tv Outnumbered FOX News November 2, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PST
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fans, responsible for lighting and camera work. if things go dark you will know why. >> see you back here in an hour. jenna: "outnumbered" starts right now. ♪ harris: this is a fox news alert that we'll start with in just a moment. this is "outnumbered." thanks for watching everybody. i'm harris faulkner. here with me, sandra smith. andrea tantaros. kennedy of fox business's "kennedy" herself. peter johnson, jr., here. from "fox & friends." welcome, thanks. we'll break in now with the news alert i was telling you about. the president getting ready to sign the budget bill, bipartisan budget bill. promising this two-year bipartisan budget deal will get us far beyond government shutdown threats in his words.
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let's watch. >> what we now see is a budget that reflects our values, that grows our economy, creates jobs, keeps america safe. it is going to strengthen the middle class by investing in critical areas like education and job training, basic research. it keeps us safe by investing in our national security and making sure that our troops get what you need in order to keep us safe, perform all the outstanding duties they do around the world. it protects seniors avoiding harmful cuts to medicare and social security. and it is paid for in responsible, balanced way. in part, for example, by making sure that large hedge funds and private equity firms pay what they owe in taxes just like everybody else. by locking in two years of funding it should finally free us from the cycle of shutdown threats and last minute fixes.
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it allows to us therefore plan for the future. so i very much appreciate the work that democratic and republican leaders did to get this to my desk. i think it is a signal how washington should work and my hope is now they build on this agreement with spending bills that also invest in america's priorities without getting sidetracked by a whole bunch of idealogical issues that have nothing to do with our budget. so this is just the first step between now and the middle of december before the christmas break. the appropriators will have to do their job. they will have to come up with spending bills but this provides them the guidepost and baseline which to do that and i'm confident that they can get it done on time and there's no better christmas present for the american people because this will allow the kind of stability
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and will allow the economy to grow at a time when you've got great weakness in economies around the world. this putting us on a responsible path and making sure that the american people are beneficiaries. so, i very much appreciate the work. let's keep it going. with that i'm going to sign it. there you go. i want to thank in particular the staffs of both democratic and republican leaders in both the house and the senate because they worked overtime to get this done. i want to thank my own staff in particularly, katy palin and brian deese standing in the back. they gave up a bunch of lost weekends to make this happen. they did a outstanding job and we're proud of them. thank you very much, everybody. harris: with that, the president signing two-year bipartisan
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budget deal, thanking people in the room on our payroll, as i might imagine, of taxpayers for doing their job. today's headline about the a national debt had a lot to do with it. as president goes forward with spending plan we now know we'll approach $20 trillion in debt while he is in office. the other issue in all of this he is saying quote, this should free the nation from last minute government shutdown threats. what is also frees us president having this on his desk anytime during the rest his term. andrea, you're nodding. andrea: i'm nodding but also sighing with disgust. republicans control the house and senate and one of the things they promised to bring fiscal restraint to washington, d.c. we haven't seen that. and the reason is because politically, harris, a government shutdown, if they actually united said, we are not going to continue to spend, spend, spend our way into debt, they know that democrats and
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media would win that argument. they would say seniors won't get their checks and veterans won't get their checks and services would shut down. so republicans caved on this. i think a lot of people hoping speaker ryan over the next couple years will have a backbone and stand up to the spending. the president basically got everything he wanted with this deal. to say this is responsible and christmas gift is flat-out lie. this is passing on $50,000 of debt per person. that is your fair share of debt. that is not responsible and certainly not a christmas present. harris: peter, i pointed out that this sick asking can down the road for two years. he will be on a cruise somewhere or wherever is going. >> this is phony rehe can flecking our values. this is big government and washington democrat and republicans. saying this is christmas present to the american people, this is not delivered. fedex and ups coming in middle
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january based on this christmas present for president i can do what i want for the next year. don't aggravate me. i won't worry about republicans shutting anything down. do what i want, spend what i want, having a good year. all good. harris: with regard to the brand new speaker of house, paul ryan saying he wants what conservatives wanted bottoms-up approach in terms of governing getting things done. >> yes. harris: this is huge precedent to set, technically on former speaker boehner's watch we all wear it as andrea pointed out to a lot of debt. >> pete from national taxpayers union. i love him. he gave me tour of d.c. to point out ways we're wasting money. government alone, not just to mention government programs we talk a lot. just servicing debt alone will cost a trillion dollars a year. on loose two administrations we have seen our national debt quadruple.
