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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  November 2, 2015 2:00am-3:01am PST

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i am heather nauert. >> i am answheather childers. >> the kansas city royals are the world series champs. >> the 1, 2 again. inside corner. the royals 2015 world champions. >> there you have it, the reigning royals pulling out their late inning magic coming from behind scored twice in the 9th inning to tie the game and then exploding for five runs to secure the world series title 7-2. >> words can't even describe how awesome this feels right now. couldn't have done it with a better group of guys. >> perez made world series most valuable player. back in kansas city royals fans poured in by the hundreds to watch their team take the crown while mets fans tried to stay
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positive. >> they had a tremendous season and they came out of nowhere. >> such loyal fans. the world series parade a victory celebration will be held tomorrow in downtown kansas city. heather? >> there's always next year. both presidential campaigns coming together for a rare strategy session in the wake of the cnbc debate debacle. changing the format of future debates. live from washington we are here to breakdown the proposal. >> finding common ground is never easy when you are dealing with 15 competing campaigns. last night representatives for almost all of the presidential campaigns agreed on a series of demands giving them greater control of future debates. during a two-hour long meeting they agreed to a two-hour time limit mandatory 30 seconds fore opening and closing statements
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and the same speaking time. this meeting was a direct result on cnbc which the candidates said was unfair and unbiased. they have already stop the partnership with nbc news. they are trying to wrestle some control over the rnc so they can negotiate directly with the networks before the debates. >> i would lake to see us be able to have, you know, a substantial opening statement at least a minute, a substantial closing statement at least a minute. i would like to see tighter guidelines in terms of people when they respond to questions. >> i want smaller groups on the stage, better questions and let us all be heard from. >> they agreed to some terms. the next step is draft a letter
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for future debates in the coming days. >> carly fiorina could not get a representative to make it to the meeting at the time. this is a surprisingly friendly meeting thinking when you are looking at representatives from 15 campaigns that were able to come up with something. >> there's something. that's a shocker. kristin fisher live for us. do not miss the debate one week from tomorrow. to find the fox business network log on to was it a traffic accident or an act of terror? officials now say a commercial jet broke up in the air before crashing in egypt and killed everyone on board that plane. kelly wright is here with breaking developments. >> good morning to you, heather. an investigation is underway to determine what caused the plane to crash over the sinai peninsula an area where egyptian
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security forces are fighting islamic insurgency led by isis. they are rejecting the possibility of technical fault causing it to crash in egypt. red sea result char mel shank to moscow. the charter flight disintegrated into the air. the wide debris field told them that foul play brought the plane down. egyptian and russian officials dismissed the claim saying it was flying at 30,000 feet before contact with traffic control was lost. they say isis does not have surface to air missiles capable of hitting a plane that high in altitude. they expressed concern about the technical condition and safety word. it vanished from radar screens
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20 minutes after it took off. the black boxes were recovered which will help officials determine what went wrong and when it did. several major airliners rerouted flare flights around the sinai peninsula as investigation into the crash continues. >> kelly wright live for us this we will continue to follow the story. former congressman fred thompson has died the tennessee senator, one time president and law and order actor passed away after occurrence of lymphoma. they took a look at his legacy and career that helped shape the political landscape. >> he has worn many acts, lawyer, actor, senator, presidential candidate. >> it's about the future of our country. >> in his book "teaching the pig to dance."
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he recounts his colorful and admittedly lucky life. >> growing up he was raised by hard-working middle class parents after becoming the first in his family to graduate college he went on to law school and despite protests from his mother he became a lawyer. soon after becoming tennessee howard baker's campaign manager. he was appointed minority council to assist republican senators on the watergate committee. thompson made headlines when he filed a wrongful termination suit against democratic governor ray flan ton. he helped expose the cash scheme that led to bran ton's removal from office. it turned into a novel and eventually into a movie. when they cast thompson to play
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himself thus began the start of his long acting career. he was elected to finish the remaining two years of al gore's term and was re-elected two years later. in 2007 he through his hat into the ring into the presidency but withdrew after a tough recommend nature rerace in 2 d-- 2008. >> senator. lawyer, actor dead at the age of 73. >> a confirmed ef 2 tornado in houston. you can see them devastated littering the streets and trees with debris. as many as six tornadoes reported in the area the same system bringing more than 12 inches of rain. four victims were swept away in their cars by the flood water.
