tv Red Eye FOX News December 19, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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through. >> quick program note, we're not on next weekend but back january 2nd, 10:00 p.m. eastern. thanks to tucker, jessica, congressman peter king, joanne, catherine. i'm greg gutfeld and i love you, america. i'm shannon bream, welcome to a special edition of america's election headquarters. the third democratic debate just wrapped up. here's what went down, the fight against isis. >> i have a strategy to combat and defeat isis without getting us involved in another ground war. >> i want a new foreign policy. one that takes on isis. one that destroys isis. but one that does not get us
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involved in perpetual warfare in the quagmire of the middle east. >> isil videos, isil training videos are telling lone wolves the easiest way to buy a combat assault weapon in america is the gun show. it's because of the political approach of washington that both of my two colleagues on this stage have represented there for the last 40 years. >> whoa, whoa. >> we need common sense -- >> let's calm down, martin. >> let's tell the truth, martin. >> i am telling the truth. >> should corporate america love hillary clinton? >> everybody should. >> ceos of large multinationals may like hillary. they ain't going to like me, and wall street is going to like me even less. >> tonight, we'll separate the facts from the spin, the talking points from the moment of truth. ed, first, that elephant in the
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room. >> good evening, shannon. what's interesting is this turned out to be the same old script. we had a lot of hype before this third democratic debate, the gloves might come off. there's a real split between hillary clinton and bernie sanders with the democratic voter base. there's evidence that the sanders' campaign dipped into eyes only information for the clinton camp, and maybe was taking a peek at their playbook. but when that you got down to business, bernie sanders quickly apologized, clinton accepted, and it seemed like everyone wanted to move on and she just continues to roll on. watch this. >> i apologize to secretary clinton and i hope we can work together on an independent investigation. i want to apologize to my supporters. this is not the type of campaign that we run. >> i very much appreciate that comment, bernie.
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it really is important that we go forward on this. now that i think we've resolved your data, we've agreed on an independent inquiry, we should move on. >> it felt a lot in that moment like the first democratic debate back in vegas some months ago where bernie sanders famously, maybe infamously said, i don't care about your damn e-mails. hillary clinton gladly accepted that, because democrats want to move on, shannon. >> tonight, the only gop candidate i heard mentioned was donald trump. and it came up again and again, his name tonight. >> yes. another sign that donald trump is dominating, not just the republican debates, but the democratic debates, as well. hillary clinton f hillary clinton tried to get her punches in. she claims that donald trump, with his push for a temporary ban on muslims coming into
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america, is becoming isis' biggest recruiter. they obviously disagree with that in the trump camp. but that was her chance to take him on. what i found interesting, though, as she tried to show off her credentials as a former secretary of state, she may have slipped up a bit, talking about the president's isis strategy saying now, after these adjustments, we are where we need to be in the fight against isis. not a lot of americans, when you look at the polls, believe that statement. >> so ed, who was watching? >> we were watching. i'm not sure a lot of voters were watching. this is the second time in recent weeks that the democratic national committee has had a big democratic presidential debate on a saturday night. this time, of course, the saturday before christmas. people are either in church, shopping, or somewhere else. not necessarily watch thing debate. and i think the bottom line is, a key moment also on a domestic issue, obamacare. hillary clinton pressed by the
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moderator, a very good question about health care is helping millions of people who didn't have it, but those who already had health care are seeing their costs go through the roof. how are we going to fix it? hillary clinton said yeah, there are glitches. glitches on these massive increases in cost? that is something that might bite her. maybe it will bite her in the general election. >> ed henry live tonight. thank you, ed. some other folks who were watching, let's bring in our panel. matt lewis is a senior contributor at the daily caller. juan williams is a fox news political analyst. dave cananese is a political reporter. and casey mcfarland is a fox news national security analyst. welcome to you all. casey, i'll start with you. national security is something that came up again and again tonight. there were some differences on how these candidates would deal with isis, syrian refugees. >> the interesting thing is hillary separating herself from
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president obama. for example, america must lead. well, he's leading from behind. that's the difference. isis, she kept talking about isis, not isil. president obama insists on talking about isil. she said, we're going to defeat, not contain isis. he talks about containing isis. she said we're going to have special forces, intelligence forces, but not combat forces. obama has those forces on the ground but won't admit to it. she talked about egypt. she said, i didn't want to topple mubarak. she said i don't want any iranian troops there. why is she doing this? part of this to reflect the fact that the country is not comfortable with president obama's policy, but it's also an inoculation. if there is a black swan event, if there is a mass casualty attack in the next year, she's now put herself in a position of, that's obama over there, i'm over here. >> she talked about syria too, she said i was advocating arming the moderates. it seemed to be her emphasis on
