tv Hannity FOX News January 21, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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yours truly. the process is not fine, we are so mean to each other to get the questions as good as possible. man, we hurt each other bad. see you tomorrow. tonight -- >> usa! usa! usa! >> the countdown to iowa is on. a new poll shows that donald trump is surging. >> we are going to win so much, we're going to have win after win after win. >> the 2016 republican presidential front-runner is here tonight with reaction. >> you people are going to get sick and tired of winning! then ohio governor john kasich seems to be building momentum in new hampshire. >> these are bigger than campaigns. these are what i like to call movements. >> the gop contender will reveal what's behind his steady rise. and hillary clinton's campaign tries to blame her private server scandal on republicans. >> i do believe that the leaks
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were coming out and in some way misrepresenting and mischaracterizing what is going on are troubling. all of that, plus 2016 gop candidate jeb bush joins us. "hannity" starts right here, right now. tonight the iowa caucuses are only 11 days away and 2016 republican front-runner donald trump continues to top his republican rivals in a brand-new monmouth university national poll, he leads, ted cruz in second, rubio in third with 11%. a new poll released today out of iowa has trump on top with 37%, cruz 26% and out of new hampshire, and brand-new cnn/wmur poll has trump leading with 34%, cruise is in second with 14%. here with reaction of the author
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of the book, "crippled america, how to make america great again," republican presidential candidate, donald trump. why all of a sudden now the big surge that had been tightening up a little bit? >> well, i think they were right from the beginning. i'm not sure if it was a surge. cnn had us at 33%-20% a few weeks ago but nobody wanted to report that poll because it was too much of a lead. the des moines paper, i'm not a big fan of, des moines register, they reported that poll which i disagree with. we've really done well. i spent a lot of time in iowa. we're doing great with evangelical, great with the tea party and i think we're going to do really well in iowa. >> you have gotten some criticism from some conservatives about the back and
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forth between you and ted cruz. i want to ask you about it. mark levin is mad at the tone. rush limbaugh said that this is national and populism, not necessarily conservatism. newt gingrich said on this program this week that you are demeaning yourself if you get into a fight in this particular case. but the polls show you winning. so do you go with the polls that it works when you go back and forth or do you say, maybe my relationship with ted cruz can be repaired? >> well, i have to go with my own thinking. ted attacked me. don't forget. he started. he attacked me pretty viciously. first he was laying back, as we all know. they said "in the wake." frankly he attacked me, sean. and i have a lot of respect for mark levin. i have a lot of respect for rush. rush has been great for me. rush has been so amazing. mark's been pretty good. mark likes ted and i think he likes me. but i have to go with my own thinking and i talked about the
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fact that, frankly, i think i'm doing the party a favor and i think i'm actually doing ted a favor, the fact that he was born in canada, he with a as a citiz canada until just 15 months ago. constitutional lawyers are saying he can't even run. how can you have a candidate you're going to pick as a republican nominee and he's not allowed to run for the office of president. that's a big problem. and he has some other problems. like he didn't disclose in his financial papers that he was borrowing money foreign policy goldman sachs and citibank because he wants to be the big wonderful guy that takes down the banks. but here he is with personal guarantees to citibank and goldman sachs. i think it should have been disclos disclosed. >> let me go through. if these polls hold up, you will be the republican nominee. i know a lot of your agenda but i want to go over it with 11 days to iowa, maybe closing argument sort of thing. i know you have said you would rescind on day one obama's executive orders. you would build the wall expeditiously. you've been very firm about
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that. you'd raise standards for who we allow into. country. you'd replace obamacare. i still you're still for health care savings accounts. correct? >> yes. i like that as a concept. i certainly like it, yes. >> and isis, i would take their oil and bomb the living day lights out of them. >> i would bomb them, you better believe it. >> i want you to expand -- for maybe those few people that are left undecided in iowa or new hampshire, tell them what else a trump presidency would look like. >> we're going to be strong on the military. our military's a mess right now. we just let it go. there hasn't been proper investment and our military is going down. i'm in the real estate business. all the time i get listings army bases, naval bases. they're selling everything. how many bases do they have? anybody in the real estate industry can tell you because i'm getting constantly i get listings for these military bases and i say how many are we going to close? we have to create a tremendously
