tv The Five FOX News January 26, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. with kimberly guilfoyle, dana perino, "the five." last night on something called cnn they held a special else of survivor for socialists. where hillary was asked about her e-mail. i bet she's not saying it was an error in judgment because nothing she did was wrong. it was not in any way prohibited. >> i'm not willing to say it was an error in judgment. nothing that did i was wrong. it was not, it was not in any way prohibited. >> cut and paste in classified info into unclassified arenas is
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totally legit. according to no one with a license to practice law. and i wonder if she says benghazi is an issue because the republicans want to keep it an issue. they know it. i know it. >> this is only still an issue because the republicans want to keep it an issue. they know it. i know it. already eight investigations. most of them by republicans in the congress. the house intelligence committee, the house armed services committee. and what did they conclude? that there were problems that night but they were ones that we should look at, not from the perspective of placing blame or pointing fingers. >> can't point fingers. look, she's not wrong. the republicans are making it an issue because it is supposed to be an issue. she falsely pushed the video and lied to the grieving families now. she wants everyone to move. on that's the cry of a criminal or spouse caught in the act. but complaining that the republicans want to keep the
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story of benghazi alive, that's pathetic. would she complain if it wasn't benghazi but the story was about sandy hook or charleston? she's complaining about people doing the right thing, who cares if it's political? shut up. what exactly should we focus instead? her good points? her treatment of bill's women? her casual disdain for security? her wonderful laugh? [ laughter ] >> but any criticism can't be recapped as an attack on her. she is the victim. a woman, no less, which afords her immunity, so say feminists. sure, the benghazi dead spent 13 hours in hell but she was questioned almost as long. >> what is your response? >> i understand the continuing grief of the loss that parents
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experienced with the loss of these four brave americans. and i did testify, as you know, for 11 hours. and i answered all of these questions. now, i can't, i can't help if the people think there has to be something else there. >> so sorry, benghazi dead. your story is over. and why? because hillary has moved on to bigger and better things and you're not included. >> so last night was quite a barn burner, k.g. the town hall. it was explosive. >> it goes to show her attitude. she feels very entitled to the presidency, to be commander in chief shelf doesn't care that she's epically failed. that she has blood on her hands, not to mention that she has in fact endangered our national security, put people's lives on the line because of her recklessness with respect to her e-mail server. she really doesn't seem to care. in fact, she has martyred
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herself by saying that she, okay, she testified for 11 hours. did she pull an all nighter and stay up all night while americans were being lawsuit is in other words benghazi and she stood by and did nothing? >> fair question. >> there's a fox news poll, juan, that is basically saying the top democratic quality among democratic voters is being honest and trust worthy. so when you see hillary, she does not appear to have that trait in spades. she is about as trustworthy as a used car salesman. >> i think that's not true but i think it is the case that you're right. the poll is pretty clear. that's what the voters want. when it doms trustworthy, she is the bottom of the barrel but the bottom of the barrel is the people leading the republican side of the thing. if you ask about trump and cruz, i think they come in at 17%. hillary comes in at 30 plus. clearly people are looking at
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other issues to reflect their issues and concerns. and i think hillary had a very good moment last night in that town hall that you so ridiculed her for. when she was asked by a young person, so why did they throw all that garbage at you? exactly the kind of thing. >> would you like to see that? >> sure. >> why don't i show the rest of america? >> go for it big time. >> look, i've been around a long time. peep have thrown all kinds of things at me. and you know, i can't keep up with it. i just keep going forward. they fall by the wayside. they come one these outlandish things them make these charges. i keep going forward. there's nothing to it. >> it blows me away that you think that was her finest moment. >> terrific. >> i literally wrote that down as her worst moment of the night. >> i thought it was terrific. she said i've been at the front line of change. and people who make change get beat up. >> what i heard was a young person saying you're not very trustworthy and it has been
