tv The Kelly File FOX News November 6, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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awful. again, please remember, the spin stops here because we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, dr. ben carson firing back. the republican presidential hopeful getting in a heated exchange with reporters after a new article suggests carson and his team concedes to fabricating stories. welcome to "the kelly file," everyone. for years now, carson has told the story of a tough childhood, rocked by an absent father and financial hardship. but, yesterday, cnn took issue with his redemption story. the idea that he drastically changed when he concord
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conquered his violent temper. the plit cole posting an article this morning declaring ben carson admits fabricating west point scholarship. they've since changed that headline. but the questions have not gone away. two hours ago in a fiery press conference, dr. carson addressed those very claims, taking the media to task for what he claims is an attempt to tarnish him. >> i think what it shows, and these kinds of things show, is that there is a desperation on behalf of some to try to find a way to tarnish him. they have been looking through everything. they have been talking to everybody i've ever known. there's got to be a scandal. there's got to be some nurse he's having an affair with. they are getting desperate. so, next week, it will be my kindergarten teacher who said i
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peeed in my pants. here's my prediction. my prediction is that all of you guys trying to pile on is actually going to help me. when i go out to these book signings, i see these thousands of people, they say don't let the media get you down. don't let them disturb you. please continue to fight for us. they understand that this is a witch hunt. i do not remember this level of scrutiny for one president barack obama. i remember just the opposite. but we won't talk about that. my job is to call you out when you're unfair. first, what general rated that response from dr. ben carson. good evening, trace.
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>> dr. ben carson has been telling the same story for at least the past 25 years writing in his 1995 autobiography, "gifted hands." he was urged to attend the army's military academy and was later offered a full scholarship. the story was such a key part, that he retold it just last month. >> west point doesn't offer scholarships, only appointments. so when politico contacted west point, they had no record of carson's application. they took it and ran this headline.
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ben carson admits to fabricating west point's scholarship. the carson campaign has now shot back saying the only one misleading is politico. ben carson was told that because of his rotc performance and grades, he could get an appointment and that he simply chose not to pursue admission. quoting here. the politico story was an out right lie. he never said he was admitted or everyone applied. politico is standing by his story but did switch the headline. carson admits he could have been clearer in explaining the west point story, but it is the second time this week the media has attacked ben carson's life story with less-than-convincing evidence. >> thank you, trace. chris, thanks for joining us tonight.
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>> a few people fired up about this. you heard trace's report. how can you standby your story but change a word like fabricated. that headline hit at 11:00 a.m. this morningment it turned heads, chris. and then they take the word away but say they're standing by it. >> politico stands by the story now. no, no, no, now. now they standby the story. if these people are trying to get ben carson a republican nomination, they're doing a heck of a good job. that business with cnn say prove that you hit your mother with a hammer. and you think am i taking crazy pills? what's going on here. and then they follow on something that they tout as an exclusive that a thing that he never said happened never happened.# w,iiw
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it's about context, right? yes, there was reporting on unsavory associates. yes, there was reporting on a land deal that he ought not have been. yes, there was coverage about his misspent youth. but the frame on it was different. so it's the framing and the tone of the story. >> by the way, some of dr. carson's political opponents on the right, jeb bush, actually was asked about this today and came out in support of dr. carson and said i believe dr. carson over politico. >> and so did ted cruise. so has rubio. the only one who has given him
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grief is donald trump to whom carson poses the most threat. >> it's a story we're likely to hear a lot more about as this campaign continues. >> "the kelly file" gets an exclusive look with the physician. and he goes one-on-one with dr. mark siegel to discuss his career with a patient you may never forget. plus. >> she picked off her thing saying, you know, people tell me that i didn't smile enough during the last debate. >> and carly fiorina goes on the view today to respond face-to-face with those comments and many more the ladies have made about her in the past. the republican presidential
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candidate is here live with reaction to that interview next. plus, a possible significant development in the investigation into hillary clinton's e-mail scandal. the report on that straight ahead. >> i am confident that i never sent or received any you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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ask. breaking tonight, new fallout, carly fiorina fights back after the ladies of the view after the last republican debate. >> three pages, three pages. she kicked off her thing saying people tell me i didn't smile enough. she looks demented. like a smiling halloween mask. >> looked like she'd been practicing that. >> yes. >> i think that is the words we use. >> today, fiorina confronted the hosts. >> we know you took issue with something said last week. what's happening, girl? >> i have been called all kinds
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of things. a bimbo from the time i was a secretary to ceo. we need to be able to have civil conversations about our differences as well as the things that unite us. i think all too often, we demonize a messenger because we don't like the message. >> you were upset about a comic comment that was made. how will you steel your skin? how will you get a thicker skin to accept the humorous things that will be said about you? >> if you meant your comment about my face being demented as a halloween mask, so be it. >> your expression felt like you were being told to smile more. >> i don't have people coaching
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me to be a different way. i love to smile and laugh but there is a time to smile and a time to be serious. when you're talking about bearing a child, that is not the time to smile. >> there is a video going out that you're trying to make lemonade out of lemons here, aren't you? >> are you telling me you're lemons? >> no. no. that is very good. very good. >> joining me now is carly f fiorina. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> the lemons comment was a good one. how did you think this went? it was so highly anticipated you're going to sit down to talk to these ladies today.