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it was five million dollars in 2000. just 15 years later, $20 trillion. that is phenomenal, unbelievable, irresponsible, unconscionable number. harris: a lot of that number from what i'm reading the war, all the wars we tried to hand out finance with china and more debt. we're starting new, under this current president. sandra: expect reaction from all gop presidential candidates now. rand paul said we're giving the president a free pass here. this will make for some interesting reaction in coming minutes and hours. backlash over last week's republican debate on cnbc where there is still incoming reaction, many candidates fed up with what they saw as biased questions, and with little time they had to actually answer them. operatives from the majority of the campaigns meeting behind closed doors last night, signaling they are prepared to sidestep the republican national committee. dr. ben carson and senator lindsey graham on some changes they would like to see.
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>> i would like to see, you know, tighter guidelines in terms of people, when they respond to questions. you know, some people just pretty much ignore what the time constraints are. we should have moderators who are interested in disseminating the information about the candidates as opposed to, you know, gotcha. >> reince priebus is a good man. he rebuilt a republican party that was pretty much in tatters but this debate structure is not leading to the best candidates coming out of debates. i would like smaller groups. all of us be heard equally, ask better questions. if we'll do that we'll get the best nominee to win an election we can't afford to lose. sandra: while campaigns didn't agree on everything, carson's campaign manager laying out at least three things they all want to see changed. >> one thing that everybody agreed upon, there will be opening and closings. there will be editorial control of graphics. and we also want a formula,
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somehow equalization of the questions asked to all the candidates. so you can't just, don't invite somebody on the stage and ignore them for two hours. sandra: meantime rnc chair reince priebus has not been silent in all of this saying in an interview this morning that the committee is still in control of the debate process. peter, i have got to get your take on this first. >> yes. sandra: do you think candidates have good points here? dr. carson, for example, saying he wants tighter guidelines. he wants moderators to meet specific criteria? >> moderators should meet the specific criteria of fairness and balance. that is their criteria. and at some point the republican candidates will look weaselly and weak if they continue on this parade. given the cnbc and cnn debates were debacles. they were assassination squads. they comprised quentin tarantino's hateful
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eight in terms of two shows in terms of republican candidates. they have to say, listen, let's move on. priebus negotiated it. it is not a good idea to go on a hard liberal network that is devoted and dedicated to taking down the republican party. so when you make a choice about going on cnbc, or sister station msnbc, what do you expect? i think at this point they're all on the same page. they will move together. we probably won't hear about this in the next day or two because if we do it will hurt republicans. move on. move on. sandra: to your point, chris christie came out making same point. hey, guys, we're running for president of the united states, if we can't handle moderatorses tough questions we shouldn't be in the job. i should point out one first people on the stage to criticize. >> he had a good debate performance. part of that he was part of mutiny of candidates who rose up against those moderators who were not very well researched.
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i would ask you, sandra, you are moderating one of the debates a week from tomorrow night on fbn. this will be an incredible debate and great moment. how does it affect the way you prepare for it? all of this talk about debates and deals between the rnc and campaigns, how does it affect you? >> the most important thing to remember this isn't about the moderators, this isn't about the network the debate is on, this is about getting tough questions answered for american people who are largely undecided to vote for in this debate. that is key. there are tough questions to be asked and then there is gotcha questions dr. carson was referring to. the gotcha questions don't do anybody any favors. you have to put those aside, ask tough questions. >> rnc said we're not including fox in this. they know fox will be fair. sandra: we're settled down. mark your calendars, by the way. next tub republican debate is a week away, november 10th.
