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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  November 6, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST

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jacuzzi. don't be mad. have fun. that converts people instead of confirms them. harris: run out and read the book. gregg: it's right there so you don't have to run. have a great weekend. .
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move by putin to pull the plug on any flights in to egypt? >> it follows a bunch of different things that developed. everything from metro jet, which is the company that prapted the flight which said they believe there is a equipment. to the firing of the manager of the airport because of security concerns and the u.s. and uk believe saying we believe there is a possibility this happen. putin is correct we will not
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know until we have gone through all of the different debris, but the satellite imagery and now the ministry of security for russia saying they are going to suspend the flights is the indication that this was a device. >> al-qaeda in the araban peninsula is long active trying to put bombs on board, hasn't it? >> they have. and think back to the attempt over detroit in the airline on christmas day. and several years ago, they were working with with a pretty prominent bomb maker to secret them on the planes. >> the u.s., i am just reading a bulletin there is no security
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for certain airports? what is going to be done, you know to try to prevent this kind of thing from winding on our shores? >> i would have discussions with the former tsan administrators in the mid- two thousands, is convincing the countries to have the same security protocols that we have in this country. this follows testimony from congress on the tsa here in this country saying they had missed things. see it is time for a refresh. security should not be static, it should always be evolving. bad guys are watching and preparing for the things we do the same way all of the time. >> all you have to do is go to an airport and put your luggage on a flight to a destination in
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the united states and you have accomplished, and by- passed the tsa type level of security? >> yeah. that is a great point, jon. in addition to that, it is the personnel that work in the airports. we have the air side cop cent which you don't get on the tarmac or planes unless you are background checks and passed security screening and properly credentials and that's the way it is supposed to work. in other countries, who the people are working in the airports, like egypt where a qa, works and now the motivation to attack the russian target because of the militarism by russia to isis. it is easy to see how someone will say i will try to get it on the plane while working it.
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>> have may awakened the sleeping tiger here? the egyptians are fighting isis and vladimar putin is not going to take this lying down. could this be very, very bad news for isis? >> this is in isis' play bock. they want to shock and be horrible as imaginable to the world and what their end game, the western powers will not concern themselves with going after isis as much as making sure you don't have collateral damage. russia brings a new element into that and whether or not you can have the same type of perspective. with russia that may be a miscalculation. that remains to be seen. >> a great many of the americans are heading overseas for the holidays. what do you tell them about
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their safety this particular time of year? >> the state department puts out awareness alerts for americans traveling in a place where there may be turmoil or threat. they are informative. and in addition if you understand what is going on if you travel. having said that though, it is incumbent on the united states and the rest of the civilized world to say to overseas, you have to adopt some type of uniformed security procedures see that we have confidence that people using the airlines are secure otherwise we'll not give you the tourism dollars you desperately need. >> michael, thank you for your expertise. >> thank you, jon. carly fiorina appearing on
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the "view" confronting the hosts that made insulting comments. some of them said we are comedians and when they suggested she toughened up fiorina had this to say. >> i have skin thick enough to take what people throw to me. i am making a different point and that is this. i think there are real issues in this nalgz that we ought to discuss in a fact- based civil fashion. julie banderas. i thought carly would go on the set with the ladies of the "view". >> no, they never shy away from expressing their view. it is not only conservative but a woman herself. recent targets with carly fiorina. she said, she said. joy and the other ridiculed her
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on the last debate. not on her performance or her looks. they called her smile demented and said there should be a smiling fiorina halloween mask. and fiorina said on fox news sunday, she's tired of being insulted by liberal feminist. and see if they had the guts to say it. >> you were a little upset with us about a comic comment that was made. and so, how will you steel your skin or get a thicker skin to accept some of the humerous things that are said about you? >> well, hey, if you meant your comment about my face demented and halloween mask humorous see be it. i guess you misinterpreted donald trump's comments and
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thought they were not. >> hold on, hold on. >> tiff. according to the campaign manager that almost didn't happen and just days before, fiorina's, joy said it is open season. don't mess with carly unless you want to talk about the facts and not the face. she will complete her campaign in new hampshire. joy feels strongly about the planned parent hood comments and see forth. they stoop to trump's level about appearance. that's going below the belt or skirt. i don't know. >> thank you, julie. president the president decided to reject the construction of the keystone oil pipeline after a seven year
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review. and what the timing of the announcement raises eyebrows and ben carson claims to be accepted of west point and offered a full scholarship. howard kurtz has more on. that do you think that the mainstream treatment of the gop candidate has been fair. go to to join the conversation. important than your health.
