tv Red Eye FOX News November 3, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PST
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programs how about is 11:01 p.m. each night eastern. see you 7:00 p.m. tomorrow night eastern. >> it can fix all of america's problems. sounds good to me. don't use a hammer and sickle. >> and the gop candidates make amends with the future moderators. now if only congress can have that moxy. and if it looks like a gun and quacks like a gun, isn't it a gun? our panel provides tea and crumpets. first, a news break. >> live from america's news headquarters, i'm kelly wright. good morning. we could soon learn more about what caused a russian plane to crash over the egyptian desert. investigators are analyzing
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the black boxes and testing wreckage for the explosives. they insist it was downed by an exter national impact. a russian aviation official says it is premature. all on board have died. president obama said there will be no u.s. troops on the front lines in syria. the comments come just days after his decision to deploy special operations troops on the ground. the president says it is an extension of what the u.s. is already doing. noting there have already been special operations missions in syria. the south african supreme court begins hearing an appeal by the prosecution in the oscar pistorius trial. prosecutors want the high court to reject the manslaughter conviction and rule the former olympic runner should be found guilty of murder in the 2013 death of his girlfriend. if the supreme court agrees, pistorius could go back to prison for 15 years. the judges could also order a retrial or dismiss the state's
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argument. the volkswagen emissions cheating scandal is i had widening and the u.s. government is blaming the company for installing emission rigging software on six-cylinder diesel engines from some 20 with 14 -- 2014 to 2016 models. and the u.s. death rate has been falling for decades except for one group, middle age white people. the increase began in the late 90s where certain prescription painkillers were more common. the up tick in deaths are blamed on suicides and the drug over doses and alcohol abuse. that's a look at news. i'm kelly wright. back to our overnight show you can't get enough of. "red eye." >> welcome to "road eye." "red eye." i'm tom shillue. let's check in with andy levy. an doo, are you doing owe --
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andy, are you doing okay? >> i feel confident about it. >> andy, i have bad news for you. >> i know what you will say. he looked shaky and he is pretty inexperienced to pitch in game seven, but i have faith. >> that's not it. >> i know cespedes may to the be able to play, but i can live with that. >> i don't know how to tell you this. >> let's go mets! let's go mets! >> let's welcome our guest. excuse me, vanna. yes, her last name would like to buy a vowel. his accent drives ladies mad and his rhetoric drives liberals crazy. charles cook. she has hosted dating shows and cooking shows and talk shows. she is like a a daytime triple threat.
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he wrote a book about being a cabbie. you can buy it in the back of his cab. let's start the show. >> should he fix it or nix it? amid calls for jeb bush to quit the race the former florida governor is relaunching his campaign with a bus tour and a new slogan. jeb can fix it. his campaign is referring to the country's problem, but it is hard to ignore the subtext. jeb is not dead. he can turn things around. he hired a new campaign manager who told reporters, quote, we can rebuild him. we have the technology. that may not be entirely true. on monday the campaign released a new ad. >> after seven years of of incompetence and corruption and gridlock, we need a president who can fix it. i can fix it.
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massive deficits, historic debt. i can fix it. workers' wages remaining stagnant. shortcuts to our military, i can fix it. >> that will leave a mark. >> i can fix it. i can fix it. i know i can fix it because i've done it. >> wow. maybe. >> that is inspiring. >> so is bush tough enough to come back? one reporter wanted to know. >> let's talk about your resilience. some people think you don't know how to fight. >> they don't know me. they don't know me. i eat nails when i wake up and then i have breakfast. >> there it is. that's all the proof you need. lynn, he eats nails when he wakes up. >> if you have to tell people
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you are tough, you are not that tough. hillary and done thald are walking around -- donald are walking around trying to be likable. they do eat nails. she eats it in a bowl. >> it is nice to put them in a bowl. she is not an animal. >> she is a civilized person. >> that's the thing. he has to say it because no one is buying the jeb thing. he has to go out and tell them. his campaign manager said you have to tell them. >> i think the fix it thing is what has always happened in their family. george breaks it and jeb fixes it. >> goes back to childhood. >> i think this is like what his mom said. barbara is like, you know what we can do for the campaign? what we always have done. i can fix it. >> it could work. look, jeb has to do something right. >> here is the thing with jeb. jeb is a decent guy. he is a decent guy who is
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trying to pledge a fraternity, but his brother burnt down the frat house four years earlier so thoab is giving him the benefit of the doubt. i have this crack theory that at this point he is only hanging around in the off chance his dad dies and he is a sentimental favorite. >> that's a theory you have when you are on crack. >> they keep making the guy going skydiving and he is 91 years old. i don't like it. >> you're right. jeb bush seems like a nice guy, so maybe that is not good for the beginning, but it is a good way to close if he can hold on. >> i greaty with you. i -- i agree with you. i never felt so bad for somebody so unbelievably privileged. he has had every advantage in the world and i would not trade places with you, ever. he can't do anything that is not embarrassing. everything he does and everything he says and every time you see his posture it is so embarrassing. why can't you pull it
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together? pull it together, bro. >> i will tell you why. i think, charles, you will agree with me. he isn't privileged. the problem he is running is that everyone thinks he is privileged. imagine if the same candidate, jeb, was an unknown and we wouldn't be giving him a hard time. >> no, but he wouldn't be there in the first place. >> yes, you may be right about that. >> i actually don't think he is being the nice gentleman at the moment. look what he did to rubio. the other problem he is having is he does seem to be having a bunch of stuff republicans don't want to talk about because he is defending his product. so we are relitigating 9/11 and iraq. republicans don't want to talk about that. the fact that he is there is bad news for them. >> okay, all right.
