tv Hannity FOX News January 25, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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oof. never has luxury been this expressive. this is the pursuit of perfection. burn, baby, burn. tonight -- the iowa caucuses are just seven days away and donald trump is surging in brand-new fox news polls. geraldo rivera and laura ingraham are here with reaction. >> this is a president who sees the world as he wishes it was. >> president obama's isis strategy is coming under fire from the republican candidates. former secretary of defense donald rumsfeld is here tonight to weigh in. all of that plus senator rand paul is here and "duck dynasty" star stops by to debate his father on trump versus cruz. well, hannity tonight, the iowa caucuses seven days awe and
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brand-new fox news poll numbers show donald trump surging in iowa. trump leads with 34%. senator ted cruz in second, 23%. followed by senator marco rubio who has 12%. and next are dr. ben carson and senator rand paul and it's christie, bush, huckabee and santorum. over in new hampshire, latest numbers show that donald trump in front with a whopping 31%. cruz is second with 14%. marco rubio in third with 13%. and then followed by kasich and jeb bush and then christie, paul, carson. here to talk about this and more, senior correspondent geraldo rivera and a rare in-studio appearance by laura ingraham. editor in chief of life good to see you. i haven't seen you here in ages. >> good to see you. >> let me start with something off base. we talk about the polls. he's look at how wrong polling has been before iowa. look at this.
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seven days before back in 2008, obama at 27% and clinton showing 29%. ended up with 29%. look at the republicans back in 2012. look at rick santorum. 7.7%. now, he won. they didn't find out until a week later and 24.6%. you know, that's nearly a 20-point disparity in the polls. they have been wrong often there, laura. how big an impact is this? >> a friend talking to a nbc pollsters and it's difficult. you can call three times, like call one number three times, still not get an answer. you know? how many of us don't pick up the home numbers? when i see something research, like, hello, hang up. i just don't have time to deal with it. capturing the sentiment of the people, i don't think we know. we do know that trump has been leading in most polls other than
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in iowa for a long time now. >> i would think if -- >> might be underestimating. >> i'm thinking i want to underpromise and overdeliver. lower expectations a good idea you think? >> let me just say something about iowa and the caucuses. they have charm. they are a kind of throwback. but i think that when you look at santorum's example, particularly, he won, we didn't know about it until south carolina primary, a full more than a week later. totally dissipated the influence the iowa caucuses and might have a similar situation here where they are so inefficient in terms of tallying and unless someone routes it's possible that trump can. he has momentum. >> i remember at the iowa caucuses in 2008 and when you're there, i know you have been to them, and, you, sean. you gate quick temperature on the people. i could tell that night and this is obama's.
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it was so much energy for obama. you could sense there there was a movement happening. i'm not saying iowa always gets it right but something different is happening in this election cycle. both on the left and the right. there's clearly a sense of complete dissatisfaction with the political parties, two-party system in this country. not delivering for the middle class. we've talked about this. blue collar workers feel dissatisfied. not personal to people. it's a sense that the stuff they've been doing isn't working. you feel that in iowa. >> talked about now for years on our radio program and then tv. and that is, the republicans in washington have failed. >> totally failed. >> as a result of the weakness, fecklessness, ineptitude, unwillingness to fight. created a scenario and the two top republicans in the polls garner nearly 60% of the vote and both hated by the establishment. >> everyone's worried about losing the purchase of power. everyone's worried, i don't have any influence over ted cruz or
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donald trump. he's narcissistic or howdy. he has something. instead of trashing or excommunicating people in the party -- >> i was happy. you excoriated "national review." you first. >> i was going to say trump is changing the game in the sense that he's harkening back. what was ronald reagan before he became a politician? ronald reagan was a wonderful actor, pitch man, spokesman. >> govern nor of california. >> later governor of california. related to people at a different level. a visceral level. >> do you know where aimable dunce came? plens. >> republicans trashing t ining in the '70s. >> point of energy in 2008 for barack obama in iowa, you could if you were sloppy say that bernie sanders feel the burn has some of that energy but i think that obama's tacet endorsement
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of hillary clinton will mute bernie sanders. i think it is a pivotal moment and we shouldn't brush over it. >> but she's losing by 20-so odd points in new hampshire. and i would say ber nis's 50-50 to win iowa, too. >> i think the old guard isn't cutting it. and again, it is not personal. it's what's happened to families. what happened to middle class people. middle income workers. they feel like basically two-party system has nothing to offer them at all. >> do you think bernie and the town hall, said i can't live on $10,000. i'm divorced and i can't support my children. >> the emotion of it. >> where's the government supposed to -- >> not supposed to have mass migration of people into the united states unless we have so many jobs spun off we death desperately need more workers in the country which we don't. >> we'll get into this later.
