tv Media Buzz FOX News February 7, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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>> "media buzz" is next with a lot on ted cruz controversy. stay with the fox news channel through the week on the new hampshire primary. >> on the buzz beater just two days before the new hampshire primary the media are awash in attacks and insults, and some pulled the punches last night in the abc7 debate. >> mr. trump, senator ted cruz had said "i don't know anyone who would be comfortable having someone behave this way with his finger on the but the tom. he would nuclear denmark,". >> i think i have the best temperament. >> senator cruz, you talk tough of the middle east and do not have the intelligence briefings, why not tell us whether you would preempt. live strike a missile on a launch spaed?
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>> with respect, i have the intelligence briefings on the middle east. >> did marco rubio really perform as badly as the pundits are saying? did ted cruz unfairly blame cnn for his staff spreading false rumors that ben carson was dropping off? is there a sure must of spin as media pick winners and losers? hillary clinton and bernie sanders turning media on clinton calling artful smears and the press deciding the sanders surge is real and we will talk to the publisher of the young leader backing chris christie about his ugly war of words with trump and the woman who quit bloomberg because she was barred from covering her boss as michael bloomberg explores an independent run for president. this is "media buzz" and i am howard kurtz. >> when the media spotlight shifted from iowa to
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humanitarian pundits were in full spin of the caucus won by ted cruz promising donald trump to cry "foul." >> marco rubio was the big surprise, the big win, though, of the night, really, out outperforming. all the big story could argue is marco rubio, ted cruz won but he was always in the calculation, but marco rubio almost tying donald trump. that is a big deal. >> no mistake, donald trump and clinton were losers but they are still strong figures in the race. >> as for donald trump, as much as he hates to lose, that is exactly what happened. >> the headlines were trump comes in second and he is humiliated. these pepper the most dishonest people ever. okay? ever. >> donald trump, no good. rub, unbelievable night. up believable victory. >> unbelievable. and donald trump accused cruz of stealing the election on twitter and on the air taking issue with the campaign over a controversy
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a.m. mailer and for spreading a false rumor about a rival. ted cruz responded with mockery. >> what he did is disgusting. he said that ben carson who is a fantastic guy dropped out of the race during the caucus. they should probably throw him out of iowa because i don't think that he did is disgrace. it is a disgrace to the electoral process. >> i wake up and laugh each day a latest thing that donald has tweeted because he is losing it. weerlyable to wake up and if he were president would have nuked denmark. >> last night in the abc debate he was booed by donors while mixing it up with jeb public and chris christie taunting marco rubio. >> how tough is it --. >> a last times --. >> taking property from an elderly woman? >> quiet. >> boo. boo. boo. >> that is all the door knows and special interests out there.
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>> this negligence that barack obama doesn't know what he is doing is not true. >> there it is. the memorized 25 second speech. >> this it is, everyone. >> gyp us in manchester is tucker karl long, and co-host of fox and friends weekend, and a.b. stoddard, and polly -- molly ball. >> i look at the pundits and two headlines "rubio chokes," and "rubio crashed and buns." he had tough exchanges with chris christie and does not look but does the average vote are care how rubio did? >> could you could have written the stories ahead of time. of course, chris christie had to go after rubio, there was telephone graphing he would do it and rubio did not did a great job. did he crash and burn?
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will it shake the support of the establishment for marco rubio in three weeks? probably not. >> the race has become a slug fest of donald trump and ted cruz mixing it up but declined to reap the worst things they said but how would you describe the enjoyment of this by the media? >> we always like a fight. i take issue with what tuck are said because i have talked to a lost up decided voters in new hampshire and a lot of the donors are not decided. they are saying i will watch the debate and that will make up my mind. the republican establishment in washington hoping that everyone can get behind rubio and get this over with, it and not going to change for them and they are getting defensive and some are neither rouse. for the rank and file voters, they are graph stating to rubio because he was having a moment and he had the momentum and people say i live you but i don't want to waste my vote new they are not sure because the concern the people had, he may not be ready.