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trish regan and i start the first coverage at 6:00 p.m. and neil cavuto and maria bartiromo at 9:00 p.m. developments in the email scandal, andrea. andrea: pressure the fbi is reportedly under to move fast on investigation. one report that she is too big to jail. reports that hollywood director quentin tarantino is expected to apologize for calling cops murderers. this after police unions across the country threaten to boycott his projects. is, i'm sorry, good enough? can we turn around rampant anti-police rhetoric? catch more on the couch from the web. join us outnumbered overtime.,/"outnumbered." click on over time tab. we'll talk about the fox news debate. sandra is moderating. send her some suggestions. we'll start talking about it during owe tee.
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266 messages, or one out of every 16, have information marked as confidential. in the meantime, mcclatchy is reporting fbi is under pressure to act quickly when it comes to the investigation into her email scandal but there are reportedly some doubts that hillary will ever face criminal charges. one national security attorney telling mcclatchy, quote, she is too big to jail. and another lawyer saying, it is very hard for the government to prove what they have to prove to get a conviction. so, peter johnson, jr., our attorney on the couch, counselor, is she too big to jail or too politically connected? >> she might be. we need to be realistic. do we believe a democratic-controlled justice department is going to indict and convict the would-be democratic presidential candidate of the united states? i believe grandest jury of all will decide, the american electorate during the
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presidential election. they will decide did she use good judgment? did he she decide to put her own personal convenience over national security? do we have a president that has those qualities? do we have a president that won't take responsibility for what she does when she does something wrong? i don't believe there will be a prosecution. i think if some folks kid people that there is going to be a prosecution, that is what they're doing, they're kidding them. we'll look at this as it goes on. tough prove intent or prove gross negligence. tough standard, especially tough standard dealing with a democratic presidential candidate. and justice is not always in this country. and the big folks, sometimes, get away with stuff they shouldn't get away wit. and she is the biggest at this point. andrea: peter, i have been saying i agree with you wholeheartedly. i do not see that woman getting indicted. i do not see obama's doj bringing charges.
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harris, we know the fbi is doing due diligence. if they don't indict, i could see a frustrated fbi could leak they recommended charges but didn't get them. that means media would have cover story. people say, but they will? they cover a leaked memo. i say three letters, i, r, s. this is politicized administration got away with the irs. she will get away with this too. harris: this is interesting to me. fbi is supposed to operate independently. there is pressure being put on fbi. we don't know where that is coming from it would be good to know. that is important point if it is true. when we know what the fbi has in leaked fashion but will be too late for anybody to act on m this hillary clinton getting something she really needs. that is for the story to kind of morph and change. as long as it's on the fbi or it is on the doj it is not on her.
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when she does speeches on stomach or whatever, she can focus getting her message. if she feels as peter suggested or said that, that it will not come to bite her, she doesn't have to worry too much. let it go off the front page with her name in it and you've given her a christmas gift. andrea: sandra, we saw a "new york times" report two weeks ago. a fbi agent spoke on condition of anonymity. we feel major pressure to release things, because obama on "60 minutes," basically gave her cover that she needed. we learned over the weekend she provided security to the libyan president when he asked for it, the libyan president. however, she didn't provide it to her own diplomat, to ambassador christopher stevens. that was pretty damning. that came out of emails on friday as well. sandra: not that damning if you're saying anything really happening or her being held accountable or indictment are very slim.