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knocked against you a long time. she said yeah, people have been saying that a long time. that's proving that people thought you were untrustworthy for a very long time. she walked right into that question. >> the takeaway for me was, now i know why they originally wanted only a handful of debates for dnc. she doesn't do well. there's a whole bunch of conspiracy theories, cnn, they've gotten together and planted some of those. i guess they didn't but the way i understand it worked, people ask questions and not toward a candidate. and cnn looked at which candidate got the question. giving her that question was a bad idea, at least in hillary clinton's eyes, it should be. she failed that. she fumbled that one. >> wrong, wrong, wrong. let me tell you something. we even said, i was working for single payer. she said, we couldn't get it
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done but we tried to get it done for young people. >> i want to get dana in here. she always seems like a been he have lent alien at the town halls. it seem so cold and orchestrated and fake. >> it was interesting when she said she did nothing wrong with her on the e-mail scandal which is really at odds with when she apologized for having the server. apparently, that was what she thought three months ago but now she feels like she can weather the storm. the reason i didn't like her answer is that yeah. she just keeps going because nothing sticks to her. she can just lie about benghazi on the video. the video in particular, not necessarily the stand-down order. but pushing the video, that was abhorrent. in addition, wendy sherwin who was her top aide at the state department. it was on fox news shelf brags
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about how they have these new technologies, these blackberries that were different from when she worked for president bill clinton and she could share things that used to be on classified systems can now be shared freely on blackberry. and this is a new video that came out today. again, pokes hole in those arguments. last night i looked at that showtime show, the circus. a 29-minute episode. one of the people they follow is bernie sanders. >> i haven't spent much time getting to know him all that. he is very likable. and his wife obviously loves him vex. the contrast with hillary clinton was quite stark for me. >> and last night i think that was highlighted as well. whether you disagree vehemently, bernie sanders's socialism and
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transfer of wealth and redistribution. he still come across as a much more relatable, likable candidate than hillary clinton by far. and now it makes sense. now it makes sense why there are so many dnc debates and so few democrats. >> this is so curious to me the four has become the bernie sanders for president headquarters. >> i guess it is because you're so worried about -- >> for nominee. >> not for president. you're so worried about hillary. no, we're not. >> i have to tell you something. i know bernie sanders. i've dealt with bernie sanders. and as he grumpy old man. as he grumpy guy. >> let's, speaking of the grumpy guy. we have some time of him from last night. roll that time. >> our message has resonated much faster, much further than i thought it would. and i think what the american people are perceiving is there
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is something very wrong in this country. >> i think we are touching a nerve with the american people who understand that establishment politics is just not good enough. we need bold changes, we need a political revolution. >> he always sounds like he's making a very specific order at a delicatessen. the egg salad, make sure there's not too much lettuce on it and it should be toasted. >> and i bet he gets what he asks for. >> i hope not. he's asking for a revolution. >> i'm happy for him to get the nomination but we'll stop right there. there will be no potato salad for you at the deli. he is somebody who is likable. you guys are saying, yeah, we're honest. we're telling it like it is. the fact is he's more likable than hillary clinton. should he be president? no. is he a socialist? yes. does he want a political revolution? not on our watch. >> why do you -- the favorability, unfavorability. >> i can tell you. >> night and day.
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>> i'm going to tell you something. >> he really doesn't like the fact that i even appear on "the five." he doesn't like -- >> he knows the five exists? >> he does. >> this is a grumpy person. a very nice guy and i love some of the things he says. he says things -- >> right now he's liking us better than you. >> his favorability was 95%. hillary is underwater by 22 points. >> and who is under attack constantly? >> you can't say in that same world, likable, favorable, hillary is more favorable. >> i'm saying personally. >> but this is like what president obama said the other day. that you know, bernie is a shiny new object. everybody is like, bernie, bernie, bernie. >> an elderly social i have for a democrat is a shiny new
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object. ? and eight years ago -- >> saying the same thing about her. >> that's true. remember? that he was the big new shiny thing. now he is making fun of bernie sanders? >> do you know what the big new shiny thing in iowa is? us. "the five." >> up next, new developments in the gop. that stands for the grand old party. including another endorsement for donald trump. a big name in the evangelical community. find out who that is when we return.