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strong military. hopefully never have to use it, but it's got to be so strong that nobody's going to mess with us because we're in a very perilous time. big-league take care of the vets. strengthen the border, mexico's going to pay for a wall. they're making a fortune. carl icahn, who is a great businessman, endorsed me, many other bips men ha businessmen have endorsed me. unfortunately a lot of people haven't heard of them but these are the greatest businessmen and women in the world. we're going to have great people negotiating our trade agreements. we're not going to lose $500 billion a year with klein like last year. $500 billion in trade deficits with china. not going to happen anymore. japan. mexico's killing us at the border but they're also killing us in trade. ford is building a big plant there, a 2 $1/2 million plant. nabisco is leaving chicago with a big plant and building a plant in mexico. why? so we're going to stop all of
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that. we're going to have people build plants but they're going to be built from this country. they're going to want to build them. we won't force them because we're lowering the taxes. we're the highest tax nation in the world. my tax plan which is very good which your friend larry kudlow who i respect a lot loves my plan. when this plan goes into effect -- >> i like the repatriation. >> we're going to stop corporate inversion. we have companies that are leaving. sean, we have companies that are leaving the united states and moving to ireland and europe and asia. they're leaving. pfizer is moving to ireland. we have major, wonderful companies that, frankly, because the taxes are so high, and because they can't bring their money back into our country which is ridiculous, even the democrats -- it is amazing, democrats and republicans agree, the money should be allowed to come back in. they can't make a deal.
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>> a big part of your campaign is about how america has made stupid deals and as the president, you would negotiate better deals. you'd blow up the entire iran deal which needs to be blown up. you would negotiate better deals with china, better deals with japan, better deals with mexico. here's my question. you have -- if you look at the american electrici eamerican american electorate, they wouldn't use the power of the purse. in terms of negotiating with a congress that's shown itself to have zero to little discipline, how will you hold the line when they want to raise the deficit and the debt? how do you negotiate with those life-long politicians if you become the president? >> sean, i guess you know -- and people in business know -- i've been dealing with politicians all my life. it is fine to deal with
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politicians. there's nothing ng would with it. you deal with them. you have to cajole. a little like ronald reagan and tip o'neill. they were very opposites in a lot of ways but they got along, they made deals, the country did well and everybody was happy. they weren't doing executive orders like obama is because not even the democrats will do what he wants to do. the worst part of the iran deal is by the timethere, if i win, by the time i get there $150 billion will you gone. don't know if you saw today, secretary kerry came out and said yes, we expect a certain amount of that money to be used -- >> i have the cut. want me to play it for our audience? >> you can play it. >> it is outrageous. >> go ahead. >> i think that some of it will end up in the hands of the irdc or other entities, some of which are labeled terrorists. to some degree i'm not going to
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sit here and tell you that every component of that could be prevented. but i can tell you this. right now we are not seeing the early delivery of funds going to that kind of endeavor at this point in time. i'm sure at some point some of it will. >> i just cannot believe he said that. >> sean -- yeah. listen to the stupidity of that statement. he said, well, so far we're happy that they haven't given it to terror. essentially. why don't they have restrictions? first of all, the money should have never been given back under any circumstances. we should have gotten our prisoners back. we then should have said we're not giving. we owe $19 trillion, sean. $19 trillion. it is going to be because of that really horrible budget deal that was made two weeks ago. it is now going up to $21 trillion very quickly. so we owe 21 trillion. here's the guy that says the money we gave them is going to be used for terror. if -- first of all, why did they give them the money? second of all, why didn't they say it can't go to terror?