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>> maria molina is tracking the rain today. they have had a tough time. a lot of heavy rain and severe weather like you mentioned. the same system is moving today. it will bring additional flooding in the same areas. they are still looking at similar threats across places lake georgia and parts of the carol reynas with heavy rain, flash flooding and the radar already busy the ban handle and western parts of north carolina. we are expecting this to continue through the after nan hours and early tuesday. you can see that as much as 6 inches and 8 ounces won't be out of the question in carolina. hopefully there is no flash flooding. damaging winds and isolated
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tornadoes being the primary concerns. out west we have winter weather now that is starting to impact us across parts of the higher elevations of california and rockies. in temperatures like places like missoula, 37 degrees. >> we will check back with you. with a shootout in the superdome 13 touchdown passes between the saints and the giants. in the end it was all up to the kicker. >> 50 yard attempts is good. >> final score 52-49. payton manning and broncos shut down the packers 29-10. aaron rogers passing for a career low 77 yards. several stars are out with big injuries. the wide receiver stooe smith is done for the year with a torn
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achille's tendon. matt forte also suffered injuries. >> jeff gordon's title help is still alive. take a look at this. >> kansas takes him out. legato into the walls. >> matt and joey wrecking their chances for a win propelling them into 4th place. it gives them the championship race later this month. >> business now? >> yes. dozens of chipotle restaurants shut down over e coli outbreak. >> cheryl casone from the fox business network is here with more. >> chipotle has temporarily closed dozens of restaurants in oregon and washington state after an outbreak of e coli. 19 cases in washington three in oregon have been linked.
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8 of the individuals have been hospitalized. if you need an iphone or you need an upgrade they are shaving off 50 bucks out of the price of a watch when you buy a phone. confirmation from apple on the deal is not there but if it is true it is rare to see them discount anything and their are if hes as to how tell the watch is selling. snap chat updated the terms of service and some of the language in the you update has privacy experts concerned that the app is laying claim to user's pictures. the halloween weekend was the lowest for the box office this year. the martian was once again the big winner. the matt damon flick brought $11.4 million in. goot bumps number 3 the bridge of spies $8 million.
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back to you. >> 11 minutes after the top of the hour. sounded like a bomb went off neighbors say. what caused the fiery explosion that could be felt for miles. >> getting paid for good grades? where students are signing contracts to improve their report card. >> would you do that with your kids? >> i think so, absolutely. >> one of the wild et plays we have seen with eight lateral to the end zone how the rest are paying the price.
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>> good morning. it is quarter past the hour of a seizure may be to blame in a horrific halloween it killed 3 people including a 10-year-old girl and her grandfather an army veteran and purple heart
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recipient. >> heard boom, boom, boom the car went flying. we would hear screams and can't believe something like that is real. it looked like something from a war movie. >> three others are hurt. police are looking into the driver's medical history. >> a house reduced to rubble in a matter of seconds, an explosion that was health and heard miles abay. >> i heard two kind of bomb boom sounds and i was like what's going on? >> that happening in michigan. one person critically injured in that blast. it flattened a home not far from detroit. a gas leak is being investigated for the cause. a student tackled a teacher in class the whole thing caught by camera by another student. you can secret van inge bish teacher slipping a 15-year-old's
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desk and chair over all while dressed in a halloween costume. the teacher angry the student was late to class and on his cell phone. they are trying to determine if fritz was drinking at the time. >> miami's miracle lateral game ending kick return against duke drawing some controversy. they suspended the game's officiating crew by two games. league rules say the outcome can't be overturned which is it in a victory over miami. >> the view is not looking so good these days after these comments about carly fiorina. >> she looks demented. her mouth did not downturn one punch. >> looks like a halloween mask. >> how car refiorina is fighting
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back. the host could lose her seat. >> the top ways to save on your ticket.