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another endorsement today. snare falwell jr. supporting the front-runner. with six days left, it could give him a big boost among evangelical voters and trump just surged to a new high. 64% of republicans say they expect him to be the nominee. his opponents are clearly feeling the pressure. ted cruz just put out a new attack ad. >> i lived in new york city and manhattan all my life. my views are a little different than if i lived in hawaiowa. >> what does trump think about iowa? >> how stupid are the people of iowa. >> donald trump, new york values. not ours. >> and of course, donald is firing right back. >> cruz lies. he is a liar. that's why nobody likes him. that's why his senate people won't endorse him. he stands on the middle of the senate floor and can't make a deal with anybody. he looks like a jerk.
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he's standing all by himself. >> a big endorsement. jerry falwell jr. the caucusgoers, somewhere around 50% evangelicals? >> yeah. no more playing checkers. it is all about chess. who can get the best moves, the best endorsements to try to get the final push for the caucus voters. you'll notice while that ad was playing, juan is cracking up enjoying himself. he didn't seem too much bothered by it. >> i thought the piece at the end. i know the front people have complained about it. that they took it out of context. he was going on about ben carson saying he stopped some guy from stabbing him. >> in the context, carson was leading in iowa. >> but he was not saying people from iowa are stupid. >> right. and i don't think he thinks that. cruz making these attacks about the new york values. wait a second.
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i thought that you were kind of walking that back and not going to insult all the fine people that live in the state of new york. that to me is a turnoff. >> that didn't work the first time for cruz. >> i love it. you have trump calling him a liar and a jerk. then you have cruz deriding new york values. this is not the firing line. it's more like what's my line? it has the subtly of a play ground fight. i'm more interested in iowa. do you know that there was a yoga workshop at the jasper winery. >> are you serious? >> that's on friday. >> what time? now we're going to go. >> we can go see hair ball. a tribute heavy metal band playing at the fair grounds. i was thinking, juan, you and i could go to lefty's live music. there will be polish metal. the guitarist for decapitated. and finally the best for you, kimberly.
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the iowa pork congress starts tomorrow. >> come on! >> it's a trade show all about swine. and they're going to crown the iowa pork queen. >> come on! is it too late for a last-minute entry? i want to be the write-in candidate. >> i think they're all last-minute entries. >> let's stay up all night. >> and you can be a youth pork ambassador. >> i'll do that i would be an amazing queen of pork. don't you think? >> i saw mullets. >> and the greenwood lounge and highlights. it sounds like fun. >> i'm looking forward to it. >> i'm taking everyone bowling. >> i know. you asked me to bring a casual outfit for bowling. jeans. i got it. no heels. >> when donald trump said, how stoom rid the people of iowa like two months ago, i remember thinking, that will come back to haunt you.
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it doesn't matter the context. trump has proved it over and over again. the other thing, jim garrity points out, in a number of polls there are some interesting things going on. there are either fewer evangelicals living in iowa or the polling samples are off. the recent poll said that caucusgoers in 2012, 57% of them identified as evangelicals. this time around, same poll from four years ago, 36%, every vote counts but there might be fewer than in 2012. >> and they're looking for a bigger turnout. i think 120,000 last year. maybe they're looking for 150, 160. can we do this? who will decide the election this year. let's listen to that. >> in the end, independent vote letters make the call this year. not polls say independents are not bullish on
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hillary or bernie sanders. so trump has a chance. out of robust debate can come clarity and strength. hopefully that's what will happen next november. >> if bill o'reilly is right, then basically it shoots holes in ted cruz' strategy. he has been saying, along with many others in 2012, that if only the conservatives had come out and voted. that there's some mythical number of like 45 million conservative who's didn't vote. he will target them. he doesn't expect to get all of them. but if he could get more, it could take him over the top. this is big a debate in republican circles, whether you need to try to get some independents or just focus on the conservatives. >> i'm in bill o'reilly's camp. >> i am too. but i think he is talking about whites, white conservatives. i don't see it as realistic. >> i think the big news to come back to your point. over the last week, what i've seen. and i even saw this last night.
