tv The Kelly File FOX News October 26, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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do not trust the american media anymore. it's just too many bad things happening. again, thanks for watching. miss megyn is next. i'm bill o'reilly. please remember, the spin stops here because we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight. the next republican debate in the 2016 cycle is less than 48 hours away with. attacks from candidates on other candidates only intensifying over the weekend, some are saying the stakes for this showdown are higher than any before. welcome to "the kelly file," everyone. i'm megyn kelly. twice in the 2016 race for the white house, the republican field has taken the stage in a face-off that changed the conversation for american voters. this time the focus is on the economy. but with several republicans seeing a drop in the polls, and problems with fund-raising, the ones at the bottom are under increasing pressure to get it done or get out. while the top of the pack is
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getting more defensive, leading to predictions we will likely expect more game-changing moments like these. >> i haven't said anything about me be the only one to do anything, so let me try that. i'm the only one to separate siamese twins. [ applause ] the only one to operate on babies while they're still in the womb. the only one to take out half a brain. although you would think if you went to washington someone beat me to it. >> it's interesting, mr. trump said that he heard mr. bush very clearly and what mr. bush said. i think women all over this country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. [ applause ] >> i think she's got a beautiful face and i think she's a beautiful woman. your brother's administration
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gave us barack obama because it was such a disaster, those last three months, that abraham lincoln couldn't have been elected. >> as it relates to my brother, there's one thing i know for sure, he kept us safe. >> if the military is going to be engaged by a commander in chief, it should only be engaged to win. quite frankly, people don't trust this commander in chief. >> i dare hillary clinton, barack obama to watch these tapes. watch a fully formed fetus on the table. its heart beating. its legs kicking. while someone says, we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain. this is about the character of our nation. >> joining me now, our fox news digital politics editor and danaer dana ferino.
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welcome to you both. 48 hours to go. i'll start with you, chris. who needs to put points on the board? because today "the new york times" said above all jeb bush and marco rubio. do you agree with that? >> i definitely agree with bush. he needs to demonstrate that he has some setting within himself that was not the guy that you g about running for president and saying he had other cool stuff to do. he needs to demonstrate that he can do this. and in a weird way, and this is perverted, but donald trump needs jeb bush to come back, because jeb bush is the punching bag donald trump needs. donald trump can hit bush as hard as he wants and nobody will get mad at him. right now, donald trump doesn't know what to do with ben carson. he needs jeb back because he needs that fight. >> speaking of trump not necessarily knowing how to deal with carson, we saw this exchange over the weekend where
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donald trump seemed to take a shot at ben carson's religion, and then carson responded. listen to trump. >> i'm presbyterian. nobody believes it. i'm presbyterian. i'm presbyterian. i'm presbyterian. boy, that is in the middle of the road, folks. i mean, 7th day adventists i just don't know about. >> it's kind of interesting, because the conflict that we had a couple of months ago is he thought i was questioning his faith and he went ballistic on that. so it seems a little interesting that he would now be doing that. you know, i really refuse to get into the mud pits. >> and now trump says, i was just saying, i don't know. i wasn't really taking a shot at him. >> just raising questions because he wants to learn. the other thing when donald
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trump says i'm presidebyterian,m presbyterian, who are you trying to convince? i think part of dr. carson's appeal is what you just saw in that response, which is he let it go but he was able to make one sharp point that keeps him in the forefront of people's minds thinking could i see him as president? would i want to listen to him for the next four years? do i think he has the moral fortitude to lead this country? yes. in iowa, he's doing well. iowa is i think 98 days away is the first vote and he's in good position. >> another poll puts him atop the field in iowa, yet not in new hampshire. so let's just shift to the polls and politics of it, because they're all vying for the top position in the polls. the question is, let's say dr. carson wins iowa, if the vote were tomorrow, now we're less than 100 days away, he might.