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saying i was trying to do things differently than the way they turned out than what this administration did. >> i think so. but the republicans are all over the statement of saying we are where we need to be. they're taking that one statement and saying gotcha, this is what we're going use against you. >> let me read this so people know what she said. she was talking about isis in syria. she said, we are finally where we need to be. we have a strategy and commitment to go after isis, which is a danger to us as well as the region. and we have this u.n. security council resolution, talking about we've got the military situation going, we have the diplomatic situation going on. >> and the president has ramped up the bombing there. the interesting thing will be, what are the republicans saying they're going to do differently? do they want to have the debate next november, no matter who the republican is, that they're willing to send thousands of american troops on the ground. she's comfortable in that arkment. they're hitting her tonight on this, but republicans have to be
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careful where the country is on intervening and on putting boots on the ground, back into iraq and possibly syria. >> juan, something we heard a lot about tonight, bernie sanders kept saying no way, no troops on the ground. you part out the parsing she said, special-ops is different than putting combat troops on the ground. she said isis, governor o'mally was saying isil, but she said these troops would be the biggest target for isis. it would be a recruiting tool to have combat troops there on the ground. so it's something that got discussed tonight for sure. >> without a doubt. that basically echoes what president obama was saying to a group of columnists at the white house this week. he sees the large american presence on the ground as provocative, as stirring up antagonism towards the united states, and not necessarily solving the issues on the ground. i think the larger point here for what she had to say is the general election, and i had that
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sense throughout the entire debate that she was less debating with sanders or o'malley. and they see her as too hawkish. in other words, they were saying you're too aggressive on this front. so that gives you something of the democratic temperature, that they do not -- unlike the republican debate where they're talking about carpet bombing and killing families. here you see hillary clinton as the most aggressive among the democrats in terms of taking the fight to isis. >> matt, bernie sanders was saying to that effect, he kept saying she's so anxious for regime change and he really tried to pin her down on that. >> i saw a real similarity between the republican debate and the democratic debate. obviously the races are different. hillary clinton is by far the front runner. on the republican side, it's in flux. but what you have is a similar dynamic, where you have an establishment candidate who are much more hawkish, much more interested in regime change
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maybe, or possibly. and then you have these populous candidates who are anti-establishment who are -- ted cruz sounded sort of like bernie sanders. hillary clinton is almost like the marco rubio candidate. so it's interesting that this dynamic transcends the political parties. this is out there in the public right now and this is a huge debate. in terms of national security, should we be supporting dictators and allowing them to stay in power or topple them? >> there's a lot of talk what happens when a vacuum arises. so many more topics to talk about. so please stick around. for more information, i never thought i heard ted cruz and bernie sanders compared. but we've been talking about the democrats. let's hear what the republican presidential candidates had to say about a lot of these major issues, like terror, immigration, the economy. doug mckelway has more. >> reporter: isis and concerns about national security dominate the gop campaign trail and
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debates. and no one has stirred up more controversy on the issues than donald trump, who continues to defend his temporary ban on muslims entering the country. >> we're not talking about religion, we're talking about security. >> and one by one the others weigh in. >> we need a president who understands the first obligation of the commander in chief is to keep america safe. >> right now, the united states of america is the patient, and the patient is in critical condition, and will not be cured by political correctness and will not be cured by timidity. >> we need a president who is going to understand what actionable intelligence looks like and act on it. >> if you ore an american citizen and you side with isis, we're not going to read you your rights. >> we need to do something at home and over there this their caliphate. >> which candidate will keep the country safer, stronger, freer? >> reporter: and the battle
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between marco rubio and ted cruz heats up, rubio blasting cruz for weakening national surveillance programs. >> i'm proud to have joined with the house to target bad guys. >> there's nothing under this bill that we could not do before. >> reporter: another issue taking center stage, immigration. >> people that have come into our country illegally, have to go. >> i am open to allowing people apply for a green card. >> reporter: in nevada, ted cruz clarifies his position. >> i oppose legalization for illegal aliens. i always have and always will. >> reporter: the senator's words followed a special report interview where he struggled to explain his 2013 amendment to the immigration reform bill. that amendment did not preve prevented -- >> it was a terrible bill. and brett, you've been around washington long enough.
