tv Media Buzz FOX News November 29, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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hours to work the magic on display through tonight or whenever the crowd comes in. >> it will destroy all that great stuff. that is it for us. >> "media buzz" is next. >> on the buzz beater this sunday, donald trump getting hammered by the media for his comments on muslims and what he said happened on 9/11 for appearing to mock a disabled reporter. >> are you aware that the liberal media and the democratic party in general are trying to paint you as a racist. are you aware of that? >> i think so but people know better than that. >> you on a candidate defending no matter what despicable un-american racist thing he says this is demagoguery andization and someone will hurt a muslim as a result of this hatred. >> this is "new york times" and the "washington post" denouncing
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trump as a racist, a liar and a bully and a top editor at a deal beast calls for a boycott of his businesses, are the journalistic critics going too far. >> chris christie on the media and the coverage of syrian refugees and the new focus on 9/11 and whether the campaign is making a comeback. >> i am not in it for a fox news show or a book deal but to be president of the united states. >> president obama getting skewered over isis, and the author of a number one best seller on george bush said he thought the former president was kind of like there gay. >> let me just sum up on track, stay the curse, a thousand points of light. stay the course. >> john meacham on journalists and he pleads guilty rushing to judgment. i am howard kurtz and this is
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"media buzz" today. >> the not editorial is accusing truck of peddling racist lies and the weapon said he is running an ugly campaign and the only way to beat a bully is to stand up. a a new wave of media attacks after he said thousands of people in new jersey cheered when the twin towers came down. no one found evidence of that. donald trump claims vindication after finding a story from that paper saying authorities were questioning several people in new jersey for allegedly holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops on 9/11. >> fortunately someone in the "washington post" wrote that and ...they will probably deny it, and i almost like that boater than i can show you how dishonest they are.
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i might like that better. but they will find some reason to deny: they will call it a typo. >> have matt lewis, senior contributor of the daily caller and columnist, and susan ferrechio ferc with the washington examine her and past the new democratic network. >> now, a lightning round. is "new york times" and "washington post" and others calling donald trump a racist and liar and bully has an impact on the campaign? >> no. they are right. they are allowed to do it as an editorial and he is lying, but i don't think it matters because i think it maybe helps him. >> the people who support trump, it is a backlash against political correctness and liberal media. >> simon, he stole my question, is this a backlash against this language on the media's part and can that actually end up helping trump? >> possible, but the evidence so
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far is that trump is having a hard time growing beyond this core base that he has, 30 percent or 35 percent of the republicans. if he is going to be president he has to get moderate republicans and independents and moderate democrats and you look with hillary clinton he is the worst of all the major candidates so it could be firing up the troops but not with the broader electorate that he needs to win the election. >> susan ferrechio ferc a -- a couple of tweets including from the daily beast, get real if you are renting in a trump building or playing a round of golf at his resort you are supporting racism and neo fascism. you could say you were doing business without endorsing but 8,000 racist moments later, that is no longer feasible. what do you think of a top editor calling for a boycott? >> the readers are loving that
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tweet from the daily beast. >> why? >> it is a liberal-loaning kind of publication online and that is would they attract, who they want to be logging on and reading and the died of thing that will excite people. it is quick bait. it is migrating from journalism into activism so you have to question, he is running the daily beast and calling on going after people who are just staying out of trump motel. that is activism. >> it smells like atism to me. and the editor and chief said that all of the editors are entitled to their opinion but he is a top editor and he, worked for giuliani is not a trump fan. he is not backing out, trump, saying he saw thousands of arabs celebrating on television, but no one has found the footage and
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officials say it is not true and he types about an investigation of whether there were "some," not hundreds or thousands saying, that shows he is right. >> it was a no one -- moynihan quote, you are entitled to a opinion but not your own facts. he is a trump distortion filter. he said this were thousands of people cheering when it happened but it did not happen. he is lying. as a responsibility of the media to hold politicians accountable even if they are republican or conservative and liberal bias exists which i think it does. >> what kept the story alive the story in the "washington post" in 2001 which did not say the reporter had seen but the authorities were investigating and they found nothing to will tailgate party allegation, is by a reporter now with "new york times" and he suffers from a
