tv Hannity FOX News October 27, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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the kelly file and on twitter. comments like this from folks. that cop would arrest any parent he saw doing that. glenn beck is the fing man. i'm megyn kelly, thanks for watching. tonight -- >> you know i love polls. i love polls. i'm in love with polls. >> donald trump and drmt ben carson are battles for the top spot in the polls, so how will it impact tomorrow's big gop debate? then president obama finally heads to his home town of chicago to talk about the city's massive surge in violence. >> i'm there with families of children here in chicago who are taken from us by gun violence. >> so why has it taken him so long? also -- [ bleep ] outrage growing after a video surfaces showing a cop arresting a high school student in south carolina. did the cop do the right thing?
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"hannity" starts right here, right now. welcome to "hannity." tonight we're less than 24 hours away from the third 2016 republican debate that's taking place in boulder, colorado. it couldn't come at a more interesting time. a brand-new national poll has dr. ben carson slightly ahead of donald trump on the ground with a preview of what we can expect, carl cameron. >> thanks, john. welcome to boulder. big battle tomorrow. the race got a shake-up today. for the first time in three months, donald trump is not -- not the national front-runner. "the new york times" poll shows he's now second place to ben carson who is at 26% and still rising. trump this morning took to the phones and started calling into morning shows to beat up on ben carson. said he didn't understand the polls nationally or in iowa because in his view he's still the he took shots at ben car saying he flip-flopped on issues and there's questions to be answered. he said that carson's position
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on abortion has evolved. in fact, trump's position on abortion has also evolved. the key to carson's success seems to be with born again christians in eye warks social convft avs and religious conservatives and tea partiers. ben carson has a hefty lead in some cases more than 2-1 over donald trump when it comes to those key core proimary voters in the republican race. that's the up ballot part of this. the down ballot part of it -- and it will all be fought out on the debate stage tomorrow -- how trump and carson will deal with each other. carson does not fight back, trump continues to attack. the battle will be between rubio and bush. rubio has been showing momentum and traction in the polls on the top of the second tier. jeb still having trouble. downsized his campaign just last week. has to explain all that. trump continues to pound him. jeb bush has changed his focus
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and is focusing on marco rubio. saying he has limited experience and not a lot of accomplishments compared to bush who is a florida governor but has been out of office for years. mark rubio is responding to that saying, hey, listen, it's time for change. we need a generational change in our politics. trump in second place, new territory for him. hasn't been in second place in three months. they'll all be on stage here tomorrow night in boulder. >> thanks, carl. here with reaction from the "weekly standard" steve haste, charles hurt and juan williams. there's no doubt, charles, that there's momentum, potential in iowa which i would argue is probably not donald trump's best state. this is a state that mike huckabee won and rick santorum won, they didn't win a nomination. including "the new york times" still has trump ahead 4.8. don't you have to look at the aggregate? >> i think so.
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it's important to remember in iowa, if christian conservatives getting behind a candidate, there's a long history of that, then they often usually go on not to win much more beyond that. we saw that with mike huckabee last time or rick santorum last time and huckabee before that. and i agree with you. i think that the larger polls beyond iowa will be very crucial and if the gop establishment is looking at this and thinking that they're now off the hook, ben carson is no more in the gop establishment than donald trump is. and to me, that's the most important thing that we're looking for here. >> i also think -- i don't know to the extent and maybe you can help us out, steve hasyes, the amount of money spent in iowa against donald trump. i'd like to know that number. i don't think trump has responded to the ads. it might be having an effect. i know the growth would be going up. it's too early to tell. i don't know if iowa will be the
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biggest indicator anyway. >> sounds like you're make excusing, sean. >> i'm looking at the race realistically. what i've seen happening, though, i'm reading one article after another where the gop establishment is scared to death of donald trump and ben carson. that's what i'm seeing. >> on that we can agree. i think certainly, you know, charlie's right, this is not necessarily good news. nobody in the republican establishment is opening champagne and clinking glasses. you have this indication that this might be something broader than eiowa, outside of iowa wit this cbs "new york times" poll. the thing that has to concern donald trump is the cbs/"new york times" poll that shows ben carson in first place for the first time, as carl reported, in three months. >> you should pay close attention to it. it's not an establishment guy taking the place of trump. it's another outsider. lindsey graham said, on our side
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you've got the number two guy who tried to kill someone at age 14. i think one of the most inspiring life stories is ben carson and how his mother changed his life around. i thought that was a cheap shot. the number one guy is a high energy guy that's crazy as hell. and i'm thinking, hey, lindsey, you're 1% in the polls. you know, really? isn't that why so many people don't like the establishment candidates, steve? >> yeah, i thought that was -- >> i think that was out of line, particularly the shot against ben carson. i wouldn't have said it. i don't think ought to be engaged in that kind of criticism. the thing that concerns trump about "the new york times" poll in particular is it comes at a time when people are increasingly paying attention to the campaign. up just from september 7% more people said that they're paying attention to the campaign this month than last. it has to concern trump. >> i would expect more volatility in a race at this point for the very reason you're describing. more people paying attention.