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do either of think that bloomberg, you know, if anything i think he hurts the democrats. >> big play of boomberg. exciting story for the moment and open borders, against the second amendment. the big concern is supergulp and the sugar and everything. >> pro-abortion, gay rights, wants to -- >> explain that ven diagram. >> i like him, michael bloomberg. he was a great mayor. >> i like him,too. >> spent a lot of money the third term running in new york and barely won. i don't -- he doesn't have that -- he's charming in his own way. >> he is dull and boring and nepotism. >> charisma, bigness of trump. >> which billionaire is more lovable? bloomberg? which one is more irrational. >> how much coca-cola i want. >> who's about freedom and individuals choosing? nr thing for a second?
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>> i was ticked off for a lot of reasons. they did the same thing back in 2012 to gingrich. >> "national review"? >> yes. and governor rick perry. really? you're the kingmaker? >> the matriarch of conservatism, choice not an echo in the 1960s set the tone for ray again and goldwater. amazing book. she came on my radio show last week with huckabee and pat buchanan and one after the other saying, look. i mean, no offense, but who are they to judge when's conservative? they're a rallying around paul ryan and just gren lit obama's budget. when he just gave obama trade authority and she said they weren't helping me stopping the nra. she loves buckley and buckley was for turning over the panama canal. why excommunicate people in the movement? >> buckley wasn't somebody that didn't use choice words of
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people. think of the words in debates for vidal. >> went after sexuality. >> oh yeah, yeah. he used a pejorative. >> think about the republican party. brig people into the party and we have to realize that bushism is dead. the idea that you're going to resurrect bushism because some of your friends and supporters are all about bush. >> that's a -- >> bushism is what expanded the tent. i mean, george w. bush -- >> didn't win a majority of the votes in 2004. >> in 2004, george w. bush got 44% of the latino vote. >> okay. >> that's where his victory was -- >> well, no. >> in the south. >> let me stop you both. does trump get more minorities? more of the black vote? >> he has the potential. but he has to back off the harsh policies that are obviously -- >> i think there's potential for massive crossover appeal in a common sense -- >> just trump?
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>> populist message. cruz could have it. trump has a better chance of getting it. anecdotally i'm finding that. african-americans, hispanics, single women. i talked to them, you're for trump? it's stunning. >> i don't know who's for cruz. i mean, i don't. i know that these polling, okay. >> he's a hispanic. you keep saying -- >> i admit that he is hispanic. >> he admits that. >> gracious of you. >> thank you, her an geraldo. >> and a citizen of the united states. coming up next tonight on "hannity." >> i've looked at the candidates, ted cruz is my man. he fits the bill. >> the man i'm standing by this year to be the next president of the united states -- to help make america great again, ladies and gentlemen, donald trump. >> all right. two of "duck stein city's" biggest stars endorsing different presidential
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candidates for the white house. willie and phil robertson, one supports ted, one supports trump. we'll debate later. according to mayor bloomberg is considering a 2016 white house run as an independent. we'll tell you which candidate this hurts the most if he runs and the countdown to iowa's on. senator rand paul in studio to explain his strategy, how he thinks he can win the republican nomination, straight ahead. ♪ i built my business with passion.
