tv Hannity FOX News December 30, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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the party kicks off at 9:00 p.m. eastern. joined by very special guests. this is "the kelly file." i'm sandra smith. good night. ♪ >> they want to blow up our country. they want to blow up our cities and knock down our buildings and he's worried about global warming. >> people are actually starting to listen to what the candidates themselves are saying, and they recognize a failed policy. >> when you have debates where they're trying to get you into a food fight and insulting each other and impugning each other's integrity, i'm not going to could it. if others attack me, i'm not going to respond. >> the visa waiver program for people coming to our country in an easy fashion has to be looked at. the congress has a duty to go on talking about this to pass
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legislation. >> unreliable country, maybe even a country in decline but most certainly a country run by someone who they view as unreliable and weak. >> isis is an existential threat to everybody. they're an existential threat to saudi arabia, to jordan, to the gulf states, to egypt. i think that's why the arabs are coming together now saying we have to defeat terrorism. >> the fact is that's the deal. they want to make themselves famous, they're more important. and look at what i did to that republican. >> the political class speaks in certain terms. sort of sanitized sound bites and what i call bumper sticker rhetoric. >> what i would say is anybody involved in combat is an open target. they're not getting any due process. we're not going to wait around. we can kill anybody that's in combat. ♪ welcome to a special edition of "hannity." the 2016 road to the white house has been pretty exciting so far. on this show we've made it a
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point to interview the candidates on where they stand on the issues so you are fully informed when it comes time to head to the polls. tonight for the hour, we'll look back at the best interviews that we've done with many of the candidates over the past year, the threat of terrorism, the rise of radical islam has been a major concern for voters including myself. gop front-runner donald trump has shunned political correctness and the washington talking points to tackle these talking points head-on. here are his best interview moments. take a look at donald trump. you talked about mexico. how quickly could you build a wall? how do you make them pay for the wall, as you said? >> so easy. will a politician be able to do it? absolutely not. it's funny. i watch some of the shows, including your show. i watch these guys say oh, you can't get them to pay for it. we give them tens of billions of dollars a year. they're ripping us left and right. their leaders are so much smarter than our leaders.
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the wall is peanuts. in china, listen to this, in china, the great china wall. i mean, you want to talk about a wall, that's a serious wall. that's a wall you don't climb over with a ladder. you don't even go under it. okay? that wall is 13s,000 miles. if you add up everything and the kitchen sink with what we're talking about on our border. >> right. >> it's less than 2,000 miles. a lot you don't have to do because you covered with terrain and areas that are already built. let's say you're talking about a thousand miles versus -- then they say you can't do it. it's peanuts. it's peanuts. i'll get mexico, whether it's a tariff or whether they just give us the money. sean, they need us so badly. and i'll be friends with mexico. i'm going to have a great relationship with mexico. we have a bad relationship with mexico and they're an abuser. china's an abuser. by the way, every country's an abuser because we have very stupid people representing us. they're incompetent. >> i read your book, which you just released, and you seem to
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soften a hair where you maybe wanted to revise and extend your remarks when you said the vast majority of undocumented immigrants are honest, decent, hardworking people who came there to improve their lives, their children's lives. >> that's true. >> but do you think if you had a do-over, you would have said that first and we're also getting murderers and rapists, which we also know to be a fact, too? >> well, you know, look, i say -- i speak very bluntly. and i think we have to speak -- it's not politically correct sometimes. i think the way i said it was proper. i think people looked at it -- you know, it's very interesting, when i made my opening remarks, everybody thought i made a wonderful speech. and we went for about a week and a half, then somebody said wait a minute, maybe we can interpret it a certain way and they misinterpreted what i said. i don't think i'd do anything any differently. i'm number one in every single state. i'm now number one again in iowa. i had lost iowa for a period of