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we'll see a lot more movement. on your side it looks like things are seaswn. anyone that you want, juan williams, who do you want to win the republican nomination as a supporter of hillary's? >> i've never thought of it in these terms. >> i'm helping you out. >> if i was a republican, i'd be more of an establishment republican. clearly, as we just heard, you got about half of the republican electorate going for trump or carson. >> right. >> so it's all about -- i want to pick up on something you said earlier. >> go ahead. >> because i don't think it got enough attention. club for groat put a million into ads just in the last week or two and the polls are going down. so yes, carson's doing well in terms of social values, but carson's supporters are not saying, yeah, he's definitely our guy. >> and that famous -- >> all week, we're not sure but on trump's side, guess what? more than half say we're definitely with trump.
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and trump has ground troops in iowa right now. >> don't you think trump's going to respond? and don't you think ben carson will be the next victim of the establishment attacks? >> you can see it comes already because of the attacks. and coming from -- i mean, trump's going to tomorrow night at the debate, you expect that trump will go at ben carson. he's going to start talking about ben carson on abortion and all these issues, past history. >> what's he going to do? is donald trump really going to criticize ben carson for inconsistency? i mean, that's hilarious. [ many speaking at once ] >> we can add hillary clinton to the mix, too, steve, here. >> a lot of politicians change their views. but trump that probably shouldn't be his leading argument. >> guys, we appreciate you being here. we've got a busy news night on "hannity." coming up next. >> time to be honest, fewer gun safety laws don't mean for freedom. they mean more danger. >> oh, finally the president goes to his home town of chicago to talk about the city's out of
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control violence. i would argue too little too late. we'll have a full report with geraldo rivera and bo dietl who are here with reaction. the video everyone in the country is talking about. a sheriff's deputy caught on tape aggressively arresting a high school student. now a department of justice is investigating the incident. is there more to the story than what you see on tape? we'll explain. without checking your clearance. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. okay kids, let's go.. no one can really fill your shoes when you're sick. alka-seltzer plus day cold & flu has three cold symptom fighters to relieve your tough symptoms. [deep breath] stay unstoppable. alka-seltzer plus. on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it. "depreciation" they claim.
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm kelly wright. secretary ash carter now saying the u.s.-led coalition will step up air strikes and may conduct more ground attacks. the u.s. has already carried out some special operations raids in syria. meantime, in an unprecedented move, iran has been invited to participate in
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international talks on syria's future. it's a shift in strategy for the united states and its allies as they seek to halt the four-year civil war. the talks start thursday in vienna. iran has yet to reply. a bus carrying lehigh university's rowing team's involved in a deadly crash in pennsylvania. the bus collided with a car killing one person in that vehicle. all 20 students on board are being evaluated, but none of them suffered serious injuries. that's a look at the news this hour. i'm kelly wright. now back to "hannity." for all your headlines, welcome to fox welcome back to "hannity." gun violence and murders are surging in chicago. according to the tribune, during this past weekend multiple shootings left 28 wounded and 6 dead. that's not all. "the chicago tribune" is reporting that this year 2,500 people have been shot. for months on this program we've been calling on the president to stop politicizing tragic mass shootings and called on him, go travel to your own home town,
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mr. president, where gun violence is actually an epidemic. now, finally earlier today the president did just that, but he just called for more gun control. watch this. >> we shouldn't sell military assault style weapons to criminals. they shouldn't need them. it doesn't mean more freedom, it means more danger. i'm going to keep calling on the folks in congress to change the way that they think about gun safety. some of you are watching certain television stations or to radio programs, please do not believe this notion that somehow i'm out to take everybody's guns away. >> they keep mentioning australia, great britain, why would i ever think that? bo dietl, geraldo rivera. i've got a license to carry new york, california, rhode island, alabama, georgia, i've carried my entire adult life.