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his lead is 32% with trump at 18%. but trump's killing him in new hampshire. he's killing everybody in new hampshire. and trump's leading in south carolina. and so how important is iowa if, you know, trump or somebody else may be lined up to win several of the states that follow? >> look, here's what we are starting to see, i think. i think we are starting to see donald trump behave more like a normal candidate and that he has geographic strengths and he will have geographic weaknesses and weaknesses in places like iowa where evangelical christian voters dominate. as mitt romney demonstrated, you can be a presbyterian down the middle of the road but still not be an evangelical christian and still win the republican nomination. but you have to do it in blue states. so he's a republican who will probably do well or can do
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better in states like new hampshire that are more socially moderate, that are more moderate in general, but where his message on immigration can connect. so that's the way forward for him. >> trump is saying he doesn't believe these polls that put him behind carson in iowa. he rejects them. dana, let me ask you, on wednesday night, two nights from now, what about carly fiorina? she did so well after the last cnn debate and now her numbers are back down to 5%, 6%. >> i'm going to quibble not only with chris, but with "the new york times." i don't think it is just jeb or rubio that need to do well, there are other candidates that need to do better. mike huckabee, this might be his last shot. governor kasich is going to be on your show. you've got to see more of him to do well. chris christie, this is a really important debate. but carly fiorina was able to get on the main debate stage at cnn and everybody was cited
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about her. then you think, did she squander that lead? could she get it back? >> she went underground on national television. you couldn't get her on the show. you don't want to come on and talk to the american people. >> when you're at the apex, you would have thought she would have. this debate is not make it or break it completely, because 13 days after that, fox business is going to have their debate. by november 14th, jay, you'll see some people make that decision. >> debates can change people's opinion of you. it's great to see you both. >> thank you. also tonight, with the gop field trading new shots on a host of issues, big groups of latino voters are going to meet tomorrow in boulder to talk about who they're going to support in the gop field and who they are not. and the man heading up that effort is with us live, next.
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plus, hollywood director quinten tarantino being called out for some controversial comments on cops. and the director of the fbi breaks with the white house, just under the doj chief, breaks with the choice on whether this kind of anti-police rhetoric is contributing to historic levels of crime in various major cities across this country. wait till you hear this. >> i spoke to officers privately in one big city precinct who described being surrounded by young people with mobile phones held high, taunting them when they get out of their cars. they said to me, we feel under siege and we don't feel much like getting out of our cars ahh... yeah! ahh...
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dads don't take sick days, dads take nyquil severe dave, i'm sorry to interrupt. i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. i'i've been an elementary school teacher for 16 years. it is really difficult to afford living here in san francisco. i went into foster care my freshman year of high school. i think there was like 9 people living in a 3-bedroom house. claudia: 40% of the mission rock housing will be for low- and middle-income families. there will even be housing for people like micaela who are coming out of the foster-care system. micaela: after i left the foster-care system, i realized that i just couldn't do it on my own. not knowing where you guys are gonna go that night
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and just stay, like, it sucked not knowing that. mission rock -- it's completely different from anywhere that i've lived. it looks so much prettier. the atmosphere -- it just gives off possibilities. like, i have a chance. i can print out like six different ways to get to work. i would be proud to have someone like micaela be my neighbor. i would love to have somebody like claudia be my neighbor. claudia: i feel like it's part of what san francisco should be. breaking tonight. with 48 hours to go until the big gop debate, donald trump is engaging in a series of attacks on his rivals. despite a recent bloomberg poll out of iowa showing 46% of the voters there reacting negatively when mr. trump opens with remarks like these. watch. >> bush is out there, his campaign is a disaster. it's because i came along. i'm proud of it.
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so he's meeting now with mom and dad. no, it's true. he needs counsel. and he was very angry over the week. here's a guy -- here's a guy that wants to run our country and he can't even run his own campaign. by the way, carson is lower energy than bush. i don't get it. i saw him being interviewed. he's lower energy than bush. i'm presbyterian. boy, that's down the middle of the road, folks, in all fairness. i mean, 7th day adventist, i don't know about. i just don't know about. >> mr. trump's language with respect to immigrants has hurt his numb weers with latinos. tomorrow, they will discuss how they want to deal with donald trump and the rest of the gop field. joining me now is alfonso aguilar, and chris halsedo.
