tv The Five FOX News January 20, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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hi, i'm sarah palin. with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams, eric bolling and she free-bases pixie stix, it's dana perino and "the five." it was an announcement so big every network led with it yup, sarah palin secret email server contained more highly classified info than previously thought. sorry did i say sarah palin? i meant hillary clinton. maybe if it were sara, everybody would have led with it dozens of emails contained classified information. ranging from confidential to top secret from quote special access programs. unquote, dana. in sum, hillary broke at least two federal laws.
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the illegal storage of classified info. the illegal transmission of classified info. which regarding national defense through unapproved channels happens to be a felony. so where's this going? let's ponder hillary's campaign. >> it's in collapse. but is anyone watching? so far the media is doing two things. it's pushing the notion that it's rude to even consider, consider that hillary committed a crime. because she's just too big to fail. which means if it were you. you would already be in jail fashioning clever shanks out of toothbrushes. let's admit whenever hillary makes news, we get lost in the
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riot on the right. hence palin's endorsement trumped hillary's law-breaking. indict her, arrest her, pardon her and excuse her and it's time. what's worse, hillary's treatment of emails or bill's treatment of females? hillary dismissed both and allowed for abuse of both while lying and denying afterward. emails and females. one served hill. the other served bill. shouldn't that be the news? or is it a snooze, it's something to ponder before swearing in president clinton. >> kimberly, you've -- >> how very cat in the hat of you. >> sometimes i got to rhyme. >> little mini seuss. >> enough. >> you're a lawyer, prosecute her. this stuff was clearly marked classified. so they were separate systems that and that requires a deliberate movement from one to the other. >> absolutely. so they can't say they're anythingmen negligent. and this was an effort to go around the law and compromise
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our national security and intelligence. quite frankly not only did she cost lives in benghazi, this will cost lives if this information gets in the wrong hands. which i believe they were able, the russians, the chinese, able to get access to this. or hack her server and read sol some of these emails. if this was anybody else, we would be fast-forwarding to the prosecution. and then, yeah, great. next president of the united states can pardon her. but i think that's also why it's so important for her to become president and to win this election. because her life is on the line. i think it's very serious. look what happened with petraeus. you see the conscious disregard, conscious disregard to do, to go ahead, despite the national security threats and then the consciousness of guilt in terms of removing and trying to remove the headers, because she knew what she was doing. >> we can only hope that president o'malley will pardon her. juan, you don't have to show harm or intent. the evidence is overwhelming
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that she broke the law. no need to show harm or intent. she's going to be prosecuted, indicted. this must be crushing to you. >> yeah, yeah. it's just devastating. it's devastating to see you throw so much blank on the wall and hope something sticks. because that's all you got. >> spa get sni. >> the s word, spaghetti. >> there's to need to defend hillary clinton. i think she acted like an entitled privileged lady, who was first lady and thinks you know what, i play by my own rules and i can't stand what she did did with the foundation of foreign donations. i think what she did with the unions by selling out the school choice movement, i find it appalling. >> so you love her? >> well, no. >> but you'll vote for her anyway. >> but i will say this -- that you know, you look at these ads now being run by karl rove's group, american crossroads, ads against hillary. supporting basically, bernie, in
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iowa. you look at this and the kind of argument that comes from the clinton campaign, which is that there's some coordination. the leak goes to the hill, to republicans on the the hill who then spill it. what have they got? they have got zip. let me finish this point, though, eric. basically the real issue here is emails, not classified. classified or not classified, being sent and received. hillary clinton said she never received or sent anything that was marked. >> she lied. >> that's seals the case. >> somebody is going to jail. maybe houma. >> i think juan should go to jail for lying. >> that was the rhetoric today, that came out of the clinton campaign today, that it was a coordinated effort by the gop to have these, the timing of these emails being leaked. the problem with that is it wasn't the gop, it was "the new york times," michael schmidt wrote the article that talked about the emails, hillary clinton's emails. >> where's it coming from was
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the point. >> trey gowdy said it wasn't my committee that leaked these emails. that leaked the story of the emails. it was "the new york times" investigation. i'm positive "the new york times" didn't sit on it, tray trey gowdy sat on it. >> the inspector general had to give it to somebody. >> i can actually clarify this. >> the chairman of the committee, the homeland security committee. made a congressional inquiry, wrote a letter to the inspector general. the inspector general, did what he is supposed to do under the law. he replied to the member of congress. then it gets to the new york times. but she is saying, but she is saying that the inspector general, she actually was saying, her team was accusing the inspector general, who is a nonpartisan federal employee of whom she wants to be the boss of. of being political and conspiring with the -- >> because it's a distraction. >> guess what, still guilty. can you do all the jazz hands you want, juan. leaked or not, it's there, it's the truth and she's responsible.