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time and i didn't quite understand it. i think i would have done exactly what i'm doing. >> of the 21,084 refugees we've taken in so far, 96% muslim, only 3% christian. if there's no way to vet them and they do have these sympathies and our national intelligence director and others are saying isis will infiltrate, how is that hateful by definition? >> it's been that way for a long time. in syria, you have the christians where their heads are being chopped off randomly and at will and you have the muslims who, i'm not saying they have a great life, frankly, but not as bad as what the christians go through. i've been told by very, very good sources and people that really understand what's been happening over the last number of years, the hardest thing you can do is be a christian in syria and come into the united states. one of the easiest places in the entire world to come into the united states from is syria if you're a muslim. so if you're a christian, you
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can't get into the united states. if you're a muslim, it's one of the easiest ways to get into the united states in syria. i'll tell you what, there's something going on out there that maybe you and i don't know about it, but it's becoming more and more obvious. and as far as bernie sanders, i thought you were going to put his quote -- first of all, he's not going to win. he gave it up when he gave up the e-mail situation. hillary is protected by the democrats, so she won't have problems. she should have problems because everyone else has had big problems and they've done much less. but bernie sanders' quote that i thought you'd have in there is he blamed the paris attack on global warming. that's the beauty. i wanted to turn it off but i had an obligation to watch the rest. he said during the debate, he said that the paris attack is a having to do with global warming. the whole thing is crazy. the third guy shouldn't even be on the stage. the mayor of baltimore. you see how that worked out. he shouldn't be on the stage.
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hillary with her attitude, in my opinion, she can't win the election. she's weak as can be on illegal immigration. she's going to lose the election especially if i run against her. but she's going to lose. >> we now have reports out there all day today, law enforcement officials saying that syed farook was, in fact, apparently radicalized and in touch with -- and being investigated by the fbi, people being investigated for these national terrorism incidents even though the case was maybe closed. it makes you wonder how come they keep missing these things then you have to raise the question about the president, in spite of what james clapper is saying and the fbi director is saying and intelligence officials saying, bringing in syrian refugees when isis we know wants to infiltrate that population? what is your response to that? >> well, he doesn't even want to use the term, the proper term to describe these people. and you know, if you're not going to use the term and you're not going to define them correctly, you're never going to solve the problem. he doesn't use the term.
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he doesn't really know, i don't know. you know, somebody told me before they think he has bad intentions. let's assume he doesn't have bad intentions. i just don't think he knows what he's doing. i think it's gotten to a point where it's embarrassing. he's over there talking about global warming being our biggest problem. they want to blow up our country, our cities and knock down our buildings and he's worried about global warming. so we have somebody that's not in touch. >> let's say it's january, 2017, donald trump is sworn in as president. how do you deal with isis? what are the first moves you make? what are the moves you make to secure the border? what are the moves you make in terms of people with visas from countries where maybe they practiced shariah law and there's a clash of culture? >> well, i can talk about that question for about three hours, to be honest with you. that's a big question in terms of there's a lot of things you're going to do. we're going to get rid of his executive order alough people to just pour into our country
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unabetted where our great border patrol -- and they are a great border patrol. i spent a lot of time with them. but they're told to stand down. don't do anything. people walk right in front of them. and they want to do something. people are pouring into the country. so we've had pretty good luck legally with that one in the courts recently. but he's got executive orders, i'd immediately terminate them. i'd hit isis very hard. i'd check the visa situation because i want the right people coming into the country. >> and we have plenty more interview highlights with 2016 candidates. coming up, the best moments with senator ted cruz, marco rubio and much more as this special edition of "hannity" continues. we have over 15,000 activities
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headquarters, good evening, i'm leland vittert. entertainer bill cosby is free tonight following charges today. cosby's accused of drugging and assaulting a woman in 2004 at his home near philadelphia. his attorney says the tv legend will be exonerated. cosby had previously admitted under oath he had consensual sexual contact with the same woman. enrique marquez, a longtime friend of san bernardino shooter syed farook, is now facing four terrorism charges. a federal grand jury indicted him earlier today on two counts of conspiring with farook to provide material support to terrorists. he's also charged with making false statements when he bought the two assault rifles that were used in the san bernardino attack earlier this month. he will be arraigned next wednesday. i'm leland vittert. now back to "hannity." welcome back to this special