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i can't believe he's even an intelligent man. >> if congress gave you a budget and it is going to blow the deficit through the roof, you're going to hold the line. correct? >> i'm going to hold the line. you know, i heard the other day that they want to make the budget -- balance the budget within 25 years. i said 25 years? why 25 years? we can -- look, we're getting rid rf common core, even though some people like jeb bush who doesn't have a clue, some people like common core. jeb bush likes common core. some people like him are weak on immigration. remember, he said they come in as an act of love. we need people that know what they're doing. we spend a fortune on education. we're number 28 in the world and we're number one in spending. we're getting rid of common core. there are so many things that we can cut and we can balance the budget very quickly. >> you think in five years? >> i think over a five-year period. maybe i could even surprise you. but i mean make the country better. i'm not saying skimp. i'm saying making the country
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better. >> i know most americans are with you wanting the country to be better and stronger. we'll take a break. more with donald trump. later governor john kasich. also jeb bush and much more straight ahead. when heartburn hits fight back fast tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue antum, tum, tum, tumach acid at the source smoothies! only from tums men, stay fit. yet 68% don't know ... ... physical activity increases our need for antioxidants. let's add one a day men's vitacraves. a complete gummy multivitamin with antioxidants ... ... to help meet your increased needs. one a day.
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm patricia stark. with a major nor'easter approaching the east coast, states of emergency are in effect for five states and the district of columbia. forecasters warn the massive winter storm could generate more than two feet of snow, white-out conditions and inland flooding. many schools will be closed tomorrow and thousands of flights have been canceled. the wintry weather is already plamd f blamed for at least four deaths in kentucky, ohio an tennessee. major fallout from the tap water crisis in flint, michigan. the epa's regional director has
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resigned. some state officials have also gotten the ax and there are some calls for governor rick snyder to resign. officials switched the source of water contaminated with lead in order to save money. logon to for all your headlines. welcome back to "hannity." we continue with 2016 republican presidential candidate donald trump. i want to ask you if you get this nomination, polls have you ahead today up 10% and 11% in iowa, you're up by a lot in new hampshire and south carolina. if you get the nomination and go up against hillary clinton or bernie sanders or joe biden -- we don't know who it is going to be -- or elizabeth warren. my question to you is tell me why -- i've asked is you before. you think you are more electable than every other republican in this primary. tell me how that's so, what states do you bring in to play
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that they don't? >> well, i think i'm not only more electable, i think i'll win the election. you saw the fox poll last week saying i beat hillary clinton and i think i will beat any one of them. i think she's probably more difficult than wacky bernie and i think i will beat them. i will just beat them. as an example, i think i'll win pennsylvania. i think i'll win ohio. you saw my numbers in florida where i am beating everybody. i'm at 48% and bush and -- who is a former governor is like at 9% or 10%. rubio, the senator -- >> i've got that number. >> i'm at 48% in florida. plus i employ tremendous numbers of people in florida. florida loves trump and i love florida so i think i'm going to win florida. i think i have a really good chance of winning new york. if we win new york, the whole ball game is over because nobody even ever anticipates winning new york because it's so powerful in terms of the process we are talking about. west virginia, i heard it is
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like a love fest. >> for you. >> because they understand my feeling toward coal and everything else. but west virginia, virginia. i think i'm going to win states that are not on the agenda for republicans to win. >> did you see this intelligence community inspector general report about hillary on top of the 1,300 e-mails, they now discovered that they now have a special access program that they discovered in this new report. every single one of those e-mails would represent a felony if this turns out to be true. by the way, this was a guy appointed by obama, confirmed by a democratic controlled senate. i'm beginning to wonder if she gets them. what are your thoughts about -- >> i've been saying for a while. it's very serious stuff and it seems like she's being protected by the president and the democrats because general petraeus has been destroyed and i hope they don't go any further. now they want to strip him of rank. just leave him alone. we have to fight assist. we have to fight trade deals with klein and japan and mexico.