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headquarters, i'm kelly wright. good evening. the blizzard that pounded much of the east coast is now being blamed for at least 42 deaths. most of the victims were killed in car crashes or suffered heart attacks, while shoveling snow. so please be careful. many schools remain closed, and more that 2500 flights were delayed or canceled on monday. january already becoming the deadliest avalanche month in 20 years. the snow slide killing 11 people so far this year. this week three skiers and a snowmobiler died in the western u.s. the democratic presidential hopefuls making their final pitch one week ahead of the iowa caucus. front-runner hillary clinton and bernie sanders both trying to snag undecided voters on the same day a fox news poll saw
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clinton's approval rating dip below 50% for the first time. i'm kelly wright. we take you back now to "hannity." the man i have the honor of introducing is not afraid to tell it like it is. he's not very politically correct. he's very bold. he loves his country. and he firmly stands behind the second amendment. i'm not talking about my father. okay? the man i'm standing behind this year, to be the next president of the united states -- to help make america great again, ladies and gentlemen, donald trump. >> all right. that was willie robertson endorsing donald trump for president late last week one week after his father endorsed trump's chief rival senator ted cruz. really. watch this. >> i've looked at the candidates. ted cruz is my man. he fits the bill. he's got -- he loves us.
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he's the man for the job and will go duck hunting with us because today we're going. ted cruz is my man. i'm voting for him. >> all right. so what's behind the political split in the robertson family? joining us now are two men, to explain it themselves. willie robertson, his father phil. good to see you both. all right. so here i imagine the end of "duck dynasty" and you gather around the table with the big meal and i had the privilege of eating once and willie says pray the country elects donald trump and you, phil, say i pray that the lord blesses with us ted cruz. how's that work out? >> listen, son. hey, son, it could have been worse. he could have said, dad, i'm going with hillary clinton or bernie sanders. >> no. he would be excelled from the family, mr. robertson. i know you. he's out. >> then we would have had some
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words, my man. >> i don't want -- i order pizza from my house. >> i think you would be the next duck that got hunted. all right. so let's talk about the split because to be honest, this is clearly between the two of these men. if you look at some polls. they've got 60-plus percent of the vote. your family is representative of where a lot of people are. phil, you're the patriarch of the family. i'll ask you. why ted? >> the writer of our constitution, james madison, said this constitution was written for a moral and religious people. it's wholly inadequate for any other. i looked at cruz. he stood out in my mind as being a moral and religious man. i thought to myself, good enough for me. it's about that simple on my part.
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willie, he's a grown man. he can vote for who he wants to. you know what i'm saying? >> understood. and you taught him to be himself. willie, why trump? >> well, i think since that was written i think now our system is -- honestly, i think it's broken and a lot of the politicians more of the same and i want somebody in there who can shake it up. who can change it up. who are not after the money and, you know, after people telling them what to say. i like a man who puts his money where his mouth is and pays for his whole thing and not in debt to anybody and says i'm going to do what i'm going to do. i think he's the man for the job. he's run a business and i think, you know, so many of these people come in. they have never run a business. they don't know what they're doing when they get there and i just like somebody running a business, especially new york city. i think that's an advantage. i think you couldn't be that successful in new york city without having to be able to work with different kinds of people and i think he's done
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that and i think he'll work with other people. >> you have to remember, hannity, i don't like -- i don't dislike donald trump and his sons at all. i don't dislike them at all. and if he wins the nomination, hey, i'm all in with him. think about it. the alternative here. hillary clinton? bernie sanders? so it's not that i dislike him. i just said, i'm going with godliest. >> i'm take thinking of the alternative. not making me hopeful here, phil. are you the same way -- >> hey! >> yeah? >> well, no. i mean, no. i think trump has a chance to win. that's why obviously i'm behind him because i think he has a chance to win. we see that in the polls. i don't dislike senator cruz but again i go back to somebody who's run something, who's done something in business that impresses me and impresses everybody. and, you know, i mean, when, you
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know, first time senators come in, i don't know what they've done and how they can -- what they have done to run a business or anything like that. that's what excites me about trump among other things. he is a family man, a good guy and i think he's on the right path and i think a lot of americans seeing this. >> all right. so, where's the rest of the family on all of this? is everyone -- whole family split down the middle? >> good question. >> i don't know. we're all lobbying for each other. that's what's happening at the dinner table. everybody's trying to get people, donald trump jr. was in the other day and jase and went hunting. >> a good shot. >> you hunted with cruz. when's the best shot? >> i will have to give it to the trump kid. >> there you see. >> don jr. >> he can -- he could shoot. good shot and a good dude.
