tv Happening Now FOX News February 11, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PST
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bill: i give these candidates a lot of credit, because i feel like i need a nap today. martha: were you happy to be home in your own bed last night? [laughter] bill: yes, it was good. martha: it was fun. we learned a lot. great trip. good to be back, everybody. have a good day, we'll see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ jenna: we're awaiting a major endorsement in the democratic presidential race as the two candidates get ready to face off in their first debate since the new hampshire primary. i'm jenna lee. jon: and i'm jon scott. the congressional black caucus expected to throw its support behind hillary clinton, and the group's backing could have a big impact in south carolina and nevada ahead of the next contests there just as clinton comes off a dramatic loss to bernie sand ors in new hampshire -- sanders in new hampshire and as the candidates gear up for a debate tonight in mill withdraw key. mike emanuel is this live.
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mike. >> reporter: good morning. senator bernie sanders is also picking up endorsements and showing he intends to compete for the african-american vote as this campaign moves south and west. actor and activist harry belafonte issued an endorsement video a short time saying sanders represents opportunity, moral imperative and truth not often evidenced in politics. sanders has raised more than $7.1 million in contributions since tuesday night. he also did some high profile interviews in new york making it clear he wants to earn the black vote. >> when youth unemployment in the african-american community, kids who are underemployed or unemployed, is 51%, don't tell me we to not need to invest heavily in the african-american community and create decent paying jobs. >> reporter: as for hillary clinton, she went back to new york after the new hampshire primary and has kept a low profile. she told supporters she has work
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to do particularly with young people. >> you are the reason we are going to win the nomination and then win this election together! thank you all, thank you so very much! [cheers and applause] >> reporter: and that, of course, sets the stage for tonight's debate as hillary clinton tries to turn the page from the new hampshire primary loss, and bernie sanders, of course, tries to keep the momentum rolling. jon? jon: mike emanuel in mill withdraw key, thank you. jenna: and now to a brand new fight in the republican race for the white house, a smaller field now shifting their focus to south carolina and taking aim at each other ahead of next saturday's high stakes primary. john roberts is live in florence, south carolina, with the latest from the road. john? >> reporter: jenna, good morning. smaller but no less feisty than the larger field was, we're here in florence where they're getting ready for a jeb bush event, a lot of punches being thrown back and forth as these candidates vie for those 50 delegates at stake here in south
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carolina. between the jabs and the uppercuts, they are managing to talk about some of the issues that south carolinians really, really care about. donald trump yesterday making a big play for conservatives in the very conservative upstate, a large rally, several thousand people at the agricultural arena at columnton university. also chemo-- clemson university. also keeping in mind there are eight military bases, 400,000 veterans and their families. listen. >> and by the way, i'm more militaristic than anybody in this room. i'm a big, big, big fan of the military, believe me. [cheers and applause] and by the way, we're going to take care of our vets. our vets are not being treated properly. >> reporter: again, 400,000 veterans here in south carolina. trump has got a 16-point lead in the average of polls, though they are a couple of weeks old. taking fire from two sides, jeb bush continues to attack trump as not a serious candidate while
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ted cruz, who has tossed out any notion of comity with his old friend donald trump, continues to rip his conservative credentials. >> the only y to beat donald trump is to highlight the simple truth of his record. it is not conservative. >> reporter: cruz's path to victory here in the palmetto state really lies in the bible belt. 60% of voters identify as evangelical or born again, but they are not a nonlistic voting bloc. -- monolithic voting block. mitt romney in 2012 captured slightly less, so there's a chance jeb bush could get some of it, marco rubio, maybe john kasich. jenna: a really good point to consider as we move ahead towards south carolina.u so muc. jon: let's take a look at the numbers in south carolina ahead of the gop primary there. the real clear politics average of all the polls shows donald trump with a sizable lead at 36%, almost -- pardon me -- double the support of senator
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ted cruz who comes in second. senator marco rubio, governor jeb bush and dr. ben carson round out the top five in south carolina. joining us now, peter brown, assistant director of the quinnipiac university polling student. and right off the top, peter, you have a cautionary note that these polls in south carolina predate new hampshire. in other words, they might be getting a bit stale. >> well, they not only predate new hampshire, they predate iowa too. all the polls taken were before the iowa caucuses. that's pretty stale numbers. now, it doesn't mean they weren't right at the time, but there have been a lot of intervening events. you've had about a third of the field has withdrawn, mr. cruz, you know, had a big surprise many iowa that probably is helping him to some degree. obviously, donald trump's big win in new hampshire will help him. but, again, what we know is old data. the new hampshire primary was 48 hours ago.
