tv The Kelly File FOX News December 7, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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i'm bill o'reilly. we hope you always remember the spin stops right here, because we are definitely looking out for you. breaking news tonight on the san bernardino terror attack, including evidence that may suggest an international connection here. the news breaking just as we came to air, that large sums of money were deposited into the killer's bank account just weeks before they opened fire at a christmas party. welcome to "the kelly file," everyone. i'm megyn kelly. in the days science syed farook and tashfeen malik committed the attack, there's been questions whether they had outside help. tonight we may be closer to learning the truth. it comes as we obtain a rare image of the pair, believed to have been taken in july of last
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year, as they made their way through customs in chicago, telling authorities they simply wanted to marry and live in america. but the fbi today revealed that 18 months after that photo, this couple had lethal intentions, revealing details about their movements prior to the attack. watch. >> we have learned and believe that both subjects were radicalized and have been for quite some time. now, how did that happen, the question we're trying to get at is how did that happen and by whom and where did that happen? i will tell you right now, we don't know those answers at this point. we do have evidence that both subjects did some target -- participated in target practice in some ranges within the metro area or within the los angeles area. that target practice on one occasion was done within days of this event. >> "the kelly file" traveled to california in hopes of speaking
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to their family or attorneys. all we got were closed doors. >> mr. khan, can we speak with you for just a moment? mohammed, i'm with megyn kelly. can we speak with you for a second? ma'am, can i give you my card? you said you were going to give it to him. >> uh-huh. and the question is, why? tonight, a source tells fox news that a large deposit was made to syed farook's bank account just weeks before he killed 14 people. and some of that money went to farook's mother who lived with him and his wife. all of which raises concerns that this may be part of a larger plot. plus, we have learned that tashfeen malik attended an extremely conservative religious school before coming to america, which could provide clues into
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her motivation and raises questions whether those who approved her visa should have had concerns. we begin tonight with trace gallagher reporting on the latest from our west coast newsroom. trace? >> reporter: less than 48 hours before the shooting rampage, syed farook took a final trip to a gun range. it was the last of "multiple visits to different southern california gun ranges by farook and his wife." the fbi says the couple also conducted a dry firing session, pulling the trigger without any bullets. experts say the intent of dry firing is to train the mind to kill. it is still unclear who radicalized who, but it's clear that both husband and wife have been radicalized for some time. agents say they could have been radicalized by contacts here in the u.s. or overseas. tashfeen malik attended college in pakistan and followed a
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militant form of islam. her family in pakistan says that after malik arrived in the u.s., she began posting extremist messages on facebook and communicating with someone on the internet in arabic. the family doesn't know what was said, because they don't speak arabic. a former co-worker of syed farook says he was a confident guy who talked a lot about religion. listen. >> he didn't want to be in the united states. he told me him paying taxes was helping the united states support basically the war on islam, the war on muslims. >> reporter: "the kelly file" has visited the southern california mosque attended by syed farook. it's also where his wedding celebration took place and where he abruptly left for unknown reasons. listen to a member of the mosque whose wife was shot in the attacks. >> for good reason, like someone had job change and moving out of
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town maybe. but if someone lives nearby area, i think maybe a good indication to look into it. >> reporter: in 2014, syed farook's co-workers at the county health department attended active shooter training in the very conference room where farook and his wife opened fire. we don't know if farook himself was at that training. megyn? >> trace, thank you. as we just mentioned, a source tells fox news large sums of money, of $28,000, were deposited into the terrorist's bank account just weeks before this attack. joining me now, dr. gorka, he serves as a major general of military theory at marine corps university, and has a fascinating website. mia bloom is a professor of communications and author of "bombshell, women and terrorism. qupts thank you both for being
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here. dr. gorka, follow the money. they don't know where that money came from, but $28,000 for guy who makes $54,000 a year is a significant amount of money three weeks before he pulls off a terrorist attack. >> absolutely. if we can demonstrate this is connected to the attack, whether it was used to buy the weapons or whether it was used in advance as some kind of bounty, if you will, to pay for relatives or the operation prior to the attack, well, then we just got the smoking gun. then we know this isn't just a one off, not a couple that followed the path of jihad together. but this is part of a larger conspiracy, and we have seen this before. if we look at the 9/11 commission report, it has a detailed classified examination of the forensics of 9/11 to detail the wire transfers that