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>> by the way, when i went to west monroe, i noticed i didn't get taken duck hunted. i got to sit at the table and sip the wine with willie and you actually had me cook my steak which was okay. i didn't mind. >> you have to remember. hannity, you have to remember. >> yeah? >> we took a good look at you and said would he kill a duck? we are like, nah. >> i was going to take you to play tennis. >> i would beat you on the golf course. >> the country club. >> i'm a pistol marksman, phil, since i'm 11 years old. i carried a gun my whole adult life. except i live up here in new york. i carry a pistol. >> well, let's see. cruz is duck hunting and don jr.'s been duck hunting. hannity, you just need to load up. talk to your wife about it. see if she'll let you go for a couple of days. do you have to check with your wife before you come? >> of course he does. >> what do you mean? i don't have to check -- i'm the
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head of the household. it's biblical, phil. i read it somewhere. all right, guys. >> get your grip together. come on down here. >> all right. thank you both for being with us. seriously. a lot of fun. boy, i'd love to sit around that table and listen to this debate. thank you both. coming up, according to many reports, former new york city mayor bloomberg may jump into the 2016 white house race as an independent. now we'll explain which candidate he would hurt the most and later tonight just seven days from the iowa caucuses. days from the iowa caucuses. senator rand paul explains get fast-acting, long-lasting relief from heartburn with it neutralizes stomach acid and is the only product that forms a protective barrier that helps keep stomach acid in the stomach where it belongs.
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welcome back. kofrgt reports, billionaire and former mayor of new york city michael bloomberg is eyeing an independent run for the white house. now, in light of this news, we put together a list of some of bloomberg's pretty liberal policies. you may remember these. >> so, background checks do work. i think the fbi last year turned
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down something like 80,000 requests to buy a gun. this is nothing to do with banning the ability to buy as much as many sugary drinks but the size of the cup that can be used. it cannot be greater than 16 ounces under the regulation. government bestow the marriage licenses the rights and privilege that is come with any other marriage license and i could not agree more. the biggest obstacle to that equality is the defense of marriage act. temporary workers that come here three or four workers, if we can't get them, they can't pick the crops. our friend mere that the schlapp and monica crowly author of "genius of america." the senior vp of news and editorial director of npr -- i read your book a number of years ago, michael oreskes with us. i read this book.
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the chapter on reagan was brilliant. >> thank you. thank you. >> i mean -- >> it's a lot of brilliant chapters. >> how did you get to npr? >> it's a great institution. news. >> we don't want government funding it. let's talk about -- >> if you contribute more, we can reduce the government funding. >> we have heard that before. >> run the hannity radio show on npr? liberal on guns. wants to tell us what we can drink and how much to buy in terms of cocacoca-cola. you have to ask for salt in a new york restaurant. gay marriage. who does he hurt here if he gets in? >> here's what this is about. mike bloomberg sees an opening up the middle. but the real issue is why is it possible there's an opening? it's not about bloomberg but how angry everyone is. that's driving the phenomenon. that's what's driving the idea that a third party candidacy is
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even possible which, by the way, we know third party candidacies have rarely succeeded in this country. >> i can't see him drawing many republican voters with the liberal positions a. lifelong democrat. only reason he switched is because he wanted to have an easy nomination running for may why are. >> michael bloomberg works well in new york city but not very well in other places around america. i think there are two things happening here. one, i think he's a little bit envious seeing the fellow new york billionaire donald trump. >> envy here? >> yes. he's a smart man. not stupid. he sees the democratic side. mrs. clinton's numbers are soft and softer and could lose iowa and new hampshire. he also sees that the fbi is closing in on mrs. clinton. >> i'll get to that in a second. >> he sees a opening near a soft democratic primary. regardless of who the democratic nominee is. >> a source close to the bloomberg group now said, well,
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if hillary gets indicted, he'll leave open the option of jumping in. probably thinking down the road and monica suggested. >> we have all this talk of an open convention for the republicans in cleveland. we might be talking about if monowritten about the wrong convention. the democratic convention could be exciting. >> let's go to hillary. inspector general last week of the intelligence community and he's talking about s.a.p.s, higher classifications than top secret. the hill said that's a game changer. here's hillary not blaming the inspector general appointed by obama confirmed by a democratic majority in the senate. nope. vast right wing conspiracy. watch this. >> no. i'm not concerned because i know what the facts are. i never sent or received any material marked classified. i cannot control what the republicans leak and what they are contending. >> let me put up on the screen 15 specific federal laws that