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what was your overall take? . >> i was happy to talk to the ladies of "the view". i said conservative women are held to a different standard than liberal women and said to them the liberal left often demonizes the messenger when they don't like the message. they started out by doing what liberals often do, they say tell us how you can be for women if you don't support, then, they went through the litany of women. so you're not a supporter of women unless you believe on abortion on demand, and that the federal government ought to mandate mandatory child leave. that is how they started the interview. they made my point is the point. >> they started the interview and it appeared they were going
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to be warm and welcoming. whoopi goldberg opened with "hey girl, let's clear the air" but then the mood of the interview soured after taking on a conversation about planned parenthood. you know, you said, whether you're pro-choice or pro-life, the majority of americans are horrified that we're harvesting baby parts by late term abortions. whoopi goldberg said i need to stop you because that is not true. we know it is true. planned parenthood changed their payment policy for fetal issue. do you think you got anywhere with these women? >> i hope i got somewhere with the audience, which is the point. i doubt i influenced whoopi goldberg and joy behar but they are speaking to millions of women day after day after day. it's important that women know when whoopi goldberg say it's
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not true that that is false. reagan used to say you're entitled to your opinion, but not your own facts so what i do, day after day after day, in addition to talking about my candidacy and what is at stake in the nation i educate people about what is really going on. i talked to a bunch of students today that don't know the federal government has taken over the student loan business. they don't know that the reason their student loan is skyrocketing is because the government controls it now. carly, there was a moment in new hampshire where a gentleman approached you in a diner and made a reference to president obama. we have that clip. i want you to respond to it, if you could, please. >> it's time to do something different in many ways. >> absolutely. >> he made a reference to the
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president being a muslim, and you're being criticized because you didn't respond to that. >> well, i responded to that over and over again. that diner town hall, i went through substantive question after substantive question. so i said on many occasions, that president obama tells me he's a christian, i take him at his word. the truth is that president obama isn't on the the ballot. the person on the ballot, that is going to be on the ballot is hillary clinton. i talk about the issues that face our nation and how it is that i can beat hillary clinton because in the end we have to win the white house but i think it's time to do something different now. we cannot simply replace a d with an r because we've had rs in the white house over 40 years and yet the things we say we care about haven't gotten fixed.