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you know how to defeat bad legislation, which is what that amendment did. >> reporter: in iowa, rubio pushes back. >> he strongly supported legalizing people that were in this country illegally. >> reporter: as shoppers wrap up their last days of christmas shopping, gop candidates stress their commitment to jobs, the economy, the national debt. >> there is no greater threat than our debt. >> this is about electing a president that will restore economic vibrancy. >> cutting taxes and regulations and rebuilding the military to defeat radical islamic terrorism. our strategy is simple, we win, they lose. we've done it before and we can do it again. >> reporter: while national polls including the latest fox news poll show donald trump with a huge lead, keep in mind how quickly that can change. there are over a dozen gop candidates. after the iowa caucuses, and others in february, weaker candidate also begin to drop
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out. support will coalesce and trump they fall. just ask rudy giuliani. shannon? >> thank you very much, doug. now let's take a closer look at one of the key issues in tonight's debate, national security. catherine herridge is here. the former secretary of state, mrs. clinton, talked a lot about coalitions and she has this experience, but the other two went after her record as secretary. >> they both really went after her record as secretary of state, and they made a persuasive argument that she was the architect of this failed policy in libya, that really opened the door to isis. let's listen. >> i worry too much that secretary clinton is too much into regime change and a little
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bit too aggressive without knowing what the unintended consequences might be. yes, we could get rid of saddam hussein, but that destabilize the entire region. yes, we could get rid of gadhafi, a terrible dictator, but that created a vacuum for isis. >> and the reason that matters is that throughout the evening, shannon, we heard the candidates talk about isis in iraq and syria. but really that's chapter one and they've already moved on to chapter two. chapter two, based on our reporting, is in africa, and libya is really ground zero for that operation. it was her policy that created that vacuum and opened the door. and for her part, she said that the libyans were unwilling to take the type of help that the united states was willing to offer, so she sort of parked the blame with the libyans in the end. >> yeah, and libya did come up a bit, but i didn't hear a discussion of e-mails. >> i was -- i think there may have been one passing reference to ambassador stevens.
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martin o'malley made a good argument that we need to build our human intelligence capacity, but there was not a reference to the benghazi attack nor a reference to the e-mails. and the e-mails based on our reporting is really no small thing. this fbi investigation is full throttle, and we confirmed recently that these appeals by the state department on behalf of mrs. clinton have not been successful. so at least two e-mails were top secret when they hit that server, and people have been prosecuted for much less. >> there was also discussion tonight, i thought some of the things they laid out were vague. there was discussion, and mrs. clinton gave credit to former president george bush saying he tried to reach out to the muslim-american community and talked about how important that is tonight. >> the discussion this evening was really boilerplate, there was nothing new. unfortunately, as the fbi
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director said in san bernardino, there were all these early warning signs, but no one spoke up sufficiently to get the couple on the radar of law enforcement and the fbi. the thing that was striking to me, shannon, they talked about isis at length, but people had no long-term memory, because what we see in san bernardino is that this was an attack driven by al qaeda ideology, not isis. so to kind of consider al qaeda down and out is also a mistake. >> that would be a huge mistake. we want to hear more from you. up next, our panel comes back with much more on the democrat's big night. ♪ ♪ deck the halls with barks from rudy ♪ (rudy barks)
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there was a lot of heat about gun control. that is a tough issue for bernie sanders. he tried to bridge an area there of consensus that he kept talking about, but there's some heated back and forth. >> that was maybe the best exchange in terms of the dynamic, if you were watching it as a spectator. the problem for bernie sanders, his entire rational is he's the guy that's going to attack hillary from the left. but when it comes to gun control, he doesn't get it done. martin o'malley started to make strides there and i think he went a little too far and they went okay, marty, calm down. so at the end of the day, hillary probably comes out ahead. >> juan, what do you think on that topic? mrs. clinton talked a lot about the fact that there has to be a coalition to come together to close loopholes and that kind of thing. it doesn't happen on the hill, it hasn't yet. >> no. i think the overwhelming thing is here, you have democrats talking about gun control. nobody in the republican side is talking about gun control and in
