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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 30, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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waco, texas, talking about gang violence. we'll see. that does it for us. >> see you back here at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. >> "the five" is next. live from iowa, hello, everyone, i'm eric bolling along with dana perino, kim guilfoyle, juan williams, and greg gutfeld. this is "the five." welcome to special saturday edition of "the five" from des moines. we have another huge show for you tonight, a ton to cover on both races. but we want to show you first what we, "the five," have been up to here, the iowa escapades of the five. we'll go down the row, really cool stuff. we'll start with kg.
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>> i had a fantastic time today, you know what i spent my time doing. >> i do. >> eating. we're in the great state of iowa, and nothing like a little bit of pork for the pork queen, self-appointed. there i am. they serve breakfast, you know i like that too. the head executive chef, domi c dominic. it was worse than a carl's jr. commercial. i had it all over my face. it felt like birth. there we are, we became best friends. bacon wraps, spare ribs. dana, you would have been horrified. >> no, i love it. >> those tater tots were delicious. this is like a little bit of graceland. >> bananas? >> yes, the elvis pancakes with the bacon, fried bananas and peanut butter syrup on top. you can see how happy i am. >> do all the candidates make their way there? >> people love to go there.
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it was packed when we were there. the best part is you saw families with like five boys all in there. i got some good stuff. i got the original barbecue sauce. i got a cool hat. and a great shirt. >> if they have any sense they will have your picture all over that restaurant for etern i at this. >> don't go bacon my heart. >> kimberly, it was easygoing in. >> all of our world famous barbecue accented with some of our amazing bacon. these are our elvis pancakes that come with a half pound of extra thick cut bacon, a whole banana, our peanut butter syrup sauce with an extra side of bacon. our famous bacon-wrapped ribs, champion of bacon fest two years running. our baby back ribs, smoke them for four hours and serve them with crispy fries. >> feast your eyes on this.
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there's nothing better than a bloody mary with a little bit of bacon in it. >> wow. okay. that's a nice invention. >> here is my favorite part. that big 5-pound sandwich, you know who holds the record for two minutes and something, a woman is the one who holds the record. >> gretchen carlson. >> poor gretchen. no, no. women usually win the food eating contest on ""fox & friends,"" right? >> absolutely, and of course i had to tell him about the chicken eating contest. thanks to our buddies over there and dominic, the head chef. >> you had some fun today, dana. >> i did, greg found this amazing event that coincided with our visit. i went to the jasper winery. they were having a yoga workshop with an internationally-known star in the yoga world named max
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strom. it was a winery in des moines here. there's a cute thing, eric, lucy lane is the name of one of the bottles of wine. lucy was one of their dogs. i had to show a picture of jasper, i had to get that in there. i actually ended up doing the yoga bit with our very own tucker carlson. i think that we have some video of that. can you roll it? ♪ >> so i hope you can see tucker is there, and he had to come in his shirt and tie and his socks. >> look at that, he's wearing his khakis at a yoga class. >> i never breathed that much, maybe in my life. >> he's doing a good job. >> at least his socks are clean.
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>> he had burbury socks on, that was pretty cool. he said he thought he was a lot more flexible than he turned out to be. he was a great sport. >> i'm glad they took that angle. >> it's not awkward or anything. >> i have some gifts for everybody. also i think we have some still photographs of max strom, who is the international yoga star. he had a new book out called "there is no app for happiness." i ordered that today. greg, i got this for you. that is max there. >> yoga at a winery, it's like getting your teeth cleaned at a brewery. >> well, you should try it. >> she had the morning in the winery and then yoga somewhere else. >> the yoga was in the winery. this wine is called "all night white." >> there you go. >> i got this one for juan williams. if you see the jasper winery, jw. >> i noticed the initials, how
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cool. >> kimberly, i got you this one. >> behind the shed red. okay. >> and of course i got a frisbee to take home to my own jasper. >> what's the significance of jasper? >> it started in jasper county. they had another place. and katie bradshaw is the name of the events manager. and jodie brenthauer is a person who does yoga here in des moines. she went to a workshop with max and said, i have to bring him here, and made it happen. that's jodie right there. i had so much fun. i loved it. des moines was great to me. >> okay, greg. guess what? >> everybody knows that i like classic cars. otherwise known as muscle cars, because i like muscles. so i like muscle cars. the interesting thing about a classic car, it has to be 20 years old. oddly there aren't any real
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classic cars after 1990 because they're so ugly. but most classic cars are the same classic cars that i loved in the 1970s. i went to american dream machines down on i guess it was locust, and doug, i believe he was the owner, showed me around. that's a stingray, worth about 80 k. probably the most expensive car they have there. do we have the red cadillac el dorado? what's interesting about these cars is if you like art -- oh, there's our little bug. i thought this would be a good car for dana or maybe for bill o'reilly. i would like to see him get his 6'7" frame in there. that's the red tails of the cadillac el dorado, i thought this would be perfect for you, eric. a huge car. >> i thought that would be a thunderbird. >> this is a challenger right here. this would be for lou dobbs, a classic car.
