tv The Five FOX News November 2, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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hello, everyone, i'm dana peri perino. it's 5:00 in the city and this is "the five." last week the female host of "the view" chose to criticize carly fiorina's appearance rather than her argument at the republican debate. >> people told me i didn't smile enough. she looked demented. her mouth did not upturn once. >> yesterday the presidential candidate fired back and issued a challenge to the women.
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>> it's funny, you know, i was on "the view" several months ago. they said nothing like that to my face. maybe if i come back on again, let's see if they will have the guts to say it to my face. >> we will see it soon because she announced she is going back appear on "the view" on friday, and this is what she expects from her co-hosts. >> i don't need an apology, but i think this points out that liberals, and that includes liberal women, when they don'tm the messenger. >> carly will be here on friday, and i will point out, when you were here last time, we welcomed you to our table, we helped raise your profile so you would be included in the sea of mad.
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you weren't worried about any kind of republican backlash, no one was backlashing, we were respectful and gave you your due. so just so we're all clear, you have to know the difference between when somebody is coming for you and when somebody is paying you a compliment and when somebody is saying, here's my observation. if you get back together, maybe you can be president. you'll be here again. welcome back to "the view,"car carly fiorina. >> wow. could you imagine a more chilly reception? i feel like everybody has lost her mind. >> carly better bring her snuggie to go on there. it's so inconsistent when you have rhetoric on one side where there's, oh, we're all for hillary clinton, and this is outrageous, war on women. well, guess what? you just suited up. you're part of it. why are you disrespecting her and saying she's demented.
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that's not just a physical disability thing, that's a mental thing. by the warks cy, carly, you bet smile when you're with us and thank us because we actually helped raise your platform so you could be in the game with the boys. >> aiit's a contrast from a mon ago, or six weeks ago, because this was an exchange at "the view" early on. >> you talked about carly in rolling stone magazine and you said, look at that face, would anyone vote for that? are you making fun of her looks, donald? >> i'm talking about her persona. >> this is what i don't understand about "the view," they try to defend her then, and they comment on her looks and then they said, actually, you should thank us because we raised your profile? >> whoever it was on the view said she looked demented, right? whoopi came back and said, don't
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you understand, carly? you don't understand when someone is coming for you or whether they're just making an observation. it sounds like she's coming back saying, i'm going to sit for those people who are rude and mean-spirited and saying it's going to be a horrible time for her. as she points out, she's going to man up and sit with them and show them what it's all about. this is a good thing for carly fiori fiorina. this is isn't a bad thing, this is a good thing. good luck friday, whoopi. she's way smarter than you are. >> it would never enter my mind to say something about somebody else's physical appearance if i even disagreed with them. maybe you would do something in the background with your friends, but that was so public, and have people changed? what's going on? >> wait a second, wait a second, dana. the ladies on "the five" here are getting together and ganging
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up on us, but i hear -- >> gangi ining up on who? >> i hear all sorts of comments about boys, i hear about trump -- >> if i dogpiled you, you would know it. >> i would, too. we hear comments about trump here -- >> from kimberly? >> not once. >> i didn't say necessarily the two of you, but i'm saying it's fair game for people to comment about trump's looks, about bernie sanders' hangdog look, right? >> or about christie's weight. >> i heard comments about hillary clinton. somebody said, can you imagine watching her age in the white house? people say this about public figures. i mean, public figures including all of us are targets. >> here's the thing. we will wonder where carly fiorina went after the last debate and she wasn't in the public eye. maybe she was in iowa or new hampshire, i'm not sure. but for the most part she, she
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dropped. she's 6th in iowa, 6th in new hampshire. the best thing to happen is going in there and facing her accuser. by the way, joy was right. why don't you comment on her brain? she was commenting on the brain. demented is a huge insult, but again, she's commenting on the brain. my feeling is for carly fiorina, she's extremely tough and really quick on her feet. she's going to do fine on "the view." anything to get publicity. now they have something back and they're just dying to get traction. by all accounts, believe it or not, the sanest one on that show is whoopi goldberg. i believe she is going to be the one to treat her with class. >> i like whoopi, too. let me take a look, though. aside from "the view," one thing that's great especially for republican women is that you now have somebody who is there as carly fiorina hanging in there