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now, under obama's scenario, would i have the right to do that, do you believe? >> yes, i do. i think that you're a responsible person. you've gone through all the training. you're exactly the person that the second amendment had in mind. >> what about every american in new york? it took me three years and multiple death threats to get a permit, geraldo. >> it is difficult in new york and for good reason. what the president was talking about in his home town was the guns and gangs epidemic, but there's no doubt that there's a flood of illegal guns. >>onfiscation, you're not going to make criminals obey the laws. >> like in chicago, they have very tough gun laws in chicago also. but the problem is and what the fbi director said was completely true. i talk to cops all the time out in front of our building, all of the city, other cities. there is the ferguson effect going on. that's why crime is rampant now. the cops and they're not going
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to admit it, of course, they're not going to say they're not doing the job. what they're doing is taking the report after the incident. they're not proactive. when you have the disrespect that you have for a cop, like that punk that killed that hero cop that we're burying tomorrow in my old stomping grounds of east harlem, you know what? they're not afraid of cops. the audacity to shoot this young man in between his eyes like that, a man in uniform, it's disgusting. and this is what's going on in our communities. these kids all now carry guns and they're not afraid to shoot a cop. >> james comey, the fbi director, talked about this ferguson ekt yesterday. he said i've spoken to officers in one big city. they describe being surrounded by young people with mobile phones and cameras taunting them the minute they get out of their car. we feel like we're under seenl and we don't feel like getting out of our cars. >> here's one point. >> okay. >> obama is partly responsible by jumping into the ferguson case without facts.
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the trayvon martin case without facts. where's his responsibility to cops? >> i see it differently. i think there is a blue flu going on. there is cops now saying to themselves, wait a second, let me stay in the car, i'll get out of the car, i'll get in trouble and maybe lose my career. that is definitely happying. but back to where the really aggravated violence is coming from, guns in the hands of gang bangers. let me finish. >> how are we going to take them away? >> hip-hop and gangsta rap has created a whole other universe. >> how do you stop it -- here's my question, how do you stop it without taking away the rights of people like me, responsible, trained, law abiding citizens? >> you're missing the point. when you take the new york city police department, one of the largest police departments, and now you've effectively taken the stop and frisk away. they're not out there getting these guns off the street, that's when violence is going to
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increase. shootings and murders increase. the only way you can get the illegal guns -- not the nra owners -- is by -- >> taking them. >> there you have a lawyer like my friend geraldo saying you illegally searched them. >> obama got a standing ovation from those -- >> here's my question. >> get them from the cops. >> not from democrats. >> how do you keep criminals from getting guns. >> prevent mass sales. why should a person go and be able to buy a gun every week in virginia? why is that? there should be a record -- >> that's not going to stop it. >> am i allowed to buy guns? >> is it a collective, then you have a special certificate. >> i need a special certificate. >> if he wants to have ten guns and he's a valid license holder and he's got them in a safe, it's your right. >> the jersey turnpike with trunks full of weapons selling them, dumping emthis in newark,
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in camden, new jersey. >> all i know is one thing real fast. i really love police men. and when they can't do their jobs, the crime is going to spike. >> murder rate is going to go through the roof. and you know what? the president's rhetoric has contributed to that fear where we have a lining with the black lives matter movement, pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon. what do we want, dead cops. >> they feel they'll be handcuffed and tried. a resolution has been introduced to impeach the commissioner of the irs. we'll talk to congressman jason chaffetz and congressman jim jordan. they'll explain why they're doing it. but first tonight. >> [ bleep ]. >> outrage tonight over that video that shows a sheriff's deputy in south carolina arresting a high school student. was he justified in the use of that force? we'll explain. also, shannon breen is here
