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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  January 30, 2016 12:00am-1:01am PST

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on your screen right now. did the debate change your mind? 77% say no. 23% say yes. remember, sunday night welcome to "red eye." i'm tom shillue. let's check in with tv's andy levy to see what stories we will be discussing this evening. andy? >> coming up on the big show fox news wraps on another fine gop debate. we'll try to figure out why there is more substance at this one. and bernie sanders' doctor reveals the candidate has been treated for the disease of kings. i wish him luck recovering from the he mow feel yaw. and an algorithm that rates your hotness. how it will spin the results. >> and let's welcome our guest. i can see you are thirsty. i have this tall drink of
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water for you. fox news headlines 24/every is reporter -- 24/7 reporter. and this is a change from the normal routine. host of the countdown show on s -- sirius xm93. >> did she say her website was did she say no, i did. and he has a rabid fan base that follows him everywhere he goes. usually while holding torches. powering next to me the giant comedian. let's start the show. >> no trump? no problem. thursday night's gop debate hosted by fox newschannel went off smashingly. here are key moments. >> i think bernie sanders is a good candidate for president.
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>> i am a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly. >> we should ban all muslims. >> we learned a lot. >> during the debate they took questions from a few youtube stars. here is one of them jie. here is a question from a youtube creator with two million subscribers. watch. ♪ >> dr. carson, that's for you. >> great. as i said before, we are a land of immigrants.
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>> i like it. >> look, we've got to hear from our young youtube millennial zyberspace people. >> i love the squid people of the internet. that's all i look at, i promise. >> ben, this debate went over well. we are worried we won't have our entertainer in chief on board. >> it was a thrilling debate. man i was glued to the tv. it was ridiculous. the big winner of the debate was no doubt sleep. sleep won the debate. no doubt about it. if you have sleep apnea or suffer from insomnia go and see a sleep pathologist. he will put your wife to bed. >> ben found it innervat nie g. >> innervating? >> am i right about that?
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>> coming from the officianado that is a crack. >> i found it iten energizing. how about you? >> who ever cut that open needs to apply for a job at msnbc. they would fit right in the way they cut it together. they would be perfect. >> i am not saying we needed to make it more exciting through the use of editing. i thought we learned a lot and it is refreshing. >> i didn't watch. i was at a restaurant with a fine group of breitbart fans instead of watching the debate we had a conversation about hip hop and conservatism and it was much more fun. >> it sounds exciting. why not shoot that and stick it on u tube? >> you can check my site for it. >> i was drinking crown royal and coke instead of my usual
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petrone shots. >> what's the deal, luis? i think i am not uh loin because the debate was the second highest rated show in fox news history. >> what was the first rated show? >> the first debate. >> there is a theme here. i also didn't watch the debate because donald trump wasn't there. in all honesty why tune it if trump is going to be there? >> they televised his rally across town. >> i didn't watch the rally across town. >> what were you doing? >> no, no. i was -- i have a live show i do myself. to be honest with you, i love watching donald trump do anything and if he is not going to show up for that there is no reason for anyone else to show up. >> he is not a sure lock to wean iowa. that's hoping in a couple days.
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>> i watched the debate and it was ted cruz's to win. so he lost. donald trump is going to win iowa. the only thing that would happen is if ted cruz and donald trump made marco rubio shine. the candidate that really stood outlast night was jim gilmore. he took social media by storm and google searches for him were up 700%. >> they wondered who he was. >> don't rain on his parade. better late than never. >> it was 100% of nothing. >> it is still 700%. >> you did get the feeling like it was a vegan pizza. it was technically a debate, but you were a little unsatisfied. >> i want to get your take on this one. all of the candidates were filling around on stage. gawker said no one wanted to
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talk to ted cruz. take a look. >> doesn't that remind you -- remember young ebenezer scrooge wandering around his boarding school by himself? >> boy do i remember. hoild are you? how old are you? i only remember the old one. >> he reminds me of a lost boy walking around. >> we were talking and we both made a mistake in baseball. we slid into first base. you were supposed to run past and you wering mocked terribly. no one wanted to be around me. he was the nerdy kid at the school with the whole series of poke marks -- pock marks and random zits. >> have you ever been to a nightclub in miami where it is all beautiful women? i am approaching women as they walk away from me.