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edition of "hannity." now florida senator marco rubio is seen as one of the rising candidates in the crowded 2016 republican field. the senator has made a name for himself after several strong debate performances. here's our best interview moments with marco rubio. take a look. hillary clinton was viewed by 61% of voters as being dishonest and untrustworthy when the poll was asking what were the first words that come to mind when thinking of hillary clinton, liar, dishonest and untrustworthy. between that and the e-mail server scandal, how much trouble do you think she's in? >> it's a very serious issue. there are people who have been charged with criminal offenses for less. on top of that, it's highly irresponsible. i'm on the intelligence committee. i have access to highly classified material of the same level she had access to. we'd never put that in an e-mail. you only look at that in a secured environment or on paper in a secure environment. you never e-mail that stuff around. someone did something very wrong
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here. she should have known it when she saw it and the staff should have known better, a staff that she supervised. sloppiness, irresponsibility and, quite frankly, incompetence and criminality in regards to why there needs to be an investigation. i'm glad to see the fbi is taking it more seriously. >> is america now on the world stage creating a vacuum, portraying our allies like israel and others in the middle east and opening this basically giving away the table to the iranians is now putin coming in and takie ining advantage of thd what does it mean for what's going to happen down the road in terms of international safety? >> well, here's what it means. number one, vladimir putin's reputation, people may not like him in the international stage or the things that he's done, but decisive and reliable albeit not in the interests of most of the world. obama is seen as unreliable, skittish, afraid to engage and not clear about what he wants to do moving forward.
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what barack obama does not fundamentally understand and has never understood is that in the middle east in particular weakness is an invitation for further aggression. and america under barack obama viewed by many nations in the middle east as an unreliable country, maybe even a country in decline but most certainly a country run by someone who they view as unreliable and weak. the consequences are significant geopolitically because it extends not just to the middle east but the asia pacific region and even into europe. >> especially with donald trump, who i just asked about, it seems to be a back and forth with you and him. if he can't control his credit cards, how is he going to manage the nation's finances. what's your response to him? >> well, look, i'm not sure someone who like donald trump that's taken four companies into bankruptcies should be lecturing anyone about finances. he's referring to my credit card statements from my time as the leader of the republican party. and it shows that the overwhelming majority of the
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expenses on that card was was secured under my personal credit were for political uses. any time there was a personal expense, i paid for it. the party never did. this is an issue we dealt with back in 2010 when charlie crist tried to raise it. it's more of an effort from some on the left and the media to distract from the central issue of this campaign which is the finances of the american people. we have people that have given up looking for work. we have record numbers of people, the unemployment numbers are higher among the general population. for the first time in 35 years we have more businesses failing than starting. this is what this campaign needs to be about. we should spend as much time as we can focused on those issues which i know the left doesn't focus on because you want to distract from the failures of barack obama. >> according to the dhs secretary, that they wouldn't look at people's social media for fear it was an issue of optics, about privacy and civil liberties when vetting people. now, these are public forums, social media by definition.
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>> and this is exactly why the american people increasingly have zero confidence that this administration has any idea on how to keep our country safe. we know, for example, that one of the early indicators of radicalization is what people are doing online. that's what isis is using to recruit fighters and radicalize people including american citizens to take up arms against us and join the war against the united states. to not look at that as a factor in determining whether someone should be allowed to travel here just defies all explanation. how do you go to the american people who feel as insecure as they ever have in recent memory and say to them these things? when they realize what's happening by this administration, they realize this is not an administration that is serious or knows what they're doing when it comes to keeping us safe. texas senator ted cruz has been surging in the polls into second place and is known for fot being afraid to take on the washington establishment and even those in his own party. here's our best interview moments with senator ted cruz of texas. take a look.
