tv The Five FOX News November 18, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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♪ and this is "the five". this is the fox news alert there are brand new details on the dramatic raid this morning in the parisian suburb of saint-denis. [ gunshots ] >> french s.w.a.t. teams were able to neutralize a terror cell that investigators say was planning to launch new attacks any moment. 5,000 rounds were fired in the battle that lasted for hours. tended with at least two people dead, including a female suspect who blew herself up. the raid targeted a suspect's
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mastermind of friday's attacks, the 27-year-old abdelhamid abaaoud. but his fate remains unclear. there are reports he was killed, but french officials have not confirmed it. with us now, geraldo rivera, who was in saint-denis earlier. when we heard that they may have caught or killed abaaoud, a lot of our reaction was wow, the french are working fast. is this the, should they, should other governments, should america look at the french and say look how they're doing. it's only a couple of days later and they may have gotten the mastermind? >> you know, eric, the friday the 13th massacre here in the city of light in paris was a colossal failure of french intelligence, today was a triumph, a triumph in the predawn hours, we're using a combination of electronic surveillance, wiretaps and
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informants. knew exactly the safe house with this clique, this group of gangsters was hiding out. the safe house in saint-denis, do explain to our audience what the neighborhood is like, it's about four miles north of paris. it's kind of like fort apache the bronx was in the 1970s, a migrant community, a lot of people coming and going. some with documentation, some without. kind of a sketchy neighborhood. to me when i heard it was in that neighborhood, i breathed a tremendous sigh of relief and then got swept over with anxiety, remembering that it was in that very neighborhood, that's where many of the people who scattered from the soccer stadium less than a mile away, that's where they went. as they tried to make their way back to paris, after they closed the metro, no taxis were available. all the hotels were closed. so after the three suicide bombers, attempted to wreak absolute havoc, imagine the massacre if they had managed to
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time their assault on the soccer stadium correctly. and had mingled with the crowd with, the tens of thousands of people including the president of france, including my daughter, the carnage, the 129 dead. it would have been far worse, but the gunfire that rang out this morning was the wrath of france coming down, crushing this group. the female suicider as you mentioned, blowing herself up. her colleague, who we think is abdelhamid abaaoud, the ringleader, that's what the "washington post" is at least reporting, his body just in pieces. and the other at least eight others arrested, this is a major victory for france. france has declared war on isis. the united states has declared war on isis. >> we're going to bring it around the table. kg kicks it off. >> geraldo, having experienced you being here for 9/11, now you're there in france when you ran over to be able to be with your daughter.
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describe what the mood is like. are people appreciating the increased security on behalf and intelligence that's working now in their favor from france? >> you know, kimberly, i'm keeping simone by my side, because we haven't left paris yet. i thought until this morning, that this must be the safest city in europe. with all of the military and all the extra police that have come here from all around the french republic. and now they've reached out to their partners in the european union. but then to have this happen. to have this all-out battle happen, lasting an hour, 5,000 rounds, as eric mentioned. it was you know, they seized all kinds of weaponry from this group from this group of terrorists, it was very, very unsettling. the people of france are happy that they captured this gang of thugs. but they, as tremendous anxiety here. there's looking over your
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shoulder. is the city of light has a kind of melancholy, anxiety that it's impossible to emphasize, it's not the kind of joyous we're all in this together. that followed "charlie hebdo," for instance. the smaller massacre perpetrated by the islamic extremists in january, it's a city in war in many ways, kimberly, a city that's ironically, this is the worst violence this city has seen since world war ii. >> hey, geraldo, it's greg. i don't know if this is a question or a comment. when i hear you talk, it seems like their success came from their failure. the only way we were to learn about this cell is after a terror attack. meaning the way only we can learn about the future terror attack is after the fact. which is not good. that's a horrible failure of intel. >> let's see if we still have geraldo. we've lost geraldo. >> i was able to lose geraldo.