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the aftermath of san bernardino, you can see the divide, the political polarization which republicans say we should be talking about terrorism and isis and lone wolves. instead, the democrats totally buy in, all three, to the idea we have to do something about gun control. so sanders finds himself on the defensive because he has been a supporter of gun rights in a state like vermont. then he says, oh, i have stood up when i was mayor of burlington to gun interests. that was news to me by the way. and then you have clinton saying hey, stop. it's not the case that i flip-flopped on my positions. everybody trying to say i'm the toughest one when it comes to gun control. how different than anything we're hearing from the republicans. >> and david, there's this constant conversation that came up again tonight about immunity of gunmakers and manufacturers, which a lot of people say listen, are you going to go back to cars that kill people? where are you going to draw the line?
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but democrats, it's a good talking point with them going after the makers of guns because of how they're eventually used and in most of these cases illegally obtained. >> but still a potential vulnerability in a general election in certain states. gun control has never been a winning issue, even in the aftermath of these horrific shootings. but hillary is running against the nra at every front. she's changed he ever position on this from yesteryears. but it was striking how combative hillary clinton was. martin o'malley, she doesn't even have to wink at. >> when he was pressing her, that's when she had her best moments.
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>> i think she's a very good debater. my big picture take, this was her best debate. she's a really good debater, and republicans better nominate somebody that can stand up to her and debate as well as she can. >> that's tricky, because you know as a woman that's run for office, it's very delicate, it's almost certain it's going to be a male candidate on the gop side, butting heads probably with secretary clinton. it's a difficult place for her to go. >> as woman candidate, and i have been a woman candidate when i ran in the senate. it's a very tough place to be, because on one hand you have to sound serious and look presidential. you have to look like you have command of the stuff and that you can boss guys around. but you don't want to look like a shrew, because then you're not very attractive to people, because they have to like you, as well as respect you. i thought she did a pretty good job of walking that distance between the two. >> she had a couple tonight
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that, david, i think you said she's very quick when these opportunities come up. there were times when she had good punchlines. >> should corporations love you? everyone should love me. she looked warm there, but she can also get tough. >> on the economy, that is a big topic for bernie sanders, for all of them. but it's his linchpin to his whole campaign. he talked about millionaires and billionaires, saying it's time for them to pay more taxes. it's his point he hammers ore and over again. >> that's what he wants to talk about. if bernie sanders can talk about income inequality, about the makers and takers, then he probably wins the debate. he doesn't want to talk about isis or gun control. and i don't think we got around to the economy until half hour in. and when you look at -- again, going into this debate, it could have been bernie sanders on the attack about the database issue. instead, he apologized. i just think the dynamics made
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it likely that hillary wins. >> okay. we are going to take a quick break here, because we have former governor martin o'malley -- okay, we're going to go to him now. this is live television. he's joining us now. governor, thank you for making time for us. >> thank you. thanks a lot for covering the debate. >> it was very combative tonight at times. how did you feel about it? >> i felt very good about it. i have an obligation as a candidate to draw the differences, and certainly when it comes to gun safety and keeping combat assault weapons from being sold on our streets, i have a track record of accomplishing it. secretary clinton and senator sanders have a checkered past on that. so i felt very good about tonight. we were able to offer a new vision for our country, talk about the better choices we can make, and a new generational view on our nation and where the world's headed and how we can make wages go up again for all