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>> why not go to the edge of the stage and wave? >> it goes to your family. nobody wants to talk to him. that broke my heart though. >> am i crazy about this? here is the thing. i haven't been keeping up on american history since elementary school. what i learned is you have to be a natural born american citizen to be the president of the country. ted cruz is canadian. what is going on here? >> his mom went to canada and had the baby and came back. he is fine. he is as american as apple pie jie. why do you need -- >> why do do you need friend so bad you need somebody to talk to? i love myself. i love myself. >> the debate scored 12.5 million viewers make tght second highest rated telecast in the network's history. many viewers were liberal. a new survey found a disproportionat amount were watching the debate while far fewer turned in to watch the democratic debate.
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what's your theory on that? >> they are looking for alternatives once hillary is locked up and they realize that bernie sanders wants to take 90% of their money. they are watching the republicans to figure out what is going to happen when they watch the democratic party crumble around them. >> that is an interesting theory. carly, do you agree sph. >> i think there is no reason to watch the democratic debate. clinton is unlikeable. sanders is crazy. martin o'malley is attractive. that's a sure fire reason. then you feel bad for him because everybody knows he shouldn't be on the debate stage anyway. >> he makes good points. he is a good democrat. he is a good looking guy. >> he has to polling audience. nobody will vote for him. he is wasting his time and money, but the eye candy is a reason. but it is usually a saturday though so you can get the eye candy somewhere else. >> he wants to believe there
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are still some blue dog democrats. >> he is wasting his time. >> he is as close as they have. it is to show up. they don't look as far left as they actually are. it is just to show you that we are not completely insane. we have a little santee on our side. >> sunny says he is a blue dog democrat because he plays accuse stick -- accuse stick guitar. he went to electric nift years ago and rolling out the guitar as if it will make all of the women going crazy. the days of elvis shaking his hips is gone. >> it is like the crazy uncle. >> the reason they don't have a deep bench is the democratic voters can only look to these royal candidates like hillary clinton and barack obama. he can feel the burn in his big toe. what do charlotte main, henry the 8th have in common? they have the gout.
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the ?ofer is in good health according to a -- the governor is in good health according to the attending physician, but the man of the people was once treated for gout known as the disease of kings because of its association of rich foods and gluttenous diets. martin o'malley 1 woeing people with his guitar. he thought it would be a good idea to break into song. can we hear the chorus, please? >> iowa -- iowa, winter spring summer or fall. come see, come dance with me to the beautiful iowa walls. ready? >> i am not ready, sir, but in fairness i don't think anybody is. why does every folk song have winter, spring, summer and
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fall in it? >> i don't know. you have to feel the seasons. if i think iowa that's the type of music for iowa. will he do that in every state? >> he is doing it in every state and on every tv show. >> will he go to new york and he has to get into every state and connect with the people. that's not gonna work here. >> i think he is doing his best. >> i am from miss -- i am from wisconsin. >> i'm sure there was somebody in iowa who was like, i didn't know it would be a concert. i came for politics and it is a concert. every time i see him play guitar i am reminded of tim robbins' character and it is a distopian candidate and i have to watch done -- donald trump speeches. all roads lead to trump.
