tv Happening Now FOX News October 29, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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tomorrow morning. martha: all right, bill. thanks very much. thanks for being with us, big moment as we watch this unfold on capitol hill. i'm martha maccallum, we'll see you back here tomorrow. jenna: we're going to pick it up here live on "happening now", and you'll see us in just a moment, but we want to stay here on capitol hill where, as you know, paul ryan just elected speaker of the house, and we expect a few words from him in just a few moments. jon: the job he initially said he really didn't want as we watch the outgoing speaker of the house, john boehner, departing the house for what we presume will be the last time. he might make a ceremonial appearance here and there, but he has said he wants to leave the house, wants to head out with his head high. he will be speaking to our bill hemmer a little bit later this afternoon, and they'll be playing that for you tomorrow morning on "america's newsroom." but now this is speaker ryan's house, as you see him up there on the dais with nancy pelosi,
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the minority leader. paul ryan takes over the job that, well, puts him third in line for the presidency, the third most powerful job in washington some say. but it is a fractious house that he is going to have to calm. jenna: and it is interesting to take in these live pictures, jon, when we do talk about the fracturing that's in the parties, between both parties. it is a reminder that government does function in an orderly way in this country x this is a transition of power within, obviously, one party and within the house of representatives, but it's nice to see such admiration for the service of john boehner really from both sides of the aisle. you see him getting hugs from both republicans and democrats as we saw paul ryan, speaker ryan, we should say. there were some questions over the last several days about how this might work. paul ryan did receive 236 votes. nancy pelosi, who you also see on your screen, received 184.
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the democrats voting for their leader. let's take a listen. >> my dear colleagues of the 114th congress of the united states, today as every day we come to this floor strengthened and inspired by support of our colleagues, the trust of our constituents and the love of our families. my special thanks to my husband paul, our five children, our nine grandchildren and the entire pelosi family for their support. my deep gratitude to the people of san francisco for the continued honor they give me to represent them here. and my heartfelt thanks to my democratic colleagues for extending to me the honor of being nominated to be speaker of the house. thank you, my colleagues. [applause] today we bid farewell to a speaker who has served his constituents and this congress with honor for 25 years, speaker
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john boehner. [applause] in his story, we are reminded of the enduring, exceptional promise of america, this hard working son of an ohio bartender and owner who grew up to be the speaker of the house of representatives. john boehner talked about the american dream. john boehner, you are the personification of the american dream. [applause] as you all know, speaker boehner was a formidable spokesman for
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the republican agenda. my republican colleagues, i'm sure you know -- and i can attest to the fact -- that he was always true and loyal to the members of his caucus in any negotiations we ever had. although we had our differences, and often, i always respected his dedication to this house and his commitment to his values. thank you, john, for your leadership and courage as speaker. your graciousness as speaker exe tended and was -- extended and was reflected in your staff under the leadership of mike summers, whom we all respect. thank you to john boehner's staff. [applause] and i know i speak for everyone here, democrats and republicans, when i thank you for making the
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visit of his holiness, pope francis, such a beautiful and meaningful experience for all of us. [applause] today we extend our thanks and congratulations to debbie, your daughters lindsay and trisha, and the entire boehner family now including grandson alistair. let's hear it for the family of john boehner. [applause] [laughter] on behalf of house democrats and personally, i wish you and your family all of god's blessings in the glorious years ahead. last month we witnessed
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something truly special when pope francis made history addressing a joint session of congress, standing right here. pope francis called on us to seek hope, peace and dialogue for all people and reminded us of our duty to find a way forward for everyone. a good political leader, his holiness said, is one who with the interest of all in mind seizes the moment in a spirit of openness and pragmatism. with the interests in mind of all. pope francis echoed the principle of our founders that placed at heart of our democracy the saying e pluribus unum, from many, one. the founders could never have imagined how vast our country would become, how diverse and many we would be ethnically, gender identities, beliefs and
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priorities. but they knew we had to be one. every day in this house and across the country we pledge allegiance to one nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. [applause] this is the beauty of america that for all of our honest differences, perspectives and priorities aired and argued so passionately on this floor, we are committed to being one nation. despite our differences, in fact, respecting them, i like forward to a clear debate in this marketplace of ideas, the people's house of representatives. and so, my fellow colleagues, we have a responsibility to act upon our shared faith in the greatness of our country. we have a responsibility to be worthy of the sacrifices of our