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sorry for you. >> for what? >> for leaking classified information. >> she didn't leak it. >> for having an unsecured server and having that information. >> that's inappropriate. but that is not a crime. >> she took, she went out of her way to deliberately shift this stuff from one pile to another. this included the names of a mole of black ops programs she put them all in danger. >> on her home brew server. >> wait a second. there are suggestions coming from brian fallon, the spokesman for the clinton camp saying you know what, this may be just about a newspaper story with regard to a drone program. and then that newspaper story gets sent to hillary clinton. the inspector general says that drone program was s.a.p. ? i would rather hear from krauthammer than you. >> i know that. >> he opened for dawkins earlier this year, let's go to krauthammer. >> people have to understand there's nothing high, he, more
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secret than an s.a.p. from some people i've talked to, this is worse than what snowden did. because he didn't have access to s.a.p. and that if this is compromised, this is so sensitive. that the reason and the reason it is, is that as a result, if it's compromised, people die. >> kg. >> this is, come on. he knows, this is, to me, this is such a double standard. such hypocrisy. she's getting a pass once again. there's some weird spell that the clintons put people under and it doesn't matter. three-strike offenders it doesn't matter, give them the pass. there should be serious consequences. how is it that now this person is going to be rewarded by potentially being president of the united states. of america, the greatest country in the world, commander-in-chief of our armed forces. it's bad enough what happened to benghazi. it's bad enough the influence-peddling with the clinton foundation. now this is it, this is enough with what happened with the
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emails, she deliberately did this. she and her team. there's quite substantial evidence to point to this. now it's the call of doj and fbi, what are you going to do about it? >> you know who agrees with you? mayor giuliani. how's that, huh? >> such good company. >> this is about as clear as it gets. it's a crime to negligently handle top-secret material. she misrepresented about it. she lied about it. she said she had no top-secret material. how could the secretary of state not have top-secret material. and finally -- and finally she destroyed 34,000 emails. you know what i argue as the prosecutor in court. that's evidence of the guilty knowledge. and i am entitled to a charge by the judge to the jury. >> he's right. that is she cherry-picked the emails that she wanted to be released and the ones, more specifically, the ones she didn't want. >> you know all these all the these groups that think they can
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go back and find these data, the meta data, whatever you call it. can someone please find these emails? could they be absolutely 100% destroyed? or are they sitting somewhere, either from a recipient, somewhere else. thousands that are sitting there. they have to be a smoking gun. >> the ones who showed us are atrocious, can you imagine what she won't show us? >> they're somewhere. >> and giuliani is talking about the jury instruction for consciousness of guilt. which you can ask for a judge to show when someone deliberately shows in a way that shows their guilt by destroying or not producing the evidence, because they know they're guilty and it would convict them. >> we're in the age of cyberterror. and cyberwarfare. dhont kind of disqualify her from that either her secretiveness or ignorance? >> the state department actually tried to protect her from herself. she wouldn't even listen then. because in 2011 there was an email sent to houma abe din,
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saying your boss must get an official account. so first of all the state department is complicit and they did nothing. when you have somebody who is willfully ignoring the state department, imagine what she would do as the chief executive officer of the executive branch. she wants to be the commander-in-chief. everybody that would work for her that would have clearance, would actually be subjected to the same rules and laws that she basically said she didn't have to adhere to. the inspector general must be complicit with the republicans, but there's no one to blame for this except for hillary clinton. she made the decision, elections, especially presidential ones are about judgment and character and i think hers looks terrible right now. >> where do i sign? i've never attended a meeting of the sanders for president committee before i came here this afternoon. >> i think biden is your best -- >> saving grace. you're absolutely right. i kept thinking that. >> if hillary clinton is a
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democrat, and this is what american crossroads, karl rove and the rest of the gang know, can't beat hillary clinton. that's what this is all about. >> should she be subject to the same types of prosecutorial discretion as somebody like a general david petraeus. >> gave information to someone else. >> there's no evidence that anybody else got any information. >> to avoid protocol. basically put herself above the law and as secretary of state, what makes you think as a democrat voting out there. that would be more egregious as president hillary clinton. >> i agree. >> but you can't have an immediate job is not to indiet. let the fbi, let the doj do their job and stop with all of the spaghetti throwing. >> this is analysis based on the fact and the information. that the public has a right to know. eat that spaghetti, juan. >> well i just, just for fun, everybody take one of the
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articles about this. take catherine herridge's article on she's the one that broke this story and search and replace hillary clinton's name with dick cheney's name and then read the article as if it were dick cheney and his home brew email server that did this and imagine what the left would be doing right now kind of a fun little exercise. >> it would be app oplectic. >> and later former oscar host and winner, whoopi goldberg has harsh words for those boycotting the awards shows. we'll hear from her ahead. sure, tv has evolved over the years.