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>> so, he said that barack obama is running the country four times rather than two times and used the same words, not great moment, clearly, but rubio is interesting to tell george stephanopolis today he will pay people to keep running that clip because it shows how passionately he families. it is being in a loop over and over and own. >> it will go down in presidential debate history. people will go back to this and say, do not get on a talking point that you will be mocked over and. radioed five times. >> you think it is a big deal? >> listen to what molly said, i talked to two people yesterday, democrat and republican, that are married, and they like jeb but they are going to vote for rubio yesterday because they felt general wasn't going do have a chance. general has a chance after last night we have no idea what will this do in a state where there are 44 percent undeclared. he went beyond rubio did the picture of chris christie of him
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all week that he is not courageous enough to depart from his lines. it was truly bizarre when he went on to the third respect television. >> i could be wrong and we could see it was a turn point but i think it will be 48 hours of bad press and i am not sure anyone will remember. speaking of senator rubio the way it was declared the winner in what a despite the third place finish, we will look, we heard in donald trump what ted cruz had to say on that point. >> i understand that in the media newsrooms, and in the washington establishment circle circles, marco is the chosen one. over and over and over again the reporters questions in the media interviews, what did you think about the really impressive third-place finish? of marco rubio. >> that has to be annoying to a candidate would inwiths the iowa caucus. so, do donald trump and ted cruz have a point that the press is
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in rubio's corner? >> i don't know if they are in his corner and i am not defending the press, most reporters are stupid, we me that, but they --. >> you take as a given. >> yes. they are big a solid point where a candidate could come in first, second or third in a given primary the macro question is more around the money, the endorsement, really, it is a contest between the guy trying to remake the republican party and the guy who is happy with the bush years. that later guy loses like marco rubio despite what happens in the debate or in the first couple of contests. that is my view. >> i understand why the press said that rubio subjected because he outperformed by seven or eight or nine points of the final poll. it is hard to poll a caucus and trump underperformed. but what if the polls are wrong. our analysis is based on a full benchmark. >> the polls and i am just a stupid party but it is a snapshot and told you where the
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race was a few days out and started to move. as reporters we are trying to figure, what is going on in this whack box of the republicans? what is in the hearts ask minds of the people in iowa who decide and the people of new hampshire so it seems leak there 10 movement in one direction en masse and you go to marco rubio events and they are getting bigger and bigger and more and more are coming whether out of curiosity or because the pundits say he is a big deal there is sense of movement in that direction so you want to know why and whether it is sustainable and whether he can capitalize and he is being tested. is he meeting the test? >> a.b., as a not so student bid reporter is it the same thing in new hampshire? if donald trump weapons new hampshire, say, by a smaller margin than picketed which is based on the tea leaves, will the press discount that and focus on others who did better than expected? >> the press has given donald
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trump more free air time than any candidate in the history of this country. he was the dominant front respecter in the polls for six months. we have been talking about him being the run away default nominee for weeks now. before the vote. yes, if he underperforms polling in two states, and squeaks by and he has a ceiling, that will change the perception of whether he is actually going to get nomination. >> people see this as the press picking winners and losers. the votes do not matter it is the post game analysis. >> there is some truth to that. there are larger forces at work here. i don't give the press credit for stick -- strategic thinking. >> there is a pack m? >> of course, by definition. it is a failurely reactive kind of phenomenon you are watching, that a contestens and this
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reshuffled the deck. very few stand back and assess the long term likelihood. >> this came up in abc last night, what ted cruz' staff did spread the rumor about ben carson dropping out and a senior source in the cruz camp confirms those voice e-mails by cruz people telling other cruz ground troops and precinct workers, including ben carson suspending the campaign, they were first reported by breitbart but cruz said in the debate and he apologized to ben carson so we make that clear, it was cnn and they reported an inaccurate story and it took a few hours. cnn pushed back and they reported clearly that the original tweet was ben carson will not good to new hampshire south carolina but headed to florida for r&r and then ben carson campaign tells me the land to stay in the race beyond iowa no matter what the results
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are tonight. is it fair to policemen this on cnn? >> a minute later, you saw it took more than a minute for the voice mays to go out and the message that ted cruz sent out, to go." i am surprised by the traction this mini scandal is getting. i would be tempted to see it as inside baseball, and voters do not care. ben carson did not underperform in iowa so you cannot say there was a massive movement of his voters into ted cruz' camp. i am surprised how many new hampshire voters were aware and how men were leaning to ted cruz and felt lake he did a dirty trick so there is penetration of the idea. >> we could debate if it is a dirty truck but in the on tweet and the and yous on the air, people said, well, it is very unusual, very significant and he is take three daze off the trial because there are only eight days define iowa and new hampshire and every reporter said wow but no one reported
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that he was dropping out but it was d. >> i watched it on cn until as it happened and they did not say he was quitting this is precious time if he wanted to do well. molly is right, he did very well in iowa and drum trump is out there telling everyone who listens, that he came in first because ted cruz obviously took enough votes away from ben carson to win the caucus. >> we don't know that. >> so, it got a lot media and he said he did not want it numb filed and dragged it into the middle of the week. >> it want mean to ben carson, he is a nice guy, christian voters like him because he is nice. >> we agree he is a nice guy. >> ahead on the special new hampshire story, things are heating up between hillary
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clinton and bernie sanders. all the publisher of the new hampshire union leader, donald trump is calling him a low life. and worse. the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. , it takes a lot of work... to run this business. , i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a great taste.