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>> 21 minutes after the hour. a maunt taking place this morning for a gunman who shot and killed a student at north carolina winston salem university. >> let's get to the reporter live at the university. good morning. >> good morning. students will be returning to class in a few hours. it will be a very different day. sunday morning around 1:30 a.m. there was a shooting here one
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person was killed. another person taken to the hospital but released had minor injuries. the student that was killed anthony wright jr. 19 years old from charlotte the other victim in this shooting was also a student. right now police have not named a suspect. they are searching for him as we speak. the school also not confirming any names from the suspect. they will be offering counseling services for families as they are needed. heather back to you. >> adrian, thank you. >> in other news quentin tarantino getting celebrity support for attending an anti police rally in new york city. jamie foxx urging the director not to stop.
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>> with tarantino you are the boss and you are amazing, speak telling the truth. >> calls for boycott of tarantino movies grows. robert gray picks up the story from los angeles. >> national association of police organizations represents 250,000 sworn law enforcement officers has now joined the boycott against the oscar winner's films saying in a statement quote as a high pro fill figure his language is utterly and rhetoric threatens the saturday of police and citizens alike. they called on police officers to stop working special assignments or off duty jobs for the project adding quote question freneed to send a loudd clear message hateful rhetoric against police officers is unacceptable. >> they joined police unions in new york. los angeles, houston, new jersey, chicago and philadelphia
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in the boycott. they spoke at the rise up october rally in new york city prote protesting having a conscience. >> when i see murder i have sdantd by. i have to call the murdered the murdered and the murderers the murderers. >> this after police officer randolph holder was killed in the line of duty. the director's father said his son was dead wrong in calling police murderers. the studio behind his up coming drama the hateful lake the wine scene company hasn't made any comments about the film that debuted on christmas day and in time for oscar consideration. heather and heather back to you. >> robert gray thank you so much. intere there is a petition to get raven
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simone off the view, they have 125,000 signatures. >> they did not -- okay. it's in the constitution. >> viewers are upset over several controversial comments she maze this season most notably about hiring people with quote ghetto names. abc standing behind the co host saying raven and confident, genuine and opinionated all qualities that make her a great addition to the panel. to be continued for sure. the host of the view are still feeling the heat over comments about car lae fiorina. >> she kicked off her thing saying people tell me that i didn't smal enough during the last debate. shea looked demented. her mouth did not downturn one time. >> it was like a halloween mask. i love that. >> a smiling fiorina. can you image? >> carly fiorina is now smiling back saying she is sick and tired of being targeted by
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liberal nem niss. >> i think there's a double standard. i was on the view they said none of that to my face. there's nothing more threatening to the media in general and hillary clinton than a conservative woman. it will not stop me and scare me. what these women represent is a set of liberal feminists when think if you don't agree with them on their liberal orthodoxy you don't count, somehow you are not a woman. i am tired of being insulted by liberal feminists who talk about women's issue when every issue is a woman's issue. >> this morning on "fox & friends" she will be on at 8:15 eastern. can't wait for that. >> tame for your monday motivate sore. a 97-year-old woman receiving her high school diploma from
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catholic central high school. she dropped out to take care of her sick mother and was never able to go back. hee became a preschool teacher. >> what a beautiful story. love to hear that one. >> 26 after the top of the hour. proof good can come from guns. how a customer stopped a would be robber in his tracks. >> man's worst friend? is why your cat may be trying to kill you, heather. >> scary looking.
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>> good morning. tragic accident or an act of terror. new questions going askbeing as the airliner that broke apart in the sky killing everyone on board and if isis had anything to do with it. >> and changing the stage. the republican presidential
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campaign the meet behind closed doors to prevent questions like this. >> is this a comic book version of a presidential campaign? >> the debate demand and possible risk with the republican party. >> a sfot that is serving up a sobering reminder "fox & friends first" continues right now. >> good morning to you. welcome to "fox & friends first" this monday morning. i am heather childers. nice to have you here. >> great to have you here heather. i am heather nauert. the owner of the plane that crashed in egypt is insisting a technical problem did not bring down that jet. this breaking development as egyptian officials dispiss claims they caused the tragedy. kelly wright is here with the latest. >> good morning, kelly.