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>> we are poking fun of him for singing a song. the thing is bernie is cool when he goes and dances on ellen. hillary is cool when she does the whip and nae-nae on tv. >> no she's not. >> that was totally made up by democrats that support them. that wasn't cool. >> we give them credit, don't we? >> no, we don't. i know that's not how it is supposed to go and i am supposed to feed you to make this easier, but no. i can't do that. they were terrible and horrible. i don't even want to comment on o'malley. i want to go back to bernie sanders. bernie sanders is the cure to white privilege. >> what? >> he is the cure to white privilege. nothing says equality than for poverty for all. by the time he finishes with us we will be so equal we will forget white privilege ever existed. >> it is true. i have been looking for a cure. >> it makes sense that he would get the -- it looks like
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he should be wearing a head band everywhere he goes. he looks ceaser is-esque. >> i think it works in his narrative though. if you look at the doctor's note that's where we found out he had gout. he had a series of the weirdest diseases ever. and then there is donald trump who never had a disease in his life. when bernie sanders gets sick he gets sick like the people. >> is this like the list of the democratic party. >> it is a party of old people. that's what the old people do when they get together. my hip is in pain. >> 78% of people 18 to 44 supporting bernie sanders. the lump on the lung is cool. what do you get when you vape lump on the lung. vape life is a youth thing and bernie sanders is with the
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youth thing. >> next story. roll it. >> i am tom shillue. we'll be right back with one to toke on. >> high times for marijuana on television. pot shows are cropping up faster than you can see cheech and chong did it. no less than five networks have a strain of sitcom in the pipeline. "high maintenance" follows the guy and the time traveling bong is exactly what you think it is. and it is a good thing potheads have bad short-term memories because "buzz" and" highland" and "disjointed" all take place in pot dispense res. they hope they don't get worn to toke on.y time will tell. >> thanks, tom.
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nice sweater. >> i don't have that sweater. i think i left it at the pot dispense re. >> that was for a real web series. >> you look older in the past. i have no idea what deal you made. >> i was gonna say is that like one of the old verizon phones? >> now everyone is doing pot scene comedies. the time has come, right? >> they have been around forever. you know, like cheech and chong and "half baked." i don't know why it is a big deal. "breaking bad" was about a meth dealer. i barely know anyone who smokes meth anymore, and anyone i know know -- and everyone i know smokes pot anymore. >> i had a hard life. >> chuck lori is doing a pot-themed show. chuck lori from big bang theory is like real middle
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america. >> they say hollywood is filled with pot smokers. >> and they love this kind of thing. >> there is nothing -- potheads like nothing more than talking about how they smoke pot. it is the most annoying thing in the world. a lot of pot heads think they are so cool and they smoke pot and it is a lifestyle thing. all you are is 45 years old eating cheetos in your mom's basement. >> hold on! >> that was the point of "half baked." and "half baked request it is is one of my favorite movies. you end up in a used record store or janitor or working at a fast-food restaurant as an adult. >> i smoked pot every day in my life. i smoked it before i came on the show. >> you are one. now look at the people around you and tell what percentage are like you? >> sonny, are you my girl.
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>> 50% of americans say they have tried smoking weed. i know plenty of functioning potheads meaning they smoke -- >> absolutely. >> it is the nonfunctioning ones are the problem. >> they are functioning and nonfunctioning, but potheads only want to talk about how they smoke pot. >> they are busy writing shows for television. >> your joints look like olive garden bread sticks. >> is there a comedy writer behind you. >> obama issues an executive order. find out what constitutional rights he is taking away this time after the break.
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live from america's news
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headquarters, i'm jackie ibanez. another possible hurdle for the hillary clinton campaign just three days before the iowa caucuses. the state department releasing more e-mails from her private server on friday. but there are 22 e-mails from clinton's time as secretary of state being withheld. they reportedly contain top secret information too damaging to national security. a clinton campaign spokesperson calls it over classification run amuck. authorities in california say they captured one of the inmates . you can see him here. he escaped a maximum security jail in orange county, and they may know where to find the other two. the inmate who surrendered said he was with the other two fugitives in san jose and it is believed they are headed to fresno. all three broke out of the jail last week. a female english teacher at the prison has been arrested accused of helping them escape. the water crisis continues in flint, michigan.
