tv The Five FOX News January 21, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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go beyond a lot more than the drone campaign. neil? >> all right. catherine herridge, thank you very much. i don't know if it's going to come up in the iowa appearance. but more news that could be troubling for campaign clinton. hello, i'm eric bolling, along with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams and dana perino and he surfs on a -- just kidding. greg gutfeld. this is "the five." well it's crunch time only 11 days to go until iowa. things are heating up in bolt races. on the right. the anti-establishment sentiment is palpable. being linked to the d.c. elite class has become so toxic, candidates are trying to paint their competitors as establishment in order to turn off voters. >> a lot of the establishment had been behind marco rubio, they've decided he doesn't have a path to victory. they're moving to donald trump. we're seeing it more and more, the establishment seems to have made a determination, donald trump's the guy they can make a
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deal with. who will continue the cronyism and corporate welfare and bailouts for big banks and i think we're seeing conservatives, getting behind us and we're seeing the washington establishment getting behind donald trump, interestingly enough. >> while trump's lead continues to widen, the establishment candidates are duking it out to be the one to take on trump. steve hayes called it a screwed-up election cycle. >> you've got the people with the money, establishment types, trying to climb above rubio to become eligible to take on trump or cruz. but the moment we're in right now, where donald trump, who hasn't been a republican certainly hasn't been a conservative, is getting no attacks, virtually no attacks and marco rubio, tea party candidate, was the future of conservatism is being hit with the overwhelming number of nelgt attacks, tells you how screwed up this cycle is. >> i think he may be on to something. >> i think the problem with
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calling somebody establishment or anti-establishment is that it's independent of quality or effectiveness. it's a smear thaw use against anybody, everybody except the person you like. so people that aren't establishment, bill ayers. charles manson, he's not establishment. the guy that keeps passing out in front of my door every morning -- it's an apartment. is anti-establishment. so the fact is, if you keep saying something over and over again, it becomes pointless. >> kg? >> i've not seen this before, i don't know that anybody has. in terms of the way that these developments have transpired. but cruz seems to be a little bit on the defensive now. and others are starting to see that perhaps he's vulnerable. it's all about jockeying for the two and three spot. to try to get in to make the attack to see if one of them can take him down. all i'm going to say is let's see what happens in iowa and new hampshire. i think that's going to be very
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big. and go from there. >> i disagree. >> you're wrong. >> dana -- so you know the common wisdom is that with four, whatever, you want to call them establishment -- >> you do. >> okay. rubio, bush, kasich and christie, if they all stay in the race, they continue to beat each other up. none of them can get behind one candidate and trump continues to lead. >> well not until the voting starts. and so the voting starts then we'll have a little bit more clarity. if you are somebody who would be smeared as somebody who is establishment, think about all the republican voters all across the country who are sitting back, being very quiet. saying okay, i'll continue to be insulted. for so long they've been told for many years, you're not conservative enough. and that's why you're on the outs. we don't like you because you're not conservative enough. then they're told by the same people. then you need to get on the trump train. because trump is the guy, the anti-establishment guy. but then cruz is also the
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anti-establishment guy. now you have a fight between who is really a conservative. trump or cruz. in the meanwhile, if you're a republican voter you're sitting back going -- okay, if you can get your stories straight -- here's what i think. if you're a voter, do your homework. look at the candidates, there's plenty of information out there. and vote your conscience and decide who you want to vote for and let the chips fall where they may. >> i don't have a conscience. >> do you have chips? >> you can get one at walmart. >> i love watching, and i think obviously the republicans have much more interesting than the democratic side these days. >> au contraire. >> cruz said he thought the establishment wanted a cage match between the donald and cruz. he said now you you have your cage match and it should have opened a lane for an establishment candidate. but it hasn't. it's now a two-man race, between cruz and trump and the
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interesting development over the last 24 hours is bob dole comes out and says this guy cruz, he's an extremist. way outside the republican parameters, if you will. >> did that open the door for all the people who, establishment or not, who couldn't swallow the trump medicine to start swallowing the trump medicine? bob dole in. >> peggy noonan wrote her column. for both hillary clinton and ted cruz, they learned something that a lot of us learned early in life. you pay a price if you're not liked over many years. think what ted cruz is facing now from the dreaded establishment. like somebody who actually like up to and respect bob dole. >> so do i. >> he is saying if you have to make a choice between those two, go for the deal-maker. go for trump. the iowa governor says don't go for cruz, he would be against our policies. i think that there is -- something to be said about ted
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cruz waiting in the wings for quite a while, right? he didn't attack trump. in a "washington post" poll. one of the things people said they liked most about ted cruz is he had not gone after trump. now they're in a dead heat for iowa. however, i think the new poll from cnn just came out. trump looked like he's pulling away. also in new hampshire. one of the most effective attacks, whether you agree with it or not, were the attacks on whether ted cruz should be eligible to be president because of where his mother gave birth. >> the governor of iowa saying don't vote for ted cruz. bob dole saying if you got to pick between the two and 60% of the republicans right now are picking between one of those two, both of those, i'll pose the same question i asked dana -- is tht opportunity for people who have been not on the trump bandwagon to say this looks like my two choices, i'll go with trump. >> it's interesting, because at the same time you could say those two people represent the establishment in a bad way. ethanol subsidies.
