tv Hannity FOX News February 11, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PST
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doppelganger is? let us know at and follow me on twitter @megynkelly. do you think in the next "frozen" movie elsa should cut her hair? let us know what you think. i'm megyn kelly. this is "the kelly file." tonight, donald trump prepares for the republican showdown in south carolina. >> if we win here after winning so big in new hampshire, all of these characters are going to give it up and we will make america great again. >> the 2016 gop front-runner is here tonight with reaction. then, can the outsider candidates be stopped? >> if you think things are going great in washington, then i ain't your guy. >> pat buchanan is here with expert political analysis. >> when the issues that are important to our hillary clinton has been there. >> and the congressional black caucus endorses hillary clinton as she puts a major focus on race to fend off bernie sanders. all of that plus herman cain is here to weigh in on the 2016
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race. "hannity" starts right here, right now. and welcome to "hannity." tonight we're only nine days away from the republican primary showdown in south carolina and according to the real clear politics average in the palmetto state, donald trump has a double-digit lead over the field with 36% of the vote. senator ted cruz comes in second with 19.7%. and senator marco rubio in third place with 12.7%. now, after his big win tuesday night in new hampshire, a very confident donald trump is going after vote rivals, all his rivals on all sides of the aisle. take a look. >> i don't know that we're going do be fighting hillary because i find it hard to believe. i look at what she's doing. i was there. i mean, i was there last night where this guy, sanders, is up ranting and raving like a lunatic, that, you know, he won. the polls are showing that we beat hillary. we're going to beat her. and honestly, women don't like her. men don't like her. take a look at what's happening to her. >> here with reaction, author of
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the bestseller "crippled america: how to make america great again" 2016 republican presidential candidate, donald trump. all right. you have to appreciate, i think that's pretty funny. especially the stuff about hillary. what do you attribute to your success in new hampshire and how do you take that momentum to south carolina? >> well, the people up there were so fantastic and they want to see strong borders and nobody's stronger than me and they want to see really strong borders. i'm building the wall. it's going to get built and do a lot of good and it's going to work, believe me. they want to see that, they want to see a strong military. i'm going to rebuild the military. we're going to build it properly and build it strong. we're going to negotiate prices, sean. you know, we're buying equipment that they don't even want because people have, that own certain companies, they have political contacts including the people, frankly, that are on the stage with me so we're going to get the right stuff at the right price and we're going to rebuild our military, we're going to take care of our vets. we're going to absolutely terminate and repeal, we're
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going to repeal obamacare. has to be repealed. has to be. we have no choice. premiums are going up 25%, 35%, 45% and even manufactuore than s going it be repealed and replaced. common core, we'll get rid of mo common core. has to be local education, taken care of at a local level. second amendment, we're going to protect. these are the things i talked about in new hampshire and the people absolutely loved them. >> you know, i find it amazing, i watched on primary night, i'm flipping the dials watching all these idiots that get paid for their commentary and don't know a thing about politics and the narrative was donald trump doesn't give specifics. i'm like, i've asked you very specific questions. for example, you have said to me you want to balance the budget. you think the penny plan, for example, is a good model. >> i do. i do. >> why are people not hearing that? you said you like health care. >> the health care savings accounts. >> yeah. >> we talk about that. the health care savings account. getting rid of the lines around
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each state so that insurance companies can actually bid instead of, you know, again, that's just the insurance industry and health insurance industry, every industry whether oil or insurance or anything else but they have all these politicians 100% under control. i'm the only one that's self-funding. i look at these commercials thrown at me. these guys are spending millions and millions and millions of dollars. hundreds of millions of dollars on negative commercials on me. and all of the money comes from the insurance industry, the oil industry, the lumber industry, every industry is, like, supporting these guys running against me, these people running against me on both sides but right now i'm, you know, only concerned about the republicans. >> you would like america to be energy independent quickly so we don't buy oil from countries that hate us. >> absolutely. no, i want to open it up. i want to -- look, as far as i'm concerned -- >> they should love you then. >> we never want to be in a position like we were with opec. it's never going to happen