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i'm talking on krauthammer. >> those guys -- >> must be nice. >> i think the republican establishment, liar the governor of iowa, be charles grassley. those guys are all, it looks to me. they might as well come out and endorse trump. >> i disagree. i think it is unfair to say that about governor branson. he was saying don't vote for cruz. but he was not saying, therefore, not to vote for trump. i think that marco rubio has a lot of appeal amongst a lot of republicans. i think you will see him. >> what a -- that is the most crony capitalistic thing could you ever do. >> you're a man of your word. you're honest. >> ethanol subsidies. >> final thought? >> iowa, iowa pork queen. here i come. >> how could you not at least see that there is a lot more
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that interest by people who haven't necessarily been political prior to this? you're seeing it. >> they're definitely new voters. >> the question is, do they come out? that's what the poll difference is. >> why would they not? >> people are saying, this trump thing is a phenomenon but they won't show up. >> they waited for hours to see him at rallies. i don't see why they wouldn't show up. >> good point. >> we said to use the word voters. they're not voters. they're caucusgoers. >> are not those the same people that have been lining up to fill halls and standing long hours in bad weather? >> people over 45. >> the hair ball. >> hair ball. it's a heavy metal group. >> hair ball. >> an investigation into planned parenthood's trafficking of fetal tissue results in indictments in texas but not for the abortion provider. for the people who exposed the operation that surprise, twist,
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and the video makers. that's next. you do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates... maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance.
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on location with the famous, big idaho potato truck. our truck? it's touring across america telling people about idaho potatoes. farmer: let's go boy. again this year the big idaho potato truck is traveling the country spreading the word about heart healthy idaho potatoes and making donations to local charities. excuse me miss, have you seen our truck? you just missed it. ahhh! aw man are you kiddin' me?
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it was an expose, a series of undercover videos revealed that planned parenthood was not only aborting babies but also trafficking their organs for profit. >> so if we profit, we're able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, then we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. it is all just a matter of line items. >> that launched congressional
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investigations, along with local ones and yesterday a surprising development out of texas. a grand jury in houston chose to indict two makers of those videos instead of planned parenthood. accusing them of tampering with a government record. the judge is convinced politics are behind the indictment. >> this sounds like a political hitch-up. >> you used to practice law. i used to be on the bench. we both know that a skilled prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict anything. the favorite phrase is you can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich if you want. he with won't know what this prosecutor told the grand jury unless and until there's an actual criminal trial. >> one of the two facing felony charges is the founder of the center for medical progress. in a statement, he defended his group's actions saying it uses the same undercover techniques that journal. is have used for decades.
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planned parenthood cannot deny the admissions from their leadership about fetal organ sales captured on video for all the world to see. this is a shocking, surprising development. >> i think his statement a good one. how is this different from what 60 minutes or "dateline" nbc has done for years? >> this is just a grand jury indictment. i do not believe that he will be convicted. i don't think a felony charge conviction would even hold up. hopefully people will listen. look at the evidence. understand the issues at play here and not try to make a political statement and use this person as some kind of a scapegoat. >> and two other points. i wanted to say that it did occur to me that the democrats and liberals really criticized the grand juries in new york and baltimore in the com cases. they thought the grand juries
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were slanted. it can only be where they want to it on checking the bottom column. the last thing i would say, they were selling human organs. you cannot -- every seller requires a willing buyer. so there was obviously something going on in the trafficking of human organs is illegal. >> that's what he's saying. you can't escape that they are doing this, it was illegal and subsequent to this investigation coming out, they changed their that practices. they knew what they were doing was wrong. and that i think is significant. >> i wanted to add. up what makes this different? imagine if wasn't a media darling like planned parenthood. if this had been a sting for the nra or a sting on the catholic church. the media would be championing the investigators as heros and condemning this indictment. apparently you can slice up a fetus but not like a drivers license. the other difference was this was not a political sting.
