tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News December 9, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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know what you think. that is all the time we have this evening. thanks for joining us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> this is both a shameless and a dangerous idea. donald trump is playing right into their hands. >> hillary clinton attacking donald trump over his proposed ban of muslims. and the piling on against the republican contender is enormous. tonight, donald trump will be here. >> islam is a political system this is intent on world denomination. it isn't quote a religion. one critical of islam. pat robertson has some very harsh words to say. also ahead, is it wrong to
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portray christmas in this1é way? >> yes, it has jesus, merry and joseph but in this case they are zombies. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. no talking points memo because we have an interview with the man in the center of an enormous storm, donald trump. his opinion that muslims overseas should be temporarily suspended from ignited, perhaps, the most intense political firestorm we have ever seen. overnight, bloomberg conducted an internet poll of about 600 folks. 37% agree with trump overall. 50% oppose. but, when you break it down to republican primary voters. 65% agree, 22% dissent.
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joining us now from his campaign headquarters here in new york city is donald trump. just to get you on the record, if you are elected president, what will you do regarding muslims, non-american citizens traveling to the u.s.a.? what will you do? >> very simple. first of all, as you know, i have many good friends who are muslims, they are terrific people. they are calling me on an hourly basis thanking me for bringing up this point. i would try and find out what is going on. why the hatred? why are people willing to fly planes into the world trade center. why did those two people last week they get married. why did they and you explained this to me go no a room and start shooting everybody, bill. it's a very, very serious problem and somebody who to bring it up. maybe it's not politically correct to do it. somebody had to to bring it up and a lot of people are very thankful that i did it. >> y. but you didn't answer my questions what would do you to muslims overseas
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vis-a-vis coming to the u.s.a. >> number one, i would try to get to the bottom of what is going on. >> we got that. >> set up a very strong -- wait a minute, bill. i would set up a very strong system. i'm very happy tonight. last night i'm not the sure it was mentioned. you said this is a temporary system. it's a temporary ban on not everybody but many. i would set up a system to see who qualifies to come in. who doesn't until we come down with the answer as to what is happening in the peoplepopulation. traveling to the united states for business and pleasure and everything like that, to scrutinize every one of them in that way would almost be impossible. let's advance the story tonight. >> i don't think it would be impossible but something that has to be done. >> i assume if you are president the goal is to defeat the jihad, correct? that's the goal. >> yes, correct. >> now, would you cede as i said last night, that you
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need arab muslim nations to help the united states defeat the jihad? would you cede that? >> no, i don't. >> you don't? >> i think it would be very helpful. no. i do think it helpful. >> how does it help then if you say to the king of jordan you and all your people can't come here for a while until i sort it out. saudi arabia, morocco, egypt, their government is cooperating against isis with us. turkey, their government is letting us land planes there. how is that helpful to ban people from all of those countries from coming here? it doesn't seem to be helpful to defeating the jihad. >> when you say their governments are letting us, we are paying a very big price to have governments let us do anything. >> people don't have to allow us to use bases in turkey. >> excuse me, we are ató;s ing a very big price. everything we get we pay a big price for. we get nothing for nothing.
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i watched president obama's speech last week. it was a disgrace. frankly when it ended i said is that all there is? i couldn't even believe it. i watched that speech the other night, it was a total disgrace. we have a president that doesn't have a clue. he doesn't know what's going on all i'm doing is bringing a situation to the forefront that everybody is talking about and nobody wants to do anything about it. when you look at what's happening in this country with all of the other problems we have and that includes migration where they have thousands of people to come into our country that we don't know who they are we have to do something about it. >> i agree with that you people coming here for permanent residency have to be vetted and the burden is on them to prove that they're harmless. but i disagree with you in the sense that if you say no muslims can travel here from overseas, you are hurting the united states' position against isis. we need the friendly muslim nations.
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you can't insult them like that. >> bill, i disagree. people have to be vetted. they have to be perfectly vetted. >> you can vet them but you can't insult the whole religion. >> >> we are not insulting. this is about security. not religion. we can't allow people to come into this country that are horrible things on their minds. >> all right. everybody agrees with that i don't think you thought through the unintended consequences of banning aá: entire religion from coming to the united states. just my opinion. let me roll something for you. >> bill, i have thought through everything, believe me. i thought through everything. look at what's happening. i thought through everything. again, i have had calls from friends of mine who happen to be muslims saying you are the only one with the courage, bill, they said you are the only one with the courage to say it. they all know what i'm saying is true. >> we want to win the war against isis and the jihad. >> correct. >> you have got to enlist muslim nations to do it.