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>> this is like where you athe f war where you are looking to see what they recover. as the investigation of what caused the plane to crash families are mourning the loss of those who died. let's not forget that. all 224 passengers and flight crew died in this. in saint petersburg russia mourners sent sunday bringing flowers pictures of the victims stuffed animals. they also went to churches when they prayed for their loved ones who died in the crash. top aviation officials say the metro jet plane bound for saint petersburg in russia from egypt red sea resort disintegrated high into the air. they are rejecting the crash was caused by a technical problem. they say the plane rapidly lost speed before plunging from the sky. pieces of the plane were scattered over a large area. some belief the wide debris from the plane's disintegration could
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possibly show foul play brought the plane down. sky news say isis claim it was responsible for the crash. egyptian investigators say the plane was not shutruck from outside. they state the plane was flying at 36,000 feet before contact with air traffic control was lost. officials aisis does not have surface to air missiles capable of hitting a plane that high in altitude. before taking off the co pilot had expressed concerns about the jet's technical condition and its safety record. the plane vanished from the radar. the box offices were recovered which helped officials determine what and when things went i don't think wrong. >> we will be watching that one throughout the day. three people murdered by a gunman who opened fire on the streets of colorado springs, colorado. take a look. >> they yelled put the gun down
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he turned around and that's when they shot him a good 20 times. or shot at him at least a good 20 times. there was a lot of gun fire. >> after reports of a shooting police spotted a man walking down the street with a gun. he opened fire. police fired back killing him. the officers are now on administrative leave. the killer's motive is not yet known. we will keep you posted. a would be robber is shot dead inside a chicago store by a customer with a concealed carry license. 65-year-old reginald guild dersly pulled out a gun and tried to hold up the business. that's when the armed customer shot him several times killing him inside the store. no word if the unidentified customer will face charges. trying to change the campaign. they are coming together for a rare weekend strategy session in the wake of the cnbc debate debacle. the outcome to change the format
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of future debates. kristin fisher is live for us to breakdown the propose tal and they also may leave the republican party out of it all together. hi kristin. >> hey, heather. last night after a two-hour long meeting representatives from almost all of the presidential campaigns agreed to a series of demands that would give them greater control of the debate. they want a two-hour time limit mandatory 30 seconds for opening and closing statements equal speaking time for each candidate and editorial control of all on screen graphics. >> the structure is not leading to the best candidate coming out of the debate. i would like to have smaller groups all of us be heard equally ask better questions if we do that we will get the best nominee to win an election we can't afford to lose. if we continue with this process it will hurt our chances of winning in 2013. >> this meeting with the
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director of the debate. the chairman of the national public committee already suspended the partnership with nbc news. that wasn't enough they are trying to wrestle some control away from the rnc so they can negotiate directly with the network before the debate. they want to negotiate the debate format and let the rnc handle the district. >> the only one not representative at the meeting was carly fiorina. but she said it was a matter of logistics. >> i have campaign staff in iowa with me. logistically we couldn't work it through. the rnc made a decision to exclude and be seen from subsequent debates. i think that was the appropriate decision. >> the next step is campaigns will send a letter to all future debate hosts outlining their demands. they don't have a ton of time. the next debate on the fox business network is eight days away. heather? >> kristin fisher live for us. thank you, kristin. new house speaker paul ryan going on a speaking tour hitting
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fooi sunday shows to talk about his vision for congress. he says president obama cannot be trusted on immigration. >> the president has proven himself untrustworthy on this issue because he tried to unilaterally rewrite the law himself. presidents don't write laws congress does. the president has proven himself to be untrustworthy on this issue. i think if we talk about border security that's one thing but i do not believe we should advance comprehensive immigration legislation with a president who has proven himself untrustworthy on this issue. >> he wants to change how the house works by having more participation from members. >> a 4.1 mag thud quake hit right by black canyon city followed by a 4.0 quake 20
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minutes later. luckily no reports of injuries or damage. the soerp system brought sever weather with it. some torontos are being reported through the area. the storm system is on the move and forecast to bring more extreme weather. here in some the areas could be looking at anywhere between 3 and 6 inches of rain. locally across the carolinas some areas can be seen up to 8 inches of rainfall. it is significant it will be in a short amount of time as we head into your tuesday. we could be seeing flash flooding out here. severe weather will continue to be possible with damaging winds and isolated tornadoes possible.