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>> you've done the impossible. >> it was such a good comment. >> geraldo, i'm coming for you. >> so many people pointing the finger -- >> we got him back? >> do you hear us? >> i think you can hear me. but maybe i can't hear you. >> this is a country -- fraught with tension right now. a jewish teacher was stabbed today in the southern french city of marseille. there's an ebb and flow in the national discussion about the refugee crisis that matches in some ways what is going on in our own country, only much more acute. there's a sense that where does this end? how many more of these gangs are there. these gangs of extremists plotting to perpetrate mass murder? we visualize the scene from last friday, the scene where so many
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died in the rock concert. where i feared my daughter had gone friday night. thank god she wasn't there where 89 died. thank god she wasn't sitting in one of those sidewalk cafes, just because they were enjoying the night out. it's, it is a shock to the fabric of french society. and it is war. it is a state of war that exists here. back to you. >> we have to leave it there. thank you very much. let's bring it around the table. your point was very well made, that it took an act of violence like this for us to see how, what, what the french are actually using. >> there is no intel any more. it makes me think about the train attack that was thwarted. people forgot about that. because nobody died. you know, there was injuries and what happened is we're now relying on after the fact atrocity. because we don't know how to track any more. that's why there's no victory in catching these guys.
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>> dana, talk a little about the administration. why haven't they changed, they're steadfast on our strategy is what it is and it's working. at some point wouldn't you think they'd retool that strategy? >> yes, i would think so. but apparently they're not going to. and i think that one of the things, if as a citizen of the western world that's invested a lot of money, it's not just american citizens that have been invested in improving our intelligence and police cooperation, but that is true across europe as well. and you have to wonder, and i'm not blaming the intelligence community, i understand that we have to be right 100% of the time and they only have to be right once. but it does beg a question, "charlie hebdo" was 11 months ago. the train attack was two months ago. they were able to do in france, 150 raids overnight two days after the attack. so they had some sort of information and i understand western governments being unwilling, and reluctant to preemptively strike and take these guys out before they
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strike. but we're not doing that. and i think that our money needs to be better well spent if we're going to invest in it. if i were president obama, instead of worrying so much about what the republicans and democrats are saying about refugee issues, i would make sure that our fbi, our c.i.a. and interpol are on the same page in saying we've got to turn this around. because our citizens deserve better. >> i think that's what's now, from what i've been reading and hearing, more sharing of intelligence. >> why now? >> we have 14 years after 9/11. >> in the immediate aftermath, there was a focus on al qaeda at that point. this is different in the sense that you have syria in the same era. in fact, one of the most crazy things i read today was that this 27-year-old guy, abaaoud, said he would go back and forth all the time from syria. >> he has a passport.
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>> he's a belgian citizen. so he goes back and forth, nobody stops, nobody questions, he's bragging about it and there's apparently video, journalists, that made with him, driving a truck filled with corpses, possibly muslims that he has killed. this is astonishing this guy wasn't caught. >> dana points out 150 raids, you see what they're doing in syria. are they the new math for what, how to fight terror and should we taking a lesson from what they're doing? >> i think you underestimate what our intelligence does every day. >> really eric. you're missing the point. what about the backlash? they're talking about an online backlash against migrants. if that was our only problem. violence against citizens was online, we have to worry about what our actions, politically
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correct. or are we being intolerant. you're seeing france's, all that is going out the window. >> what is that going to take for all that to go out the window in washington? >> courage, perseverance. does it have to always be american blood? can we learn from this example you know for the love of god? and do something? because we don't need another 9/11 here. we really don't. the fact that there's a complete abdication of leadership to make the decision, when you have a military that's saying please listen to us, we are ready, willing and able to serve, please address the rules of engagement that are hampering our ability to conduct the raids and do what we need. if there's even a possibility of one civilian lost, they'll say it's a no go and they'll peel off. so it's like 75% is the number of raids that they attempt to do that get turned around. because it's no good, it's no good. come on. >> you know where this is right now in terms of the terrorist
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community? a foe can cuss on the game sets that they communicate through without going through the internet. so you hear the fbi director and the director of national intelligence saying we got to do away with this. and in the aftersnowden, everybody is so concerned about civil rights, saying if you expect us to do stop it, you got to give us the ability to read the communication between the terrorists. >> here's what i heard this morning on josh earnest, on both networks. he's basically saying it's about time france and russia step up to the plate. we've been doing this all along. >> i think that is not necessarily the best way to represent the leader of the free world. it's damning with faint praise. it's patting yourself on the back at the same time. instead of saying we're glad they're in a fight. there's different ways that you can communicate. last night when president obama, you had him criticizing republicans at the same time the white house is trying to spin what a good conference call they had with governors. i know we're going to get into
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that. it seems to me there's so much, they're so worried about domestic politics that they're forgetting that as the world is turning to them, they're begging them, to take the lead here. we don't want russia in the lead. we want america to be in the lead. if they want to help, great. i think it was more than dissatisfying this morning and i'm being kind. >> coming up, president obama hardly showed ever fury over the jihadists who terrorized paris. but he has plenty of anger over republicans concerned over refugees kong to our shores. gegiving up all the thingsan she loves to do. it should just mean, well, finding new ways to do them. right at home's professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to provide help with personal care, housekeeping, and of course, meal preparation.