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these are affordable. these are basically v8 van goghs. this is art on wheels. the black mg midget for dana. >> why are you sitting in it? >> i was keeping the seat warm. this is me inside the car. you notice i am not going bald. that's an important picture. all right. this is my favorite car. this is the black thunderbird, 1957. i think this is a perfect car for juan because it's black, it's sexy, and it was born in '57. >> oh, my gosh. >> go, juan. >> and it's yours for $40,000. >> and the top comes off. >> this is a purchase car for gretchen carlson, a low rider yellow buick riviera. you can get this for maybe 37, $38,000. what else do you have? is that it?
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there you go. this is an "american graffiti" original, a '56 chevy. we replaced the real highway with the information highway. nobody cares about the beauty of cars anymore. they're just not beautiful. and that's a tragedy, america. and i am out of here. >> i'm going to take issue. i didn't get a car and gretchen did? what's going on around here? >> you got the first car. they had the pictures, they moved them. you get the t-bird. >> okay. good. >> so i went for a walk outside the hotel, and went immediately to get some chocolate. i went to thelma's chocolate shop. here i am scooping out chocolate chip cookie dough, just great. in fact i was thinking of gregory while i was doing it. i thought, this is in honor of white chocolate. ladies love gg because she's so sweet. i was thinking of you, gregory. next door to thelma's is ray
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gun, a t-shirt shop. in order to really celebrate "the five" here in des moines for this moment, as you can see, there's a sign that says, "iowa, for some reason you have to come here to be president." but i brought t-shirts. met so many fun people. "we made america great in the first place," that one says. here are the shirts. now, kg, i'm sorry to say, you already got this shirt. >> oh, my god. don't go breaking my heart. very sweet. this is very cute. i like it. >> i was told i couldn't get the one that says "not everything flat is in iowa" for you. >> you were told not to get it but you still talked about it. that's why we love you, you're juan in a million. >> this is a real baseball player.
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and i love baseball, i love iowa, i love "field of dreams." i found this for my balance eric bolling. is this heaven, no, it's iowa. >> thanks. >> and for my america's sweetheart, dana perino, given that she loves yoga, look at this one. it says yoga in des moines, i'm dog. >> cute. this is kind of a big -- that's like perino lingerie. >> that just might be what i do with it. thank you. >> for my -- look at this, you'll love this, gregory. >> it's bernie, bernie, bernie, bernie. >> look at that. >> i wanted to have a lot of white men on my chest. it's fantastic.
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>> do you like it? >> i'm wearing this. >> for myself, didn't i interview you four years ago? a whole lot of fun. >> very nice, thank you. >> we like that. >> you know what, it's good, mine is pretty lame anyway. i stayed around the hotel. there's a beautiful des moines river here, a great running track. the run started this way. here is the des moines river out from the bridge, beautiful des moines river, nice running track. >> can i say that i saw you running, i was in my hotel room, and there's a vision in orange. oh, i think that's eric. nice form. >> i went up and down the river. i bumped into that. i didn't even know this, the cubs triple a ballpark, the iowa cubs right there, beautiful ballpark, check it out in the summertime. the next one, this is called the world food. i can't remember the guy's name
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but he won the nobel peace prize for his work solving the hunger crisis around the world with the corn crop. he wanted to make food as one of the nobel prizes. they wouldn't do it and that's where he made his own prize. very quickly, there's the capital. up and down those stairs, a gorgeous building, built in the 1870s or 1880s, an absolutely gorgeous capitol. when you go into the town for work or to visit, go for a walk or a run. spend an hour walking around. you see it from the ground level. it's amazing. >> and if you really want good exercise, walk in the bad part of town. >> then you run. >> des moines treated us well. >> we'll be here a couple of more days. next, with two days before the iowa caucus, the gop
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candidates are step up their attacks. cruz now focusing his fire on rubio. trump doubling down on cruz. you're going to see all of that returns.
