tv Hannity FOX News November 17, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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id ideas. like the violence of the caliphate, the world is divided into -- we have a mission. these are very simple ideas that legitimizes violence against society. when you see jihadist, you see confidence. if you don't respond to these id ideas, then, they're going to continue to radicalize others. look what happened in egypt and tunisia. let's take examples from the arab and muslim world. they responded to the muslim brotherhood, responded to the caliphate. that's how millions of people started to march on the streets of cairo and they got rid of what they believe is a machine of radicalization. in the west, we are not respo responding. unfortunately our government, including our administration have ignored the ideological battle. i think now the public will take on ideology. >> a lot of people listening to you would agree with you.
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as you mentioned, the leadership of our own government has failed to call this what it is. we had general after general and terror expert after terror expert say this is an ideologil battle. this is not a syndicate, a terror agency of death that means to do free thinking freedom thinking people harm. you stated it clearly as well as tom ro gan on with us earlier. he went on to say our values we hold dear -- i'm looking at video now where everything is a camera angle, our values must be spoken of, must be adhered to, and we must not allow any to take that away from . the problem and irony is even if officials or politicians or
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leaders ignore the ideological dimension, right, because of social media, this is impossible at this point in time. citizens and younger and younger citiz citizens, even teenagers, when they go online and hear what the jihadists have to say and come on tv and listen to decision-makers and politicians tell them there is no ideology and they are hearing what they're saying on facebook and instagram, you're creating a wedge between your elite that does not want to engage ideol y ideologically and a majority of your young people who know this is an ideological problem. >> we're getting some more updates right now, walid. why i was just pausing for a moment. we are told that one newspaper -- we want to make sure we get some independent confirmation, we are being told t "the guardian" is reporting they
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were searching this neighborhood for the mastermind, which would be abdel hamid -- i forgot to how to pronounce his last name, abaaoud. we are wading for confirmation on that. steve is doing his fact finding now and we still don't know who they're looking for. this is clear we are getting a published report and wait until we get independent information they are possibly looking for the mastermind of these terrorist attacks. there was early reporting he had gone back to syria. no one could confirm that either. it appears the intelligence apparatus in paris, france or all of france are working and interconnecting with the uk, united states, as well as israel. all of the intelligence services
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being brought to bear, perhaps even russia. we know air strikes are being conducted by france, russia and the united states on raqqa, syria. so are we seeing that the communication now and the information sharing is now taking place because that's important? but it's important because it's being done on a global level? we may have lost walid for a moment. we will go to benjamin collins, former green beret. thanks for joining us this morning. you've been following no doubt but as a former green beret and the saint-denis? what do you think of this, intelligence sharing and taking them out for bring them to
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justice? >> you hit the nail on the head. what this attack did was bring to the forefront the ability and necessity for uk and anyone and certainly belgium because be belgium has a huge problem with this bring them in a way they can share now real-time. they have capabilities we don't and we have capabilities they don't. to be honest, they probably have been using signal intelligence or tracking phones. maybe they got phones off the dead bodies to track their text history. some form of electronic tracking they're doing. >> very good you pointed that out. as you know, when -- police look