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were made to muhammad atta, the lead conspirator and others from the gulf states to the u.s. to finance that attack, to pay for the flight schools, to pay for the safe houses. so if this is true, then we will find that this is potentially part of the broader global jihadi movement. >> i want to ask you, does it not add up, because i've already heard that some in law enforcement are looking at the way this woman, who now as trace reports, went to shooting ranges just before the attack, and was supposedly a good shot, that that's no way she could have pulled off the gun fight she did with cops without some professional training. not just at a gun range, but the kind of training terrorists get overseas. >> yeah, i would like more information on exactly how that gun fight went down. but there is, of course, a technique called bounding
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overwatch, where one shooter covers the other shooter while they move and vice versa. so yes, if it is, in fact, firing and moving at the same time, that's not going into the range standing in a cubicle and shooting at a paper target. that would require professional training to do with firearms and movement at the same time. >> so mia, we're learning she attended this school where she was studying to be a pharmacist, which is questionable, because the pakistanis were so suspicious of this school they put surveillance in it. but separate and apart from that, she went to something even more extreme to further her religious education. >> yes. so apparently she enrolled in a two-year course of translation and interpretation of the koran. she didn't finish the course, she was only there for one year. according to the pakistani counterterrorism analysts, this is -- this particular seminary
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is known to radicalized girls, with the intent of influencing the entire family. >> so they start with the young daughter hoping she'll take the extremism back to her family? >> it works, it really does. what happens is the young girl becomes -- well, not necessarily more extreme. it can just be more religious, show goes home and the mother falls suit, then the whole family. this worked in egypt. >> how does it happen that this young woman, who always wore a burqa, who would not interact with young men, meets syed farook online? they meet once and decide to get married and she moves to california. i mean, that's why a lot of people believe she was already radicalized. there was a plan in place to marry an american. she came back here with the goal of committing jihad.
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either he knew about it or he didn't. that's why we heard reports don't that the reports are saying they believe she was radicalized before she got here. >> she may have been radicalized, megyn, but this is a huge distinction between radical thought and radical action. sometimes it can take months or years or tens of years before someone who feels radical sentiment act upon it. there's a lot of terrorists who are not radical, and so the work we've seen, the interviews, the hundreds of interviews conducted by psychologists have shown that. so we have to be careful not to conflate religiousness with extremism. >> doctor, i know you wanted to make a point on what we've been hearing so often today about they were radicalized. >> thank you, megyn. i would like us to jettison this phrase. being radicalized makes it sound as if something is being done to
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these poor people. we can't talk about nazis being naziified. they are choosing the life of jihad. >> certainly when you picture that woman there at the shooting range, doing target practice so she could kill the 26-year-old that her husband worked with, and the 40-year-old man who tried to save the life of that young woman and so on. it doesn't seem like a passive action. thank you both so much for your expertise. also developing tonight, growing skepticism over the story from the family of this terrorist, and their claims that they knew nothing of the killer's plans to murder so many. judge napolitano is here on that next. and up next, syed farook's
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mother was living with the couple in her house. what are the odds she knew something? and the details that tashfeen malik was able to enter the u.s. without raising flags. and a report from steve hayes, reporting to evidence police may have been looking at one of these killers about a week prior to this attack. steve hayes is here with the breaking news tonight. ♪ our parents worked hard so that we could enjoy
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mr. khan, i'm with "the kelly file." can we speak with you just for a moment. mohammed, i'm with megyn kelly. can we speak with you for a second? sir? ma'am, can i give you my card? you said you were going to give it to him. >> again, that was our kelly file producer trying to speak with the family of the san bernardino terrorist, the brother-in-law and his attorney who has spoken out, but won't
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sit down with us. as you can see, they don't want to speak to us, but maybe they should, as we're hearing growing skepticism about the family. they claim they knew nothing about the radicalization of the killers. but is that plausible? we're joined tonight by the founder of the aha foundation, born into a strict religious society in somalia, where she was severely abused. but we begin with judge andrew napolitano. is it plausible that they didn't know anything, especially the mother of syed farook, who lived with them and if she did, could she be facing charges? >> it is probably not plausible, but the fbi must investigate this. you know, in the united states of america, it is not a crime to fail to report somebody else's crime barring some unique relationship you have with that person, like an emergency room doctor. >> so she saw she will