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again. with new technology and fracking and all the things you can do today, i mean, we never have to be in that position again. i look at the negative ads where these pacs that are loaded up with money, you know, all from special interests, the last debate, sean, you heard me say it, everybody in the audience was special interest and i'm the only one. i don't need donors. i'm going to do my special interest are the people of america, the people of this country. i'm going to do the right thing. they can't do the right things. the drug companies are paying a fortune to pacs and these pacs are advertising, but i looked at these negative ads against me, they're so wrong and so disgusting to look at, and then i they're not being paid for by the candidate, they're being paid for by special interests, drug companies, et cetera, et cetera. >> you said -- >> the same thing happened to a lesser extent i think in new hampshire and we won by, like, 20 points. >> your campaign announced today you're only going to run positive ads in south carolina. here's my question. if they start bombarding you
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with tens of millions of dollars in negative ads, are you going to stick to that or is it open ended? >> no, i'd like to run. i'd like to run positive. if they start hitting me with, you know, negative ads, i'm going to go negative. i have no choice. i have to. >> here's my next question. two headlines i got here i'm reading tonight. this is the headline, "can trump and cruz be stopped? "byron york wrote a piece, he talked about a meeting in new hampshire in january mctamong t gop elite in new hampshire, quoted a top republican guy saying you being up in the polls 20%, i don't see it, don't feel it, i spend every part of every day with republican voters. what part of this is the republican establishment not understanding? that you won new hampshire by a landslide. and what part are they struggling with that you in new hampshire, cruz in iowa, are the
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two insurgency guys they hate the most and you are winning? what part of that don't they get? why don't they understand this? >> well, i think me in iowa, too, i would have won, in my opinion, if carson wasn't treated so badly by, you know, what happened with cruz. i thought it was a disgrace what they did to ben carson who's a really good man. i would have won in iowa. i did very well in iowa. but we did fan taftical icalman well in new hampshire. they're not in love with me because i'm not accepting their money. i'm not going to be bought. i am a self-funder. i had a man come to my office who was going to give me millions and millions of dollars which i don't know, i'm very fortunately. he wanted to put millions of dollars into my campaign. i said really, i don't want it. you're my friend, endorse me something. i don't want it. i said what are you going to do? i have to give it to somebody else. he's giving the money to somebody else. they're like gamblers. they don't want a guy to tell them, we don't want your money. you think that would be good.
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they actually want to put up money. i know these guys. friends of mine. i looked at the audience the other day. i know half of these guys. they're gamblers. >> let's go through issues really quick here. you believe we have to balance our budget, right? >> yes. absolutely. >> and you want to do it quickly. expeditiously. >> ideally, yeah, as quickly as we can without hurting a lot of people but as quickly as we can within reason. i've heard people say over the next 25 years. >> that's nuts. >> people we're running against i've heard say over 25 years. it's ridiculous. it's going to be balanced fairly soon. >> all right. you support second amendment rights, right for carry, right for people to protect themselves in their home and workplace, right? >> 100%. the strongest. there's nobody on the stage, you can speak to the nra about this, including my two sons you know very well, they're members of the nra. so am i, by the way. there's nobody stronger on the second amendment anywhere than i am. >> you not only will repeal obamacare, but your interest is in competition and health care savings accounts. >> absolutely. or we can do something else, but
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the health care savings accounts are, you know, i think it's one very good idea. i do like that we have to get rid of the lines between states so they can be competition, sean. >> as it relates to terror, we know you're going to build the wall, also you're going to make sure we can vet anybody coming in from a country where there might be terror ties in that country. >> well, and aye sai've said it nobody else wants to say it, i've said it. we have to stop the muslims from coming in for a period of time until we find out what's going on. there's something wrong. there's a level of hatred beyond belief. i've never seen anything like it. people are coming in. look what happened in california. going outside of the country, you look at paris where 130 people are shot like they're just targets? just come here and -- by the way, speaking of the second amendment, if some of those people had guns on the other side in paris or the other side in california, the bullets would have flown the other way, you wouldn't have had the kind of carnage that you had. >> with isis, you're going to take mare money by taking the oil and the land that they have
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taken back after americans fought, bled and died there. >> yeah, but i said to do this four years ago, sean. i said on your show, for four years i've been saying this, take the oil. now they're so rich it will take a while for it to catch up but take the oil. we have people don't want to hit the oil because it's going to create pollution. it's hard to believe. at first i thought they were kidding but they don't want to hit the oil because of the pollution. yes? >> if, looking at the current makeup of the supreme court, our next president may appoint two or three, maybe four justices. pick two people on the supreme court that you think would be a good model for the type of person you're looking for. >> well, i like scalia and i like -- i tell you what, justice thomas, he has been a great stalwart. i've met him numerous times and i think just an absolute stalwart. >> i agree with you. >> by the way, doesn't get enough credit. he does not get enough credit.
