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tv   Sunday Housecall  FOX News  January 3, 2016 9:30am-10:01am PST

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much sugar. a new study revealing diets high in sugar are a major risk factor for certain types of cancer especially breast cancer. dr. samadi, how does sugar break down in the body and talk to us about the dangers. >> tess a great way to start the year. obviously our body needs sugar in order to survive. but so do the cancer cells. the purpose of this segment is not to have a real cause. we can't as of today say sugar causes cancer. but there seems to be a strong association between a lot of sugar and cancer. how does it do that? pancreas responding to sugar by sending insulin into the cells so they can survive. guess what, the cancer cells also have receptors for insulin and growth factors. now we see based on this mice study that it can lead to colon and breast cancer.
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a lot of times when you take a lot of sugar your liver becomes overloaded by this fructose. and what is going to happen is it convert it's to fat because it can't take it anymore. you've heard of fatty liver. that's part of the problem. your ldl goes up and turns into belly fat which by itself can give a lot of inflammatory cells and cause cancer. we know in adults can lead to heart disease and everything else. but let me tell you what type of sugars we have that a lot of people don't know. you always think of sugar as white powder you put in your tea or coffee. sugar is all over our life. you have anything that ends in o-s-e, high fructose corn super is contaminating us. this is like a drug. your reward center in your brain when you have too much of that
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as you see in the picture, your dopamine becomes addictive. that's really toxic. >> this is scaring me. >> it should scare you. it should scare everybody. it's a real toxic. >> it's a good warning. marc, not just putting sugar in your coffee, you don't drink soda, sugar is all over the place. you go to the supermarket, whole wheat bread, some of it has sugar in it. >> we're talking about processed foods here, not fruit and vegetables. people think fruit is suge sugar, but it has fiber in it which decreases your cancer risk. we're not talking about bananas or strawberries. we're talking about cook kiz and cakes. but i'm also talking about people month are senden tear, which is whatary problem is here in the united states. let me tell you why that's important. sugar is a fuel. eric, if you ate a cookie, if you jogged for two miles, you
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burn it off. if not, it turns to fat in your body. you get more insulin. you get more inflammatory chemicals called sight toe kinds. you know what those do? they lead to cancer. it's inflammation that causes cancer and sugar leads to inflammation. not only that, in the test tube we're finding that cancer cells are greedy for sugar. they love it. they love it. we've also studied starving cancer patients. we've found that actually doesn't prevent the progression. i don't want cancer patients to say, i'm going to go away from this show and stop eating. we do recommend cancer have plant-based diets, protein and healthy fats. stay away from the processed sugars. >> it's interesting what you're bringing up because if you're a cancer patient you want to stay away from sugar because what happens. normal cells have both receptors for sugar and key tones. cancer cells don't.
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they depend solely on sugar. if you're diagnosed with sugar you have to pay attention to what you put in. going back to what you were saying, yes, it's not just white sugar. have it in at thpasta. look at the ingredients in what you eat. high fructose corn super is what people put in foods. we used to say, let's go to low fat foods. they put in high fructose corn syrup. >> is there a certain number of grams in a label you shouldn't get? >> apart from grams, adding to that, if you would, docs, at the end of the day, people have sweet tooths. they want something sweet. give us some sort of guidance. >> arthel, here's what i want to say about guidelines. i want to start with the point david is making. we used to say fats are bad for you. all fats are bad for you. we now have to add to that,
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sugars are bad for you. you say, what do you eat? the reason you can't eat fats, things like bacon, cheeseburgers, all that stuff has carcinogens in it that leads to xaern. what should you eat? you should eat the mediterranean diet we've been recommending on this show. we'll talk further about it later in the show, fruit, vegetables, lean meats, broiled fish, stay away from fried foods and those cookies, cakes processed foods, breads. i want people to lose weight, i tell them to stop eating bread, pasta, cookies. >> basically, it's everything people eat. >> no, no! >> this is what i'm saying. let's be realistic. >> increase your fruits and vegetables. >> the reason fruit and vegetable works well, they have the fructose but it gets absorbed. because you have the fiber, it stays steady in your system. you don't get the high peaks and lows and always crave more.