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assembling pipe bombs and stockpiling ammunition? >> except for treason. treason, which is described as waging war on the united states or giving aid and comfort to the united states' enemies in ue that these two killers waged war on the united states. >> but then you have to prove the mother or somebody else in the family knew that they were going to do it. >> correct. in my view, it is worth the fbi going down that street to find out what they knew, because it is likely to lead to other people. it is worth charging her, if for no other reason to induce her to cough up who else knew about this. >> we don't know where that money came from. he could have taken out a second mortgage on something. we don't know yet. >> okay. but you asked if the people who knew can be criminally liable. yes, if they knew enough and if
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what they knew was tantamount to treason. >> but it is a high bar. the neighbors seem to contradict that nothing suspicious happened. >> why didn't the government, which has records of wire transfers into accounts of who comes in from what countries, of who is married to whom and who buys what weapons, why didn't the government put two and two togethersome >> and the government will have the text messages of all the family. >> that will help the fbi to know whether or not to prosecute. we don't live in a society where you report everything. that results in too many false reports. but you can be prosecuted for failing to report treason. >> with me now is author of "heretic, why islam needs refer
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mags now." do you think it's possible for a moth tore live with her son and not know radicalization occurred? >> i think it is difficult for the ordinary american to digest that. but if the mother and wider family share in the ideology of the children, in this case, the adults who did this horrendous deed, and when i say share in the ideology, i don't mean that they necessarily shared in the act of committing violence. but if they believe in the same endgame, you know, there are the infidels and there are the believers. the infidels, he who kills the infidel is a martyr, somebody who is going to be rewarded in heaven. if you share in all of that, i think it becomes extremely difficult if you're a family member to go out there and tell your family member and a fellow
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believer, go to the authorities and report that. >> one of the reasons i mentioned what happened to you when you were a child is because so many people stopped and found it such a head scratcher. we know that they killed 14 people. but the fact that they did it when this mother, this woman here had a 6-month-old baby. yet those who are radicalized don't care about children, even their own children. >> because it's worth giving up your children and your grandchildren and this world and whatever it means for something higher, something that transcends that. this is something that westerners, not just americans, but westerners in general, they don't understand about religion taken that far and to that extreme.
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at our foundation, women come to us where this sort of thing is going on, but they would never dare come out and talk to the authorities, because they believe the authorities are going to put them back in these families. the family loyalty, and then the loyalty to god and beyond, it's just so extreme. i'm trying to -- i don't know how to explain this. i've tried to do it in many books and speaking engagements, but it's extremely hard for you to understand the rest of the western world to understand how deep this loyalty is. >> even many muslims in america have told you that you need to shut up and that's why the name of the book is "heretic" and you should check it out. i wish we had more time tonight. >> i know.
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thank you. there's also new outrage after one media figure started complaining that it's disrespectful to show this female terrorist without her face covered. really? i wonder whether she wore that when she went to target practice, when she was planning on murdering 14 plus americans. plus, after 9/11, he did three tours of duty in afghanistan and iraq and he's here with his take on president obama's speech to the nation last night. >> the threat from terrorism is real. but we will overcome it. we will destroy isil and any other organization that tries to harm us. our success won't depend on tough talk or abandoning our values or g ok, we're here. here's dad. mom. the twins. aunt alice... you didn't tell me aunt alice was coming. of course. don't forget grandpa. can the test drive be over now? maybe just head back to the dealership? don't you want to meet my family?
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[martha and mildred are good to. go. here's your invoice, ladies. a few stops later, and it looks like big ollie is on the mend. it might not seem that glamorous having an old pickup truck for an office... or filling your days looking down the south end of a heifer, but...i wouldn't have it any other way. look at that, i had my best month ever. and earned a shiny new office upgrade. i run on quickbooks. that's how i own it. breaking tonight. in the initial 24 hours after the christmas party massacre in san bernardino, we saw some
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media outlets suggest it was workplace violence, it was an assault on planned parenthood or the work of right winged conservatives. now that we know it was terror, some outlets have decided to focus on defending the killers. first, there were complaints about the pictures being shown of tashfeen malik. her family described her as a devout muslim, so when the media started run thing picture of tashfeen malik with her face uncovered, a producer for al jazeera america criticized the choice, saying people were being disrespectful. he was forced to apologize. but over at msnbc, melissa harris perry attacked "the new york times" for using her uncovered photo alongside images of the koran, saying it amounted to an indictment of muslim culture as a whole. >> right next to it, in a hijab. the idea that this is what terrorism looks like.
