tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News November 18, 2015 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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wif wife, kara. she came into the world friday night. both mom and dad are quite tired as you can imagine but they're at home enjoying the goodness goodness of life. congratulations, tucker and kara from all of us here. i'm gretchen. here's shep. it's 3:00 on the east coast, noon on the west coast, 9:00 p.m. in paris, where the main question at this hour is did they get him? the answer we're told is likely yes. multiple unconfirmed reports that the architect of the terrorist attack died as s.w.a.t. teams carried out a daring nighttime raid on a terrorist hideout. that raid came just in time. according to the paris prosecutor. who says the terrorists were set to strike again. the islamic state now claiming this is the bomb that brought down the russian passenger jet. a pineapple schweppes can filled with explosives. ahead, what we've learned about the plot and what isis claims
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the target was originally supposed to be. plus russia bombs syria by day while american warplanes hit it by night. and now as moscow and washington face a common enemy, president obama and putin seem to be finding some common ground. > ahead, why president obama is now calling president putin a constructive partner in syria. let's get to it. >> now, shepard smith reporting from the fox news desk. good afternoon from the fox news desk. elite french forces took out a terror cell just in time as the would-be killers were ready to strike. that is the word today from the french prosecutor, who says cops fired 5,000 rounds during a violent overnight raid. [ gunfire ] it was uninterrupted shooting for an hour. cops warned people, stay inside, lock your windows.
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one reporter says police cleared the streets, pointing their guns at curious onlookers. the target of the raid, the accused ringleader of friday's massacre in paris, abdelhamid abaaoud. there are multiple media reports that he did die in the raid. the "washington post," britain's "telegraph," politico europe and others, all sourcing european officials. fox news cannot independently confirm the reports. the prosecutor says only that he's not among those arrested and that they are still working to identify at least two suspects killed in the raid. officials say one suspect blew herself up with an explosive vest. when the smoke cleared, the prosecutor says they found some suspects still alive, hiding in the rubble. they hauled out a bloody mattress filled with bullet holes and shattered glass. the prosecutor says police are not even sure the exact number of people killed in the apartment. a bloody mess that includes body parts, the bomb left behind.
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police say they arrested eight suspects in all. one lost his pants in the struggle. cops hauled him away in just his blood-soaked shirt. the raid also left several officers wounded. this police dog in the picture here died in the raid. this happened in the historic saint-denis suburb of paris. the apartment about a mile away from the stade de france that's the national stadium, a bombing target in friday's attack. officials say they traced the suspects to the area by tapping phone lines. the prosecutor says investigators found a cell phone in a garbage can near the bataclan concert hall where gunmen executed close to 100 hostages on friday. the cell phone reportedly had a map of the concert hall and a text message that translates loosely to "we've left. we're about to start." team fox coverage now. rick levin that'll and steve harrigan in saint-denis. i've heard repeatedly now that the shootout was like a war
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zone, steve. >> reporter: shep, what we saw here in the suburb of paris was urban warfare. it's hard to imagine but the fighting began just before 4:00 a.m. local time. on the one side inside a third-floor apartment building with a reinforced door you had five suspected terrorists. on the other side in the streets more than 100 elite french police forces, more than 100 soldiers. and yet that siege went on for more than seven hours. more than 5,000 rounds fired. so much ordnance, so many explosions that the building itself is unstable. right now they're bringing in some wood and some brick to try to shore it up so it doesn't entirely collapse, shepard. >> what do we know about france's next step, steve, in this fight? >> reporter: the first step is going to be more air strikes against islamic state positions in syria. and with france bringing an aircraft carrier to the region supported by a british warship, those air strikes are only going into tensify. they're going to have 36 fighter jets in the fight. second, diplomacy. the french president will go
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going to washington, then moscow next week. he wants to build a single coalition. he says clearly not to contain but to utterly destroy isis. and finally, pressure on the terror cells here at home. we could see more battles like this because there's 100,000 french police mobilized along with the military. they can now try and hunt down terrorists under the state of emergency without a warrant. shepard, back to you. >> steve harrigan live this evening in paris. well, tonight turkish authorities say they have caught eight suspected islamic state fighters who they believe were trying to sneak their way into germany posing as refugees. that's according to turkey's state-run news agency. it reports authorities arrested the suspect at istanbul's main airport and that one of them had hand-drawn travel instructions, kind of like a treasure hunter's map. we have a picture of this thing on the big wall over here. it shows a travel route, if you start at the top, from turkey to germany that passes through greece, serbia, and hungry, using taxis, boats, and the
