tv The Kelly File FOX News December 11, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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thank you very much. al qaeda recruiter are just one of several warning signs that appear to have been missed ahead of the deadliest terror attack on u.s. soil since 9/11. from the discussions of jihad and martyrdom the couple were apparently having two years ago to the messages sent to other radicals in the month before the attack all this as we hear reports tonight that investigators have found, quote, levels of built-in incryption on the shooter's phone. led to growing sense that san bernadino represents a major failure on the part of u.s. intelligence. especially since the director warned congress of this very issue months ago. >> isil is recheing out primarily through twitter to 21,000 english language
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follower. we can see twitter. we will see them, give them directions to a mobile messaging app. that is end to end encrypted and tell them to contact me here and they disappear. i have seations in all 50 states of people consuming this stuff. we are stopping these things so far through tremendous hard work. i cannot see me stopping these indefinitely. >> mike dal is a former new york state homeland security director and he wrote nearly all of the security laws right after 9/11. joshua cats is a former cia officer specializing in security and intel. they join me now. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> josh, i want to start with you, where in your opinion does the blame lie? >> i think the blame lies clearly with the administration. this is an incredible policy failure. it's coupled with the fact that congress has not allocated the right resources and really curved the administration, really destroying our human
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intelligence capability and really putting all the money in the technical side that technical side, yes, it needs to go forward and needs to be funded. but eroding and destroying our human capability here is absolutely a disaster. >> well, michael. i mean, you know different things that have to be balanced here. you wrote a lot of legislation that has been a model across the country. you know that, you know, of course americans want to feel safe and they want to feel like the fbi and other intel agencies have what they need to go after quote unquote bad guys. at the same time privacy concerns very legitimate for law-abiding citizen. >> so we just -- this country has just faced the whole issue of the snowden leaks. and we came back and we said we cannot have our society monitored like this. and now we have this situation plus paris attacks which indicate that there is a lot of stuff going on below the surface that americans and intelligence agencies are not aware of. what is so chilling about this is here is individual
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that worked for the government. had the opportunity to go and conduct preoperational surveillance, possibly, through his job. and then was able to put together amass these rounds of ammunition, the pipes, the materials to be able to make devices and do so under the noses of everybody. yes, we can assume that he wanted to go and have other attacks because they meant to escape. the masks, the get away car, the vests, they meant to survive this and go back and you can only guess where they were going to go next. a huge concern for us because this is so hard to spot. >> yeah, joshua, you think about the masks, the body armor, the bombs allegedly being built and constructed. it does sound like there were other things in the planning, why this particular attack happened at the time it did. what else was planned we are still waiting to find out. in the meantime there are many checklists that agencies will say there were interviews. there were checks for the fiance visa for the wife. there were all kinds of things that allowed them to operate and do these things without any suspicion.
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but you mentioned the human element. and we have heard from the neighbor who said one of the other neighbors was worried about something but was afraid of being branded a racist or bigot and very afraid to say anything. it is a volatile situation right now for making the wrong statement for stepping over a line for offending. how in the world do we get people to come forward and give this information whether it turns out to be valid or not without the fear that they're going to turn in to being the accused instead of the adds accuser. >> absolutely. i think the president's words the other night feed into that and feed into that in such a harmful weigh people are afraid of offending. in reality, we all have to say something. when we see something that is out of the ordinary or we see -- even with a family member or a friend when their personality changes when they start shifting we need to say something, we need to notify authorities. and the administration and law enforcement cannot
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prosecute people for doing that. we have to get over that and we have to be encouraged by leadership. by true leadership to get over this politically correct obstacle that's really destroying counter terrorism. >> michael, have you mentioned something called the link analysis chart. part of what happens now investigating this crime. tell us what that is. what does it mean? >> essentially what you do is you start from the actor and then you take a look at all the associations and you begin to make a big graph where you illustrate the different relationships and then you move off them. it's almost like a chart you do for genealogy to find out where your descendants are. do it digitally where they are going to take a look at who were they speaking to and what types of messaging was there? absolutely essential. one of the parts shannon very chilling these were hardened operatives to. leave your six month old and