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of us in america and make us safer from the terror threat. >> there were many times tonight when the secretary and former senator felt you were not lying about their records. they said misportraying them. how do you answer that criticism to you? >> look, i listened to her say that tonight. she said, look, here's the issue. in 2000, secretary clinton said there should be a federal registry, and the federal government needs to play a role in gun safety, gun control, comprehensive gun safety legislation. in 2008, when it didn't suit her politics, she campaigned against president obama and said much the same that jeb bush does. the federal government shouldn't be involved in this. we should leave this to states. so secretary clinton has flopped back and forth on the gun issue and she can say what she likes now. and look, i do think that we
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have the ability to forge a new consensus here to get this done. but her history on this has been one of following polls, and not following the principle. which in our nation begins with believing there is dignity in every person's life and we have to stop beurying so many of our citizens and make it so easy for isil to go buy weapons at gun shows. >> they both said they would be tough on secretary, and then pointing to you when you headed up the democratic governor's association, you had no problem going to wall street to take their donations. your response? >> yeah, i tried to raise money from everybody i could, as often as i could for the democratic governor's association. but here's the key difference. that didn't change my opinion, that the banks need to be broken
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you have. secretary clinton has said that the big banks didn't cause the big crash. well, in fact, actually they did. secretary clinton has taken money hand over fist for speaking fees, for campaign donations, for contributions to the family foundation, and she's the only one of the three of us who isn't calling for the reinstitution of a modern day glass steegle, to break up the banks, to separate the speculative behavior. she talks about her wall street plan. it was greeted as a joke. bloomberg news said it lets the big banks off the hook and politico said it was greeted by wall street with a shrug. hillary clinton is the favorite candidate of wall street. and i believe the people of the united states of america deserve to have a president who is on their side, who has the backbone to take on wall street. that's what i can do as president. >> governor, very interesting debate. we thank you for making time for us tonight. see you on the trail.
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>> thank you. >> thank you for being here. we'll be right back. er cox on location with the famous, big idaho potato truck. our truck? it's touring across america telling people about idaho potatoes. farmer: let's go boy. again this year the big idaho potato truck is traveling the country spreading the word about heart healthy idaho potatoes and making donations to local charities. excuse me miss, have you seen our truck? you just missed it. ahhh! aw man are you kiddin' me?
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i'm never going back to a manual brush. what the dnc did arbitrarily, without discussing it with us, is shutting off our access crippling our campaign. >> fireworks when bernie sanders was forced to respond to a data breach. he's bitterly accusing the dnc of undermining his campaign. have they worked it all. congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz is standing by. welcome. it sounds like he apologized tonight, the offending staffer was fired. it sounded like secretary
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clinton accepted his apology. is all well now? >> yeah, they did move on. after they very quickly disposed of that and i was very proud to see that senator sanders did the right thing and acknowledged that there was wrongdoing done by his campaign, and he said that, you know, the subsequent staffers, if they are found to be culpable, they would be fired, too. so the most important thing is our candidates did all americans proud by having a robust and substantive discussion about the issues important, in stark contrast to the cage match that happens when the republicans get together. >> one more question on this. senator sanders mentioned a couple of months ago there were other breaches of this nature that they quietly went to the vender, who is working with the dnc on this, that things were resolved and it happened previously in the past.
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this seem he said it was different. it went public, there were press releases. don't know if he was suggesting anything by that, but is it true that it's happened in the past and why did it become such a public issue? >> there was another instance which there was a glitch that occurred that allowed the campaigns to potentially see one another's data. there was absolutely no breach, and there were no candidate's staff that took advantage of that and no proprietary information taken. the reason that this blew open was because as senator sanders acknowledged, his staff did engage in wrongdoing and made the wrong decision and as a result we have the events unfold as they did. but last night, they answered our questions, agreed as senator sanders said on stage tonight. he apologized and we are moving forward and we'll talk about the issues important to the american people.