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. the war of words between president obama and republicans heating up over his refugee policy. today it took an interesting turn. when the president slammed republicans while overseas in manila. saying their stance on the issue is a recruiting tool for isis. >> i cannot think of a more -- more potent recruitment tool for isis. than some of the rhetoric that's been coming out of here. during the course of this debate. when you start seeing individuals in positions of responsibility.
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suggesting that christians are more worthy of protection than muslims are. in a war-torn land. that feeds the narrative. apparently they're scared of widows and orphans coming into the united states of america. >> as you might imagine, republican candidates have a lot to say in response to those comments. >> it is outrageous that a sitting president immediately following a terrorist attack, where we know that isis is attempting to plan attacks here in the u.s., that he would use his time to attack republicans. president obama is speaking in a way that is beneath his office. >> the president talks about syria. i know the widows and the orphans in the united states from 9/11. and i don't want to see another generation of those folks in our country. >> he needs to explain to the american people what the vetting process is, to allow widows and orphans to come in and make sure that terrorists don't. it's his responsibility to tell the american people and governor
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who is are concerned about the skurgt skurt in their states, what the plan is. and i haven't seen any evidence that he's done that. >> mr. president, if you want to insult me, do it overseas, you do it in foreign countries, i would encourage you, mr. president, come back and insult me to my face. let's have a debate on syrian refugees right now. >> there you have it. you see all the candidates stepping up because president obama kind of took a shot across the bou of all of these guys. specifically on republicans in the gop. he's more fired up about demonizing republicans than he is about destroying isis. >> can we stop with the refugees right now, can we put the program on ice until we find out how the vetting is working out? to find out if we're vetting them properly. to find out if we can actually even vet them? we don't know who these people are. are they people seeking political asylum? that's one.
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or are they syrian fighters? they could be fighting for or against syria. that's two. three, worst of all cases, they could be isis fighters. we saw today, eight isis fighters were caught trying to get into germany looking like refugees. so i'll call that last group the ones that are isis fighters looking like refugees trying to emigrate to different countries, i'll call them refugee jihadists. everyone is talking about whether we should let women and children in. the woman who called out help me, help me, to try to get parisian forces close to her so she could blow them up, had a bomb on her and blew herself up. >> she opened fire on them and blew herself up. it's like what is going on here? it's so disconcerting to me, greg that we have a president that is really not only not rising up to the winston churchill moment, but he's really almost helping the other
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side because he's not doing anything to help our team. >> the underlying message that he was saying when he made those comments. is that if you don't want your loved ones to die, you're probably a bigot. that's really what he's saying. if you have any kind of concern, he can mock you. and this is a natural concern. we have just witnessed a horrible event and we're trying to make a decision for ourselves, how do we protect our families. perhaps if we told the president, that isis had a high carbon footprint, he would hate isis more than he hates republicans. or perhaps maybe he could blame the shooting in paris on the eagles of death metal. which would be just like blaming a video on benghazi. the solution i believe is if you're going to close gitmo, and you want to take people in or you do not have the facilities there to vet, create sanctuary cities, sanctuary spaces, missouri, use the dorms, if that's how you feel. if you think that we are selfish
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because we're worried about our loved ones, then you take them in you take them in. the way i look at, the way i look at this immigration thing, it's almost like breaking up with somebody without getting into, because you don't want to be committed, we're telling syria, look we like you and everything, but we're just not ready for it yet. can we be just friends and just see how far this goes, because i don't think it's a country, we are in the state to accept this kind of commitment as much as we want to, we just don't feel ready yet. it's not you, syrian refugees, it's us. i hope you understand. >> but this is not us. greg. we are a country that is compassionate. we do -- >> i said -- i said that. >> let me just say -- >> are we looking for a bad break-up here. >> i don't know why republican candidates are in fact stirring up fear and zenophobia in the united states -- >> you just proved my point. you're concerned about your loved ones.
