tv The Greg Gutfeld Show FOX News January 10, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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i'm greg gutfeld. >> i am greg gutfeld with 50 percent less odor. here's what's coming up. could fashion in philadelphia. cops said this gunman acted in islam loan shooter soft targets. is this terror in 2016? plus the death list is making a murder. spring break again it's david. we talk about the guy covering the avery trial as it happens. hillary clinton tells an aids to send her classified information to not secure house. e-mail showed she did. the homost honest man in americ. >> your numbers are lucky. >> can i ask you what would you do with the money if you won?
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>> hookers and cocaine. >> i am getting my eyebrows threaded at 11. >> welcome tucker carlton. host of america now radio. he filled my shoes then my heart. nutrients come from olives in a martini. so sad. loving nothing and hating nothing it is katherine timp. philadelphia police officer shot in another example of random gun violence in the streets of america. as you see in this photo, the officer was sitting in his car when he was shot by a guy in a white coat.
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obviously a pharmacist. because clearly that is not musl muslim garb. the gun made him do it. the police jump to conclusion saying the ambush appeared to be isis inspired because the perp said it was isis inspired. >> the suspect in question is a 30-year-old male from yaden a philadelphia address as well i believe. he confessed to committing this cowardly act in the name of islam. according to him he believes the police defend laws that are contrary to the teachings of the qur'an. >> he was dressed like a muslim, pledged hissal league against and spent time in the middle east. nra is to blame. accord og philly's odd new mayor it has nothing to do with you know what? . >> in no shape or form does any one believe islam or the teaching of islam has anything to do with what you have seen in that screen.
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it is ab loernt and terrible and does not represent the religion in any way shape or form in any of the teachings. t >> the attack has nothing to do with islam and cirrhosis has nothing to do with bush bonn. let -- ber bonn. >> let's look at the chief behind him. >> in no way does islam have anything to do with what you have seen on the screen. that is abhorrent, it is terrible. >> what could he be thinking. i am guessing this mayor is full of (bleep). the suspect edward archer fired at officer jessie hartnett using a stolen cop gun. the officer is in critical but stable condition. the suspect was then shot yet another example of gun violence by the police the mayor might think. that's how he labeled the initial attack not as terror bubut gun crime. jihadism that avoids judging the action of others. you don't need to condemn radical islam when it is the gun's fault.
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the latist incarnation of islamophobia denying facts for fear of appearing bigoted. we must watch our behavior but not theirs. then of course we move on. it is the forgotten terror attack presidential gun control. it seems to me like the wrong approach. the only soft targets left are us. how do we defend ourselves give a chance by learning to use one. >> is there any legitimate way to say about that. >> he is a progressive politician so his first instinct wake him up from a dead sleep is lie and demand you become come police set with his life and tend to agree with him. that's part of what's going on. people are over looking at it a political motive. it guy got elected this month he
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was a city councilman in part because of muslim groups and endorsements to sign pledges. they are a key part of the constituency. the growing part of muslims you have seen it in europe where politicians are afraid to denounce islamists because they are a key voting block. it is not the whole answer. it is a part of it. >> you know what's funny megan by saying it has nothing to do with islam he should say this is radical islam. this is not islam. instead he is like i don't want to piss off all muslims so i am going to deny the elephant in the room and the elephant in the room is radical islam. >> i don't know how we expect to win any fight on terror or isis when we can't identify what's going on all of the reports said he screamed about isis. i don't know at what point people are going to wake up to
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reality. >> it is true, tom, it's run amok. >> i am obsessing over these new attacks. am i over stating the risk? >> we are all thinking about it too much. maybe we have people like this mayor who are -- it's the opposite of that old boy who cried wolf fable. a wolf attacks a village every day. there's a kid out there saying that wasn't a wolf. we to talk about it because everyone is in denial. you are encouraged to see the apocalyptic consequences of climate change. in this case it is like you have nothing to do with this at all it's gun crime. >> it doesn't make us any safer.