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great to see you. thank you very much for being here. so mr. trump is going to be under the microscope as i understand it, along with ted cruz. and the question is, what, if any, issues do you have with these two gentlemen. start with you, alfonso? >> i think we're going to look at all of the candidates. we want to look at the entire gop field and see what they're talking about in not only terms of immigration but all the issues. for hispanics, immigration is an important issue. it's a gateway issue to get into the latino community. if republican candidates don't deal with immigration in a constructive way -- >> but is it an open minded thing? is there anything, any way you can be persuaded on trump or cruz who are hardliners on immigrati immigration, are you open minded? >> well, there's a big
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difference between donald trump and ted cruz. with donald trump, we'll have an open discussion. but we have a hard time supporting a guy who says the majority of mexicans, undocumented immigrants are rapists and criminals. that kind of talk is very offensive to the -- >> he did not say the majority. he just said they're not sending their best people. >> and some are good people. that kind of language, regardless of how you see it, is offensive to latinos. and now to say we're going to deport every undocumented immigrant, that's impossible to do. >> chris, you are a conservative latino, and trump supporter. were you invited to this? >> no, we weren't. when this announcement came down, and three things megyn that stood out when it came
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down. in the pages of "the washington post," the first question that popped into my mind, why would a conservative latino or a gop latino want to announce a confab like this in the pages of a member of the media in good standing with the brian williams press? why not go to fox news or a myriad of other outlets to make the announcement from gop and conservatives are not treated like pariahs. >> if cruz wants to join us, he's welcome. frankly, i -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> let me set the record straight. these are republicans, is this democrats too? >> it's a group of the top conservative latino leaders in the nation. >> they're trying to fig our without which republican to put their support behind.
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>> to that support, the conservative hispanic society didn't get a heading up this was going on. >> how many are in your group? >> nationwide, we're getting so popular on the website -- >> i know, but if it's like four, you don't get an invitation. >> the remembrance project didn't get a heads up. i think these folks are meeting in colorado, not to formulate an opinion but to justify an opinion. and they don't want -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> one of the mean reasons mitt romney lost according to pundits is he didn't do better with minority communities. the next gop nominee gets the same percentage, they would have to double their vote in the minority community to win the presidency. do you see any gop candidate
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that can do that? >> of course. carly fiorina, ben carson, ted cruz. they are good and constructive on the issue of immigration. donald trump is not. just look at the polling when he comes to hispanic voters and the majority tell you, they don't like trump. >> you look at the polling nationwide. donald trump's numbers are high and resonating on this issue for a reason, because -- >> that's true. but we're talking about the hispanic vote. [ overlapping speakers ] >> you can shout all you want, but you're not addressing the question. >> the question is this, americans, including a lot of people in the latino community, are tired of hearing there's nothing that can be done about all this illegal activity. >> i got it, i got it. but obviously the polls showed the language used has been an issue. great to see you both. governor john kasich is pushing back on mr. trump after the businessman claimed credit for forcing ford motor company to bring jobs back to america when it was governor kasich who
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signed an agreement with ford years ago to put those workers back on a line in ohio. so what about this claim here from mr. trump? >> mexico took a ford plant. i've been very tough on ford. i heard last night that ford is moving back to the united states. they may not do that deal. i should get credit for that. >> so what do you think is going on here? >> you know, megyn, the thing is, look, you don't produce jobs through bombast or any kind of stuff like that. we were able to get ford because we got a great workforce. we've taken ohio from debt to surplus. we've reduced taxes. we're up 347,000 jobs in ohio. we're a different state today, but we didn't do it by raiding other states or all this bombast. >> you know, his point has been you have to be strong as well, and that requires the projection of strength and he's been out
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there on the campaign trail, hammering these companies who want to take their plants to mexico, who then want to sell their goods to the united states. so he may not deserve credit for this decision that was made long ago, is it not helpful to have him making the case? >> look, i have some concerns with some of our trade agreements, as well. but you don't get to the point where you embarrass people. you don't get to the point where you pound them over the head. look, i understand business. i know that they're not going to come to your place and create jobs because you yell at them. they're going to come to your place and create jobs because they think there's an environment where they can make a profit and have success. >> what about the fact when it comes to performance, he's atop the polls and with respect, you are not. so right now you're in the 10th position and you're down in iowa and new hampshire. so some people look at this and say, bombast?