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bigger. it's gotten thinner. even curvier. but what's next? for all binge watchers. movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. we hit the story last night just minutes before it broke, governor sarah palin decided to endorse donald trump over long-time tea party favorite ted cruz. just moments after the show ended, governor palin made it official. here's the biggest applause lines. >> mr. trump, you're right, look back there in the press box. media heads are spinning this is going to be so much fun. are you ready to make america great again?
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united states military deserves a commander-in-chief who loves our country passionately and will never apologize for this country. no more pussy-footing around. our troops deserve the best. you deserve the best. he is from the private sector. not a politician. can i get a hallelujah? are you ready for a commander-in-chief who will let our warrior does their job and go kick isis ass? are you ready for new and are you ready for the leader who will let you make america great again? god bless, you god bless united states of america, and the next president of the united states, donald j. trump. >> i think it's excellent timing for the trump campaign as he overtakes ted cruz in iowa. holds a strong lead in new hampshire and the shock poll of the me of the campaign so far, trump has opened up a 30-point
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lead in the state of florida. kg, on the endorsement, she got some really big applause lines on the military specifically and specifically someone who will kick isis' ass. >> there's tremendous focus in the country, in the area of foreign policy and national security and it relates to isis. because that's been really one of the huge failings of this administration and continues to be one that we're going to have to pay for in the years to come. because of the inaction, the lack of decisiveness and focus on this. instead, it's on cumulus clouds. so when you hear things like this, that hey, this is somebody that's going to let our military do the job they need to do i'm thinking about rules of engagement that have been hampering our special forces and special ops, people out in the field, the theater. let the people on the ground that know what to do be making decisions going forward. that's something i think important to focus and highlight on and i've noticed in all this, speaking engagement since then, he's been focusing on the big lead, the numbers in florida. >> that's a big one. greg new york city more pussy-footing around that got a lot of applause.
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>> there's a lot of great lines there. boy, did trump look comfortable during that whole thing. it looked like he had eaten at chipotle. it looked like there were a lot of moving parts there. but you know what else has a lot of moving parts? a cuckoo clock. she has a very unusual style of speaking. like stream of consciousness. like eminem meets mike huckabee. built within it are lyrical lines that are impressive, lost in a landslide of language. almost like getting chewing gum in your hair. you can't untangle it. it's amazing. but i don't think, i don't believe he won any votes with this i think he won, like you said yesterday. he won the news cycle. that's a battle. not the war. but i don't think that got him any votes. one could argue, might have lost him some votes in the long run. but we will see. she's always, always entertaining. >> and then, also that was from last night, juan, this afternoon she gave a very, very powerful speech. she got a lot of applause,
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again. >> i think she's you know, look she is the leader of the tea party to my mind, still. even as the tea party sinks in the polls in the eyes of republicans and she's charismatic and very attractive and energy ethic aeticenergetic. and a great talk show host. i think she stopped the bleeding. think they're talking about her, that's a big step, right. i think you have the sense that she's anti-establishment. that she really says, these establishment people say we're not conservative? how can they say that, right? she took after the establishment by the way in that speech. >> well cruz is trying to say that trump is the establishment choice now. >> and she blanked that. but you know what i thought, when you were talking, kg, she says, she likes rand paul in this rambling speech. she said she likes rand paul. she thinks let allah sort them out. let the islams fight each other.