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>> joe mcquaid is not afraid to mix it up with presidential candidates and they endorsed chris christie he has been in a war with words with donald trump and he joins me in manchester. you have called donald trump a crude blow hard, a con man, a school yard rich kid bully. >> in return i got low life, psycho, that is the latest. i did not know until recently i was a sleazebag, a liar and my
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papers got three months max to live. >> is it not uncomfortable to mix it with the presidential an state who does not like i, your paper, and you do not respect? >> it is not uncomfortable for me to tell it like it is with a presidential candidate would has in businessening a president candidate. >> you do not think he should be in the race. >> no, sir, and the media have done a terrific job, and it was said earlier by a.b. stoddard, that the media, for six months, trump, trump, trump, trump, trump. the night after iowas all three cable networks show trump lied for half an hour in new hampshire. it is all trump, all time, he said he did not have to buy advertising because he got it all for free. >> how can trump expect fair coverage in your news columns when you denounce him
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personally? all the same way that mccarthy in 1968 got fair coverage while my predecessor was calling him a skunk and a skunk-skunks on the front page and mccarthy wrote a book, and he cited the union leader's fair coverage in the news columns of his campaign which was a long shot at the time. >> maybe you have tone it down since "skunk." >> you got it in with the newark star register, and you mentioned the bridge-gate scandal and there is a feud. >> the paper did this, my young editorial page editorial who took up our side on that, and they were furious in new jersey that we dirted to be force someone that they don't like. >> now, abc dumped the union leader from the debate and you were a cross cost after you came out for chris christie and came
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out strongly against trump. you were not happy. >> i thought abc was spineless. just based on what trump was demanding. >> you think abc as a network was caving to pressure from donald trump because you, joe mcquaid, criticized him? thank you is what trump said. i was shocked, abc called my editor at 3:00 on a sunday afternoon not too discuss the issue but to tell us we were out. that is real class. i was amazed at that. they were also upset because we cosponsored the d one with abc here, the in before, and they did not like the fact we were insisting on having new hampshire questions and presence. trump was the finning point but abc knew we would insist on all of the major candidates, anyone but fiorina be on same.
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>> carly fiorina sun happy with abc in cluing her, and i did not thing it was fair. >> the buchanan held it up after he won theory marry with your endorsement but in a five cable and digital news and the power of the printed press diminished? >> greatly the but in a very crowded field with this many candidates, it can make a difference bigger than it has made in the past. the union leader has not had a great track record over the year, with our endorsements. including people like john ash brook. >> you have had some clunkers. >> did cnn blow it on the story of ben carson taking time off? and brit hume and why candidates spending so much time complaining about the press.
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>> in our media microscope how has the coverage changed since iowa? we looked at the top outlets where the these days leading up to the fox news debate in des moines and it is a blow out. well over 21,000 mentioned for donald trump who then was bailing out on the debate and homing his own event triple the coverage of ted cruz with 6,300 mentions and the senator went open to win, marco rubio would surged in the final days over 1,400. and jeb bush and chris christie and john kasich all obliterated in iowa and end a thousand mentions. on tuesday through thursday this week when the spotlight shifted to new hampshire, we have a media horse race, donald trump is ahead at 8,700 stories. but that is down by well over half. cruz is behind with 7,300, and ahead of marco rubio with 4,800 but the three governors treating new hampshire at a make-or-break, bush, chris christie, and kasich, still
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under a through mentions each. that surprised me i thought they were getting more attention. here is the striking new element, donald trump's coverage is 10 percentage points less negative, and marco rubio 12 less negative now he is getting or was getting upbeat report on the momentum until the debate last night. we locked at cox in the new hampshire media, trump, cruz, rubio, one, two and three, but a bump for jeb bush trailing the top three but garner twice the local media attention of chris christie and kasich. we will see if it translates only primary night. cnn i mentioned, the bottom line they did not report anything inaccurate abut the break from the trail and does not insinuate he was dropping out. >> all is fair in love and war and politic but this is strange. a couple of when have been kicked off a hookup right where
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you swipe right if you like someone and left if you feel the burn and they sent dozens of men in search of bernie sanders, getting a political appeal, and a woman saying if they said no, or on the finance i would try to persuade them to vote but that persuasion did not include any dates, where it might have been a big more effective. >> ahead from new hampshire, hillary clinton now in a tight race with bernie sanders and how did msnbc handle their debate with rachel? but, first, brit hume on whether this is elevating insults over issues?