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it'll take a while til we start seeing p decent data out of south carolina. jon: and, obviously, south carolina campaigning is always intense, and in the days leading up to the primary there a lot of things could change. >> right. obviously, a variety of candidates looked at new hampshire as their way to break out, and it didn't really happen, but it kept them alive. it kept governor bush alive. it kept governor kasich alive. it kept marco rubio alive more or less out of iowa. so what you've got is a situation now where south carolina, to some degree, may be taking the role that new hampshire used to have or did in previous elections where it's going to eliminate some of the field. jon: the congressional black caucus is expected to endorse hillary clinton. what does that mean for her campaignsome does it give -- campaign? does it give it a shot of
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adrenaline that she needs? >> well, it certainly will help. the black caucus is not just a group in washington, d.c. of african-american members of congress, but its members have great political sway in their own communities, their own states. so that this kind of support helps. i mean, it's no secret that the clinton campaign thinks they will win the nomination because they will appeal better than senator sanders has been able to historically to minority voters. there aren't a lot of minority voters in vermont where senator sanders is from. so the question is, can senator sanders in a relatively very short amount of time change that and introduce himself to the african-american community in a positive way? jon: peter brown, a former white house correspondent and assistant director at the
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quinnipiac polling institute. peter, thanks for your insight. >> my pleasure. jenna: a new arrest linked to "el chapo" with a woman now in custody, what she's accused of doing. and north korea making another provocative move, what they just ordered the military to do. we're live with those breaking developments next.
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jon: right now some crime stories we're following. an accused serial killer now barred from the courtroom during his trial. the judge in brooklyn ordering the defendant out after he interrupted the proceedings yet again, this time blurting out something as the jurors were taking their seats at the murder trial. a new arrest linked to drug kingpin joaquin "el chapo" guzman as the woman accused of being his financial manager taken into custody in the same city where "el chapo" was recaptured last month. a wisconsin jury convicts a man after his tenth drunk
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driving arrest. apparently not buying his excuse that the reason he smelled of alcohol was because he just ate beer-battered fish. his blood alcohol level, three times the legal limit. jenna: well, some new information on the rising tension between north and south korea. since the north's recent long-range rocket launch, now that rogue nation just ordered a military takeover of a factory park that was the last major symbol of cooperation between the two countries. this after the south suspended operations there. greg talcott is following these developments live from our london bureau. >> reporter: this is just the latest fallout from the rocket launch this past weekend. south korea, for the first time, yanking the plug on this long-running, joint venture with the north saying it didn't want pyongyang to use the cash earned at the manufacturing center to fund its suspect nuclear program. so far that has put a half a billion dollars into the north's coffers. north korea calling seoul's
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action a declaration of war, ordering south korean managers out of the industrial park in the north and pulling out its own workers as well. south korea was also bolstering the defenses today along the already-tense dmz near the facility as the north shut down two communication hotlines with the south aimed at cooling down tensions in situations just like this. meanwhile, there is more concern about that rocket launch on sunday. the head of the u.s. army missile defense command telling a capitol hill gathering that the size of the payload sent into space is worrying. it is widely thought that that rocket launch was a cover for a ballistic missile test aimed maybe eventually at carrying a nuclear weapon. a reason why the senate late yesterday voted unanimously,9 6-zip, in favor of a new bill that would add sanctions against north korea and its nuclear program. it strengthens an already-strong and approved house bill, and now
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this bill goes back to the house for approval as well, and that is expected. jenna, this vote so important that it got marco rubio and ted cruz off the campaign trail to participate in the vote are. bernie sanders took a pass. back to you. jenna: does say something, though, to get them off the campaign trail. big story for us, greg, thank you so much. jon: a big endorsement underway right now for hillary clinton. these are members of the congressional black caucus who have gathered together in washington, d.c. to announce their endorsement of hillary clinton, the form bal endorsement -- formal endorsement, i should say. it's been expected, coming for a long time. she is hoping to do especially well among african-american voters. of course, the first two states where she has not quite performed up to expectations, iowa and new hampshire, are largely caucasian. mrs. clinton is hoping that in a state like south carolina with a large black population she can
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do much better, and the timing of this black congressional black caucus endorsement designed to boost her chances as her campaign rolls on. in the meantime, a frightening new study on the zika virus and its impact on newborn babies. how that virus could impact their vision. and a former priest is now charged with the murder of a texas beauty queen way back in 1960. what he is saying in court and how it could impact the case. for me is it keeps the food out. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now. what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. now you're an expert in less than a minute. this is truecar.