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in the top 10. we could look at a match-up between carly fiorina and hillary clinton. >> the economy does better if you have more in the white house. >> the more the government gets engaged in the economy, the slower the economy becomes. >> i can't imagine anyone being more of an outsider than the first woman president. it's always the republicans are the sympathizers who say you can't have paid leave, you can't provide health care. they don't mind having big government to interfere with a woman's right to choose and try to take down planned parenthood. >> as regards planned parenthood, anyone who has watched this videotape, i dare anyone, hillary clinton, barack obama to watch these tapes. watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking. >> if everybody could get past the comments about physical looks, kimberly, it could be a really good discussion on friday. >> it could, and this is the
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point. she's obviously very bright and articulate, she's influential, she's a successful businesswoman and she's a strong candidate. so good for her, and she's going to give "the view" a little education, i think. and when you have someone making jokes, i get it. we don't want to take away from that, but nevertheless there is the way to do it the right way. especially when you're doing true to your core principles that you support women and you stand up for women when they are getting demeaned. >> we're not talking about hillary clinton being a female, we're not talking about carly fiorina being a female. i hope it's not a novelty now that we can start humanizing this whole thing. >> so you like the purple penguin thing, where they talk about boys being purple penguins now. >> ben carson is just a doctor
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more than we're talking about an african-american leading the field the way everybody was talking about barack obama leading. we're getting closer. >> we're not there, but i'm saying carly fiorina, i've been a big booster of her in my writing because i think it's so important for the gop to have a woman play in that role, and not a woman who can be easily dismissed. i think oftentimes what you saw previously were -- the idea was that republicans were putting women into position -- >> do you want to throw yourself in front of his train, kimberly? >> here's the deal. you mean a candidate that would be easily dismissed, not just a woman. >> i would to ask garrett something. >> let me finish the thought. carly fiorina is in the arena but she's going to get some punches, right? when she says the thing about planned parenthood and it turns out there isn't such tape, or she says 92% working for obama
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are women and it turns out to not be true, she's going to get shut up. >> if you were going to watch "the view" on friday, how do you think they should handle the questions about the economy and women? because i think carly fiorina has a really strong business background, but i think they might try to attack her about her tenure at hp. >> absolutely, they will. and they're so qualified to attack her. but look at it this way. they will, and she's probably been prepped on this for the debate stage. if she hasn't been prepped on the debate stage in preparation for the debates, she's ready dog on this stuff. there are things in her business background she may not want to highlight, so you take the question and turn it. look, i run a company with 50,000 employees. have you ever done any of that? no, they haven't.
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so it's a debate trick. use it on "the view" on friday. she's in the a reason a. she's in the game. you didn't like me? so what, i'm in the game. i'm taking this so everybody can know what it's like to be in that position. >> i wonder what would happen if they made the sa-- you made the same comment about hillary clinton? >> that's the thing, me and kimberly would never do that. >> we are campfire girls representing american women. >> i will say this, hillary clinton took a huge step back last week when she said, i'm yelling and i'm a woman. i thought that was a huge step back for women, didn't you? >> monday. welcome back. >> i think dana and kimberly are brownies. >> no, we were not brownies, we were bluebirds and campfire
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girls. with the media on full display, the gop candidates finally have something they agree on for changes that need to come for future debates and we'll have that next. you do all this research on the perfect car. gas mileage, horsepower torque ratios. three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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representatives of more than a dozen gop campaigns met to hash out how to take care of future debates so they don't turn out like the last one. >> let's be honest. is this a comic book version of a presidential campaign? you give nearly twice as much of a gain in increase to the half 10% as the people in the middle of the income scale. since you're the champion of americans living paycheck to paycheck, don't you have that backward? >> the leading republican candidate when you look at the national polls right now is donald trump. when you look at him, do you see someone with the moral authority to unite the country? >> i don't see someone with the capability to conduct a proper debate. how about that? the head of the rnc says his committee is in control of the effort to ensure there isn't a