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temperature wise we are on the chili said. 39 in cleveland. chili in the northern rockies with temperatures in the 30's. out there we could be looking at snow accumulating across the higher elevations. let's head over to you. >> we could get to the ski resorts. the kansas city royals world series champion. >> the 1, 2 again. inside corner. the royals 2015 world champions. >> the reigning royals pulling out the late inning magic to tie the game then 5 runs in the last inning. >> he was named the world series most valuable player, salvador perez. a parade will be held in downtown kansas city. >> he is very hap he pee. >> yes, he is. a high honor for american hero.
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spencer stone one of the three men who thwarted a terror attack on a paris bound train is moving up in the ranks. he has been promoted to staff sergeant. not only stopped the attack but also stabbed three times earlier this month. while stopping a fight outside of a california bar. >> britain's prince harry shares an emotional moment with a marine. embracing the prince after completing a 1,000 mile journey from scotland to london to raise money for his charity. she also gets the dog tag of a fallen soldier. her helicopter crash landed in afghanistan back in 2012. she will soon undergo surgery to have her leg amputated. what a hero. >> the time now is 20 minutes after the top of the hour. concerns halloween candy the dangerous discovery inside some kid's treats. >> we will tell you about the new technology aimed at
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strengthening lee ration ships with cops and the communities. >> a wild stunt involving alcohol and a tiger. this story almost hard to believe. you total your brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay
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three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. . .
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>> halloween candy scare. those are sowing needles inside candies given to neighborhood children. someone left cough syrup out for trick or treaters. no injuries have been reported. >> a free app aims to hold police they say accountable for their actions.
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>> excessive force. >> interesting narration to that. >> ray an brown recording officer pulling him over for a crashed windshield in march. at-batting clu wants to track the organization says citizens have every write -- right to record police. it allows them to send video directly to the group. >> no matter what happens while the phone is in the hands of the police they won't be able to erase the video because we will have a copy. >> the app allows users to file a police report as well. >> thank you, heather. cash for good grades. how does that sound to you? john glenn high school in westland, michigan, offering contracts that pay students up to 200 per semester for improved report cards. it is part of a 50,000 dollar scholarship program to give kids more than a pat on the bat in return for their hard work?
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>> what do you think about that? >> taxpayers paying for that one? not so sure about that, parents on the other hand, pretty good idea. >> with weeks away they can get deals on airplane tickets for holiday vacations. adam shapiro is now with the ticket to save you some money. hi there, adam. >> i can guarantee you taxpayers will not be paying for this. usually you have to book 2 or 3 months ahead of time. tickets for thanksgiving usually go up in price ten-days before the holiday. that gives you two weeks to get a ticket now at lower prices. consider flying on thanksgiving day and avoid flying on the wednesday before the holiday chaos. orbitz says the best day is to buy a ticket for christmas or new year's eve vacations are coming this friday and saturday november 6th and 7th. avoid floog i the weekend after
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christmas. ality atlanta fort lauderdale and washington, d.c. reagan national. the most expensive jfk, philadelphia, san francisco and los angeles and philadelphia. >> book yours early and plan ahead. >> call them man's worst friend. your cat may be trying to kill you. >> any meev new meaning to grum. house cats have similar personality traits to lions leopards and wildcats. this includes newer rot sichl, dominance and i am pulsiveness. if house cats were larger they might consider killing us. i brooef that, heather. >> no. >> i think so. i think it's right. 47 minutes after the hour.
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a bar serving up a sobering reminder. the salt lake city business teamed up with police to make a change giving a real life look at exactly what happens when you drunk and drive. they want to reduce fatality statistics there. it is complete with a bunk bed, a jail like door and striped uniforms on the mirrors above the sinks. >> i don't know. i think people will turn that into a joke, though. i don't think that will work. >> the time is 15 minutes until the top of the hour. trouble on "the tonight show." not everyone is laughing at jimmy fallon. >> we will go live with how the mets fans are handling the loss this morning. >> steve doocy is here. >> what do you mean heartbreak at home. how about heuer ray in the heartland, kansas city, the royals. >> great headlines, steve. >> kansas city, here i come.