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. >> now, it was announced earlier today that the fbi and the department of justice's civil rights division are now investigating it but during a press conference this afternoon a south carolina sheriff said earlier there's another video that shows the student hitting the officer before that confrontation. here with reaction mark fuhrman. mark, i might have a whole other take than you think of on this thing. i've always said i want armed retired policemen, former military guys in schools to protect the students. i don't see this is their role if they're working there, if there's a discipline problem in the classroom, unless it's violent. does that make sense? >> well, it makes sense, sean, but the resource officers is kind of a leftover from the late '80s, early '90s, the d.a.r.e. program where they brought officers on to campus because of drugs and gangs and they were
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there actually as an enforcement officer as well as somebody to help the teachers maintain order. so that's left over. and i think this is exactly what they do need to do. it's either this or they call a uniformed unit, this armed patrol to come there and then that amount of time the situation could have got well out of control by then. >> and you know, jessica, in some of these classrooms, it's so out of control. violence in the classroom. we don't know all the facts yet. videos never tell all the story. it's all coming in and everyone is quick to rush to judgment. but there's never going to be an arrest or a physical confrontation that's going to ever look good on video. >> absolutely not. anyone when you look at the shear size of the police officer and of the student, you know this was not a fair fight in this way. there are ways that you could have approached this perhaps without hurling her out of her chair. we see the other video that she
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did strike him, that may change the dialogue to some degree. >> what are the alternatives? >> an alternative would have been to clear the classroom and to talk to her one on one. we know children become embolden when they were around their friends. she was looking cool, talking back, maybe if it was a one on one situation or one on three, with the teacher and the officer maybe we would have had a better outcome. >> at that point nobody gets an education. mark, what are your thoughts on that? >> yeah, you can clear the classroom. what happens on the street? do you clear the street so you can talk to somebody? let's not be ridiculous. people need to be responsible for their own actions. if you look at that video, do you notice that none of the other students get out of their desk. you don't hear anything. you don't hear any screaming. you don't hear them say stop or anything else. you kind of wonder if the students weren't on the side of the deputy, that she was that disruptive, that obnoxious that they didn't have any problem with what was going on. the other thing you said, sean, the altercation doesn't look
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good, but those desks. she was probably flailing about and once she threw herself backwards, the officer is now in a position to get her out of that desk and get her in handcuffs because the situation has escalated by her choice. >> in other words, her rhetor rhetoric -- but the media never talks about what leads up to this, the whole story. >> i understand completely. and we talked about this over the summer the incident at texas where the pool party. the fundamental issue is about restoring civility in society. i understand the concerns of black lives matter, of blue lives matter, of all lives matter. i don't think we're going to have a conversation where we come together until incidents like this stop happening. >> who precipitated this? who was noncompliant? >> she was not. adults are supposed to lead by example. >> it was excessive. >> you don't know that yet. we haven't seen the results of
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the investigation. >> i'll tell you why it's not -- i'll tell you why it's not excessive. he verbalized, he made contact, he verbalized, he was polite. he requested her, he verbally did that, the next level is he put a hand on her, she escalated it from there. he used soft control. he threw her on the ground, he handcuffed her, didn't use mace, a taser, he didn't use a stick, he didn't kick her, he didn't hit her, he didn't choke her. he used a minimal amount of force necessary to effect an arrest. he'll be cleared of this. >> thank you, guys. coming up, a new resolution has just been introduced to impeach the irs commissioner. congressman jason chaffetz and jim jordan are here to explain what that's all about. later shannon breen standing by in washington with a disturbing new report on planned parenthood. a new undercover video has just been released. shows a doctor talking about
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welcome back to "hannity." just days after the justice department announced it would not be filing charges against disgraced irs official lois lerner for allegedly targeting groups, jason chaffetz filed tonight calling for the impeachment of john koskinen. joining us tonight congressman jason chaffetz and congressman jim jord bean of ohio. how did lois lerner get off in the first place? don't we know she targeted these groups? isn't there evidence showing she started these groups? >> we had investigations by the inspector general that said there's indeed targeting. we know that for a fact. we have well documented that those documents in the possession of the irs were destroyed by irs.