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we wouldn't be talking about it if not for him. it is not entirely his fault. >> i said i feel bad for him. i would give him a hug and i generally don't like to be touched at all. i feel bad for him, but -- >> he macon tabt you. he may contact you. >> bernie sanders released his first tv ad. >> bernie sanders was conceived in the statue of liberty. he he was forced to wear this hat during his childhood. he debated this old guy in college and here he is with martin luther king. he went for a walk and thrust his arms up in the air and eventually became a model for lens crafters. >> i am bernie sanders. >> that's a nice ad. i think we doctored that a little. here is the real ad. >> the son of a polish immigrant. he went to public school and then college where the work of his life began fighting inscwus ties and -- injustice
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and inay quality. he moved sh -- he moved to verm vrm. >> that's fantastic. bernie has been a sentimental favorite. they have basically declared the nomination is going to hillary so now he has to pull out the guns. >> he is much cuter and he has that dwoing for him. is that sexist? he is running a more positive campaign. i love this ad. he is able to be insulting to hillary without technically being insulting to hillary. the part that said "an honest leader." "voted no on the iraq war." "look at this person who grew up with the difficulties, bernie sanders" and his smiley faces. he was likable which is something she can't do. she is grotesque. >> she has a problem with the
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warmth issue. >> i see what you are saying. bernie is more passive aggressive and hillary is more aggressive, uh greatest sigh. a aggressive. i appreciate the aggressive, aggressive. >> that's how she will counter the sexist mind-set. >> she lies a lot and there is that. >> people do feel like she is kind of a dude. it is not like the regular run ins. she is a little like a dude. >> in spirit. >> i am not saying she is a dude. >> there was a lot of heat on the panel. they are getting thouing. they are getting nothing. >> the gop presidential hopeful has a list of demands and if the thet work moderated the debates jim gilmore will
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kill a hostage. he feeds something that will stick up for the pack. the republican campaign met and drafted a letter, specific demand for future debates. among them, 30-second opening and closing statements. no hand raising questions. no lightning rounds. no candidate to candidate questioning. an exam room temperature of 67 degrees. i wonder which of the candidates tell the they needed to have his or her hand on the thermostat. they released a list of demands including don't change anything. the fewer debates, the beer. do what -- the fewer debates the better. and candles that smell like baked goods. that would help with the spirit of the debate. >> charles, what do you think? should these candidates be making demands at all? i don't understand why people were upset by this. that debate was a complete
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disaster. the questions were preposterous. and the candidates and the republican party gets to run their own primary. this is an example of media entitlement. i will not make enough money as a journalist. along comes donald trump and says i don't want you to do. i have no money and no power over these politicians. pretending is a front to the first amendment. i want to disagree with you, but he convinces me. >> i don't think the republican party gets -- >> i thought we agreed not to out me. >> you just outed yourself. >> when we get home you can use your real accent. >> he is from brooklyn.
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>> the public isn't tuning in because they want to see a refined spectacle and the issues are addressed. we want to watch that. >> we want a real housewife show. >> we should get them all drunk first and then blindfold them. >> and then talk about their kids. >> i don't care about their kids. >> the candidates don't want that kind of cage match. they want to present their issues that they get. >> they were in control and they can make these rules no questioning each other. they toll them to stop talking. what are they going to do, kill them? they can do whatever they want. >> they had to go to the moderators.