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i wonder, peter, is there any one can lift or one thing that would change in the story would change your chances of her being accountable? >> whole butch of emails explicitly saying top secret, top secret. we've seen deception. we've seen the lying. we've seen lack of accountability. we've seen lack of integrity on these issues but indictment is difficult issue. the american people will make ultimate decision. this is still the hugest issue in this campaign for her, even though i don't believe there will be indictment. andrea: i don't see that happening. they have to do something because of petraeus. anything less than what they gave to petraeus would seem like. >> they are complete hypocrites this administration. i take opposite stance. hillary clinton wants indictment. turn into it personal gain. harris: victim. >> absolutely. victim-hood and participate sawnship to raise money and turn
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herself into the victim here. that is -- >> i love you. she knows about indictments but you don't want to be indicted. andrea: i agree. boycott of quentin tarantino films is now snowballing. police unions across the country turning their backs on the director. whether we could soon see a turning point in anti-cop sentiment. speaking of anti-cop sentiment how about a class at elite college that you're paying for, takes police to task not just in present but throughout history. where it is being taught and what it means for america's future leaders. ♪
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a quick flash back. tarantino attend ad rally against police brutality and reportedly called police murderers. now protests are building. a group that represents 1000 police units and associations is joining in along with the illinois fraternal order of police. also getting in on boycott local unions in new york, los angeles, new york, philadelphia and new jersey and houston. producer harvey weinstein reportedly called him to apologize. the wrap is reporting he will do that in opinion piece, though, we don't know when that's going to happen. tarantino's new movie, "the hateful eight" set to open on christmas day. that could affect the release because unions are calling on police to refuse to provide security. around and around he goes.
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tarantino feeling eat. >> he will double jerk down on it. he has been a jerk. we'll explain what this about and twice as many people boycotting the movie called, "the hateful 8:00". coming out around christmas i believe. harris: christmas day. >> there will be three, four times as many people -- listen, i have represented the widows and families of police officers. in fact i helped push through legislation here in new york state calling, concern for police and their survivors. we had college scholarships. we did benefits. ability for women to remarry after their husbands died in the line of duty because they couldn't get their pension if they remarried for some years here in new york. pain and intensity of pain is something i can't describe in words. for a guy to engage in this kind of hateful, spiteful, sick, demented, talk about demented later, demented behavior, it is beyond the bounds. his apology will mean little. it won't be an apology. they will screw it up.
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he should say i apologize today, i'm wrong and i'm sorry. harris: boils down to money. andrea, harvey weinstein, according to "new york post" is not happy about this. in fact that apology according to their reporting is coming specifically from weinstein who wants him not only to apologize but he may be floating around idea of having police and their families see the film this christmas on him. that is what i'm reading. >> let me laugh. andrea: wow, how generous of harvey to do that. what a great way to spend christmas, watching a movie by someone who called youd a murderer. >> widows and children, invite them. they love to go. andrea: send him check for what ticket would cost and unlimited popcorn. i'm glad harvey weinstein is making tear ren tino apologize. it is all about the bach. not because it is right thing to do. tarantino believe this in his heart.
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cops feel like they have targets on their back. not to this extreme. quentin said they are murderers. we have seen the administration wag his fingers at police. we've seen a mayor here in new york, lecture police not to exercise their first amendment right. cops are having trouble doing their jobs because they fear they will lose their pension, lose their loves, lose their jobs because they don't feel legislators have their back. liberal hollywood is apologizing because they want the money. harris: he is tone deaf because that rally came days after a police officer was gunned down. >> the problem here if he decides to come apologize, he is doing that sake positive the movie. >> to pacify his boss. >> people of good will should -- harris: quentin tarantino's career as filmmaker. we'll see if that turns out to be. meanwhile.