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[ sighs ] >> howard kurtz joins me. this is what the face of terrorism looks like. >> let me say this to melissa harris perry, this is what the face of terrorism looks like. this is a woman who abandoned her baby and slaughtered 14 innocent people. as far as picking the photos, it's not like the media had a wide selection. >> even if we have a wide array, nor should we stick to what the al jazeera america producer finds respectful when showing a terrorist murderer. >> this is political correctness run amuck. it is missing the story, which is mass murder by this woman and her husband in favor of arguing about, you know, the picture, which is just insane. >> he goes on to say, i didn't mean it was disrespectful to
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her, but disrespectful to her family. they haven't done anything. you know what? no one gives a crap about that. what they want to see is the face of the woman who killed 14 of our fellow citizens so we can figure out why she did it, who she was, and what role she played. we have no obligation to be respectful to her or her family. >> it sounds like these people are just twisting themselves into pretzels where they can deflect attention from the very obvious fact that this is not -- these are not two people who went off in a rage. they planned this. they stockpiled pipe bombs. what are we talking about here? >> then we have the daily news, taking heat for appearing to draw some sort of moral equivalence between the killers and one of the victims, who she said one of the victims was just as bigoted as they were and 13 innocent people are dead, taking
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a shot at nicholas, who she calls a hate-filled big got. >> the last time i checked, he didn't murder anybody. so i know columnists are looking for a fresh angle, but to draw some kind of an equation here where you have people that plotted murder. i think that's a bad parallel. >> just as bigoted? h howie, good to see you. we have details how tashfeen malik was able to enter the united states without raising red flags. plus, steve hays is here with a report he just filed that raises questions whether police had one of these killers on the radar
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just a week before this attack. jeb bush: here's the truth you will not hear from our president: we are at war with radical islamic terrorism. it is the struggle that will determine the fate of the free world. the united states should not delay in leading a global coalition to take out isis with overwhelming force. their aim is our total destruction. we can't withdraw from this threat or negotiate with it. we have but one choice: to defeat it. vo: right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. during red lobster's ultimate seafood celebration. with jazzed up new dishes like the decadent grand seafood feast and the ultimate wood-grilled feast why wait to celebrate? so hurry in, it ends soon. i'm mary ellen, and i quit smoking with chantix. i have smoked for thirty years and by taking chantix,
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from the world's head quarters of fox news, it's "the kelly file" with megyn kelly. back now with another and a big list of new questions on the terror attack in california. as we learn more about how tashfeen malik was able to enter the united states without raising any red flags, despite the history we just told you about. adam housley has the story from california. adam? >> reporter: those ties continue to build. we were told late tonight there was some significant developments in the domestic level in regards to this investigation. but that the international
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connections, including the banking connections, continue to only be built stronger and the questions about how she got into this country by giving false information. we've also learned that authorities believe that the bombs that were left at the regional center, they had bombs left here at this home, in their car and the regional sent wrer the massacre took place, that they were intended to go off, that first responders were then to show up. they didn't go off. we also confirmed last night that the shooter went to a nearby range two different times. and that they both did dry firing in the backyard of a home in riverside, which i'm told in this case was intended to teach them and prepare them for the actual massacre. an interesting development tonight here in front of the home.
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the next door neighbor, they have put up an american flag and christmas decorations right next door to the terror home. megyn? >> adam, thank you. joining me now, mark hanna. he served as an aide for the obama presidential campaign. so mark, the question is, how could somebody like this, who went to the madrassa, who was at the pakistani school that was known for extremist ties, so much so that it was under surveillance by thepakistanis, how could she get in so easily? >> that's the million dollar question. we're all wondering about that. but i talked to people at the state department, and they're extraordinarily well educated and trained. this process is a three-phase process. there's a criminal background check that happens before you even get invited into the consulate to get that in-person interview. then there's another security background check. >> what is the check to see about terrorist ties in the criminal record? >> they look at department of homeland security, fbi is
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involved, interpol. so any kind of criminal activity that might raise red flags. >> there are reports that her family has known ties to radicals, to extremist jihadists. and so if she doesn't get on their radar, the checks are not very good. >> no, no. and look, we have their -- there are thousands of people that come through this program, and the -- one thing i will say, there's a ton of intelligence sharing that goes on between governments. >> the pakistanis. the ones who harbored bin laden? >> i don't want to second guess the intelligence or the security officials trying to do their job, and have been. >> but the odds of the pakistanis, even if they knew about her radical ties, sharing those facts with us, slim to none. >> pretty much.