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>> well, it took seven years, but the obama administration rejected the keystone excel pipeline. >> this morning secretary kerry informed me with cabinet agencies and outreach, the state department decided that the keystone excel pipeline would not serve the national interest
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of the united states. i agree with that decision. >> let's talk about now with elizabeth harington staff writer. betsy is here for the daily beast. and we'll see you. >> and betsy, i want to start with you. we'll talk about the politics of the pipeline scrap. is this going to be made of the president's timing on this? >> what is interesting about the entire debate, we have seen more powerful democratic leaders follow bernie sanders, he opposed the authorization of the keystone pipeline and brought it up when he was trying to distinguish himself. and clinton went public. i am also against it and now obama stepping in line. it is an interesting example of the democratic party doubling down on this, not anti- energy
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rhetoric, but the idea of pushing for energy policies that align with the left wing of the base than moderate voters. >> elizabeth, how do you see it? >> he said it was an extensive process, he was right. seven years in the making and it went on way too long and clear that the state department and obama administration kicked it off past the 2012 election. they were put in a hard position. you had to choose between the unions and environmentalist who didn't. and now transcanada asking for a delay, hoping that a new administration would come in next year in 2017 and approve it, obama is wanting to write it off as a lame duck and saying rejecting it. >> betsy is that legitimate or
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naive? >> it is a fair way of approaching it. and what is anything how significant and for the environmental movement. it was a rally cry who are concerned about climate change and i remember a massive profest in dc protesters pushing back against the pipeline. and see just the level of excitement in the terms of the democratic vase and left activist who are oppose the pipeline is hard to overstate. it is a huge win for them and not a corresponding pipeline push. >> which candidates out there in the campaign trail will use it to his or her advantage? >> well, i think republicans will be able to use it to their advantage because president obama and hillary clinton is tied to this decision. they can push back hard on it. a lot of them made the case it
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was a job creating project and they will say democrats are cow- towing to environmental left groups. it is how far left the democratic party has gone. >> will hillary clinton use it and say i was right? >> hilar? >> statement to you, elizabeth, continue. >> sure, she had to tie herself to a lot of president obama's decisions. you have seen it with obama care and keystone and forced to come out and she had not made a decision either. now, i am with the administration and this is what we did and smart and gets the issue off of the table, go ahead, betsy. >> i think republicans will have a great opportunity to contrast themselves with democrats, we'll hear the 2016 candidates saying the democratic party went too far to the left and i think that
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is going to come up over and over in the coming months. >> we leave it there. elizabeth, i was not calling you naive and simplistic by the way. >> thank you. >> fox business network will team up with the wall street journal for the fourth debate. it will be main event at 9:00 p.m. eastern. and see if you are not sure where to find fox business. go on to fox finder. >> just as he tops the polls, politico said a offer to go to west point is not true. >> part- two of my incredible journey. and in the indes of peru.
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>> right now ben carson coming clean about some of his past. politico carson admitted to fabricating the story in west point and that he was offered a full scholarship. west point never received his application, and this comes as carson fights back about reports of his past. and fox news media analyst and host of media buzz. how big is this? >> well, right now it is a bombshell and the carson campaign is pushing back. i got a statement calling the politico story an out- right
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lie. carson did grow up poor in detroit and became a world class neurosoutherningion. he was encouraged to fly to west point and says in the bock that he got a full scholarship. and he chose in the end not to apply. and that seems materially different than what is in the memors. >> west point said they have no record of carson's application or the extended admission. >> and they are not disputing that. i guess he reflectively pushes back be against the media when he is challenged on anything with his book. but he's going on the offense and calling the story an outright lie reminiscent of what happened with megyn kelliy in
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response to reporting by cnn where dr. carson acknowledged on the kelly file, yes, it is true. and writes it in and said many times on the campaign trail he was an acry and viulent young man and tried to stab someone in the book as a close friend and telling megyn it is not a close friend. it was a close relative member of his family. >> let's stay on the top for a moment. how does it affect dr. carson's critique of the many stream media and out for gotcha questions and there to report lies. will people believe dr. carson or go wait a minute, that may be a easy out to blame the media? >> i thought dr. carson was winning the argument against cnn
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and that doesn't disprove the violent attacks on others and he said this is gotcha and journalistic fraud. but he did misrepresent a material fact of applying or not applying to west point, now shifts the burden to him. we see politicians and conservative comment attors saying it is bad news for ben carson and the beginning of the end. i am not going that far, but at the same time we have to acknowledge donald trump is attacking him on twitter. for a guy whose campaign is built on inspiring life story and persona, this will amplify the media attempts to find out if other things he said is true. >> i am sure you will cover that on media buzz this week. >> we are, and also the
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investigative report on the night that john lennon died. what actually happen in the hospital he was taken to. that is media buzz on sunday morning. >> sounds fascinating, thank you. >> and having watched the west point application process. it was easier to go through in ben carson's day when he would have been applying. and tough to believe you would forget. >> that would be a moment that you would actually no doubt remember. >> and this programming note, brit hume will host a documentary on a brand new look at george. bush. here is a preview. ♪ [inaudible] it is called mr. president and went to the oval office and
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the rest of us two days. our mood was muted watching one of our fellow hikers evacuated for medical treatment. on the historic trail, you can't keep hikers down. >> it is pretty awesome. it is a little steep. >> from our starting point to the river and over the path, we are to a place and encounter several inca sights. they were weigh stations from five centuries ago and religious and farming communities, tide together by the sliver of stone. we occasionally encounter the llama left by farmers to braise on the trail.