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soup and sandwich and somewhere to go, and clean and real and nowhere to be, and warmth and looking good, and sandwich and soup and inside jokes, and dan is back! good, clean food pairs well with anything. the clean pairings menu. 500 calories or less. at panera. food as it should be.
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an entertainer knows better than to rip a city's favorite sports team. if you're performing in cincinnati, your most ardent fans will hate you forever if you trash their favorites. this is the reigning mentality among voters. you're afraid of offending viewers if they support rubio, cruisers think it's a jab at them. if you're not trump, his fans think you're pining for jeb. after one comment, people who normally like you feel betrayed. but they shouldn't. it's a nightclub comic's risk. a fan could love every insult hurled as babies or bald men, but if a joke hits too close to home, targeting people with freckles, suddenly that jerk isn't funny anymore. it's happening now as angst
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rises like steam from the republican dog fight. people you've come to trust you now believe are unfair because they've knocked someone you like. my suggestion: don't take it personal. even though we have preferences, we all are on the same team, pretty much. and we love our viewers but we can't begin to please everyone. if we tried, you would think we were cowards and phonies and you would be right. kg. >> yes. >> can't we disagree but still be civil? >> absolutely not. >> we can disagree here, mix it up, and during the commercial break we're laughing, then afterwards in the bar it's a whole other story. guess what, it can always change next week. that's the great opportunity, especially during caucus and primary season. it's constantly an evolving process about emotions and energy and ideas and where you
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feel the person is connecting with you and who you want to represent you, the gop or the democrats for that matter. >> do you think that the conflict is more intense because is it coming from above, the candidates, or is it coming from below, the angry voters? >> i think it's angry voters. the populist energy is evident. on the republican side it is so clear that the republican base is divorced from the republican establishment. so what you get is now -- and i found this intriguing, as the democrat sitting here, i found it intriguing that you have people challenging, i'm more conservative than you are. i think the party has fractured, and now the question is who has the vision to put it back together, who will be the party's flag bearer in november in the big election. that's really hard. you're starting to see this already in terms of the ads run here in iowa, people questioning, for example, ted cruz, is he conservative or not, is it real, you know. you're smiling, dana, but you know i'm telling the truth. it's real. >> you're saying lyndon la roush
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could bring us together. >> i don't know about that. . >> let's say people have extreme differences. will they not be able to unite behind one candidate? >> they have to. that's the big thing that i would disagree with juan. yes, there is this establishment versus far right conservatives that are battling now because they want their guy or gal, they want them to be the no, ma'am a nominee, the pick. whoever it is, trump, kasich, anyone, hopefully everybody gets behind him. we've had enough of the barack obama eight years, we don't want another term or two more terminates or worse, somebody who might literally be indicted in the middle of the process. hopefully we're all behind one person. real quick. >> sure. >> can we talk about the
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evolving process. that monologue started last night had he restaurant. do you remember this? >> yes. we started to have this conversation. and somehow it evolved into an artificial intelligence conversation. >> and roberts and sarah connor. >> it was because, okay, so when i had a serious conversation, we were talking about how to unify. i started thinking about how artificial intelligence is going to destroy the planet. it always ends there. >> maybe we'll be united then. >> we'll be fighting the roberts. do you think it feels more scrappy because there's more social networks and more outlets and people coming at you from all over? >> yes, i do. i think the republican party will come together just like it did in 2012. in 2012, when the deputimocrats didn't even have to have a primary, and knew the gingrich called mitt romney a liar, it
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was so uncomfortable. as soon as a leader emerged, we could all focus on that seat. >> why did you point at kimberly? >> juan. >> i must say, so look, you know what you got, you got a question of how is the energy after the big breakup. the people get hurt, then they say, i'm going to stay home. >> no, no. it's like your brother, you're beating the crap out of him, he's hitting you, your sister is watching, she jumps in, she takes a side. you know what, if someone else tries to come in, you whale on 'em, it's done. >> i agree. >> so we will. >> we shall overcome. >> all right. we've got to move. i was waiting for you to put it up there. okay. the obama administration just admitted there are e-mails on hillary clinton's private server that are top secret. ide why does the white house think she won't be indicted? we investigate, next. listen up!
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the state department dropped a bomb yesterday that completely destroys hillary clinton's e-mail defense. 22 messages on her private e-mail server won't be released because, get this, they contain information so secret they can never be released to the public. clinton is sticking to the same story she'd had all along. >> the facts have remained the same. there was never any information sent or received that was marked classified to me. >> this is a very serious development amid a criminal investigation. so why is the white house so confident that hillary won't be indicted? >> that will be a decision that is made by the department of justice and prosecutors over there. what i know some officials over there has said is she is not a target of the investigation.