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it is a symbolic moment, when abc held the debate across the campus. let's look. >> ben carson. >> texas senator ted cruz. >> donald trump. >> what did you make of that? >> my favorite is the guy around the occur tape giving him a signal to go. i talk to one of our floor directors, senior floor director at fox news and he said, this is my worst nightmare. he is the guy responsible forgetting everyone in place and positioned properly and so forth and he looked at that and said it made him wince it looks like they needed someone stand there.
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>> at every high school football game, number 22 left out. go. go. >> ben carson said that after he could not hear anything. >> that was the applause from the prior candidates was drawning out the next name. ait turns out to be a substantive debate and let's move on to the 30,000 views. the press were mocking donald trump declaring jeb bush was the obvious front runner and scott walk for a while bernie sanders business was treated as joke and only later did the media notice or discover that the anger and frustration. have you ever seen a worst performance? >> i must say we are sailing in unchartered seas and nothing if my experience as a reporter going back many years prepare me for what donald trump has been able to do. i few because i am on twit which are is a great early warning system for journalists and
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anyone else looking for sentiment i five the level of anger and distrust of the republican stabment, the senior republicans in washington and elsewhere. i never thought, for example, that it would be easy for jeb bush. i did not know if he could get a hearing and i don't thing he has people say, another bush? they want to turn the page. town the page and on off. the donald trump phenomenon caught me by surprise i could sense the celebrity and you cannot take director -- your eyes off guy because he would say what seemed to be outrageous and they did not hurt. >> everyone predicted implosion. >> it was amusing but it was not what we had seen a politician benefit and he has. most everyone missed that. >> now you have those who minimized donald trump and thought scott walker was serious contender and then they come open tv the next day and offer
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more predict base on polls that fluctuate or are wrong. >> something that we as journalists get all the time when we comment on politics, the moderator or anchor, whoever says, would will win? how will it turn out? i try not to do it because it is attentioner of being wrong is high and people do. of course, we don't really have the ability to second-guess the polls any more. there are so many of them. there never used to be the you could not rely on the old poll was they were far apart. >> is there a culture of prediction in the pretwitter? >> there was. i will say this: you used to come into a state to cover a primary and there would be a poll or two, and they would weigh out a day and you go on the trail, go to events and look for the size of crowd, the crowd reaction the demeanor of the
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candidate whose can sense the momentum, and sometimes internal will positiving gives a candidate a spring if his step, and you have a gut sense, almost by osmosis and that kind of reporting is diminished and in some measure because of difficulty of doing them when? seven or eight candidates so it is harder. >> and the candidates can go on instagram or twitter with their occupy broadcast account. weapon donald trump and ted cruz are pounding each other, and chris christie is tapping rubio and so forth, do you have any sense this sucks up the oxygen away from the issues? you talk to voters and it is economy, jobs and terrorism. we hear not necessarily last night, but we hear less and less of that as it is a slug fest. >> there is absolutely nothing about that. look, we are news people. we want people to be surplus
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about the issues as citizens but conflict strikes sparks and sparks make news and that is what we are looking for so if candidates are in a brawl the way chris christie and rubio did in the debate last night, that is news. >> it is resistible -- irresistable. >> the horse race and brawling is going to be beat out. >> it was said you have two candidates and one announced a great plan tore solve the problems in middle east and the other falls in the orchestra pit who makes the news? the guy in the orchestra pit the. >> stick around, next, the hillary coronation is now on hold after bernie sanders sort of won iowa but is he getting the scrutiny he deserves? the woman who tried to quit
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said that is what they offered the how do you be dismissive of vote are concerns about issue if your own campaign and career? racial i -- rachel i may not have done a good job explaining my record. >> so can you explain how the e-mail scandal will not blow up your candidacy. >> before e-mails it was benghazi. >> could you work with them or have you maiden mys with big business with how you have approach them? >> of course i could work with them. >> we back with the panel on the cmn townhall, and the $657,000 that goldman sachs paid hillary clinton, her ties to wall street are a defining issue or a media obsession? >> it is interesting that the media is giving her a hard are time than the opponent, and bernie sanders is certainly attack her for ties to wall street.