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rudy giuliani former federal prosecutor identified and running it on the side of the screen as you analyze this. s.a.p. higher classification than top secret. does it raise it to the level of a game changer? could she possibly get the fbi recommending indictment and maybe an indictment? >> the underlying problem and why this is so confusing is we have no idea. there's vast amounts of classified material, a lot of it overclassified, some changed classifications in between. whether she knowingly did something to make her liable or whether someone else in the operation did something is what the investigation presumably is all about. you and i have been journalists a long time and been through a lot of scandals. both of the time the real issue is what the voters decide the scandal says about the character of the candidate. >> let me ask you as a matter of law. because she signed as non-disclosure agreement, signed
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becoming secretary of state. she sent out a memo to everybody else in the state department, don't use a private server. >> that's right. >> special access programs that are above top secret. every single incident if it's dozens of e-mails, seems that every one of those could be a potential felony charge of her. >> potential if she knew it. >> but actually the law suggests you don't need to know. at that point it would be mishandling of classified information. >> that's right. look. you don't know exactly. that's the point of secretary of state. you get the intelligence from the ground and then figure out what's real and what's not real. the fact is that's why you don't have a secretary of state that gets to make the discretion of what e-mails she keeps and what e-mail deletes. two things wrong here. mishandled the information she got on the e-mail and deleted 30,000 e-mails. >> never see. >> classifications through a surrogate. >> look, if you're a secretary of state you should be under the assumption every bit of material comes to you is classified thigh's right.
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>> number one. thinking about this, over the last week is three major leaks on the case. the potential for the pentagon to demote general petraeus was likely not going to do and nothing to do with -- >> they're out for blood there. >> that's a warning shot of hillary we can take you out if we want to. secondly the intel community inspector general saying he needed a higher security clearance to look at the documents in question. and then -- >> members of congress on intelligence committees don't have clearance to see these. >> had to get high eer clearanc this reed on the documents and yesterday reported that her aides were asked to physically cut and paste some of these top secret documents into other documents so that she could get them and resend them. someone is leaking this to keep the story fresh and not the republicans. >> here's what i want to know. does this rise to a level beyond
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petraeus? if loretta lynch doesn't follow the fbi conclusions if they conclude that crimes were committed, how big a scandal does that become? >> a significant scandal at a legal point and more important the real issue here and whether this is the question of the weak poll numbers is whether public reaction is beginning to feel that this is a problem in the way she handles this. >> sense this rising to that level? i do. >> i don't have no idea. >> we'll know in a week, right? >> worth waiting for the vote. >> we can wait a week. >> i guarantee you the polling isn't that off. hillary clinton is in trouble. >> yeah. >> she'll lose new hampshire. iowa's maybe to lose. >> that's right. losing the first two. you are in trouble. >> she is in trouble. >> two tracks, a legal track and talking about with the fbi. but then if it moves to a recommendation to the doj and lynch then it becomes a largely political matter. >> that's right. >> that's the president's call. i think if she were dominating the democrat and the republican field by 20 points they would leave her alone but she is
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incredibly vulnerable and might look at going for the jugular. >> wow. all right. good to see you all. when we come back, the iowa caucuses a week from now. checking in with senator rand paul here next for closing arguments on why he should be the gop nominee. also, later tonight -- >> we will not weaken. we will not degrade. we will utterly and completely destroy isis. >> the best intelligence agencies in the world are going to tell us where the terrorists are. the best military in the world is going to destroy them. >> the 2016 republican candidates, they have been slamming obama's disastrous isis what if one piece of kale could protect you from diabetes? what if one sit-up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. pneumococcal pneumonia. if you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from
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republican candidate the kentucky senator rand paul. how are you? >> very good. thank you for having me, sean. >> i was talking about this earlier. when you look back 2004, 15 points off. 2008 and 2012 they were off. you say we're relying on polls too much. >> i think we're going to be surprised that the race is closer and open after the iowa primary and new hampshire. we think ours are underestimated. the number s are underestimated. i'm saying the government shouldn't collect the phone records. i don't want the government collecting the phone records, collecting my credit card statements. and a lot of young people agree with us. we're strong on the college campuses. we'll make the closing argument traveling on college campuses. >> a history of pauls outperforming the polls. your dad did.