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we have enough fights. we don't have to strip general petraeus. i think he's suffered enough. i think we ought to leave him alone. enough. go to another battle. just leave him alone. we're always doing things like this and we ought to focus on some of the problems we have like isis as an example, like iran which is now going to be a terror -- can you imagine how bad they're going to be with all of this money that we just sent to them? just leave general petraeus alone. it is enough. but it's very serious stuff. her situation is a very grave situation. in one way i'm upset because i really want to run against her. i would love to run against her. your own fox polls have her losing to me. but i really want to run against hillary. so in a way i don't love what's happening. >> go ahead. >> i actually would love to run against her. the last person she wants to run against is me. and you know that. you've got a glimpse of that last week.
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but the last person she wants to run against is me. i don't like sore losers in life. lindsey graham came out today and said the battle between you and ted cruz is like being poisoned or being shot. there's palpable -- >> terrible. >> he was like an asterisk and maybe had 1% in his own state. i don't like sore losers and he seems like he's bitter. there are establishment people that don't like you. what do you say to them if you get the nomination? >> a lot of people are saying the establishment people are coming my way and they're starting to see that i'm the one person that's going to win the election. i'll win the election. i will win the election. i focused on guys like lindsey graham and knocked him out of the race and lots of other ones i won't mention. but i saw him today and i said, isn't that sad. first, he knows less about the military. his whole strategy with assad and everybody else is so bad, so off, no wonder we've been fighting a war for 15 years. lindsey graham had zero when he got out of the race.
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he had zero. he had nothing. in south carolina, be where i'm number one in south carolina, i was at 38% and he was at 1%. then he goes out and endorses bush, of all people, who doesn't have a chance. i mean he just wants to use his last name. i think you're right, it's sad. it's sad. you're right. >> if donald trump commits to fighting a war, is it we go to with win it or we don't go at all? last question. >> we're going to have a strong military. we're only going to win our wars. i'm a very temperate guy, believe it or not. we're the no going to have it but if we go in to a war we're going to go into it to win it. >> mr. trump -- thank you so much for being with us. 11 days. getting close. when we come back we'll check in with ohio governor john kasich and he'll join us next. later, how much trouble is hillary really in. we'll ask jeb bush and the debate whether hillary can go to jail. that's straight ahead. you do all this research on the perfect car.
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welcome back to "hannity." 2016 republican presidential candidate, ohio governor john kasich has been spending a lot campaigning in new hampshire and he's now seeing a major bump in the polls. latest cnn/wmur poll for the granite state now shows donald trump on top at 34%, ted cruz in second with 14%, jeb bush and marco rubio both have 10%. there is a three-way tie, all with 6%. that doesn't tell the full story. a new american research group poll shows trump in first with 27%, john kasich in second place in this poll with 20%, and a recent america news network poll shows a similar story with kasich in second with 15% trailing only trump who has 35%. joining us now, the man himself, 2016 republican presidential candidate, ohio governor john kasich. how do you get 20% in second place one day and the next day you get a poll that has you at
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6%? can you help me out with that? that didn't change that much overnight. >> no, no. look, there have been seven polls here within the last couple weeks and i'm in second place in 6 out of 7. you're always going to have an aberration. but we're definitely peaking up and people feel it in the state. in fact, i was told today one of the chamber of commerce executives in front of a chamber meeting about 150 people said i'm going to make a prediction. kasich's going to win new hampshire. i don't know how it is all going to go at the end, sean, but we have the best ground game. you remember gordon humphrey, former united states senator. he says he thinks we have the best ground game that he's seen in 40 years. we've got a good ground game. i've done more town halls. when you get 6 out of 7 polls putting you up so high there is real cause for optimism. but in politics, things -- they're unpredictable. you got to expect the unexpected an it always happens.