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>> what kind of position does that put us in? >> not a very good one. we have to wonder what can we do to prevent this going forward. president obama laid -- a lot of people are going to shake their heads when i mention guns. i went to a shooting range in california. >> i wonder if she wore her burqa there. do you think she wore that when she went to practice how to shoot americans? >> who knows? if you're on a terrorist watch list, you can buy assault weapons legally in this country. >> that's insane. >> the day after this happened, they took a vote and every republican in the senate voted against making it illegal for people on the terrorist watch list to obtain a gun. this is how in the pocket of the
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nra the republicans are. >> mark hanna, thank you, sir. one sharp eyed journalist filed a new report raising the possibility that police were looking at syed farook roughly a week before this attack. they're saying that they weren't. and it was based in part on some of what we heard, as well from police scanners the day of the attack. listen to this.
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>> steve hays is senior writer at the weekly standard and just filed this report. steve, so it was just chatter on the police scanner. do we now believe they really were investigating him? >> yeah. look, i think that's the big question, megyn. we should say from the outset that police scanners, particularly in a situation like an active shooter situation, can be unreliable. you shouldn't jump to conclusions based on the information based in the scanner traffic. on the other hand, you had three separate references to supposed investigation or some reporting on syed farook from a week earlier, a week before the attack. at the very least, i think the san bernardino police department and the l.a. displept should answer those questions and let us know what they knew and why these people were making reference to an investigation, if in fact there was one. >> and for it to be at the ready in the mind of those communicating, they got a lot of
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investigations open. it's somewhat alarming that it was at the ready. yet we're being told officially so far there were no investigations. at least they say at the federal level. has there been a denial of an investigation at the state level if >> i didn't get one. the lapd said if we had this information, we couldn't share it with you, we would have shared it with san bernardino and we wouldn't talk about it. >> why couldn't they share it with us? >> you have this scanner traffic. it's undeniable. you have at least law enforcement officials who believe there had been this investigation in to syed farook, one of the two shooters, the week before the attack. maybe it was a case of mistaken identity. syed farook's brother shared his name. they had a different middle name. but it sure would help reassure people if the authorities would
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provide that explanation. >> and they can't ignore you forever. steve, thank you. there's also very big fallout after donald trump says he wants to ban any more muslims from coming to america. and seems to mean american muslims who are outside of the country as well. although perhaps not american muslims in the military. i'm not sure how it's going to work. plus, the administration is defending the focus of the president's oval office address. and next, how the white house is handling the worst attack on our soil since 9/11. >> we cannot turn against one another by letting this fight be defined as a war against america defined as a war against america and islam that's what gro
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breaking tonight, new fallout from the president's speech to the nation as administration figures attempt to defend the substance of the president's remarks. while the commander in chief called the san bernardino attacks an act of terrorism, he stopped short of announcing a new strategy to defeating isis. >> the purpose of the speech last night was to speak directly to the american people, not to lay out new policy. he wanted to deliver the speech
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to speak directly to what we're doing and what we can do moving forward. >> the president's political opponents are not going to be satisfied and that's okay. i think it's disappointing when it takes place in the context of national security issues. but if we were focused on that, we would be focused on the wrong thing. >> pete, what did you think of the president's remarks? >> well, you know what we were looking for, military members looking for? tough, realistic, honest assessment of the threat we face. instead we got stubborn ideology. we literally had a president looking into the cameras saying no new change of strategy. we're going to take your guns. isil is not islamic and make sure you're nice to every muslim today because clearly americans
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are racist. what we were looking for is george w. bush after 9/11 who said those who knocked these buildings down will hear from all of us. we were looking for a demander in chief that has a grasp on facts and reality. instead, we got a bunch of the same stuff we've gotten time and time again. to hear marie hearth explain it, that makes me laugh. >> isn't it his job to come out and not hit the panic button but keep it steady, steady eddie? >> sure, steady. but the only passion we got in the speech was passion about how our culture must make sure we embrace fully every muslim. of course americans are very tolerant. but we shouldn't be tolerant of folks who are radicalized.