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>> i think the most heated that we've seen all three of them, a real challenging of each other, of each other's ideas. we did see some differences in the candidates from isis to the economy tonight. >> we did see them have differences of opinion on their approach on the economy, on education. but those differences were marginal, really. at the end of the day, all of our candidates on stage tonight agree that we need to help americans build those corner stones of the middle class life. and make sure that we can create opportunities for people to succeed. in contrast to the republicans, who want to take american's health care away and who believe that we shouldn't make student loans and education more affordable, who think that chest beating is going to keep americans safe, rather than building coalitions with nations across the globe to combat
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terrorism and keep americans safe. so much more agreement than disagreement from our candidates unlike the republicans. >> of course, the republicans would take issue with all of those statements. that's another debate and another night. in the meantime, we are just getting information coming in from the sanders' campaign that they just suspended two more staffers in relation to the data breach. reaction? >> i saw that, as well. our understanding from the analysis given to us by the vendor was that there was more than one staffer involved, and senator sanders, rightfully committed that if other staffers were discovered to be involved, he would take action and they're in the process of doing that. >> do you think there is real opportunity here for both senator sanders and former governor o'malley to make a real run at secretary hillary clinton?
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do you feel her polling shows she's so far ahead of both of them that she seems to be at this point an inevitable nominee, is that good for her as far as the vetting process and getting ready for the general? >> i think if you asked secretary clinton she wouldn't call herself an inevitable nominee. we have no voting that's taken place yet. all of the candidates are running vigorous campaigns and it certainly remains to be seen who ultimately will become our nominee and i can -- one thing i can assure you, though, what we had on that stage tonight is something the republicans will never have, and that is the 45th president of the united states of america. because our candidates, all three of them, have positions that the overwhelming majority of americans agree that we should continue to keep americans safe, and help people achieve the american dream rather than roll back progress that the republicans want to.
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>> time will tell. we'll all be watching. dnc chairwoman debbie wasserman schultz, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. ♪ now more than ever america's electricity comes from cleaner- burning natural gas. and no one produces more of it than exxonmobil. helping dramatically reduce u.s. emissions. because turning on the lights... isn't as simple as just flipping a switch. energy lives here. when i went on to ancestry, i just put in the name yes, we are twins. of my parents and my grandparents. i was getting all these leaves and i was going back generation after generation. you start to see documents and you see signatures of people that you've never met. i mean, you don't know these people, but you feel like you do.
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joining us now, shawn spicer, the communications director for the rnc. great to have you with us tonight. >> thank you. good evening. >> i'm assuming that you heard some of what dnc chairwoman debbie wasserman schultz said. she said tonight, you saw the next president of the united states on the stage, one of the three democrats. she says the gop has no good ideas and they want to roll the entire country back. your response? >> i would expect her to say that. unfortunately, if you look at what's happening -- no one watches these debates. they scaled back the number of
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debates. they hid them on saturday nights. if they were proud about these candidates, they would have them on weekdays like we are in the republican party. have more of them. they've done everything they can to make sure that hillary clinton is kcorrinated. >> when she says it's a cage match at the gop debates and there's no substance to the issue, your take? >> again, look at the audience size, look at the intensity and the enthusiasm. this is the same party who just had a candidate talk about the fact that isis is where we want them. think about that. america faces great threats right now and the leading candidate of the democratic party said isis is where we want them. that's just insane. that shows an incredible lack of understanding as to what's going on in the world and the ability to keep america safe. >> so tonight, the only gop candidate we heard mentioned was
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donald trump. bernie sanders talked about how she has rallies and talks about him hating muslims and mexicans and said meanwhile, the rich are getting richer. is that a fair analysis where donald trump stands as the gop front runer? >> no, not at all. you heard 13 candidates get up there and give a clear vision about what they would do to put americans back to work, get this country moving and keep america safe. you heard none of that. you heard people bash employers, make light of the fact where our national security is, flip-flop and rewrite their own records. so i think when you look at the stark contrast between what you've seen on the republican side and what you saw tonight. tonight was a patty cake exercise. it wasn't a democratic debate. it wasn't an exchange of ideas. it was everybody saying oh, hillary, i agree with you. you do a good job. there's nothing that will change. hillary clinton came in as the
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front-runner and will go out as the front runner. no one challenged her on her record. it was unbelievably record. >> great to see you there live from manchester. see you on the road. thank you. >> thank you. coming up, a final check of the last democratic debate of 2015 right after this. my sister raves about her toothpaste and mouthwash all the time. i'm like, huh? aren't they all the same? you know, i had to see for myself. so i went pro. with crest pro-health advanced. advance to a healthier, stronger, cleaner mouth from day 1. this toothpaste... ...and mouthwash make my whole mouth feel amazing. and my teeth stronger. crest pro-health advanced is superior in these 5 areas dentists check. this is gonna go well, for sure. advance to a healthier stronger, cleaner mouth from day 1.