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that's not zenophobia. >> yes, it is. because there's no justification, if i say to you, hey, greg, watch out for that big guy coming up behind you and there's nobody there, would you say why? >> it is from juan, who on a plane was worried about muslims on a plane. >> after 9/11, i was. >> how is paris a difference? >> because when we're talking about refugees, there's statistics available. there's provable concrete facts that say after 2011, half the fujs in, children. half are adults over 6. only 2% are what they call combat-age. >> how about now? >> all i'm saying is, we have a strict vetting procedure. we know how this is done. it takes over two years before they even get to u.s. soil and yet, if you listen to the talk about only christians, not muslims it sounds as if you're saying -- >> we're saying that we need to slow this down.
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we don't want to end up like europe. >> look what happened to france. >> we have to be deliberate about this. i'm talking about a relationship that takes time that doesn't make me zenophobic. president obama insulted every american who is worried about their child and spouse who goes to work every day. maybe directing it at republicans, but he insulted everybody. >> when christie said we can't accept any orphans, what is going on here? >> the knee-jerk reaction. >> fighters were opposing his action as refugees, if they don't get caught, that's eight in germany. >> they had european passports. >> they're isis fighters. >> the ones in paris. >> the ones caught in turkey. >> a new development. eight isis fighters, they were taking the path of the refugees. it's the easiest move. what's isis favorite halloween
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costume? refugee. >> i'll try to be quick. i think there's a couple of things. one, i think that we should, we should consider the fact that it does take two years to do a vetting process. what we should be probably a little more worried about are the people that are trying to get in here illegally. so we have a border security issue on all sides. that means including at our airport where people come in, overstay their visas. there's a vetting process, it's rigorous. i don't think that the president helps anything. see how this game can go. when the president of the united states says oh, they don't care about 3-year-old orphans, you know what i say? too bad you didn't care about the 3-year-old orphans when the government in syria was gassing his own people. when you could have done something about it. you didn't care about them then this is a gross game and the president is elevating it to a point of disgust. he's going to have to change something. th poll out tied, 50% of the american people say do not allow them in at all.
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he's not ahelping himself. he had his white house communicators trying to spin everybody because he had had been to a conference call with the governors to try to calm everything down. he would much rather have the issue than to try to solve the problem. >> i'm sending you to debate josh earnest, immediately. next, greg on one very effective way we can all defend ourselves against terrorists, coming up on "the five."
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the great thing about progressivism, who needs to connect a dot. if you say welcome all refugees, because it's the right thing to do, you ignore modern consequences. if you say grabbing meta data is wrong, you ignore the consequences when the intel goes dark. what you're left with is an open gate and no way to track the incoming. it's nuts so if we can't protect everyone, then it's up to us to protect ourselves. one solution?