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it's gotten squarer. over the years. brighter. bigger. it's gotten thinner. even curvier. but what's next? for all binge watchers. movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. jon: a new study links the zika virus with serious eye problems in balk -- in babies, finding it could lead to blindness.
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researchers say the study highlights the need for all infants potentially exposed to speaking ca to get retinal eye exams. jenna: a former priest is charged with the killing of a texas beauty queen in 1960, apparently after hearing her confession. he was visiting a parish in mcallen, texas, and helping out on a busy easter weekend when irene garza came in for her confession, and that was the the last time she was seen alive. back then the father was a suspect in the case, but for years and years and years never charged. now the former priest is charged with her murder, and he appeared in court yesterday in phoenix and seemed confused, saying the murder charge didn't make sense. >> this whole thing makes no sense. maybe the time in question took place in 1960. i'm totally puzzled why something is coming up now after
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the fact. my instinct is telling me to fight extradition. jenna: let's weigh in with our legal panel, ebony williams, keisha evans, and when you revert back to the 1960s, this lovely young woman is murdered in this little town, and all fingers are pointing at the priest, but he's never charged. and, bebbny, after hearing -- ebony, after hearing him speak now that he is being charged with the murder, you have some of the same questions about the timing of all of this. >> oh, absolutely, jenna. here's the thing, there is no statute of limitations on murder, so, certainly, the state is well within their legal rights to come 56 years later with these charges. but the questions remain. witnesses that might have been helpful might be deceased now or otherwise not available. certainly, the technology around any type of lie detector test and things of that nature that were done those 50-plus years ago not sufficient as a defense
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lawyer, you could rip that stuff apart at trial today. jenna: ceesh shah, what do you think the reason is he's being charged now? >> i think the prosecution did not have enough evidence, but apparently some new evidence has been discovered. and they have to, by law, prosecute something if they have enough evidence to present. and apparently in this time the grand jury has found there's enough evidence to go forward with the trial. jenna: we don't know exactly what that is, keisha, right? >> no, we don't know now, but i suspect it must be overwhelming being that the grand jury felt there was sufficient evidence to prosecute. jenna: now, about ten years ago, ebony, the d.a. brought in a grand jury, they failed to indict this man. >> sure. jenna: and the family said, well, that's because the d.a. was so resistant to wanting to try this case, because he said there was no new evidence, and he sort of poisoned the well. what do you think about that argument, and what is the impact
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that a previous jury passed on even charging or indicting this man? >> yeah, that's interesting. certainly, a district attorney could have impact on what a grand jury kind of comes back with. but ultimately, i think the evidence prevails. now, i look at that, jenna lee, i look at the fact 2004 there was no grand jury indictment, that, to me, reeks of process to have y'all holes in their case. it shows me how weak their evidence was. keisha's certainly correct that maybe there's new evidence that's stronger and more compelling, but i can't help but think certainly this is going to be an uphill battle. most of the evidence we do know about is very circumstantial, so absent some dna really linking the defendant to this, there's what happened and what you can prove in court, ladies, and often times those are two different standards of proof. jenna: the texas rangers were involved in this, the cold case department taking a look at this so many years later. and in texas monthly there's a big arti raising this question saying