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>> he brings it all the time. >> yes but on the other personal issues particularly the e-mails he does not want to go there and he did not call on her to release transcripts in the debate this this week. it is a real issue. it is something that d voters care about. we hear about it from bernie sanders supporters this is the ron they do not trust her. she too close to big business and in bed with wall street and she does not have a good answer were but hear her struggling to respond. >> and bernie sanders is pushing free college for everyone, free health care, raising taxes on the middle class and he said it would be offset by not paying insurance premiums, where is the media scrutiny? if a candidate and everyone in the press win comes out with big government programs it would be stories day after day about how we pay for it. >> he was asked several times and what do do you? >> if he get as big enough
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coalition of new voters and changes the electorate, he said it has to be a movement, a huge revolution, he would get enough people in the congress to agree with him and he could actually try to make the change, affect the change and as you describe people would ultimately pay less for more than they are now. health care costs -- i do not advocate for bernie sanders i have seen him answer the questions. but as polly -- at presidentially -- molly has reported, the votes in iowa are still being counseled and bernie sanders has been silent. reason is, the media is not pay attention if they recounted the votes of ted cruz and&ben carson we would be all offer it. >> i think what because they already gave it to bernie sanders. >> that would affect hillary clinton here. >> i do. >> rather than winning by .2
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percent he lost by .1 percent. >> the license plate said hrc2016 for years and a broken for bernie sanders to pick. >> what happened to rick santorum. >> that is true. if you spend your time complaining of the outcome in the previous, and it was so close to be a tall, however you count it. you have to be getting to the people in the next state and give them republicans to vote for you rather than looking back. >> and as abc had a solid debate i thought, everyone was buzzing about the botched introductions but what created a lot of talk in social media, rachel rachel madyson
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maddow, here she is, embracing the democrats. your thoughts? >> my thought was, i have never seen a moderator do that, that i remember, and, people say about her she is an extremely warm personable person and there is the kind of thing she z when we are involved in the debate, we journalists, we are ating a bit like the players in a trial before the court of public opinion. advocates play a certain role, whatever their relationship with each other and with a judge outside the courtroom is set aside and their professional discipline comes into play and you maintain a certain proper distance and the people you cover especially in a debate were when she runs up and hugs these people after, it conveys the impression whether fairly or not, that she plaintiffs them both and things the democrats are wonderful. >> i will not hug you after this signature president based on
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that. >> i wrote not mind if you did. >> i thought rachel maddox did a great job, and it was a mistake to pair her with a moderator of "meet the press." and the e-mail pressing hillary clinton, she said, 100 percent guarantee it will not cause an implosion in the campaign. my question is, this is a step but has it reached a point where the media are pushing this beyond the extent that verdicts care about? >> for two ropes, first of all, there are revelations coming out about maims in the last week we have had new information about the extent of the issues here. second, she is asked about there and democratic voters bring it up. she has been asked here. i have spoken to democratic voters and people who support her say i am nervous about this and worry this is a ticking time balk for cap address. it is not the kind of thing that
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democratic voters or on the defensive about saying we wish the media would move beyond it. we hear they are worried. >> for the legal republican. >> they do not want a nominee. >> with a stink bomb going off. >> a.b. i thought the media would jump this, hillary clinton is denying being part of the establishment and she said i would be the first fee maim president and it sound like a clumsy way of bringing up gender, are we so accustomed no one cares? >> her passionate female supporters and most are older as you know, want her to, it is important to them, they think that is a really good weapon and they want her to talk awould that and she is pulling out all of the stops to shake the lead of bernie sanders and close the gap and try to find ways to senator the historic nature of the nomination. >> i thought it was the wrong
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spot to bring it up, but we will look at the moment spread in new hampshire and thank you, all, very much for stopping by here in new hampshire. after the break, a veteran reporter on why she had in choice but to quick michael bloomberg's news service. and what happened to this your's super bowl hype? one a day proactive sixty-five plus. with high potency vitamin b12 and more vitamin d.