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for everything. when dead bodies are there, they're part of the evidence. dead terrorists leave evidence. they also leave a treasure trove of information, as we saw in the case of osama bin laden, when he was taken out in pakistan, a treasure trove of information that gave us insight as to how al qaeda conducts itself. this isn't al qaeda, we're talking about al qaeda on steroids. that's isis. while they may be bragging they did something really large, in terms of attacking paris, france, they have also put a marker on themselves and they are now being served notice. >> they have. i think, kelly, it's important to realize when i think on fox, probably walked myself into this as well sometimes in commentary, the classic you hear from a lot of us is, you know, regional --
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that isis had a very regional goal, right? it was to build this caliphate and starting in iraq and syria and al qaeda had the traditional anti-west. al qaeda was the more mature, would plan, et cetera. i think what we've seen is a function of -- as isis brand is risen into the tendency and al qaeda has not, we have seen a lot of core al qaeda and expertise and smuggling routes and logistics arm al qaeda has, has almost re-branded into isis. i'll tell you one of the things that struck me a couple days ago the type of explosive used in the suicide vest was something called tapt, you can literally buy this stuff at a feed store and home depot and make it. as a matter of fact, there is a youtube video you can watch how
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to build this stuff. the problem with tapt is it is extremely volatile. the fact they were able to create five or six of these v t vests and not blow themselves up in the process and they worked as designed, that show s thes t was real expertise and imported from somebody in syria and iraq or somebody already in francey these are things i guarantee the french police are thinking about, certainly the counter-terror team. they cornered these guys or one of these guys in an apartment complex, they have to be thi thinking what else do these guys have? they know they have arms. >> and you have to make sure the apartment is not rigged with explosives which could be a case in this situation that could demolish an entire neighborhood depending how much they have here. very good point, benjamin collins, former green beret. thank you for your service, by
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the way. >> you're very welcome. in looking forward in this police station going on, after it ends, what happens then? what's the next step? isis remains a threat to so many countries. >> and what we lack from this administration and very much alliance and overall strategic plan. certainly, as you say, we can beat these guys in pockets. we can't be everywhere all the time. certainly, if this wasn't directed by kind of isis headquarters, you have to think under pressure, these guys need
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to raise money because oil revenues are down, they're losing soldiers from desertion and are under pressure. they will look to make a name for themselves. it's something i've been wat watching everyday. if you look on twitter and see what's trending, isis hasn't left that box of what's trending for the last five days. that's a win for isis. these things drum up propaganda and plays to their message. i have to think if you remember, when they went into iraq, they raided the banks and took close to a billion dollars worth of gold assets and had money coming in from the oil coming in from the gray market. it doesn't take a whole lot of known make a whole lot of damage. i think if they had been smart about this, they're moving pockets of money and moving groups of expertise, the trouble here, kelly, what really makes me nervous, is that kind of that, look, you can defeat the army but you have to defeat the
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idea. it's that idea, right, that has been so prevalent. >> that's why i've been asking the question about it, the idea, the ideology that they have and passing it on to so many of our young people and turning those young people into terrorist wannabes and some of them actually carrying it out as we have seen what happened in paris on friday, a lot of attackers were all young. i want to do something quickly. we're getting confirmation from another source, this one coming from the ap, that they are s saying what we're seeing on video right now is a manhunt for the terrorist mastermind. the mastermind of these attacks that took place in paris, which would be abdelhamid abaaoud. and we're withouting for more independent information on the grout here from steve, we will confirm that on our own.