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it works. >> well, you know what, megyn? it really doesn't. it doesn't work in campaigns either, because you build a campaign from the bottom up, not from the top down. and we've seen candidates who have had high poll numbers who faded like snow in the spring. in a political campaign, people watch. you don't put the roof on your house in one little poll to support your roof. you build your foundation up and build it higher and higher and have a topping off party when you put the roof on. if you think you can win -- how do you think these political up? they happen because people put the time in. so i'm very satisfied about this. when people talk about national polls, i do as well as i think i'm going to do in new hampshire. megyn, everybody will be clamoring for an interview, but you'll be one of the first that will get one. >> i love to end on the promise of an exclusive. thank you so much. always so great to see you.
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>> thanks, megyn. >> all the best. we also have a fascinating story from a man who has investigated numerous near death experiences. and he's here with his eye-opening findings. plus, a pair of muslim truck drivers are fired for refusing to deliver alcohol on their routes, criming their religious beliefs. now they have won big in court, represented by the obama administration. up next, we'll have judge andrew napolitano why the court sided with them but not the christian bakers and the obama administration had a different position on them. plaque psoriasis... ...isn't it time to let the... ...real you shine... ...through? introducing otezla, apremilast. otezla is not an injection, or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months.
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come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me!
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>> it the same argument that the critics of cakim davis did. if you can't do the job, don't take the job. different position from the same people. >> in that situation, she should have passed that on by investigation to issue the same-sex marriage licenses to someone else. >> she should have been granted an accommodation as muslims should have. but the, you're either with them or against them. >> what is wrong with this with them or against them some i don't like the idea of the government getting involved. these are private. when the government picks and chooses it shows a to decide which one to side on, we have an
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imbalance and improper allocation of taxpayer resources and decisions based on a political model rather than a moral model. >> if political bias comes up. you have to give an accommodation to everybody. i wonder if it's too burdensome. right? >> in this case with, the truck driver, they do it. >> whatever. >> it's -- >> perfect. >> i don't know. >> we've got to -- >> just in this case the jury found that it did not have beer on them, and they should have given to these guys. but the way the feds intervened they wanted this case because they wanted to make the point they now made. >> and when it comes to kim davis, who didn't want to issue same-sex marriage licenses or christian bakers that didn't
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want to make the cake. >> if you work for the government -- >> you can still get an accommodation. i've got to go. >> i didn't deny abortions in my courtroom. i sent them to another judge. >> who applies for abortion? >> under unique circumstances. they knew not to assign the case to me. but they did. >> great to see you. >> when i was on the bench you were in law school. >> maybe i was in my crib. i wish. >> love you. >> love you. >> all right. moving on. new -- new -- [ laughter ]. >> new fallout after the head of the new york police union called for a boycott of a famous hollywood director and fbi director james comby taking
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serious fire from the white house tonight. his bosses after he shared thoughts on skyrocketing crime rates and the left did not appreciate what he said. mark case onis next on a critical moment in the life and death debate on violent crime. these are my dogs dusty and cooper. i work for the dogs twenty-four seven. i am the butler. these dogs shed like crazy. it's like being inside of a snow globe. it takes an awful lot of time to keep the house clean. i don't know what to do. (doorbell) what's this? swiffer sweeper and dusters. this is nice and easy boys. it really sticks to it. it fits in all the tight spaces. this is really great. does that look familiar to you? i'm no longer the butler, i am just one of the guys.
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thought i told you to stay off our turf. and what would you know about turf, skipper? let's end this here and now! let's dance! flo: whoa there! progressive covers boaand rvs, okay? plenty of policies to go around. [ grunts ] oh, oh, i'm the bad guy? you threw a fish at us, so, yeah. yeah. coverage for land and sea. now, that's progressive. (patrick 2) pretty to be the boss of you? (patrick 1) how about a 10% raise? (patrick 2) how about 20? (patrick 1) how about done? (patrick 2) that's the kind of control i like...
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...and that's what they give me at national car rental. i can choose any car in the aisle i want- without having to ask anyone. who better to be the boss of you... (patrick 1)than me. i mean, (vo) go national. go like a pro. developing tonight, the director of the fbi touching off an angry new debate as he speaks to the nation's police chiefs about an explosion of violent crime across this country in the last year. chicago recently saw 57 people shot in a single weekend. four of whom died. the second weekend in a row more than 50 were shot in the windy city.