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that a lot of these big questions, keisha, still don't have answers. where exactly had irene been murdered, what was she killed with, when was her body dumped into the canal? there's a at least that came forward many years later and said he had contact with father feit who confessed to him this murder. he didn't come forward until he also left the priesthood and was reflecting on what he heard. how valuable is his testimony if he's still able to give it today, and what about those really big questions? because her body was found in a canal, again, in this small town and not much else. >> well, i think his -- if he is called to testify, it will be very helpful. and also this priest, he failed a lie detector test. and as ebony stated, it is going to be based on circumstantial evidence. but he also admitted there was something that was found at the crime scene that belonged to him. and the fact that the if you listen to his statement on the news that was just played before
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the segment, he did not say i didn't do it, i'm innocent. he said i don't understand how can it come forward -- jenna: interesting. >> -- after the fact. to me, that reads guilt everywhere. jenna: and that's a series of statements he's made over the years that have been confusing to investigators and noted. the person that did give the lie detector test said he was not telling the truth about saying he had nothing to do with the murder, but you say the technology from the 1960s is not something that will fly in court today. will they do another lie detector? >> i'm sure the state would love to do that. if i was his defense counsel, i certainly wouldn't recommend it. i don't disagree, ladies. certainly, his statement gives puzzles -- you know, he's not declaring his innocence, he's kind of questioning the procedure and whether or not he should fight extradition. again, the burden of proof is not for him to prove his innocence, it's for the state to prove beyond a reasonable doubt of his guilt. and, jenna lee, you raised those questions, and they're important ones around what murder weapon
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was used, what was the exact timeline? when you can't answer those for a jury, it becomes very, very difficult for them to bring you back a conviction even when the story itself is compelling and would kind of warrant one. jenna: then there's the question of the priest as well, keisha, the fact that he is a priest and, apparently, in this town that is very religious, you know, there was a question about whether or not there was reluctance to really go after him. he's still a priest. i mean, he still could come into court, he actually told the reporters, god bless you after they were asking for interviews. how does his profession impact the case? he's not some big oil tycoon, the guy that runs the store down the road. he's a priest. >> right. i think in this case if the prosecution presents enough evidence to point to guilt to his situation, the fact that he's a priest will make the jurors have no sympathy because he got away with this for so long. i think they will look at it and say, you know, shame on you. you were placed in a position of trust, and here you are committing an act of murder.
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i think it may backfire on him. jenna: ebony, do you agree with that? if you were defending him, would this be something you'd play up for the jury? >> of course you would. you would talk about his commitment to the faith, you would talk about, certainly, that's not in the character. yeah, you know, he's certainly somebody, you know -- look, you've got to look at your jurors, right? how many of them are devout catholics, how many of them would certainly shun away from the idea of criminally convicting, you know, their faith leader in that way. yeah, you would definitely play that up as a defense lawyer. jenna: it'll be interesting to see so many years later is there that evidence that seals this case and that we're having a very different discussion a few weeks from now. keisha and ebony, thank you so much. >> thank you, jenna. jon: well, bill clinton has been campaigning for his wife, and that's raising questions about how much he's actually helping her as she prepares to go head to head with senator bernie sanders in tonight's debate. also the last of an armed militia group who took over a
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federal facility are now ready to surrender, we're told. why a lawmaker is getting involved on their side. he floor! do something! oh i'm not a security guard, i'm a security monitor. i only notify people if there is a robbery. there's a robbery. why monitor a problem if you don't fix it? that's why lifelock does more than free credit monitoring to protect you from identity theft. we not only alert you to identity threats, if you have a problem, we'll spend up to a million dollars on lawyers and experts to fix it. lifelock. join starting at $9.99 a month.