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insulting en masse is not the way. i want you to react to hillary clinton. go. >> donald trump. [crowd booing] >> the republican frontrunner has made a name for himself in the last month by trafficking in prejudice and paranoia. his latest insult is his call to stop all muslims from entering the united states. this is both a shameless and a dangerous idea. >> all right. you say? >> hillary clinton is a joke. i have been watching her for years. she was the worst secretary of state in history. she is the one that caused this problem between her and obama and their policies. that's why you have the migration. i mean, she is a disaster. look at what happened with libya. look at what happened with your ambassador. look at what happened with benghazi. look at all of the problems that she has caused.
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she is a big factor in this. and then i hear her holier than thousand donald trump. look, hillary is going to lose. the fox poll came out. i'm leading, i'm beating her by a lot. i'm beating everybody, actually, by a lot, including all of the republicans. but the last person she wants to run against and i know this for a fact is she look i understand hillary clinton. she doesn't have the strength or stamina to be president. she does not have the strength or stamina. she will do -- and if we have another four years of barack obama which is basically you what she represents, we have ao problems. you think we have problems now, we won't have a country left. >> okay, now, was what she is playing to is two things. she is trying to get independent voters to say that donald trump is a kook. he is extremist. that's number one. number two is the point that she makes is that you help isis by portraying the united states as
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anti-muslim. that actually helps the extremist recruit. you see that point? >> no i don't see it at all. the last person that isis wants this that position, the position of president is donald trump. that i can tell you. that hillary clinton wants to run against is donald trump. you will see that. but, right now i'm focused on the republicans, frankly, but you look at polls and you look at what is happening. she doesn't want to do it. i do sort of smile. it's a joke when she gets up and talk. she has causedñ? many of these problems, bill. >> now, on the republican side, you have got dick cheney. you have got paul ryan, speaker of the house. and a bevy of other people. you know, your competitors, okay, we know they are going to come after you. but people who don't have a dog in the fight like cheney, they are all saying that this is an extremist point of view. you are going to alienate the muslim world, that's going to come back to hurt america.
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how do you react to a guy like cheney? >> excuse me, extremist point of view? i was against the war in iraq in 2003-200$z5 i said don't do it. >> let's keep it here. >> no, wait a minute. cheney is the one that started the war in iraq. you talk about an extremist. cheney started the war in iraq which should have never been started. because as i said then and i say now, you will destabilize the middle east. somebody calls me an extremist. i am not an extremist. i'm the opposite. i'm somebody that understands what is going on. when you look at what happened with iraq, and the war in iraq which should have never been started and then i'm called an extremist? i don't think so, bill. >> all right. so you reject that cheney and the speaker and all of that criticism by saying this is bad for the party? >> just so you understand, just so you understand, this was not supposed to happen. trump was not going to run. everybody said he is never going to run. and then if he did win, he is just going to have fun for a couple of months and maybe even a couple of weeks. he is just going to take it
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nice and easy he is really not because you know, he doesn't really want -- well with, not only did i run, i ran very seriously. i'm winning by 21 points, 15 points. i'm winning every single poll states, national i'm winning. this was not supposed to happen to them. the establishment is very upset. >> well, i know how that is. >> i would say probably not. >> the establishment doesn't like me either. >> you know how it is. we are all in the same boat. >> we are going to hold mr. trump over against his will for another segment to talk about how he is processing all the personal attacks on him. lou dobbs and stuart varney have some thoughts on the muslim controversy and the muslim controversy and the factor will be right back. and i'm still struggling with my diabetes. i do my best to manage. but it's hard to keep up with it. your body and your diabetes change over time. your treatment plan may too.