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condition which limits the use of his arms and he is a great guy and a great reporter, trump now is going after him saying that he is grandstanding on this and he is taking back the story and at a rally and you have seen the foot average it appears that trump was mocking the disability. >> we have discussed on air here that donald trump knows what he is doing and he is talented when it comes to playing the media game. this has been a huge mistake he has made, keeping the story alive. what he does --. >> maybe he wants to. >> he understood he can get in trouble and the next day, the reporters move on and there is a new news story so it evaporates. it goes into the collective memory of the media hole. in this case, he kept what was a negative stiff -- story around. he is a wild candidate. he will make mistakes. this was a mistake. >> trump said that he did not
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remember the reporter and did not realize he has this disability and insists he was not mocking and the reporter said he has interviewed him ten times and, by the way, it does not seem that the reporter is backing off the story, he did not report he had seen this but that authorities were investigating and, again, he did not say hundreds or thousands but "some number," of individuals. he got, trump got into it this morning on "meet the press." let's look at that. h >> this did not happen in new jersey, there plannive reporters and --. >> it did happen in new jersey. i have hundreds of people that agree with me. >> you are --. >> your words matter as potential president of the matter. >> take it easy. play cool, chuck. >> i think that trump, i disagree, i think trump has won the round. he has won the round. it looks like at the beginning
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he finally has gone too far but i am not sure trump can go too far. i am not sure that there is negative he can say, if you look at the reaction, look what he said, i get all kinds of calls and tweets of people who reported the same thing. and although the "washington post" did not say there were thousands of people, the people who support me say this were thousands of people. so he is winning. he is telling the report to play it cool because he is try to get him on it but he could not. >> trump wants an apology on "new york times" and it works. >> do you agree that in television terms, telling trump to call down, does he win, or does chuck todd do what journalists should do trying to pin him down on the facts? >> both. chuck todd doing the right thing. it probably don't hurt trump. our culture has changed. it used to if you were a
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conservative mocking someone with a deformity was beneath the dignity of someone running for president and inhumane but request necessity our culture cares anymore and that is the indictment. >> what about trump and bill o'reilly chided hill on this re-tweeting bogus crime stats on racial murders on black on black and white on black and he said i is just a retweak. >> he is trying to change the rules. >> he is changing the rules. >> yes, he has. the question is, we will know if the experiment is effective. it is working well but there is a lost evidence it will not play well over time and we will see. >> ben carson was asked about this, did you know about muslims in new jersey, not in the middle east, celebrating 9/11 and three said he had seen it and then
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this. >> you admit to a lack of caution in answering that question? >> yes, i thought we were just talking about the fact that muslims were inappropriately celebrating i did not know they had an agenda behind the question. >> the agenda behind the question, he was asked, did you see this, yes, did you see it in new jersey, and he said yes. >> his walk back was fine but his larger problem, really, is foreign policy in general. >> and if i can interrupt he went to jordan this welcome to meet with syrian refugees and it was shrouded in secrecy but we do get the pictures of ben carson meeting with refugees and on several shows. >> talking about that and he needs to bolster the foreign policy credentials and the media is absolutely right to ask the questions and to connect that with donald trump we spend all this time playing gotcha and not nailing him down on substance. he is the frontrunner.
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we are not doing that. >> terrible shooting at the planned parenthood clinic in colorado and three people are deads one a police officer. first, liberal huffington post and now the "washington post" today questioning why only three republican candidates put out statements about this, first crazy crazy and, then, jeb bush and kasich. any statement regardless of the news on planned parenthood or abortion, expressing sympathies for the victims. is that a fair criticism? >> i think so, running for president it is a big deal and i would not draw too many broad imbly indications but they should have been quicker. >> saying, i am sorry about what happened. the problem is, the candidates are very concerned about what they say on this issue because it is treacherous on "meet the press," donald trump was asked about this over and over and he tried to connect, the reporter, his favoritism of the planned parenthood individual -- planned parenthood and the outcome in colorado and he would not.