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jon: right now a quick look at what's still to come this hour of "happening now." the occupation of an oregon federal facility might soon be over. why one nevada lawmaker is taking the side of the occupiers. flying the friendly skies was easier on the wallet for at least three months in 2015. the average price of tickets
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hitting a low not seen in years. also, more than 50 prisoners believed dead after a fiery explosion at a mexican prison. new information on what happened just before that fire started. jenna: well, "happening now," democratic rivals hillary clinton and bernie sanders prepping for their debate tonight in milwaukee as an interesting question is raised by "the boston globe" about why clinton isn't having more success on the campaign trail. the article argues that clinton's husband bill is hurting her more than senator sanders. quote: a gaunt, vegan and crank key bill is a problem for hillary. separating him from the campaign trail is a good idea. for one thing, it's hard to look at the two of them and start thinking about tomorrow. bill clinton is a huge reminder of yesterday, and the centrist policies bernie sanders is running against. joining me now, pete snyder, fox news contributor and former republican candidate for lieutenant governor of virginia,
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and simon rosenberg. simon, is bill more of a liability at this point than bernie in. >> no, absolutely not. thing is for all of bill clinton's problems, they're going to be part of the campaign, and i think what the clinton campaign is doing, and what's very smart, is they're getting some of the downside of bill, but they're also going to get a ton of upside. he allows the campaign to be in the two places at the same time, and as we move to 20 and 25 states in the next few weeks, it's going to have an enormous impact in generating attention and media and making a positive case for hillary. i think he's a net asset. jenna: do you agree the same, pete? there's been a lot of questions raised about bill, his health, some of the things he said in new hampshire. do you feel he'll be as positive going through some of the states we're looking at ahead? >> jenna, i have a lot of respect for the big dog. he is the most talented politician of his generation, probably mine as well. i've got to tell you, he's lost
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a step. david maraniss, the longtime biographer of bill clinton, saw him on the campaign trail and said he looked tired, he looked weak, and he's been a liability in the past. look what he did in 2008 in south carolina, claiming that the minority vote doesn't matter at all. sure enough, you know, eight years later he's trying to say it's all about the minority vote. the politics that are existing today aren't the politics of simon and bill clinton back -- jenna: well, i was talking to ed henry, of course, who covers the clinton campaign, always has a lot of great insight, and he said some of the questions the clinton campaign is confronting are very similar to the questions jeb bush's campaign is, which is about the legacy of the family and how that is impacting voters' perception and how it should be included in the campaign. simon, what about that? it is, you say stand wherever you want on bill clinton, he is the past. he's not necessarily the future. how do they make that argument?
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>> i don't really see it that way. he's part of the package, right? you can't take him out, you can't make him disappear. he's going to be there, so you might as well get the upside out of his engagement in the campaign and put him to use. he's done a really good job on the turn for them, and -- on the stump for them, and i think there's a pragmatic recognition that he's going to be part of the story, part of the attention no matter what, and you might as well -- jenna: okay. that's a great question for pete. pete, should republicans be afraid of bill clinton because, as you point out, he's one of the most talented, if not the most talented politician of the to generation. >> no, i don't think so. look, he's been very effective on the champagne crowd -- [laughter] raising -- jenna: how do we get part of that crowd? sounds like the crowd we want to be part of. [laughter] >> he doesn't fire up the youth vote -- jenna: ah, the youth vote. >> and the democratic -- >> so boxers or briefs? i mean, should we get back to that? jenna: hold on, hold on.
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i'm apologizing for interrupting you, pete, but you were leading us to our next topic, and i'll start with you. there's been some negative social media attention for hillary clinton over the last day or so. this is after the new hampshire primary, her team sent out an e-mail asking for dollar donations. a line said, i'm not kidding, maddie, that was the person who received the e-mail, i'm canning you to give a dollar right this -- i'm asking you to give a dollar right this second. apparently maddie posted it online, and it has generated a whole line of internet jokings. i'm not kidding maddi has become a hashtag. saying the sky's going to fall if you don't send in $5, but, pete, is the fact that her campaign is getting mocked for it, what questions is it raising about her messaging? >> sure. it's indicative that she's losing the message battle and losing the internet and losing the youth vote, period. she has a muddled message.