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rest. see at the top turkey, t-u-r t-u-r-k-i-e? istanbul, taxi, taxi, bus. and then a boat if you look at the drawing up there. then on you can see to algeria it looks like to me although i can't be sure. then another taxi on down to here, vienna. and this is german. that's saying germany in french. united nations officials say more than 2 million refugees have traveled to turkey to escape the crisis in syria. rick leventhal is live with us in saint-denis. what more do we know about these particular suspects, shep? >> we know they were trained by isis and were trying to sneak into europe and it reinforces the fears of many who may be hiding among the refugees and fleeing syria. these guys were detained at the airport in turkey after they were interviewed by a criminal profiling team. they originally tried to blend in with the refugees and you can see one of them wearing a
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superman t-shirt. they then claimed that they were tourists visiting istanbul, but the hotel where they said they had reservations said in fact they did not. and these arrests follow the claims by an isis terrorist that 4,000 covert jihadists have managed to infiltrate europe by posing as refugees and blending in with them. and we're hearing about more being detained, shepard. honduras detained five syrians with stolen greek passports allegedly headed to the u.s. moll doven border police detained two men who they say were carrying islamist propaganda and trying to sneak into france. and we've also heard that a swedish -- sweden has announced catching one man -- or looking for one man who they say is connected to a different terrorist plot. and sweden has raised its threat level tonight, shepard. >> what about security alerts at other airports, rick? >> reporter: well, it's happening all over now. in fact, it happened at copenhagen today. they evacuated the entire airport at copenhagen international with police rushing to terminal 3 after a suspicious bag was spotted. but there was also an overheard conversation about a bomb that
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sparked authorities to clear the building. they had a robot in there looking for stuff. but the place has now reopened. meanwhile, we had two bomb scares in the u.s. that caused two air france planes to divert after taking off from airports in america. flight 65 left l.a. for paris but diverted to salt lake after someone phoned in a bomb threat shortly after takeoff, and another air france flight out of dulles diverted to halifax, nova scotia over a similar threat. >> we had canine explosive detection go through the aircraft, and so we were confident that it is safe and that there is no longer any kind of a -- well, i shouldn't say no longer. there is no threat to the aircraft. >> reporter: unfortunately, these kinds of threats, shepard, as you know, are phoned in almost every day, and many of them -- most of them turn out to be nothing. but in this case they have to take everything much more seriously. >> rick leven that'll in paris tonight. rick, thanks. let's bring in retired fbi agent jeff lance.
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jeff, good afternoon. >> hi, shep. >> looks like we have seven killed in the initial attack, a search for one or two more, now a group of about that size apparently neutralized for lack of a better word, and all of them with communications devices. is that going to be a key? >> absolutely. if the communications devices are unencrypted like the one they found apparently in the trash can near the concert hall that related to that event, then there will be very key information on those devices. in fact, that's what the fbi went there to help them with originally and i'm sure the french authorities will be interested in any electronic media that can be found in those places that were attacked today. >> a huge challenge for europe. we talk about our challenges versus, for instance, france's challenges as if it's apples to apples, which is insane. it is not. they had thousands and tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of refugees literally washing ashore with no vetting process and really no way to handle it. plus a short and long history of
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great troubles between the people there. their challenges are almost unimaginable. >> absolutely. and you know, the fbi has said for many years that the greatest challenge for us is protecting against homegrown terrorists, the jihadist that's in the united states that gets radicalized. we don't have the influx of refugees, and we may not given these events now from syria or any other countries that they have there, and our borders are not as porous as they are in france. if you get into europe, you're into every country in europe. and with the refugees coming in that exacerbates the problem. >> in some cases it's beginning to seem clear now that the united states had some information about one thing or another that the europeans did not. is there a remedy for this? >> well, greater sharing of information is always good. and even in the united states if you go back several years there was difficulty in sharing information between intelligence agencies in one country.