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including a 10-year-old girl who took a bullet to the neck while trying to hide in a church while gangs blasted away on the street. in los angeles, the chief of police just compared his town to the wild west, after a weekend where 19 people were shot in two days, five fatally. just last night in cleveland, ohio, a 15-year-old was killed in a city where murder rates have reached a rate not seen in six years. and in charlotte, north carolina, a deputy police chief held a news conference last week on spiking crime rates, saying people are just pulling out guns and shooting each other. so this past friday when fbi director james comey had a chance to speak to cops from many of these cities, he said this. >> our officers answering 911 calls but avoiding the informal contact that keeps bad guys from standing around, especially with guns. i spoke to officers privately in one big city precinct who described being surrounded by young people with mobile phones held high, taunting them when
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they get out of their cars. they said to me, we feel under siege and we don't feel much like getting out of our cars. so the suggestion, the question that's been asked of me is, are these kinds of things changing police behavior all over the country? and is that what explains the map and the calendar? the honest answer is, i don't know. and i don't know that explains it entirely. but i do have a strong sense that some part 06 the explanation is a chill wind that has blown through law enforcement over the last year. and that wind is surely changing behavior. >> groups like amnesty international have blasted his remarks, say thing's no evidence for his position. a complaint quickly echoed by the white house. >> recent comes by the fbi director, he seemed to suggest that he believe there is is something to the so-called ferguson effects that he believes part of the explanation for an increase in violent crime may be because you have police officers who are hesitant to
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engage. >>ly say that the available evidence at this point does not support the notion that law enforcement officers around the country are shying away from fulfilling their responsibilities. >> we're joined by the president of the law enforcement legal defense fund and former assistant director of the fbi. ron, good to see you tonight. how extraordinary to hear the head of the fbi speak frankly and he had words of wisdom from both sides of this debate, but his message was not in step with that of the white house. what does that tell us? >> right. so this seeming pushback that's coming from the white house and from the left feels like it's in response to jim comey not being in lock step of their narrative of what's going on, and that narrative is the police are wrong regardless of what the event is. comey is smart. he repeated much of that speech today. it is multilayered. he's not letting anyone off the
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look and lamenting the lack of better data. i don't know who the white house is talking to. i don't know what data the white house spokesman is referring to. but here is the director of the fbi doing what his mission is, engaging with the police to try to understand this problem. >> he went through it city by city and said look at this place and that place. i'm trying to find the common thread on why we've had such spikes in the murder rates. and he said, this is the explanation, the only real explanation that makes sense to me, is that cops are worried about the youtube moment. they've been told by their police chiefs, we don't want to see any viral videos and it's opportunityi i stunting them and the people who are getting killed are young, african-american men. >> he is very concerned about those trapped, the urban poor who are in very difficult neighborhoods, difficult-to-police neighborhoods and does who don't have an opportunity to leave, to
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escape that violence. and the role of police in getting out of their car and proactive policing and engaging people in quelling that violence, he's very concerned about it. i thought his speech again today was incredibly thoughtful. he is asking -- he's looking for professional policing, too. he's not excusing bad behavior by the police. >> at all. >> he's very concerned about the youtube effect as he refers to it. >> he got a standing ovation after those remarks. ron, always great to see you. >> thank you. >> joining me now is mark teson, former chief speechwriter for president george bush. that's the reality, when the cops are out in the field, the good cops who are worried about becoming the next darren wilson, more people die. >> that's exactly right. it's the people most at risk are the african-americans. if you believe that black lives
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matter, you ought to be concerned about the ferguson effect. if cops are staying in their cars and they're in an african-american neighborhood, it's not the cops killing african-americans, it's criminals. if criminals are emboldened, more african-americans will die. if you believe in sentencing reform, when murder rates were at historic lows, people were open to that. but as they skyrocket, you can see popular support for that evaporating. so there's a lot of political ramifications. >> he said i've looked at all of it. is it the early release of prisoners from jail ? the point is, the spotlight being shined on the police officers who feel under scrutiny say, this guy comey jobs. is a brave soul. i mean, it's not often you see someone in the administration come out and break with the messaging on an issue that obviously right now is very
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political, the black lives matter movement and cops. >> very much so. he did it in the bush administration on the nsa surveillance program where he threatened to resign if president bush reauthorized that program. so this is a guy who is not willing to buck to political pressure. but he's not the only one saying this. obama's former chief of staff, chicago mayor rahm emanuel, said police officers are telling him that they are afraid to get out of their cars because if i get out of this car, is my career going to be on the line? so this is obama's former chief of staff, who is saying the same thing. >> he said we've allowed our police department to get fetal, rahm emanuel said. this is also the guy investigating hillary clinton, comey. >> that is very true. if i was hillary clinton, i would be worried about this. this is a guy bucking the way the white house and the justice department political types were not happy at all about his saying this. he didn't care. he pushed back on bush.
