real. >> democratic candidates are saying -- they're asked the question, black lives matter, all lives matter, and they say black lives matter. don't asian lives matter? hispanic lives matter? white lives matter? i don't understand that answer, honestly. >> blue lives matter. >> cops' lives matter. >> we shown that in the city. almost 9500 fewer murders than in the 20 years prior to the plumeberg ed bloomberg administration. those lives saved were young men of color. black men.
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that's who's being killed on the streets of our city. >> thank you, commissioner. joining us now, sheriff david clarke and trial attorney eric guster. sheriff, what do we want, dead cops, pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon. in the democratic party, i don't understand. try and help me understand. >> well, there's no way to understand this nonsense, first of all, sean. the claims made by tarantino, he's a limousine liberal. he's a one percenter, and the claims made by president obama that this is not based on emotion, it's real. it's just plain wrong. once you strip away the myth, the lie, the propaganda, all that remains is the facts, lies put out and repeated over and over again by the president of the united states. they're not a substitute for empirical research. the facts are these -- in a three-year period, '09 to 2012, 1491 deadly uses of force by
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police officers. sean, 61% of the people involved in those use of force were white males, 32% black males an almost 2-1 ratio. if there's anybody that has a claim on misuse of force it's white males. 0.04% of perpetrators of black homicide of police officare pol. less than 0.1%. and 93% of perpetrators of black homicide were committed by other black people. the president of the united states lacks the courage to look at the black community and tell them to look in the mirror as the source of their problems. most of these people that police come in contact with are engaged in some sort of criminal behavior, a call for police. if you look at the other data, their participation rates and violent crime are off the charts
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and compared to their rates within the population of the united states which is about 13%. >> eric guster, let's go out with those numbers. they speak for themselves. if 93% of the murders of black on black crime and less than 0.1% involve a law enforcement officer, why are groups chanting about killing cops and frying them like bacon? why is this group getting legitimacy? >> over 80% of white murders are committed by white people. we can always play the statistics. >> i'm not disputing that. you're not answering my question. >> this issue in this context. let me finish. >> whoa, whoa. >> you are talking about black lives matter. >> ten seconds -- >> i don't need your talking points. it's less than 0.1% is with cops. but 93% are black on black crime. and you're right in pointing out in the white community -- wait a minute. let me get the question out so you can answer it.
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nen the question then becomes why is the president, why are these groups legitimizing a group that calls for dead police officers? >> you're talking about -- and that's what i'm saying, you pulled out 20 seconds of chants from thousands and thousands of doing great work because black lives do matter and the problem is that so many people have been ignored -- >> don't all lives matter? >> -- for centuries and that's why this group is very important. >> sheriff, you want to answer. >> not only is it important for us to acknowledge this group but to listen to their concerns. there's a small fraction of knuckleheads that are saying things that are not appropriate. but the overall reaction -- >> okay, you want to just put those comments aside. >> it's amazing. you have to start doing that. >> sheriff, i can't put those comments aside. your reaction. >> well, the whole black lives -- which i've renamed black lies matter movement, is based on a lie itself. it is the bastard child of hands
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up don't shoot, which is a lie. that's why this movement is illegitimate. >> he didn't get murdered? >> show me the data. lies, myth and propaganda do not substitute for empirical statute. >> in fact, you know that. >> let him finish. >> no. >> the police use of force. >> no, i'm tired of him lying on your show. >> and you enter race, you know what you get according to a harvard research -- >> no, this is a statistic and you know that. this is about statistics. >> no pattern of any racism by the american police officer. again all i ask --. >> oh, so profiling is not racism? of course it's racism. >> all right. we got to break here. >> i have not been shown -- >> i'm very disappointed. >> any research that supports that lie. >> thank you both, appreciate it. coming up, dramatic new
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video shows u.s./kurdish forces rescuing hostages being held by hostages in iraq. the obama administration is trying to downplay our involvement in the rescue mission. oliver north is here to explain. then later tonight -- >> i stand and i march with himry. i believe in her future, her vision, i believe in her policies, i believe in equal rights for men, women. >> hollywood liberal katy perry announcing this weekend that she's supporting hillary for president. do americans really care? we'll debate that straight ahead. phil! oh no... (under his breath) hey man! hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh... ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... you don't look a day over 70. am i right? jingle jingle. if you're peter pan, you stay young forever. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico.