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repeat. >> we're involved, we're in control, we're setting the calendar. the ability to sanction or desanction a debate is with the rnc, and the candidates want that to be with the rnc. what we're going to make sure we do is communicate with the candidates, listen to the candidates, make sure when there is unanimity with the candidates, we're going to fight for what the candidates want. >> some candidates are demanding big changes, but others say leave it up to the rnc to handle. >> stop complaining. you know, do me a favor. set up a stage, put podiums up there and let's just go. why are we spending time arguing and bickering about this? let other people handle this. i'm a candidate for president of the united states. >> you see both of those gentlemen on "hannity" tonight. this is a big question going around. who is in charge? what are they going to do? clean up the act, because now we have some candidates uniting together with some mixed me say
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-- mess ajing. >> last night i was on a plane and the only two tv stations i couldn't get at my seat was cnbc and fox news. >> demand it. >> i was demanding it, i was beating the tray, so i was following it on twitter. and i was thinking, wow, this must be really bad. when i finally get to california and i'm seeing it, i'm thinking, wow, the tone from the moderators in particular, so condescending. what i think is interesting is the moderators actually help do something the republicans haven't been able to do, and that's unite around something. it's something republican voters in the country have known for a long time, and that is media bias exists, and it's something republican candidates have been factoring in their campaign and try to figure out how to win. if it was not a secretary, i would say it comes with the territory and i would try and deal with it. what i'm seeing now is how much creativity exists in republican
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or conservative media today. there are so many different outfits, young talent in particular, all across the board that there is some room for new discussion about how to do debates. i think we'll still need to have these big debates, but you have additional ways for people to get information, and media bias is on full display and people know that it's there, and it's not a bad thing. we just all need to be honest about it. >> do you want to call on me, kimberly? >> i was going to eventually, but go ahead. leapfrog. >> you said something i thought was pretty interesting. number one is, we remember the meat grinder mitt romney went through. whether you like him or not, he was a damaged candidate when he was done. they had 25 debates. they wanted to win. just like bernie sanders just wants to be nice to hillary clinton. they're trying to find a way not to beat up on the other guy. that's what kasich is holding back, christie is holding back. trump is not holding back, he's new to the process. they probably look at each other and go, don't we just want to
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win and not kill each other? in the end we might do better if we don't show the enemy all our weaknesses. but donald trump might have blown it by saying, i will negotiate these new debates from here on in, because none of these other 11 guys will allow anyone to. >> that was news just in that he made that statement. so here's the challenge, i think, too, for the rnc. because there's such disparate interests involved here, the 1 or 2% to get to the main stage, or you're someone who is already leading, ahead in the polls, maybe you're someone who wants the debate to be a little shorter because you think you will get the talk time, you're able to deliver your message. >> i think dana nailed it, that there is media bias, and what they failed to do was reflect the media bias and make sure it gets away from the candidates. it's not even -- interviews.
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hard-hitting, cheap shot interviews and that's not good for any of the candidates. in general the media skews far left. so when you get a cnbc debate, nbc product, nbc management, it's going to skew left. and what happens is it goes from a debate to asking cheap, uncalled-for questions. >> you called it, too. >> yeah, i called it. but the rnc is the problem. the rnc should have said they want to know who the moderator is going to be and have a say at who the moderator is going to be. now they're saying, rnc, you blew it. we want to handle the debates from now on. the rnc lost that power to do that, the candidacies will try and take that. i don't think they're going to do it, though. i think a lot of the networks will say, you're not going to tell us what we're going to do. >> i don't blame them. >> i don't blame them, either, but that's a breakdown at the rnc level. >> you're assuming they have the
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power to dictate that coverage, and they don't. >> where is the democrat debate on fox? the dnc says, no, we're not going to do it because they're afraid the questions will be skewed to the right, right? there's no doubt that's why they would say no. you know what, nbc product? we're not going to do it. >> we're the only ones that are fair and balanced. >> you got 26 million watching. >> i don't think it was out of the realm of possibility. >> let me just quickly say, you want the rnc to control american media. >> i didn't say that. >> you said they should decide who mad rates the debate. >> they can say we don't want someone like -- >> let me just say, they should not be in that business. i don't think anyone wants them to be in that business. they should be, as you're
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talking about the debate. when you get into a situation where i can control the journalism, i think it paints a product. the thing that's interesting here to me is there are divergent interests. donald trump is having a show. so donald trump is the debate to two hours, donald trump has this power. >> who is ben carson? >> not to the level of donald trump. he is the star of the. put them on cable and stream them. >> i think a republican echo chamber. and that's not healthy to the party. >> you've had some interesting comments here today.