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so now you have different countries involved with multiple agencies, law enforcement and intelligence and otherwise, that are trying to share information. so it wouldn't surprise me that it's not done as effectively and communicated as well as it could be possibly. so we'll just have to see how that pans out. >> a text message with "we're about to start." it appears other unencrypted communications took place. and nobody as far as we know so far heard or saw anything. it's unclear. >> it surprises me that that could have been undertaken with the synchronicity or the ability to coordinate those particular five different attacks, five different locations, all simultaneous, within about 15 minutes or so, to synchronize those type of events would require some planning and not to have any type of red flags go up in law enforcement or in intelligence communities is very surprising to me. >> so much so that the president of the nation was but meters away. jeff lanza, retired fbi.
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sir, thank you. it's good to talk to you. >> you're welcome. >> members of the band that was playing that night at bataclan, members of the eagles of death metal, say they're back home in the united states now and in the wick of last week's deadly attack they're "mohorrified" an still coming to terms with what happened. the group was headlining at bataclan hall in paris when terrorists fired shots in the hall, took hoftages and killed officially now 89 people. all of the band members did survive but the group's merchandising manager, seen here, nick alexander, did not survive. the terrorists also killed members of the band's record label, thomas ayad, marie mosser, and. "although bonded with the in grief with the victims, the fans, the families, the citizens
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of paris, and all those affected by trofrm, we are round to stand together with our new family, now united by a common goal of love and compassion." the feds say they're extremely worried, and that's a quote, that americans who are returning home after traveling overseas to train and fight with isis may have very bad intentions. today on capitol hill one powerful congressman had a dire warning about how hard it is to stop them. that's next as our coverage continues from new york, paris, and beyond. and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb.
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some of the thousands of foreign fighters it recruited back to their home country to carry out terrorist attacks. that is the word today from the chairman of the homeland security committee, michael mccaul. he says the feds have arrested at least 70 isis supporters over the past year. but he said the u.s. is still losing the struggle to stop americans from traveling to syria. the comments came during a house hearing today on the terrorist threat to the united states, and mike emanuel's covering it for us. >> reporter: a former intelligence official calls isis the most dangerous terrorism facing the u.s. noting the complexity, severity, and pafs its external attacks. >> so far this year there have been 41 isis or isis-inspired attacks against western targets. that's already more than double the number of such attacks last year according to reports. as the cia director warned this week isis likely has other planned attacks. >> a well-known military expert marveled at the terror group's ability to act like a military
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close to home, protecting turf in iraq and si and syria and th launching attacks in paris. >> what isis has accomplished in the last few weeks and unprecedented and quite stunning. while conducting a conventional war in iraq and syria, isis has staged terrorist attacks on a global scale against the people from the countries who are fighting isis. >> reporter: as for refugees the house will vote on a bill tomorrow that says if the intelligence and law enforcement community cannot certify a person presents no threat they should not be allowed into the u.s. a number of democrats worry the bill would set such a high standard it would end the refugee program. the speaker sold the bill on the house floor earlier this afternoon. >> that's what the bill that we're bringing up tomorrow is all about. it calls for a new standard of verification for refugees from syria and iraq. it would mean a pause in the program until we can be certain
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beyond any doubt that those coming here are not a threat. it's that simple. >> reporter: however, ryan says there will not be a religious test, in other words, favoring christian refugees over muslim refugees, which is something we have heard on the campaign trail. shep? >> mike emanuel with us. thank you. here at home lawmakers say they're taking another look at the policies of government rograms in the wake of last week's deadly attacks. judge thnapolitano will be hereo weigh in on that. our rights versus our security. can they live together? that's next. you don't look a day over 70. am i right? jingle jingle. if you're peter pan, you stay young forever. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. ♪ you make me feel so young...
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france. that's just since friday. they've arrested, we're told, 60 people so far, seized 75 weapons including 11 military style firearms. these raids are possible because france is still under a state of emergency. and that gives police more search and arrest powers. it has american lawmakers re-examining the policies for surveillance programs here at home. officials say law enforcement officials face new challenges because of how suspects are encrypting information. fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano joins us now. the encryption is a problem. >> yeah, the encryption is a problem for law enforcement because the bad guys have found a way to disguise their ability to communicate so that nobody can get through it. even the manufacturers like, say, apple say they can't get through it. so they're going to have to find some scientific way to get through that in order to find out what communication is being made. we don't know how these guys communicated.