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bob dole lost an election. we've been told by the hard right that we're tired of squishy mainstream republicans who keep losing elections like bob dole. >> you're not conservative enough. >> there's a hypocrisy there. >> the person we haven't talked about is rubio. and all the attacked ads. he's being attacked more than a port-a-potty at a chili festival. he's the only one in real clear politi, who can beat hillary. when you summarize the polling. clinton best beats trump. bush is slightly better, loses to trump. cruz, slightly ahead of clinton. but the one that's really threatening everybody is rubio. so he's just sitting back and in his nice little boots and waiting for the smoke to clear. >> getting beat up by bush and -- >> yeah. yeah. >> they want to move into his lane. >> they want his boots. >> the establishment lane. the establishment lane would have thought to be we're just waiting now, let those two,
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trump and cruz go at it but nobody -- >> cruz said, cruz said in fact rubio has no path to victory. he doesn't see any way. and you know the political strategist who used to think rubio had a way are becoming dubious about it. >> really, i didn't mean to interrupt you, that was a good point. i was going to say that -- in new hampshire, if you look at how they do their voting, they have 44% of people in new hampshire are undeclared. which means on the night of the primary, they, or the day, they can choose whether they are going to go for a gop or a democrat ballot. they often wait to see what iowa does. and in new hampshire. kasich is actually doing pretty well. i'm not saying that opens up a lane, a path to a nomination. remember when he sat here on "the five" and said, i have the best ground game to win in new hampshire and if i do that, the momentum of the race changes. guess who came in second in 1992, and was called the
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comeback kid? >> who? >> bill clinton. >> kasich did say that. he wanted to say how he was going to finish up and if he could get second, third-place, et cetera, remain relevant. viable in the race. he picked up another endorsement. he's getting a little bit of momentum and buzz. >> a tough tall order if it is a trump iowa and trump win in new hampshire. >> if you're in florida or ohio, you're looking, pretty right now. now to the democrat race. bernie sanders put out his latest ad, set to start airing in iowa and new hampshire tomorrow. he's enlisted some help from simon and garfunkel this time. ♪ now we are together ♪ i've got some real estate here in my bag ♪ ♪ new jersey turnpike ♪ all come to look for america
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♪ all come to look for america ♪ >> we gave you really big portion of that ad. the clinton campaign is trying as hardest to stop sanders' momentum in the early voting states, here's hillary's lap dog and fundraiser, david brock. >> i don't believe he's electable in the democratic party or the general election, because of the elephant in the room. he's a socialist. he's not a democrat. he's got a 30-year history of affiliation with a lot of whack-doodle ideas and parties. think about what the republicans will do with the fact that he's a socialist. in the fall. >> can we do it, juan? >> between the democrat and a socialist. no one can answer it. because there is no difference. >> what are you talking about. so obama is a socialist? come on, this is so ridiculous. i think it raises a legitimate point. i know david brock not a popular guy. but that's a legitimate point.
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that republicans will eviscerate sanders. if sanders is the nominee as a socialist. don't you think? >> can we stop calling him a self-described socialist? he's a socialist. >> the best part is is when brock, when somebody who is insane calls somebody else a whack-a-doodle, does that mean that they're insane. >> look at venezuela whether it's economies or this is the lesson for young people who don't know what socialism is. socialism destroys economies, it destroys governments and it puts people into the ground literally. when you look back at the 20th century. they've ruined more lives than ebola. if you look at the ad, it's liberalism in a nutshell, there's no human conflict, no enemies, no risk, no security. it's like you can live or hugs and poetry. there's no difference between the democratic party and a teenager's dream journal. >> hugs and poetry, you almost have me.