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does that kind of stuff bother you personally? >> certainly i don't like it. he think it's disgraceful that they are allowed to do it. i am a person that is, you know, i'm if the forefront of something that's never, i guess, been done before. i have been called by very, very respected writers anything like this happen in american politics. so, a lot of)÷ people don't like it. that's the failing newspaper. it won't be in business much longer from what i understand. and you have many other failing newspapers and they write and they hope, but, you know, they are hoping against the wrong person. look, my whole theme is make america great again. that's what i want to do, bill. that's all i care about. >> you don't care about anything. >> i want to make america great again. >> that's why you have been successful so far. the strategy is to call you adolf. abc their cable arm did it all night last night. as you mentioned a few other newspapers are painting you as joseph mccarthy or worse.
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does this effect your family, number one, and your business number two? >> well, first of all, bill, you know, just so we can really say it. i have also been treated extremely fairly by many of the media and i you wouldn't say a majority but i have been treated very fairly. i have been given credit credit for what i you have accomplished. i have to say that some of the media has been extremely you fair. and actually to a point where i'm actually surprised by it. yes, it effects my family. they don't like seeing their father or their husband ridiculed in newspapers. but in the end they are very smart people. they say wait a minute, they are after you because you are up by 20 points and you have done something that has never been done before in american politics. i think pretty much they understand it, bill. >> they are trying to brand you and you are the master at branding. so you understand what the subtext here is. they are trying to brand you as a fascist. as a person who would
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violate human rights, as a big bigot, as a nazi. they are hoping that brand will stick at least in some people's minds. your family, to your credit as you are saying, is smart enough to understand what is in play. but, your business, overseas business, all of that, if you don't prevail, that may be affected. >> that could be affected, bill. but you know what? i have built an amazing company. i'm a very rich personal. i'm self-funding my own campaign and frankly i'm putting up my own money. if i lose some businesses overseas, it doesn't have any impact on me whatsoever. what i'm doing right now, bill, is far more important than any singlenl business that he own. i could be affected by business. i don't really care. i'm not a publicç4!ó company. i have a private company. it turned out to be far more valuable than anybody6 believed when did i the fight, it turned out to be far nor valuable. i built a great company with great assets. very few people have done
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what i have been able to do. honestly, if some of the businesses affected, it's not important to me. what is important is that we get the word out. that we make america great again and that we have security for our country. our country is not secure, bill. they are pouring across the southern border. we are going to build a wall. mexico is going to pay for the wall. we are going to stop drugs from coming across. all these things are going to happen. >> very serious question here. you mentioned the establishment republican don't like you and that's true. they don't. if you don't get the delegate count to put you over the top, you go to the convention, okay? and then the convention brokers do what they do. there is a good chance you are not going to get as many delegates to give you the nomination. so, if they deny the nomination to you, which isg very, very possible, are you going to run on a third party ticket thereby handing the election to hillary clinton? >> i think that i will get
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the delegates. i'm winning in iowa big. i'm winning in south carolina. i'm winning in new hampshire big. >> if you don't? if you don't? >> if i'm treated fairly i would never do it. if i'm not treated fairly i might very well do it. my deal was i have to be treated fairly. >> all right. >> well with, who knows. but my deal was i have to be treated fairly. if the republicans treat me fairly, the so-called establishment, of3uou(r was a member about seven months ago, you understand that, right? once i decided to run i was no longer a member of the establishment. >> okay. >> but i found the establishment has not been as smart as people thought and you see what's happened to the establishment. look, we have to do the right thing and we have to be truthful and we have to say what the problems are. that's what i'm doing and that's why i'm winning. and the people out there that vote, they're agreeing with what i'm saying. that's more important than the establishment. >> okay. donald, always a pleasure to have you on and we appreciate you taking the time. next on the rundown, lou dobbs and stuart varney will weigh in on the interview
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and the muslim controversy in general. later miller on a zombie-themed nativity when i went on to ancestry, i just put in the name of my parents and my grandparents. and as soon as i did that, literally it was like you're getting 7, 9, 10, 15 leaves that are just popping up all over the place. yeah, it was amazing. just with a little bit of information, you can take leaps and bounds. it's an awesome experience. does your mouth often feel dry? multiple medications, a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. remember, while your medication is
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impact segment tonight, let's bring in fox business network titans, they told me to say that varney and dobbs. so you saw the interview, obviously saw it we forced you to watch it. >> compelled. >> my thesis to trump and i'm correct as you know i'm always7[ right. said if you ban all muslims you really hurt yourself in the war against jihad because you need those nations like jordan and morocco and egypt and turkey to help. >> you yeah. because if you didn't have their help, bill, this war against radical islamic terrorism would last, what, you figure 14 years without winning? we haven't won in
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afghanistan. >> we haven't fought. >> that's the point. >> we have had their help. >> you have to assume that if a republican is nominated, is elected, the war will actually begin in ernest. and, when it does. >> wait a minute. >> you need those countries. >> we tried out republicans with bush. we tried out democrats with obama. they both fought it the wrong way in the iraq invasion. >> what makes you think republicans are going to do the right way. >> you all i know president obama is not going to fight the war. if somebody does, you need stuart, the arab nations. >> he didn't retreat at all. >> he never does. >> on any point. >> he never does. president obama created a vacuum on sunday night by saying absolutely nothing. trump jumps in with a strong statement and doesn't back off at all. didn't back off with you in the slightest. when you challenged him you said you have got to have arab nation support to get this war won.