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they don't want them to be out of control. ted cruz's highlight of his campaign was shouting at the cnbc guys. >> now charles agrees with me because i don't think it is becoming to wine and complain. >> we are adaptable creatures. we go into the situation and you just -- you are like a hooker. you are doing what you are told to get your $20. >> that is so true. >> that's what i want to say to them. do it of the get in the back of the cadillac and take it. just do i >> it was a cadillac. >> do you like -- when the show starts to go awry and the audience is starting to exert control you go with it? >> that's when i make the decision to run into the living room to waff. i turn it on and i start to do stuff around my house.
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excuse me. >> you don't like it when the audience takes control. >> they never take control. i take control. >> that's all the candidates are trying to do. they are trying to be their own silver backs. >> it sounds like a craigslist ad. >> they do it on camera. i want to see them take it back live. >> exactly. i'm not in the market for a used car and nor do i live in kansas. two fun facts. if i was looking for a pre-owned vehicle in wichita i would stop at priority motor sports after seeing this commercial. >> we are offering some of the best selection of pre-owned vehicles you will find in the entire state. 0 down and 0 money and 0 interest and 0 payments for 90 days. just get down to priority motor sports. 5817 east kellogg and pick up your. ♪ whip so you can nae-nae
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♪ and do the stanky, leg ♪ do the stanky leg ♪ do the broken leg ♪ do the broken leg ♪ do a little stanky leg ♪ pick up your whip so you can nae-nae ♪ sphoat pick out your whip so you can naenae ♪ >> i will never forget the name priority motor sports. this proves this ad works. when we were running the ad you were all looking down at the table and then when he started doing the stanky leg you looked up. >> i believe the technical term for that is crushing it. he is little dinky auto whatever -- >> priority motor sports. >> and it is all over the country everywhere. he crushed it. you don't have to know anything. you don't have to be good at anything. you just have to do something on a camera people want to click on. >> what price is dignity?
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>> if this doesn't force congress to do mental health reform nothing will. >> you're jealous. >> i i am not jealous. i am pleased that there is something more embarrassing than me trying to dance. >> he was doing a country western thing. >> it looked like something the 7-year-old dared him to do. >> i bet the lot will be full this weekend. >> i remember priority motor sports. >> you know. you have had to drum up your own business in the past. isn't that right? >> it is a genius move. he will get all of the attention in the world. he is ridiculous. but i want to say the thing about it that i thought was the bigger faux-pas is he is a used car salesman and he has sunglasses on. everybody has a preconceived notion they were shady anyway. did you not look at that guy
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dancing in the lot with the repossessed vehicles -- >> you are right. that's the weird thing. >> that threw me. >> that's the thing. if you are gonna go with the used dealer you want a little shady character. they know what they are getting into. >> maybe there was xanax involved. >> let's hope. coming up, a real story about fake guns. it is a special moment with tom next.
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ironic according to he was killed while trying to rob a store. the shooter was a customer who had a concealed gun permit and was carrying the weapon. the shooter will not be charged with a crime. robbery with a fake weapon is not punishable by the death penalty in illinois or anier else. anywhere else. and a yoker is not a substitute for the police, judge, jury, police, and executioner. holding up a store with a real gun is not punishable by the death penalty either. if somebody shoots you when you do that we say a-okay. and when you holdup a store with a fake gun you are asking, yea demanding, to be treated like a person with a real gun. you got what was coming to you, a nice dirt nap. >> charles, i would like to end monologues with a dirt
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nap. it is a nice clean way to end things. do you agree with me? >> i completely agree with you. if you holdup the store and the person who has the gunpointed at them believes you are threatening their life you can take action. if anybody is in the store they can take action. i read so many people are saying he should have shot to wound him. this is a nonsense myth. first you can't shoot to wound anyone. this is not some sort of 1940s cowboy movie. >> the thing is, it is also illegal. if you have just cause to open fire on somebody, then you have to have just cause to hurt them up to the point of death otherwise you can't open fire. this guy clearly did because somebody was pointing a gun or he thought he was pointing a gun and threatening the life of somebody else. it was pretty much open and
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shut. >> they thought it was better to bring a fake gun. what is the benefit of bringing a fake gun instead of a real gun. >> it is like the old saying they would put their hand in the -- why did they do that? >> they can't afford a real gun. >> why not rob a gun store? >> they are going to use the robbery money. >> why did they not rob a gun store? i think this story explains why they didn't. >> every day all up and down the country people save other people with firearms and it is never in the press. this is in the press so we will sit hearsaying was it justified, was it not justified? had it been clear cut it was not reported. >> this guy had a -- so what if he had a fake gun. he was a holdup -- he was trying to holdup -- >> i don't feel bad for him at all. sorry. >> why gawker? >> it is a great way to spin it.