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we'll see. >> how do things feel for you on the ground in new hampshire? you've spent more time there than iowa. say you do get second place in new hampshire. is that good enough? >> well, we become a story. if i finish in second place, i think probably it is a pretty big story. the challenge for me, sean, i'm not the celebrity candidate. people don't really know me across the country so the national polls have always lagged. my game plan has always been to do well here because it is only 1.2 million people. it is like running for congress. to be able to move here, we're already on the ground in south carolina, in nevada, we're on the ballot in well over 30 states. we think we will do very well in the south. for example, mississippi where we have the best organization headed by trent lott, congressman harper, we're doing well in many states in the south. at some point we head north and we get to illinois and michigan -- ohio, pennsylvania, all places where we believe we
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will do very well. we think we're very well positioned and i feel good. you know what's really working is i tell people, i know we have problems but we can solve these problems. i've been around long enough to see us solve some of the most vexing problems. the issues of jobs and national security. i think people want to hear that while we have serious problems, they want to know that at the end we can fix them. >> what do you make of this election cycle? you can say the year of the outsider or the year of the insurgency candidate. when you worked with newt, you weren't mainstream. you were pretty hated at the time yourself. maybe they've gotten used to you now and like you a little bit more. but there's obviously a reason for this. what do you think it is? >> well, i think people -- look, sean. i think people feel like if they don't have power or money or a
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lobbyist,thy don't matter. part of what i've had to do, you have a father who a mailman and a grandfather who's a coal miner and a mother whose mother can't speak english. i lived that. that's my dna. i've always been a person who's fought for the underdog throughout my career. one of the network reporters said he actually thinks there's three lanes. there is the establishment lane, the antiestablishment lane and the john kasich lane. i kind of like that. i got to win my own lane because i'm the only one in it. that's sort of that combination of being able to work with the establishment, yet not being part of the establishment. always a reformer, always a change agent. and you remember those days when we balanced the budget. same thing has happened in ohio. i don't support the status quo and i want to be a voice for people who often feel as though they have no say. >> i've allowed ted cruz -- we're in the process now of giving the candidates an opportunity for what i'm calling
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closing arguments. we've had donald trump, we'll have marco rubio on, we'll have jeb bush later. give your closing argument heading into iowa. i know you aren't competing in iowa the way you are in new hampshire. fair statement? >> yeah, that's absolutely true. >> so your closing arguments on why people really need to go for you. >> well, sean, i am the most experienced. i served 18 years on the defense committee, then donald rumsfeld invited me into the pentagon after 9/11 where i kind of moved if and out for two and a half, three years helping to solve technology problems. i've been a reformer of the pentagon while supporting a strong defense, more foreign policy experience than anyone in the field. i was the chief architect of balancing the budget which allowed us to create jobs and pay down half a trillion of surplus. then i left into the private sector for ten years. i came back, cut taxes more than any sitting governor, we're up
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385,000 jobs with strong credit and a pension system that's also strong and bringing people together, the ability to bring people together to solve problems. i think that's -- i think that's unique and then there's one other side of it and that is i'm just me. >> all right. and you think you can beat trump at golf, too, right? >> well, i don't know. it depends whether we have mulligans or not, sean. you know how that goes. >> oh, all right. governor, good to see you. we'll see you up in new hampshire in a couple of weeks. thanks for being with us. coming up next tonight on this busy news night here on "hannity "hannity," despite all the damning evidence noup mounting against hillary clinton, once again she tries to brush aside her private server scandal. then later tonight -- >> with almost all of the vote now actually counted, we can now
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project that hillary clinton will win. >> i'm watching hillary clinton receive the victory tonight. >> they look at donald trump as the greatest gift from heaven. an easy person to beat in the general election. >> jeb bush takes aim at trump in a new ad depicting the clinton presidency if in fact donald trump wins the republican nomination. we'll check in the with the former governor and get his closing arguments as "hannity" continues. new #1 selling frequent heartburn brand in america. i hope you like it spicy! get complete protection with the purple pill. the new leader in frequent heartburn. that's nexium level protection.