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>> cut, cut, cut. >> guns, guns, guns. one guy had it right, since you can't pardon every soft target, we must let people carry the means to defend himself. sorry, president obama that wasn't ted nugent who said that, that's the interpol secretary-general after the kenyan massacre. he asked if that was texas, would those guys have been able to spent hours, days shooting people randomly? is an armed citizenry more necessary now that it was in the past with an evolving threat of terrorism? of course, but i have another idea. we must harden more than targets, but also our memories. on occasion we reenact historic events, at christmas it's the nativity scene. i might have been a sheep. on thanksgiving, kids reenact pilgrims and indians giving thanks. we need to reenact heroism to teach the young value. flight 93 day, where kids replay a key moment in history when
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citizens did what the government couldn't do, saving countless lives as they lost theirs. after paris, the twitter trends were already mtv stars and charlie sheen, it's a sickness we have, this instant amnesia and it's up to us to destroy it before it destroys us. eric? >> it's a fact. that the government cannot protect us at all times. it's impossible. so -- protect ourselves. >> why is it my only two choices, two choices are run or die. and i was like no, no, we have a third choice. arm yourself and protect yourself and paris, another one of those cities where it's very, very difficult to get a carry license to own gun and have it, with you at all times. and at any given time, in any theater here, there's probably three or four people with a gun. i would say. we're not new york. but cities outside of new york and chicago and d.c. and l.a. other cities, three or four people. and a group of 1,000 or 1500,
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you would think. paris, probably none. because it's difficult. a soft target, you point out, the gun-free zones. >> big government not being able to help you in all situations. so at this table, when we talk about guns, we've got to do something about the mental illness. i would say why are guns so easily accessible? you cite france, i looked it up. it said there are 1800 guns in france annually. 33,000 in the united states. 33,000. >> including suicides. >> and today "the new york daily news" had a story about how since 2004, 91% of people who aren't allowed to fly airplanes because they're suspected terrorists, nonetheless were able to go out and buy guns. >> that's a problem. >> i don't see how that's good. you say more guns, more guns, more guns. >> if the government can't protect you in all situations -- >> your restrictions keep guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens that want to be able to defend themselves. the bad guys are going to get
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them. the stats bear that out. so okay keep hating on the law-abiding citizens. >> i have the prediction that the left will say "the five" used this event to justify more guns. >> they're going to save it for an nra commercial. >> what do you say about this idea that we do the remembrances of things. is it time for us to remind our kids what flight 93 was, and teach us now how to react in these cases? >> well i think one of the things that's interesting -- yes, in a way. but what happened on flight 93 was a spontaneous american value, right. it was a bravery and a courage. and a care for others, they were so concerned about what could happen on the ground that they decided to sacrifice themselves. interesting, greg, the european commission, the government, not interpol, they're actually announced today, they're going to tighten legal restrictions on
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the types of firearms used by the terrorists. because gun control is apparently -- >> when terrorists see that, they go, that's it, not buying any guns. they've tightened the gun control. we're not getting guns. >> all right. president obama won't link islam to terror. but the king of jordan will. and he has a message for his fellow muslims of the world, next. pt i'm not 22. i accept i'm not the rower i used to be. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't accept is getting out there with less than my best. so if i can go for something better than warfarin, i will. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. that really mattered to me. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding.
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meeeeee!!! greg. what should i do with your fish? gary. just put it in the cooler. if you're a fisherman, you tell tales. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. put the fish in the cooler! we are facing a third world war against hue hannity and this is what brings us all together. this is a war within islam so therefore, we must act and tackle and respond to the interconnected threats, whether it is in this region, africa, asia, or in europe. >> that was the king of jordan, urging his fellow muslims to lead the fight against terror. he calls it a war within the islamic world. last night bill o'reilly called on muslims here in the united states to do more to condemn the
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action of radical islamists. >> there are a lot of people getting fed up with this. they don't see a mobilization of the good muslims. >> i would tell you and every other muslim leader, you need a million islam march in washington, with national coverage to speak out against isis. >> the king of jordan who has been a good ally of the united states and the western world, he's being very plain about what he thinks. he's also a country that is hosting one million refugees in his country right now. which is a huge burden on him. >> meanwhile, though, you know with the white house, last night, they released a new hash tag. did you see the hash tag? it was #refugeeswelcome. i have a series that anything that can be easily hash tagged is idiotic and wimpy and it requires no connection of dots. it only requires adolescent compassion that reflects the teenaged mentality of a president. the president obama of the united states will always be goliath and anything that's