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go out and do this to a soft target like this without any remorse and ruthlessly indicates that these folks are really hardened. it's not just about the ability to amass these weapons and this capability but also to have this kind of intense radicalization. how did that happen and nobody picked it up? >> well, a little bit of good news is that if they do recover possibly a hard drive or some other material in that search at the lake that jonathan was talking about, we're told by experts that good chance they could recover some material there as well. we will stay tuned for that michael and joshua thank you both for being with us. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> breaking tonight, we are getting new details from the former roommate of a muslim man who went on a stabbing spree in california last month we're going to show you new information leading some to question why that crime is not being called terrorism. as critics call in the muslim community to do more to combat radical islam following the san bernadino terror shooting. the president of a muslim organization leads by example after being
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wrongfully accused of having some links to terror. he is going to join us live. and the obama administration is sticking to one refrain on the terror attack in california. chris stirewalt and halle kurtz are here from messaging from the white house. >> so far we have no evidence that the terrorists were corrected by terrorist organization overseas or part of a broader conspiracy here at home. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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breaking tonight, frightening new details from the former roommate of a muslim man who went on a stabbing spree in california. on november 4th, fight sill mohammed attacked four people on his college campus. that is month before the terror attacks in san bernadino. now we're learning more about his possible motivation and there are new calls to label this an act of terrorism. trace gallagher is reporting live from our west coast newsroom. hi, trace. >> hi, shannon, the fbi still won't comment about the motive behind the attacks last month at uc. as the evidence piles up this appears to be more than a grudge over being kicked out of a study hall. just prior to 18-year-old fiesel mohammed stabbing and wounding four people and being shot and killed by campus police, mohammed was seen by roommate sitting on the edge of his dorm room bed staring out the window with the hood of his sweater pulled over his head.
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the roommate who was also muslim calls fiesel mohammed a muslim extremist. saying he was quote out there and that he once threatened to kill someone for touching his prayer mat. the search warrant is very telling about mohammed's#&;p&(es recovered by police a picture of an isis flag. a handwritten manifesto containing names of his targets. a vow to cut off someone's head and several reminders to praise allah. investigators also found a copy of the koran, a head covering similar to a ski mask. packaging for a knife and sharpener, a survive kit package and two packages of petroleum jelly he planned to use for slippery surface for police so he could take their guns and go to a dorm to kill others. before campus police shot and killed fiesel mohammed a construction worker helped stop the attack and has been hailed as a hero. that construction worker's father now tells fox news, quote why tonight we just call it what it is domestic
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terrorism. schrann none. >> all right. trace. also breaking tonight. the fbi is questioning a growing network of people linked to the san bernadino terrorists. as we hear syed farook used his enrique marquez to purchase the rifles used in the attack syed probably didn't want to stir up suspicion. as investigation grows obama administration is stressing that the terrorists have not yet been connected to any larger group. >> so far we have no evidence that the killers were directed by a terrorist organization overseas or that they were part of a broader conspiracy here at home. >> at this point, we do not have any evidence that they were part of either a larger group or a cell or that they were planning anything else. >> they have not determined that either of these individuals were part of a network or cell inside the united states. and were not part of a, at least thus far, were in the determined to have been directed by specifically by any sort of overseas
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extremists terrorist organization. >> chris stirewalt is fox news' digital politics editor and howie cutters is the host of media buzz. great to see you both. >> hi, shannon. >> how much is this about chris, start with you. try to walk this fine line of not sort of inciting the public. there has been talk about a backlash against innocent muslims here in america. how much of this is the administration trying to do that keeping calm while they figure this out? >> look, you remember the allegations recently of doctored intelligence to try to make a fight against isis look better or that it wasn't going as badly as it was. there is often pressure, whatever that case turns out to be close attention to government entities look better. i certainly believe that part of the soft cell here on what's going on ask self interested because obviously the system failed. so there you have that.