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it will happened in the street. you could say it is a sports fanatic because philly is full of that. the thing is the way i see it is islam like alcohol in my opinion is inherently good but some people get drunk and commit awful awful crimes. does that crime that happened mean that alcohol is to blame? no. it's the person who got toe drunk off of it and ruined people's lives. >> i love that you tied it to booze. >> when i think islam i go there. >> any kind of extremism goes to a bad place is what you are saying. extre extremism, extreme negativity like with cats is always sad. is this the new approach to terror to always say it is gun violence. >> absolutely. people are so, so hell bent on
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blaming it on guns that they become disconnected on reality. based on the solutions like the gone registry, burglars should be able to look and see who has the gun when deciding who to rob. great idea. you are doing a great job. you have got to change. >> that's why i like the gun registry. people are going to buy guns because they don't want burglars to come to their house. i better get a gun so i don't get invaded burglars are less inclined to go to who is armed. i want to go to the next story that is ridiculous. in germany this is a country. let's get that clear. i want to make it clear to everybody at home. there was a big demonstration outside of the station where massive sexual assaults took place. they used water cannons to disperse the protestors. where were these water cannons
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on new year's eve. a thousand men known as north africans or arab they received 120 criminal complaints of sexual assaults. of the 31 suspects 18 game to germany seeking asylum from middle eastern countries. german chancellor and time americ person of the year angela merkel has rolled out the red carpet by refugees and police accused government officials of sweeping this mass assault under the rug. the mayor cushioned him to keep an arm's length from male strangers which are easy to do when there are a thousand of them. that is the mayor of cologne. stinks. thank you america. should end the show there with that. >> this is amazing. they are selling out of pepper str spray because the police can't protect from these mosques. this is crazy.
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what where the american feminists? >> i think you have to be a feminist for not a feminist to e sexually assaulted in the street. everything that is happening in germany is what everyone feared would happen in united states of make. the feminist of the ages. the icon of all times having to deal with this and there's a lot of push back, if you will. i was reading up on this. they are thinking about showing muslim men sex education classes because that's how repressed they are and how out of touch they are from the world we live in. it is horrific and scary and thank god i am an american now. >> thank god you are born here. >> until sis sis calls for appealing roe versus wade it will happen. the real threat to massive migration is not that we are all going to die of terrorism, if we do it is over quick. the threat is that your culture
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core roads to where you can't go outside to worry about being grope and you can't go out with fear of offending somebody. everyone hates one another and suspicious of one another. this is multiculturalism run amok. >> there you go run amok. >> this is you tethe fruit of i. nothing binds together. >> do you envision articles titled why do they rape us? used to be why do they hate us? it will be our fault. why do they surround western women? >> why stop at men look at the whole human race. >> dolphins, too. dolphins rape, we know that. >> men at arm's length don't woman do that already? women have their arms out they won't let them near there. >> you are a creepy looking men. >> women don't keep all men at
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arm's length? >> you are a creepy looking man, tom. i mean that in the best possible way. you look like a really nice guy who then kills people at night. it's true. we have all discussed this. >> a less attractive ted bundy, if you will. i am sorry. >> joanne. you are a young woman for a while anyway. are you bothered by the idea that like the mayor of cologne, with i is by the way the mayor of philly who how you are going to stay in our place in cologne the actual behavior of the bad people. >> you hope refugees or migrants will assimilate to the culture they are in. they want to destroy the culture they want to destroy the respect
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that surrounds all of the people in that community. >> it is not everybody in the middle east. it is -- >> it is the pernicious toxic strain of islam. it is radicalism that hates success and envy. they look at instead of learning for progress they want to destroy it. >> that is destruction aspect for sure. even being a woman the respect is completely different. i could not wear this in many countries. >> you can barely wear it now. >> i am going to go. >> i am kidding. but look. eric spring, cat, we saw this. numbers of journalists being molested and raped. now it is coming here. we blind eye and pretend it is not happening? >> how must these women feel?