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it's really all about her. it's never about people and their desires, it's always about history or i'm ready for hillary, and, you know, the under-45 crowd is just laughing at it. this is old news. it's not where the democratic party is today. it's not where the nation wants to go. and the clintons are has beens. jenna: i mean, does it concern you, simon, you're seeing this sort of trend? it's not the most positive social media attention to get, and it's really the youth hillary's having a problem with. does this reflect that? >> look, there's a right that's going right for the clinton campaign. there's no doubt about it. she's still the likely nominee. this issue of what's going on with the young people is a big problem for the campaign. she's admitted it publicly. it's probably the biggest story of the election so far, losing young people by 70 points? and remember, young people, this is the biggest generation in american history. this is not the kids' table. this is the center of american politics now. a democrat cannot be elected president without a strong showing among young people. this is a big --
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jenna: why is she having that issue, simon? i've got to run, but i'm curious your take on it. what's the issue? why is she having it? >> i don't think any of us really understand, but there's one important piece which is that every other candidate who's doing well is running in some way against the system, that the system has let us down, the system isn't working anymore, and each candidate is approaching that in their own way. there's only one candidate who's not saying that, and it's hillary clinton. for a lot of young people that, her inability -- her running as a status quo candidate has been an enormous turn-off -- >> it's authenticity. she has problems telling the truth, and people can tell that. it's all about raw ambition. it turns off younger voters. jenna: it'll be interesting to see where it goes from here. we'll be watching nevada and south carolina, hashtag i'm not kidding, we'll be watching. [laughter] >> thanks, jenna. >> simon, pete, great to have you. >> thank you, jenna. jon: breaking right now, the last of the occupiers at that federal facility in oregon say
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they will surrender to the feds today. the four holdout toes promised to -- holdouts promised to end an illegal takeover that has lasted over a month now. the announcement comes as we learn the father of the to group's leader is now in jail. dan springer live from the site of the ongoing standoff. he has the latest for us. dan? >> reporter: yeah, jon, nothing has gone as planned for these occupiers, but they did promise to surrender to authorities this morning as soon as reverend franklin graham and a sympathetic lawmaker from nevada arrive here. we know they are in the area near the refuge, so this surrender could happen within the hour. the fbi closed in on this group late haas night, these four holdouts, after one of the anti-government act vises drove an all-train vehicle past a checkpoint. he returned to the camp, but so did at least five armored vehicles along with five fbi snipers and a negotiator on a bull horn. a close, tense standoff took place over the next five hours.
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here's part of it. >> try to understand, we've got a job to do -- >> [bleep] >> is that your job, to kill us? >> reporter: nevada assemblywoman michelle fiori flew to portland to try to have this end without any more bloodshed. she was on the phone with the occupiers trying to calm them down and assure them that their voices are being herald. >> i am with you in spirit, god is with you in spirit, and as we're walking out, we don't need our weapons right now. they cannot fire upon you with the world watching. >> reporter: the other big development is the arrest late last night of 74-year-old cliveen bundy who was never at the ref few but always on the periphery. he is being charged, we understand, with conspiracy to interview with a federal official, the same as his two
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sons and 14 to others, but his charge d he owes the federal government $1 million in grazing fees and penalty. the blm rounded up his cattle, but then a big group of armed militia arrived and got the feds to back down. that apparent victory two years ago certainly fed the confidence of the bundy family and led to the standoff here which was really a protest over the fbi or the federal treatment of two local ranchers, and then it grew into a protest over federal land management issues. but it could be coming to an end very soon, jon. jon: let's hope it ends without more deaths. thanks very much, dan springer, in oregon. jenna: a prison riot, witnesses report hearing explosions and seeing frames, what sparked the disturbance and also the loss of life. and the battle for south carolina with a whole lot of stake for several republican candidates. we have all the lowdown next.