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these are unconfirmed reports because fox news is not repo reporting it but we're getting it from two different sources now that he is likely to be one of the people in this situation. if that is the case, we can anticipate there will be a fight. as i mentioned earlier today, earlier, as we started reporting then as well as walid, i think is still with us, french police accidentally permitted to cross into belgium on saturday, one of this is brothers blew himself up in paris. meanwhile, as we've been talking tonight, both france and russia are unleashing a new wave of air strikes against isis targets in syria in theraqqah stronghold they have. that intensified coming from russia basically because vladimir putin the president of russia is very upset with the fact it's been proven now the russian passenger plane that
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crashed over the sinai peninsula as it left share mm mel shakik homemade bomb that took responsible for that metro jet coming down. you talked about it. walid talked about it. let's talk about it again. the idea -- that's what makes both of you nervous, the idea itself has to be destroyed, has to be shown as being the ugly menacing ideology from the pit of hell. how do you do that? how do you do that beyond military intervention and police jennin venti int intervention? >> that's the billion dollar question. we struggled with that in recent years and in afghanistan and
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iraq as well, insofar as we focus a lot on the military aspect. this is a military sloouolutiont has to be designed. unfortunately, i think we tend to make decisions based on data. we live in a society where we're proud of our freedom of speech and the ability to get information processed. unfortunately in that region of the world that doesn't exist. we might shake our heads when we see some guys interviewed saying the u.s. is -- it's our imperialistic ambitions to take over the oil fields, et cetera, et cetera. you can't fix that. that's not a 12 month solution. for me, two things have to happen or three things. one, the military. we've been avoiding this discussion and president obama
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has been saying we can't give it credibility. if you look at the oxford dictionary difnition of a state, enclosed territory, self-system of governance, laws, currency, we may not want to admit it the is islamic group has created a state, it is an army from 50,000 to 60,000. there has to be a military solution that its going to have to kill the enemy. i hate to say it but air power is not enough. we can bomb these guys to smithereens. until there is a boot on the ground that takes and holds that territory, we have to, in my mind, if i was driving this military train, you've got to separate mosul andraqqah, you have to interdicted them astop
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them from moving material. and a solution for assad. you look at syria, kelly, they were producing something like 4 million barrels of oil, they're down to 10,000. it's nothing. their economy is in the tank. they're gdp is down 60%. in five years that civil war destroyed an economy and a country that will take decades to fix. we have to have a civil solution for that on top of military solution. sorry, kelly. >> that's fine. actually, i appreciate your breadth and understanding of the problem. you've underscored it very well. i think walid phares, our terrorism expert as well. i want to bring people up to date watching us i want to remind you right now what we're seeing are french police as well as other security teams opera
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operating a police intervention as the deputy mayor of the saint-denis neighborhood of paris, france, told people to stay indoors. police told people to stay indo indoors, there will be no school. they are conducting a police intervention in search of suspects that we understand are terror suspects related to the attacks that took place on paris, france, on friday, ilg killing 129 people. in addition to the 352 people injured, 99 would be critically injured our prayers are with them now as they're move mortgage people in. the reason why we're seeing so much is they are in charge of
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master minds according to three sources now when we started a little bit ago we heard loud gunfire from twitter. for those who may have just joined us, let's listen to the loud gunfire unfolding. you can hear that. a heavy exchange of gunfire. one explosion was heard, machine gunfire. this is a very serious deal, this is what they encountered,
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police encountered when they went into this neighborhood in search of suspect this is a were looking for. at that time, we didn't know all the facts. we had a suspicion because of the fact that police and the security teams and other intelligence services throughout paris, france, have been trying to find those responsible for the attacks on friday. all evening long we've been talking about this. we talked to walid phares and also on the phone, benjamin collins, a former green beret, thank you for your service. walid, if you're still with us, ben agreeing with you and tom o rogan and steve harrington on the aspects of terrory the ideological war and we talked and harped on it. it's important our viewers get this. they, too, have to be aware of this ideological difference, and
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that's what's causing so many young people to go into this kind of romanticism with terrorism thinking they're doing some name of jihad and actually bringing destruction on themselves and innocent people. >> absolutely. i mean, the public, that's how i engage with my own students on campus when we talk about these issues. public needs to understand ideology is like the factory of weapons of world war ii. if you don't dismantle the factory you will always have new weapons. in this case, the weapons are human. if you don't push back against the ideology, you can kill bin laden and enemy leaders of isis. these are practical victories but there is another. look at the age group of those now engaged in fighting in syria, iraq or in these suburbs of paris or the cases we had here. they are all somewhere between
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19 and 25 years old. they were 9-year-old or 10-year-old or 12-year-old on 9/11. what does really change? indoctrination. i cannot emphasize enough how important is the war of ideas. if i can make a comment about the ongoing operation, what i'm getting from fox 24, they have determined, the french authorities have determined abaaoud is inside that apartment. it would have to be reconfirmed by french authorities officially but that's what french media is menti mentioning. they consider him as the actual mastermind of the terrorists operation. e as was the case needed, a mastermind later. it looks like abaaoud is inside.