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they are telling us that's bad but we don't want to be politically correct so that's more important than your safety or what you went through. that's how less offensive yes, tom, they are definitely all men. we are saying we don't care about women. >> speaking of cologne a nude protester, this is pretty gutsy, probably not the best way to do this but it is freezing out there. she went out to protest the attacks holding a sign and naked. this is why you don't ever comment because -- >> why don't you talk about the photographer. >> the result of men pretending to be photographers. suddenly they are interested in the story. >> still ahead president obama hears from opponents of his new
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bernardino president obama made a pit for executive action plan on gun control. he's calling for more intense pack ground checks for those who want to purchase guns and requiring all licensed and unlicensed gun dealers to be registered to close the gun show loophole. he attended a town hall meeting and heard from a rape survivor kimberly corbett who wants to protect her family. >> i have been unspeakably victimized already. i refuse to let that happen to myself or my kids. why can't your administration see that the restrictions you are putting to make it harder for me to own a gun are harder for me to take that where i need to be is actually making my kids and i less safe. >> you have to be pretty well trained in order to fire a weapon against somebody assaulting and catches you by surprise. wh what is also true is there's always a possibility of a firearm in a home leads to a
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tragic accident. >> while i completely credit the president for facing a tough question from an amazing women his answer is shaky to me because he's saying because such protection can be used against you it might be better to have no protection at all. maybe a baseball bat or golf club. i don't know. >> i question the timing of this. it took guts for him to face these questions. >> i would like to have an nra representative there a few more republicans. >> he was invited but turned it down. the nra said we would have had a small segment. i would like to do a town hall and talk to a lot more americans than just that young women who was brai to talk and chris kyle. freely admits to never owning a
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gun les we forget when he was running the for president he said les the americans who cling to god and their guns. it is a cultural thing he doesn't understand. as a woman he doesn't understand how a woman would feel more protected owning a gun having a gun in your a apartment. it's like trying to talk to a person like president obama about this and feeling there's no way to get any kind of ground. i thought the whole thing was kind of dumb. >> you can see that in his response assuming a lot of these people can't handle guns without proper training. people across america go to the range. she probably has. >> born and raised with guns. >> if you look at the block that we did about the stolen police guns that was used against the police officer by this islamist why not a device that president obama talked about.
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if there was a tracking device we would have had that gun. >> you can put tracking devices on police officers. don't put them on mine. it is none of your business. all of this is an attempt. >> would you put a tracking device on your car? >> all of us have them anyway. it is not our choice. they come that way with a manufacturer unfortunately. >> but you live with it. >> i have no choice. i don't want it applied to my firearms. it is nobody's fwis. this is an attempt to disarm the population because a disarmed population is more compliant. increased gun ownership correlates to higher crime rates. montana has one of the lowest crime rates. he is sparing no expense in protecting himself. neither is every committee member and cabinet secretary. they will use whatever they it
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takes. i am not a conspiracy nut but that's ugly. >> if you have kids -- you have secret service every where you have guns. at the cnn town hall that was completely surrounded. >> the thing that bugged me most is i would be okay with the gun thing if it hadn't been linked to a terror attack in san bernardino is how this whole thing started. >> he doesn't want to have a town hall he was obsessed with guns and climate change. that's where he is going to rise to the end of his presidency. watching this q and a session so-called it made me realize that americans are really good now because of people like you and me. they are really good at taking their opinion as a question. they start off why is it that blah blah blah blah blah. or why can't your
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administration. then she goes on and makes her political point. everyone knows how to do that now at the debates and town halls. >> i don't think there was anything new he was trying to push. he's being more emotional about previous things like background checks. >> i don't know if this is new but he wants to make sure there are more background checks staffers. like more people doing background checks which i am okay with. we are -- gun sales are up. you need more background checks. >> otherwise he is doing it again. it appeals to emotions more than terror or national security i think does unfortunately. most of the country is tied to
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what the media shows. i think he realizes his time is running out and he wants to have his name on something and realizes it can only be these insignificant small changes. >> it is selfish but maybe he truly believes in these things, cat. were there many facts about guns discussed in this? i didn't watch it. >> i think that what we need to be talking about is the way that obama man explained through that woman. seriously. i know urk handle a gun but you would probably blow your own face off. that is sexist and offensive and we should not let him get away with this. >> that is -- do the corollary if this were about abortion.
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if she said she was raped and i am preing nated and had an abortion by a relative the president saying here's the issue and starts explaining to her the problems with abortion. >> hold on a second little lady. >> all right. >> it's a long story. making a murderer. we wasted hours watching it. how different how different is the actual trial? we will talk to a guy who was actually there. ...gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against occasional digestive issues. with three types of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'.