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>> a minute ago she wants to kick ass. >> dana, good choice or bad choice for donald trump to have sarah palin endorse him? >> as i said yesterday, i think it's a net plus. his supporters are locked in. they're not ones that are vacillating, they have chosen him. they are going to be there for him. there's not a question. >> like they're baked in. they're not going to change? >> right. i think they are solid. and i think the notion that they won't show up to vote is wrong. i think that's all real. i'm not sure how much the celebrity endorsements matter. if you look at the record that hillary clinton has had, katy perry. >> and glenn beck will campaigning for ted cruz, that will be a net plus for him. >> as those of you wondering whether the donald has bigger plans for sarah palin like maybe vp, here's how he answered that question. >> she's somebody i really like and i respect. and certainly she could play a
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position. if she wanted to. >> you wouldn't rule her out as vp? >> well i don't think she would want to do it i don't think she would want to do it. i don't get into it right now. because and that question is always asked of me. who do you have in mind. and i don't even think about vp right now. and i just want to win. >> that's what he says, greg. >> this is a great strategy on trump. how many people are catering, hoping for a career morsel. it's just like "the apprentice." they're hoping for an appointment. i'm hoping for b.g.n., the board geographic names. there's a lot of press secretaries. b.g.n. >> the question wlf she would be vp. remember one of the reasons that president obama won with hardly any substance or policy detail, he talked about hope and change and he was about the future. do not think a donald trump candidacy, i don't think it would be smart to reach back into the past and pull up sarah
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palin for the vice presidential slot. >> she might, a lot of people thought maybe this is just about iowa. win iowa and we don't see sarah again, she's very popular in the south, too. >> i think she's popular among tea party types and some republicans all over the country. she's a star as dana was saying. >> i didn't say that. >> the gop establishment is so busted. i mean you know, she's got the energy. i just, i agree with greg. i couldn't believe his face. he was standing there. i didn't know what was going on. >> dana said that she believed it was a net plus. >> so yeah, no, i think there's a lot of different options, you're going to have to see how people do. and in iowa, florida, new hampshire. south carolina, before you start thinking about you know, vp. i mean you got to win it, you got to win it. >> we'll leave it there. before we go, america lost an important contributor to this election process last night. a volunteer for ben carson's campaign was killed in a car crash in iowa. his name was braden joplin. he was only 25 years old. carson described braden as someone who wanted america to be
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a kinder, and gentler place. our hearts and prayers here on the five go out to braden's family and friends. the crisis in flint, michigan. they're not saying much about the crisis in chicago where more than 100 people have been killed already this year. ♪ lots of vitamins a&c, and, only 50 calories a serving... good morning, indeed. v8. veggies for all.
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michigan governor rick snyder has apologized once again to residents of flint for its toxic water crisis. while the state bears responsibility for the issue, there seems to be a double standard for democrats when it comes to holding leaders responsible. hillary clinton tore into governor rick snyder. >> we've had a city in the united states of america, where the population, which is poor in many ways, and majority african-american, has been
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drinking and bathing in lead-contaminated water. and the governor of that state acted as though he didn't really care. >> but when asked about democratic mayor rahm emanual's possible cover-up a police shooting of a black teen, clinton held her fire. >> this is not a problem that's unique to chicago, unfortunately and we've got to do a lot more to deal with the systemic racism and the problems that policing has demonstrated. maybe emmanuel has said that he is committed to complete and total reform and i think he should be held to that standard. >> you think he can still has credibility to do this? >> well that's going to be up to him and up to the people of chicago. to prove. >> jason riley of the "wall street journal" notes hillary's hypocrisy saying quote calling out a republican governor is more useful to mrs. clinton than is calling out the democratic mayor of the president's home
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town. gutfeld, you are nodding your head along with jason riley. >> what's amazing about hillary, she cares about the lead poisoning in drinking water, but not about the lead poisoning in chicago. and one them is deadlier than the other. the story ticks a box. the only story that matters to the left is a republican governor. but they ignore the horrific states of cities run by liberal mayors because it's a liberal mayor. >> juan, it does seem that the left wants to blame gun violence on the nra, not on local leadership. but when it came to something like this. do you think jason riley has a good point? >> i think jason has a greed point and i read it with great interest. i think there's a difference between what someone wrote as a medical catastrophe. i think you're wrong, greg. i think when you have children having high levels of lead in their blood, i think that's going to have -- >> what about a bullet in their brain? >> they're both deadly and i think the long-term consequences to lead --