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>> speaking of which that is going to be the focus of our fox business debate coming up next week. i know you and will be packing our bags to go to that, carly. any words heading into that debate? your expectations? >> well, look. when i launched by candidacy i was 16 out of 16. polling people didn't ask my name. that is how little people thought of me. next week, i will be standing on a debate stage with seven other candidates. no other candidate had the trajectory i have had, particularly because i was, and remain the least well known candidate on the stage. i look forward to standing on the stage and answering questions from what i know will be great moderators. >> it's focused on the economy, your money and everything you care about most. carly fiorina, thanks for joining us. and don't forget that next
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debate is tuesday, november 10th on the fox business network. coverage starts at 7:00 p.m. then, the second debate happens at 9:00 p.m. in prime time. and then, tune in to the special "kelly file live" at midnight with analysis. all right. yet another republican candidate in the middle of a fight this weekend. with donald trump set to be hosting snl in just over 24 hours amid a chorus of protestors pouring in to have him pulled from the show entirely. alan combs and greg gutfeld are here on trump's many attackers and the theory he can be walking into what one writer described as a booby trap. and a family of an illinois cop that reportedly staged his suicide to look like a murder as
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new, troubling stories emerge this guy's mistress and son. >> the person i thought i knew 20 years had another side i wasn't aware of. it's been shocking to me. >> ♪ just because your bladder is changing, doesn't mean you have to. with tena's unique super-absorbent micro-beads that lock in moisture and odor... you can keep chasing after youth. tena - lets you be you. ♪ it's the final countdown! ♪
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side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. donald trump is hosting "saturday night live" this week. mr. trump can only speak for four seconds in this promo. >> so let me just say this, ben carson is a complete and total loser. >> donald truch's saturday night live appearance is so packed with controversy. even the promotion is causing a stir pulling that clip you just saw saying someone leaked it with just over 24 hours until the show airs. here's a growing course of folks demanding that snl drop that trump invite, although some of
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trump's critics plan on taking a different approach. a theory he could be walking into a boobie track. first, our west coast news room. trace sf. >> i've got to tell you. the so called dump trump rally has been in full swing this week. so far, activists have protested, turned over a petition with a half million signatures demanding that donald trump be replaced as this week's guest host but with a little more than 24 hours to go until show time, it appears nbc is not backing down. so activists have worked up a plan b called disrupt trump on saturday night live, win $5,000.
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the idea is to work with protesters to disrupt the broadcast saying anyone who yells out or gets on camera saying deport racism or trump is a racist gets to win 5,000 bucks. trump says the reason nbc invited him on was to get big ratings. >> there were a couple that were too risque. i'm leading in iowa and i want to stay leading in iowa. >> the secret service will also be on hand at tomorrow night's show. >> well, joining us now to react
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is ellen combs and co-host of the five right here on fox. and the author of the new book, "how to be right." >> want will all of this controversy do? >> first of all, i love how the rest of america feels when you have some celebrity spouting some stupid political tripe that they know nothing about. but when the oscars or the grammies or the tonys are on and somebody says something stupid, we don't protest. we realize that your silly opinions deserve to be heard. these people who are apparently so liberal are extremely sbol rant.
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>> unbelievable with people petitioning the thing. >> you know what they say're doing? they're helping donald trump. they're going to give him great ratings and take credit for it. he was on oreilly earlier and he said it's going to be great. >> here's an interesting strike that jill. it's not my idea. but what if trump souts if actual slogan and then he gets the five grand.
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you know where they learned those words? from donald trump. >> if you turn your kids into a political tool, you're a horrible parent. i'm here to say they are terrible parents. child services should be looking into them. >> kmeed yens actually tell jokes on stagement i don't have the guts flt. >> how do you think they're going to portray him? >> i think they're going to treat him with the most respect out of fear. i think they're more intimidated by him than he's intimidated by the process.
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they don't want to screw it up. >> lots of questions about the security that night. he's got the protection of the secret service. but you've got this kind of protest. it's going to be interesting. but the big question is will he surpass snl numbers like sarah palin. >> i feared we might be overdoing it. i feel like a kid on christmas eve and there's this kind of malaise. you're so anticoal. . >> thank you for making me laugh. we'll leave it there. breaking news, new clues in
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that deadly plane crash. we've got the latest on that. the frightening revelation officials say may have been uncovered by the plane's black boxes. >> i am confident that i never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received. i did not send nor receive anything that was classified at the time. >> i did not send nor receive >> i did not send nor receive anything that was classifie
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big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac.
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a u.s. government source telling fox news there is evidence that a "high-end explosive device" was planted on board. a source close to the investigation says the black boxes captured the sound of an explosion during the flight. and, tonight, the homeland security department announcing it is tightening security measures for flights into the united states from the middle east. also, breaking tonight, a potential new smoking gun document emerging in hillary clinton's e-mail scandal. it shows mrs. clinton's plan to take full responsibility for safeguarding the nation's top secrets. even as she was storing hundreds of potentially unclassified. there's hillary clinton's signature. she acknowledged that if she
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broke the rules, she could face criminal prosecution. rich, tuz this change anything? >> well, it's an embarrassment for her. but it doesn't change anything. a person in this position to protect all sensitive material and handle it responsibly. whether it's technically marked classified or not. and, of course, sanders, that gets to a key distinction that she's falling back on. now we know there's lots of classified e-mail, . >> so the sensitive compartmented disagreemented, they called this sci, nondisclosure agreement. this is the big deal. this is what she signed.