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subversive is david. he has this deep reluctance to commit to something in which we might actually kill. >> the best hash tag is #caring. by kurt schlicter. >> can they write for hallmark instead? the rest of you who are asleep at the wheel, move over. >> when the king of a predominantly muslim says we're in world war iii and the pope says we're likely in world war iii, why can't the president figure it out it's time to step up and declare war on terror. there's a billion and a half muslims in the world. 100,000, one million radicalized muslims? which the number keeps growing, that's time for -- 1600, or
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16,000, per. get on them, stop it. >> because they have to secure themselves, there's a cancer growing inside islam. cure yourself, heal yourself. >> when muslims see something, say something, that's a whole new world. >> here's the problem. i was very interested today to think about what should the strategy be. you guys say there's no strategy. i think there is. what really is going to work to stop this? time and again what all the experts say is you've got to figure out what to do with syria, with bashar al assad. and you've got to figure out how you can get sunni and shia muslims to find some kind of way to come together and stop inciting fighting and murdering each other. they murder each other more than they murder us. >> 129, they didn't care, they weren't checking religion at the door. >> hopefully the president and the congress will get together and offer some more support to the king of jordan who is trying to manage a huge problem within his country. when "the five" returns, bill hemmer joins us live from paris
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with more on today's raids and the hunt for terror suspects at large. stay tuned. this holiday i can count on being slammed with orders. we're getting slammed with orders. and my customers knowing right when their packages arrive. totally slammed! introducing real-time delivery notifications. one more reason this is our season. what makesheart healthysalad the becalifornia walnuts.r? the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at
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moment. what's it like? >> i tell you, it's two different worlds, juan. almost like two different planets. orbiting around each other. and, and with very little mix or very little contact. and there's a sense of unease and a sense of fear and if you just look at the events that have happened over the past 24 hours. all the false alarms that have been happening here in europe and back in the u.s. with the air france flights, it is palpable the sense that people have, when they say -- they do not know what could happen next. you get a true sense of that every day in paris. >> eric? >> francois hollande said he wants to declare a state of emergency, he said he wants to extend it three months. do you see any evidence of what that means. i think some of the personal liberties are pushed aside for at least the time being. tell us what that means and if you're seeing anything. >> broader police powers for sure. they'll start arguing that in
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the lower house of parliament on thursday. and the french have been expanding their laws going back to june of this last year. digital tracking and surveillance monitors and cameras, they're doing it as we speak if he gets his wish, the state of emergency will go into effect for three additional months, that's whae wants now. he said it again today, eric. this is a country at war and this is a war he intends to win. he also said the french will stay with its commitment. to bring in 30,000 refugees over the next two to three years in this country. >> bill, i wonder about the arrests that happened in the immediate aftermath. did that possible subsequent interrogation lead to intelligence that gave them the ability to do that raid this morning? >> it could have. the best piece of evidence i think dana was revealed by the prosecutor today. they found a cell phone and a garbage can outside the concert hall. there was a text message that went out at 9:42 on friday
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night, that said let's start now. they did not identify to whom that text message went or to whom the phone belonged. but it's quite likely that's what led them to the safe house in saint-denis, about four or five miles from our location here. dana, i want to -- no question. when you look at the video in the pictures, you see these men in the full-face ski masks, they're part of the gign. part of the anti-terror police fanned ought out over france. they were borne from the 1972 olympic attack in munich, germany. we saw them in action last night. do not mess around, dana. >> it doesn't look like it. >> i want to bring some of them here. compare this to what you saw in the city as you were reporting after 9/11 in terms of the way the city feels, the way it looks and the level of policing? >> i would say new york city was much more intense.
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from the following perspective, it was new attack in america, we did not know where the attack came from. we were thinking there were survivors in the rubble of the world trade center days after the attacks. and i think it was a level of confusion that hardly anyone could figure out. here in france it's on a smaller scale. but still, kimberly, this is the point, this is a country that believes they're fighting the fight in europe by themselves. that's part of the reason why they've reached out to the russians. and that's part of the reason why the french president will be at the white house on tuesday of next week. >> you mentioned earlier the false alarms. i'm wondering if every little thing strains resources. are the false alarms part, perhaps, of a larger strategy? the fact to keep the city on edge so you never know when they're going to strike? you still have to leave the fire department and the police station when it's a false alarm.