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there are no medals won for earning a living. it's just what you do for family. but it's hard to build a future if you can't see past today. that's why walmart is investing in the most important part of our company - our people. because a raise in pay, raises us all. ♪ last weekend cop-hating director quentin tarantino spouted a remark at this rally. >> when i see murder, i cannot stand by and i have to call a
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murder a murder and murderer a murderer. >> it was terrible. disgra disgraceful. i can't believe he made statements of that type, a man of his celebrity instead of bringing the community and the police close together, he separated them more than ever. he caused a terrible situation and made the police job much more difficult than it normally is. >> who would wear that outfit on camera, by the way. but quentin tarantino does have this guy, jamie foxx. >> quentin tarantino, you are boss, you are absolutely amazing. keep speaking the truth, keep telling the truth and don't worry about none of the haters. i'm going to let you know that right now. >> well, he should worry because there are a lot of people upset including the nypd, the lapd and
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others. do you fault jamie foxx for jumping in there? >> he says he's going to apologize. >> who says he's going to apologize? >> tarantino. >> he's going to make a statement. >> why is he going to apologize? i think it's because of harvey weinstein who is criticizing the film and is worried that there will be a boycott and that it could damage the box office for this new movie, whatever it's about, the hateful eight. i don't think it's a sincere apology, i think he's now under a lot of pressure to correct what he said. and by the way, the idea that jamie foxx was speaking for him, i don't know if he was endorsing him as much as an artist speaking out. >> is that what you got out of that? >> it seemed to me it was like, more power to ya.
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i got your back. >> the artist should speak. the artist should not be inhibited. >> i don't agree with what you said, but i agree with -- >> did you hear him say cops are murderers? >> he said keep telling the truth. is this a real show? can you imagine juan in the debate? yeah, yeah. no, you just got leg slapped, juan. >> and once weinstein said, what are you doing here, and they started seeing the box office concern, he said, let's see if we can fix this. jamie foxx came forward and said, let an artist be an artist, but with jango and chain
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that quentin tarantino directed, americans are saying it's a terrible movie to be made, tarantino shouldn't have done that, and this is quentin tarantino getting some of the street credit back. i think greg nailed it. >> you're a manager of crisis management. if we all are knowing he's pugts up with an apology, it's not going to work. >> the damage is done, but i think it's great that the police have the ability to actually have this kind of they're saying boycott, and i think a lot of the cops would boycott, their families would boycott, and i think the movie producers are thinking, okay, great, basically a whole lot of money got sloshed down the drain, and they may not agree with you. >> who is going to work security for him? "the hateful aide" comes out in december and we'll see how much unity he has. >> a thousand police units
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associations and more than 450 law enforcement officers. it's troubling. >> tonight quentin tarantino's biological father is going to be on "hannity." here's a preview. >> it's not him i'm criticizing, it's his actions and the things he had to say on the spur of the moment without taking the time to really think about what he's doing. he didn't look at both sides of the story. i'm here not just because i'm his biological father, but because of being a concerned citizen for what's right in our communities today. >> by wathe way, he doesn't reay have a relationship with his father and he's never met his cousin. >> so another officer have offered an extensive letter to bring quentin tarantino to a
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ride-along in the 43rd precinct which is a very dangerous area, how they put their lives on the line day in and day out and how they're human beings and they deserve our respect. >> an african-american man who was actually born in ghaha who was gunned down because he tried to save somebody from getting robb robbed. >> whether he had a lot to say, it was his sdad. he could bring tarantino to the force. >> i don't think he deserves a pass on it, i don't think that when his dad said, well, he didn't look at both sides, he didn't know what he was going to. if you're going to a protest and you get up to a lecturn and
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you're quentin tarantino, you know exactly where you're going. >> this thing is off. i have a gazillion dollars, i'll take care of everyone's flight home. >> in the beginning. >> i want to see if the next letter will be as good as my letter. should employers be able to ask a job applicant whether they've ever served time in jail? the president is hoping to make it easier for former workers to get work.