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>> the current polls show an underestimate of his support. we think we'll outperform what the polls are showing isle when you say liberty voters, that's sort of like your delynn natiins you're the more conservative libertarian in the race. >> i think there's several areas where i represent something that is unique and distinctive. one, on government collecting your records. two, on government putting you in jail for minor things like marijuana. and, three, on whether or not the intervention in the middle east helped us or made things less safe. >> one and two i agree. a little bit on three i disagree. you want to balance budgets. you want to secure the borders. that's a mess. but on the issue -- look. if we're going to fight a war again in this country, if we're not going to win the war, i don't want to send anybody anymore.
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if war's politicized like vietnam and iraq, i don't want anymore war. >> the constitution says that congress declares war. congress is supposed to vote on war. we have been involved in the middle east for a year and a half and everybody says we voted on it 9/11. >> bush got the authorization of force. >> for a different war. that is new war and a new generati generation. congress needs to vote. i'm a reagan conservative in the sense i believe going to war you don't go halfway. even the people in our party wanting to put troops on the ground, the mccains and the grahams, they want 10,000 troops on the ground. that's a ridiculously small amount going to war. the thing is that when we had the surge, when we took over the same areas, we had 130,000 and added 50,000. so what i'm saying is make the commitment of a couple hundred thousand people on the ground or amplify those that live here, who live there and the people there will have to fight that battle. >> if this is year of the
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insurgent inasmuch as the polls show it is, didn't the republicans create that? they don't understand it. i'm not like it's no complicated. you made promises you broke them. you didn't fight. you contributed $4.1 trillion to the debt, john boehner. >> biggest complaint of republicans across the country is we gave you congress, the house, the senate, you are not using the power of the purse. that's why i've said i'm not voting to raise the debt ceiling unless we reform the government. loudest voices in washington for increasing spending are those wanting to increase the military budget and make a deal with the left and increase the welfare budget and you get both. >> how are you doing with mitch mcconnell? >> you know, i've been opposed to most of the things that have come out of washington from leadership. i haven't been shy about it. >> in fairness, i mean, from your home state. you supported him. how big a part of the problem is
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he? >> i have not been shy of standing up to leadership. i'll continue to do. i stood ten hours on the nsa. against republican leadership. i stood for 13 hours saying you shouldn't drone americans. against republican leadership and the unlimited amount of debt ceiling raise against leadership. i do it differently. i don't make it personal. i don't make it about the individuals. i make it about when's right and wrong. >> if you did it, it might get you more press. >> i do fine. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. coming up next on this busy news night tonight on "hannity" -- >> we will not weaken. we will not degrade. we'll utderly and completely destroy isis. >> the best intelligence agencies in the world are going to tell us where the terrorists are. the best military in the world is going to destroy them. >> the 2016 republican
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candidates have been slamming obama's failed isis strategy on the campaign trail. former secretary of defense donald rumsfeld is up next with donald rumsfeld is up next with reaction and more tonight on donald rumsfeld is up next with reaction and more tonight on i've been blind since birth. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. or visit these are the hands that plow the data, dig up clues, create opportunity, and weave messages that lead to sales. these are the hands of pitney bowes, the craftsmen of commerce. these are the hands, the hands that drive commerce, that build business across borders. these are the hands of pitney bowes, the craftsmen of commerce. i thione second it's then, woosh, it's gone. i swear i saw it swallow seven people.