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. it's more popular than kitt >> it is more popular than kittens cart wheels and crystal meth combined. it tells the story of a wisconsin man who spent 18 years in prison for a rape he didn't commit only to be later convicted of murder in a separate case following his release. for those of you who haven't seen it we pause to show you all ten hours of it uninterrupted. >> steven avery spent 18 years in prison for something he didn't do. >> dna came through indicating he didn't commit the crime. >> we were getting ready to file a lawsuit. $36 million. the county itself and the sheriff would be on the hook for those damages. >> do we have a body or anything yet? >> i don't believe so. >> we have steven avery in custody, though. >> since the show ree's release
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several pieces of evidence have come. he called three times trying to hide his phone number. dna from his sweat was found on her car and the bullet length of the victim's dna was tied to avery's gun. joining me to discuss someone who spent more than five weeks watching this case unfold live and was responsible for tracking the arguments and evidence on both sides. brian tully was a producer for wgba wisconsin following the trial back in 2007. he is now a fox and friends producer. brian, good to have you here. >> what was your job each day? >> i was a producer for 9-5:00 ever are i day we had to watch it take notes on it we carried it live. whenever we took a commercial break monitor it summarize it and it was intense and not nearly as exciting as hthis series. >> what is the difference between what the viewer is seeing and what we saw? >> we saw something that was --
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it was boring. at times. i mean there were days at a time where they would debate over what evidence would be allowed what wouldn't be allowed. we had to waitween different things. >> tit is the stuff that shows t is guilty. >> when the media has to watch hours of this testimony will this be allowed and not allowed it makes you wonder what are the motiv motives. >> he actually greeted the victim in a bath towel. he creeped this girl out. he was calling her. they found nonblood dna on the hatch of her car after she was killed. >> all of these things were entered in court they were left out of the documentary. >> this is where it is interesting to me. i call myself a few ton detective. this is somebody who watches this and thinks he knows the case. i watched the entire show over
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24-hours. i watched it. i was convicted the guy should be freed. then i started reading about the stuff that wasn't in the documentary and i felt cheated and felt i was lied to when i read about the dna, the sweat. a cop can't plant that. why were these things left out? because it would have ruined the documentary? >> i don't know that it would have ruined it, but the filmmakers -- compare it to the filmmakers and how they put the documentary together. they stayed with the averies and interviewed them. all of the stuff you see on netflix that is the interviews of the family none of that has been public. this is the is it you have the media has never seen before. it is shocking to us, too. we never saw that side of them. they were totally different people in public than the sympathetic ma and pa you are looking at in the series. if the filmmakers put it together telling only their side of the story they didn't interview anybody else. i think there's a chance they are not getting all of the information which is what
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happened to you when you only watched the series. >> i fell for it. what about teresa? the victim. there wasn't inch about the victim and her story and her family. >> there was so much that we saw -- the family made themselves available. they welcomed our reporters into the houses. they would talk every day after court. the defense lawyers did as well, if they are going to speculate someone else did this don't you think the producers should use her photo a little more and show interviews of the family and help find the person who did it? >> seems it was an agenda driven documentary. >> i know if there was an agenda intentionally. for the first year of the case when we watched all we had to go on was the press conference which was horrific. we didn't see the tapes suggesting that was inaccurate for a year and month until after
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that had taken place. the media for a long time thought it was the story that was happening. >> brian thank you so much for coming on. appreciate it. don't go anywhere. we have mora some stuff on the way. more "sit" per roll. bounty is two times more absorbent. so one roll of bounty can last longer than those bargain brands. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty. the long-lasting quicker picker upper. vo: it happens so often, you almost get used to it. i'd like to make a dep-- we got this. vo: which is why being put first takes some getting used to. ♪ nationwide is on your side nationwide is the exclusive insurance partner of plenti.
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the evolution of cancer care is here. that's definitely something worth celebrating. learn more about precision cancer treatment at appointments are available now. >> time once again for, you are about to lose. it is a date with a preordained winner. there is no way i can lose if you have no facts. if you want to win get your own show. tonight's topic the netflix series "making a murder" is the biased piece of trip the trip to transform a rapist killer into an innocent martyr. the documentary's hero steven avery is guilty as hell and i am right. just for fun i invited folks who disagree so i can embarrass the hell out of him. joanne is still watching leaning
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toward guilty and ready spencer defense attorney and few ton katherine tim. >> you defend your entire career is based on defending scum bags that's how you pay for your tiffany jewelry and moz rat at thises and vacation to club med. you know the documentary was biased. >> i know the documentary couldn't in 10 hours show everything that took place over about 25-30 years. if you blaif you look at what i left out you look at the compelling elements. >> you know was it compelling they found the victim's palmpilot in a camera and a burn barely belonging to the killer. >> that's the point. everybody agrees the bombs were moved she was not burned in the location where they recovered the bones.