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now, give them the benefit of the doubt, sure, part of a leader's job is to say don't panic, don't panic, don't panic. in this case if you soft sell it so much that you don't think you are alarmed. that people don't think you are serious, into hopes the door to stuff you insight panic because people don't think you are getting it. >> growing divide between the fbi director and what we are hearing out of the white house. there seems to be a contrast in their messaging and people wonder who to believe. >> it's really striking contrast. i understand the administration walking a fine line and not wanting to overstate the evidence it has tieing the san bernadino killers to isis although they certainly are growing signs that there is something there. but no secret that the mainstream press is disappointed in president obama in both the rhetorical front and on the military front and even liberals in the media like veteran "the washington post" columnist richard cohen saying he has run out of eloquence because he often has nothing to say. at the same time i have to
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say, the president needs to hold the republicans accountable on this, too, why hasn't congress moved quickly to approve the president's request for war authority against isis. >> i mean, chris, that's an important point. there has been back and for the exactly what it would consist of and someone on the hill saying we are waiting to get a clear strategy from them about something we can vote on. you know was there blame to go around there as well? >> well, the republicans if the president brought a declaration of war against isis. if he brought a resolution for unrestrained total war against isis, every republican in congress pretty well save some libertarian leaning hold out would vote for it in a heart beat. the conflict here is the president wants congress to tie his hand. he wants them to be plultly culpable number one to share the blame with him for the strategy and number two have an authorization for the use of military force that intentionally con strains him. it can only go this long. it goes here. it goes the other way. he already has the legal authorization to kill people
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over there. he is legally cleared to go. this is a political document and this is a waste of time. this is a discussion that does not matter. >> well, and a the discussion that we are having aboutáas11 of these topics is also couched in the fact that the head of the doj, the attorney general loretta lynch who is a top cop in this country made statements that they would go after people if they were inciting violence by using specific language. that it was time to crack down on anti-muslim rhetoric and there are some people who, you know, that got a lot of attention. that kind of raised some eyebrows when people are saying listen we have major issues to talk about. now we are worried about them coming after speech. she clarified later we will prosecute deeds not words. but it is out there, howard. people worry about how they can have these conversations honestly. >> in terms of the language and the emphasis. administration understandably concerned about inciting violence
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against muslims. doesn't place the quite emphasis on declaring war on islamic terrorism. you had the president doing several do-overs. widely panned by the press. culminating in that standing up in the oval office speech use the language of war. he seems a reluctant commander and chief on this. in terms of the language he is still talking about san bernadino by using phrases like gun violence. they had part-time bombs and lots of ammunition stockpiled. this is more than crazy people with guns. here is director comey early on saying this was a terrorist attack and most people agree with that and don't understand why the president is holding back. >> chris, there have been whispers that there were attempts to sort of reign comey in or make sure he didn't go too far with his statements. it seems like he has called it like he sees it regardless of what the administration's messaging may be. >> remember how we met james comb and that is when he kicked the stuffing out of the bush administration for engaging in behavior that he
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thought was dispirit i can, inappropriate, not right and it was attorney general john ashcroft who intervened when it came too harsh interrogation and other techniques. comey said they were doing the wrong thing. ashcroft intervened. comey was the. liberals linized him. is he kicking the stuffing out of the democratic administration. is he a dangerous man. looking like the stud dunning in this thing. he is the guy that people in washington both parties are listening to and following his lead. >> he they're both listening to you guys, too. chris and howie, thank you very much. good to he so. >> you you bet. >> thanks, shannon.
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breaking tonight, new concerns about syrian refugees entering our country as law enforcement sources confirm to fox news that isis may have the ability to manufacture fraudulent syrian passports. that startling assessment coming from a recent homeland security investigation's intelligence report. studying isis's control over two key cities with passport offices. this comes on the heels of new questions about the lack screening process san bernadino terrorist tashfeen malik underwent as she entered this country on a fiancee visa just last year. if you were looking to get answers from the government tanked with keeping us safe. you may be out of luck. watch this as congressman jim jordan struggled yesterday to get answers
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from a senior dhs official who is tasked with coordinating our screening program. >> how many syrian refugees have entered the united states in the last year? >> i'm sorry, i didn't bring any of my -- any of the refugee numbers with me because i was prepared to talk about visa waiver. >> how many visa waiver program overstays are there currently in the united states? >> sorry, i didn't wring that number with -- bring that number with me. >> miss greasy when i look at the witness list you have got the longest title deputy assistant secretary screening coordination office of policy department homeland security and the two biggest issue right now that we're dealing with we>8o6 had these terrible tragedies, terrible terrorist attacks and we're talking about the refugee issue and the visa waiver issue and you can't give us any numbers on either program? >> i came prepared to talk about the visa waiver program. >> i just asked you how many visa waiver program overstays are there and you said you don't know. >> joining me now clawed arnold, former special agent