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senator, the iranians right now are not abiding by the deal. they wouldn't let the iaea inspect a nuclear detonator sites and we're giving them $150 billion and we can't get a deal that releases four americans and says they've got to recognize israel's right to exist? what is he talking about here? >> well, you know, unfortunately, with president obama it's all politics all the time. it speaks volumes that he's halfway across the globe and he feels the to attack me directly. and it's interesting, sean, he didn't actually dispute the substantive criticism. the point that he responds to there is i pointed out under the obama nuclear deal over $100 billion will flow to iran. iran is the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism. so much of that money will ends up in the hands of hamas and hezbollah and the houthis and other radical islamic terrorists. if this deal goes through, the obama administration will become, quite literally, the world's leading financier of
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radical islamic terrorism. now, president obama didn't dispute that. he didn't point to any other entity on either that would send more money to radical islamic terrorism. he didn't dispute that billion of dollars in the control of the american government will be used to fund jihadists who will take that money and murder americans, murder israelis, murder europeans. instead he simply attacked us. >> one thing you've done throughout this entire campaign, you refuse to get into it with the other candidates. you made it very clear the other night. is that how you feel, is that a campaign strategy? >> well, i'm a big believer in reagan's 11th commandment, thou shalt not speak ill of other republicans. when you have debates where they're trying to get you into a food fight, insulting each other and impugning each other's integrity, i ain't going to do it. and if others attack me, i'm not going to respond. now, i do think policy disagreements are fair game. perfectly fair game for a moderator to say, ted, your tax plan is a simple flat tax, 10%
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across the board. another candidate's tax plan has a top rate of 35%. what's the difference between those two and why is your plan better? that's the sort of substantive question debate should be about. but they shouldn't just be food fights and insults which is sometimes what these debates turn into. i do think conservatives are tired of getting our clock cleaned. margaret thatcher said first you win the argument, then you win the vote. we keep sending people into debates that democrats just eat their lunch. and we need to be able to stand up to hillary clinton and make clear that her big government agenda is an absolute failure. i think conservatives are hungry for someone that is not going to curl up into the cornered on hide from the fight but is instead with a smile with the optimistic vision of a ronald reagan say what you're doing isn't working. here's what you said and it isn't happening. and here's instead the principles that built america. if we -- you know, conservatives
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win when we effectively articulate what it is we believe. liberals win when they obfuscate and hide what they believe. because truth matters. our principles work and their principles don't. if we can explain that, that's how we win the election. the problem with our foreign policy, with barack obama and hillary clinton and, unfortunately, with too many washington republicans, they take their eye off the ball. they stop focusing on the need to defeat radical islamic terrorism, whether it's isis, al qaeda, boko haram, al nusra, what we keep doing is toppling governments in the middle east and enabling the radical islamic terrorists to take over. libya, gadhafi, was a bad man. he's been active in terrorism decades before. but he had become a partner with the u.s. government in targeting radical islamic terrorists, in capturing them, in fighting them, and what barack obama and hillary clinton did with the support of a lot of washington
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republicans is toppled him after he is helping us fight radical islamic terrorism and it gave libya over to the terrorists. that's worse from america's perspective. we did something very similar in egypt. and in syria, what is maddening, sean, is these same folks don't seem to learn from the same mistakes. assad is a bad man. but if we topple assad and hand syria over to isis, that's even worse from a u.s. national security perspective. >> coming up, our best interview moments with former florida governor jeb bush and dr. benjamin carson. stay with us on a special edition of "hannity." santa has a magic snow globe for every family. and this year, look at what he put in our driveway. the lexus december to remember sales event is here. lease the 2016 es350 for $349 a month for 36 months and we'll make your first month's payment. see your lexus dealer.