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they're not talking how many people are with him but that looks like the objective. >> go ahead. >> i was going say if he's more familiar with paris than i am, perhaps he can comment on it. if it's the same suburb i think it is in the northeast, saint-denis, if that is correcty this correcty -- correct, this is something we have to go a couple months ago, remember the bruhaha and people on fox got taken into account with the no-go zone. saint-denis is one of those they call them sensitive urban zones. it has the highest concentration of muslims in france. this is one of those apartments, those towns the people have talked about, you know -- to me, for the police, you've got to wonder who else is in that bu d building but you also have to worry about that -- i think they're going in there with a
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little bit of understanding that this could go from a single apartment fight to, you know, a second or a third or a fourth. charlie always had to say, certainly in combat, this thing could evolve into something much greater than what we're looking at. i certainly hope it does not. i know they're sensitive to that district. >> and that would be the case, because this district in 2005, as walid pointed out and our own steve harigan on the ground getting more information and we await his report for details on saint-denis, they had a terrible situation, burning cars and r t rioting on the streets. and back then i recall reporting and many reported on fox news channel, this is a difficult
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time, walid, you wondered why and how the french authorities could allow this type of thi thinking to fester to the point that it would have an outgrowth of violence as we saw in 2005 and now years later, 10 years later we're seeing it was something very sinister and erupted into the deaths of 129 people and 352 people injured on friday. all these soft target places. we know isis has always wanted to hit soft targets and strike fear at the heart of people who live here in the west. >> if you look, i think walid hit the nail on the head. the unemployment rate certainly in these districts is astronomical you start looking at ages 25 and below. upwards of 40, 45%.
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you're talking 40, 45% of 25 and below year-olds are jobless. that creates this environment where you've got these young kids that don't really have much to do, they're struggling to find something and struggling for identity and probably this concept of you can be greater than who you are. walid hit that on the head, these are kids born after 9/11. we have to come up with a solution as a civil society and how we combat that. >> i want to come back to that point, gentlemen. right now, we have steve, our senior correspondent on the scene in paris, france. steve, what updates can you bring us right now? >> reporter: kelly, it seems as if a siege operation is under
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way right now. most images of police are fairly static. they have roadways blocked off and highways are blocked. public transportation has been blocked. there are at least one and race. several people north of paris. about three hours ago there were loud and violent lengthy gun battles between police and others inside this suburb. now, it's a siege operation with those holed up inside. there is widespread speculation who is inside? is it one of the two suspects still at loose for mass killings friday or is it the planner, so-called mastermind behind the killings. we heard from the mayor who said there is a close link and heard from unnamed sources who say there is a close link. we don't have the facts who is in that room. we have seen in the past 48 hours are massive police raised.
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more than 100,000 raised across the nation have been mobilized under the military. under a state of emergency they don't need permission to carry out raids or warrant, they can place people under house arrest. they have been going at it all over the country, looking for people of interest. based on the elite police units at the scene and gunfire, this is certainly something big. we have to hold off a bit until we know who exactly is inside that apartment despite widespread speculation it could be some of the suspects in the mass killing. >> thank you for that. that certainly gives us a measured understanding what possibly they're looking for, men they're looking for and no independent confirmation for you. until we hear from you and you won't report until you hear from authorities on the ground, we appreciate that, you're repo
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reporting on point as always. i want to ask about the mood of the area, people kept inside. how can you describe the mood if they're still dealing with a menace to their society? >> reporter: i think there's a real sense of being on edge here. you hear a firecracker and noise, it sets people on edge. people and civilians were att k attacked at leisure friday night and affected the city and nation as well. it's augmented by the fact not all the killers have been killed and they're still two out there perhaps here, in france, or bull
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gum. this is not a closed case yet. certainly the gunfire and battles people are waking to france today only increases that anxiety. >> we have reports the schools will be closed today. is that correct? >> we have institutions closed including the louvre and eiffel tower and people being told to stay home. we saw more businesses closed and this round of gun battle could be another step and closings more likely. >> paris is one of the best destinati destinations, a romantic city. it will take days, months, perhaps years to rebound from this. >> i think for the people who were close to it, lived through it and saw it and heard it, you
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wonder if they will ever get over it. you talk to people near by the shootings, their eyes get wide when they retell it, a sense of shock for people and also in these neighborhoods, a real connection. everybody seems to know somebody who knows somebody who was hurt in this tragedy and has a ripple effect. >> a lot of healing has to be done, the first thing in terms of getting toward that healing is reconcile the damage done and that means going after those in retaliation and getting them and bringing them to justice. that will certainly help the people of paris to get back on firm footing. steve, bring us more updates as you can. i know you're busy getting reports for us. as soon as you possibly can, get back us to, we're standing by waiting for your updates, crucial to understand what's happening. take care, my friend. >>.