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>> what marc is trying tocy carbohydrates and sugar, we should think of it as fat. we don't think of it that way. >> you mentioned one thing. inflammation. how do you reduce that? >> it's that spare tire eric that you don't have. that's the inflammation. we talked about it on previous shows. it builds up in your body as these chemicals, inflammatory chemicals. >> measure your waist? it should be less than 40 inches and women less than 35 inches. look for protein in your blood. seer reactive protein is in sort of inflammatory process going back to the -- if you think you're diabetic -- >> how do you think that? >> if you're thirsty, fatigued, tingling, family history of diabetes, get that fasting
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glucose test which should be less than 100. if it's between 100 and 126 you're prediabetic. over 126 is diabetidiabetic. >> what about a bite of dark chocolate? >> dark chocolate has good chemicals in it. really good for you as a little antioxida antioxidant. i want to say on a final point everything going together is this. it's not the sugar that's the problem. it's that it leads to the weight gain and inactivity. if you combine the inactivity with the weight gain and processed food diet shy in sugar, you're increasing your cancer risk. it's probably the inflammation doing that, not directly the sugar. it's what the sugar is converted to. >> i want people to know there's a lot of hidden -- like we talk about with salt -- sugar in your food. you can exercise all you want, if you're not going to read labels, you won't lose weight.
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>> great suggestion. take i look at the labels. bullying. it's a serious problem around the country. if your child is bullied, it at that put serious impact on many mental health. "housecall" continues straight ahead. i'm jerry bell the second.
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and i'm jerry bell the third.
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i'm like a big bear and he's my little cub. this little guy is non-stop. he's always hanging out with his friends. you've got to be prepared to sit at the edge of your seat and be ready to get up. there's no "deep couch sitting." it's definitely not good for my back. this is the part i really don't like right here. (doorbell) what's that? a package! it's a swiffer wetjet. it almost feels like it's moving itself. this is kind of fun. that comes from my floor? eww! this is deep couch sitting. deep couch sitting! new research this week shows that bullying in your teen years can lead not only to serious psychological damages but physical as well, headaches, dizziness, backaches and more. dr. siegel it really is a serious problem across the country. >> it's important for internists like me to ask people who come
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in for anxiety or abdominal pain or back pain, i have to ask about school. there's a group at ucla who has done incredible research. they created a school called seeds where they've studying bullying. in sixth grade about half the kids were bullied overseeing this program. it's by report only. the problem with bullying you may be patterning your parents' behavior. then you may turn around and become a bully yourself and become a bully yourself. identifying the aggressor is a very difficult problem. even if you tough it out, even if you learn to be tough, you still carry the scars for the rest of your life. you end up being very emotional. >> that's shocking that you can carry it with you throughout your whole adult years. >> eric, this is a serious problem. a lot of parent that's are listening to this should pay attention. 160,000 kids refuse and skip going to school.
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this is because there are a lot of kids out there who physically, emotionally and now today it's cyberbully on instagram and facebook, ganging up against real good kids that end up having academic achievements reduced, emotional distress, emotional scars. a serious problem. there's no real solution we can put out there. but for kids they need to know there's always help out there. speak up and you don't have to be embarrassed. there's nothing wrong with you. there's something wrong with those kids that are bullying you. >> absolutely. >> you need to understand that if you're listening. for parents, you need to pay attention to very, very subtle, sensitive things. for example, if the kid is running to you and is hugging you more than usual, something is unusual. if they don't want to go to the school bus, we have dealt with this in our family and everybody has the kate, if the kid doesn't want to go to cool r school because they're being bullied.
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or they're not sleeping well, eating normally. the biggest thing is now the grades are as and they go down. >> the parents don't know. >> but what about the parents of the bulliers? >> i have to tell you i've handled bullying in all three of my kiz. the school is supposed to intervene. there's a film called ant bully that came out a few years ago. i love this movie. it creates another solution. it shows what ants do. the ants do. they have a positive spirit. they band together. join up with people who aren't being bullied or who are that resist. >> what about the parents of the bullies? >> they have a very important role to intervene and make sure the kids are trained well.
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how do you know your kid is being bullied? how do you find out? the kids don't talk about it. >> you provided the answer. your kid may not be going to school, not feeling well, not doing well on tests. >> i think this important part, have a support group, there are good kids out there that you could join and always ignore, try to get out of that mess if you get cornered, and when you run out of all solutions, your parents, guidance counselors, teachers, they're out there to help you. you don't need to hide behind this. >> one final point. we're also talking about emotional bullying today, which is great to bring up because girls are actually subject to that more than a boy. that's just as important. >> are you're right. >> you need to speak up. ask for help. >> very good. thank you. a lot of people are nuts about it. we're talking about coconut oil. but is it really good for you? is it all it's cracked up to be? the doctors will weigh in on that coming up next.
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and should i worry, where we talk about everything that worries us.