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let's give 'em a great breakfast so they can go out there and kick the butt they came here to kick. the reason they hired me is because i care about the details. i care so much it hurts. it's the little things that make your stay awesome. like free breakfast. and pancake technology that i'm pretty sure we stole from the space program. one button. hot pancake.
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total victory! jeb bush:believes thatnt, wamerica's leadership and presence in the world is not a force for good. america has led the world and it is a more peaceful world when we're engaged the right way. we do not have to be the world's policeman. we have to be the world's leader. we have to stand for the values of freedom. who's going to take care of the christians that are being eliminated in the middle east?
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but for the united states, who? who's going to stand up for the dissidents inside of iran that are brutalized each and every day? but for the united states, who? who's going to take care of israel and support them - our greatest ally in the middle east? but for the united states, no one - no one is capable of doing this. the united states has the capability of doing this, and it's in our economic and national security interest that we do it. i will be that kind of president and i hope you want that kind of president for our country going forward. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. welcome back to "hannity." we have dramatic new video showing forces rescuing hostages that were being held by isis in iraq. according to the pentagon, the raid was ordered after intel showed they, quote, graves had been prepared for the hostages.
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sergeant joshua wheeler was killed in this raid, but the pentagon, weirdly, is denying it was a combat mission. watch this. >> it doesn't represent assuming a combat role. it represents a continuation of our advise and assist mission. >> here with reaction, host of war stories, lieutenant colonel oliver north. why would they deny this was a combat role when we have the video showing that this is combat? >> it's hard to explain much of what goes on in this administration. the american people need to know the death of sergeant wheeler ain a raid is a combat fatality. we should be glad we have soldiers willing to go into harm's way. the classic definition of a hero is someone who puts themself at risk to save other people. >> we should be proud of
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sergeant wheeler and talk about his sacrifice. they brushed it aside as if it was nothing. going into that environment, that's a war zone. >> look, the peshmerga troops that he helped train, i'll be with them here next week, those are heroes as well. on this operation, they saved 70 hostages from certain death. at the same time praying for his family that the good lord will ease their grief. the president ought to offer the thanks of a grateful nation for such sacrifice. no matter what they call it, going on a raid with indigenous forces like peshmerga is combat. they have the misnaming disease. they can't call radical jihadists, or call combat what it is. >> they can't say radical islam either. isis wants money, they hold hostage, they make demands, they blackmail and we have a policy
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not to pay. what about families that would like to raise money, that would like to pay for the live of their loved ones? should we allow them to do it? >> first, none of these were american citizens. >> understood. but just asking generally. >> well, look, you're talking to a guy who used to have to negotiate with iranians for the lives of americans. and i had to set a price. i mean, it's one of the most awful things you can experience besides ground combat, i suppose is worse. in the two years that we've been dealing with isis, this administration has been befuddled by what they need to do. what we have to show for it now, ever since obama's degrade and destroy strategy is putin is now there. >> yep. >> and ever since he arrived in syria, there's been more than 120,000 new refugees that have taken flight. seems to me the appointing dunnford as the joint chiefs of staff has already had an effect.
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they need to tell vlad my putin to get the hell out of the way. >> i don't think they'll do it. but always good to see you, sir. coming up tonight on "hannity." >> i stand and i march with hillary. i believe in her future, her vision, i believe in her policies. i believe in equal rights for men, women. >> why do i suspect she probably doesn't know any of hillary's policies? anyway, she got a ringing endorsement, hillary did, from hollywood a-lister katy perry this past weekend. but do people care?
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i'i've been an elementary school teacher for 16 years. it is really difficult to afford living here in san francisco. i went into foster care my freshman year of high school. i think there was like 9 people living in a 3-bedroom house. claudia: 40% of the mission rock housing will be for low- and middle-income families. there will even be housing for people like micaela who are coming out of the foster-care system. micaela: after i left the foster-care system, i realized that i just couldn't do it on my own. not knowing where you guys are gonna go that night and just stay, like, it sucked not knowing that. mission rock -- it's completely different from anywhere that i've lived. it looks so much prettier. the atmosphere -- it just gives off possibilities. like, i have a chance.