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>> could be, it's entirely possible, greg. i will say i think it also goes to our own mentality and our own sense of safety and security. and you are much more aware after moments like this, about the bag in the corner. about the person across the room. it makes you more suspicious and if you look at the stadium in hanover last night that was cleared out and the game was canceled, the air france flights to l.a. and washington, d.c. that were diverted. the copenhagen airport earlier today that was evacuated, all of these led to nothing. and that goes to our own fear and paranoia. and when that happens, dare i say, the other side wins and the people in france don't want that to happen. >> the lady that wore the suicide vest that she did detonate. >> bill, in the raid they found a lot of police uniforms and
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emergency uniforms that they would probably i guess use in a future attack, can you confirm that? >> some of them that has been reported, dana. here's the key point about all that. the ringleader has not been identified. maybe his body was in there. maybe it wasn't. but if he was inside that safe house, dana, we've been told for a week, that french authorities and u.s. intelligence authorities, thought he was in syria. and they still believe that as of this late hour. he bragged earlier in the year about traveling to syria to belgium and back again. if his body is in that safe house, if he is one of the two unidentified bombers tonight, the intelligence authorities will have a lot to answer to. at the moment, not confirmed, not verified. despite the reports that were floating around a bit earlier today. >> bill hemmer, thanks so much. that helps us to have a better understanding of what life is like at the moment in paris. one more thing, up next. and.
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how are they always one step ahead of us? well, because their technology is far superior. or because they have someone on the inside. is that right, gil? sir, i would never... he's with them! he's wearing a wire. take off his shirt! take off his shirt! oh! ah! alright, i'm putting you in charge of the holiday party. (vo) get rid of cable and upgrade to directv. call 1-800-directv.
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time for one more thing. i kick it off during the raid on the terror cell in france. there was another casualty that hemmer didn't outline. it's diesel, check this out, this dog worked with the special forces in france. >> for seven years. >> he was shot by a terrorist. he was killed in action. show the next picture. >> that's decenten going into action. the interesting part of this is
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there's actually greg, a #iamdog. so diesel, what a beautiful dog. let's move on, dana? >> i have something that's nonparis related. i want to share this organization with you, it's called figure skating in harlem, my friend tina lund ggren helpe found it it helps girls with academic success, well being. the chance to empower them. take a look at them skating. >> being a young girl in harlem, there wasn't much you can do. you really didn't know that there was a program that offered figure skating. >> what's unique about figure skating in harlem is we combine leadership development, education and figure skating. we use it to empower girls. >> i love this whole story. in october they got a big award
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in london for excellence in sport and education. next year they're going to expand to detroit. so if you're in detroit you can look it up. >> very nice. >> greg, you're up. >> i love these people. i was gone for two days, i want to thank the people at the reagan library who host immediate while i did a talk. special thanks to john i was out there. great footage here. there's me and then also i was at the nixon library with sandy, also did a great job, his crew. i was signing books and talking. a great place, if you're ever out in simi valley or yorba linda, hit the libraries, they're awesome and lots of great flags. >> that video was awesome. >> i'm trying to find you. >> kg, you're up. >> i have the most amazing one more thing. dana, loves it. sexiest man alive, "people" chose him. i think he should just be -- they should just choose him
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every year. so this is what he said. he said it's a huge honor. he's very pleased to accept. he said i mean i like to wear nice clothes and nice suits and look and feel good but i don't ever think of myself as that way. and he is humble. >> why do you drag dana into this. >> i don't even need him to talk. and then i said, well dana, we're learning something about you. >> look, put her on camera. with that face. >> you like athletes. >> well, oh. >> dig by the little man. >> angry letters. >> okay, fine. >> when i was a kid, you know christmas music started on the radio after thanksgiving. but these days, they're already playing christmas music everywhere on all the radios. i don't understand. now they start after halloween this to me is like crazy.
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i don't understand. >> liberal war on christmas. >> first starbucks, then you. >> get back to -- >> what is wrong with you? >> you hate children. >> that's what i said. an early-morning raid in a paris suburb targets the terror agroup mastermind and we'll talk to republican governors going up against president obama over the issue of refugees. this is "special report." good evening, i'm brett baier, we're coming to you tonight from las vegas, where republican governors are holding their annual conference. we will talk with some of them about the paris attacks. u.s. national security, and syrian refugees a little later. first, french tactical teams went after the man believed to have been behind last week's paris massacre during an overnight assault, in saint-denis. we know two are
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