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one viewer writes, a keep hearing about the benefits of coconut oil in cooking and baking. today, however, i read an article saying the fat in coconut oil is 92% saturated fat, and therefore not good for lowering your ldl. dr. samadi, i heard coconut stuff has a lot of cholesterol in it. >> this viewer is right. when you think of coconut oil, over 90% of it is saturated fat, which as you know can lead to heart disease. but there is also not every coconut oil is born the same way. there are some -- this one the viewer is talking about got a bad rep because we know it was all full of saturated fat. we're talking about coconut oil that has medium chain fatty acid that can lower your ldl and go to improvement in alzheimer's, some people talking about ovingd weight loss. a lot of research on coconut oil is short-term, somebody said
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extra virgin or super virgin coconut oil, there are different types. use it in moderation. i'm not a huge fan of coconut oil. that's my own personal thing. i like olive oil as i mentioned before. if you use moderation, it is okay. look for virgin coconut oil. like virgins? talking about oil. >> yes, definitely. definitely. olive oil i agree is better for you. it is in our mediterranean diet. but let's talk about coconut oil for a minute. we don't know that saturated fat since it is plant based is as bad as what you get in a cheeseburg cheeseburger. there is a society that they studied over many years in sri lanka that eat over 120 coconuts a year and have almost no heart disease. it raises the good cholesterol, so it is possible, and it has flavonoids in the antioxidants in which possible it is actually good for you. i say in moderation, but i also like david prefer -- >> i would say to mark, if you
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want to increase your hdl, do exercise, that's the best way to increase your hdl. >> don't smoke. >> i don't know if it lowers your ldl. moderation please. >> a take a little dab of it and put it in my coffee in the morning. >> that's perfectly fine. >> milk, you get used to no milk. i think a little coconut oil in your coffee is great, and no sugar. >> i'm told it is good for your metabolism, i don't know. >> it is plant based. that's a good thing. the plant antioxidants are a good thing. >> you don't really taste it. it doesn't affect the taste of the coffee. >> sneak it into -- >> everything in moderation works. if you do too much -- >> how does it taste in coffee? >> it doesn't change the taste to me. it is so little that -- maybe it is psychological it does increase my metabolism. >> you're doing fine. >> we're proof that sunday
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watched "sunday housecall." >> i do. i listen. >> we'll tell you about the new fangled devices that can help you stay healthy and fit in 2016. we'll be right back. this is brad.
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his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... hey brad, wanna trade the all day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve.
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welcome back. it could become the hottest health trend for 2016, wearable tech, that monitors everything from your heart rate to whether you're getting a good night's sleep. dr. siegel, we'll talk about fit bits. i think they're good because it makes working out social. you know, exercise, if you will. >> i'll answer your question about fit bit. want to throw out a nod to the apple watch which has move, exercise and stand and just coming into play. it is mimicking what the fit bit does. the fit bit has a step tracker and sleep tracker, checks your heart rate. the step tracker that is interesting, the american heart association has already recommended 10,000 steps a day, which is about four miles. guess what people are doing? they're competing with each other. >> that's what i'm saying. makes it social. >> you see julie and john there and i did this and when you compete with someone, you're more likely to stay moving. so stuff we didn't think was exercise before, now he gwe get and walk around in addition to the time at the gym.
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>> technology got us to where we are today. the technology is coming back to save us. the question is, what is the compliance with this? are you going to buy it for six months and then, you know, the joy of this will go away. the truth is, it works. i can tell you this story about my son that comes to me last night after an hour that we got home and comes home sweaty at 10:00 p.m. an he says i did my goal, i reached 10,000 steps. it is so cute this kid -- i'm going to get one of these. i promised him i would do that. it is a good way to lose weight, get into activity, monitor what you're doing and so many techs out there that can check your heart rate, the number of steps, it is great. $2.5 billion industry in 2017. so it is really going to grow big time. >> going to be doing ekgs soon, managing your sugar soon, use it in an emergency. the amount of sleep. they have sleep tracker. the key is you're wearing it all the time. with your iphone, you have an
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app, you don't have the iphone with you -- >> works with android too. thanks, doc. >> be healthier this year. >> i'm arthel neville. >> i'm eric shawn. thank you for watching. the united states calls on iran to protect the saudi arabian embassy in tehran after protesters storm the building angry over the saudi execution of a top cleric. floodwaters just now beginning to recede for many midwest communities on the banks of swollen rivers like the mighty mississippi and the destruction they are leaving behind is historic. matt finn is live in hard hit olive branch, illinois. matt? >> an unfortunate start to 2016 for many people. 24 deaths already blamed on this historic disaster, the latest coming up. >> and at this hour, militia members remain unmoved, refusing to leave a national wildlife refugee


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