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it was a moral sting. it wasn't out to overturn roe v. wade or get somebody elected. it was trying to shine a light on something about our civilization that stinks. and it was a moral sting. i don't think they even had any -- they were not trying to change anything. they were just trying to say, take a look, america. >> were you surprised by this indictment? what do you think will happen? >> again, judge napolitano thinks this won't go any further than indictment. it probably won't go to trial. if they do, correct me if i'm wrong but they're going after falsifying a drivers license as a way of getting this person to talk about it. and that's the extent of it. you point out something very important. planned parenthood stopped the practice of -- let me put it this way. selling body parts. they say they were taking money to cover the cost of removing the fetal parts and transporting. now they'll hold the parts for
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anhey can sell them another day down the road if they wanted to. the whole issue is whether they were making a profit. they stopped doing the process. that's good. the indictments came down. that's bad. i think that will go away. go after planned parenthood. what they were doing was illegal. >> but how politically motivated? what about babies' lives? shouldn't they matter? it's terrible. a witch hunt. >> it just bothers me. eight states, after seeing all this, decline after seeing it. 11 states cleared planned parenthood. you ask, what's the difference between had and 60 minutes or a journalists? >> i can tell you as a journalist. you can't make your that identity, use fake i.d. you can't create fake companies. you don't use actors to go in and set people up by asking leading questions. that's just not -- you say, this is political. look. i tell you, i have so much respect for people who oppose
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abortion rights. i understand that fully. but if you're asking me, greg, is it legal? yes. the u.s. government, the american people have said it is legal to use fetal tissue for research purposes. and that's what was going on. there was never any fetal tissue sold for profit. >> there was. they claim it wasn't for profit. >> i'm telling you. >> on time that woman said how they'll separate the body parts. >> so they can make more money. >> what you're trying to do is to give the scientific people what they're trying to get so they can deal with issues, ranging from everything from asthma -- to parkinson's. >> there's value in it. there's value in the tissue. we admit it. there's value there. >> and it can be done scientifically without chopping up babies. how bm? why don't you reach for a little higher moral, ethical ground instead of squandering in the
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mud. >> they didn't say. we're from "dateline" nbc. we're going to try to catch you molesting a child. next, live to iowa for a visit to campaign carl. ahead of the big announcement coming up in moments ahead of the gop debate on thursday. and live in iowa soon. that's right. see us there. check it out. tune in friday, saturday and monday. we go live to caucus country. we can't wait and you won't want to miss it. we were below the 88th southern parallel. we had traveled for over 850 miles. my men driven nearly mad from starvation and frostbite. today we make history. >>bienvenidos! welcome to the south pole! if you're dora the explorer, you explore. it's what you do. >>what took you so long? if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. >>you did it, yay!
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♪ lost shipments, lost invoices, lost prospects, lost respect. well-crafted solutions for today's problems in commerce. pitney bowes, the craftsmen of commerce. there is big a announcement coming soon for the gop debate. the lineup will be revealed at 6:00 p.m. eastern tonight on special report. as we wait for that, let's check in with campaign carl in iowa donald trump will be holding a rally shortly. campaign carl.