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>> reporter: thank you. >> steve harry gan repo-- harri reporting and doing a great job. i want to get back to walid. we heard steve reporting. i wanted to go to the heart of the matter, that is the fact, as steve has reported, they're after the terrorists to not only bring them to justice but also to try to bring healing to their nation. that has to take place for them just as for 9/11 in the united stat states. >> absolutely. as we monitor the popular and social reactions in france, only the beginning. the wound is too early. the government has the ability to do things they were not able to do, go after and dismantle
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the much wider jihadist network. we haven't seen in the past deployments as the ones we have seen on our screens anywhere in paris and incentive areas? neighborhoods? they have to do something before if the political crisis explodes with the opposition. he has the united parliament and cabinet, this translates into tough action we see right now. i am wondering, it's iroironic, indeed hamid abaaoud being the suspect mastermind of the operation, he's hiding here, just a few hundred meters, let's say a kilometer from the first location of the attack, this is very interesting. if the mastermind did not leave, what did he say?
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did he have a followup or calculate he has no chance to leave paris, he will stay in? how did they know? some french media are talking about the famous cell phone they found in the vicinity of the south of france where there was some information that led to the fact for the police to know he was still in the city and the last few hours they realized where he was and launched this operation to apprehend him or eliminate him? >> let's say they go right back to where their hiding place had always been because they had no other form of escape.
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we don't know who they're after but know there's sympathizers to isis. many of the young people have visited syria, received their training from isis, only to bring it back and inflict more harm on people living in their own places of domicile. so, how would a special operations like the green beret conduct a counter-insurgency in this situation? >> well, it's interesting, when you -- what we realized is very quickly these organizations structure and operate is very much the way green berets are trained in terms so that the traditional, by doctrine, special forces soldiers are warrior teachers. we build those armys of indigenous populations. the way that is done, especially
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when you're -- we learned how to plan and execute uninsurgency. that is to -- you know, everything from the military training to train the trainers. you train five of the best on how to do something and they go and train their people how to do something, right? so you are a force multiplier in that aspect. from the pointy end of the sphere back to the logistic, creating an underground. underground is the support mechanism, the people that hide the fighters, people get them food and move material and aren't on a watch list, don't have a criminal history. these are networked and cellular. if we clamp down on one, it should be compartmentalized so it doesn't tip off the nature or the makeup of another cell. again, i don't want to generalize about this region. i think that's dangerous. .