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jenna: some new information on a deadly prison riot with more than 50 inmates killed in mexico after a fight broke out between two rival factionings. witnesses report hearing explosions as they say flames leaping from the prison, a thick cloud of smoke also rising apparently from inmates burning mattresses. the fire was brought under control after a few hours. all this comes just six days before pope francis is scheduled to visit another prison in mexico. jon: america's election headquarters now focuses on south carolina which could become a republican free-for-all because no clear challenger to front runner donald trump and ted cruz emerged from the new hampshire primary. marco rubio, john kasich and jeb bush all vying to become the so-called establishment alternative. joining us now, angela mcglowan, fox news political analyst, and jessica ehrlich, former democratic congressional candidate. welcome to both of you. jessica, tell us about south
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carolina politics, first of all. it is rumored to be a little rough and tumble. >> definitely. and it's certainly a change from what we've seen both in iowa and new hampshire. you're going from a place where you've got, you know, under 100,000 or close to voters to 700,000, and they really like to see, you know, historically folks go at it more, you know? it'll be interesting to see can trump turn the big numbers he's getting into actual votes? and it's one of those places where historically it's the gloves are off. it gets bare knuckle, and it's definitely going to be an interesting week. jon: well, in new hampshire, angela, for instance, donald trump was said to have big poll numbers but not necessarily a great ground game to turn out those voters. he did very well in new hampshire, can he repeat that in south carolina? >> i think it's anybody's ball game just as you said, it's a free-for-all. but lindsey graham put it best: do not come to south carolina
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unless you're ready to play and let the mud-slinging games begin. jon, i don't think my guys got ronald reagan's 11th commandment memo, thou shalt not speak ill of my republican. 2012, republicans lost that race when newt gingrich went after mitt romney. i caution that the people on the right are actually giving ammunition to the people on the left against us. jon: well, sticking with you for a minute, angela, you've got ted cruz taking on donald trump, you've got bush and kasich and rubio all taking shots at each other. are you saying they should stop that? i mean, how are they to distinguish themselves in this south carolina primary fight? >> i'm from the school of talking about policy, and i'm a former congressional candidate myself. i can tell you being from mississippi negative campaigning does work. but it's not going to bode well for us in the long run from the standpoint kasich and rubio both are the candidates that are more moderate, jon, that could
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actually defeat a democrat in the general election. so i think they should stick to the issues. but if they want something to come quickly, yeah, kill each other. jon: all right. we are seeing this morning on the democratic side, jessica, hillary clinton just got the endorsement of the congressional black caucus. is that going to be, i guess, you know, rocket fuel for her campaign in south carolina? >> i think it definitely will. we already know that she masker you know, a strong -- she has, you know, a strong lead there, she has historically had solid support among the african-american community particularly in south carolina. it's a place that she and bill know very well. and, certainly, you know, having the congressional black caucus is huge, huge support. i mean, that is a really big endorsement for her to to have d just speaks to her bone feeds bonafides in understanding what the concerns are in the community. >> jessica, this speaks to a general election, but if you
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recall in 2008 when barham won south carolina, bill clinton said, oh, you know what? it doesn't matter. jesse jesse jackson won south carolina. or when ted kennedy wanted to endorse obama, bill clinton said, man, what are you doing? this man would have been serving us coffee or carrying our bags a couple of years ago. that's not going to do well now, and i think with ben jealous, danny glover, great actor, i think endorsing sanders will help sanders and hurt clinton. jon: ed o'keefe is a frequent guest here on our program, writes for "the washington post" and along with another reporter there wrote this, sean sullivan, phillip rucker, those two other reporters who are part of this piece. he says: a state known for its nasty political brawls is about to host an epic one, pitting a foul-mouthed celebrity billionaire against a band of senators and governors scrapping to challenge him. [laughter] you've got tim scott endorsing marco rubio -- >> yeah.