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series of measures designed to help former prisoners reenter society. among them an executive order directing federal employers to delay asking questions about a job applicant's criminal past. >> i'm taking action to ban the box box. on many job applications there is a box that says, do you ever a criminal reco-- have a crimin? if you answer yes, a lot of times you're not getting a call back. i don't believe they should use that to screen applicants before looking at their qualifications. we can't keep them from working simply because of a mistake they made in the past. >> let me turn to the prosecutor. >> bad idea. >> you've got 6,000, the commission is going to release 6,000, they say, non-violent drug offenders from prison, a wave of people. the president points out two-thirds of people who are released from prison are back in prison within three years. >> he's obviously saying part of
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the problem is people engaging in recidivism is because they're unable to successfully enter the job market to do better for themselves. however, is it the responsibility of employers, then, just to blindly take someone without knowing what their background is. it's like saying you don't need to know the background of me being in television, i'll just leave that off. >> i thought he was simply saying you wouldn't put a box on the initial application, and later you could talk about -- you can ask questions about it. >> i heard him. so specifically you can get to their qualifications and then make a decision later on. but maybe you're excludeing other people, that if there was a toss-up between the two and you're like, well, depending on the crime -- you have to understand something, though. you're putting employers in a position -- is the federal government going to indemnify employees who sgget a job and tn
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commit a crime or a theft? >> the employer can still look at your background, it's just initially they wouldn't say, oh, this guy is an ex-con. i don't even want to talk about this person. >> i'm torn with this. i see somebody in my mind who made a bad mistake at 18. i don't know what their family situation was, and they're now 29 years old, i sold drugs, i got with a bad crowd, and they want a second chance. and they're stuck. they want to go out and get a job but everyone says, i don't want to take a risk. i have a small restaurant. if you steal from me, i'm in a bad position. i've seen in the back of my mind that officer from ghuyana who got shot from the guy who was a drug offender. they didn't look far enough back to see he was a violent drug offender. i worry about that. but at the same time i have sympathy for those fighting for
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life that is just riding behind bars. >> dana, one of the other things is, you can't even get public assistance, you can't get housing. so are we making it hard to actually get on the straight and narrow path? >> yes, and i think that from the president's point of view, i think what he's saying is that a two-year sentence that you might have deserved does not need to become a life sentence. so they're looking to say, okay, can we ask federal contractors -- this is not all employers yet -- that's the beginning -- will you think about someone who just got out of jail to see if maybe they can make the next step in the process, ask then maybe you eliminate them, but i think we give one shot at it. i can see the compassion for it, but i also see the concern for possible recidivism, but it's not going to be a perfect program but i think it's one worth trying. >> eric, give me the other side. >> i'll give you the other side. thank god it's just the federal employees right now and not a
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mandate. >> it starts out here and it creeps like mission creek. >> if they like the program, they'll make it a mandate, they'll make it some sort of rights for -- to get housing. >> criminal's rights. >> it's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard. anyone who hires someone wants to know, who you're firing. you're using equipment of someone who has a severe drug past. an employer to lead into a path of discovery that you would want. >> to have the most information. >> i think the family has to deal with this somehow. >> there's a bipartisan push to find an answer here.
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>> there is. some people are calling it southpark's best season ever in the last decade. we'll show you some of the politically incorrect material getting rave reviews from studio 19, straight ahead. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda.
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welcome back co "the five." the culture is crushing free speech in america, but many people are getting sick of it, and maybe the candidate who isn't afraid to say what many of us are thinking is leading in the polls. the comedy "southpark" has always ignored the pc rules. they joke about hollywood, hypocrites, too many to name. this week we noted that "southpark" is taking on the social justice warriors and winning. >> i'm the pc principal. i don't know about you, but i'm sick and tired how minority groups are labeled in society. i googled southpark before i came here, and i can't believe the [ bleep ] you're getting away with. people are pretending to be advocates of gender rights, but really just wanted to use the women's bathroom. a white man built a china wall to keep out mongolians.