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>> i agree with you. very well said. i'm going to ask you about hillary. when we come back, we'll continue with donald trump. also coming up tonight -- >> african-american parents shouldn't have to worry that their children will be harassed, humiliated, even shot because of the color of their skin. >> hillary clinton starting to pander for minority votes following that humiliating defeat she had in new hampshire. we'll ask donald trump to weigh in on that and more. also later tonight, herman cain, ari fleischer, pat buchanan will join us with political analysis. that and more on this busy news night tonight on "hannity." oh remotes, you've had it tough.
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i'm patricia stark. u.s. stocks falling for a fourth straight day. traders are concerned about global economic weakness, despite fed chair janet yellen's confidence in the u.s. economy. the dow dropping 254 points thursday. the s&p was down 22 points. while the nasdaq lost 16 points. federal judge ordering all hillary clinton e-mails be made public before super tuesday. the correspondence will be released in four more installments until february 29th. mrs. clinton has been criticized for using a private e-mail server during her tenure as secretary of state. and an end to the six-week-long standoff at a national wildlife refuge in oregon. the last four occupiers surrendering to the fbi earlier today. the fbi says no one was injured. the siege began january 2nd as a protest against the use of federal land. i'm patricia stark, and now back to "hannity." we also have to break through the barriers of bigotry.
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african-american parents shouldn't have to worry that their children will be harassed, humiliated, even shot because of the color of their skin. immigrant families shouldn't have to lie awake at night listening for a knock on the door. >> that was hillary clinton pandering to minority votesers after getting absolutely clobbered by senator bernie sanders in new hampshire. we continue with 2016 republican presidential front-runner donald trump. you know, as i look at what has happened to black america under president obama, and minorities, they've been so disproportionately impacted in a negative way because of his policies. as you analyze the vote that historically goes to democrats, what is your answer? how do you appeal to people that have been left behind in many ways? those that are in poverty, on food stamps and have the labor
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force? again, a higher proportion of minorties than others. what do you say to them? >> first of all, as you know, polls are showing that i beat hillary clinton, okay, is i'm very happy about that. i haven't even started campaigning against her yet. but polls are showing, and the last person she wants to run against, believe me, is me. but when i listen to her, she's been there forever. she's talking about how she's going to help african-americans. what has she been doing for the last 25 years? she's been there that whole, you know, machine, the democratic machine, and i should say the democrat machine because it's actually not very democratic. but the democrat machine, it's been there for years -- so many years. they haven't done anything. and it's almost a habit. why? and i will tell you, african-americans, if i get the nomination, will come to me. we will have so many african-americans because they understand me, they know me. they know i'm going to bring back jobs from china, from mexico. i'm going to create jobs. great jobs. not the kind of jobs they have right now. and, frankly, president obama
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has done nothing for african-americans. it's, like, crazy. >> did you see that -- >> i think if i get the nomination -- i think if i get the nomination i am going to do better than anybody ever even thought possible. one other thing, i'm going to get michigan -- i have a chance of getting new york. vy vi have a chance of getting numerous states no other candidate we have up on that stage on saturday night is going to even come close to getting. i have a chance to get states that are not republican states and people don't
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you know, in new hampshire, we won every single group. we won with men, we won with women, we won with the rich and the less than rich and we won the highly educated and less than highly educated. we won with every single group. i was watching the pundits, all of a sudden becoming -- >> it won't last long. >> -- believers to a certain extent. they are becoming much warmer. >> that will change. >> it won't last. they were devastated. i have to tell you. they were devastated. they couldn't believe that i won every single group. >> you outperformed -- >> including big with women, big with men. what? >> you outperformed the polls, one, and number two -- >> yes, we outperformed. >> it was funny when you said i learned the ground game in a week. i have to admit that's pretty funny because that's a hard thing to do. >> well, our ground game was in fantastic and in iowa, you know, i hardly -- i've never done this before. we're going to make our country break. my whole theme is make america great again. and that i know how to do, but