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he came right back at you and said is, nothing for nothing. how do you know it isn't hurting us? >> come on. both of you must know geopolitically to win a war against a decentralized enemy like isis is not a country, all right? you need as many people on the ground close to them as possible. you can't say to the king of jordan you and your country men can't come here and expect them to help you. >> you can can neither allow people to come into this country without knowing who they are. >> now -- nobody is questioning strong vetting. vet them. >> okay but why have we not? >> because the obama administration is incompetent. that's why. >> you have got a surge on our southern border with mexico right now and no one is reacting. >> you are preaching to the converted here. >> i understand. you are also saying that we should just throw our(h hands up. >> i'm not saying that atóxnm all. i'm saying you have got to be smart. >> it's the price of their
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friendship is to open up san bernadino's inland service center to two crazy muslim extremists i think that's all up -- >> -- if jordan wants. >> no, i said if you want the friendship of muslim countries. >> is it not? >> it's about being smart but not necessarily in the way you think it is. it's not being unsmart if you challenge these people. and say, wait a minute, you are not coming here until we figure out who you are and what you are doing here. >> you are both saying to me that you both agree with trump that all muslims in the world should be banned from coming here until we figure it out? >> what i'm saying is that he is right about pausing the immigration and refugee programs of this country until we know what the hell we are doing and can assure the american people that a k-1 visa. >> that's different than a muslim ban. >> no. it is different but it has the same effect. >> all right. scrutiny is responsible. all right.
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scrutiny and vetting, we have to do. has the obama administration done it? >> no, they have not. >> okay. we all agree. but a blanket statement to the muslim world that you, being every muslim, are not welcome here, hurts this country. >> what's wrong with setting up on a temporary basis, as he puts it, a strong system. you put it in, you stop them from coming in until you are satisfied. >> nobody is saying they don't want that. >> he has the country with him on thisefz one. he has. ordinary people are saying all the time. >> you are8ñ6lw watching an unholy alliance between the establishment right, the left of this country, and the national liberal media coming against donald trump trying to bring him down because they can't do it at the polls and they know it and they are trying to destroy him. >> when they pile on him he gains ground. >> he will duane ground in the republican precincts. >> political class generally has lost control of the debate. they hate it. >> here is the bottom line
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because i have got to go. if his unfavorables which are at 60%, donald trump's unfavorables, come down, after the muslim ban proposal, then i will cede you're right, but i don't think that will happen. we will have the poll. next week you guys are going to come back and we will have the polling. >> fair deal. can i ask one quick question? >> really fast. >> are you really saying that if his poll numbers go up that you would be willing to go along with the establishment and the left? >> i'm not going along with anybody. i don't do that, dobbs. you know that. i do what's best for the country and beating isis is what is best for the country. beating them. i have got to go. plenty more as the factor moves along. some are offended. the press showed the face of the terrorist woman who killed 14 people in california. you are not going to believe. this miller on the nativity scene being used in a very crass way. way hope you stay i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital
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i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit personal story segment tonight. pat robertson no fan of islam. >> islam is a political system that is intent on world domination. it isn't a, quote, religion as such. it is a political system masquerading as a religion. the world is divided into two parts. it is the world of islam, of a world of the unbelievers.