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in charge for u.s. immigration and customs enforcement in los angeles. thank you for being with us tonight. >> thank you for the invitation. >> let's talk about this process. because we're told that tashfeen malik not only was interviewed but that she went through the investigating of five different agencies. we are also learning that she possibly gave a completely fake address on her application from pakistan. where does this break down? because there are thousands of people making the same track every year. >> yeah. the problem with the k-1 visa process is the decisions on whether to approve them are just based merely on the information provided from the person applying for the visa. >> say ask the question are you a terrorist? do you plan to do any terrorist activity in the u.s.? do you plan to support any terrorist activity? i mean, what terrorist is ever, 1%, one person going to stay yes to that how can we say that's an effective screening tool? >> of course. the only way you can screen these people is if you have
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intelligence on them. derogatory information. the bottom line is if we are not collecting that intelligence, we don't have anything on that person if they have had no history or no suspicious travel patterns or they haven't been on anyone's intelligence radar screen, then we don't know they are a bad actor. >> so oat what point do we say listen, we need to have more thorough vetting. we know there aren't resources to do in-depth vetting and investigation on every single person who applies to come here. where do we draw the line it say we can home handle this many applicants and truly vet them and truly check them out? and until we can handle that amount of traffic, we're not going beyond that point. >> yeah. that's true. the problem with like, for example ever the k-1 visa program and the refugee program is the information that is being vetted is only the information that is being provided by the applicant. there really isn't much other vetting you could do. particularly the problem with women coming from
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middle eastern countries. they don't have a lot of records on them. you know, they don't -- they are not out in society a lot. there is not a lot of information about them. so, we would really need to employ some other type of vetting technique. perhaps institute policy graph exetions of people who meet a certain criteria. something to that effect to further vet them. just depending on the information that they provide isn't going to do it. >> e.y. and caught up in this as well are innocent people. i mean, people who are desperate who have, you know, their heads marked for death if they stay where they are. we think about minorities that include muslims, yazidis, christians. they often are caught with the same problems without documentation and without, you know, things that would speak to their innocence and speak on their behalf as well. clawed arnold thank you very much for insights on this.
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trick dr. situation. >> thank you. >> breaking tonight, terror is now the concern that concerns americans most is the number one issue. after the paris and san bernadino attacks, and the security system that allowed tashfeen malik into the u.s., the 2016 candidates are taking note, hitting the trail with their plans to take on terrorism. defeat isis, and protect the homeland. who fair best at the g.o.p. debate in just four days. rich lowry and alan colmes are here for fair and balanced debate. >> isis cannot be debated simply with air strikes. in fact, no war can simply be won with air strikes. but you're in the same vein. say happy holidays with milk-bone!
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with humira, control is possible. by day, they must stay warm. challenges to the feet. but by night, beautiful, smoother and ready to impress the other party animals. dr. scholl's dreamwalk express pedi breaking tonight. terrorism shoots to the top of the polls. it is now the problem facing our country that americans care most about. terrorism is pushed down the
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economy, way down the list is the top issue and the 2016 field has taken note. in the wake of the paris and san bernadino attacks, candidates are racing to show voters that they are the ones to be the best choice for commander and chief when it comes to america's security. >> have a plan to keep us safe here at home and we must deny the territory abrd. we must make sure that our investigating teams have access to every single piece of information they need. >> isis can in the be defeated simply with air strikes. in fact, no war can simply be won with air strikes. they are going to have to be confronted on the ground. we are going to have to participate. the bulk of that force is going to be be have to be local forces. >> islamic terrorism is going to have to be written up for the world to get to other issues. a set of common practices. >> we need we need clarity define the enemy. americans no long are feel safe in schools, work
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places, their cities. this should not be the new standard. >> we have to defeat the terrorist threat from isis. we have to work with the rest of the world to do that. we have to to fight them in the air, fight them on ground and fight them online. here tonight it rich lowry fox news contributor and editor of national review alan colmes. you know you love him. >> don't get carried away. >> why are you laughing? i try to give a nice intro and everyone in the studio is laughing. weave do love you. s who the president and his perceived weakness on this issue created an opening for 2016 g.o.p. candidates to talk tough? >> the key word is perceived weakness. i don't see it as a real weakness. generally if there is terror attack and more of these horrific events it tends to help from a purely pundit standpoint.