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the other candidates do not want that connection like though are supporting violence. >> spouting rhetoric leads to violence is what though would say. >> you can e-mail us at fox news. we have chris christie on one money does it's conclusion that he is battled his way back to republickibility but when we come back, conservative commentators hammering president obama for saying the resolution needs to show some perspective in cover the war on terror. ♪
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one of the things that has to happen is how we report on this. it has to maintain perspective. it has to not...empower in anyway the terrorist organizations or elevate them in ways that make it easier for them to recruit or make them stronger. >> really, come on. what do you say? >> he is at the bottom of the barrel. >> president obama now sounding pore like a community organizer than a commander in chief as he tries to defend his approach by blaming the media for the disastrous results of his policies. president obama tried to blame the media for empowering the islamic state. >> do you think he was blaming the media or saying we should play down the issue? >> not at all it is an
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overreaction and twisting what he said. first of all, the media has been known to stoke fear. if all i did was watch the news i would not watch the house. they glamorize the individual lands as we saw with the boston bomber, as long as president obama is not ordering the media but encouraging them to be responsible what is wrong with that? >> a white house official said they will make their own judgments but the president was comments on whether people are fearful of another terrorist attack. it is no secret the administration feels the press went way overboard and haywire over a few cases of ebola. what is your take? >> our job is to cover events truthfully and fairly and accurately. nothing more. you cannot listen to a president tell you to shape director coverage in order to have other outcome. our role is to report the news as we see it. obviously, the news has been focused on terrorism. it has been focused on his foreign policy.
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it has been unflattering. that is why he is coming out talking to the media about changing. >> but with days and days of coverage are, is there going to be an attack over thanksgiving week, would this with be same reaction if george bush asked the media not to scare the american people? >> or the color coating system we used to have? >> he is reminding everyone in the media the goal of terror is to scare people. and to leverage the fear to make a single attack in paris more consequential throughout the world. to have perspective. it is fair game. he is reminding everyone we have to make sure we understand. look, we have had three times as many americans killed this year due to mass shooting as died in the paris terror attacks. making sure we understand the relative strength of the threat and not exaggerate, to scare people to get ratings, that is a
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fair and responsible thing the president did. >> we debate this in the media all the time how often do we trumpet of warnings from terrorists, and at the volume we use. thank you all for being here. next, james rosen whether the media coverage of paris terror attacks is different than the nerve during the bush and cheney administration. later if the snarky website gawker is getting into campaign media does that mean that gossip is over? 0x?hy@x@8p
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ask your doctor if farxiga is right for you and visit to learn how you can get it for free. >> james rosen was talking around the office of the coverage of the recent terrorist attacks and whether it resembled what went on in the bush administration but there was a conversation about "cheney one-on-one," a candid conversation with the most
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controversial statesman. ajames, welcome. >> thank you. in the wake of 9/11, dick cheney was among those going on television about rhetoric on terrorism and president obama has done it differently after paris. in the coverage now, do you see echoes of that period after 9/11? >> sure. there is, of course, all the objectivity question. that circulated at 9/11. and now. a difference i see between the debates then of coverage and today's debates we used to wrestle whether to show the latest video message from osama bin laden. that is now decided that, no, we will just show still photographs with the isis videos. now, really, that decision has been rendered moot by social media and the internet where you can find the videos at the click. >> so the media as gatekeeper no longer have the role so people can see the stuff if they want to more easy.