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america's enemies from a position of strength. here's our best interview moments with the former governor. take a look. the president now signing off on this whole iranian deal. they get $150 billion, spin their centrifuges, we get nothing out of the deal. 24 days notice for inspections, they build their icmbms. that coupled with john kerry last week. here israelis are getting killed and he tried to create a moral equivalency between palestinian terrorists and israel. what are your reactions to those two specific, i think, huge mistakes? >> well, first they go hand in glove because the legitimizing the iranian regime to now empower them to continue to be the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world, which is what we've done in an unverifiable agreement is only sending fear throughout the region and israel correctly views this as an existential threat. i don't believe it's necessarily
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a coincidence that the palestinian authority is inciting violence against innocent israelis. we have some say in -- as it relates to the palestinian authority given the fact that we provide aid. we should be very clear that there is no moral equivalence. that inciting terror inside of israel is not the equifb lensy of what israel does in self-defense. they do this in their schools to incite a feeling of hatred towards israel. israel is responding, as any sovereign nation would, we should be completely on their side on this. and frankly, the next president of the united states ought to be getting israel's back. we need to make sure that we continue to support israel providing them with the most sophisticated equipment. as it relates to iran, one of the ways to do it is to show our support for israel. >> donald trump has hit you hard, you've been hitting marco rubio pretty hard. you had the campaign power point that came out. among other things it said marco's a risky bet.
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so there's these little battles that seem to be taking a lot of your attention away. what is your reaction to trump, why are you going after marco so hard? it seemed like you were friends going into this. >> he's my friend and he's a skilled politician for sure. but i believe we need someone who has a proven record to go against hillary clinton. her record is one of lack of accomplishment. she's passed in ten years as a united states senator naming a highway after tim russert, a monument and a post office. >> i don't mean to laugh. that's not exactly an accomplishment. >> ten years. ten years, that's it. >> but that's not exactly a big accomplishment. >> yeah. i totally get it. and in foreign policy, after the benghazi hearings, where she said, in fact, that this was created by islamic terrorism after denial after denial after denial and 600-plus e-mails from the embassy in libya saying that
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they had a security risk and no action taken. i think we need someone that has a record of accomplishment. that's my issue. people are going to sort out all the little internal battles, i'm not focused on that. we also need to recognize that the visa waiver program for europeans coming to our country in an easy fashion needs to be looked at. the congress, i think, has a duty to go beyond talking about this to actually pass legislation that creates changes in our policies recognizing the threat that we're facing right now. >> this election season has been all about the political outsiders. the insurgenting candidates. retired neurosurgeon dr. ben carson has connected well with voters who are just fed up with the status quo coming out of washington approximately here are the interview moments that we've had with dr. ben carson. why are you surging, why is ted cruz and carly now surging? what does it say about the
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republican party? >> i hope it means that people are actually starting to listen to what the candidates themselves are saying. and they recognize a failed policy. you know, we've been going with democrats and with republicans for decades now, and they say wonderful things during elections, but they don't do anything. and we can't continue down that pathway. i think people recognize that. >> it was interesting, i read your comments on race and why don't i talk about race. explain what you meant by that. because i'm a neurosurgeon. you know, that was interesting to me. >> well, the point being, you know, so many people are very superficial and they look at a person's external appearance and they make a judgment based on that when that has nothing to do with who that person is. it's the brain. that's what controls who we are. and we need to start thinking about what dr. martin luther king said. the content of your character, not the color of your skin. >> in the polls trump and you.
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i can't think of two more diametrically opposed personalities. you being more shy and demure and soft spoken and donald trump being brash and outspoken and confident. that's interesting to me. but the one thing you have in common is you've never held political office. fascinating. >> we've not held political office, but i think the thing that's important to the people is that we're not looking like people who are going to be corralled by the political establishment. >> dr. carson, how can the president and these top candidates be so wrong about such a clear and present danger to our country and to the world? >> well, you know, i hope that people are paying attention to this. i find it interesting that, you know, they're willing to use the term "isis" because the "i" in isis is islamic. so they're not really being very consistent. but obviously, the terrorism that's growing and spreading
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around the world is coming from that base. and you really have to understand the history of it. you know, muhammad who lived in mecca, he wasn't a very popular fellow, by the way. his uncle kind of shielded him. when his uncle died they drove him out and he went up to medinah and he went around and killed people who didn't believe as they did. anybody who didn't accept all of their tenets belonged to something called the cafir. you could behead them, kill them, lie to them. that underlying belief is still there with the radical element of the islamic movement. now, what we need to do, i think, is encourage the imams and the clerics to come out and condemn the radical element. >> there are two things that you said tonight, you want to declir war and defeat the caliphate. do you think most people are understanding what the caliphate
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means? >> i think a lot of people understand it. i mean, clearly, you know, it's a major part of islam and particularly radical islam, the jihadist movement. jihad, globally, cannot occur unless you have a caliph and you can't have a caliph unless you have a caliphate, which is actual territory. the last time they had that was in turkey that was finished in 1924. this is an exciting time for them. and you know, we really need to concentrate on taking that away from them. if they don't have that, they go back to square one. that's where we want them, at square one. >> and coming up, we'll show you our best interview moments with john kasich and chris christie. , many cold medicines may raise your blood pressure. that's why there's coricidin® hbp. it relieves cold symptoms without raising blood pressure. so look for powerful cold medicine with a heart.