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republicans. he is the guy in office look what has happened on husband watch a 7% of americans disapprove of the way president obama is handling terrorism they don't feel quft. >> say that because heels of attacks. that doesn't mean what happened in the voting booth nine months from now. additional attacks it's likely to help the democratic nominee more than it's going to help the republican nominee. you know, look at the things you are saying, ted cruz come up in the polls says he wants to make the sand glow in the middle east. maybe that resonates with people. maybe trump is going to bomb the blank out of. >> that's not a military strategy. that doesn't tell us anything. >> people are craving leadership. and they want to hear tough talk. another one of these polls showed 71%. same poll, 71% these are likely g.o.p. primary voters. so people who are really say they are going to get out there and voted in the primaries. 71% say donald trump can
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handle the terror threat most confident in him. >> most important quality that donald trump projects is strength. he projects that and because of that people trust him on almost every single issue whether it's terrorism or with the economy. when it comes to isis, the extraordinary thing when barack obama was elected it seems as though the historic shift in reversal it happened where democrats were more trusted on national security than republicans. that eroded steadily over time and now has been completely lost. his ratings among the public on terrorism in general and isis in particular are horrific. >> have to remind what happened the last time we had republicans started wars we shouldn't have been fighting. created a worse situation. isis we know is an outgrowth of the iraq invasion. >> bottom line is for you george w. bush is responsible for isis? i want to crystallize. >> to some extent that's true iraq war led to am divide in iraq -- >> defeated in 2000 and
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2009. the president of the united states withdrew willfully and left a vacuum. >> he went out on bush's time line. >> no, no, no. >> he left iraq on bush's time line. >> bush assumed there would be another president who would be responsible enough not to totally withdraw our troops. now democrats try to blame bush for it but obama drag bragged about it. >> let's get in our time machine and go it the future. what about the fact that there were intelligence reports that were warning about the growth of isis that it wasn't jay vee that it was a serious threat that he we have heard across the board and that this administration didn't take it seriously? hillary clinton was part of this duration. there are now growing concerns about libya and other things she was involved with. >> if hillary clinton is follow nateed she is not going to say. >> what do you mean if? i know are you looking for bernie? credit for sticking in. >> if hillary clinton is the nominee, she can differentiate herself from
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barack obama. she doesn't have to walk in lock step. >> she was his secretary of state while this was going down. >> whether or not you agree with barack obama, i happen to agree with what he has done. she was not the commander and chief making that policy. >> the disastrous reset with russia. she was all on board the withdraw from iraq which has been catastrophic. she was architect it of leading from behind. >> she was not the president. >> her time as secretary of state will not be a benefit. >> we know that trump is resonating with people and we like to hear him talk tough. he does not have military experience. >> went to military cool come on. he said he went to military school. >> i will give you that. >> all right. >> outside of that, he does not have the kind of experience that some others, we'll argue that they do. of course you have senator rush argue -- rubio say he has been strong. >> when he shows up. >> he actually went to work
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on a regular basis. >> ted cruz -- >> -- and kerry number is even worse. >> murke marco rubio has the best defined strategy of all these guys. >> we played the clip we can't bomb them into oblivion. >> okay, gentlemen. thank you. good to see you both. in the aftermath of san bernadino, president obama making a good push for gun control measures. i know we would like to stalk about that. why not talk about something that stocked the attacks. >> that would be the argument allow a terrorist suspect to buy a semiautomatic weapon? this is a matter of national security. anncr: when the attacks come here...
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...the person behind this desk will have to protect your family. will he be impulsive and reckless, like donald trump? will he have voted to dramatically weaken counter-terrorism surveillance, like ted cruz? will he have skipped crucial national security hearings and votes just to campaign, like marco rubio? 27 generals and admirals support jeb bush. because jeb has the experience and knowledge to protect your family. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. more "sit" per roll. more "stay" per roll. more "who's training who" per roll. bounty is two times more absorbent. so one roll of bounty
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developing tonight, in the aftermath of the san bernadino attacks, the worst terror attack on our soil since 9/11. president obama has made a renewed push for one of his pet issues gun control. here is the president's sunday night address to the nation. >> we also need to make it harder for people to buy powerful assault weapons, like the ones that were used in san bernadino. i know there are some who reject any gun safety measures. but the fact is that our intelligence and law enforcement agencies, no matter how effective they are, cannot identify every would-be mass shooter, whether that individual is motivated buy isil or some other hateful ideology. >> comments like that have created asking buy focus on
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proposals that would not have stopped the san bernadino attacks? micky, the founder and executive director of the accountability project and laura larson host of the larson show. >> great to he so. >> you the "the washington post" and extensive fact check on things whether or not the things the president is proposing would have stopped any of the recent mass shootings. they say the rare gipetto mark. how would you respond. >> maybe not the last terrorist attack here in america. but over 90% of terrorists, potential terrorists on this watch list, no fly list had purchased guns legally in this country. 2,000 terrorists have purchased guns in our country. of that the number of people on the watch list, most of those are non-americans. in fact 98. 5% of them are non-american. there are 40,000 people on this no fly list. the list has gotten better and a lot of criticism from
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the right saying that. exception ted kennedy? guess what we have improved the list. constantly changing this list and using updated information from the fbi, the cia, and terrorism an let particulars to improve the list day by day. >> what i'm hear nomiki no due process. this case second amendment. what it was first amendment? >> that's the biggest issue is that there is no due process. the other people excluded from buying guns in america are felons and those committed to insane asylums. the problem is those have due process. if you are on the no fly list there is no due process. steve hayes who appears frequently on fox has been on the no fly list. suggesting we restrict people who have had no due process and no opportunity from due process from buying guns is not going to stop guns. california has some of the toughest gun laws in americáí killings happen there. murders happen every weekend in chicago with some of the toughest gun laws in
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america. the terrorist attack in paris gun laws the type of gun laws obama dreams of imposing on america. new gun laws are not going to top terrorists and the terrorists should know that. >> these are deliberate. would f. we expand background checks beyond the gun show loophole then those people don't have access to guns. >> let's talk about this so-called gun show loophole. i don't know if you have been to gun shows. >> i have. in arizona. >> you can't just walk up -- it's a fallacy to think that most of these boost booths -- thee are federally licensed dealers they are north going to hand you a gun without a back ground check. >> i live in the state of washington it has the so-called gun show lop hole closed every transaction of a gun, even my loaning of a gun to somebody else has to be background checked.