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>> you said that the press, could we be objective meaning is there a fervor or fear in the country, then or now, that helped those who want to march to war or send ground troops to syria. >> journalists like to maintain a pose where they are disinterested in the outcome of the stories they cover, whichever horse wins is of no moment just that it is exciting but when the story is the fate of your nation, when it is under devastating foreign terrorist attack, that is a hard one in which to maintain no interest in the outcome. >> of course, the goal is to at left have a multiple group of voices on the debate. i remember the great media debates and i read about the need to inform people of every potential threat, every increase in chatter compared to concern of, are we unnecessarily scaring
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people. do you see that? are we walking that tight tote? >> we are but i did a story with bret baier that the department of homeland security institute add new terror threat alert system give years ago to replace the old color-coded system from the bush time. we found when we looked at it you new system has not given the american people one system alert with no tweets on this threat system on the twitter page. so the question becomes, are we doing too little to keep americans informed? >> back in those days, and the memories of 9/11 so fresh every approaching after holiday or major sports event there would be new possible alerts and most of them turned out to be false alarms. the paris terror attacks were a wake-up call. >> sure. >> of the evil capability of isis s there a danger now as
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then we serve as unwittingly as a conduit for propaganda if we are peppering people with stories and alerts that frighten them. >> here is the bottom line. we report the news. if isis issues a threat in a video that is new to us and it is washington, dc being targeted and there are videos and threats, you report it. but you go to the authorities and in this case the f.b.i. and d.h.a. will say we see no credible threat. >> when do do you that? >> you report both and we report and the viewer can decide. >> sounds suspiciously like a slogan. >> in the remaining time, what is your take away from spending all of the hours with dick cheney who still speaks out frequently against the obama administration on national security matters? >> if you loved dick cheney or hate dick cheney you will love there book "cheney one-on-one," i spend ten hours with him and you never heard dick cheney open up the way he did in the ten hours about his childhood, his
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spiritual faith in christ, the presidents and foreign leaders and 9/11 and iraq where he admitted various mistakes to me. >> you have that down do a perfect pitch james rosen. >> and tweets are coming no, i don't think there is a liberal bias against trump but a stupid ity and honesty bias against trump. >> my sit down with chris christie on whether the express being fair and how on earth did john meacham get george bush to john meacham get george bush to share his private diaries? to l. how i stay active. so i need nutrition... that won't weigh me down. for the nutrition you want without the calories you don't... introducing boost 100 calories. each delicious snack size drink gives you...
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hampshire union leader, new jersey governor sat down in studio one. >> chris christie, welcome. front page of "new york times" this week, not a big fan of yours, chris christie invokes lend amid fear. do you knowledge a new respect for "new york times" fairness and judgment the. >> no, sir. >> they say nice things. >> they did. they finally reported accurately. >> it could be said the focus on 9/11 you are in some fashion playing on the fears aroused by paris terror attacks? no, what it is, acknowledging them, acknowledging the fears on the part of folks all across this country. i was in new hampshire this weekend and my first meeting every question was on national security. >> as someone running for high office, you have to not just agency the fears but address them? >> absolutely. that is what i am doing. >> you have said do you not want syrian refugees in new jersey or orphans under five, you were
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asked on the radio and this is emotional. do you think the press approach this issue in a balanced way? are the media portraying people like you as heartless? >> the latter and it is easy because they have no responsibility for preeing the lives of the people in the state new jersey or the people of the country. my test is simple: the f.b.i. director has said before congress that there is no effective way to vet the people. that is the going and end of the conversation for me. americans and national security and homeland security must be first and foremost. >> over humanitarian concerns. >> yes. >> this is no question that paris terror attacks changed the tone and focus of the campaign. so, ted cruz said he wants to only admit christian refugees not muslims s this a problem? >> yes because we should not admit any. >> you do not get to the religious question. zero. >> correct. >> foreign policy advisor of ben
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carson said he needed more briefings and does not know much about the middle east s that a problem? >> sure. >> can you expand? >> you want quick answers. it is a problem. the world is complicated. you are president of the united states you have to be ready to answer. >> does donald trump go too far with the harsh rhetoric? >> of course he does but this is not unusual for donald trump. he goes too far on everything. so, this is not something anyone should be surprised that is how he speaks and how he has always spoken whether he is firing someone or had he is running for president. >> i know bret baier asked you, do you have reluctant to go after donald trump but it seems you are going out of your way not to criticize your republican rivals keeping your ammunition trained on hillary clinton and on president obama. i wonder if it is because you feel like, well, i have an outside shot i don't want to rough anyone up. >> no, i want to beat hillary
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clinton and i am going to talk about and be focused on hillary clinton as the person to beat to get to the united states. >> to have a face off against hillary clinton you have a a lot of other people you have to beat in your party and it seems that you are a bit of a political brawler. you are pulling punches. >> no, times, in politics, you need to take the driver out and use the driver. sometimes you need to use the pitching wedge. that is the strategy is not called pulling purges. haw is the strategy? >> to make myself the person that the people of the republican party trust the most to beat hillary clinton. >> it is inevitably game of compare and contrast. would you say you are passing up opportunities to take on some of the people who are way ahead of you in the polls? >> no. the people, while you are on that stage are comparing and contrasting themselves. they do not need you to. >> you talked of the executive
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experience as governor. is it frustrating with seven governors, three already out of the race, and most at 5 percent and you at 5 percent, is it frustrating that voters this year seem not to place a high value on having run a state? >> no, it is pollees, there are no voters, no one votes until seven in iowa or february 9 in new hampshire. >> are dismissing the polls as being too early. politicians love polls when they show they are at the top? >> when they are in first they lost polls but everyone will agency that 50 percent to accident percent of the people poll say though will or could change their mind. i am not too worried. i am in the mind changing business. >> the weapon said you fought your way back to were arability s that part of your goal? >> no. my goal is to win.