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troops, our veterans and our military families. we have respondent to make real -- responsibility to make real the promise of the american dream for all. there's important work before the congress. we must do more to promote growth, decrease the deficit, create good-paying jobs and increase the paychecks of america's working families. today, in this house, a page is turned, a new chapter has begun. today the gavel passes to a proud son of wisconsin, the first speaker from wisconsin. [applause] paul ryan has had the full breadth of experience on capitol hill from young staffer to -- [inaudible] coast waiter. should i say that again in. [laughter] do congressman -- to congressman, to being a sincere and proud advocate for his point
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of view as chairman of the budget committee, as a respected leader of the ways and means committee, and in a minute, he will be the speaker of the house of representatives. police[applause] on behalf, mr. speaker-to-be, on behalf of house democrats, i extend the hand of friendship to you. congratulations to you, paul, to jana, your children, liza and sam, your mother who is here -- how proud she must be -- the entire ryan family whom we all know means so much to you. mr. speaker, god bless you and your family, and god bless the united states of america. [applause]
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this is the speaker's house, this is the speaker's -- this is the people's house, this is the people's gavel, and the in the people's name it is my privilege to hand this gavel to the speaker of the house, congressman and honorable paul ryan. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. thank you very much. [applause] thank you, nancy. [applause] [applause]
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>> thank you. thank you very much. [applause] thank you. thank you. [applause] thank you, madam leader. before i begin, i would like to thank all of my family and friends who flew in from wisconsin and from all over for being here today. in the gallery i have my mom, betty, my sister, janet, my brothers, stan and tobin, and more cousins than i can count on a few hands. [laughter] [applause] they're all over.
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most important, i want to recognize my wife jana and our children, liza, charlie and sam. [cheers and applause] i also want to thank speaker boehner. for almost five years, he led this house. for nearly 25 years, he served it. not many people can match his accomplishments, the offices he held, the laws he passed. but what really sets john apart is he's a man of character, a
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true class act. he is, without a question, the gentleman from ohio. so, please, join me in saying one last time thank you, speaker boehner. [applause] now i know how he felt. [laughter] it's not until you hold this gavel, stand in this spot, look out and see all 435 members of this house, as if all america's
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sitting right in front of you. it's not til then that you feel it. the weight of responsibility, the gravity of the moment. you know, as i stand here, i can't help but think of something harry truman once said. the day after franklin roosevelt died, truman became president, and he told a group of reporters, if you ever pray, pray for me now. when they told me yesterday what had happened, i felt like the moon, the stars and all the planets had fallen on me. we should all feel that way. a lot is on our shoulders. so if you ever pray, let's pray for each other; republicans, for democrats, and democrats for republicans. [applause]
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and i don't mean pray for a conversion. [laughter] all right? pray for a deeper understanding. because when you're up here, you see it so clearly. wherever you come from, whatever you believe, we are all in the same boat. i never thought i'd be speaker, but early in my life i wanted to serve the house. i thought this place was exhilarating, because here you can make a difference. if you had a good idea, if you worked hard, you could make it happen. you could improve people's lives. to me, the house of representatives represents what's best of america, the boundless opportunity to do
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good. but let's be frank, the house is broken. we're not solving problems, we're adding to them. and i am not interested in laying blame. we are not settling scores, we are wiping the slate clean. [applause] neither the members, more the people are satisfied with how things are going. we need to make some starting with how the house does business. we need to let every member contribute. not once they've earned their stripes, but now. i come at this job as a two-time
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committee chair. the committees should retake the lead in drafting all major legislation. [applause] if you know the issue, you should write the bill. let's open up the process, let people participate, and they might change their mind. a neglected minority will gum up the works. a respected minority will work in good faith. instead of trying to stop the majority, they might try to become the majority. in other words, we need to return to regular order. [applause]
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now, i know this sounds like process. it's actually a matter of principle. we are the body closest to the people. every two years we face the voters and sometimes face the music. but we do not echo the people, we represent the people. we are supposed to study up and do the homework that they cannot do. so when we do not follow regular order, when we rush to pass bills that a lot of us don't understand, we are not doing our job. only a fully-functioning house can truly represent people. and if there were ever a time for us to step up, this would be that time. ms. -- [applause] america does not feel strong anymore because the working people of america do not feel
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strong anymore. i'm talking about the people who mind the store and grow the food and walk the beat and pay the taxes and raise the family. they do not sit in this house. they do not have fancy titles. but they are the people who make this country work, and this house should work for them. [applause] here is the problem: they're working hard, they're paying a lot, they're trying to do right by their families, and they're going nowhere fast. they never get a raise, they never get a break, the bills keep piling up and the taxes and the debt. they're working harder than ever before to get ahead, and yet they're falling further behind.