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and the unbelievers have got to be converted if theyuo won't/ need to be put to the sword. christianity isn't intent on dominating and killing people. >> with us now in new york city here to react monica crowley and eboni williams. >> that's more harsh criticism than >> and it's the truth. robertson has it mostly right. >> so you believe all muslims, 2 billion of them, want to kill you if you don't convert over? >> well, no, obviously that is not true. >> that is what he is saying though. >> is he correct to say that islam is no mere religion. islam is a comprehensive ideological system that has religious elements to it. >> it can be. >> does that mean every muslim is blowing things up, obviously not. just with any faith or ideology there is a sliding scale of commitment to that faith from nonpracticing people and unbelievers. >> that's a good point. >> all the way to the devout >> if you go to morocco you
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are not going to feel endangered to be be beheaded if you go to raqqa you will be. it's a place in time. i thought that mr. robertson or reverend robertson is, you know, is about as condemning of a religion as i have ever heard. >> yes, the reverend is wrong on this because he doesn't get to decide, bill, what is or isn't a religion. now, he is speaking about radical islam. >> no, is he speaking about islam. >> he is speaking about the whole thing incorrectly. he is using improper language. he say he is entitled to his opinion. to me is describing radical islam not the totality of the religion. the gospel doesn't rise and fall on him he doesn't get to dictate that. >> one of the important points he made there in islam the world is divided into two. >> infidels. >> more specific. jarel islam. the muslim world and daraharb which means house of war. that's not housqov peaceful co-existence. >> that's not how it is
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interpreted in many, many places. >> bill, you have to look at islam. it's not up to us to decide what islam is the islamic world is run by the islamist who believe in the global documentation of islam and the supremacy of cherie a. >> the king of morocco doesn't believe that he doesn't believe that. >> he and king abdullah of jordan how keep invoking if they're truly on our side. they should not be as sensitive as you and so]x other people are saying we can't say this, we can't say that they understand that we need to take actions in this war and if they don't understand that, then they are not on our side. >> why do we treat islam different than christianity? there are radical christians. >> no, no, no. no come on islam is much different than christianity. >> it is but we are sing beginning it out in a way. >> that's where the terrorism is. there is no terror component in christianity. >> historically it has been. >> here and now. eboni that's ridiculous. this is where the precinct
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of terror lies in islam. >> radical islam. >> that's right. no christian component. all right. i have got to go. when we come right back, it will be miller time. d man has thoughts on outrageous nativity scene situation. talking about outrage, tv producer objecting to showing the image of the dead terrorist woman in california without her california without her burqa. it was epic. i can't believe i got it. that's my boy. woah! look! that's my boy. you're proud to give each other your best every day. and at banquet, we want to give you our best. that's why we're adding 20% more chicken to our chicken pot pies with golden, flaky crusts.
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thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the miller time segment tonight. a nativity controversy in cincinnati. apparently there is a guy who has a history of mocking jesus, mary and joseph by portraying them as zombies. >> this is the second time jason dixon has put up the play. in sick sycamore township. last year he battled back and forth with officials who ordered the come down. it ended up staying up. evidence hopes the endless cars and visitors take away a notion of free speech. right now there is only one place you will see anything like this. >> where is the zombies(> there he had they are. >> joining us now from san da barbara. the guy is a pinhead and we are giving him what he
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wants, publicity. i guess we are the pinheads, too. what say you? >> i missed the old days when marge shot was the craziest person in cincinnati. [ laughter ] the thing i noticed, billy, is there are a lot of asses in the vicinity of that manger, none of them are donkeys anymore. why don't you try this with another faith, jason dixon. why don't you show me something. could there be another faith out there that bridle if you did this to them the exploiting wheel gets the oil. christians it's open season on you. get into a catacomb futures thing. start timeshares. i hope at the end of the worldtu i'm going to buy the v.i.p. package, billy, which by the way is available for our tour next year. i'm going v&tv buy the v.i.p. package at the end of the world ceremony so i can sit in the first row and watch god smack jason dixon upside the head for this crap. >> just one note and i want to get on to the next topic. if old jason did that to
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mohammed, the prophet, he would be executed. >> that's what i was hinting at earlier when i you said is there another faith. >> we have to say it but christians are forgiving people he is a pinhead. frank sinatra's 100th birthday of course is he dead so he cannot celebrate so here is a little sinatra ♪ pardon me ♪ but i gotta run ♪ the facts uncommonly clear. >> all right, very few people know this but miller hung out with sinatra. >> i met him once. listen, whenever i you see frank, one thing pops into my head. i can't believe micky closed ava garner. i was in las vegas once and i was at the mgm grand and he was at the.