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good evening from america's news head quarters. i'm leland vittert. an attorney for comedian bill cosby says he'll be exonerated of all charge tonight on a mill dollar bail. prosecutors accuse cosby of giving a former temple university employee pills and wine before assaulting her. the comedian admits having sexual contact with her but claims it was consensual. a federal grand jury has indicted a friend of one of the terrorists in the san bernardino massacre. the charges against enrique
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marquez include conspiring in a pair of previously planned attacks that were never carried out. marquez is also accused of making false statements when he bought the guns that were later used in the december 2nd shootings. marquez was a longtime friend of syed farook who, along with his wife, killed 14 people. i'm leland vittert. now back to "hannity." welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." governor john kasich has been successful as the leader of the very key swing state of ohio ohio. here are our best interview moments with governor kasich. take a look. 57 million american women out of the labor force. the worst numbers. 50 million in poverty. can you apply those exact same principles and policies and make it work nationally? now, are you saying you can take an $18 trillion budget deficit or debt that we have and 128
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trillion in unfunded liabilities and you can fix that? >> well, sean, just remember, you always talk about when i was budget committee chairman in washington, and remember when i left washington after having completed that effort we made and i'd spent ten years of my life getting there, we had a $5 trillion surplus. so your chagrin and mine, it was blown and a lot of republicans participated in that. but yes, we don't need to be balanced overnight. we need to have a credible plan that sends a word to the markets, and we've got to begin to deregulate so year not snuffing out the job creators in our country. and we've got to get back to common sense and shift a lot of power in washington back to where we live. >> the only two issues i ever hear conservatives critical towards you about, immigration and the refugee issue, which you and i discussed the last time
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you were on the program. i want to give you an opportunity to expand on this. should people who do not respect our law and sovereignty, why should they have a path towards citizenship? >> well, i'm nor legalization, sean. i'm not for giving anybody a path to citizenship. >> no citizenship? >> no, i don't believe in that. >> okay. >> i do believe if they've been law abiding in this country they can get to legalization. they pay a fine and everything else. but the wall has to go up, sean. look, reagan was for letting these folks stay in 1986. where did they fall down? they didn't enforce the law. they need to finish the wall. and if you come over for any reason, you're going back. i don't want to argue or discuss it with them. you got to go back. but for the ones that are here, i think they can be given a path to legalization. if they broke the law, that's a whole other story. >> the path to citizenship. just to be clear -- >> no, i don't believe we should -- >> okay. >> correct. i believe we should go to
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legalization but not citizenship. i don't believe in that path. >> when you were on the last time you and i discussed this. >> yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> james clapper and spokesperson for the state department john kirby both stated it is likely that isis and al qaeda will infiltrate the refugee population. that to me is too big a risk that while we're trying to -- >> sean, look, if we can't be assured by people like clapper that we don't have the process to properly screen, then we can't do it. so the issue is they got to present a program to us that says, yes, we can determine who these people are. why am i saying this? because, sean, i don't want to go alone on everything in this world. if we could get all the arab countries along with our allies in western europe, along with the leadership of the united states, and that was what was essential, if we could get saddam out of kuwait, which was not a good thing, this is