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a course a at ivy league campus is named most biased course in america but the conservative website, campus reform. history of police in the united states, slave patrols to ferguson, all one quote. it is taught at stanford university. the course description asks, how do police come to have the power to use violence? themes will include, growth of professional policing, creation of private police forces and vigilantism. and public portrayals of police by hollywood and the press. by the way, runners up, those courses that came in second and third place, one, taking marx seriously at amherst college. the refusal to work at cornell university. sandra, your thoughts. sandra: most biased course, i don't know. is that a stretch to assume this isn't like other classes offered in other universities across this country right now? i always say when we have reports things happening on our universities and our college campuses you wonder how much more of this is going on out
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there, right, peter? this is one instance coming to life. >> it is but i will surprise you, i think the courses are okay. harris: really? why? >> i think a campus is about academic freedom and freedom of expression, exposing people to even stupid ideas and have them debated. there has been a history of problems in policing since time in memorial. it is okay to talk about. i'm not going to say police are racist because they're not. i'm not saying police are inherently violent. they're not. if they want to say that it is a up did course. let them debate it. but i'm not going to shut down courses at university even if it's a stupid course like that allegedly getting five units, five units. harris: that's a lot. >> if you want to pay for it, go for it. >> here is what i recommend, peter. if you have lib perty-minded students, especially those in third and fourth years won't go
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to graduate schools, take these courses and drop bombs. if you're not looking into law school or advanced degree you no longer care, go in, challenge the professor and really exercise your -- that is exactly what i'm talking about. always great to have lawyer on the couch. harris: seeing value in having open conversations. i would love to know andrea's thought because there are a lot of things they refuse to teach on campus, they won't tough we talked about religion on campuses and some things is being kept out by this is kept in. andrea: depends if it is a state school or private school. in stanford you want to be a dope to send your kids to a school to pay over $60,000 to learn this? or learn about, what was it, difficulty of work? harris: refuse aol to work. andrea: they don't have to refuse kids nowadays. there is no jobs for you. if you want to go into debt
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hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn this garbage, go for it. it's a free society, as peter said. state schools open pressing freedom of speech, first amendment, what i have a problem with. peter is right, banning courses if it's a private school, that is not really best thing. >> we all understand the outrage. what i'm saying is. if they want to have the courses they can have those courses. but then you make a determination, as you say about the validity of the education at that particular institution. >> you know what? i think conservatives student should take the course around demand a trigger warning before they are offended just like liberal students are doing. harris: how interesting. >> microaggression shuns and trigger words you're not allowed to utter for fear of being punished and fired. harris: maybe tacitly, what is happening because they got most biased course on campus by conservative group. andrea: some college students
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will say i'm targeting by professor and -- i took lower gpa standing up to professors. you have to stand up to professors even if you give you a bad grade. go for it. >> microaggression i didn't know about. harris: five units, at ivy league to pay for a lot according to peter. >> a lot of money. harris: carly fiorina has choice words of the hosts of "the view" after they morninged her appearance at the last debates not her being there but the way she looks. one of them even said, fiorina looked quote demented. how carly is firing back and what she should say when she sees them face-to-face this week. >> what this points out, liberals and unfortunately includes liberal women, when they don't like the message they attack the messenger.
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co-hosts mocked her smile during the recent republican primarily debate. co-host michelle collins going to far to say fiorina looked demented, a criticism echoed by whoopi goldberg. joy behar said fiorina's face should be turned into a halloween mask. fiorina responded and looking forward to her appearance on "the view" this week. >> i don't need apology, what this points out liberals and unfortunately liberal women when they don't like the message they attack the messenger. if you don't like the message, man up and debate me. don't talk about my face. my candidacy has been called offensive to women by women. i been told i hate women because i'm prolife because woman. they don't like to deal with the truth of our message.
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andrea: back in september, some of those very same "view" co-hosts criticized donald trump for his comments made about fiorina's appearance. pretty hypocritical, p.j. j, of women of "the view." they really went after donald trump. >> that is really a surprise. andrea: then insulted carly in most disgusting of ways. >> when you talk about demented there is a butch of definitions. some have dementia which is quite serious afflicts americans in different forms whether like alzheimer's or mental defects. someone is mad or insane not worth think belief. part of this notion if you espouse conservative viewpoint, you're a woman, you're mad, insane or not worthy of belief and going off half-cocked. you shouldn't be listened to. i wouldn't go on the show if i was she. she said they should man up.