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so that does not seem to be the direction that it's trending. >> steve hayes thinks there's a coverup operation for the candidate. listen here. >> i think we're actually at the point where the white house looks like it may be involved in a coverup. what we heard from josh earnest today from the podium at the white house was extraordinary. >> kg, when i look into that, i think josh earnest is repeating things that have been reported in the press. i don't necessarily think that he was giving any new information. however, he's not being very careful. and one of the things i think that you have to ignore if you're going to believe hillary clinton is you have to forget that she had a home brew server that was stored in a bathroom. >> right. remember that? >> what a tidy bowl moment that was. that's the problem. you have hillary clinton putting her own convenience ahead of the national security interests and protection of individuals that serve this country. think about that, swallow it, and say, is that someone you want to be in the white house,
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that kind of a lack of care and circumstance circumspection? perhaps there isn't a coverup, but nevertheless, everybody says, well, the fbi is likely to recommend an indictment, but then it's going to be under the justice department under president obama to make a decision as to whether or not to indict. and we see this keep getting pushed back in, you know, the timeline. but this is really very relevant and real. and i think people should consider it right here and now versus thinking about what could happen in the future. the evidence we know already is pretty persuasive and compelling. >> her trustworthiness numbers are bad in many of the swing states. she says very specifically now, "there was never any information sent or received that was marked classified to me." which i think that that shows
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she's willing to drive the bus to run over her staff. >> uma on an abedin. we heard job earnest talk about whether or not the fbi will open up an investigation or will bump the investigation into the doj. if the doj wants to indict her, it will be their call, that's the process. why is josh earnest in that, why is he getting involved in this? wouldn't it be wiser for the white house to say, i'll let the legal process play itself out, if the fbi recommends it to the doj, if the doj thinks she should be indicted, they'll indict her. instead, he said, no, i don't think there's going to be an investigation. what do you know, josh, and who told you? >> i've always felt they should have from day one said there's a firewall here, we're not commenting on this at all. >> he had a conversation with someone. >> someone that doesn't want her
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to be heard. you have to protect yourself when you're the press secretary. greg, the democrats actually don't seem -- this doesn't faze them at all, right? if it weren't for double standards they wouldn't have any standards at all. >> nicely put. you know, they don't feel like they have to turn up the heat because it's a fox news this is just like the irs scandal, va, benghazi. the rest of the media abdicates their responsibilities. there's a whole chain of e-mails there. she's a lot like her husband bill. she was debriefing dignitaries on e-mail, just like he was debriefing interns in the white house. there's a whole chain of stuff going back and forth with people that shouldn't have been there because it was classified. it's wrong. and also, do not forget they're trying to delay the release of thousands and thousands of e-mails after a primary. >> right. >> that's like pulling a fire alarm after the building has
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burned down. >> that's exactly right. juan, imagine if during the valerie plame investigation, from the white house, tony snow or i had said that we were confident that dick cheney and scooter libby were not going to be indicted by the justice department. what would have happened in the media? >> clearly what josh earnest -- >> why? there's an investigation. >> no, but clearly, what the department of justice, what state has said, is that hillary clinton is not the target of the investigation. so he's repeating what has been publicly stated. but i'm enjoying this, i'm sitting back, because i know, if you talk to democrats, they really don't care. >> you enjoy that, that they don't care? >> i must say, i heard recently -- >> no standards. >> -- that the "x-files" is back on fox. the conspiracy theory is here, i can see it. the best argument we heard, ms. kim guilfoyle, the prosecutor is in the house. when she says ms. clinton was
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acting like an entitled person, i said, yeah, but there's nothing illegal there, kimberly. >> you're wrong. we have to go to the next block. cute, juan. did you see how he tried to complement you while giving you -- i hate the back-handed compliments. the gop candidates are vying for the evangelical vote in iowa. they're in a series of new campaign ads, coming up next on "the five." i thought i married an italian. my lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16% italian. he was 34% eastern european. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. he looks a little bit like me, yes. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at
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test. test. welcome back to "the five," live from iowa. evangelical christians will play a big role in monday's vote and republican candidates are making a direct pitch to them in some new campaign ads. here's marco rubio. >> i believe in god, that god has blessed america. i'm marco rubio.