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totally unbelievable because isis is an existential threat to everybody. they're an existential threat to saudi arabia, to jordan, to the gulf states, to egypt. and i think that's why the arabs are coming together now saying we have to defeat terrorism. so i think it's a great opportunity for us. and if we don't assert ourselves and bring the west along with the arabs, i will tell you, you will remember i said this, sean, we will pay a lot more later when we finally go aggressively than if we go soon. because you know, look, i'm the only one on that stage, i served 18 years on the defense committee. i actually worked with ronald reagan. i knew john tower and barry goldwater. sam nunn, another great expert. so we have to move and we have to move quickly. we need good intelligence. the saudis will settle syria down. and in terms of iraq, sean, i will tell you, if saddam did not have weapons of mass destruction, there's no way i would have gone there because that was getting us into a civil
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war. >> new jersey governor chris christie launched his presidential campaign with the theme, tell it like it is. here are our best interview moments with the governor since he announced he was running for president. my opinion having been to the border a dozen of times, donald trump is right. and they're afraid to say it. since obama's been president, 6,422 texans have been victims of crime by illegal immigrants. how come we don't secure that border? >> because it's a failure of a president who is unwilling to admit there's a problem let alone come up with a solution. four step, you have to put a fence or wall in the places where it's appropriate. second, hire more border patrol officers. drones and other electronic surveillance to monitor what's going on. and fourth every business in this country has to use e-verify. because a lot of these folks
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coming a cross the border are coming to work. >> the republicans they don't defund obamacare and use their constitutional power. they didn't stop obama's executive amnesty, they funded it. are they catering to big business as many charge? >> i think some are. some are. you need a strong president who is willing to lead. >> the day you announced, a lot of people were jealous i got the first interviews. you just announced you're running for president. i asked you hard questions about immigration and driver's licenses for immigrants. i did my work. but i want you to lay out your vision. you want to be president. you want the most important job in the world. does that happen less and less now? do you think these moderators think it's their job to debate you? >> everybody wants to be woodward and bernstein. >> if they did, they would go after hillary. >> no woodward and bernstein for republicans. that's the deal.
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they want to make themselves famous. they're more important. then they get to brag to their friends at the cocktail party on the weekend, look what i did to that republican. >> true. >> that's what motivates this stuff. if you want to be president of the united states, you want to debate hillary clinton next fall, you got to be tough enough to deal with that. >> i got that, but there's a certain sense of double standard and unfairness there. >> total double standard, by the way. >> obama didn't bomb the financial source, the oil wells because he was afraid of environmental damage. i'm thinking is this how we're fighting wars now? >> this is the president who believes that no action is better than any action at all this is what he believes in, sean, don't do stupid stuff. this is the governing philosophy of this administration, he's put america behind the eight ball in the war against isis. it's war against isis, he doesn't understand that. >> obama's top envoy, general john allen, james comey, national director of intelligence james clapper, the
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assistant fbi director, state department spokesman mike mccall was on this program last night, the chairman of the homeland security committee, they're all saying that isis has a plan to infiltrate the refugee population from syria like they did in pardz to bring harm to americans. now, you have donald trump as saying temporary hold until we can vet these people. rand paul is saying a temporary ban in 34 countries until we can vet these people. where are you on this issue? >> that's why i said we should not admit one syrian refugee. i took a lot of abuse from the u.n. crowd about it. no, not women, not children, nobody. as we saw in san bernardino, women are just as capable of being radicalized and participating in the murder. >> highlights from my interviews with carly fiorina and senator rand paul. that and more on this special edition of "hannity." huh. introducing centrum vitamints.