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i march with hillary. i believe in her future, her vision, i believe in her policies. i believe in equal rights for men, women, katy, oh, guess what? if you do want to start a family, you can still get paid. and maybe you should want to go to college but you can't afford it. well, we're going to work that out, okay? >> free college, free leave, free everything, free, free, free. hollywood a-lister katy perry saying she's supporting hillary clinton for president. but when it comes to a presidential election, do you, the american people really care what these hollywood elites
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support? with reaction, senior editor of "in touch" week ly. free health care, free child care, free family leave. >> awesome! can't wait. and apparently katy perry is going to help us get it. she kept saying we. you know, like she's now a part of clinton's camp, which is i guess great. as far as the american public really wants to see these celebrity endorsements, i don't think so. because now we have celebrities running for office. donald trump himself is doing so well because everyone cease him as a big -- >> but he's not offering everything for free. >> kim, does this really matter? do you think she has any influence over people? >> i don't think celebrities sway somebody's vote either way. i don't think somebody will say somebody's supporting -- i i think this goes for either side.
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i don't thing it changes your vote. katy perry was very positive. her parents are republicans, i should mention. >> i did read that. >> she won't go out and say nasty things about republicans. her parents were with . people look at celebrities to maybe get attention. performed and that is what you want if you're a candidate on the right or left, you want someone to entertain the crowd. it gets people tweeting and posting and people who are maybe not paying attention to fox news or "new york times." >> that is impossible. >> well, right. right. there are a few people. >> but if they're not reading political coverage they heard about katy perry's performance. >> that is a trick i do on my
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radio show. she's been in the public eye, name three things she's accomplished to to make the american peoples lives better. nobody can answer. and the longer they talk, the funnier it gets. nobody can name a specific thing. >> have you read her book? she sent it to every republican candidate. if you have to sell your book in order to get to like you, that is not a good picture. >> she lied about benghazi, she's writing her daughter, libyan president it's not about a you tube video. then, she's telling us it's a you tube video. my kids get in trouble not for the dumb things they do, which they never do, but when lying about it after. why would america support
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someone they don't trust? >> it entertainment. you have to do that in politics. it's not about entertainment if you lie, you need to own up to it. >> i'm talking more about the celebrities endorsing. you have to bring entertainment to politics. that is the point of it. >> it's proof you'd love to host snl. >> katy per gleedz to be careful. as candidates become more polarizing, a lot of my friends, democrats are going to bernie sanders now. they don't want hillary anymore. >> you're also seeing a shift because of maybe donald trump in the celebrity he brings because he's such a celebrity you're seeing republican candidates go on late night talk shows. i've never seen this many republicans. >> there are stats on arsenio. >> well, carly fiorina singing
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about her dog? on jimmy fallon? i think it's great you're seeing republicans on late night talk shows. >> great to see you. >> when we come back, our ask sean segment is coming up next, we have a very important question of the day it has to do with the debate wednesday. straight ahead. this bale of hay cannot be controlled. when a wildfire raged through elkhorn ranch,
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hillary today, is she any closer to being disqualified from the presidency? that is my question. >> i think we learned, frank, thank you. i think we learned she lied when writing chelsea and talking to the president of libya, the prime minister of egypt. she didn't tell the truth. telling them one story, wasn't related to the you tube video. and of course, it was terror related and telling us it's about this video. she knew otherwise. now, that is going to be up to the american voter. i think she does have issues over e-mails deleted, what? 32,000 of them. if they're not about a wedding, funeral or yoga, she might have trouble if they're about benghazi or the clinton foundation or classified material but time will tell. there is a long way to go. if you have a question, go to twitter and use #asksean.
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that is all the time we have left this evening. we hope you'll set your dvr so you never miss an episode. we take attendance and it turts our feelings if you're not here, see you again tomorrow night. o'reilly factor is on, tonight. >> this tragic incident is used by people like donald trump, bill o'reilly and others to scapegoat a community. >> well, that is a big lie. a san francisco supervisor talking about the other lies that are influencing your life. >> i have to call the murdered the murdered and murderer the murderer. >> and does it get more outrageous than that? >> according to the report, 96% of the donations from faculty went to democrats. >>
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