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federal health officials say everyone should have their water tested. lead levels coming from some taps are too high for filters to handle. the city under a public health emergency. flent's -- flint's water became contaminated when they switched we are -- water systems to save money. they signed into law $28 million in emergency funding. facebook cracking down on on-line gun sales. the new policy prevents private individuals from advertising firearms on social network. licensed gun retailers can advertise their businesses there. the new policy drawing praise from gun control groups. these groups complained that sites like facebook have allowed the wrong people such as felons to buy guns. now back to "red eye." for all of your headlines go to fox obama's pen is at it again. this time he is trying to use
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it to eliminate that pesky pay gap between men and women. he unveiled a new executive order that will force companies with 100 or more workers to provide detailed pay data to the government. it comes on the 7th anniversary of the lily ledbetter pay act. she sued for better pay and was a model employee and a joy to be around. lawmakers can relax because it won't require a legislative approval. it is one of the executive orders that orders americans to have to follow what the president says because he knows better. what will the data be used for 1234 to make it easier to sue businesses and then strong arm people who didn't vote for obama into hiring people who did. that's not the way he puts it. that's my definition. when asked how it felt further erode the works of hard working business owners. obama says it is a flog and
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there are times when you have to chip away and chip away. i only took is slightly out of context. carly, you are a woman. is the pay gap real or imagined? >> well, are you sure? well, it is unbelievable -- yes, it is real. >> it is real. >> and it is unbelievable in 2016 there is still a pay gap between men and women. i have no problem with what obama is doing. a lot of people that are anti-obama will say this is government over reach, but sometimes big businesses need a nudge in the right direction. >> sonny, a question for you. if i had a business why wouldn't i hire all women and then cut my payroll 33 cents on the dollar and crush the competition. make sense? >> it depends on how big it is.
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>> do women get paid 77 cents on the dollar why wouldn't starbucks hire only women and then they can put the payroll by millions. >> they could be sued. >> do you understand we are in that trans age? why even use labels like men and women anymore? like have you forgotten that this is 2016 and last year if you wanted to be a catch you can be a catch. why are we using these labels. >> that's the plan. hire trans. >> no one knows what you are and who you are and you are paid what you deserve. >> isn't that what we are looking for. >> a wonderful point. >> i can't stop thinking about being a panda bear. hanging out in trees and eating a different green leave. >> there are reasons for the pay gap and almost none of them have to do with
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discrimination. am i right? >> no. i am a huge x files fan. skullly makes half as much as mulder. mulder, he is drunk or hung over the entire series and she is making half. that's a prime example. >> that's wrong. >> and he is carrying the entire show. >> she is held up. this is -- she is fantastic. >> jillian anderson. >> jillian anderson looks better than the original x files. >> don't you dare make fun of janitors by the way. they are hard working people.
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>> what was she doing? >> netflix. >> to be honest there is more male ceo's in the world and more female teachers and nurses. they are choosing to go into the profession that pays a certain amount. you are smarter than me. if you want to be a ceo you would get there faster and make more money than i would. >> we are talking equal protections to equal pay? >> don't you agree that women make different choices and that could affect the facial and not people's prejudice. >> we are both teachers and you make 10% more than i do. do i know for sure where this is happening? we will find out.
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if you take out the women who want to make more money so we can stay home and work on you are our household. i can take care of my house and do what i needed to do and then move in -- [inaudible]. >> keep talking. i have to go. earn's favorite andy levy returns with half time. stay tuned.
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welcome back. time to find out what we got wrong. are you there, andy? >> tom, are you there? >> it is great, andy. >> debate stuff. ben, let's start with this. i suffer from sleep apnea and insomnia. the debate didn't put me to sleep. in short i think i speak for everyone at fox news when i say go to hell. >> that's very, very nice and maybe you don't suffer from sleep apnea. >> i did. >> do you? >> okay. i just wonder how you didn't fall asleep when ben carson was talking. he is always in a diner making a waitress listen to him. i sent a similar tweet last night and it went viral. >> you said when you were taping your thing you were
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drinking crown royal. same affect? >> no way. i was acting and i didn't cuss anybody out. >> luis, sorry. you said you didn't watch the debate because trump wasn't there. i speak for everyone who works at fox news when i say go to hell. >> i'm there. >> carly you said it was ted countries' debate and i pretty much agree with that. i am not sure if trump will win iowa. it is interesting to see how he does without a ground game which is what they needed in iowa. >> very true. >> he may win without it. >> what the poll show is that he is still up regardless of not showing up at the debate. >> there has been a lot of chatter about trump's tiny baby-like hands.