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he ran for senate saying he opposed amnesty... then he flipped, and worked with liberal chuck schumer to co-author the path to citizenship bill. he threatened to vote against it. and then voted for it. he supported his own dream act and then he abandoned it. marco rubio. just another washington politician you can't trust. jeb bush. he's a leader, so you always know where he stands. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message.
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if a cold keeps you up at night... you can't work from home the next day. [ coughing ] that's why you need alka seltzer plus day night liquid gels. it's tough cold symptom fighters provide powerful relief. relief that helps you sleep at night and gets you back out there during the day. [ deep breath ] [ truck horn ] alka-seltzer plus day night liquid gels. also available, in stores alka-seltzer plus night time hot drink mix. welcome back to "hannity." another damning new report for hillary clinton. a report now some of the e-mails found on clinton's private server were so secretive, so sensitive that even lawmakers with high security clearances are not allowed to see them. earlier during an interview on cnn, clinton was asked about this new report. here's what she said. >> i never sent or received any material marked classified. i do believe that these leaks
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which are coming out and being in some way misrepresenting and mischaracterizing what is going on are troubling, but the basic fact that no material marked as classified was sent or received by me has not been changed. >> here with reaction, fox news contributor joe trippi and the author of "stealing america, what my experience with criminal gangs taught me about hillary, obama and the democratic party." the original comment was i never sent or received classified material. then it became i never sent or received material that was marked classified. then it became, oh, we got e-mails that told her subordinates to actually erase the heading and still send the information. now we have the inspector general approved by a democratic majority senate, the inspector general now making the case that in fact dozens of e-mails were
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found and discovered with classifications that are known as s.a.p., special access programs, beyond that of top secret. i would argue that if all of that is true and the inspector general is right, every one of those e-mails represents a single felony count in an indictment, if true, because it is a violation of law. >> well, you used a couple of "ifs" in there. if any of this is involved, if any of this is true. look, we don't know if any of this is true. i know republicans and her opponents are immediately going to the conclusion that they are true, but -- you go through the review, you go through the investigation. there's a report. that's what this is all about. inspector -- >> joe, do you think the intelligence community, inspector general, appointed by obama, approved by a democratic majority in the senate. do you think that he aligned
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himself as the clinton campaign is claiming and worked with republicans to leak these materials to harm her politically? do you believe that? >> i think it is -- i don't know whether he did or not but i think it is a little bit of a coincidence that this is being leaked. >> a little bit of coincidence that it's been leaked a week or two before the iowa and new hampshire primaries. >> i think that's a little bit of coincidence. >> your issue that got you into prison which you talk publicly about in your book is so minor chaired to this. >> i was locked up overnight for eight months for giving $20,000 of my own money over the campaign finance limit. i didn't benefit in any way. the interesting thing with hillary, she's a very smart person, like nixon was. so she's not going to do things that don't benefit her in some way. she didn't set up that private server by accident. there was a reason for doing that. >> you mean in a mom and pop shop in a bathroom?
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listen, not only top secret information, several dozen e-mails from the special access program that are higher level of security than top secret. even -- this is the amazing thing -- these e-mails are so secret, some members of congress can't see them. >> i agree with joe that i think the full story here is not out. because the idea that a highly confident person in public life almost all her life would do this as a goof makes no sense. >> do you think an inspector general for the intelligence community would actually work with republicans to leak this information, or is he giving them factual information, it was given to congress, that in fact he discovered this? >> i think the interesting thing is hillary's reaction. she's already acting like this guy is part of the vast right wing conspiracy. so this is coming right back to the clinton days where the clintons view any criticism as being a form of treason. >> back to the campaign, joe. bill clinton, little nervous saying it is time to change strategy. only six people met hillary at
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an airport in texas. hillary's now recruiting every famous person she knows to help her. she's complaining in fund-raising letters she's being outspent by bernie sanders. there is some talk that bernie sanders supporters might not support her in a general election. and the polls show bernie up in iowa and new hampshire. not looking good for hillary. >> first of all, every campaign sends out e-mails arguing that they're being outspent by someone else and you have to send me money right now. >> but she's behind bernie sanders in iowa and 27 points behind in one poll in new hampshire. >> in new hampshire, a neighboring state to vermont, and in iowa where 43% of the party in iowa says -- identifies as socialist, not capitalist. it is the most liberal party nationwide for democrats. >> what if she loses south carolina after that? >> that's not going to -- no, look. iowa, new hampshire are 94% and 92% white states.