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great chicago comedians open for frank. why don't you come down and see the show i will leave you tickets. i said great leave one for me and my wife and beloved mother with me past sense. i will leave three. i do my show and go back to the room to gather everybody. my wife is pregnant with second child. she said i feel a little -- i don't know if i can go out. i said why don't we take our nanny because we have got our first baby with us. she likes sinatra. i will take her. we go down and seat show and afterwards he says why don't you come to dinner with us. it's unking believable. i go to this dinner in the old desert end that had had that old round elevator. go in, bar, main room, the v.i.p. room, there is the vvip room. there is the pope room and nuclear e.coli the sinatra room. right barbara sinatra and on his left his attorney. his attorney's wife. my mom here, i'm right across from sinatra, the
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nanny between barbara and i, over the shoulder two huge body guards. i'm getting absolutely blasted. it's like 200 minutes in and i'm throwing brown stuff down just because i thought i meet sinatra i'm going to get loaded with him. it's an oceans 11. they are being nice to us. they think she is my wife. i don't want to say anything i just roll with it. about a half an hour in she nudges me under the table she has autograph book with a poodle on it motioning toward sinatra i almost faint. i can't say anything. i have to go load language like no, no. keep it down. keep it down. but now it's hanging over my head like the autograph book. i can't think anything else. i get up at the it end of the dinner and we go around after an hour to kiss the ring. here is how cool sinatra is. young girl saw at the stanley theater in pittsburgh in 1952 to finally meet you is the biggest thrill of my life he looks up 1952 stanley theater i remember that show, baby. you looked good that night.
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you looked good. my mom pulls away from the table like a fern gully. she is freaked out. i said frank, what you just dideu for my mother. he literally gives me the face like get out of here, kid. i turn coy coy steps up. she hits him with the autograph book. i almost vomit mitt over my shoulder i hear sinatra say did you say so i so -- soy soy. >> coy coy. sinatra says kc what? i can't even take it it guy out of book my mom and coy coy come out. they are in tandem. i can't get mad at her. let me see it i open up to the page he signs, it says sopo. he went so far -- chinese, that's my sinatra story. >> there he is, dennis miller, everybody. breaking news on the moirl o'reilly front. next year's live tour will be rebranded who wants to be president? we already have three big shows booked.
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los angeles at the microsoft theater saturday march 12th. that will be a blast. fairfax, virginia at the eagle bank arena saturday may 7th. mohican sun in connecticut june 18th. tickets go on sale tomorrow. bill o' premium members get first cut can. website link to you the box offices and of courselthey make great christmas and hanukkah gifts. martha maccallum on deck. very offensive situation tv producer objecting to showing the face of the dead woman terrorist. right back with martha. think your heartburn pill works fast? take the zantac it challenge! zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. when heartburn strikes, take zantac for faster relief than nexium or your money back. take the zantac it challenge.
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the family about the housewife is that they are very traditional. in the sense the family would go over to the house, they wouldn't all be together in the room. the brothers did not actually ever see her face. they have never seen her face because she did wear a burqa. >> after that statement, there was an that statement the was an outrageous reaction from al jazeera. here now to tell us about it is martha. >> so al jazeera tweeted this. come on, family, she wore a burka that covered her face and you are putting out pictures without it. he was horrified. >> horrified that a dead terrorist woman. >> he was -- >> for her. >> that there was no respect. his name is hasim saeed. he is quote being reprimanded within the organization. they are not happy with it. >> he is in america? >> i lives in america.
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and has for some time. he apologized and said he was misunderstood. >> sure he was. >> in talking about the family. >> sure. >> who may also be implicated in this. >> may be accessories. >> this is why al jazeera has zero viewers in the united states. no one watches it. all right. they have holiday -- >> be careful how you say this. >> manifesto. a manifesto they have. what is their holiday manifesto? >> thank you to the office of diversiveness that gets $5.5 million in taxpayer money so they have to legitmize their job. they said please make sure that your holiday season party is not just a cover for what's actually a, you know what it is, a christmas party. >> but they don't say christmas. >> no christmas. nothing that's cultural. >> no. santa, out of there. >> nondemom national cards.