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but we did learn a lot about them from the cell phone that was left behind. look, if you commit a crime and you leave something at the scene of the crime, that is evidence. it is fair game. the police can take it and they can exploit it by seeing where it will lead them to. >> and this cell phone, the one we'd heard reports a couple of days ago and now it's been confirmed there was this phone in the trash can outside the stadium there, and apparently there's a lot on it and apparently we're led to believe there were a bunch of phones in all kinds of communication devices in this apartment. >> under french law, even under american law, if they get a phone number from that phone, a number that called into the phone or a number that was called from the phone, can they tap into that? yes, they can. can they do and arrest that person? probably not going to arrest them willy-nilly. they'd probably like to see what kind of conversation they participated in. but that phone is a gold mine. under french law. under the emergency law that the president has authorized to
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trigger, only parliament could stop them and they're certainly not going to stop them. the french need no evidence or no suspicion. they can automatically arrest all persons who have the phones that called into or out of and start interrogating those people. so this phone is a treasure trove to the french police. >> sounds like they're working very quickly. from everything we heard from this prosecutor over there. but it sounds like they were ready to act. by the way, can you explain to people what the job of prosecutor is? it's not what we understand as a prosecutor here in the united states really. it's a lot more power. >> yes. over there the prosecutor is actually a magistrate. fancy word for a judge. in america the judge makes decisions in a courtroom like i once did. but investigating magistrates are actually prosecutors in france. they examine the evidence and they decide whether or not there's enough evidence to hold a person for trial. they don't have grand juries that do it. they just decide whether or not there's enough evidence. once they make that decision, then the people dpsh france has to make a decision whether they want to prosecute these people
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that they have arrested. in ordinary civilian courts where you don't get a jury trial, you have a panel of three judges, one civilian, two professional jurists, or whether they're going to try them in some sort of military tribunal. no provision for military tribunal but parliament could authorize one. look, the french people are hurting. when people are hurting, they're fearful. when people are fearful, they will give the government the authority the government says it needs in order to remove the cause of the fear. >> we remember this. right now their priority is to keep two people alive. they want to get all the information they can from those people they got from that house overnight. let's hope. >> and they're hoping those people will lead them to others. it would be difficult for these guys to get a fair trial because of the harm that they've caused, but the french people will find a way to do it. >> yep. judge napolitano, thank you. >> you're welcome, shep. soccer matches across france will go on as scheduled this weekend. because life must go on. carry on, see something, say
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something, but life must go on. otherwise, the terrorists win. that's the word from the country's secretary of sport. in an interview with the daily sports newspaper "la equipe," the secretary says suspending the games would be exactly what these barbarians want. he says the french league president is totally in agreement with the decision. the games go on. meantime, the union of european football association claims that 40 matches in the champions league and the europa league next week will also continue as planned. carry on. the news comes after officials canceled yesterday's soccer match between netherlands and germany in hanover. but that was specific things. detailed concerns. turned out not to be the truth. but it was specific and detailed so they acted on those specific details. otherwise, the games will go on. yesterday was a false alarm. we learned today that investigators are arresting an average of more than one isis suspect per week. in fact, we'll take a hard look
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i'm lee gabriel with the fox report. and more headlines from the fox news deck. iran cutting back on its nuclear program in line with the deal world powers announced this summer. that's according to a united nations nuclear watchdog group. however, iran is reporting -- reportedly keeping thousands of machines on standby and its stockpile of low enrichment uranium has actually increased in the past three months. officials in washington state cleaning up after a deadly storm that caused heavy flooding and knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of people. this in the seattle area. locke ol' fishlz say wind gusts
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of up to 50 miles per hour knocked over trees and caused mudslides. reports of at least three people dead. and if you still need to get a flu shot try ordering an uber. the company is offering vaccinations from a registered nurse sent right to your doorstep. in dozen of cities including new york, detroit, and los angeles. the news continues with shepard smith right after this. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you.
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islamic state milt abts flaunting the group's recent attacks against the u.s. and russia. here's the latest issue of the terror group's propaganda magazine "dabiq." isis claims this is a picture of the bomb that brought down the russian passenger jet last month. it's a can of schweppes pineapple soda pineapple gold. terrorists say they originally wanted to bring down a jet involved in the u.s. coalition air strike but switched thfr focus to russia, they say once the kremlin started bombing in syria. on the cover of the magazine a picture of the paris terror attack itself. isis claims it began plotting the assault about a year ago, and isis calls the suspects in the attack the "eight knights."