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you and salami. you would have had me. >> your coffee house acoustic, guitar-playing hippie. >> i don't go man bud. that's all i can say. >> bernie sanders has got the zeitgeist. people are flocking to sanders. david brock is not going to change that. >> bernie sanders, that ad was really good. >> only women would like that. >> don't you understand? >> what do you mean, juan. >> women and juan. >> cross-dresser here. >> you're the majority of the voters, it's women. >> i think that's sexist. >> well, fine. but you know what, they know their audience. >> the ad was good. and it shows that hillary clinton has no message. >> well wait a second. >> bernie sanders has a message. >> maybe i don't like it because it made me cry. >> i don't like the music. but -- >> exactly, dana.
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>> i like simon and garfunkel. but anyway -- >> they're a couple of white guys, juan, so you know. >> that ad is upbeat and positive to your point. it's not gloom and doom and the bad guys are coming this is about people getting together. >> bernie sanders is crushing it with young people. >> you know why? >> simon and garfunkel? >> because that looked like socialist woodstock. >> if you gallup asked the americans, would you vote for a socialist? it was the absolute bottom. more people would vote for gays, muslims, everybody but a socialist. so if you think that's not effective what brock said, you're wrong. >> that says something bad about our country. >> yes, it is effective. but i will tell you who had me the most effective doing that is anyone on the republican side. here's what we represent. here is your socialist. >> that's the point. >> that's the position of farewell.
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>> i got you. >> i have a question about the presidential race, tweet it to us, it's twitter thursday, we're going to answer a bunch of them ahead. our handle is @thefive. a mind-blowing development on hillary clinton's email scandal. information that completely obliterates her claim that she didn't have classified information on her private, nonsecured server, next. this just got interesting. why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision,
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or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. marcoto criticize him fornfair missing votes. "but i am going to miss votes, i'm running for president." but he's been missing votes for a long time. "one third of all of his missed votes in 2015 were missed before he announced he was running for president." over the last three years, marco rubio has missed more votes... than any other senator. washington politician marco rubio. doesn't show up for work, but wants a promotion? right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message.
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[ scanner beeping ] sir, could you step aside? "sir"? come on. you know who i am. progressive insurance? uh, i save people an average of over $500 when they switch? did you pack your own bags? it shows people policy options to help fit their budget. [ scanner warbling ] crazy that a big shot like me would pack his own bags, right? [ chuckles ] so, do i have the right to remain handsome?
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[ chuckles ] wait. uh-oh. bolling. pull it together because there's more breaking news on hillary clinton's emails. we're now finding out that material found on her private server contained intelligence from some of the government's most secretive programs. information beyond top-secret. this is so sensitive that some lawmakers on oversight committees don't have enough high-clearances to read them. republican presidential candidates are expressing outrage. >> this is very serious and in fact if hillary clinton god forbid were elected president, one of the first things she'll have to do pardon her sx. >> general petraeus, the pentagon is trying to strip him of one of his stars for doing what on the face appears to be
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much less than hillary clinton did. >> you notice how positive she is about the president. you know why, right? you know why? because she wants to stay out of the clink, that's why. believe me, that's why. >> the clink. >> clinton still maintains she never sent or received classified material. well a new pohl poll shows americans are increasingly doubting her. 55% say she's the least-honest democrat in the race. this is up nine points from december. a big jump. let's bring up chief white house correspondent ed henry in nashua, new hampshire. hello, ed. >> what's interesting and significant from our colleague, catherine herridge's reporting that were you just summarizing there, about some of the top-secret information that was allegedly on hillary clinton's private server, is that some lawmakers on capitol hill who are familiar with these investigations, simply according to catherine, do not have
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high-enough security clearances to see exactly what information it was. why is that significant? well number one, 24 hours ago, when the story was first reported, there were allies of the clinton campaign going out, leaking stories, saying that this was innocuous information on the server. it wasn't top secret. not a big deal. it sounds like that may not be true, number one and number two, you can simply never forget, there's a lot of machinations back and forth and allegations. let's remember what hillary clinton said on the record, not anonymous sources, but march of 2015 when the story began and the news conference at the united nations. she said there was no classified information on the server. i know what classified information. it wasn't on there. well look, there's been over 1,000 emails that the state department has already said had classified information. in her defense, they've said it was not marked classified at the
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time. certainly experts say it doesn't matter. bottom line, that's why her credibility is on the line. thee said there was no classified information. now drip, drip, we hear so much more. >> and more is going to come out. it's going to be a matter of time on whether it's going to have an impact in significance as it should on decision-making for this election. let's take it around the table. greg, were you jumping up and down. >> i want to see if you can verify this information. is it true that the one of the top-secret emails that were found is a jpeg of bill clinton with his clothes on? >> you know i can't confirm or deny. what i would say to try to bring it back to why i'm in new hampshire, greg, my pal, is there's a long line of cars behind me and i'm not outside of hillary clinton event. i'm outside a bernie sanders event that's just wrapped up. you're probably throughout this live shot going to be seeing headlights coming behind me and maybe disrupting the light around the camera.