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>> because there's short-term consequences to a bullet in the brain. you die. >> that's permanent. but i'm saying in terms of a national crisis, and again, it's where does the leadership come in. i do think this lead in the drinking water is bad stuff. >> one of the differences, eric, i noted today is that governor snyder, was the executive in charge and he has said and takes full responsibility. he is sorry and he will fix it. rahm emanual was involved in what looks like to be a cover-up. has a 10% approval rating in chicago. and yet, there's nothing from the white house or clinton. >> will you hate me if i don't equate the two? can i just separate? can i just talk about how awful, what happened in flint, michigan really is? timeline goes like this april of 2014, they switched, flint, michigan decided to start pulling water from the flint river, october, general motors, stops using that water because it was rusting the paint on their cars. it wasn't until february that mayor dwayne walling said that he's going to look into it so in
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february of that year, he finds out, figure it is out that this is bad. september of that year, months later, rick snyder gets involved. and then january of this year, president obama gets involved. so why not go to the mayor of that town, number one, and if you want to say the buck stops at the governor, fine. go to the governor, he should have got involved sooner. he had plenty of time to also get involved. but so did president obama. as soon as these guys find out about it and they do something, they start the wheels in motion, why not let the buck stop where it really stops? if the epa, the bigger, the federal epa knew this was going on, they should have stopped it. and there is some indication that the state epa notified the federal epa and the federal epa may or may not, i don't understand it exactly what happened. may have put the kibosh on them notifying the people of the state until there's further investigation. >> right before the segment, kg, they said that the governor's office, or the state of michigan i guess it's the governor's office has released about 300 emails that hopefully will help
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us get to the bottom of that i think the goal here first of all is solve the problem in flint, michigan. because that's actually, in many ways it seems like that's a more solvable problem than the one in chicago. >> i mean solve them both. address them both. they're both important. but again i mean just, i think you both have covered that very well. you know to go back to what greg was saying, just the hypocrisy strikes me. if it suits their purposes and their ideology and their political lineup. they'll address it and get out there and get on the stump about it but if it's not. you know if it's a republican, oh, fair game. rahm emanual, gets a pass. >> all right. as the outrage over the oscars continues to grow, whoopi goldberg slams those calling for a boycott of the awards show, what she and spike lee are saying they want in spite of that. next.
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. some celebrities like jada pinkett smith are boycotting next month's oscars because no black people are nominated again. others are calling on chris rock to protest by canceling his hosting gig. whoopi goldberg has harsh words for those people. she is saying the solution is not to boycott. >> you get the people who have the production companies to hire. you make them think all year. not just once a year. but all year. boycotting doesn't work and it's also a slap in the face of, of -- chris rock. and i find that i find that also wrong. so i'm not going to boycott. but i'm going to continue to [ bleep ] as i have all year-round. because i'm tired of seeing movies where no one is represented except a bit of the population. not all of it. >> earlier today, director spike lee said he never called for a boycott. he said he just won't be attending the show. but he is calling on hollywood studios to implement a quota
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system, something like the nfl. >> move us up or see executive position, you cannot hire anyone to interview minority candidates. and that has increased the number of of minority coaches and executives in the nfl and that's been used -- >> you have to widen the pool out. >> have to. we can't go to the old, tired rub, we can't find any qualified candidates. that's bs. >> so you get this situation, kg, where chris rock is hosting and he's under pressure from other black people to say hey, maybe you should pull out what do you think? >> i don't don't know. i don't think that's the way to go about it try out for roles, get great roles, do an amazing performance. i mean when you -- i think there's been so many incredible you know movies, tv shows. everything that highlights minority actors and actresses,
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shonda rhymes, great shows, great programming, "grey's anatomy" i'm for let's celebrate the achievements, tyler perry, spike lee, a lot of great film makers out there in the business doing incredible jobs. the phenomenal african-american actors we all enjoy. >> eric the argument is that the academy is 94% white, that's why they vote as they could. they ignore people like will smith and all the rest. >> if it's 94% white or 50% white. they're voting, based on their race, not on the ability and the merit of the actor. and -- >> i think racist is too strong a word. they're clique-ish. >> you don't know what the breakdown is. >> what do you mean? >> you're saying a white academy
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member will not vote for a black person. >> no, no. it's like what whoopi goldberg is saying, she sees this 94% group is like. and they recognize -- >> greg pointed that out yesterday that some film makers do hire and cast white males, because they believe they'll bring more tickets. put more butts in the seat. that could be. can i just address one thing? spike lee, what the hell is he talking about? there's no quota system for hiring coaches in the nfl? >> i agree. >> you hire a coach who you think will be successful. if you think a black coach will be more successful with your team, which is predominantly black, you hire a black coach. >> they in terms of looking at coaches, they are required under the rooney rule to look at some black coaches, because previously with all-white owners, black coaches were being ignored. they always were looking at the white coaches. >> so the quota comes in with the actual -- >> it's no quota. >> not the demand -- >> yeah, yeah.