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vermont, 95% white state. bernie sanders -- >> you're saying there's too many white people to vote for hillary. >> the democratic party is 44% non-white of which she's beating him 69%-23% nationwide and she's winning her fair share in iowa and new hampshire. >> joe, if she loses iowa an new hampshire as these polls show, i argue it is a massive story and major panic -- >> that's crazy talk, sean. >> -- if hillary clinton cannot beat an avowed socialist who's a rip van winkle from the 1960s, it just shows you that even among democrats there is a luge distaste for the clintons. it helped obama in 2008 and it may well propel the sanders quick-start candidacy -- >> do you think the fbi recommends indictment? >> i don't know but i do know hearings are not enough to take
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hillary down. her tenacity is unbelievable. an indictment would be a severe wound. >> interesting to see if they plame james comey and fbi investigators if they come up with violations of the law. >> sean, there won't be one. we will see. coming up tonight on this busy news night -- >> almost of the vote now actually counted, we can now project that hillary clinton will win. >> i'm watching hillary clinton receive the victory tonight. >> they look at donald trump as the greatest gift from heaven. an easy person to beat in the general election. >> former florida governor jeb bush released a new ad predicting a clinton presidency if donald trump wins the republican nomination. we'll check in with governor bush next here tonight on "hannity."
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introducing metris, the mid-size van from mercedes-benz. it's got small-ability and big-ability. towing-ability and stowing-ability. rack-ability and hvac-ability. it's fully customizable and sized just right to give you cupcake-ability, entourage-ability... ...garage-ability and even afford-ability. starting at $28,950. available in cargo or passenger. from mercedes-benz. wheall i can think abouthit, is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast.
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welcome back to "hannity." with just 11 days to go until the iowa caucuses, candidates are hitting the campaign trail hard and former florida governor jeb bush has released a new campaign ad that maimagines a future one year from now in which donald trump wins the gop nomination but doesn't beat hillary clinton in the general
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election. >> all right. with almost all of the vote now actually counted we can now project that hillary clinton will win. >> i'm watching hillary clinton receive the victory tonight. >> they look at donald trump as the greatest gift from heaven. >> an easy person to beat in the general election. >> then she'll become the next president of the united states. >> thank you all. god bless you and may god bless america. >> now earlier i sat down with 2016 republican presidential candidate jeb bush to talk about this and much more. governor, good to see you, sir. >> great seeing you, sean. hope everything's going well. >> so in the final days of the campaign things get a little heated. you released a tough ad against donald trump saying if if he wins the nomination hillary becomes president. do you believe that? >> i do believe that. i think of all the candidates running, while he's the front-runner right now for the nomination he's the one that's
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least likely to become president and with all the talk that we do about changing things, the only way it can happen is to elect a conservative president. he's neither conservative nor electable but we'll let the voters decide that here in new hampshire where i am and starting in iowa in a couple weeks. >> i look at our legislate of candidates or legislate of republican party candidates, i'm a registered conservative. i think we have good people running. i really do. >> yeah, absolutely. >> i see bernie sanders as now beating hillary by 27 points in new hampshire. >> unbelievable. >> with all the talk about the in-fighting with the republican candidates, their front-runner isn't looking good at all. your thoughts. >> i think she's under investigation by the fbi and that investigation is widening. she has not told the truth. and is in dangering the lives of people. this is a candidate that's weak beyond belief and when bernie sanders is beating her by, as you said, 30 points in new
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hampshire and an avowed socialist to someone who's already proposed like $19 trillion of new spending over the next years. we have to reform how we tax and regulate and keep america safe with a much stronger military and a commander in chief that will support our military across the board. . >> i look at this inspector general report. and what they found in their findings after a review of intelligence agencies they've identified on top of 1300 e-mails classified in hillary's server, several dozen e-mails have a classification level