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every once in a while, because there's so many people still leaving. bernie sanders wrapped up at least ten minutes or so ago. there are dozens and dozens of cars still leaving. i've been following hillary clinton around the country as you know, not just here in new hampshire. she very rarely if ever gets an event of this size. >> you're not answering my question. >> i am ducking the question. >> no more questions for greg. >> don't worry, hang in there. it's only 38 minutes until "special report" and you can get some real questions. dana, can you do better than greg? >> two, do you think she really believes that no one is going to care about the email scandal so she's just factored it in. second, do you get there's any sort of inkling on the hillary clinton campaign that what she did was wrong? >> not at all. and when i talk to top clinton advisers, they insist that this is you know republican attack politics. some of the on-the-record stuff
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you heard from brian fallon. stronger stuff on background sometimes from her advisers. that this is much ado about nothing. they claim that what catherine has been reporting about, has been you know, internicen battles, inter-agency battles. that's not what this is about, at the end of the day it's about hillary clinton's credibility and about whether or not there was classified information on that server. and top-secret information on that server. and whether or not the chinese and other intelligence services were able to get in there that's the subject of the fbi investigation. quickly on your first question, do they think it's going to go away? a lot of allies to the clinton campaign that i talked to, people outside, who have given her money and are raising money, they say that they're told by the clinton camp, the fbi investigation is not really targeting her. that it's just about what was classified. what it wasn't and she's going to be cleared. they believe, they could be
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wrong. but they believe inside that campaign that the obama justice department will never bring charges here. >> here's my question, i find this fascinating. the obama/clinton feud that's been ongoing for ten years now. she yesterday said it was probably the gop coordinating with the inspector general on this investigation. that the timing of it. today i think i heard that she was claiming that president obama was involved in the timing of this to hurt her chances to become president. what's being said behind the scenes? >> well, she, i haven't heard her say that. what i would say is, what donald trump was referring to a moment ago. which is that at the debate in south carolina, i was there on sunday night. hillary clinton gave her most full-throated support and endorsement of president obama's legacy. why is she doing that? well number one, she was with a largely african-american audience. they think there's going to be a southern firewall if they lose
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iowa and/or new hampshire here to bernie sanders. that the african-american vote will be important and she can win the south with that. that may have been why she was reaching out to president obama. but also the implication from the republicans, especially the front-runner, donald trump, is the idea that hillary clinton is saying really nice things about president obama right now bass she wants to make sure the justice department doesn't do anything. >> hey, ed, it's juan. i wanted to follow up on something you talked about. which was whether or not the content of this email that was above classified, really is known. because nbc said that they confirmed that it was just about a drone program and the like. but i heard you say a few moments ago that maybe that's not the case. what are you thinking here? what are you hearing? >> i was referring to catherine's reporting. i trust her in what she has been saying today. is that this was very highly classified information. contrary to the nbc report that suggested it was just innocuous information.
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do i know the truth? no. none of us do. in fact i think that's part of the catherine's point in her reporting, that some of the lawmakers more importantly than what we know and don't know, who are supposed to be read in on these programs, don't have all the information. because their classification isn't that high. by the way, i saw your son, raffi at the wizards game in washington last night before i came to new hampshire, he's looking stylish, just like you, juan. >> you need some hot chocolate. gutfeld made you break into a cold sweat, anyway. >> what's your son doing hanging around wizards? >> a bunch of republicans. >> nicely done. >> you can rehabilitate your career in the next hour. don't worry about it. don't go anywhere, because it's twitter thursday. you've been wanting it? we're going 0 give it to you. we answer your 2016 questions coming up next.