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i've never run for office. it's the first time i've ever been in an election. and a ground game, i don't know, i think it was certainly nothing we gave a lot of thought to in iowa, and we almost won. in fact, i told you, i think in a certain way we did when. when we came to new hampshire, we had some ground game. we beat everybody. >> all right, mr. trump, thank you as always. appreciate your time. >> thank you very much. >> we'll be following the campaign in south carolina closely. coming up, herman cain, ari fleischer weigh in. also the original insurgent patrick buchanan will join us and explain why washington outsiders are doing so well against the establishment candidate. that and more tonight as "hannity" continues. you both have a perfect driving record. until one of you clips a food truck. then your rates go through the roof. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness,
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♪ ♪ for your retirement, you want to celebrate the little things, because they're big to you. and that is why you invest. the best returns aren't just measured in dollars. td ameritrade®. welcome back to "hannity." only nine days away from the south carolina republican primary. donald trump is voiding high after his big win in new hampshire. yesterday one of trump's rivals, senator ted cruz said this about the current state of the race. take a look. >> iowa and new hampshire
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perform an incredibly function of narrowing the field, and in many ways this field is becoming a two-person race between me and donald trump. what iowa and new hampshire demonstrate is that the only person in this field who can beat donald trump is me. that the other candidates are not able to beat donald trump. >> here with reaction tonight, author of "the right problems: what the president, congress and every candidate should be working on," herman cain and press secretary ari fleischer. i think you can, herman, relate to what's going on now because you were a bit of an insurgent candidate, 999. and you -- ari's laughing. but i think you can really relate to the feeling of the electorate especially after the last campaign. republicans some 50% to 60% feel betrayed by washington republicans. >> let me first respond to what ted cruz said, ted cruz said it's what he ought to say.
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that's what you call typical political strategy and tactics. now i'm glad that you got ari fleischer here with me tonight because he represents the establishment and i represent the nonestablishment. so you're going to have somewhat of a very interesting debate in terms of our opinions. ted cruz has to say that because that's what he's supposed to say. i don't think it's down to a two-person race yet because unlike a lot of the pundits, i don't count marco rubio out of it yet. let's see what happens in south carolina. >> yeah. ari, what's your take on this insurgency here? >> first of all, that was laughing because it's a fond memory. >> it really is. >> that's great marketing. that's why i was smiling when i heard his name. good to be with you. i am the establishment, proud of what i did in washington, who i did it for. times change. the american people are demanding something very different this election cycle. so as an analyst who's neutral in this race, it is really
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coming down to a trump versus cruz shootout in south carolina. the chances of a third person getting in there, it remains a possibility, but somebody's got to emerge really strong out of south carolina or it's going to become too late for almost anybody else to get -- >> who's that likely to be, ari? by the way, you know what, i was a big supporter of george w. bush. >> sure you were. >> i still think he was a great president. i honestly do. i think he was the right man in the right time after 9/11. i thought he made a lot of right -- i still believe there were weapons of mass destruction in iraq. i think they got moved in the lead-up to the war. that's how firm of a believer i was on that. but i think when you promise you're going to repeal and replace health care and you don't use your constitutional authority of the purse, and you say in 2014 that you're going to stop executive amnesty and you don't to it, and you sign off as boehner did, as the house speaker, adding $4.1 trillion to the debt, that is not in line with conservative principles.