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>> that is huge. they could have moved her in i where. they found his nonblood dna on the hatch of her car which was in his cousin d- -- >> i am glad you brought that up. a lot of people are saying this is the piece of evidence that the fill cmmakers left out that shows it is guilty. respectfully i disagree. >> i will tell you why. >> why? >> the car was ceased from the lot. it was kept in law enforcement possession. you know when they searched the car? right away. in every single case they search it right away. six months after they had it after they were trying to place her in the garage which they couldn't do. we are going to look under the hood. lo and behold they find indiscernible trace of the dna. it is not clear what it is. >> you are saying instead of this pervert who set a cat on fire, a live cat on fire who had been involved in other strange
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perverted crimes, it wasn't him it was the police that found a tiny bit of nonblood dna and put it in the hatch. >> he may have done all of those repulsive things he may be a bad guy but because he might have the pro tensity to commit murder is not evidence he commit it had in the case. >> we weren't shown all of the evidence. >> the thing that is good about this documentary it is making people do their own slooting which is good. >> why do they slooth about crimes in their own neighborhood. >> i want you to look at -- it says something. >> you have been walking around with a vile of your own blood. >> this is very strange. you are creeping megan and joanne out. >> i am not that creeped out. >> it's fun when you are sitting next to someone on a train and do you have any blood? oh. >> you know when you bring it up
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the modern few ton detective. they are almost all women. you know what the metaphor is? the spin ster who fell in love with steven avery when he was in jail is reflective of the people watching the show. >> i am surprised everyone is so sympathetic towards him. do we forget cecil the lion? what about grumpy cat. every one loves these feline animals. >> except cassidy bird. >> he was prosecuted for burning the cat. what this documentary shows us is the police messed up. they didn't follow protocol. >> the police made a mistake. he's a murderer. if he burned grumpy cat the internet would go crazy. cat rin, another cat, you agree with me now, don't you? >> no, i do not. i am a few ton detective and i am also an american. i know in this country you are supposed to get a fair trial.
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he is suing people for $3ll6 miion that were allowed to conduct this investigation and determine his fate? does that sound fair to you? can i get an american flag flying behind me i am picturing that in my mind. >> this is america, greg. >> i want to point out katherine has been writing letters to steven avery. i think they are getting married. >> only one letter. i am waiting for him to get back to me. i don't want to seem too needy. >> we have to talk about the hillary clinton e-mail that may be her undoing. and late i told joanne and katherine to hit the streets. not only did they do it they filmed. see if they learned anything useful.
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>> what's worse hillary's e-mails or her husband's support. 66 have been deemed classified. one short of 666. state department claims none of these were e-mails classified at the time they were sent. one e-mail shows clinton telling her top advisor jake sullivan to send secure information through insec tour me insec -- insecure means. they are working on it.
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she responds, if they can't turn it to nonpaper with no identifying heading and sending nonsecure translation, tucker, you break the law, so i don't have to. this is kind of big. >> she broke the law. the republicans saying hillary is going to be indicted. she is not going to be indicted. she is hillary clinton. how is she not indicted? fbi investigation as to whether she broke the espionage act which only requires that you store classified information in an insecure server you don't even have to do it knowingly. can they finish this without recommending felony charges? i don't see how. >> this seems pretty bad, megan. >> if you don't think hillary clinton is a liar sundand somet is nefarious i don't know what it is going to take and you are completely delusional. i was under the impression she was a grandma couldn't use her blackberry.
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send it in a nonsecure form. she clearly knows a lot about sending e ma ills that cannot be tracked. clearly she knows what she is doing and sending e-mails she is not supposed to. >> see plays a dumb cop and a smart cop. you are a big hillary supporter. does this bother you? >> this is scandal fatigue. they are mastering it. i am thinking the entire clinton presidency bill clinton was a setup to get hillary elected. all of the scandals they pile them on. it's like with trump he's politically incorrect he says shocking things because in the end it's going to help him because that is the way he is. she commits scandals. now no one can deal with it any more. greg, i don't like her. i don't want to hear about her e-mail any more. >> joanne is it going to be sanders verses trump? could it be? >> that would be wonderful. >> it would be wonderful. two different characters.