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they feel robbed. they feel cheated by their birthright, of their birthright. they're not asking for any favors, they just want a fair chance. and they are losing faith that they will ever get it. then they look at washington, and all they see is chaos. what a relief to them it would be if we finally got our acts together. what a weight off of their shoulders. how reassuring it would be if we actually fixed the tax code, put patients in charge of their health care, grew our economy, strengthened our military, lifted people out of poverty and paid down our debt. [cheers and applause]
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at this point, nothing could be more inspiring than a job well done. nothing could stir the heart more than real, concrete results. the cynics will scoff. they'll say it's not possible. you better believe we're going to try. we will not duck the tough issues, we will take them head on. we are going to do all we can do so that working people get their strength back, and people not working get their lives back. no more favors for the few, opportunity for all. that is our motto. [applause]
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you know, i often, i often talk about a immediate for a vision. a need for a vision. i'm not sure i ever really said what i meant. we solve problems here, yes. we create a lot of them too. but at bottom we vindicate a way of life. we show by our work that free people can govern themselves. they can solve their own problems, they can make their own decisions, they can deliberate, collaborate and get the job done. we show that self-government is not only more efficient and more effective, it's more fulfilling. in fact, we show it is that struggle, that hard work, that very achievement itself a that makes us free. that is what we do here. and we will not always agree, not all of us, not all of the time. but we should not hide our disagreements. we should embrace them.
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we have nothing to fear from honest differences honestly stated. [applause] if you have ideas, let's hear them. i believe that a greater clarity between us can lead to greater charity among us. and there's every reason to have hope. when the first speaker took the gavel, he looked out at a room of 30 people representing a nation of three million. today as i look out at each and every one of you, we represent the nation of 30 to 0 million -- 300 million. so when i hear people say that america doesn't have it, we are done, we are spent, i don't believe it. i believe with every fiber of my being that we can renew the american idea. [applause]
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now, our task, our task is to make us all believe. my friends, you have done me a great honor. the people of this country, they've done all of us a great honor. now let's prove ourselves worthy of it. let's seize the moment. let's rise to the occasion. and when we are done, let us say that we left the people, all the people, more united, happy and free. thank you. [applause]
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[applause] >> i am now ready to take the oath of office. i ask that the dean of the house of representatives, the honorable john conyers jr. of michigan, to administer the oath of office. [applause] >> if the gentleman from wisconsin would please raise his right hand. do you, sir, solemnly swear or affirm that you will support and
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defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that you take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter, so help you god? >> i do. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. >> thank you. thank you, john. [applause] thank you. thank you. [applause] thank you. >> for what purpose does the
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gentleman from california, mr. mccarthy, seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i offer a privileged resolution and ask for its immediate consideration. >> the clerk will report the resolution. the clerk will first number the resolution. >> house resolution 503, resolved, that the clerk be instructed to inform the president of the united states that the house of representatives has elected paul d. ryan, a representative from the state of wisconsin, speaker of the house of representatives. >> without objection to, the resolution is agreed to, and the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. [laughter] [applause] >> for what purpose does the gentleman from california, mr. mccarthy, seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i offer a privileged resolution and ask for its immediate consideration. >> the clerk will report the resolution.
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>> house resolution 504, resolved, that a message be sent to the senate to inform that body that paul d. ryan, a representative from the state of wisconsin, has been elected speaker of the house of representatives. >> without objection, the resolution is agreed to, and the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. [applause] [inaudible conversations] [applause] >> chair lays before the house a communication. >> the honorable the clerk, house of representatives, madam: as a result of my election today as speaker, this letter to
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inform you that i resign as chairman of the committee of ways and means and from further service on that committee. i also resign as chairman and a member of the joint committee on taxation, signed sincerely, paul d. ryan. >> without objection, the resignation is accepted. the chair would take this occasion to note that the speaker's announced policies with respect to particular aspects of the legislative process placed in the record on january 6, 2015, will continue in effect for the remainder of the 114th congress. the chair announces that the speaker has delivered to the clerk a letter dates october 29, 2015, listing members in the order in which each shall act as speaker pro tem under clause 8b3 of rule 1. chair lays before the house a communication.