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that is why i think conservatives are frustrated, ari. >> well, i understand that. first of all, you shouldn't but solace in donald trump as a conservative. you should as an outsider w er will shake washington up. he's not a conservative. many problems in washington are real and will go away if you can get a republican elected as president, sign a lot of things a republican congress has been yearning to pass. i place much of the blame on barack obama, why soyzirñ littl getting done, people are feeling so much angst. when he had an overwhelming democratic congress was dangerous for the country, dodd/frank and obamacare. an election can fit a lot of that. >> i blame obama but only up to a point, ari. isn't it fair to say republicans in congress, look, newt gingrich, there were two shutdowns in the government during his tenure as speaker. we're better off because that happened. they balanced the budget. they ended welfare as we know it. a lot of gad thiood things p
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newt was willing to fight and take a stand. i don't see that fight in this congress. they see paranoid about being willing to use that power. >> i was on capitol hill when newt gingrich was the director. we emerged well but it was despite the shutdowns. it's because we stuck to our guns. the shutdowns were a setback to the cause. they did not advance the cause. they hurt the cause. ultimately because bill clinton was willing to compromise, barack obama was not, newt gingrich, tom delay, dick armey made the fight, we were able to reach agreements with clinton. barack obama is not like that. he wouldn't even know how to compromise with a republican congress. >> i agree. that gives him all the more reason not to cede their constitutional authority to them or punt to the courts. let me get herman to weigh in because i'm -- herman, you're here for a purpose. i want to know what you have to say. >> okay. >> go ahead. weigh in on that. >> what i believe is ari is right about the impact of barack obama. he didn't want to work with the members of congress, especially the republicans when he said in
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his first term, okay, republi n republicans, we're driving the bus, sit in the back seat. that doesn't send a very good tone. now that being said, republicans did try to do whatever they could once they got control of the house and control of the senate. but they didn't have control of the white house. and ari and iu@ agree that make much more difficult to get all of the things done that conservatives would want it to be done. now, here's one other issue that i take. i am sick and tired and main street usa is sick and tired of labels like true conservative and conservative. they don't care about that. the reason that donald trump and ted cruz are leading nationally is because they are viewed as outsiders. ted cruz is viewed as an outsider because as dronald trup pointed out for different reasons, they don't like ted cruz in the senate. why? he doesn't play by the rules. that's why they're leading in the polls. the only thing that ari and i
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disagree on is that there will be a third candidate vying for the nomination coming out of south carolina. i'm not willing to pick who that's going to be because i think too many things are unpredictable. >> i agree with you on that point but i think there probably will be that third person. ari, do you have a sense who it might be? =%5átár(r in new hampshire. let's just say it's bush in south carolina and then rubio still i think is in the race. he has a potential to come back. there's still divide and conquer. main street establishment candidates are dividing each other and that's allowing cruz and trump to conquer. >> i don't really see -- when you add up the numbers, it's the majority. there's a lot of anger out there. it's palpable, ari. >> yes. >> i'm a registered conservative, but i'm angry. i feel -- i feel in many ways they've been weak and timid and feckless and i hope they grow a spine. all right, guys. good to talk to you both. appreciate it. coming up, patrick j. buchanan is here. he was the original insurgency candidate.
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he'll weigh in on the gop field and why the anti-establishment candidates are doing so well. and also later tonight -- >> there's this conventional wisdom out there that hillary clinton has a lock on the african-american vote. what say you? >> i say that hillary clinton has to earn that vote and i think she knows it. >> hillary desperately needs the minority vote to help herck win the democratic nomination but reverend al sharpton and others are suggesting she's taking that support for granted. we'll debate that and more later tonight. want to get their hands on. if they could ever catch you. and clean and real and nowhere to be,o, and warmth
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insurgent himself. you were insurgent, tea party, insurgent and tea party before it became cool, mr. buchanan. >> that's true, sean. back in tt president george h.w. bush then bob dole and we did pretty well in iowa and new hampshire. >> i remember -- >> not so well after that. >> i remember i went to cover you in atlanta in marietta, georgia, and there was no room to get in at the inn and it was packed to the brims with thousands of people and pretty big night for you. >> it was one of the biggest nights of the campaign, i'll tell you, sean, but it was a night we lost arizona narrowly and knew we weren't going to go over the top. >> let's talk about iowa goes to cruz, trump strong second. then you've got donald trump wins huge in new hampshire. cruz didn't spend much money or time in new hampshire comes in third. the rise of another person, not the considered outsider guy that everyone wanted, john kasich comes in second. how do you define this year? >> i think it's the year of the outsider, clearly. you take a look at the