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enter the x1 voice remote. now when someone says... show me funny movies. watch discovery. record this. voila. remotes, come out from the cushions, you are back. the x1 voice remote is here. >> and kathy kiely quit her job as washington news director for bloomberg politics because michael bloomberg is quite openly sporing an continue run for president and she was block the from reporting it. i sat down with her in washington, dc. >> kathy kiely, welcome. why did you feel compelled to eleven a good job at bloomberg?
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>> i did not feel i could do my job as a political editor and i thought it was time to as chuck knoll said, find my life's work. all the "new york times" and msnbc were reporting on bloomberg active live considering an independent presidential run clearly leak by his aide and it was not scuttlebutt and you wanted it cover it. >> correct. >> what happened? >> there is a policy at bloomberg i discovered when i got there, to fought write about ourselves as they like to say and when a mayor moves film would come up that with be a bit an issue. >> a red flag? >> exactly. sometimes that is understandable at a big again you would do the same thing, check it out with the bosses but when it was clear we would not be able to pursue this to the extent i thought we needed to or should, with the
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story of this magnitude i got uncomfortable. all the company said, we covered the specific legislation of the mayor by getting stories from other outlets but you felt it was not enough the. >> i did not fool it was enough. when you run a legal operation as we were you should follow every story aggressively. we were not following this story aggressively. i thought that compromised us as an organization. i f it compromised me as an editor. you without good journalism is easy but you have to be willing to bide the happened thatted fares you but can be risky. >> actions have consequences. i'm paying the price. >> did you wrestle with whether you should take the step? obviously, you enjoyed last area and it is a name brand organization and you are walking out the door? >> i did wrestle with it. i have great colleagues would i still think are doing great
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work. recareed a lot about the reporters and i still do, those who worked for me. i had great editorial colleagues. >> media companies have to cover themselves as fox does when donald trump plea off the fox news debate. why did he try to insulate the mayor? >> i am puzzled. bloomberg knows what it is like to be covered, and he has been covered in the toughest media market in the world. his organization, and his company make transparency a prime value so to me it is puzzling. i never get a straight answer. i think a mark of maturity for the company will be, being able to do that. i hope they good there. >> kathy kiely thanks for joining us. >> you are welcome. >> still to come a nashville foil's response to a female
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i'm not about to swim in the slow lane. stay strong. stay active with boost®. >> sometimes it is apparent that female downlies are treated differently. this was a reporter that was digging into questionable spending on fancy restaurants and luxury decorations at a county election mission. the panel chairman buchanan agreed to a meeting and she asked about a costly decorations. >> can you explain the picture frame that is $600? >> that is it. >> that is it? >> that is it. >> that is exactly the bitch i thought you would be. >> wow, that is rights when asked a legitimate journalism a question of public funds this clown insulted her with a word that despair raps women. she was a total pro and good for the tennessee station for
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running that. >> now, today, of course, super bowl sunday is number 50 and i cannot remember with less media hype. you have denver and carolina and maybe the last game of manning and newton saying reporters asking him about being a black quarterback but no trash talk or controversial sexy ad or deflated footballs. with the game sandwiched between iowa and new hampshire this crazy campaign is overshadowing even the super bowl. until the game comes on tonight and draws another monster audience. that is it for the special new hampshire "media buzz" and i am howard kurtz we hope you like our facebook page with a lot of original content. it has been great being here on campus of the college campus talking to folks in manchester being in spin room after the abc debate l is no subfor that, and that is why we did the show in what with theft week, new
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hampshire this week. nice to have you along. back in washington nbc sunday at 11:00 and 5:00 p.m. eastern with the latest buzz. >> i were a chris wallace reporting from manchester, new hampshire. today, the governors. they have started as the front runners in the g.o.p. race for president. now they are fighting just to stay alive. >> you have fought been involved in a consequential decision where you had to be held account am the you have not. . >> how tough is it to steam from an did early woman. >> he anything he can impose anything he wants. >> we talk with all three as they battle in the g.o.p. establishment claim against a rising marco rubio. >> this notion that barack obama doesn't know what he is doing --. >> there it is, memorizeed 25 seconds and see if they
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