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>> so we know they targeted the irs, they destroyed evidence and the just department says no go. is this a precursor of or a preview of coming attractions if the fbi were to find information about benghazi, about the clinton foundation or confidential top secret information on the deleted e-mails? does it mean it's politicized to that degree? >> sean, we have all kinds of confidence in the fbi. what we don't have confidence in is the justice department. jason's right. there's all kinds of e-mail evidence where she said the tea party is dangerous. where she says we're going to start a c-4 project next year we have to make sure it's not political. we have to make sure to hide the fact. yet, this justice department said no, it's prosecuting miss lerner and anyone else at the irs who lass done something wrong. but it's not the fbi, it's the justice department. >> walk us through the impeachment of the irs
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commissioner. how do you do this? >> we filed this resolution. there were 19 members of us that filed it. it now gets referred to the judiciary committee. the heart of this concern is that they have in their possession documents that were under suspect and they destroyed those. imagine, sean, if the irs had asked you for those documents and you said, well, i had them but i went ahead and destroyed them? what would happen to you. >> you want an answer? i'd be handcuffed, fingerprinted, perp walked, mug shotted and then thrown in a jail cell. that's what would happen to me. >> yeah. so we've done what hasn't been done since the late 1800s and that's filed this resolution to impeach the irs commissioner. and we intend to do that. >> moving on to some other things, congressman jordan, your group the freedom caucus met with paul ryan. two-thirds, a supermajority, are supporting him. jason chaffetz standing next to you got out of the race. dan webster, i understand, is still in. tell us -- walk us through the
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process, the discussions you had with congressman paul ryan. were you given assurances things would change. >> yeah. >> that they would use the power of the purse and immigration reform, for example? >> the first thing we were given is we're not going to change the motion to vacate. that's been around since jefferson. second, paul is the kind of guy who is an excellent messenger who can talk about the big bold things we need to do to help our constituents and help families get back on the right path. talking about reform in the tax code, everyone knows obamacare is awful, our replacement and how to reform our welfare system. he talked about that. he assured us there's no way he'll bring up an immigration bill, maybe a border security bill that we actually do the right thing. >> there won't be no amnesty bill that assured no citizen path? >> he sure did.
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every single one of our members asked questions, that's certainly one of the questions that was asked and paul assured that would not be brought up. >> did he mention that he would use the power of the purse, which is your power under the constitution. >> yeah. >> with co-equal branches of government. that's an enormalerated power that john boehner was unwilling to use. did that come up? >> sure did. you're seeing the worst kind of leadership where we get this bill thrown together at the last minute, a bill that i plan to oppose, a bill that our group is going to be against, you see it thrown together with all kinds of spending, no real committee hearings, no real bringing people together and figuring out what's the best course of action, he says we're not going to govern in a crisis to cries type way. we'll go early, come up with our position, send it to the senate, then most importantly stand firm. that's what our guys wanted to hear. that's why a supermajority of our group has endorsed congressman ryan. >> as it relates to this budget deal, wait till the last minute
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once again. $80 billion of more discretionary spending is part of the deal. even paul ryan said that this is no way to do business. it's just not. do you suspect it's going to change? are you going to be supporting that bill? >> i'm not. i worry about lifting the budget caps. i want to reprogram money. i do believe we need more money for our military and i support that aspect of it. but lifting the budget cap is something i don't. you have to fix that problem. i do believe paul ryan is the right agent of change. he has broad support, articulate on these issues and knows more about budgeting and the appropriations process than anybody in this body. it's time to give him a chance. he'll be a good speaker. >> not that my advice matters to anybody. but if i had any advice, it's time to hit the reset button. when 60% of your base feels betrayed by you. i would put your vision and your promises on paper, let the
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conference sign it, then you got to keep the promises to gain faith back in those people that you've lost faith with. >> well said, sean, i think you're exactly right. let's protect our vision out there and fight hard for it and tell the american people how we're going to stand for those principles that we think make our country great. >> thank you both for being with us. coming up the co-hosts of "the view" slamming dr. benjamin carson. another video released exposing new disturbing practices at planned parenthood. we'll check in with shannon bream. she's standing by with a full report. ancestry has come out now they have lifestory. it literally lays out somebody's life, from birth to death. when i was using lifestory, i discovered my great grandmother. she went through a lot. two sons go to fight in world war ii. she lived through the depression. and she made it through all of that.