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>> we got you southparkers. you're taking them on, but let's see how brilliant you really are. >> millions of [ bleep ] immigrants are coming over the border and nobody seems to care. >> what are we going to do? in today's world, you can't even say anything negative about illii illegal immigrants. >> did someone say illegal immigrants? because the correct term is undocumented immigrants, right, bro? >> they've been doing this for 19 seasons and finally giving the media the respect they deserve. >> good, have a sense of humor, because it seems some of the li pc maniacs do not. this is what's happening. it's becoming ridiculous. it's so much to keep up with, it's exhausting. >> i love that because it's based in colorado, which i love. i've loved this show for years and i'm glad they're getting
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some good recognition. >> dana was an early adopter. >> yes. >> my contribution is this. if this is out and accepted, i think it's time to bring back a modern-day "all in the family" and "the jeffersons." we used to laugh at sammy davis jr. kissing an outraged archie bunker. maybe they'll bring us back there. >> you just ended your career. >> this is fun watching southparkers make fun of certain people. >> i think it's a lot of fun. bill maher was going off on some democratic congresswoman about the president refusing to talk about muslim extremisextremism. and i'm thinking, wait a minute, there are a lot of people here saying, let's be straight with each other. let's have a conversation. >> and you're that way? i'm just wondering if you figured out the washington
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redskins had a bye week this week. >> that's not politically correct. >> is it not? you could say bye. we don't have a problem with that. >> i mean, seriously, if i said something insult toing to you intentionally, you wouldn't say, juan, that's incorrect. >> politically incorrect. >> but that's a short for the whole offensive -- >> i love how you try to get him to say that. >> now you're making me depressed. you brought up sports. >> that was a terrific football game. >> if your name was drew brees. >> your quarterback, eli manning, had a fabulous game. >> six touchdowns. if the giants lose, we're done. >> you know what it is? it's bad coaching.
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you know who you are. >> are you talking to chris berman? >> jason pierpaul blows his fingers off and there's no pass rush for the giants. but he's got a few left, and he's going to use those fingers -- >> disaster. can protect capital long term. active management can tap global insights. active management can seek to outperform. that's the power of active management.
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"one more thing." kimberly is leaving so we have to hurry up. >> she's going to leave before it's over? >> yes. someone i admire tremendously as a man, an actor, a politician who i had the privilege to work with here at fox news is fred thompson. and the former u.s. senator for tennessee died last night after a recurrence of lymphoma. and he was 73 years young. he was first diagnosed with non-hodgkin's lymphoma more than a decade ago, and there he is right now with me on with him, and he was just a pleasure to be around. such an interesting person. he was one of the main investigators also on watergate and that's when he made his kind of name and reputation for being tenacious. his wife jeri and his children, the whole family is going to miss him and the fox family here. one great person and great american. also, i'm on "hannity" tonight. over the weekend i got to go home to colorado.
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this is my dad and sister and i in denver, colorado outside the mo moonlight diner where they had the kitchen sink. they would have had that, believe me. this is my mom. then we were outside my sister's house. my sister was a bronco with a skeleton cap on. that was the whole family. it was really fun. then tonight i talked about the peggy noonan book coming out, it's called "the time of our lives." she's going to be with "the kelly file" tonight. >> great pictures, dana. i post oed on my facebook pe once, a huge flag i put in front of the beach house. i don't have that picture, but look what laura rabinowitz made. a cross-stitch. that's a picture of the flag we put in front of the beach house
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there. >> that is beautiful. >> it's so well made. look at all the details. >> you can replace the little pad you're sitting on there. you're next. >> they turned the clock back and normally at this table i'm surrounded by hobgoblins and demons, but here i'm surrounded by grandchildren, but it was halloween weekend so they were a butterfly, a princess and a ninja. >> do they give out good candy? >> yes, they do. there's mom taking off their makeup, putting them to bed. that neighborhood was so much fun this weekend. >> you really enjoy being a grandfath grandfather. >> you have news? >> my book is out, "the tripoli pirates." it's a great american story, and i think you'll be surprised how many great americans lived between the war of 1812 and the
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revolutionary war and what we accomplished during that time. thomas jefferson said "go fight the fight" and the fight was amazing. >> when i read it, i felt like it was my best history class. republican presidential candidates say it's their way or no way when it comes to future debates. this is "special report." good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. several republican presidential candidates are pretty mad and they're not going to take it anymore. ben carson's campaign manager says the candidates might boycott coming debates if they do not get the changes they want. but not every candidate is all in on the new demands. chief political correspondent carl cameron tells us what's on the agenda. >> a two and a half page draft letter of questions from the gop
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