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the royals win the world series. we are going to talk about that. i am from kansas city. big day for me. meanwhile in other news republican candidates laying out a list of demands for any up coming political debates. should they stop complaining or do they have a point? we are going to debate that. donald trump and jeb bush both say they have the better plan to nic fix the va. what do the veterans think? we will have the story. chris christie and carly fiorina is live. it particulars off in exactly 10 minutes and 42 seconds from now right here on the channel you trust for news. ♪ welcome to the most social car we've ever designed.
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the 2015 nissan murano. recipient of autopacific's best-in-class vehicle satisfaction award. now get great deals on the nissan murano.
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jimmy fallon.
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there are reports this morning that the nbc funny man may be one of the network's biggest worries. he's had three injuries in four months. nbc is worried that his drinking is excessive. this hand injure fri june when he nearly severed his finger after tripping on a rug at his home. the kansas city royals pulling out late inning magic to win the world series for the first time in 30 years to the disappointment of mets fans. kerry drew live in new york with reaction. hi. >> reporter: good morning to you, heather. a disappointing loss for mets fans. the mets were in the lead for most of the game last night until the ninth inning when things fell apart for the mets. the royals tied it up and went into extra innings and the royals won the whole thing after a hitting spree in the 12th inning. the final score 7-2. we caught up with some of the mets fans, disappointed about
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the heartbreaking loss but looking forward to next year. >> it was real rough. i don't know what to tell you. maybe next year will be better. we'll see what happens. >> it was one of the hardest things to watch. still a great team. >> they had a tremendous season. came out of nowhere. >> next year, 2016, we'll be here again. >> something to look forward to. the royals actually lost the world series last year and went on to win it this year. the mets could do the same in 2016. by the way, it would be the 30th anniversary of the last time they won the world series which was 1986. live in midtown in new york city, heather and heather, back to you. >> carrie drew, thanks so much. like the positivity. all the alcohol in a tiger. the story almost hard to believe. cope, cope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula
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works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. [special effects] lisa! what took you so long? duracell quantum lasts longer in 99% of devices, [laser blasts] so you can power imagination all day long. [duracell slamtones]
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before you leave the house, here's what's hpening today. the airline that operated the flight that crashed in egypt insists that the plane was brought down by an external influence. all 224 people on board were killed. egyptian officials are dismissing claims that isis is behind the tragedy. 43 chipotle restaurants shut down in oregon and washington state because of an e. coli outbreak. for the first time in 30 years, the kansas city royals are the world series champions
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winning game 5 in the 12th inning. first the good this morning. two teenagers going viral for an act of kindness. they filmed themselves with ordering 100 mcdonald's cheeseburgers to feed the homeless in los angeles. it's viewed more than 8 million times. the bad. a drunken halloween stunt leaves a woman in the hospital with a tiger bite. this woman being treated for a mauled left hand after sneaking into a zoo. she tried to pet an 18-year-old tiger. she was cited for criminal trespass. finally, the ugly. a grown woman is caught on hidden cam ray taking all of the halloween candy left outside the home. the family left a note saying be considerate. the woman left nothing behind for the trick-or-treaters and she's a grown-up. really? >> talking about the debate changes as gop candidates tried to fix the format.
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what changes need to be made to ensure a fair debate. log on to our facebook page for a live debate. #keep talking. everybody have a great day. i'll see you here with heather tomorrow. >> "fox and friends" starts right now. bye. good morning to you. today is monday, november 2nd. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. stunning new development on what brought down the plane that left more than 200 dead. there was no technical problem tore pilot error. we're going to tell you what happened. well, it took 30 years for a repeat. >> the one two again. inside corner. the royals 2015 world champions! >> my kansas city royals knocked off brian's mets after an incredible comeback late last night. all the highlight as most of of the crew closes their eyes for


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