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snl sketches. it would be amazing. i am currently working on a netflix documentary about hillary clinton's e-mails and the case surrounding that, because apparently that's the way to get people to find fault with authority figures. otherwise she has all of these blind mice followers who just, it's no big deal, no big deal. even though the evidence is so clearly there that she has done wrong. >> that's a good point, cat. where are the woodard and bernsteins? instead of investigating such things they wait for the stuff to drop then they pick through it like they are at a rummage sale and then they move on. they act like this is kind of interesting. where is the woodward bursting? >> i don't really get the reference. i am sorry. i am young and cool. so i don't get it. but hillary clinton we already know for a fact she is a nightmare. we know she is a liar a. we know she breaks the rules for her own benefit regardless of how it impacts national
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security. people are still going to vote for her and her still supporting her. i don't understand what it is. we know what else is there? is it her dazzling charisma? her girlish charms? maybe that's it. there's nothing to like about this woman. i personally on a personal level judge anybody who supports her. >> i think there may be something -- the juanita broderick thing woucould end up coming back. it speaks to hillary's character not just bill's. don't go anywhere. up next, joanna and katherine get people to quit their new year's resolutions because they are stupid. new year's resolutions not joe ann katherine of course. i am not too fond of them lately. hi hey you look good. thank you, i feel good. it all starts with eating right. that's why i eat amaz!n prunes now. they're delicious and help keep my body in balance. i love these.
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sunsweet amaz!n prunes, the feel good fruit. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice this is claira. for her she's agreed to give it up. that's today? we'll be with her all day to see how it goes. after the deliveries, i was ok. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. more pills? seriously? seriously. all these stops to take more pills can be a pain. can i get my aleve back? for my pain, i want my aleve. get all day minor arthritis pain relief with an easy open cap. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family.
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which is right around when people start dropping the new year's resolutions. we encourage everyone to fail completely and embrace their imperfect self. it completed our community service hours for january. >> new year's resolutions. >> who made one? >> we. >> mine is to start eating. >> we go to the gym frequently so i can stay in shape. >> you don't want to go to the gym. i am going to help you out. if you want to be healthy gyms are pete tree dishes for germs and disease. stay away if you want to be healthy. >> just to lead. >> that's the way you get a healthy mind. >> how much would you charge me to be my therapist? >> i don't know. >> who else is awful at resolutions? celebrities. we have a bunch of celebrity resolutions and you have to guess who failed at what. >> who should stop taking pictures of food?
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oo every one else in the world. let go the past? >> jeb bush. >> that's bill clinton's resolution for you and for all of us. thank you. i love you. i really do. >> who should get a haircut? >> kevin spacey. >> so much hate f-- kevin spade. >> so much hate for the spade. >> stop saying cha-cha-cha through all of the happy birthday. >> jeb bush. >> doesn't he seem like the cha-cha-cha kind of guy. >> are you a cha-cha-cha kind of guy? >> no. >> nobody likes the cha-cha-cha kind of guy. stop it everyone. >> who should stop talking about the show making a murderer. >> it is all of us. that is right. disgusting. eat a vegetable.
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>> oh my goodness. >> is that jeb bush? >> no, that's michael moore. he's going to try to eat one. he hasn't done it get. still time. >> who should drink more red bull? >> donald trump drink red bull to fly away give wings. >> i am sensing a little trump hate there. >> the answer is ben carson. to start water-skiing. >> no clue. >> mike huckabee. he says just as much business ket but more water-skiing in 2016. who should stop being so saw some? >> donald trump? >> oh, very close but wrong answer. the answer is lou dobbs. >> to cry more. >> i don't know. >> taylor swift. she says it's great cardio. for me panic attacks are my cardio. who should stop losing a academy
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awards? >> winner. >> special thanks megan mccain, tom shalu, tucker carlson, remy spencer, brian tully. joanne and katherine. i am greg gut field. we love you, america. et or blamed. i thought it was agenda driven. >> is this man a cold- blooded killer or just because a documentary on tv said something that doe
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