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listen, whatever you 10 i am respectable so i appreciate compliments but our campaign has always been issue or yenned and driven and competitive and we will be competitive. i am not in this for a fox show or a book deal i am in this to win and be president of the united states. >> that union leader endorsement is huge in new hampshire but remember, only a couple of minutes legislations backed by the papers republicans, have ended up winning the nomination. after the break, former newsweek editor on why he and other journalists love to kick around presidents and how he changed his mind after spending time with george herbert walker bush.
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john meacham mad plenty of news of biography on george bush who called rumsfeld as "arrogant," but we sat down with the author of "destiny and power the odyssey of george herbert walker bush." john meacham welcome. the media verdict at the time, great job with the gulf war, passive president, with breaking the no new taxes, and lost the bid so, failed president.
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is that shortsighted by the media? >> short eighted in history, it felt that way. audit feel that way to you at the time? >> i had a dana carvey view of him in my head but after meeting him and the passage of time we can come to better judgments. this is a good real it takes 20-25 years after an administration before you can really judge it while and that is true. >> from your book, 1987, newsweek, well before you got there, talked of rumors that george h.w. bush had an affair with a long time aide denied by both and george w. bush asked his dad about the rumors and did what? >> he called and said the answer to the big affair is no and it should it down. >> but his parents were not
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pleased that he had gone public. >> mrs. bush was angry or upset and she thought it would intrigue the her to and vice president bush said in the thyry he worried that he was right it could feed the story but the parents were wrong, george w. did the right thing because it put it to rest. >> given the 92 slogan was annoy the media and re-elect bush, in 1987 they ran the famous cover calling him a wimp, how did you persuade him to give you the interviews and share the documents? >> i found him to be a more complicated and interesting figure as i got to know him and my argument was that this was my book writing part of my life, you are a multitasker too, you know this. there are a lot of questions in
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bush land when it was announced i would do this because i was coming from the republican newsweek. >> you went to george bush the build we we are a transcript of the interviews you had done. what would you have done if he wanted to take back or ask you not to use what he said? >> i was going to note in the book that whatever the response he high wind advisory --. >> giving a chance to revise and extend? >> just extend, not revise. >> and the reaction with rums fooled say he is getting on in yields this was the i implication that you in interviewing a man who now is 91 took advantage of him or he is not so sharp, how do you feel? >> there is no truth to that whatever. he made the comments in 2008 and anyone who knew george bush knew in 2008 he was firing on all pistons so this accurately
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reflects his views of cheney and rumsfeld and of his son's rhetoric. >> is there danger, every biographer faces this and it is not your first portrait of the president that you fall in love with your subject? >> that was my great worry of doing a living president i could not throw a punch if i needed to. >> very charming guy. >> at this stage. >> there is a deficit charm to become president. but because of what he created, the ethos, make the historical judgments it wassizer than i expected to say what i thought. >> isn't it true as journalists we have daily and hourly and minute-by-minute twitter deadlines, often rush to judgment about presidents and politicians based on incomplete information? >> that is the reflex, my god, to kick 'em in the shins.
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it is the perils of journalism. search a journalist. everyone speaks from the same platform. one of the things we have to think of is because we have the ability to speak does not men we have something worth saying and the discipline that all of us should impose on ourselves more often... >> you speak as someone who is a reformed sinner. >> not reformed. >> sinner. >> i am absolutely a sinner. but an interesting thing about the book is seeing how the culture was taking shape in the bush 41 years. obviously, before the internet but cnn political talk shows are growing and rush limbaugh is becoming more of a force. rush limbaugh endorses pat buchanan so what does bush do? he invites rush limbaugh over to the white house to spend the night and carries a suitcase for
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him and that shut down rush limbaugh and suddenly three was introducing him at campaign events. the 24 hour cycle was taking shape in first burn years and the diary is full of we remarks about how the press drives him accuracy. -- him crazy. >> john meacham thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> gawker dropping the gossip to cover the 2016 campaign and going after donald trump and other distruce republican -- disastrous republican candidates . so finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults saw 75% skin clearance.