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they should women up before they even man up. harris: i like that. >> and could not front her. i wouldn't go on that show. what kind of -- harris: that is my question. why would you -- >> no one watches it to begin with. my mother won't watch it. my wife won't watch it. my younger daughter won't watch it. they don't watch the show. why would you gone on it? andrea: carly fiorina refuses to play the victim. said about the republican debates. i will debate anybody. her campaign didn't show up at meeting. she is not afraid of women of "the view." i can't wait to see how she handles them. sandra: attack on her personal looks because they didn't side with her views on issues. i kind of disagree with carly there. i don't think these people attacking her or anybody attack her looks probably don't know the issues. they don't know where she stands on the economy or taxes. maybe some personal views or issues they understand. then they decide to attack her
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based on that. with my experience in life, anybody that chooses to attack someone, especially their looks, because they have a personal problem themselves. best not to dig deeper into that because they're probably -- >> so gee graphically myopic, here is bunch of, would you, breaking stereotypes here. they are east coast liberals who think everyone lives in new york city and thinks like they do. sandra: agreed. >> not necessarily the case if anyone attacked:the same way -- hillary clinton the same way they would go after him like comments in "rolling stone." carly is absolutely right to go on the show. maybe be a little bit instructive on issues. i don't agree with her on a lot of stuff but uninformed leftists the scourge of the broadcast
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media! andrea: some. people wouldn't get out of bed if they read some of my tweets. they call you bimbo or all these different things. what disappointed me about this? women are supposed to build other women up. they're supposed to say it is her choice to be republican. let's have each other's backs. let's circle wagons. women of the view stoop to level i think this is disgraceful to eat their own. >> they're tool of party. not a tool of feminism or empowering women. harris: talking about building each other up, wouldn't even get that far, would help if they were neutral. i'm curious to know how this is going forward. will they apologize? where do you start with something like this? they vilified donald trump for him saying whatever he said about carly fiorina. and, as you pointed out they would probably, most likely defend hillary clinton. so where do you go with this woman? are they threatened by her because she tough. >> we were just kidding. harris: especially considering her up against hillary clinton.
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is that what the threat is? where is the threat? i would start with a question if i were her. andrea: we'll see how she handles it. i can not wait. he said he wouldn't sacrifice family time to take on the role of house speaker. now that rand paul, or should say paul ryan has the job, he is coming out against helping democrats who want to expand paid family leave. whether that is the right move or not. we'll debate it. ♪ [eerie music] i am the ghost of cookies' past...residue. gross. well, you didn't use pam. so it looks like you're stuwith me! bargain brand cooking spray leaves annoying residue. that's why there's pam.
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i'i've been an elementary school teacher for 16 years. it is really difficult to afford living here in san francisco. i went into foster care my freshman year of high school. i think there was like 9 people living in a 3-bedroom house. claudia: 40% of the mission rock housing will be for low- and middle-income families. there will even be housing for people like micaela who are coming out of the foster-care system. micaela: after i left the foster-care system, i realized that i just couldn't do it on my own. not knowing where you guys are gonna go that night and just stay, like, it sucked not knowing that. mission rock -- it's completely different from anywhere that i've lived. it looks so much prettier. the atmosphere -- it just gives off possibilities. like, i have a chance. i can print out like six different ways to get to work. i would be proud to have someone like micaela be my neighbor. i would love to have somebody like claudia be my neighbor. claudia: i feel like it's part of what san francisco should be.
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harris: more "outnumbered" for you in just a moment. first let's go to jon scott what is coming up in second hour of "happening now." >> hey, harris, bipartisanship breaking ought all over washington. president obama signing hr1314, the bipartisan budget act of 2016. puts budget battles off until after the 2016 election mike emanuel reporting. polls suggesting good news for marco rubio in key early contest state. we have breaking news ahead on that. and new details on that russian jet that went down in the sinai desert. investigators have black boxes. so far they are not ruling out terrorism. the latest on that crash and the aftermath, coming up on "happening now." harris: sue you then. thank you. -- see you then.