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guess what it's twitter thursday, a stack, look at the stack of questions. all about the presidential election, let's get started. i'm going to go to kimberly first, she's not listening. she's texting. >> i know the first question. favorite moment on the campaign trail. >> that's it. >> what else you got for me? >> what is your favorite moment -- >> my favorite moment is yet to be. when we're going to go on the road. family feud style to iowa and new hampshire. i swear i'm so looking forward to this. i think it's going to be fact. we're going to do shows live from there, including working on the weekend. >> and you know i love to work. and you love traveling. >> i have four days off. >> i'm such an easy traveler. >> and the best thing was that the hotel can keep the bar open later. >> i hope you're traveling alone. >> i try to travel alone. -day that for everyone's sake. >> you stop at chipotle? >> juan, you know never to bring that up.
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>> what's your favorite moment so far. >> i was thinking about it. i thought boy i really like sarah palin's speech. >> you did like that you could tell. >> but i mean everybody, everybody, everywhere -- the liberals thought it was kind of odd, conservatives thought it was passionate. but still odd. but it was as you know, to quote white chocolate, you know, a lot of parts in a cuckoo clock. >> who is white chocolate, a rapper? >> that's me. >> you save on acid. you don't need it. >> eric, favorite moment? >> i think it's been all of the "snl" skits. you know it's going to be even greater. i'm guessing the cold open on "snl" is going to be darrell hannah doing trump and tina fey doing sarah palin. >> conservatives can laugh at ourselves and have fun with ourselves. the jokes. >> more so than liberals. >> more so, you think?
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>> we have more practice. >> i think you're right about that. >> laugh or cry. >> we're doing it at the same time. >> laugh or cry? >> i cry and laugh at the same time. >> dp? >> thanks for taking care -- >> somebody's got to drive this bus. >> i -- i don't know if i had to pick one moment so far. i really loved senator lindsey graham at the debates, i thought he was fantastic. brought a lot of passion and humor and just he could just nail a point. i thought it was really good. then he withdrew from the race. >> we haven't heard from him since. >> choosing between trump and cruz is like choosing between getting shot or poisoned to death. >> speaking of trump. my favorite moment was when he declared. >> i was watching it. everybody was watching it. it was one of those moments when you knew -- things were going to be different. like you will never forget. >> when he was coming down the escalator. >> it was one of those memorable
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things. >> steve asks, with clinton -- >> why do you have the question? >> it's in your packet. >> how would it be if sanders became president. >> what do you think of the odds are that joe biden may be the democratic nominee if clinton's troubles are mounting? >> that's not it. >> we're told to skip. we already covered sanders. see? when you hijack a segment. it all goes to heck. >> mine was better. >> the question was joe biden. >> democratic nominee. >> one of the things he did earlier was talk about basically an anti-socialist message saying you can't have like 90% taxes, that's not going to work. i think he's keeping his powder dry a little bit. there is a scenario where at the convention, they could get them on the ballot. >> you say it is cocaine in. >> no. >> why would you -- >> just keeping his powder dry. >> gunpowder. >> i think he would be their
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best hope at this point. >> bernie sanders is a socialist. he's not going to become president. >> the point is. if it gets that far down the road, someone is going to have to pull it back and get someone else in there. he cannot win. we'll expose everything about what socialism is, the president, joe biden would have the best shot in my opinion. >> it would be better for the country. do you want sanders? hillary clinton? >> he's right there. don't talk about him as if juan's not there. juan? >> i'm the invisible man. >> today, talking to two of the posters for the clinton people. and they said exactly what you said. because i'm saying well you know, but sanders is climbing, looking tougher. they all were like no way. even if the worst calamity were
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to happen to hillary clinton, joe biden -- >> did theywould? >> and don't ffrgt that michael bloomberg, i think is very seriously considering. >> there's a recent article talking just about that. that that could be -- >> that's a real thing. >> final thoughts, kimberly? >> i would like to sum up with your question, yes it would be catastrophic for this country if bernie sanders were elected president of the united states. that being said, go, bernie, go, win iowa and new hampshire. let people should be going to jail for committing crimes against this country, go to jail. >> i think hillary will go to jail, but she won't. she'll be the nominee. >> are we done? >> we don't. >> taking questions and stretching it into a chaotic mess. >> president obama's taking blame for the breakdown of civility in washington. but juan insists it's not the president's fault. it's the republicans. he's blaming the republicans for