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>> here's how some of the republican presidential hopefuls say that they'd deal with radical islamists. >> we will not weaken. we will not degrade. we will utterly and completely destroy isis. >> the best intelligence agencies in the world are going to tell us where the terrorists are. the best military in the world is going to destroy them. and if we capture any of them alive they're not getting a and if we capture them alive they're getting a one way ticket to guantanamo bay. >> these people say we can just make this, you know, you can't win wars with just the air. you can't. so you've got to both. >> we're going to talk about isis because we have to blow them off the face of the earth. we have to. >> joining us now, former defense secretary donald rumsfeld, now 83 years old, has the top 30 app in the country.
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it's called churchill solitaire. >> i used to listen to his speeches. you know? how did you get into this? >> he taught, during world war ii, the government went to london in exile. among the people serving in that diplomat became a protegee of churchill. so when i arrived in 1973 as ambassador to nato, he taught me the game churchill caught him. it would have been lost to the ages -- >> top 30 app in the country is huge. >> well, better to be lucky than smart, isn't it? >> you're giving the money to charity? >> we are. we're working with the churchill
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people to make sure we handle the churchill name in a proper way. and they are taking any profits they get. >> amazing historical figures. you think of the bombing of britain out there every day, among the people. >> let me ask you this. i went with you to iraq. >> yes. >> on the same plane as you. i came back with you. when you hear the city, mosul, fallujah, ramadi, tikrit in isis, all of the financial resources they get from oil. i'm angry this president didn't finish the job. nobody seems to talk about that. >> you're right. a great deal of effort and heart break has gone into this. and by pulling out and not providing the kind of support for the iraqi people and iraqi
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government that he could have, a lot of damage has been done. >> i mean, if you're a parent who lost your son and they won the city and you see the city is now in the hands of isis, i would be so angry over that. >> there are basic problems. people are saying should we do this or that? the problem is that this administration has not fashioned a logical winning strategy. you know, if you don't know where you're going any road will get you there. that is unfortunate because it creates a vacuum that gets filled by people who don't have our interest or values. >> i am so angry over this. go back to vietnam. we could have won vietnam. but it became politicized. iraq became politicized and as a result, we don't finish the job. don't we need to find victory
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now? don't we need to define that? >> well, you do. we have to understand that this is a long problem. this problem with radical islamists begins first with defining what the problem is. >> radical islam. >> exactly. but our government won't say that. they don't think that. they won't organize around that principle. that is what the problem is. the problem is normandie terents are not working. we're not going to be attacked by big armies, navys and airports because we don't have them. >> is there a next generation warfare? do you fore see that time? >> i think that eisenhower once said the plan is nothing. planning is everything.
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time for our question of the day. so michael bloomberg, the former new york city mayor runs who is it going to hurt the most? by the way he wants to tell you how much coke you can buy and whether you can have salt on your table at a restaurant. do we need a nanny president? let us know what you think. quick programming note, big week on "hahn write" starting tomorrow we'll be in iowa ahead
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of the caucuses and hitting the campaign trail, tomorrow night, 10:00 eastern. as always, thank you for being with us. we'll the o'reilly factor from l.a. is on. tonight: >> donald trump, i really truly believe, is a very dangerous man. >> has donald trump caused a civil war among conservatives? very possibly. talking point and charles krauthammer will analyze. >> she is a fire cracker. she is a real pistol. she is crazy. >> >> "saturday night live" mocking palin and trump. does this kind of exhibition have any effect on the voting public? >> how am i going to chop the head off the snake if i'm going to be running in the other correction? >> we do need
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