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>> thank you, harris. sandra: house speaker paul ryan taking heat for saying no to family leave. before he would be house speaker he would not sacrifice family time. some democrats are portraying ryan as hypocrite not supporting family leave legislation. on "fox news sunday" he pushed back. >> i don't think people asked me toe be speaker to take more money from hard-working taxpayers for some family entitlement. if you want me to be best dad, husband, an speaker i can, getting work life balance correct i should sign up for new unfunded entitlement doesn't make sense to me. sandra: where do you fall, peter. >> i'm for family act. i think it should bs pad. sandra: do you think he should be called hypocrite. >> he says it is not unfunded. i think we should encourage
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families not abortions in this country. the price to pay 1.50 a week by employee and employer together to insure a woman has the capacity to be paid 2/3 of her salary for 12 weeks i think that is a good thing in the united states. and i think a lot of people, and a lot of companies get that. so through disability policies, through other policies. think that should be a national american policy. that we value women, that we value families. that we value new babies in this country. and i think it is inherently conservative, republican, approach especially if employees pay for it themselves. sandra: that's interesting but that is not what paul ryan is proposing. >> no. sandra: democrats are saying hey, kennedy you wanted your family time. you only agreed to take on role of speaker if you spend time you want with your family. is there a way he could work this out? that the republican party could back him?
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>> you know what i think? i think there are plenty of wonderful things paul ryan does with his family. i think he can do them without a government mandate. we have forgotten this country, what the function and role of government is because we're paying for so much. we're so over extended. if this is cultural value and thing we demos necessary, we have to stop funding redundant federal programs left and right. you have both parties who refuse to take any responsibility and therefore, programs like this, that may be very noble, fall out of the scope of what government is capable of a doing at this point because it is hamstrung itself with spending and debt. harris: i would ask one question though. when you talk about paul ryan taking time for his family, four-day work week? are we as taxpayer paying for him to take three days off? i'm asking as devil's advocate. certainly not hypocrisy but conflicting perspectives. i don't know.
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>> what is your take, andrea. andrea: everything that progressives push for sounds great in theory but there is always the question of who is going to pay for it. i do think it is important families are together. i think a lot of cultural reocean comes from breakdown of the family. i have friends with small business owners. it is tough to put down mandates when they us face regulations from government. the road to hell is always paved with good intentions. we're bankrupt as nation. maybe take shrimp off treadmill. stop funding stupid studies and other programs and prioritize this is important. >> debate will continue. ever heard of silver or gray divorce. couples splitting up after 50 reason more are common. reason of growing late life divorce and why women may be driving this. ♪ did you know that good nutrition
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the big reason for this changing status of women. in fact women initiate about 60% of the splits after age who -- 40. people are less likely want to spend decades longer in unsatisfying marriage! peter johnson, jr. call them silver foxes call them silver divorces. obviously 70 is the new 30. they're looking better than ever. is it surprise to you they're filing to be newly single? >> we this story every five years because therapists and "new york times" others they want to encourage divorces. important to discourage divorces in america. take the guys down, take them for every dollar they have, absolutely. >> what if you're in good shape, mid 50s, look at your husband, i can't spend another 40 years with that. do you disagree if. andrea: you know what this is. rise of plastic surgery.
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for a book research i interviewed plastic surgeonry, women are getting tummy tucks, injectibles. boob jobs. they come with husbands don't want them getting work done, they look too good. they get the work, look so hot and ditch their husbands. >> come in with the dumpy little patrols. harris: i'm speech less. sandra: can not get away. >> all about injectibles. you heard it. andrea: boobs and busts and tiny wastes. harris: older you get more inflexible you are in terms of what you want for yourself. i took aesthetics completely out of picture, go right to the heart. sandra: you will come to me, all about money, andrea. it is financial independence. more women have it. they come of that age they want a little more freedom. andrea: a lot of women didn't work younger.
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they were reliant on husbands. harris: we have a lot to say. we'll stay here for "outnumbered overtime"."outnumbered." thanks for being with us. have you online. test. >> brand new polling out of a key early state. it shows a jump for a republican candidate and a slide from the other. we are covering all of the news "happening now". a major discovery in the search for a cargo ship that searched what the wreckage of el faro could tell investigators. a son is charged with murder. and what evidence they have to convict the suspect. >> and the whole side of the house was gone, man. >> a terrifying home explosion in michigan. >> he was on
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