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it has not stop the a singleev crime. i are wig to rearrange the facts that you i don't use civil rights to exception new you created. the bush administration created the no fly list. you are arguing. >> nobody said you can't fly on a plane. there is no constitutional right to fly on a plane there is a constitutional right to buy a gun. >> take away due process. >> in rare situations. you are saying non-americans 98. 5%. >> you are talking about forbidding 40,000 americans from buying a gun who are legally allow to have had buy a gun with no due process. >> one of the 1.5 non-foreigners who happens to be on the list rvelingsz very informed reasons possibly o terror attack in the united states as an person american. say they try to purchase that gun they can challenge it and get a gun the next day if they happen to be falsely accused.
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in the wake of resent terror attacks have wondered moderate muslims have done enough. the president of a group battling -- and counseling at risk youth. the picture was taken at an event where he condemned the attack in paris and just hours after he boarded a domestic flight where he was detained by the fbi. this after a passenger reported
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him as a terror threat. he joins me now. doctor, great to have you with us tonight. the peace that you tend about your experience, was very touching. being in your shoe, when you're somebody who has openly, radically, talking about isis and denouncing everything they stand for and yet, you know what it's like to feel the eyes of suspicion. >> thanks correct. thank you for having me on. it's embarrassing, hurtful, i must say, and i think it's an experience that every muslim has felt at some point. it's something that we'll probably feel more of if there's a message for momentuslim ameri right now, if you are profiled, be patient, very respectful of the authority. if you are teased in a situation, it's an opportunity for you. to show other people what it means to be a good muslim and
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that situation, it's your chance to be the better american. be fully compliant with authorities. it's very important. i was picked out of a crowd by mistake. the irony in story is that i've dedicated my life outside of work to fight radicalization. but i was mistaken as a radical on my flight by the lady that sat next to me. >> and you understand rightly or wrongly, why people are fearful and they misunderand they're afraid and feel pressure to report something they feel is suspicious. even if it is someone like you speaking out against radical islam. >> i do, i understand that. if i had a chance, maybe this lady who sat next to me who turned me into the fbi, if she's watching, i want her to know i get it. i understand muslims are, americans are scared. even muslims are scared of isis, but at the end of the day, we're still your neighbor. i am the neighbor. the muslim next door.
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we are your shopkeepers. your doctors. we are the same people that we have been in this country for over 1000 years. and i want you to feel like you can have a conversation with me. just talk to me rather than talking with the cockpit and maybe you'll discover that the american you mistook as a radical is somebody who can really be a warm friend. >> doctor, we thank you very much and thank you for speaking out. >> thank you very much for having me on. (vo) some call it giving back. we call it share the love. during our share the love event, get a new subaru, and we'll donate $250 to those in need. bringing our total donations to over sixty-five million dollars. and bringing love where it's needed most. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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tell us what you think about the show tonight. thanks for watching. this is the kelly file. fbi divers spend another seven hours scouring a san bernardino lake today for evidence that might be connected to last week's terror attack in which 14 were brutally murdered. it is a slow, laborious search. divers blind beneath the surface of the lake, searching by hand, inch by impbl. the fbi believes farook and malik may have dumped a computer hard drive in the lake the day divers bought several items to the surface. some thrown back into the water. others appeared to be
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