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i've got a couple of columns out that dana told me they're making her head explode. and i thought gee that would be good tv. here's my chance to defend myself. one column focuses on the breakdown of civility between the two parties. president obama in the state of the union cited the breakdown as one of the regrets of his presidency. but i said i think he's being way too hard on himself. he's not to blame. the gop is. why? because senate republicans have blocked all of his proposals, his nominees and just obstructed him in general. not to mention republican lead verse allowed anger and extreme voices to define their party today. and speaking of anger. the other column that angered my friend highlights a new trend among white female voters in america, 58% of white republican
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women say they're angrier than they were a year ago. i do think it's a contributing issue and it contributes to the fracturing of the gop. now for your response. it's dana perino. >> it is. >> all right. first of all the republicans have not blocked all the nominees, that's statistically inaccurate. and you can go to the house senate majority leader's office and get those stats. first, reid, harry reid? the worst. he's the one that did the nuclear option that caused a huge amount of problems. he's the one that lied about mitt romney and bragged about lying about mitt romney. he's the one who called the president of the united states a loser and a liar back in 2005. polls show that obama is the most polarizing president of recent times and the things that the president wants bipartisan, the things that the president
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wants done has bipartisan opposition. gitmo, national energy tax. gun control. and on the things where president obama needed help to get things done on education, trade, the highway bill, the dock fix -- where were the democrats? they did not help president obama, he had to go to republicans to get those things done. there's bipartisan opposition to the things he wants to get done and yet he blames republicans. i go back further to give you a pass, i think harry reid is the worst part of washington when it comes to civility. but i believe this really started in 2000 at the recount. >> my feeling is when you have -- >> she just schooled you. >> when you have half of republicans saying this guy is a muslim. when you have -- >> the truth, juan? >> right. when you have republicans -- >> do you hear harry reid said -- >> he was a light-skinned -- >> and speaking patterns with no negro dialect.
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>> look i'm saying when you have republicans saying things like this was just chris christie the other day. we're going to kick his rear end out of the white house. joe wilson, you lie, wes moreland, he's uppity. >> blaming these things for division, it's like trying to eat yourself thin. >> that works. >> you want to talk about where did, where did this whole idea of divisiveness come from? i same it came after the vietnam war. i think we're a country that decided that patriotism was somehow a neanderthal's folly. we thought it was silly to be proud of our country. i think that created a rift, you had the rise of identity politics, which puts me above thee, everybody is concerned about who they are and not what part of the national being, this country, doesn't matter to them any more. i think if we shared culpability, said that we're all involved in this, maybe we can get past the blame game, juan. >> i don't like the way you keep score, juan.
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>> well let me ask you about angry white women that made dana -- >> i can relate. >> the numbers indicate white women are now angrier than nonwhite women in the country. and this passion i think is fueling the divide on the right. >> i'm so sorry, who's wrong with an angry white woman? >> i'm all for them, but i'm saying there are more of them than ever. >> women are participatory in the election and theitology of the country because women are top wage earners and heads of companies and making decision, they're involved, they're engaged and they have opinion and focus and i don't think there's anything negative about that. i love it. >> i am woman, hear me roar. >> pull ahead literally almost nothing to do with race. i read your column. i went to the polls. >> which by the way -- was
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conducted in november. more angry now. about. congressional dysfunction and consumer fraud. >> war against white women. >> angry about things like -- >> not being able to achieve the american dream. >> i said they're driving a lot of thing anner that defines -- >> you made everybody angry. >> imagine if greg gutfeld wrote a column entitled angry black women. there would be -- >> if it was based on facts. >> so you just made white women angrier and probably more motivated to go to the polls. >> did you hear about the massive snowstorm coming that could impact more than 50 million people across 15 states