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you're very experienced in this. i have a quick question for you. do you think conventional wisdom will hold or do you expect a surprise? >> all year it's been a could not frontation of conventional wisdom. i think it would not be a surprise. the conventional wisdom is that sooner or later, trump will begin to falter. so far that has not happened although today he did take a serious hit. a number of women's pro-life groups have come forward and said that donald trump is unacceptable. the conservative women's forum, right to life america, the susan b. anthony organization, all women oriented pro-life organizations have said that donald trump's past positions of pro-choice supporting abortion rights, and his treatment and demeanor toward women make him unacceptable. that's a big deal in republican politics and it comes literally on the two days before the debate and five days before, six
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days before the caucuses. so he'll be in a rally tonight. it will be very, very odd to hear donald trump attack those groups. but normally when groups don't like him, that's what he does. >> so the criteria has been announced but the name are not. so tonight it is coming out in 15 or 20 minutes. 19 minutes. it looks like the top six nationally. then you may add another one. i guess it would be kasich for new hampshire. he'll come in the top five. and then maybe another one, maybe an eighth player in rand paul if he come in within the top five in the last five iowa polls. is that correct? six, seven or eight candidates? >> that sort of lays out the likely outcomes. we'll final out which outcome ultimately in a matter of minutes. but more candidates on the stage means less time for donald trump and more criticism simply
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because he'll be center stage. now virtually every one of his rivals is criticizing hill. in the past, there have been a few reluctant to. >> all right. what about the enthusiasm level there? what are you seeing in terms of likely caucus supporters, in terms of their supporters for their particular candidate? >> the trump organization, they originally planned to have this at a hotel conference central. it was only going to hold about 400 people so they moved it. this is not the kind of thousands and thousands of people that mr. trump has had when he goes to states that aren't voting in february. but this is a very sizable crowd for the iowa caucuses. but the enthusiasm is real. they've been peppered by pollste pollsters. they're getting tired of it and eager to vote. just about everybody in iowa has a first choice, a second choice and in many cases a third choice. that's the way caucuses go.
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you can have a second bite at the apple. here in central iowa there are folks from montana, illinois, indiana, all just to see and watch the caucuses. their states don't vote until much later. but it gives you the idea some of is it political tourism. some of it is people who like a celebrity and then there are those who plan to caucus and vote for him. ? we only have 30 seconds left. juan? >> if i was a political tourist, i would go see campaign carl. let me ask but two people we haven't mentioned. ben carson and marco rubio. carson looks to be cratering to me. am i wrong? and rubio cork he establish himself behind trump and cruz? >> yeah, rubio is trying to be that third ticket out of iowa. recognizing that trump and cruz seem to be in a two-man race. but rubio will be in third which
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sets him apart from the rest of the pack. that's a big deal for him. on the other hand, the idea that you can win the nomination by being third is a problem that rubio will have to face soon. he is in second or third in new hampshire. selling or third in south carolina. sooner or later, he'll to have win somewhere. donald trump or ted cruz, it will be a late night this coming monday but one of those two is likely to win the caucuses which changes the dynamic for every state there after will you know that. >> all right. gutfeld. >> any suggestions for bars? >> yeah. well, there are plenty of them des moines. the problem with coming out and staying in des moines is that is not where republican candidates do the bulk of the campaigning. they come to the more rural areas of the state. particularly the central midwest. if you're looking to go to a hillary or bernie event, you'll probably do okay.
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jack frost nipping at your nose? >> yeah. now i need joe beer nipping at my liver, huh? >> norm from cheers. he always went to a place where everybody knew his name. he seemed like a happy guy, right? a new study. living near a pub does make you happy and can improve your overall health. those who enjoy a pint close to home had more friends. that sounds like a good excuse to drink up. especially if you're greg gutfeld. >> why would you come to me first? >> you asked the question of campaign carl about where can we drink? >> the upside is there's no drunk driving if you live near a pub. the bad news is your front yard becomes a restroom for drunks. the real down side is when they
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banned smoking. because it camouflaged the stench of an old pub and it does stink in there. when everybody stopped smoking, you smell the stale beer. >> the good news is they say if you have a local pub, you are less likely to drink excessively. >> the other thing it said is that having that companionship, being able to go down and see a few friends like they did on cheers. that's probably the most beneficial thing if not the alcohol. in england, one of the things i loved about living there. you could take your dog to the pub as well. that was fabulous. >> the smoking would cover up the smell of the dog. >> my dog does not smell. >> i used to go to the puck every day. >> it didn't stop from you going back. day after day after night after night. yeah. >> so it says if you, friendship is so important for good health and long life. it says the way to maintain a friendship is face to face. not on e-mail, not on the phone.