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lots of claims in that magazine. to sort it all out our chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is joining us live. what are we learning from these attacks today? >> this is the new edition of the online magazine, and right on page 3 it claims france is just the beginning. that's kind of boilerplate language in these online propaganda journals. and it's also worth noting it does not make any reference to the female suicide bomber in last night's raid. we don't know why, but it's another data point suggesting she was part of a second wave of assaults. the magazine reads in part, "the eight knights brought paris down on its knees after years of french conceit in the face of islam. a nationwide state of emergency was declared as a result of the actions of eight men armed only with assault rifles and explosive belts." we really can't emphasize enough that this is simply a propaganda magazine and it was part of a big media rollout by isis that was basically shipping on the
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shelf waiting for paris to go down, shep. >> catherine, this soda can they profess to have been the container for the bomb, how credible is that? >> well, fox news asked outside experts to assess the viability of this device, and at least one is highly skeptical, noting to fox that there is no timing device or visible circuit board. the russians said the bomb kanlted 2.2 pounds in explosives and it's not clear that can be held in the can. and base on our reporting it was placed near the jet's fuel line where it connects with the engine for maximum impact. this propaganda magazine also includes photos from russian passports it says were picked up by isis sympathizers at the crash scene. there's no way to verify that. the magazine also says the original plan was to bring down a jet from the u.s.-led coalition, then moscow got involved. on capitol hill today questions about how to shut down the isis machine. >> what can be done to shut down their social media in those areas? >> one is really going after the source of the information.
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so going after the communications centers that are in places like syria and raqqah, for example, where the media is produced. >> and there's an important development this afternoon within about the last hour. this encrypted service called telegram has confirmed on its twitter account that they've shut down nearly 78 isis-linked accounts. the reason that's important is that on saturday we first received information about four isis-related accounts that seemed to have foreknowledge of the plot. they shared images of weapons, of the eiffel tower, and they spoke of a sister in the operation. we now see one of those accounts was actively using telegram to share messages and this may explain ultimately why everyone was blindsided to their communication, shep. >> thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> if you want to stop the islamic state, you need first to understand how it went from an unknown band of militants to the
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most infamous terrorist organization currently on the planet. since 2013 isis militants have conquered cities and towns in iraq and airissia and some analysts say it now contains an area about the size roughly of the state of indiana. some of its main sources of income, black market sale of oil and ancient artifacts. it also collects taxes and fines from people who live in isis-controlled areas. and its kidnappers make money off ransoms. altogether the zlaij state's revenue grew we're told from a little less than month in 2008 up to a staggering $3 million per day last year. where do i get that? that's according to the rand corporation, which describes itself as a non-profit global policy think tank. about a decade ago isis was known as al qaeda in iraq before it rebranded itself. it gained serious strength during the chaotic period during the arab spring and the syrian
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civil war. we now how it began. we know how it sustains itself. but what we cannot answer with certainty is how to stop it. bring in glenn hall, the former editor for the "wall street journal" newspaper. the invasion of iraq, the subsequent disbanged of the iraqi army, many members of that iraqi army are in leadership in this organization, right? >> what you see is an organization, islamic state, that was born out of that unrest in the middle east as you pointed out. and capitalized on that 37 seizing territory which gave it a certain legitimacy to continue to grow and to attract dissignldi disdisciples to come and join its can sfiet to establish this caliphate. >> historically speaking, when organizations like this do things this extreme they usually turn people off rather than attracting them. is that a difference here, it seems like? >> there is a difference here in that they're using a sort of ancient and medieval form of islamic interpretation to say we
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are bringing you the salvation, we are your path to everlasting life afterwards, and they're also talking about sort of ancient prophecies in islamic texts about the end of the world following muslim victories by a new caliphate. so all of those things come together to create a picture of a movement, of a purpose, of being a part of something that is happening and then is going to change the world. and i think that has a draw for many folks around the world. >> they talk about things that are of course ridiculous on the face of it and absolutely false. for instance, the 12th imam is going to come, there's going to be a great battle, that will be how all of the frustrations, the pains of the faithful to allah will be redeemed and the savior will come and that's it. of course they want to set up a battle of civilizations. they put this as it's our civilization versus western civilization. now, all right-thinking people on our side now this is not what