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across 15 states are expecting major snowstorms this weekend. washington, d.c. may get hit with the hardest. with two feet. residents there feeling the effects. last night just an inch fell and it brought traffic to a standstill. don't believe me? check out these tweets from our fox news friends. bret baier tweeted, d.c. can't handle snow. a dusting and it's bumper to bumper. and greta said it usually takes me 30 minutes to drive home. tonight two plus hours because people don't know how to drive in snow in d.c. and they panic. juan you're headed back to d.c. for this big snowstorm. when you're preparing for this. do you go to the store and buy everything and go home? >> i can be very nasty here. what you see is, that the local news stations just inspire fear and panic. they think armageddon is coming. everybody has to go to the store to get the bread, the milk, et cetera. all people who do this are elderly people during the day. they don't get home. they sit on the road, everything
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gets clogged up. you can't go home. what happened to greta, what happened to bret? i mean it's typical. i saw even the president's motorcade, how is that possible? it couldn't move. >> and that's dangerous. >> the president's motorcade should never be stopped. eric, let me ask you about the economic impact. the students have the day off in anticipation of a snowstorm that's coming on saturday. and all the businesses are going to be closed, too. >> well with snowstorms like this do, they do stimulate the economic activity. the lowe's, home depot, they grocery stores sell out. and also there's a big, big issue right now kind of relevant right now. uber drivers with the snowstorm like this. what is the premium going to be? they can charge a huge -- >> 2.0. >> 2.6. >> it's a good test for uber right now not to gouge on something like this. because it will come up in a congressional hearing somewhere. so a heds up. >> do you have any tips for what people should do when they're caught up in a snowstorm?
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>> i fill up my bathtub with chocolate milk and i pour in nilla wa amp nillawafers and watch "law and order" until my eyes bleed. >> apparently these are the things you need to do to survive the big storm. you need to get physical. you need to be around other people. i guess and be physical, juan. do things you enjoy with other people. and cultivate coziness with other people. you know what happens? >> you know what happens? it's really true. people then during hurricanes, storms. they end up nine months later, babies. >> that's why a lot of people are born in may. >> my dad used to tell me, it's nine months after the first frost. >> thank you, dana perino. >> this is in the package. just so you know. >> one more thing is up next.
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time for one more thing, greg's first. >> a special public service announcement today. is national hug day. it was obviously created by lonely pervert who is need a day as an excuse to touch somebody they don't know. word of warning, if anybody tries to hug me i will punch you in the throat. >> i hate these people. >> it's a silly dog. >> nothing, that's your territory. >> i know we just discussed
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this. and check this out. in minnesota. there's a guy named tom groting, a minneapolis resident. trying to cheer people up. he places frozen pants upright. in unlikely spots all around his neighborhood. he soaks his jeans in buckets of water before sculpting them. >> this is great for bill clinton when he's driving home. >> all right. >> kg, you're up. >> terrible. >> that's funny. >> so this is a very serious note here. i want to pay a special tribute and honor, fallen officer, officer douglas scott barney, 44 years of age was shot to death. he picked up an extra sunday shift to help pay for cancer treatments, he was in remission for bladder cancer, to be shot dead by a parolee on a gun charge is terrible. his funeral will be held on monday january 25th. our hearts and prayer goes out to his family. want to thank him for his service, we honor him today and there's a gofundme page as well
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for his family. so you can see it right there. god bless him, may he rest in peace. >> juan, you're up. >> the buffalo bills hired katherine smith. why is that news? first female full-time coach in nfl history. >> angry, juan? >> i don't know. >> but in the past 18 months women are making a lot of history in terms of sports week. we've had the first woman assistant coach in the nba, becky hammond. first full-time nfl official, sarah thomas. and of course, you have jen welt wer the nfl who is a temporary and justin siegel with the mlb. >> it sounds like we have a lot of women. >> are you trying to make up? >> shouldn't they change that name, the buffalo bills? >> it's over. >> wasn't he an outlaw? >> buffalo bill. >> he was a killer. >> take the shot quickly. give me a close-up of that.
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that was dr. piper, who is a big fan of t"the five." it's got a nice look. "special report" is up next. some senior members of congress are not even authorized to see and some of the classified emails from hillary clinton's unsecured private server. and now the white house weighs in on the clinton campaign's attack on the intelligence community inspector general. this is "special report." >> good evening, i'm bret baier. what was once referred to as a drip-drip of damaging information in the hillary clinton email scandal. has now become a cascade. the biggest question now resides with the fbi. and its expanding investigation. a decision about the next moves, that clearly threatens clinton's presidential
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