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good guy with a gun shoots a bad guy with a gun, but it was a fake gun. it makes it sound like it was a super soaker and somebody shot him on the street. he was trying to rob the store. people were under the impression that he was going to blow their head off. if somebody is trying to blow my head off i would blow their head off. >> absolutely. absolutely. >> in the news there was references to toy gun and paintball gun as if it what is a game. >> he didn't run in with a neon jump suit and say hey! >> excuse me, sir is that a real gun or a fake gun. if it is a real gun i will shoot you and if it is a fake gun i won't. >> you don't walk in and say this is a fake gun. give me all of your money. >> i'm guessing. i'm guessing this guy from gawker was never held up at gun pont. you had a cab. did somebody try to squeeze the money from you? >> yes, but if you are working
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on a cab you want to die so you say where have you been all my life? i have been looking for you. >> are you holding the gun, do it! >> that's not a rule gun, you -- a real gun you woos. >> in new york they have the -- did you pass the money through there, was that how you exchanged? >> yeah, they would. the funny thing about the divider is you can shut the divider, but the guy can walk around and shoot you through the window anyway. >> i always wonder why we put our money in the weird door and push it to the cabdriver. >> some like the speakeasy feel with the secret knock and stuff like that. >> that's how we met, you and me. >> and he really loves you. >> no, it is addition by subtraction. i hate the people who tried to say shoplifting is not punishable by death. they make it sound like he stuck an iphone in his wallet and tip towed through the metal detector and he was shot in the back. he wasn't just shoplifting.
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live from america's news headquarters i'm kelly wright. good morning. the remains of more victims are back home if russia. a second plane carrying bodies from saturday's crash of a russian charter jet in egypt is flying back into st. petersburg early this morning. the air bus crashed just 23 minutes after takeoff killing all 223 people on board the international aviation experts are trying to determine what caused the sudden crash. the top u.s. intelligence official was asked about a claim by isis that had brought the plane down. >> we don't have any direct evidence of any terrorist involvement yet. >> does isis have the ability to shoot down an airliner? >> it is unlikely, but i wouldn't rule it out. >> president obama taking his message for criminal justice reform to north new jersey on monday. mr. obama saying former inmates looking for work
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should not be automatically disqualified when applying for jobs. the president is ordering federal agencies to stop requiring people applying for jobs to check a box indicating they have a criminal record. police groups are stepping up the pressure on quinten tarantino. they are calling for people to boycott his upcoming movie "the hateful 8" because of his anti-cop remarks and support for a rally on police brutality. it came days after the death of new york city cop randolph holder. an iraqi politician has died at his home in baghdad. he played a role in persuading the u.s. to topple saddam hussein if 2003. he was iraq's oil minister in 2005 and deputy prime minister shortly after. the cause of death is said to be a heart 71 of the i'm kelly wright. now back to "red eye."
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welcome back. it is time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed from tv's andy levy in the "red eye" news deck. how are you? >> good, good. our producer said mets are up 2-1. very exciting. get through this quickly so i can go and watch. jeb can next it. lynn, you said hillary eats [bleep] if the morning in a bowl. so she is classy like that? >> don't you think? >> i guess. i don't know. >> andy. >> i don't know. jimmy you said you feel bad for jeb. >> in a weird way, yes. >> you just want to pat him on the head, don't you? >> the jeb man? he reminds me of the robot in "small wonder." do you remember that robot? >> little red head. >> jb -- jeb can fix it. >> you said jeb needs to pull
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it together. what if this is jeb pulling it together. >> that's really bad. it would be more interesting for his campaign if he fell apart then. i would love to watch the train wreck. >> i think he needs to fall apart. >> he should stop sleeping and start drinking. good plan. i should be in charge of his campaign. >> i thought this was my plan. >> i appropriated it. >> charles you said your problem with jeb is he is not a nice guy. he is a bit of a bastard. isn't that what nontough people do when they try to be tough? >> yeah. pretty much. pretty much. >> i also think it is entitlement. i think he has played this whole game all the way through. i have to earn this. the subtext is i don't have to earn this. >> it is my turn. >> now that he is not he says i will bring everybody down with me. >> do you think he should drop out? >> i do think he should drop out, absolutely. >> me too.