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this is at all. this is us as a civilization against them as a bunch of barbarians who come together on these false premises, and yet some of our leaders still portray it as a battle of civilizations, which makes you question -- you can't even. >> well, part of what we're seeing here is we have to remember who these e. kreutz are from around the world. and in many cases these are guys who had trouble in their youth, had been in crime and petty crimes and doing all kinds of other things. so it's not a purist recruit who comes for ideological or religious reasons. there's a lot of recruits who are just unhappy in their lives, they're seeking something more and a lot of false -- >> sounds like a cult. >> it's got some qualities -- >> a lot of cults i've covered. >> it's also got this ancient religion that's practiced around the world and it's speaking to that appeal where it has a certain support among other tsunami factions that may want to see the resurgence of a
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caliphate and sharia law around the world. >> so how do you stop them, if you have that answer? we have big jobs for you. >> well, i don't have that answer, shep. but what we're seeing is a sudden awareness now after the result of the russian plane that was bombed and the attacks in paris and the second attacks that were thwarted today. there's a resolve coming that this does need to be the world's number one focus for the time being, that this needs to -- requires an aggressive and concerted effort in order to stop islamic state where it is. >> do you think at some point we'll be able to come to an agreement as the civilization on this side of this matter that one thing we can't do is change who we fundamentally-r what we fundamentally believe, in that we're all created equal, we're supposed to help those who need help, the sort of do unto others rule in this great nation, that if we don't freak out collectively and remember who we
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are and why that eventually we'll overcome this? >> well, i think there's a sense growing that we need to stand for who we are and our ideals and that coalition that's coming together. you start to see putting aside these other problems and disagreements with russia and elsewhere in order to stand up for these ideals. >> i appreciate it and i wish we had more time but sadly we have breaking news and it's not good news. france's only air carrier -- i should say first the breaking news is this. i've just gotten word from prosecutors in marseille in france, and this is very serious indeed. they say a jewish teacher has been stabbed by three people claiming to be islamic state supporters. again, this has just come to us from prosecutors in marseille in france who tell us now that a jewish teacher has been stabbed by three people claiming to be isis supporters. the word of this is coming to us from sky news. our network in the united kingdom and covering all of europe for us. should we listen in to sky news
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on this matter now? rick leventhal is with us, i heard. again, the headline, prosecutors in marseille -- i'm going to go back over here for those of you running the cameras. i apologize for the dirtiness of this all. but this has just come in. prosecutors in marseille say a jewish teacher stabbed by three people claiming to be islamic state supporters. one of the things that all are concerned about on all fronts across europe, across the united states and beyond is that there will now be copycaters. what's happened is these people who have committed these atrocities, these enornaments crimes, thee acts of terror are now having their pictures flashed across the world and they're proclaiming a big victory and every displaced, screwed up in the head person who might follow some of this is now wanting to be a copycat. we've been warned about it from the days this began. we were warned about it after 9/11. it's a common warning, a common thing and now apparently we have it. >> that has been the call of islamic state, if you can't come and join our war in the middle
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east, then do something where you are. that's been the great fear as you mentioned. we've skeen with islamic state reaching out and quornth, at least reports are they've coordinated this attack in paris, that it has a broader scope than just the isolated middle eastern region. this changes the game a lot. >> do we have anything further with details coming in from anywhere? >> just that they were shouting anti-semitic -- >> where was this? >> this was in marseille. south of france. and the teacher, what we're seeing from sky is that the teacher should be okay, that it's not a life-threatening injury. >> if you want to turn around and access this, do we have information about exactly where this happened? you say it was in marseille. but is she walking down the street? is she in a classroom? >> i haven't yet seen -- it looks like it was probably on the street but i can't confirm yet exactly where it was. >> so again the report -- >> she seems to have been a teacher at a jewish school. >> and she's expected to survive?