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welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." here is our best interview moments with former hewlett-packard ceo carly fiorina. take a look. let me start with the hillary server scandal. you've been very critical probably more than any other candidate of hillary clinton. you've talked about the server. you've talked about her position on planned parenthood. where do you stand now in light of the new information we have today? >> you know, i said in my closing comments at that fox news debate that hillary clinton has lied about benghazi, about her e-mails, about her server. and there were some in the liberal media who said, wow, that's really strong language. but of course, it's the right language. she has lied. and i think the more that we learn, the more we know that's true. >> do you think some of your
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fellow candidates might be afraid to say -- i agree with you, she lied. as plain as day to me. she really has a very difficult legal problem on her hands now. we'll watch this unfold as it relates to the server, but some people are timid. they're a little afraid to say she lied. why do you think that is? do you think some of the men in the race are afraid they'll be accused o a war on women type of thing? >> no, i don't think it's gender. i think it is that the political class speaks in certain terms. sort of sanitized sound bytes and what i call bumper sticker rhetoric. by any common-sense definition she has lied but somehow, politicians don't use common-sense terms and language. if you say you didn't pass
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classified information and you did, you lied. if you say it was a video and turns out to be a purposeful terrorist attack which you knew at that time, you lied. >> i think you've been of all candidates, probably the most out spoken inconsiderate sizing hillary. do you think there might be some fear that they will be called sexist if some men that are running make a legitimate attack against hillary? here it is, the war on women, and maybe they play it safe hoping to avoid the narrative? >> i hope not. because if a candidate can't take on the democrat front runner, then, that candidate can't win an election. a agree with you. i have been the candidate most out spoken about hillary clinton as well as the democrat party. the democrat party as it looks, the policies they're pushing forward are undermining the character of the nation and
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undermining the foundation of the nation, undermining the security of the nation. we have to take them on. i'm going to keep taking her on as long as she's their front runner and keep taking on their policies which are undermining this nation. >> here is our best interview moments with kentucky senator rand paul. >> what do you make of this trump tsunami that is taking over the presidential race so far? . >> i want to stand up for small people like veera coking who donald trump wanted to take her house through eminent domain. someone has to stand up for the people. he believes it should be used to take the property from a small property owner like veera, and give it to his casino to build a parking lot. this is what most conservatives in america, if you told them that harry reid was for this, they'll be against reid. so americans need to wake up and
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listen, donald trump is a fake conservative and i think people are going to wake up and hear that. >> we know in germany, ñr25% of the refugees flooding germany are lying about being from syria. in hungary, my grants were rioting and shouting alla allah akbar. our national james clapper says it is almost a certainty, isis will infiltrate. why should we take one of these people? >> this is one of the reasons i opposed rubio's bill originally on immigration. i didn't think there was enough scrutiny for those that might come and attack us. in a little town i live inñi kentucky, two refugees came from iraq and tried to buy stinger missiles so the program needed more scrutiny, so is the student visa program. doesn't mean i'm completely
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against it, but we need to know who isñi coming. >> one refugee had only a name, and that he was from afghanistan. and my goodness, what are the odds he's going to be someone who is going to attack the west? he had no passport and was 19 years old. so yes, we need scrutiny. >> senator, it's frustrating we're going to give this regime a path to a bomb, $150 billion, missile defense with putin, build up their arms and we get nothing. can you tell the american people is there anything we can to stop this? >> this is why i opposed the iranian agreement, the first thought i'm not sure which is lesssecurity, hillary clinton's e-mail server or the white house e-mail server but that is a
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disappointment. you know a teenager tapped into james clapper's e-mail. we've got to do a better job at protecting secrets. but no. the iran agreement was a disaster and we've got to remain vigilant. >> this is an executive order. president ford prohibits assassinations of foreign leaders. i think we'd be wise to do so. i would overrule that. where would you stand on overturning that executive order? >> i think we have had other executive order that's superseded that. i would say anyone solved in that is an open target. we can kill anyone inxd combat. i am concerned a little bit about killing someone in a noncombat zone that we're just going to go find someone to travel somewhere. so i do think this is a difference between combat and noncombat. and a difference between killing a family.
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a special edition of the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> we have an unforgettable show are for you tonight. it's the miller meets gutfeld and mcguirk special. >> bah, bah, bah. >> what does dennis miller think about the tsa. >> until you fly me privately the tsa are the biggest geniuses in the culture. >> what are greg gutfeld's thoughts on vladimir putin. >> he is the world's sexist man. >> what do they know about history. bernard and mcguirk have some thoughts. >> we already have the nation of dunces. we have the inalienable right to be stupid. >> that and more. some of the best moments this year. >> keep it down, keep it down. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now.
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