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>> everybody in america think he should come out except terry collins. he is the only one who wants to leave him in. >> first of all, too soon. second of all there was nothing wrong with sending harvey back out to start the 9th. i would argue it was the right call. the problem was after you walked the lead off batter you have to take him out. that's where collins made the mess take. made the mistake. thank you for bringing that up. again i am confident they will win this. >> this is andy from hell's kitchen longtime first time. >> sanders first ad. >> i agree with what you said. the best part of the ad was at the end where the voiceover calls bernie an honest leader. it flies in the face of the debate when he shutdown the questions about the e hails. >> right. the e-mails. >> right, and everyone thinks he is a nice guy and they don't realize how passive uh great ease sigh he is --
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passive aggressive he is being. they are just passive aggressive. >> i believe that. >> it is true. >> do you think bernie now realizes he shouldn't have said that? do you think he realizes he made a mistake? >> nice guys think they are nice guys and they don't make mistakes. >> i agree. republican debate demands. you said you don't understand why people are upset about this which i great with. some of the demands are silly. pre approved graphics. that's idiotic. >> why? >> the network chooses what graphic is going on the screen. >> there has to be a limit. >> if they said dinosaur that might be -- or se are riel kill -- serial killer. >> i don't have a problem, but i can see how people are turned off. candidates don't question each other. then don't.
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>> that's again passive aggressive. >> tom, i am not sure why you tried to out charles on national tv. he is not gay. he is british. >> i was not involved in that exchange. >> you were. >> i think that was more indicting jimmy than me. i can say, no. i wouldn't -- >> theoretic. >> if i wanted to i would say no. >> trull -- trump wouldn't sign the demand letter and the whole thing is pointless. >> tom you said among the list of demands is a room temperature of 67 degrees and then i think you said hmm. i wonder which candidate felt the need to have his or her hand on the thermostat. you insinuated it was fiorina? fiorina said, quote, we do not
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care if it is 67 degrees or if our green room isn't as plush as another candidate's. >> interesting. women like it a little warmer in the room. >> that's the thing. a woman would have said 77, not 67. the priority moat are sports ad. you said maybe there is xanax involved. >> yeah. >> that leads me to believe you have never taken zhan next. >> what is xanax? >> it doesn't make you dance. >> i have heard it can make you care less about what other people think of you and remove your anxiety. >> that is true jie. if you take it with wine. >> and you tend to sit on the couch while not caring what people think. >> i would never know. i never tried it. >> you should. i mean if a doctor prescribes it for you and if it is medically necessary. that was understood. xanax is the perfect drug. it does exactly what it says it is going to do. i take it when i fly, but it does exactly -- it stops me
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from caring if the plane is going to crash. >> it didn't look like high energy dancing. it looked more like xanax dancing. he got nervous and took a xanax to calm down. what am i supposed to be doing sph and then took a nap. >> i don't think pilots should take xanax. >> i agree with that. tom you came down pretty hard on this guy for not doing the stanky leg correctly. how do you know what a good stanky leg is? >> i think i know. >> one of those thens? >> i just know. i have acquired some mad dance skills. >> that's interesting. earlier i was combing through footage and can we roll the film? >> get your hips in it. >> what's going on? >> there we go. >> taking some secret stanky
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leg classes? >> i was going through the footage like i always do. >> he told me not to tell anyone. >> for you viewers at home, dwo to youtube and look up big bell hell apostrophe s. don't if you find foul language. >> you say youtube? it is very offensive so don't look it up. >> i can't wait to look it up. >> it really is amazing. >> guy with the real gun shoots the guy with the fake gun. you brought up the shoot to wound thing. one of the guys who shot one of his relatives said, quote, some people don't actually know how to use guns. they should be able to wound first and kill next. if you say you are supposed to shoot to wound you are the one who doesn't actually know how to use guns.
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>> right. absolutely. this is not just him. everyone thinks it. at least everyone i shot. >> literally nobody in the history of guns has been trained to shoot to wound. >> thankfully. >> i don't think people who think like that know what a bullet is. >> and they -- yeah. we'll leave it at that. i'm done. >> thank you, andy. it is time to take a break. offensive party when's we come back. first, here is what's coming up on the next "kennedy." >> hello, "red eye" psychos. i mean that lovingly. on the next "kennedy" the copilot of your ship, andy levy. hopefully i will see you at 8:00 p.m. pacific and 5:00 pacific on fbn.