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welcome to you both. ed, any real challenges to hillary clinton's dominance tonight? >> no, absolutely not. this was a debate that obviously nothing else to do you'd want to watch the jets/dallas game or have christmas parties to go, you can hear the one socialist in the congress argue the extreme position. she's a good debater. it's nothing new.
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more obama strategy on both the foreign policy, isis, more spending, more taxes on the rich and take your guns away. that's sort of the mantra and obviously a little more extreme by sanders and obviously the governor from maryland wasn't really on the stage. >> all right. joe, on the other hand we did hear hillary clinton say some things that sounded like she was trying to distance herself from the obama administration. is that part of the prep from the general. >> look, she does have differences with the president on a lot of things. i mean, she did want to arm the rebels in syria, moderate rebels in syria and she gave him that advice. look, you're going to see those -- some of those differences come out but i think the most significant thing that happened tonight -- i think the big winner was somebody wasn't on stage, trump. to have both sanders and hillary clinton invoke his name. that helps them in the democratic side of things but it
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helps him in the republican primary right now. otherwise, i think the threecrad the best debate of the season that they've had and as somebody who worked against hillary clinton in 2008 and was involved in all the debates between obama, edwards and hillary she's much more improved as a debater this cycle than she was then and i think it's going to be more problems in the general than republicans maybe underestimating her. >> ed, very quickly. does this move the needle at all for the former secretary up or down? >> no, absolutely not. i think she's a front-runner. we will volunteer trump for the next debate so they can draw a few people to watch it. i predict this will draw less than the junior varsity debate but obviously will be the nominee. >> i don't think joe or ed will be surprised. maybe that's one thing they can agree on. thank you both. let's bring back our chief intelligence correspondent
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back-checking things in the debate. one thing hillary clinton said is that isis is using video of donald trump as a recruiting tool. what do you know about that? >> okay, so we had our research department found it out and found no evidence to support that and reached out to leading experts, memory which is the research institute and didn't have any response. and then we asked the clinton campaign if they could further clarify and they had no way to justify that comment so on its face this is what "the washington post" would call real pinocchio material. >> her saying that we have isis kind of where we want them right now, that's not going to play very well with a lot of lot of noiks because it harkens back, whether she intended it to come out that way somewhat under control and made a clarification that she plans to go after them and destroy them, not contain them. >> it's a fundamental misunderstanding of what the problem is on the ground in iraq and syria. this is really not a connekinet
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battle but we are losing though we should be winning. >> how do you feel bernie sanders said, muslim troops only and build a coalition but not sending u.s. troops in there? >> i came away feeling it wasn't very vague. no new ideas and isis has moved on to chapter two and chapter two is the broader caliphate, in africa and then it's also trying to undermine the united states and the allies with attacks here. >> huge problem. that is it for us in washington. i'll see you tomorrow 1:00 p.m. eastern for america's news headquarters. thank you for joining us for our special post-debate coverage tonight. have a great evening. jj? workin? working 24/7 on mobile trader, rated #1 trading app in the app store. it lets you trade stocks, options, futures... even advanced orders. and it offers more charts than a lot of the other competitors do in desktop. you work so late. i guess you don't see your family very much?
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right now on "justice" -- >> we will crush their would-be caliphate and counter radical jihadism. >> she failed as secretary of state, now hillary clinton says she's the one to keep us safe from isis? talk about delusional, talk about outrageous? i'm talking about it all in tonight's opening statement. plus, it's christmas week. christians being persecuted at an unbelievable rate in the middle east. i'll expose some shocking numbers and talk to an expert about how to stop it. and then which presidential candidate is going to keep you safest from terror? >> as a young person -- >> no, as an
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