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>> he is a little t-rex? >> keep an eye on that. it is getting bigger. jimmy mcmillin endorsed trump. >> really? >> that may turn the tide in iowa. by the way, i seem to be the only person in the country who cares that ben carson in his remarks that he screwed it up. >> why doesn't everybody care about it? he said it is secure the blessings. >> y'all will need brain surgery one day and ben carson will not be there. i don't have bad words. i love you ben carson. >> it is funny ben carson would eliminate that word and go with benefits of a left wing word. blessings are like ben's word. >> carly, are you endorsing martin o'malley for president?
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>> i am endorsing martin o'malley for taking off his shirt anytime he would want to. >> let's talk about singing. what are the beautiful, iowa walls? >> if you are watching this from iowa tweet me what the beautiful iowa walls are. >> he didn't say waltz. he said walls. >> it might be something else. >> every time you see o'malley play the guitar you think of tim robbins and john roberts. >> belluci never shows up. the accuse stick guitars are fun to smash. >> trust me. i couldn't hold one without breaking one. >> everyone thinks you have a
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ukellele. >> you are on fire. >> speaking of being on fire bernie sanders had gout. nothing says poverty like quality poverty for all. >> every progressive i urge you to live under is policy in another country. >> carly you said donald trump was never sick in his life except when he had a chance of being drafted. >> he screwed that one on. >> pot tv shows. the one public they kept missing was high concept. carly you said pot heads like nothing more than smoking pot. this is 100% correct. >> except you were talking about how you smoke pot all the time. >> that's when i first came here. sthaz a young -- that's a
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young pot is about. i love the entertainment business where you openly can say you did drugs. >> lit -- literally outside the building i risked going to prison. >> is it your black or glaucoma.. >> you need a bacheotomy. >> you brought up the show and i thought you deserve credit for that. >> thank you and i miss you, andy. >> i miss you too. >> on paid equality. are you sure she was a model employee and a joy to be around? was it sear or sarcastic?
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>> seemed like a cheap shot. >> and this is important do not confuse her with the classic pearl jam song ledbetter. >> good job. you said if women make 77 cents on the dollar why wouldn't businesses only hire women? >> whyy. >> they want to get things done. it was sitting there. i had to do it. >> [applause]. gop on. the president didn't lie and say women make 79 cents for every dollar men make for doing the job. >> you just left off the end of the phrase? tom you said there are reasons for the pay gap and most aren't due to 6ism. sexism. a report took into account like women leaving to take care of kids and jobs with better benefit pack kennels.
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they found that cut the wage gap to 5 to 7 cents a dollar instead of 23 cents a dollar. >> i can figure something else out for the other five. >> that's it. >> lastly you asked -- somehow "x files came up." they brought up a great point and they were trying to out score jillian anderson. among other things, the two great tv shows on hall law burr. >> if you plan to -- what is david due cough knee doing? >> thanks, andy. i'm shot when we return.
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live from america's news had beens, i'm jackie ibanez. the state department is releasing another batch of hillary clinton's e-mails. the agency says it is withholding 22 e-mails because they are, quote, top secret. hillary clinton's campaign says they are over classified and demanding they be released. for the first time the white house confirm clinton's private e-mail server contained national secret.
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the zika vie vus is spreading through the americas. it is linked to thousands of birth defects in brazil. now it urges pregnant women to uh voitd -- to avoid this group. >> we are concerned of those women who are pregnant and has zika. you shouldn't go. brazil has reported a rare fetal mall formation. it is infants born with small head and it can be a severe birth defect. >> there is no vaccine to prevent infection. federal officials say the lead contamination in the drinking water is so bad that fill they -- the governor signed of on a -- another $28 million. the water crisis started after the state tried to save money by switching the water sources in 2014.