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in it, it says, "i have been advised that any greech of this group may result in the action and remoouflg of the fogs from confidence and trust or other relationships with any department or agency that provides med with access to sci. she's running for president, rish. >> yes. anyone who has served in government in a sensitive position has been out raged from this e-mail story from the beginning. they know if they ever would have done something similar, their career would probably be over and they might face serious legal kwons chemical weapons. hillary feels she's above the law. you don't have to be
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intentionally going out and handling this material. >> so, rich, we haven't heard hillary clinton react yet. how do you think her camp will respond to this? >> i think that eel just blow it off the way they've blown everything else off and rely on various technical distinctions and say, look, it wasn't marked and some parts of the obama administration say this stuff wasn't as sensitive or highly classified as other parts the administration said and throw up a big fog machine. what they're banking on, at the end of the day, even if there's an fbi referral, ultimately,
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they would have to indict her to get this into a court and they think that's never, never gloing to happen. >> we've gotten somewhat of a response. it appears the dni may be confirming that. but this is not going to go away. >> as you mentioned, is this just swept under the rug? >> legally, under the department of justice, it will probably be swept under the rug. but it has seriously harmed her where her honesty and trustworthy numbers are really in the tank. so she's paying a political price and that's what she cares about most. >> thank you for joining us tonight. there are also dramatic new
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developments in the case of an illinois cop who staged his own suicide to look like a murder. why the investigation is now turning to his son and mistress. what's next now for little sisters of the poor. dr. ben karl sovn goes one-on-one with ben stieg lerks. >> what's the most memorable moment you can think of talking to a child that you were treating? ♪ it's a calling. a love affair. a quest. the next horizon.
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everyone loves the chase. jeb bushwe have to beave to be tthe world's leader.n. who's going to take care of the christians that are being eliminated in the middle east? who's going to take care of israel and support them - our greatest ally in the middle east? the united states has the capability of doing this, and it's in our economic and national security interest that we do it. i will be that kind of president and i hope you want that kind of president for our country going forward. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. called "squamous non-smallced luncell",er previously treated with platinum-based chemotherapy, it's not every day something this big comes along. a chance to live longer... with opdivo, nivolumab.
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it's the season of audi sales event. get up to a $2,500 bonus for highly qualified lessees on select audi models. breaking tonight, the supreme court to hear another major legal challenge to obamacare in march, the obama add mip strags will face-off against the little sisters of the poor. they're a non-profit, catholic charity. the little sisters are fighting a revelation. the white house says they have provided the groups with accommodations that do not violate their rights. >> in recent days, dr. ben carson has taken serious heat
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over his personal and political views. even his life story. tonight, in a "kelly file" exclusive, dr. ben carson addresses the 2016 race as well as some of the great passions in his life. medicine, family and faith. it's an eye opening look at the man who wants to be president in his own words as he sits down with fellow doctor mark siegel of fox news. take a look. >> i'm going to ask you the most important question first. what role has faith played in healing for you. >> faith, for me, has been a critical and central part of my life. you know, from the time i was a child. it inspired me to become a doctor. from the time i was 8 years old, always wanted to be a doctor. the kind of doctor changed, but
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it was always a doctor. i was just so inspired at great personal sacrifice tried to help other people. >> and, you know, as a teenager faith played a huge role in my transition when i almost stabbed someone. i was just praying that he could take the temper away from me. i was normally a nice person. i would just have these out bursts. and it happened, i mean.cút god took my temper away. >> what i read about your mother, i understand what you believe in blind entitlements. i understood your mother worked really hard. but flash over to obamacare and tell me why, as a physician, what's your critique of it? >> the main reason that i have been such a vociferous opponent
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of obamacare is not so much because it's not affordable and because it doesn't work but because it's changes the way you look at the government. it's supposed to be of, for and by the people. with the government to facilitate life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. with this, the government comes along and says don't really care what you think. this is what we're doing, we're shoving it down your throat whether you like it or not. if you don't like it, too bad. >>. >> is the american public seeing you clearly? >> i believe they have. they're actually starting to listen to what i'm say iing as oppose today what the left wing media is saying.