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jon: so you're seeing some of the formalities that take place there as the house elects a new speaker, paul ryan, 45 years old, the republican representative from wisconsin, takes over the gavel from john boehner. kind of an interesting and stirring ceremony, and i think a speech that will be well received, jenna, in a lot of corners of america. jenna: a few different lines i wrote down because there were these poignant lines about bringing the service of the house of representatives to a higher level. speaker ryan saying we're not placing blame, we are not settling scores, we are wiping the slate clean. nothing could be more inspiring than a job well done, we will not duck tough issues, we will hit them dead on. no more favors for a few, opportunity for all. those lines -- not all together at one time, but at different moments throughout the speech -- definitely speaker ryan wanted to elevate the conversation to actually some action from his fellow members. we'll see if he's successful, but at least starting off that
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is the tone he is setting. our chief congressional correspondent, mike emanuel, has been watching this story really unfold over last several weeks, mike. it's been quite a journey. here we are today. what do you think is important to point out about how we got here and the job that speaker ryan has ahead of him? >> reporter: well, jenna, it's a reminder of the greatness of america. they fight hard here on capitol hill, they say some tough things about one another, but when there's a transition of power, we saw a very orderly transition of the bonn janer era -- john boehner era to the paul ryan era. ryan is somebody who basically grew up here. 28 years old, was elected to congress. at 45, he's mow the new speaker. -- he's now the new speaker. we'll see where he goes from here. jenna: we'll be back to mike throughout the day with more breaking news. in the meantime, a quick break here on "happening now." back with more politics in just a moment.
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workweek? you've got three days where you show up? you can campaign or just resign. >> let me tell you, i don't remember you ever complaining about john mccain's vote record. we're running for the same position, and someone has convinced you that attacking me is going to help you. >> do you want me to answer or do you want to answer? [cheers and applause] >> because i've got to tell you the truth, even in new jersey what you're doing is called rude. >> gee, after the last debate i was told i didn't smile enough. [laughter] >> fixed it. >> folks, we've got to wake up. we cannot elect somebody that doesn't know how to do the job. you've got to pick somebody who has experience, somebody that has the know-how -- >> what are the rules on who gets to follow up? how do we decide who gets to follow up? i've seen plenty of other people follow up. i would like to mention something about my tax plan -- >> all right, 30 seconds. >> is this the comic book version of a campaign?
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>> no, it's not a comic book. >> the few questions i've got, the last one i need is to give him some more time. i love donald trump, he is a good man. i'm wearing a trump tie tonight. get over that one, okay? [laughter] >> i do, however, believe in reagan's 11th commandment and will not be engaging in awful things about my compatriots here. jenna: so, obviously, a lot of fireworks. all going in different directions. later in the hour we're going to dig deeper into the candidates' messages on economy. despite what you saw, there actually were some substance about the economy, and we'll try to explain some of what happened. jon: yeah. so despite some of the fireworks, there was some serious issue discussion there at that debate. let's analyze the candidates' performances with our next guest, larry sabato, who writes in his crystal ball, quote: senators marco rubio of florida and ted cruz of texas probably had the best nights in part because they mixed it up with the moderators and used the debate to make larger points about what they see as an
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anti-republican mainstream press. it's always a popular attack with a republican audience. on the other end of spectrum, former florida governor jeb bush had, to be brutally honest, another dreadful night. ben carson and donald trump, neither who did much to help or harm themselves, but when you are front runners, that is good enough. larry sabato, the director for the the center after politics -- of politics at the university of virginia joins us now. i'm sure there are a lot of fans of those candidates who might be upset with the way those people were portrayed. you say trump and carson came in to the night as number two and number one, and you don't think they have done much that would knock them from those perches. >> that's correct. i watched what they said with great interest because i wanted to see if there was anything that could have reduced their standing, and i don't think so. the fact that think didn't speak as much, that's been emphasized
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last night and this morning, actually you can't get in trouble for what you don't say. [laughter] jon: yeah. >> all of us learn that in life. so i think they helped themselves in that sense. they didn't say anything that would hurt them with their own supporters and backers. and after all, they are at the top to the heap right now -- at the top of the heap right now. you're absolutely correct to focus on the moderators, and i'm just going to put a plug in for neil cavuto and his colleagues who are going to be moderating the next debate on november 10th. i'll bet you right now, i'll put a big bet on the fact that there will not be nearly as much static after that debate. i think that people will be more satisfied with the questions and the tone from the moderators. jon: yeah. that was absolute chaos, i think, on stage last night in boulder. you say they didn't really hurt -- they didn't really say anything that hurt them. is there a candidate you think who did say something that might