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i approved this message because it's time for a president who will put their left hand on the bible and their right hand in the air and keep their promise to uphold the constitution. it's been eight years since we've had a president willing to do that. i will. >> donald trump also brings up the bible and his faith in a new spot he put out this week. >> i really appreciate the support given to me by the evangelicals. they've been incredible. every poll says how well i'm doing with them. and, you know, my mother gave me this bible, this very bible, many years ago. in fact it's her writing right here. she wrote the name and my address. and it's just very special to me. and again, i want to thank the evangelicals. i will never let you down. >> dana, you know, it's something like eight in ten republicans say religion is important to them. i think it's 60 plus percent say very important. are these ads effective, in your
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judgment? >> remember, these ads are targeting people in iowa specifically. and you think about four years ago, rick santorum going into this weekend was polling at around 15%, but he saw what our digital political editor says was an open lane with evangelicals and he drove that all weekend and ended up winning the iowa caucuses partly because of that. >> greg, on some levels, you look at it and think, is this pandering? >> absolutely. it's complete pandering. i have a hard time watching these. it's not because i'm not religious. it's because politicians are running ads saying how religious they are in order to win over religious people. it's textbook pandering. everyone knows it's a game yet they play it. remember, thomas jefferson, he was a deist, i believed in god based on nature and reason, not on revelation. no one really knows abe lincoln's religion, even historians can't figure it out
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because he never talked about it. andrew johnson, the least religious, probably, president we've ever had. the point is maybe there's a time when you can have a candidate who doesn't have to do this. and i think that trump did that kind of tongue in cheek thing, because i think what he's saying to the evangelicals is, i'll have your back, even though i'm not like you, i will have your back, which is different than saying, hey, everybody, i believe in god. >> and finally, the super-pac for mike huckabee has put out this ad. >> i heard something about ted cruz that gay marriage wouldn't be a top priority for him. he said it at a fundraiser in new york city. he tells them one thing, tells iowans another. cruz gives less than 1% to charity and church. he doesn't tithe. a millionaire that brags about his faith all the time. just what we need. another phony. i guess we've narrowed down our list.
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caucus for cruz. >> kimberly, this is the other way. this is not advertising your own faith, this is questioning the other guy's faith. >> you have to see who is in your lane and if you want to pass, you have to try to get around it. huckabee, you can't meet a nicer guy, he's one of our friends at the network. but look, he can take the gloves off too, he's playing to win. >> you know what i think about that ad, i don't think he did that, i don't think he knew it was coming. it was a pac. if he knew that -- >> he wouldn't have, because they're not supposed to coordinate. >> the acting was terrible. >> that's a good point. huckabee is not that guy. he's the guy who cherishes his religion and his faith but what that add -- that ad was antireligious. >> that ad turned you off. >> horrible. >> worst ad i've seen yet.
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when we return, we'll answer your questions for us in social media saturday. please don't go away. ♪ ♪
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so in honor of our special saturday show from iowa, we're bringing you an inaugural segment called social media saturday. i think we should always do social media saturday, come in on a saturday. we've had a great time here and fantastic questions from our viewers. let's start with rudolph who is asking, how do you like your corn on the could be? boiled, broid, baked, or in your gas tank? fire it up. juan, we'll start with you. >> boiled and lots of butter. >> lots of butter. >> this area of the country doesn't know old bay, but like in maryland, the mid-atlantic, throw old bay on top of the butter and you have something going on. >> absolutely on the barbecue. >> me too. >> in iowa, it's in your tank, then on the barbecue. i'm pandering, greg. >> i saw that. >> coming to you in a political ad soon.
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dana perino. >> i learned a way to cook corn that everybody should learn this. when you go to the store, trust that it's going to be fine, don't pull it back. when you get home, put it in the microwave for two minutes, and it's going to be perfect. you taught me that and it's perfect. >> two minutes to delicious. greg, how about you? what do you do with your corn? >> i went to the er when i fell on it. i don't eat corn, because when you boil it, you can hear the kernels scream. >> did you rip off one of dana's corny jokes? >> that's coming in the next block. >> that's coming up next. i think we just gave corn a bad name. sorry. okay. question two from jerry. knowing the candidates as you do, which gop candidate would you call upon to help in a time of personal conflict or crisis. all right. let's think about this
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carefully, get your answers ready. a look of puzzled faces across the table here. greg? >> i have a tie here, obviously either ben carson, because if i happen to have an accident he could remove whatever i fell on, or if i had any kind of surgery. the other person is trump because he's really wealthy, he has a helicopter, in case you have to get out of somewhere. i've heard from friends that if you ask, he will do things, if you need help. >> you mean legit? >> yeah. but then you owe him. >> he has leverage. >> he's not hurting for the money. dana? >> what comes to mind is if i were in some sort of legal trouble, i would call hillary clinton to find out how do you get out of it. >> that's going to fly. >> especially if you're really guilty and you want to go to the white house instead of the big house. eric? >> i would call john kasich.