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i'm looking for a way to lift america. i care about the values and the principles that made us into a great nation. and i'm not willing to give them away so we can ect. >> talk to me about abortion. i specifically want you to talk about it because i think, and i read your views on it, i think because you're a physician, a neurosurgeon, a pediatric neurosurgeon, no less. >> well, you know, i've spent many, many a day, many a night operating on premature babies. and then seeing them as productive adults. there's no way anybody is going to convince me that that's a meaningless mass of cells. that's just not going to happen. >> what's the most memorable moment you remember treating? >> i rebel a little girl, what a
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sweet little girl she was. she had disseminate d mas toe m. a very malignant tumor. we had removed the primary tumor, but it had already spread. they tried bone marrow transplant and all kinds of things, but it had come back again. there was really nothing more to do. and she just smiled. she said -- she said you all did the best you could co. thank you. our thanks to ben carson and dr. siegel for the new drama involving the family of that illinois cop who reportedly staged his own suicide to look like a murder. up next, the troubling story
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about this guy's alleged mist res and his own son. ♪ don't just eat. mangia! bertolli. awe believe active management can protect capital long term. active management can tap global insights. active management can take calculated risks. active management can seek to outperform. because active investment management isn't reactive. it's active. that's the power of active management.
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developing tonight, dramatic new information in the case of an illinois cop who reportedly went to great lengths to make his suicide look like a murder. there are multiple reports tonight that lieutenant joseph glenowitz may have had his alleged mistress marry his son, who's in the army, so that they could both enjoy military financial benefits. this comes a day after investigators say he also tried to put a hit on a local leader. joining me to discuss this is criminal defense attorney and fox news contributor, ebony williams. thanks for being here. >> of course. >> this is a crazy story! and it seems to just keep getting worse the more we learn.
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>> it's the worst kind of soap opera. you know, from time to time, unfortunately, you see law enforcement officials that don't hold up to the badge. but in my experience as a criminal defense lawyer, i've never seen something quite like this. law enforcement, they're on a spectrum, like everybody else. they're not all good or all bad, but these are very egregious allegation allegations. >> so he was, allegedly, having an affair with this woman who had recently gotten divorce. she had two children. she needed more money for health care and to feed the children. so he arranged for his son, the cop's son, who is in the military, the army, to marry his mistress, so that they could bring in about, they estimate, $1750 a month. >> a complete sham marriage, completely what the accusation is. and unfortunately, i've seen this. i've represented clients before where they've been prosecuted for this type of -- essentially, it's embezzlement of, guess what, of our money, taxpayer dollars they're trying to up
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their access for. this is designed for important purposes and you hate to see it being taken advantage of. >> and it's not like he had a squeaky clean past where people were shocked where people were shocked that he was engaging in this type of behavior. he didn't show up on work on time or on occasion, he wouldn't show up at all. there was an incident where he passed up in his truck with the engine running after a night of drinking. there's a lengthy list of here of questionable behavior. why was he still in his position? >> well, with law enforcement, from my experience, there's always the benefit of the doubt. we really like -- and many times they're given opportunities, sandra, to rehabilitate themselves. we know he was under investigation by this local administrator for a very long time and she was asking him questions, guess what, giving him an opportunity to redeem himself. and all she got in return for that, some reports are saying, was this man was trying to plant narcotics on her and even possibly trying to take his life. >> will he be penalized by the court of law? >> certainly, you know, he
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couldn't face these consequences, he took his life. his son, if there's any involvement there, absolutely would look at being discharged from the army as well as several felonies against him. and based off the knowledge, you know, his wife, the woman he was actually married to, could also face charges coming from this. very messy and very sad. >> i think it's safe to say, this falls under the category this falls under the category of, you can't make this when your cold makes you wish... could stay... bed all day... need the power of... new theraflu expressmax. new theraflu expressmax. the power to feel better.
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all right. don't change that channel. up next, there's a special fox news reporting, destiny, the private diaries of george herbert walker bush. go and tell us what you think about the show. that's it for tonight. they called him poppy. george herbert walker bush, 41st president of the united states. a new england aristocrat, who became a politician in the texas oil patch. he owned perhaps the most impressive resume of any man ever to win the white house. he relished the rough and tumble of politics, but steadfastly maintained a public identity of dignified restraint, even in defeat. tonight, for the first time, you will hear the private thoughts of the 41st president in his own voice, part of an
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