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>> i want you to hold your thought and remind me to get back with you about this. we have a sky news reporter on the phone right now who's also reporting from that area. let's listen in now. >> reporter: any kind of positive exit for the individ l individuals inside, whether they take a decision to end things themselves or whether from the out side, i cannot imagine a situation where this is going to be anything other than a negative for those inside the bui building. >> we're just looking at the strength of that army cordoned there, michelle. that is not even taking -- i presume their role is secondaryy tsecondaryy -- secondary, and control of the operation and army in a backup role? >> yeah. i would suggest that, the army in a protective capacity, they look like they're creating a
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cordon around the area and the s.w.a.t team is around the apartment of the activity that started about 4:30, 5:00 this morning. the soldiers i'm seeing now are simply lining up around the area, creating a cordon, creat creating a protective shield, i would imagine as much to prevent anybody getting out as anybody getting in because it is particularly dangerous. we have to remember that the security force over the last few days have been searching intensi intensively. the interior ministry says 116,000 security personnel have been deployed in the aftermath of the attack. they're not just looking for the atta attackers- - >> you're listening to our sister network, sky news, based in the uk. they're reporting from the location near our own steve harrigan with a phoner. we heard from steve earlier. she's describing what we've been describing all night long, how
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police cordoned off the area trying to find -- hoping to get more information from her. shes backly reporting the same thing we have but nevertheless, you can see how this is captu capturing the world's ascensitt because of what happened in paris, friday when isis terrorists went in and attacked soft targets at the football stadium and the bataclan where a concert was going on as well as cafes where we lost an american who was a first generation lady here going to college. she was there on a visit abroad to study design. she was a bright student, talking about nohemi gonzalez, daughter of a single parent mother obviously grief stricken because of the huge personality
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she had, a true lover of life, so many things to give. 23 years old, sitting down to eat at a cafe, struck by one of these bullets from one of these terrible terrorists. her life is no longer. it's pain like that the people of paris, france as well as people here at home are experiencing as a result of this. also the result of police and security force in paris, france and throughout the entire country to go after these terrorists wherever they may be hi hiding, get them and take them to justice or bring them to justice or kill them if they should resist. we know the police and security force have been looking for the mastermind, abdel hamid, abaaoud and salan the french police
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accidentally permitted across saturday. he reported working for isis before and believed the man we're looking at his picture had something to do with trying to attack a train in france as well as a church there. he could be among the people we're looking for. we don't have confirmation of that we're still reporting it and he had given someone information and he slipped from their fingers as well. things are very fluid, hard to capture these guys, because we talked about the importance of sharing intelligence and america
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and if you see something say something and perhaps this is what's unfolding now that is what will defeat isis as tom rogan said earlier we have to adhere to those values and stand strong on those values. >> you're absolutely correct. this is a -- when you were fi t fighting a terrorist network, you have these cells operating in europe, and you've got a structure that's occurring overs overseas. the special operations, like the raid we saw recently, where we lost an american hero and joined special operations come manned,
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think about some of the things that perhaps they find on target have to connect to something that the beat cop in paris that filed a report two days ago because a citizen just saw something, those things have to be connected. in a hierarchal organization, you can generally cut the head off and the rest will die, the way the terror cells operate, they operate as a separate node. the way these nodes operate, we talked about support cell and operational commanders, there has to be communication, whether e-mail -- these guys are really good. they use encrypted chat rooms embedded in volkswagenideo game play and get together in the chat rooms an that's how you pass messaging. it's very hard. the last thing i will say, i was just in new york last week, i walked out of the studio when
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the first thing broke in paris, standing on the street corner into the subway, guess what everybody was doing? i looked around the subway car and 9 out of 10 people had their -- >> their phones? >> exactly, they had their heads embedded in their phones. it could be i spent nine years of my life in a combat setting, maybe i'm paranoid, i'm constantly looking at my surroundings and what looks normal and doesn't. i'm not advocating we need to be -- but we need to be aware society and vigilance pays off. get your head out of the phone. look around. >> knowledge is power. >> yes, sir. >> knowledge is power. we're getting that from the ap. seven explosions have been heard at the scene from the standoff from last week's deadly attack,
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we heard some of that video from the twitter we received. we hear some of it now as a matter of fact. we know these suspects are hold up in an apartment and some have been injured. we know at least from steve harrigan's reporting, at least one police officer shot and wounded and could have been a couple more and we don't know how many are in this apartment. >> we don't. the explosions, we talked about what they have inside, suicide ve vests. they could be the police brea breaching. one of the things they did was move out people from apartments left to right and maybe one entryway or two or maybe a window? they have to assess which is the
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best way to get the fastest entry into this room and maybe do a dynamic entry and maybe blow front entrance and back entrance and window at the same time to distract them. perhaps they'll use things like flash bangs which are very bright white light and huge bang and disorients the terrorists inside and that's when police can move in. they train under conditions so they don't lose their own way and find the target and prosecute it. if that's the reporting we're hearing multiple explosions one after the other, maybe i'm trying to be optimistic about this, it could perhaps signify the police initiated their assault and breach. >> we will continue to follow that. while we're on, walid, we're seeing again, when terrorists strike, they can inflict a lot of pain and casualties.