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have hurt him or her? >> the consensus -- and rarely is there complete consensus -- but from right to left, everybody agrees that jeb bush did have a dreadful night. i think his donors had been led to believe that he was going to take charge, which is always tough to do when you've got ten candidates on a stage. plus, what was it, 38 moderators? i lost count. [laughter] jon: close to that. >> people actually there asking questions and participating. so, you know, i think he overpromised to his donors, or maybe his campaign did. and, clearly, he initiated -- bush initiated the set-to with marco rubio, yet rubio won. they both had prepared things to say. they knew it was going to happen. but rubio won easily. he was much more agile in that debate performance. and that's what people are going to remember along with ted cruz's comment going up and down the line about what had been
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said about each candidate. and then he did what newt gingrich did four years ago, he went after the moderators. and that always works in the republican playbook in debates. jon: but you say despite the fact that dr. carson and donald trump are in first and second place, you say they -- you, the crystal ball -- have questions about their ultimate ability to win the nomination or the election. so if neither one of them is, in your view, going to come out of this process on top, who is? >> well, it's not impossible that the final showdown would be between the two co-winners last night, marco rubio and ted cruz. i don't know that. it's possible that trump or carson could end up prevailing in a very split field. but there's so much more to go. they've got the november 10th debate and plenty of debates thereafter.
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also voters really do evolve. if you follow this every four years as i do and many others do, you see voters evolving in how they think of the race. not just the individual candidate, they're thinking about november. they're focusing on the other party, who the other party selected as a nominee, and eventually a lot of republicans ask the question who can actually win, because that's the point of the exercise. jon: and ohio governor kasich seems to be trying to get voters to remember experience matters in his view, but this does not seem to be an electorate that is inclined to reward experience. >> that's a very good point. in that sense, governor kasich and former governor bush have the same problem. they know the details of policy. i'd throw in governor huckabee too. they understand policy. they've been governors of states for many, many years. and yet that's not what the base wants this year. they're interested in someone
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with more of an outsider per educative, an anti- perspective, an antiestablishment perspective. when you've been around a long time and have been connected to prior white houses as jeb bush and john kasich have, it's very difficult to break out of that mold. jon: you write what is happening in the republican party has no modern parallel in that regard. larry sabato -- >> does not, and that's great for us. [laughter] jon: it makes for interesting political writing, doesn't snit. >> it does. jon: larry, thank you. jenna: the economy was supposed to be center stage at the debate, leaving candidates sparring over tax policy which did happen. some candidates favor a flat tax, others flatly dismiss it. is that the issue we should demand to hear from candidates? a great econ panel coming up on that.
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their individual plans to fix the country's tax system. some, including ted cruz and ben carson, advocating a flat tax. take a listen. >> simple flat tax where for individuals a family of four pays nothing on the first $36,000. >> we're reducing taxes to 15%, we're bringing corporate taxes down, bringing money back in, corporate inversions. >> we'll have to get rid of all the deductions and all of loopholes. you also have to do some strategic cutting in several places. >> i'm the only person who's put out a detailed plan on how to deal with entitlements, and it'll save a trillion dollars over the next ten years. >> my plan gives the middle class the greatest break, $2,000 per family. if you make $40,000 a year, a family of four, you don't pay any income tax at all. jenna: here to talk more, maya mcginn maya macguineas, doug holtz-eakin, president of the american action forum, and josh
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vivid vens, research and policy director at the economic policy institute. it's nice to have you all. we had a lot of different ideas, and because we can't get to each one specifically, i just want to speak generally for a moment. doug, in order to fix the economy, if you believe the economy is broken, you have to determine what is priority number one. and the overarching theme from the gop is that tax policy would fix the economy. is that true, doug? is that priority number one? >> i think the better way to say it is priority number one is better economic growth. again and again you saw people point out we've had a substandard recovery, that hillary clinton, they would say many times, the is going to just continue the policies of barack obama, a third term x they're going to be different. and one part of being different, of getting better economic growth is to reform the tax code in a way that interferes less with the economy be, supports saving, investment, ultimately growth -- jenna: doug, do you believe that though?