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more than two million hands went up. and pretty soon, so did everyone's in the classroom. ok, veronica. amphibian excellent! internet essentials from comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. welcome back to "hannity." yet another undercover video has been released by the center for progress that exposes the disturbing practices of planned parenthood. this one, like all the others is extremely alarming. standing by in d.c. is our own shannon bream. >> sean, today there is yet another inside look at conversations with planned parenthood employees who describe exactly what they do. one doctor talking about aborting pregnancies at more than 21 weeks. as you said, we should warn viewers they may find the video and the statements disturbing. a woman at the center for medical progress identifies this
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doctor talks about attempts to perform an abortion while also keeping the head intact. it appears she things she's talking with potential buyers for the fetal body parts. >> i haven't been able to do that yet. >> to get the calavarium? >> this will be give me something to strive for. >> the woman says she trained with planned parenthood's senior director of medical services. you saw her talking about performing abortions in the way to best harvest organs. doctors say they can crush above and below critical points. using procedures he says mirror partial birth abortion, which is banned and discussing the possible failed fetal organs and body parts. since they began releasing these videos, planned parenthood has maintained it's done nothing illegal and that the videos have
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been dishonestly edited in order to discredit the organization. the raw video is available online with the exception of material that cmp is under court order not to release to the public. >> but shannon, to be clear, those videos, i know the claim keeps going out there that they've been edited, but they've been releasing the entire tapes as available short of the court order, correct? >> they are. and the transcripts are online as well. >> shannon bream in washington. joining us the president of live action, lila rose, and fox news contributor leslie marshall. let's go through the list of laws that are broken here. it's illegal to alter the abortion procedure to save specific body parts. >> there's a federal law that you can't alter the abortion procedure in order to harvest body parts. the abortionist can't even know that body parts might be donated afterward. secondly, illegal partial birth portions and the doctor in these tapes from this morning is
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explaining how she delivers the baby breach, then destroys maybe the baby by ripping the legs off or extracting the brain. that's a hallmark position of the illegal late-term abortion, partial-birth portion procedure and selling body parts violates federal law. extremely disturbing, heartbreaking and illegal. >> leslie, these tapes are just incontrovertible. the evidence is overwhelming. the lack of sensitivity stands out on their own. they're drinking wine and eating their salads and talking about buying lamborghinis as they buy body parts for money. so i would assume that you're pretty disgusted by that. but let's talk about the legality of it. multiple crimes that they're breaking, selling body parts, altering abortion procedures which is illegal, partial birth abortion, late-term abortions which also is illegal. a lot of crimes we're talking about here. how do you defend this group? why should they get one penny of
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taxpayer dollars? >> well, first of all, when we look at what has been or hasn't been done, i don't think that these videos are fair to look to not only because of the edits but, two, because of the -- >> but wait, they're released in their entirety. the ones that have been released, i've seen them [ many speaking at once ] >> leslie, it's taken out of context? >> independent groups have validated the full footage and said that nothing was taken out of context or unfairly edited out or spliced. it speaks for itself. you can't defend it. it's indefensible. >> if it's indefensible, then where are the cuffs? how come there have been no cuffs on anyone from this doctor -- >> and there should be. >> and there are investigations that are ongoing. >> exactly. and one of the problems that i have with this is -- is it uncomfortable? absolutely. are there many of us --
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>> is it gruesome? would you use the word "gruesome and grow tetesque and heartless selling baby body parts. >> i'm not going to go as far to judge somebody else's decision. >> i think that's a copout, leslie. we should be judging these decisions. >> with regards to legality, lila. >> one at a time. hang on. >> a parent looks like illegal activity on tape. and people across the country are expressing their outrage on both sides of the political spectrum. so that's why it's a shame that our department of justice is not doing a thorough investigation like many states are in order to ultimately lead into prosecution and convict where the crimes are taking place, convict these top level planned parenthood abortionists of selling body parts. crime after crime, that's now public and the public can see the crime. >> first of all, i'd like to get a word in edge wise, and i'm going to right now.