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>> you can't just head to peru without preplanning. to prevent over crowding and wear and tear they limited the hikers to 200 a day. and reservations and licensed guides are a must. the andes are steep. in places the trail is glued to the mountain side. and they are stacked 40 feet or more. and a misstep can be fatal or a nasty plunge in the jungle. it is easy tore go through the mountain than around. it they constructed several tunnels using stone tools to punch their way through solid rock. it is an incredible sunset. and a view of the goal.
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day four will take us downhill to the sun gate over looking the magnificent mountain and city. we embark using headlamps to illuminate the uneven stones of the trail. frequent rain makes it slick. >> what is it. it means tower above the clouds. >> this was long shelves when they cut stones. steep ladders of rock. >> what goes down goes up. and before we reach the sun gate, there is a stairway see steep it is best navigated on all fours. >> come around the corner of the sun gate and there it is.
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the inca's holy citadel. >> how does it feel to make it? >> exhilarating. one of the toughest things to do. looking at the view of the city. >> 26 mile hike of the inca trail is almost complete. it still takes us more than an hour on foot to reach it. inside, the views are stunning. the questions profound. the inca did not use the wheel or written lang. eat they cut the granite blocks with precision, difficult to do even today. archaeologist believe they built it over the course of 90 years but not sure why. many temples suggest it was
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a religious site or a seasonal resort for the king. >> we could spend hours telling you about it. but maybe you should just ride the trail or hike it yourself. >> there is a train that takes you from the base and then you ride the bus up. >> as for our fellow hiker, she was stricken with extreme high altitude sickness. she was in a coma four days. we said a lot of prayers and i spoke to her. and she is back on her feet and doing well but doesn't remember much of the trail. they are starting up new compassion centers in peru. if you would like to see what they provide to impoverished
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children go to the website. >> how did you feel? >> it is pretty spectacular. you can't believe the construction they did, and apparently over 90 years which seems like a blink of an eye. it is a fascinating place. thank you, jon. >> it was great. >> right now fasa is searching for answers on the evolution of mars after new data indicated that the planet had a warm wet atmosphere which solar winds stripped away over billions of years. >> these are the first ever measurement of the planet of mars and how that atmosphere is getting thinner and thinner. the probe has been orbitting mars for a year now and tells
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the story of two different planets. 4 billion years ago, mars and earth were similar. they were warm and support life. something happen to mars to make it cold and barren. >> we can understand how our planets had divergent histories. that is important as we compare ourselves to worlds in our solar system. >> over time mars lost the magnetec shield and lost protection over solar winds. a similar fate is in no danger here. it can't happen here for at least 1 billion years. >> and there is new evidence sharing light on the motivation of a campus suspect in a campus stabbing spree. plus, runners in the home
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stretch of an epic coast to coast journey with the red, white and blue flying high.
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>> hi, everyone. i. gretchen carlson. we have breaking news on the black boevenlths the sound of an explosion is heard during that flight. that is according to an investigator who had access to the box. we'll give you more details and we'll give you the real story of what carly fiorina thought her appearance on the view. and the member of congress who will announce who is endorsing on the gop nomination on the show. join us. >> and a fox news alert. you might recall a number of christian groups sued the obama administration saying they don't like and man dated to comply with the environment that they provide contraceptive coverage
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to their employees and that is one of the rules in obama care. and the supreme court agreed to hear their case. despite the federal religious restoration act, a compromise measure, the u.s. supreme court will hear the case of those who object to the requirement of comprehensive care covering contraception under obama care. more as we get it. >> new information about the suspect in a stabbing rampage in a california college. police finding a document detailing faisel mohammed's revenge. he was angry and he planned to kill a police officer and steal a gun. and then used that gun to harm others. see that is the latest information that we have on that
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situation that unfolded. and we have this for you. from sea to shining sea. they are carrying the american flag for more than 3000 miles for the old glory relay. joining me on the phone is donnie starling. it is nice to talk to you. first, tell me more about team red, white and blue. >> sure, appreciate you having us on today. team red, white and blue is an organization to help veterans. we do that between physical and social activities. we let them connect with civilian supporter friends and veterans to tell their story and help them improve their health, purpose in life. >> anything that we can do to help the vets is a wonderful thing.