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this is a guy that doesn't say what the political types have to say. so he's investigating hillary clinton's e-mails. i think if he minds something, if the fbi finds something, they'll go with it. >> he's truly apolitical and seems like an honest broker. mark, thank you. >> thanks, megyn. we also have fallout from what happened when a hollywood director decided to attack the nypd. plus, a must-see conversation with one researcher about what he discovered after investigating hundreds of near-death experiences. and can you explain why you recommend synthetic over cedar? "super food?" is that a real thing? it's a great school, but is it the right one for her? is this really any better than the one you got last year? if we consolidate suppliers, what's the savings there? so should we go with the 467 horsepower? ...or is a 423 enough? good question. you ask a lot of good questions... i think we should move you into our new fund. sure... ok. but are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab.
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jeb bush:believes thatnt, wamerica's leadership and presence in the world is not a force for good. america has led the world and it is a more peaceful world when we're engaged the right way. we do not have to be the world's policeman. we have to be the world's leader. we have to stand for the values of freedom. who's going to take care of the christians that are being eliminated in the middle east? but for the united states, who? who's going to stand up for the dissidents inside of iran that are brutalized each and every day?
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but for the united states, who? who's going to take care of israel and support them - our greatest ally in the middle east? but for the united states, no one - no one is capable of doing this. the united states has the capability of doing this, and it's in our economic and national security interest that we do it. i will be that kind of president and i hope you want that kind of president for our country going forward. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message.
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a growing anger after quinten tarantino attacks cops at a police protest in new york and it came just days after a police officer's murder here. listen. >> i'm a human being with a conscience. and when i see murder, i cannot stand by and i have to call the murdered the murdered, and the murderers the murderers. >> joining me now, mark fuhrman and carl dix. he was an organizer at this protest. good to see you both. and now, the head of the nypd police union is calling for a boy to the of quinten tarantino's films after what he has said, saying he's made a living glorifying violence and crime and is a cop hater.
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mark, your thoughts on that? >> well, i think it's not only appropriate, i think they should take it a step further. this director could not operate in any city without the help of the police department, without permits from the city, and the actual control of streets in many of his movies. so i think the police should stop doing that, stop volunteering to work those. but i think it's totally appropriate. he's misrepresenting facts. he's calling officers murderers that were actually the victims and supporting thugs like michael brown as an example of murdered. >> carl, was the timing of this event unfortunate four days after a city cop unfortunate? >> no, it was not at all. we saw what happened to eric garner, choked to death. we saw cops roll up on tamir rice, a 12-year-old boy with a
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toy gun and kill him within less than two seconds. there have been murders like that across the country. murderers have been police, just this year alone, more than 930 people have been killed by police and police admit that 300 of those people were unarmed and doing nothing wrong. i can't call that anything other than murder, even though the legal system exonerates them all the time. so people needed to come together, needed to say that this must stop. and no, there was no reason to call it off or postpone it. and i am glad quinten tarantino came to it. because like he said, he's a human being. he can't stand aside when that type of suffering is going down. >> the thing about tarantino, he's certainly glorified violence, including torture of police officers. >> you've heard of movies, right? that's a film. this is reality that we're talking about. this is reality. >> let mark weigh in.
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go ahead, mark. >> well, he does glorify violence in every one of these films almost to a ridiculous degree. it's probably the most -- >> go ahead, mark. >> let me talk. when you have a group that misrepresents the facts, there's nothing that can make them happy. there's no facts that will make them happy. when you call a justifiable homicide a murder, when people, even black people are on a grand jury and they still find that it was not murder, it doesn't do any good. this group is going to find fault with everything, the law, the government, the police. there's nothing to appease them. >> go ahead, carl. >> well, look, police have been killing people. i saw eric garner be murdered. it goes into -- >> black people kill black people. >> yeah, and we can talk about that, too. but you want to change the subject. i saw eric garner murdered.