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>> he got some heat on that. he elevated that and it got a lot of air time in his speech. >> it was almost after of his speech. >> we rat the stats on hate crimes against muslims. hate crimes motivated by religious reasons, 19% of all hate crimes and 58% of that was directed at jews. so it's not a huge problem in the u.s. >> the problem is that the father of this killer says that israel would be wiped off the map in two years, regardless of what happens. then he talked about gun laws, none of which would have changed this. remember when george w. bush looked the american people in the eye and said, my strategy isn't working, i'm going to adjust fire. i don't know what the adjust fire would look like and i don't trust this president to build a strategy to defeat isis, but
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that's what they're looking for. this guy's arrogance and dedication to his ideology is off the charts and americans see that through the camera. he doesn't need to be fighting mad, just be honest with us. just level with us about this threat and acknowledge what we're doing is not containing isis and they're only expanding and this caliphate is feeding it. >> this is a new u.s. intel report on isis, that isis will spread worldwide and grow in numbers unless it suffers a significant loss of territory in syria and iraq. pete, thank you. >> thank you. up next, a big story getting bigger after donald trump suggests a ban on all muslims coming to america. chris is here with a range of reaction.
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breaking tonight, president obama last night drew some fire for suggesting that muslims in america are being unfairly scrutinized. >> it is our responsibility to reject religious tests on who we admit into this country. it's our responsibility to reject proposals that muslim americans should somehow be treated differently. >> many responded saying americans aren't doing that and aren't proposing that. enter donald trump. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and shutdown of muslims entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. >> that call to action produced swift condemnation not just from the left but from trump's fellow gop contenders, the chairs of the new hampshire and the south
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carolina republican party, the former vice president dick cheney, and perhaps most politically damaging for mr. trump, the leader of the southern baptist convention. chris stirewalt is our digital politics editor and joins me now. talk about cedes the moral high ground. just as republicans came out and saying we're not doing that, mr. president, they did it. their gop front-runner did it explicitly. pr >> mr. number one in polls except for iowa comes out and says exactly what the president was accusing republicans of doing. the president -- >> it was like he was getting ideas from president obama's speech. >> the president was an extremist. he was having a very bad time. the speech had been five minutes of a good speech followed by six minutes of a bad speech that was partisan and hackish and bad. he did this. he made this mistake. the republicans said thank god a we can finally have a conversation about what's wrong with the president's a policies on isis, on domestic terrorism. okay. you can feel the train start to
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get some momentum. the discussion was turning in the gop's favor. and then what happens? with one e-mail, the republican front-runner up-ends the whole apple cart and the discussion will switch. i promise you this -- you can take this to the bank. a when you see "the new york times" tomorrow, some stuff that donald trump said that will never happen because it wouldn't be put into place. he's already calling for a pause on all immigration anyway. but something that never happened is going to be on the front page of the paper, and it will knock off the discussion about what is >> and of course, all these networks ran to then cover his campaign event tonight, which is what he wanted. they played right into his hands. he's very smart at manipulating some media. but you tell me whether it's significant that the southern baptist convention came out with a strong statement about this. i >> so trump has not done as well with christian voters as other candidates have. first benhe carson, now ted cru marco rubio are picking up that
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share of evangelical voters in a way that trump has struggled. i think this stuff is part of i think this stuff is part of why serious minded christian voters have some pause about this. i don't think this is going to be the end of him, but i do think this will give heartburn to those who don't want him to be the voice of the republican party. >> he managed to hillary clinton and dick cheney. my head will explode. we'll be right back. red 97! set! red 97! did you say 97? yes. you know, that reminds me of geico's 97% customer satisfaction rating. 97%? helped by geico's fast and friendly claims service. huh... oh yeah, baby. geico's as fast and friendly as it gets. woo! geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more.
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what do you think of trump's proposal? a serious policy or a pr stunt? go to kelly file and let us know. thanks for watching, everybody. i'm megyn kelly. this is "the kelly file." see you tomorrow. fox news alert. i'm adam housley in redlands, california where the money trail continues to grow. fox news learned a couple of days ago that there are significant digital and money evidence that was leading investigators to not only overseas, but potentially to a trail here domestically. we have now learned that a deposit of $28,500 was made into a terrorist account. we're not sure if that was a loan or funneled to him. but obviously a very important development as the case continues to go forward. also we've learned that the three bombs left at the inland regional center may have been set there to go off as the first responders arrived. that the hallmark tactic of middle east terrorism. thankfully they did not go
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