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>> i guess. >> so i guess this, i like this tweet. >> plenty of nba head coaches that are african-american, too. >> there are. i mean, anyway -- but dana, ways going to say chris rock tweeted that you got to watch the oscars, because it's the white b.e.t. awards, what do you think? >> i think he's well-positioned to bring humor to make a point and to put on a great show and i think whoopi goldberg gave him good advice. >> good job, whoopi. >> i know on race issues, you're so sensitive. >> how do you know? >> you know i don't like to deal with you black lives matter people. but i have to go here. >> juan, you know how i feel. >> the problem with quotas is it introduces suspicion among your peers that you really didn't earn the job. nobody wants to get a job based on a quota. that is a fact. i don't care who you are. you want to say i got the job because i deserved the job. not because i got the place, i i
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fulfilled the color. >> or the short funny guy. >> blacks make up 50.2 of the population, but the percentage of blacks as directors are fall smaller. it's not about quality of movies, it's about quantity of directors, you have to encourage blacks to get into the art of motion picture-making. they'll make more films and there will be better, more quality films to choose from. does that make sense? >> yeah. it does, think there are more people now trying to get into it. the question is, can they get the money and will they get the opportunity. but i think i was listening to justice thomas the way you were speaking, that's his argument. >> pretty good. >> we play a lot of golf together. >>ky see you in the robes, sitting on the high court. >> not the robes again. >> it's miniature golf. >> next. >> are you guys guilty of this? >> maybe he did call and i didn't get the message. >> or maybe he lost my number? or is is out of town or got hit by a cab or his grandma died? >> or maybe he just didn't call
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i want to relax for a little bit if i could just sit here, let my food digest and just try to enjoy the quiet for a little bit. >> get some, get some. >> that's what happens. and we will clean the dishes tomorrow. >> you know, i don't like waking up to a dirty kitchen. >> who cares? >> i care. all right? i care. >> so everybody has got their relationship issues, right? well it's time now for -- kimberly's dating tips. that's right. according to a new study, here are some of the top deal-breakers for lovers. laziness. like we just saw in that clip, with this, with the video games. neediness, if you're too needy. 69% of women and 57% of men say they will walk away. no sense of humor.
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oh no no, that's a no-no. major, major turn-off. also, tech obsession. watching too much tv or playing too many video games like we saw. another one, being too frank, i.e. honest, with your partner. all right. so let's take it around the table. do's and don't's. greg? >> let's point out that the movie was showing a guy who had already roped her in. they were already in a relationship. so he had done all the right things. now he's doing all the wrong things. because he doesn't care any more. in dating it's all about biology. you unconsciously seek out things that has nothing to do with equality or you know, it doesn't follow any social rules. your genes are selfish, they want to spread. so it looks for things, messy appearances. laziness. that's a marker of a poor investment of a mate. did you see that and you run from it, it's science, nothing more. >> is that what you would do? >> i have never met a sloppy girl, though.