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level of media gossip is now rebranding itself as a media website and amy argetsinger handled the gossip column. >> is gawker getting out of the media and culture gossip mean that gas innow is very much 2009? >> very much but it also means that the election is far more interesting than anything that could be happening on the media landscape. they have decided to flow their hat into the election ring because what bigger story is there than election 2016? >> it is huge to quote someone who is part of the campaign. amy argetsinger? >> i know that guy! >> gawker specialized in snarky. >> but they apologized for a party on an executive seeking to buy sex from a gay porn star s that factor in the evolution to
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politics? >> it is not going away, this is what internet contend was built on in the past 10 or 12 years but it is harder to make money off of snark so social media has changed. people may love to read the bishopy news -- bitchy news stories but they want to present themselves as being nice, and is why we have the puppy videos. gawker is doubling down on the one area where they it is still okay to be snarky and profitable, politics. >> lola oguinnaike, because of twitter and the blogs, gossip or snark, it is everywhere, so is there less of a market spot for it? >> snark is everywhere. you can thank gawker for that. in part. but, also, take you back on what amy was saying people want to be
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liked they they are concerned with instagram and facebook and what gets more likes or followers is posting or forwarding as something that is nice going viral. not big business in someone seen as bullies. >> but the exception is with political stories where you see people forking the tribal identities on facebook. you will see people getting into big fights where friends and relatives. that is something where gawker is not new to politics. some of the bigger hits have been in the political realm, the problem ford story from toronto. >> the crack smoking mayor is not for gawker. >> that is right. >> but lola, but the fact by my country there were roughly six billion websites devoted to politics. >> but what gawker has is name recognition and a brand
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identity. you understand when you go to gawker you will be snarked but they are focused on politics. if you want more than just the facts and you want your politics with a heavy dose of snark you kow to go to gawker. >> gawker say they do not particularly like hillary clinton but the g.o.p. candidates they say would be disastrous as president especially donald trump. >> we know where they coming from. >> donald trump has been good business for gawker, if you want an example, this is where snark is. when they write about donald trump they have a new way to describe him. this week it is has been human dust ball, republican candidate donald trump and pee stain snowcone. >> for someone who made their living like this. >> there are magazines that have made fun of donald trump but there would be no spy fag if
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they did not call him a short fingered bulgarian, so it is big business and gawk are figured it out. >> maybe trump is the gift that keeping on giving. >> amy argetsinger you made your living at this is gossip transmuting into new forms or the time has peeked? >> it is evolving, people are trying to figure out what will get the clicks. political news, that is where the stuff lives. we were saturated with celebrity gossip. we needed to move on. >> now everyone can be a professional gossip. thank you very much lola oguinnaike and amy argetsinger. >> next we try something new your questions from facebook.
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opinions rather than facts. we are more informed or more opinionated? no question all the opinion lovers have fueled this. good reporting is overshadowed by the opinions but we are in a wired world, more news and information than ever before at your fingertips. you have to seek it out. >> facebook question, the media stopped covering every needs and cough of donald trump and he will have to spend money on his advertising. we only cover every cough not every sneeze. you are suggesting we are propping him up? he is a master at condition rating news and controversy. he makes himself endlessly available for interviews and some of the rivals would i invite could take a page from that play back. that is it for this "media buzz" and i am howard kurtz i hope you are having a good thanksgiving. check out the news f sirius --
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fm sirius news station. see you next sunday with the latest buzz. i'mll >> i am chris wallace. a deadly siege at a planned parenthood center and now police are sending for a motive. >> >> three was aiming at me. he started shooting. i looked at his face. >> a lot of gunfire. three dead including a police officer. was it related to allegations of the sale of fetal body parts for research? we will talk with g.o.p. presidential candidate carly fiorina a staunch opponent of the abortion practiceties of planned parenthood. >> americans face heightened security at home on the business of the holiday of the year. >> i want the american people to know that we are taking
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