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no secret santa. >> on the university of tennessee, knoxville campus, if you want to have a little christmas thing, the office of diversity will what, expel you? >> no, mostly towards the employees towards the larger university of tennessee educational system that they should be very careful about this. the office of inclusivenesinclu there was an uproar. from congressman in the state -- they are calling for the heads of the people from the university. >> that's overreaction. but what a good job to be head of the office of inclusion and can diversity. really good job. >> several people are working in that office. we don't want any religion or santa sneaking into that party. >> well, the christmas party tonight, people in university of tennessee, can get to new york
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in the next couple hours. >> okay. now you have a special this weekend, about what? >> this is about the rape crisis on college campuses. this is not to suggest there are not assaults happening on our campuses and that is a serious issue. however we need to treat both sides of the situation fairly. it is very well researched. we talked to three different boys who were subject to these investigations, who were wrongly accused, and whose lives were ruined. it came out in a letter basically shaking the finger at universities and say, if you don't get serious about this, and prove to us that you are by finding people guilty of offenses, you will risk losing funding. >> so the pressure is to find them guilty, not to find out what happened. when does it run? >> saturday night at 8:00. sunday night at 9:00. and it will reair both shows.
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>> another "time" magazine person of the year controversy. the tip, moments away. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. with their airline credit card miles. sometimes those seats cost a ridiculous number of miles... or there's a fee to use them. i know. it's so frustrating. they'd be a lot happier with the capital one venture card. and you would, too! why? it's so easy with venture. you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day.
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a person of the year controversy in a moment. first, no controversy at the christmas store. things are flying out of there. the historical parchments that you can frame up, obviously make very meaningful gifts. any other jackets within hats, shirts, pens, mugs, everything made moderately priced and everyone will be happy. i can personalize a greeting for you. just let me know what you want me to say. we will get down, sign it. and all of the money i derive from goes to charity. and you get a bumper sticker that says think about your
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country if you spend more than $50. announcing that trump's post ban on muslims coming to america will be defeated in court is simply wrong. you're wrong, kyle, the order to circumvent orders have been blocked for nearly ten months. i predict it'll be struck down by the supreme court. steve hendrickson, california, trump ought to ask himself who he is trying to sell his opinions to and if there are any buyers. are there american voters to support his blunt vision? so far polls are mixed. we will see what happens after this latest controversy. again, perth, australia, there will be more attacks on america by muslim extremists. so trump's anti-muslim statements are totally brilliant in the long run.
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bill, i was very moved by killing reagan because i personally knew almost all of the characters. congratulations on another great book. thank you. i was a little disappointed inl. i know it was factual but i was hoping it would honor him more. this is an honest look at the man. but i disagree, i think it clearly honors his courage. trend moore, tampa, florida. the old guard establish looks down on you, the same tactic the liberal media uses. i have a different opinion. poor bill, always be attacked, stop whining. no whine zone, jason. not allowed to defend myself against dishonesty? don't be a pin head. bill o'reilly, do you really sign thousands of books or do
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you use a machine? i sign them all. otherwise it would be dishonest. person of the year, they chose angela merkel. this is a play on refugees. come on, the real person of the year is donald trump. he has single-handedly changed the landscape in america, the most powerful nation on earth. "time" magazine didn't take into account positive or negative, just impact. no question, mr. trump, has the most impact on the world and should have been chosen. that's your tip of the day for us. tonight, check out the factor website. oreilly@fork ne goldberg watched the interview with trump and he is itching to get at me.
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we will be around somewhere with a pie, popping him if he is out of line. i'm bill o'reilly. please remember, the spin stops here. we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, stunning new information on the killers who terrorized america. as the director of the nbi admits today that u.s. failed to detect some major warning signs. that could have tipped us to the deadliest attack on u.s. soil since 9/11. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone, i'm megyn kelly. today is one week since ate tacks in san bernardino. hours ago, fbi director jam comby told the senate judiciary committee that pair had been talking about terror for at left two years before going through with their bloody plan. that means that when farook and malik cleared this immigration checkpoint right here
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