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in marseille in france where a jewish teacher has been attacked on the street and stabbed by people professing to be from isis. this jewish schoolteacher in the southern city of marseille stabbed today by three people but his life is not in danger according to the prosecutor in marseille. here are the details. three people on two scooters, one of them wearing an islamic state t-shirt of all things, approached the teacher in the street according to the marseille prosecutor, bryce robin. another showed a picture on his mobile telephone of mohammed merah, who's a homegrown
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islamist militant who killed seven people in a series of attacks in southern france in 2012. again, one of them wearing an isis t-shirt and another holding a picture on his mobile telephone of a man named mohammed merah who was a homegrown islamist militant. so homegrown in and around marseille who killed seven people in a series of attacks in southern france three years ago. quoting now, "the three people insulted, threatened and then stabbed the victim in the arm and in the leg. they were interrupted by the arrival of a car and fled," according to the prosecutor and that was a quote, this report coming from reuters news agency. hurt here from the french press agency, afp, a history teacher from a jewish school wounded in this stabbing. the three men are said to have shouted anti-semitic remarks during the event and, again, claimed they were islamic state supporters. now, these three people who were reportedly to have arrived on
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scooters, apparently two on one and one on the other, got away. the authorities in marseille are now searching for these three. the educator's condition, we're told, is not life-threatening. that's according to local investigators. one more bit of reporting that i can get from our jonathan hunt who is monitoring details, stabbing at lapoint, france. victim leaving a community center that included a school and a synagogue. happened about 8:00 local time. it's 11 minutes before 10:00 there now. so close to two hours ago. the victim in this stabbing said to have injuries which are not life-threatening. three people on two scooters, one wearing an isis t-shirt and one with a picture of a homegrown islamist extremist who is said to have injured or killed seven people -- killed seven people in a series of attacks in southern france three years ago. a copycat, something else that was planned, we do not know. details as we get them. it appears now president obama
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and the russian president vladimir putin may be at least for the purposes of today burying the hatchet and trying to land it right in the -- trying to land it right in the islamic state's heart. now the two leaders seem to be coming in florida for eight years. and we turned the systems upside down that weren't working. 1.3 million new jobs were created. we cut taxes every year. income rose in people's pockets. people were lifted out of poverty. children started to learn. as president of the united states, i pledge to you that i will solve problems. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. .. come on in pop pop.
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the u.s. and russia must stand together against the islamic state is the call by the president today by raising the possibility of the united states coordinating with russia's military. michael is the managing director for the washington institute for middle east policy which describes itself as a nonpartisan think tank. michael, welcome back. going to work together. this is a shift. >> it would be a shift.
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both the u.s. and russia and obviously france sort of share a common enemy in isis. isis claimed responsibility for that downed russian jetliner but obviously have had very different policies in syria and you've seen president obama and u.s. officials have really claimed that the russian intervention in syria has not been to effectively fight isis but to protect president assad and the moderate rebels that the u.s. is supporting. >> the number of our enemies is growing so long that it's hard to keep score who you work with and who you're walking against. it's a level of insanity that many people can't envision. >> it's a complex situation. the bottom i don't think anybody believes that air strikes alone whether by the u.s., france, russia or a combination thereof will succeed in defeating isis. everyone thinks you will need a ground force and all countries
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want that ground force to be a local or regional ground force. to raise that kind of ground force, you probably have to first address the syrian conflict. you have to first get rid of president assad who is the one that the moderate rebels want to fight against. and so again that leads you back to this question of ending the conflict in syria as a prerequisite for defeating isis. >> you get rid of assad and who takes care of that. i remember when getting rid of saddam seemed like a good idea. >> there isn't a clear line between these things. what the u.s. has been trying to do is broker a political process to get rid of assad whether it's assad sort of steps down immediately or assad steps down after some sort of transition. bottom line is secretary kerry said he has to go for the war to end because he's the one that the rebels are fighting against. >> it seems like there ought to be another way to get him, you know what i mean?
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updating breaking news this hour. update from the second largest city that a jewish school teacher has been stabbed by three men professing to be from da'esh or isis. new now from a french television station, the three assailants asked whether he was jewish and then planted three stab wounds on him. they came up on scooters. one wearing an isis t-shirt. various reports indicate that this man had been a school teacher for more than 50 years asked him if he was jewish and stabbed him professing to be from isis. when news breaks out, we'll break in because breaking news changes everything on fox news channel. the dow on a tear this afternoon. up now 244 points but slightly off the session highs.
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the reason here, health care and financials leading the way. sounds like the market liked it when the fed talked about whether to raise interest rates in december. all of the day's headlines and your business news coming up now on the number one name in business news. >> all right. thank you. we will have more on the markets and the big surge. curious reason for that surge. development out of honduras right now where we learn that authorities had detained at least five syrian nationals who apparently were trying to reach the u.s. using stolen greek passpor passports. we get the latest now from los angeles. adam? >> john kirby had not heard of those reports out of honduras. what we're getting is from honduran authorities and the media outlets in central america that have put this information out. it's now of course spreading to others around the globe.
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