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>> yes, i think that's an important part. it's not everything. jenna: josh, what do you think? is that priority number one? >> yeah, more tax cuts aimed at high income households, i don't see that as a big priority. we kind of ran that experiment in the early 2000s. the bush recovery was really anemic. i think there's wage stagnation, climate change is a higher priority issue. the idea that so much time is e spent on taxes, that seems like a real distraction to me. jenna: maya, your thoughts? >> i think one of the keys to grow the economy is to actually get our budget and our debt under control. reforming the tax code is a big piece of that if it's done right. but one of the things we've seen from the candidates and we heard a bit about last night is these tax plans would lose trillions of dollars of debt or add trillions in revenue, add to the debt just at a time where we're on track to add $9 trillion to the debt over the next president's term -- assuming two
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terms -- and then we're talking about adding another $3-$10 trillion. i think the important discussion last night was the one about entitlement reform where we saw some of the candidates getting into there. jenna: that's been one of the complaints about these flat tax proposals, they're not going to help when it comes to the budget and the deficit. let me take a quick commercial. when we come back, we're going to talk about the plans you all think we should pay attention to in the weeks and months ahead. we'll be right back.
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well. is a flat tax policy practical? can it succeed? >> so a flat tax, it depends how you structure it, what the rate is. but the kinds of taxes that we've heard about so far are just not workable. the numbers don't add up. and so we're talking about a loss of trillions and trillions of dollars just at a time that we need to figure out how to make our debt better, not worse. i think more importantly, we need to figure out what tax breaks that are in the tax code we're going to get rid of. we lose a trillion dollars a year through tax breaks, and we can broaden the base and get rates down while raising revenue to help the budget, not losing it like a lot of these plans would do as structured so far. jenna: and, maya, you were saying chris christie talking about the entitlements, that's what you would like to hear more about? >> i thought we saw some really good steps forward with candidates talking about real entitlement reform from governor christie to governor bush, john kasich, governor kasich has put out a plan with a few less specifics, but is talking about
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it. and and then you saw other candidates either running away from the issue or putting forward myths about we really don't have to do anything to fix health care programs and that's just not true. the key to getting our budget fixed is dealing with entitlements. jenna: doug, it is confusing, that's why we have to turn to experts about, again, what is best for us and our families. is it pursuing a flat tax or hearing more on entitlement reform? >> i don't think you should pick. first of all, a tax rate is not a tax plan. you need to actually know what goes into the base, you need to know how it's structured. those details matter. so if i'm looking to the candidates, i first and foremost look for people who lay out a lot of details, jeb bush, marco rubio. there are no details in the ben carson plan. it's a statement of a tax rate. but also look, is that tax plan paired with serious plans on the spending side? maya's right, you raise taxes to pay the bills. if the bills are out of control, the tax code doesn't matter. jenna: i see. >> and we have big problems on the entitlement side, and we had a good discussion last night.
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but we also, as she said, have some people assert we can grow our way out of it. that's just not true. and mike huckabee saying, hey, we're going to change nothing. jenna: i only have a minute left, josh, who would you say to pay more attention to? >> yeah, that's a good question. i think in terms of details, i sort of agree that rubio and bush have more of the details. less last night, more the election in general, one way trump is kind of an outlier is he refuses to sort of join the club that says we need to radially pare back social security and medicare. i think that is a policy that is pretty popular even with most republicans, even with tea partiers. i think it's an elite-driven policy desire to go after entitlements first, and i think that's one where trump stands out. jenna: we covered a will -- a lf ground. josh, doug and maya, we appreciate it. >> thank you. jenna: we'll be right back with more "happening now."
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>> want to hear more from the gop presidential candidates? we have two in hour next hour. jenna: jeb bush joining with us first response from the debate as well as rand paul. exciting hour ahead. thank you for joining us. >> see you back here next hour. "outnumbered" starts now. ♪ andrea: this is "outnumbered." i'm andrea tantaros. here with us today. harris faulkner, sandra smith. spokesman for the lee bringing initiative, rachel campos duffy. today's #oneluckyguy, we welcome to the house, former speaker of the house, 2012 presidential candidate and fox news contributor and author of the brand knew book, duplicity, a thriller, newt gingrich is here with us. we're so glad you're here with us, mr. speaker but we do remind you you're outnumbered. >> i feel like i'm outnumbered.
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