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there's quick response going on in france. i go back to what the french president hollande said, this is an attack on us and act of war and they would retaliate. we saw the air strikes taking place on raqqah and we saw their intelligence apparatus get into place sharing information and here we are looking at this situation. we've been on air since a little bit after 10:00 actually, we started talking about two air france planes diverted in the united states because of receiving anonymous bomb threats. i spoke to one passenger, keith ris so, 26 years old on his way to paris, france, with his fiance to celebrate the gre greatness of that city, to let the people know how much he as an american cares for them.
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i asked him are you afraid to get on board that plane or any plane to paris, france now, categorically said, no, i am not afraid and will not let a terrorist take away my love for life and love for freedom. very bold statement for a 26-year-old not served in the military and a proud american and letting the world know it. here we are now at the same time that was going on we started getting reports thinking was it a gun fight between criminals and police and then it turned into this and here we are rep t reporting on a situation of two or three suspects we are hearing, we will wait for confirmation from french police and authorities, something is going on, something big has a lot to do with retaliating and
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as i stated, all night long and either wait them out or take them out. >> absolutely, the scenery we see in front of our eyes is a battle of terrorists, from friday and those i have been in touch with when you were doing the comments are saying that we may see more police operations going in some of these areas. this is the first one. it depends how it will end. we know it will end but what is the price for that? abaaoud believed to be inside that apartment was only yesterday. there was a debate, was he the mastermind or operation and commander, a big difference. mastermind is the one that gives the ultimate order on behalf of isis and operational commander
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the one in paris to execute the operati operations. we have different versions coming observing the operations on the ground. one of these versions that have to be confirmed by authorities is the real mastermind is not on french soil, based in rack kqqr charge of operations and a convert and goes by another name and given instructions. and abaaoud supposedly being encircled was the operational commander. beyond that, what we see right now are two determinations, one by jihadist and terrorists to go forward. they are issuing videos and stretching this operation, in my view, i observed this for many years, to give enough material to the next cell, look what we have been able to do.
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i can imagine and project days from now, look what we have been able to do. we have been able to confront french army and police for i don't know hours, a day, day and a half, slar to whimilar to whad in boston. remember, the city was shut down when the two brothers were pursued. we are seeing that version. we are seeing the version of boston in paris with probably a much larger sign of police and army deployment. what we are observing now is the genesis what may still come ahead of us the determination of jihadists and french president and government and army. >> as we talked about earlier with steve harrigan describing the mood of people in paris, france, talking how many -- this is so fresh on their hearts and minds, it will take years, if ever to overcome this, many will
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look back on this day and they will treat it like it just happened again and again, they'll live it over and over again thinking what could i have done to prevent this. there's that mindset that goes on with the people where they almost go through depression and post traumatic stress disorder. the green beret, when they go into situations like this, a lot of times people think they're going in to kill and destroy an enemy. they also try to go in and build up those areas so many people have been exposed to tierney and violence from a vicious enemy. what do you think has to take place -- we're already seeing it take place, how do you rebuild from the terror they've been experien experiencing? >> wow! that's a big question. yes.