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he's done an amazing job with the state of ohio. you look at the numbers, the job creation, the economy's doing great. the guy can solve problems. he took over when it was kind of rough rough times. you look at kasich and christie, they're complete opposites. one had a state doing okay. one with a rough time. john kasich, problem solver, kasich. by the way, kasich got an endorsement today from t"the ne york times." >> it man s manson. >> there you go. i think i know them all personally. i don't think there's any question you could ask rand paul. i think rand paul is a good human being with family, and he understands and greg, if anything gets stuck, he's a doctor. >> he's an ophthalmologist. your eyes. >> personal conflict or crisis, i would say it depends on the
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nature of my problem. i would probably call donald trump. and then also probably call chris christie because i always trust a good prosecutor like myself. good advice. and he's not afraid of a good fight. question three. from jane, following the election process and reporting on it, does it make any of you want to run for office? we often get this question from a lot of our fans and viewers. if any of us would consider seeking higher office to serve the country. >> it's interesting because i heard donald trump say the other day, he's running for america. he's not running for -- he's got an interest. i think the problem is in this environment, it's so crazy. i mean, it's not about -- you could say anything and seem to get away with it. i would find it an opportunity for slander, i think. i worry about it. >> that was a weird answer. okay, go ahead, eric. >> no, i love what i'm doing. i would like to do it.
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and unless i was of course, get called a psycho. no. but if i wasn't doing this, yeah. >> yeah. >> senate? >> i would run. >> i think you'd do a great job. i'd give you the endorsement, exactly. >> snapchat? >> dana, you're good at representing people in public office. >> i loved working in government. i never wanted to run for office. and the question is, looking at this process, would you want to do it? it's a tough decision to make. you put your family through a lot too. but i think there's nobility in public service. >> i could ask greg, but he's had one too many emergency room visits to be qualified.
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i couldn't live with it. i just -- it's not in my blood. >> break the cycle though. i think there's no better way to serve your country, it's a sacrifice. and the prosecutor, and one more thing. that's next.
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we were born on january 30th, 1996. announced the start of this channel on a press conference in new york city. we officially went on the air october 7th, 1996, and now fox's fair and balanced broadcast reached almost 95 million american households, and a special thank you on behalf of the five and our colleagues at the fox news channel. to all the viewers out there for making us the number one name in news. >> excellent, excellent. you're up. >> where was the big party? >> tomorrow, we are going to be at the villages for a special event. could be a lot of fun.
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i call it a book-off. we're going to be speaking. could be a lot of signing. we go to, i think, the sharon.csharo >> i've got 300 sound bites. so it's dana's corny joke of the day. i just said it myself. what do you get when a corned cob is run over by a truck? >> corn man. >> creamed corn. >> don't laugh. >> what did the corn say when he got complimented? >> corny joke. >> awe, shucks. >> okay, here's the last one. what do corn cobs call their father? popcorn. okay. thank you.
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i thought this was every -- >> can't applaud that! >> a couple of cocktails at the bar and guess who joins us? bill hemmer, and look at what he did today. >> fox news contributor as well. we welcome you. it's like the five, only with the four. >> there's only five. could get a single. >> i just wanted to think you'd take a last look at des moines before -- here i am standing in front of the capital holding hands while in 1886, walking up the steps to the second floor of the capital, standing in front of the mailbox left of the legislators and a uss iowa and
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i'm standing also on the mass of iowa there in the southeast corner. we've got to go. take the wide shots. they've been amazing all week. just wonderful. >> we'll be here in iowa. in a little more than 48 hours, the doors will slam shut on schools, community centers, and voters inside will begin the unique process of choosing their party's standard bearer in the race for president. welcome to this special edition of "america's election headquarters." i'm john scott. >> i'm jenna lee. both canvassing looking for a final edge. hillary clinton and bernie sanders are practically neck and neck in the poll. "the new york times" today endorsing clinton, even as her e-mail scandal up again. the state department more than 20 messages are now deemed too damaging to


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