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we don't have any evidence that they have been breaking the law with regard to body parts because there were fees for service which no planned parenthood is no longer taking. we don't know if ied was involved which is involved in partial birth abortion which is not a medical term but which is a political term. we do not know if a chemical other than the general chemical used by this physician, so we do know know that -- >> we know laws were broken. i have one last thing to -- hang on. [ many speaking at once ] i understand the difference that some people describe themselves as pro choice. this is indefensible. the tapes speak for themselves. let me move on because ben carson took a position on abortion and look how the ladies of "the view" treated him. >> despicable. >> what can you say to that? >> you know. >> you know, sir, no disrespect,
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truly no disrespect, but it's not your call. don't get -- [ cheers ] you don't decide. you don't decide for what anyb family care, what they're going through and need. >> do you know what he said? he said a lot of -- during slavery a lot of slave owners had the right to do whatever they wanted to the slaves. so what if the abolishists said no. >> he's saying making choices. >> so, leslie, can you be pro life? i take the position that is rape, insist, and mother's life. i want people if they're going to make decisions to be responsible. is this is the language the left is going to use?
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>> you're going to have people on either side? >> isn't that over the top? >> it's over the top. >> i don't think this is over the top. >> way over the happen. >> this is a man who doesn't agree with you regarding rape and insist, sean. how do we tell a child he's been raped by his father? >> how do you -- >> all right. leslie gets the last word. >> i think we can do better for women who are victims of sex abuse and trauma to say abortion is a pathway to healing, it's not a pathway to healing it's another violent act. we need to hold planned parenthood accountable and the ladies of the view do not speak for american women. american women are largely against many kinds of abortion and that is where we stand. >> when we come back, we need your help with the question of the day. we have a message for the liberal media you don't want to miss, straight ahead. (patrick 1) what's it like to be the boss of you?
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time for the question of the day. so today, the president visits chicago maybe too little? too late? let us know what you think. now, it's time for our ask sean segment. >> my question for you is, how are we, the american people supposed to keep our elected officials accountable when those we elect to guide and hold them accountable refuse to do their jobs? how can we change that? thanks. bye. >> that is a great question. and the important one. of course we want to keep politicians accountable. but the benghazi select
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committee did get to the fact they had to request over 600 times for security before the attack in benghazi and telling us a lie while telling her daughter, libyan president, egyptian prime minister the truth. so you have to give credit where credit is due. the debate ends tomorrow at 10:00, right after the debate, tune in and we'll have reaction, highlights and more. a special program tomorrow at 10:00 eastern. now, before we go, i don't normally spend time responding to stupidly to liberal web sites that spend their days attacking me, nor do i read conspiracy web sites they do. there is a website called politi fact for a figure used about refugees being welcomed into the united states. so this one time, i'm going to break the rule and spend time fact checking the so called fact
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checkers. you can throw aside your government calculators there at politi fact. let me teach you simple addition. i was quoting a u.s. artel, entitled u.s. to accept 100,000 refugees in 2017. and according to the same report, the state department is accepting 70,000 refugees in 2015. they said 85 on top of the 70 this year. that equals 255,000. that is how i came to the number. and by the way, for the record if you watch my tv show, i never said all of the refugees were syrian. i mentioned they're coming from iraq and other countries. now, refugee migration is a complex topic. i can understand how left wing critics become confused but this is a simple as one plus one equals two. when you're only advocating a little agenda like politi fact,
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i understand, guys where you're coming from. so to use your words, liar, liar, your pants are on fire, so get yourself a good calculator. that is all the time we have tonight. thanks for joining us. we'll see you from los angeles tomorrow. >> >> if you look at the republicans versus the democrats when it comes to economic policy there is no comparison. the economy does better when you have a democrat in the white house. >> that statement is not true. at least not in today's america. the economy under president obama is a mess. tonight, we will give you the shocking statistics. >> the evidence that we have seen so far doesn't support the contention that law enforcement officials are somehow shirking their responsibility. >> mr. obama delivering a speech in front of law enforcement agents who are generally angry about the anti--cop sentiment growing in the u.s.a. senator marco rubio has some thoughts. >> issued a critical alert. the entire network went down. >> als
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