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>> i don't want to change the subject. it is the subject. >> we can't talk together and i don't want to sing to you, so shut up and listen to me. >> i apologize, but you're going to have to listen to me. i thank both of you for being here. we'll continue this. you wouldn't take medicine without checking the side effects. hey honey. huh. the good news is my hypertension is gone. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. feel free to be yourself all day.... : than the than the leading paste all day...
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from the world headquarters of fox news from the world headquarters of fox news, it's "the kelly file" with megyn kelly. >> one in 25 people have had a near-death experience according to the research from our next guest. so when someone escapes death and tells their story, they may hold remarkable clues that can possibly teach us about a life to come. pastor john burk is the author of "imagine heaven: near-death experiences, god's promises and the exhilarating future that awaits you."
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he's also the founder and lead pastor of gateway church in austin, texas. john, good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> so near-death experiences, you believe in them now. >> yes. >> you studied over a thousand cases of them. >> yes. >> you didn't used to be a religious man but then became one. explain that to us. >> when my dad was dying of cancer, someone gave him the first book on near-death experiences "life after life." and i picked it up one night and i read it cover to cover. after reading it, i thought, oh, my gosh, like if this is true, this is the most important thing i could possibly find out about. >> what were the commonalities you heard in the stories? >> in "imagine heaven" i write about 12 commonalities like we're ourselves. we have a body. but they talk about how we don't just have five senses. like we have 50 senses. >> do we look the way we looked when we died or at our favorite age? how do we look? >> that's an interesting question. because people say a little bit different things. i have my own theory i come up with in the book, but people
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basically say we're in our prime and we recognize each other. they see beauty, not unlike earth, mountains and trees and gorgeous flowers, but they experience it in other dimensions of time and space. >> is there peace? >> oh, it's unbelievable. people talk about -- well, many people talk about being in the presence of this man of light that they know to be god, and in his presence, they never want to leave. what people always say is, i felt like i was home. i felt like that's where i belong. >> you know the skeptics say this is all bs. >> oh, absolutely. >> this is people that are having maybe pre-death experiences and they're connoting something that they heard on television or read in a book. >> i was an engineer before a pastor. so i'm a very analytical mind. so i ask the same questions. i've interviewed doctors who have had these experiences. i write in chapter two about skeptical doctors in the
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afterlife, what it was that convinced so many cardiologists and oncologists that these are actually showing us some picture of what's to come. >> is there anything that jumps out at you as most persuasive? >> well, there are a lot of accounts. for instance, an article written in "the lancet" a prestigious medical journal. about a man who came in, cardiac arrest in the hospital. his dentures were taken out. he was unconscious. they did cpr. he was unconscious for a whole week, moved to another room. when he comes to, he tells them where his dentures were, that they were put in this crash cart in this other room. he couldn't have possibly seen that except he said he left his body, he witnessed what had happened and -- >> but can't there be -- the hearing is still there and something is seeping into the computer that is your brain. >> i talk about accounts like that. pam reynolds where she -- i can't go into all. but she had clickers in her ear, her eyes were taped shut, no brain wave, no heart beat, yet
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she saw exactly what was going on and described the saw they were using to operate on her brain. it didn't look anything like a saw, but she described it in detail. i you know, that book "life after life" i can say this really helped my mom after my dad died back in 1985. and i know it helped you. and with the beginnings of this. and this is called "imagine heaven" by john burke. >> thanks for having me here. >> let's hope you're right. sh c. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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big show tomorrow night. glen beck, charles big show tomorrow night. glen beck, charles krauthammer and brit hume. final question, do you believe in life after death in accounts like we discussed with john burke? face thanks for watching, everyone. i'm megyn kelly. this is "the kelly file." good night. tonight -- >> we need new and great leadership. >> donald trump continues to dominate the polls as a large majority of republican voters think he'll win the general election. the one and only mark steyn is here tonight with reaction. then just days after a new york city police officer was gunned down, quentin tarantino reportedly calls cops murderers at an anti-police rally. >> i have to call the murderers the murderers. and i have to call the murders the murders. >> former new york city police commissioner ray kelly and sheriff david clark are here to respond.
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