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as you nor the end of the journey this year, i understand you will be completing it come sunday? >> yes, ma'am. we are going to wrap up. i was fortunate enough to plan the entire event and also be in the start in san francisco when we ran through the downtown san francisco with police escort in old glory. and we run through the nation's capitol, we are excited to do that and spread the word and get members and partners and microsoft involved with that run. and it is awesome to see the stories when you run through the community with an american flag. we'll see that what has in store for us. >> i will be working on sunday and i have a feeling i will talk to you then. if not we'll talk about that story on that day. donnie starly, i appreciate your dedication and efforts there. >> i appreciate it. have a great day. >> a beloved american classic
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hits theaters today. the peanut movie and you will meet the voice behind the beloved character.
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it is a playground tragedy repeated again and again for 65 years. a young girl leaving her pal flat on his back. are there legal issues involved here? take a look. >> here's a signed document testifying i promise not to pull it away. >> i guess if you have a signed document in your possession you can't go wrong. this year i'm really going to kick that football.
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that is from one of the charlie brown specials that's been delighting families since i was charlie brown's age. does charlie have a case? we have brought in our expert legal panel. he's called in outside counsel, his son a.j. because there's a new chapter opening this theaters nationwide today, the peanuts movie. aj is the voice of pig pen. aj, congratulations, first of all. >> thank you. >> what was the competition like? >> there was about a thousand kids trying out for the part. i got really lucky. >> we have the t-shirt. there is a resemblance. what does your room look like at home? >> it's not good. >> you got the voice. you've known this for a year,
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right? >> or two, i think. >> he couldn't tell over a year. he had to keep it to himself. came to a surprise to a lot of his teachers. >> i don't know you have seen the film. there's no cell phones or no tweeting. it's an amazing amazing movie. >> charles schultz created the comic book. his family still protective of the legacy of pig pen and the rest of the characters. >> it's 3-d but there's portions of the movie where they put parts of the comic strip and original specials. it's amazing.
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the kids voice, they looked for voice who is sounded like the iconic characters. told the kids not to act and use their natural voices. >> there was a big fancy red carpet inflatable dog house premier out in california. that was pretty cool. >> that was amazing. >> what's been the best part of being the voice of pig pen? >> probably getting to work with the amazing cast. everybody's been so nice. the amazing director. >> there is going to be a sequel? i'm guessing this will be huge. it opens this weekend. >> i would hope. i'm pushing for pig pen take a bath. >> what happens if pig pen's goes to somebody house and leaves a mess on somebody's floor? >> i don't know. i'd have to represent myself and have a fool for a lawyer and a
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client. >> how did you get into this? you've done television commercials. >> you don't spend 24 hours a day trying to be an actor? >> no. just a hobby for me. i started when i was three kind of like a fluke. >> you want to be a lawyer someday like your dad. >> over my dead body. >> that's really cool. it is 3-d. you have to wear the glasses and everything. >> yeah. >> what's your favorite part of the movie or can you tell us? >> i don't think i'll give anything away but there's a really good school dance. >> does pig pen get the girl at the end? >> watch the movie to find out. >> all right. charlie brown and the whole
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peanuts gang. lucy who charlie brown finally gets to kick the football or do we have to wait and see? >> you'll have to wait. charles schultz great grandson is in the movie. we're looking forward to seeing it. aj, we'll have you back next movie. fred we'll have you back next week for another legal panel. >> thanks for having me in. >> congratulations. i'm going to check the movie out. stick with us. getting older shouldn't mean giving up all the things she loves to do. it should just mean, well, finding new ways to do them.
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big deal. >> i'm looking forward to that. >> another big deal these days, in fact, tomorrow, is john scott's birthday. we say happy birthday. >> look at that. the logo and everything. this is the lovely linda, the assistant whom i share with gretchen carl son. >> come in the spotlight. come around. >> the worst part of my birthday is linda is leaving us to go off and do some computer coding. you'll stay at fox, right? >> yes, god willing. >> i'm surprised the real story is going to make it on the air today because both gretchen and i are very unhappy that linda is leaving. we're happy you could be with us the last couple of years. >> congratulations, linda. >> happy birthday, jon. >> have a great day. >> you have some great voices.
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>> you're awesome. >> great to have you here. >> appreciate it. >> all right. we'll see if gretchen can get a show on. the real story starts now. we're going to try. the russian plane crash being described as an official attack. that's according to french media outlets. fox news has not independently confirmed it. i'm gretchen carlson, this is the story on that. this comes as british intelligence picked up electronic chatter of between islamic terrorists in syria. it's showing the crash could have been an inside job with an airport worker putting the bomb in the


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