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facebook will be doing its part. they will bar private individuals from selling guns on the site. they will be able to promote their businesses on facebook and they will make sales. it is being applied to the photo sharing site. inpho gram. for your headlines go to fox >> artificial intelligence could some day wipe out humanity. first, it will hurt our feelings. the new app will judge your physical appearance. how hot .io was created by swiss scientists and dating sites. it compares your photo to the features are generally attractive. it ranges from mmm to god like.
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i have this app on my phone and i tried it out. let a take a look. here is me on "red eye." it it says i am hmm. i had on make up. how about the professional head shot? there it is. mindy tucker photo. it is okay. what about the young head shot? that's better. i look nice. although my best days are behind me. how about andy? andy gets a nice right away. let's get joanne up there. joanne nosuchunsky, hot. that is what was expected. if i take the -- take somebody mean she is better she can angry. >> wow.
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that's it. what do you think of that? >> it is brilliant. you are not that attractive and you nailed it. >> it says take a photo. i will up load some of my pictures. >> you have a hmm and nice and the third should have been ted bundy. >> ted bundy the gorgeous serial killer. >> you wouldn't in. >> into. it predicted your age. it told me i was like 20 years older than i am. >> so you have done this before? >> oh yeah. >> i don't like it. what is
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going on with the data aprils. you would match a person based on your interest. you swipe under and it doesn't matter what their personalities look like. now they will tell the person if they are look good. they partnered up request the dieting sate. they will go on the bench and tell them you had a great time. >> you can determine if the person is attractive or not. >> why listen to a computer problem. >> and somuch science. all you need is a pot smoker guys from before sitting on the end telling you to smoke. >> you hospital take it personally and i don't stalk about traditionally. obviously people who go outside the bounds are the truely beautiful ones.
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>> that's why i found my husband before the technology spread. we met face-to-face and we went out on bars no i, i was at work and thews how we met each other. i feel sorry for the people of the generations that don't know how to have relations with people of the opposite paw troan.
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no "red eye" on monday because of the iowa caucus. we will be back on tuesday with jedediah bila and camille foster , and joe mackey. mcdonalds is now selling mozzarella sticks or maybe they should be called sticks. a number of customers discovered the light snacks are lacking and posting evidence on twitter. one person said mozzarella sticks without mozzarella.
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hahn festally you have one dog, mcdonalds. another roading mcdonalds got mo swre llela sting -- mozzarella. >> we are concerned about the mozzarella cheese stick. we believe the cheese melted out during the baking process and shouldn't have been served. it melted out during the baking process. >> inexcusable. >> i have some. where is the -- do we have them? >> as a person from wisconsin this is the most offensive things. tom took a picture of my -- of me and i am okay. >> is there a finale on this thing? >> i went to mcdonalds before and we will test these right now. open it up. these are the mozzarella sticks. >> i am just finding out these are baked and not fried. a healthy alternative.
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>> you measure by gooeyness and overall flexibility. >> look at these. these are full of mozzarella. >> i know what the problem is. >> break them all open. >> mine are full. >> one out of 9 then. >> mine is to thely full. >> they are not paying the $15 an hour. if this surprises you, then you are in for a hard life. >> we rarely break news on this joke. we discovered this is a real problem with the mozzarella sticks. this is cruz's campaign. >> cut them open. >> most st mozzarella we consume -- >> mine is at the post. 10% empty? mcdonalds is fine.
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they are loving it. sunny johnson and ben kiss sell. have a particular on me. have a stick on me.
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this is a fox news alert. i'm bret baier in des moines, iowa. we begin with yet another blow to the candidacy of hillary clinton. once considered virtually unbeatable on the democratic side. we are awaiting the latest release of e-mail found on her private server. e-mail that have put her candidacy in question, according to some. the real story may be the e-mail that we will not be allowed to see. and the emerging battle between clinton and the white house. the chief white house correspondent has our top story in the iowa capital city. good evening. >> reporter: this could be a disaster or hillary clinton. just three d


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