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green beret, our motto is to free the oppressed. we enter that with a lot of -- a passion to -- i will sound a little cheesy and maybe cheesy works when you're 21 and you can handle that, you're willing to risk your life to bring the american concept of freedom and values. i think as far as paris itself is concerned and how they rebuild, i mean, remember what it felt like september 12th, 2001, right, it was like disbelief this could actually happen here, it could happen to me, it could happen to somebody i know. i think we've had this kind of western incorrect bias, where this war and chaos happens somewhere else, right?
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it happens in the middle east. it happens over there, it doesn't happen here. we fight the wars there. it certainly got to place where all of us that had served in combat -- i was willing to do that and willing to sacrifice, if need be, in order to make sure that this does not happen in my home. . >> i want you to hold your thought there. we're getting more details right now. one is that our sister network, sky news, is reporting a woman wearing a suicide belt has been killed. i want to dip into sky news right now to hear more of that report. >> reporter: those inside the building were the master minds or alleged master minds on friday and key suspects. the police knew they had to move
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in. it took a great deal of manpower and even though it might be over it will be a significant amount of time before the operation is fully completed. >> let me bring you up to date. and correct it. the female suicide bomber did detonate her belt. we hear she is bed. we hear one of the suspected terrorists shot dead by a police sniper and the initial casualty was a passerby in the street. so that means there are three fatalities now confirmed, two from the terrorist side. >> reporter: obviously, we don't have information about who the people are that have been killed. you say three terrorists. the individuals, the reports this morning is there were these
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three significant individuals, the mastermind and chief suspect looking for since friday and three people have been killed, very sadly a passerby. that was always an incredibly difficult balance launching this in this busy area in terms of people living here and businesses here and working desperately all morning trying to tell people to stay in their ho homes, keep their windows closed, not take any risks because it was a dangerous situation. >> these are live pictures you're waking up to this morning on sky news sunrise. this is the parisian suburb, north paris, just a mile way from stade de france, where the suicide bombings took place friday evening, where that french-germany game was take placing.
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a police operation, raid on an apartment which contained four suspected people connected to those brazen attacks friday got under way 4:30 a.m. this morning. there, you see the location between where these raids have taken place this morning and national french stadium. we can confirm today three casual casualties, three fatalities in this operation. the first one, a passerby,cond inside the apartment. we believe there were four of them taken out by a police sn e sniper and the third, a female wearing a suicide vest. this operation was launched to catch the alleged mastermind behind the attacks that took the lives of 129 people.
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>> mitch is trying to get closer to the action to see what's going on. this is probably around two blocks back from the apartment which was under siege. >> we believe and police take it on good authority and intelligence abdelhamid abaaoud is holed up inside that apartment, the reason for this raid, definitely holed up in that apartment, potentially five other heavily armed other people reported by the associated press. officials say show has been h e holed up with five other people and potentially another highly
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wanted individual in connect with abdelhamid abaaoud. and we believe he is the described mastermind behind the attacks friday with explosive devices and people being fired upon by gunman and suicide attacks involved. he's around 27, 28. >> right now, we are listening to our sky news, which is our sister network, which operates out of the uk. they are on their programming with their show, sunrise, which is their morning program, like our ""fox & friends." obviously, when we continue with our from aing you wi-- with our programming you will be hearing from "fox & friends." this is a story we will continue
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to follow. this is a fox news alert. i'm kelly wright in new york and we continue to follow developments unfolding all evening long, keeping you up to date on the situation. we have steve harrigan in france and we will continue to follow details with him. >> this is a fox news alert. i'm kelly wright in new york. we're coming in from france at the massive police raid in the northern suburb of saint-denis. the details are no longer sketchy after reports from sky news our sister network. three casualties took place in this operation. you're looking at police in that neighborhood. it's a pedestrian neighborhood, near the stadium where the football match was going on and soccer for those of us who
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