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bronx under third ave bridge at an art party and eating roberta's pizza. the people less are not amused. it was for a good cause. it was thrown to get support for luxury condo towers. they are planning to build them in the area. the part wrangled many including one city council speaker who tweeted lack of empathy and lack of awareness are signs of an ailing society. who thought the bronx is burning theme was a good idea? i don't think you like the sight of cars with bullet holes in them. >> not the best. >> but they were just having fun. we know what that means. bronx is burning and it is like the old films of old new york, right? >> that's what it was. there are so many better reasons to hate these people. adrian brody and all of these people. >> what are the reasons? >> it is a miss appropriation. we will get mad at them for having a post apocalyptic
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party. it is the plight of the people who may be getting mocked. i thought it was stupid. >> there it is. look, charles, i say they were helping the homeless people because they were going to put in a luxury tower and it will help everyone, right? >> i think this is a perfect example of the way lft wing people think -- left wing people think. >> it is a general way of seeing the world and they have the right opinions where it matters so they are inured to the world. >> they don't realize because they think we have good intentions. >> i agree with charles, but i think this particular party looked low budget. i think they didn't have a lot of money. they said what can we do for 50 bucks? what kind of party -- let's get old cars with bullet holes. it won't cost anything and garbage cans burning and that's nothing. >> which part of this involved adrian brody and the
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kardashians not having money? >> i am saying the developers who threw the party said we don't want to spend a lot of money on an artist. >> let's be honest. i would have gone to the party and i would have had an excellent time. >> yes because adrian brody and all of those people were there. >> yes, you heard me. i want pizza. i want food. it looks like they had those things there. it is obviously incredibly offensive. every time something is offensive it is everybody has to -- what's your take on this? it was offensive, but let them party. >> you know what is offensive? the original piano factory, a luxury good in the middle of a working class neighborhood. >> everything is uh offensive if you think hard enough or not thinking at all. >> in college you say why don't i make my student film about the making of a student film, right? >> you think are you are super creative and then fail at life. >> we need to layoff halloween though. halloween has gotten so stupid. >> i agree.
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>> it is a rift passage. it is a right of passage. >> i tend to agree that nothing is offensive and the problem is that all of these people are constantly offended. they have this special category in which they put themselves and where they get to do this. if we had gone -- >> i say i don't want to stop them from having the nice parties. >> let's close things out with a bedtime story. oh, look. we have a bunch of...
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announcer: babies who are talked to from the time they're born are more likely to have a successful future. talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at
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runner was told he couldn't juggle during the race. only in obama's america. an elite runner who won marathons in the past planned on keeping several beanbags in the air for a 26.2-mile run. juggling while running is a real sport. the killjoys told the "new york times" they banned props after the 2013 boston marathon bombing. he said i understand there has to be security rules, but it
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seems like it crossed the line where it gets to be intrusive. what i am december appointed in is -- what i am disappointed in is the kids. they like to watch me joggle. they call it is biggest bummer in joggling history. that is a liberal use of the word arguable. do you think it is arguable? >> probably the only event. >> i want to know who will argue with you. >> there is obviously a big joggling community. >> i think it is sill re. unless he was jogglg hand grenades there is not much a beanbag can do. >> they are trying to treat this guy like he was joggling hand grenades. >> i was so on this guy's team, but i didn't really read the whole story. i saw that thing how the kids like to watch me joggle.
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i didn't feel comfortable with that, tom. >> you didn't? >> i didn't. i felt i may be uncomfortable with that. reading too much about the subway guy lately. i am suspicious of everyone. >> not a good sign when you go to the children. the kids love to watch me joggle. >> i never ran a marathon. i used to run and i didn't want to bring things with me. i had enough to do just doing my running. >> i would like to see that guy trying to get on a plane joggling bottles of water. he seems like a troublemaker. just shut up and run. >> wrap it up. a couple of seconds. >> this is why i don't run. it is another reason not to run. this is ridiculous. >> it is ridiculous. special thanks to katherine and charles cook and jimmy fayla. i'm tom shillue and i'll see you next time. >> ♪ and pick out your whip so you can nae-nae ♪
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1:00 am
it was my best history class. republican presidential candidates say it's their way or no way when it comes to future debates. this is "special report." good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. several republican presidential candidates are pretty mad and they're not going to take it anymore. ben carson's campaign manager says the candidates might boycott coming debates if they do not get the changes they want. but not every candidate is all in on the new demands. chief political correspondent carl cameron tells us what's on the agenda. >> a two and a half page
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