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and a pub, you're face to face. we go to this pub all the time, have a cocktail. you don't have to get into the car or worse, a cab in new york city. what is it like for a beautiful woman to go into a local pub? >> not fabulous. >> what? what did you just say? >> wow! okay. it can be friendly. it can be friendly. >> you can't go into bars, can you? >> i can. >> all right. one more thing. up next.
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and on long island, where great universities are creating next generation technologies. let us help grow your company's tomorrow, today at juan? >> last week some people in gainesville, florida, complained about neighborhood kids playing basketball too loudly in the driveway. but the cop showed up and they said, we're coming back and we're going to get some help. they brought in a friend on saturday. that friend was shaquille o'neal. oh, my god. shaquille o'neal shows up and he starts playing with the cops with the neighborhood kids. the video of this which i must say, all credit to shaquille o'neal and the police. they did not invite the media. but this video got played by 14
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million people across america. it went viral. good news for police community relations. >> where are we? >> he got big this way, too. >> so this was just an amazing video. i was like, you people like to hate on twitter. but go for it. you hate on me some more. check it out. this little girl ava spoke. >> we are going to see donald trump in person. in new hampshire. >> are you serious? >> yeah. are you excited? >> yeah. >> you get to go see him in person. not on tv. >> thank you! >> oh! >> are you excited? >> yes. >> you want to meet him? tell mr. trump you want to meet him. >> i love you! >> i hope he calls her. >> by the way, she'll be on fox
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and friends tomorrow morning. if i were him -- >> absolutely. helicopter ride. helicopter ride. >> what i was going to do was set it up. this is definitely not dana. >> that no, you'd better not do that. >> i would have laughed. >> politics, politics. last night they had the town hall. it was pretty uneventful. afterwards, bernie sanders left. it was dark out. he got a little lost. we have should, these photos of him. he ended up getting stuck on a traffic island. and luckily there were some police officers there able to find mr. sanders and get him home. actually, that's a little sloth in ecuador that crossed a highway and got terrified. >> accept this name him greg. a striking resemblance. >> i like upside down. >> kimberly? >> it's always time to cheese,
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isn't it? some people like cheese. if i were a slami suspect, i would be the first one. $70,000 in cheese was recovered. but $90,000 still missing in wisconsin. the police department is all over it. here's my delightful dish. i dare you, i challenge you to try to steal the cheese for the "the five"? we like cheddar. we asked for a double order of the cheddar. i'm really appreciative of the police recovering all that cheese. the problem is, they cut out the parmesan. >> miss perino? >> less than a minute you'll see bret baier on special report. he talk about the fox news 2016 election hq app. a pretty cool thing. i downloaded it. you can inact with him on wednesday nights. he'll talk about how the week has gone and you can find out more about your candidates and check in on the polls. things like that so you can
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never miss a moment. and in like 20 seconds, you'll final who is on the debate stage now 18 seconds, 15 seconds. >> set your dvrs and never miss an else of "the five." this is a fox news alert. i'm bret baier in des moines, iowa. in 49 hours the first of two republican presidential candidate debates will begin. they are final gop debates before the first in the nation iowa caucuses monday. right now your first look at the line-ups, based on an average of polls conducted and released by 5:00 p.m. today. this will be the main event. starting at 9:00 eastern thursday. donald trump is the top seed. ted cruz come in second. the rest, marco rubio, ben carson, jeb bush, chris christie, john kasich and rand paul. now for the undercard debate which gigs at 7:00
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