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beyond top secret, special access program, everyone of those is an indictable offense, a felony. do you think she mighting indicted here? >> i think it's possible. here is the deal. every chance she's had in her public life, she's pursued her personal ambition at the expense of service and our country. the fact that she's a senator, passed three laws she sponsored, naming a highway, monument and library, then, as secretary of state she brags about traveling but there is no record of accomplishment. now, we know she had a private server where she at a minimum violated the procedures set up for the state department impose by the the white house and possibly may have broken the law. and this is someone you cannot trust. and so yeah, we're having a heated debate in the primary which is healthy and fine.
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but at the end of the day, we're united around defeating her. >> one of the things i'm trying to give every candidate an opportunity to make closing statements. so we'll be in iowa next week and hope to be able to catch up with you on the road. to begin to make the closing statement as to why, we head into iowa caucuses why you think you're the best person to be the next president. i just want to hand you the microphone and give you the opportunity. i have a proven record, applying conservative principles on behalf of people where we made a difference. where education, job growth, income growth. florida was better off, and secondly i have conservative plans to fix the mess in washington, d.c. and move back to an opportunity society where we have growing income for the middle class, and third, perhaps importantly, i have the skills to be a steady hand as commander
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in chief. and i recognize the united states has an important role to play in the world not as the world's policeman, but the world's leader. i can promise you that the military forces will know have i their back and the world will know our friends will be supported and our enemies will fear us, again. that is how you create a more peaceful world, with american leadership. >> governor, i feel bad for the millions of americans out of the labor force, on food stamps and i feel bad average income is down. i worry about isis. i worry about the iranian mullahs building a nuclear weapon. the partnership of iran and vladimir putin. these are dangerous times for me and i concur that we need somebody that know what's they're doing because there is a lot at stake in this election. >> well, sean, there is huge opportunities to fix the mess. you can say end is near we have
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problems we're in decline, or we can say as a nation, we need to reverse this, and we can. because americans are still extraordinary and exceptional people. that is what i believe. i believe we're on the verge of greatness, it's going to require a new style of leadership in washington. that is why i'm running and we're making good progress. the message seems to be resonating in these early states. i'm excited about where we are. >> governor, we'll see you in iowa next week, thanks for joining us. >> thanks, sean. >> up next, we need your help with tonight's question of the day. you think you're doing all you can
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(vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. the twenty-sixteen subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. introducing centrum vitamints. a brand new multivitamin you enjoy like a mint. with a full spectrum of essential nutrients... surprisingly smooth, refreshingly cool. i see you found the vitamints. new centrum vitamints. a delicious new way to get your multivitamins. time for our question of the day. so, do you think the clintons will ever stop blaming republicans for scandals? they're blaming the intelligence community, inspector general, confirmed by democrats for leaking and coordinating with republicans. that is pretty paranoid.
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we want your opinion. go to and let us know what you think. that is all the time we have left this evening. thanks for joining us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. >> this is a fox news alert. we're about to take you live to las vegas where president candidate donald trump is getting ready for a news conference, expected to answer a magazine article that has been reaching out to prominent republican thinkers. >> you look at new hampshire, south carolina, florida, we're at 48 points and way up. way up in the polls so we're getting votes from everybody that it's actually amazing.
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