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never met a messy girl. >> they're always very neat. >> they exist. they're in hiding in the witness protection program. >> i'm looking at the list. okay from this article and it's no wonder people are confused. because so one of the things is don't be too buff. and don't be not athletic. and don't be too chatty. and don't be too quiet. and don't want kids too much. but don't want kids too less. i mean it's i think the best advice is just be yourself. >> not if you're a horrible person. >> no, you've got to pretend -- >> you've got to pretend to be someone else. how do you think greg got alana. >> i had to lie and lie and lie. >> and do the dishes, put it in the bosh dishwasher. bolling? >> so leave it to our producers who are all single to do a segment with us, who are all married, excepts for kimberly. >> and? >> dating advice. since i've been married for 18 years, there is dating advice, to dating your spouse.
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i mean you have to continue to do it. you have to keep it interesting. >> and you hear about it a lot with friends and family. >> we go on probably four or five nights, guaranteed two nights a week and it's date night. a couple of times a week and that keeps it lively. greg's right. you can't go back to the video game guy with his feet up. >> i hate the video game guy. >> that would have worked with you. but hume sar big thing. peter it's very, very funny. great company. very interesting. that's something that you like a lot. juan. what you got for us? >> i was reading the list. and the thing that jumped out at me is number six, bad in the sack. number nine, low libido. oh, my god. so in other words -- >> juan, i want to you keep talking. >> keep talking, ignore the tease. i think i better shut up. >> what's that one. >> juan has circled these in red. he's like, wait a minute, this is really bad. >> thank you. okay, wheels came off the bus.
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shawn, amanda, brooke, ali and my beloved mina. if anyone is single and wants to hook up with our producers, call. >> magen is married. >> but she likes to have fun i hear. >> megan -- >> you're on a lot of websites, we all know. dana? >> kimberly next. >> kimberly? >> i started eating mine. here's the deal, this is very good news. you can actually eat chocolate cake on a diet. oh yeah. i don't have a lot of support for this theory. but there was one article. so who cares, bottom line is it's good to have a cheat day. plan on cheating and what you do is you eat your favorite treat, now i would not suggest -- you have this. because otherwise you're like starving yourself. you're more likely to fail. >> is this true with diabetics, kimberly. >> now you're ruining it.
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it's okay. >> they're not supposed to eat that. >> chocolate cake is delicious and chocolate is good for you and french women eat a lot of chocolate. >> case closed, then. >> and they're skin-skis. >> and cheese and wine. >> want to get excited about something you can do tonight for fun? >> that again? >> well you can find out what you would look like as a dog. there's a new twitter account it's called you are dog now. and if you follow you are dog now and send them a photograph. they will send you back very quickly i found, a picture of what you would look like as a dog. so i did the experiment and this is what came back -- okay. there's a dog it's like a husky. when i was kind of surprised. i was thinking more along the lines that i should look like you know recognize the one on the right, the brown one, the jasper one. but it's kind of a fun little thing to do. you are dog now. >> you look like a gorgeous dog. >> all dogs are gorgeous. >> you look like a gorgeous dog. >> that's a great compliment. >> i think i would look like a
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poodle or something. >> everybody should do it and find out. >> what would i do? >> you would be one of though -- dogs. >> a peek neez. >> a king charles cavalier . >> i'm banning a phrase, i'm banning closed-door meetings. no one has an open-door meeting. if you say i'm having a meeting, you save two words. >> and closed-door meeting is meant to basically say you're a lesser form of being and you -- you didn't make it into that meeting. >> all right. juan. >> i'm getting political, i'm being a booster because national school choice week is coming up january 24th. to january 30th, to raise awareness of all the options parents and children have for a better education in this country. it started in 2011. with 150 events, now it's 16,000 events, get that. catching on like a fire across the nation. so get involved.
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school choice you can go to my twitter account. go to my twitter account for more information -- >> well done, never miss an episode, "special report" is up next. >> this is a fox news alert, i'm bret baier in washington, millions of americans, perhaps you, are poorer tonight. at least on paper. but it could have been a lot worse. the dow dropped as much as 566 points today. the price of crude oil hit its lowest level in almost 13 years. and that sent wall street running for cover. when it was over, the industrial average was down almost 250. the s&p 500 lost 22. the nasdaq fell just five. it's being said the first dozen days of this new trading year -- have never been this bad. let's get some analysis tonight from melissa francis of our sister network, fox business. good evening, melissa. one of the things we'veee
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