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jon: you've got the state's other sitting senator, lindsey graham, a former candidate himself, endorsing jeb bush. where does this thing go? >> i think there's going to be a fight over the evangelicals between bush and rubio and cruz because tim scott is ultra-conservative, and i think cruz might get some of the black vote from hillary clinton and sanders. it's going to be a, like i said, a mud-slinging contest. but, jon, again, it's not going to help the republican party. what they need to do, talk about the issues on how you're going to create a more prosperous america, not kill each other. jon: what about john kasich, jessica? can he parlay new hampshire into votes in south carolina? >> well, he's got a challenge because so far he's only had three full-time staff on the ground there. so he definitely was not focused on that. he was focused on new hampshire, focused on the early, you know, using his resources as wisely as possible. and he's running a different kind of campaign which i think is more a little bit along the lines with what angela's saying in terms of not going after his fellow republicans, and he
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definitely wants to keep that tenor, because that's very important to him, and he feels it's changing his message. the issue now will be can he do the fundraising and get the boots on the ground that he'll need in south carolina because i think there are voters in south carolina who would vote for kasich, but, i mean, i was in south carolina and north carolina right on the border there over, before thanksgiving, and it was nonstop commercials for these candidates. i mean, whether it was bush from the super pac or everything else, this has been months and months and months. and now it's just continuing, you know, trump versus cruz -- >> but, jessica, it only matters when they go to the ballot box and cast that vote. and kasich, with all he's done for ohio, he would be the greatest candidate for us, he and rubio. jon: the free-for-all has begun. let's see who wins it. jessica ehrlich, angela mcglowan, thank you both. >> thank you. jenna: cheap plane tickets may sound like an oxymoron, but for
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three months late year, tickets were at a sick-year low. and the second largest producer of coal filing for bankruptcy despite a supreme court ruling blocking regulations, the industry is on the run. can it be saved? alicia acuna on that next. like new false lash drama mascara get 400% bigger volume. and new stay luscious lipstick. color and moisture that last all day. the new queen collection is crowned
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♪ ♪ jon: six minutes away from "outnumbered" at the top of the hour. sandra, what do you have? sandra: nine days from the first southern primary, the war of words heating up between donald trump and ted cruz. is the senator right that it'll all come down to him versus the donald? plus, iranians embarrassing the u.s. once again with a parade mocking the u.s. sailors it briefly captured last month. this as our new partner in this nuclear deal.
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and sex week at a public university, have you seen this? pro-abortion movies and so much more in partnership with planned parenthood. is this more pc run amok? all that plus our hashtag one lucky guy. outnumbered, top of the hour. jon, you never know who it's going to be. jon: a lot of people going to be batching. sandra: thank you. jenna: production of american coal hits a 30-year low, and it's bad news for the second largest producer which has filed for bankruptcy, also expected to hit budgets hard in states like wyoming. alicia acuna's live from our denver bureau with more on this. >> reporter: wyoming's governor says it's a particularly tough time for coal-producing states, and when the u.s. supreme court issued a temporary stay on president obama's controversial clean power plant, it eased but by no means cured the pain. analysts say 40% of electricity in the u.s. used to come from coal.
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last year it fell to about 32%. >> the umbrella over all of that is low natural gas. i mean, it's in competition with the natural gas and natural gas prices are extremely low. so that's why you see coal companies that have been tried and true and have been around a long time declaring bankruptcy. >> reporter: one of the nation's biggest producers, arch coal, joined four other companies in filing for bankruptcy. the company was the third largest taxpayer in wyoming. >> in the current term right now and the last few years, regulation has played a part. but it hasn't been climate change regulation so much as additional regulations on keeping the emissions clean. >> reporter: but not everyone is lamenting coal's decline. executive director pete maysmith of conservation colorado applauds the obama administration's recently-announced moratorium on new coal leases. what he said, jenna, was basically that the coal industry was the past for energy and the
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(vo) don't be a settler. get a $100 visa prepaid card when you switch to directv. >> you back here in an hour. >> "outnumbered" starts right now. >> this is "outnumbered". i am sandra smith, here's they harass falkner, andrea tantaros, the host of kennedy on our sister network, kennedy and one lucky guy, fox news contributor and iraq and afghanistan veteran is here and we always tell you you are "outnumbered". >> a big difference. always good to have you. let's get started as the republican race for the white house, that once crowded republican field getting smaller. carly fiorina and
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