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democratic party, you got bernie sanders, the most left-wing member of the senate, an outspoken socialist, and he's running dead even with hillary clinton. i don't think he's going to win, but he's run a trehe far left o liberalism. on the conservative side it's been the year of the outsider with trump first and foremost and then cruz, sean. i think the key thing to this yearyú& is look at the crowds tp has gotten, look at the, not only the poll ratings but also the debates, how many folks have come out and all this excitement and energy, 25 million people watching debates. my fear is that if the populist movements in both parties are3v turned back, and you get a clinton, say, versus bush race, you will have a really demoralized nation to a great degree. >> i don't think that's going to happen. >> an angry nation. i don't think it is, either. i think it's going to be trump
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or cruz for the republicans. >> i agree. i actually at this point, that was my guess, i'm not saying definitively. anything can happen. you know, it was interesting, byron york, a mutual friend of ours, wrote a great column. he talked about how in january he went up to new hampshire where all the republican establishment guys were having a big meeting and he quoted one as saying, talking about the trump polls at the time, he was up by 20 points, i don't see it, don't feel it, i don't hear it and i spend every part of every day with republican voters. so even though it was happening before his very eyes, he couldn't grasp the reality of what was really happening. to me, that reveals a lot about all the establishment people, what does it tell you? >> tells me, look, all establishment people in these parties, and the politicians in d.c., the establishment, but many of the media as well are out of touch. look at what is driving trucini
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campaign. secure the borders. if we can secure the border of south korea, we can secure our own, why haven't we done it? trade deals gutted american manufacturing, sent our jobs overseas. the numbers are just in, sean, last year we ran a $36 5 trade deficit with the people's republic of china which is more than their entire defense budget. who negotiated these deals? why did the republican party go along with these deals? then you got wars. out got war in afghanistan, war in iraq, war in syria, war in libya, war in yemen and the republican party got us into these wars as well as the democrats and what trump is saying is, what are we getting out of this fighting all these wars? we don't secure our border. lousy trade deals. we need a change, and the entire situation, washington people say, right on. >> all right. so we don't have a lot of new polls out of south carolina but the real clear politics average goes 16-point lead for trump. cruz is going to work heavily in the northern part and northwestern part of the state.
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very heavy. evangelic evangelicals. >> greenville-spartanburg. i know it well. >> all right. and you have territory there that certainly fits his narrative. what wins south carolina? doesn't south carolina now become literally the last stop for a lot of these other candidates? >> i think it does. i think the establishment candidates, i think you got kasich, you got bush and you got rubio, one of them has got to emerge because three of them aren't going to go into super tuesday. one of them's got to emerge, but even if he does, i don't see how he beats both cruz and trump. they need -- the establishment needs a one-on-one against trump and they're not going to get that, i think, sean, until way too late. >> so who wins south carolina? if you had to bet today, pat buchanan, i'm putting you on the spot. >> ih think the -- i think cruz is going to close the gap with truch, but if i had to bet now, i would bet on trump. >> okay. and super tuesday?
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who does that favor? >> i think, if you got texas in there, it should be cruz, but i think trump will get votes out of that. i think that's, you know, red state territory by in large. i think it favors trump because he has been the force really. he set fire to the nation. he's the one that's known by 100%. with all his negatives and all his positives. so if the polls show him up, and they do now, coming out of south carolina, show him up on super tuesday. i think he will prevail on super tuesday. >> you know, pat, the establishment has asked conservatives to support dole, mccain, for example. i have three words for the establishment. assuming this is going to be an insurgent nominee. deal with it. they've ask the conservatives to deal with moderates for a long time. >> you know, that's -- you know, matter of0r5u is many say, okay, we lost, got to support the party, again and again and again. and even when you win, you took over congress big-time twice. we got more people in congress than we've had since 1928.
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and what do you get out of it? >> nothing. >> well, we can't do anything. >> well, they're the ones that created this insurgency. that's the irony here. all right, pat, good to see you, my friend. >> good enough. thank you, sean. and coming up next, tonight right here on "hannity" -- >> there's this conventional wisdom out there that hillary clinton has a lock on the african-american vote. what say you? >> i'd say that hillary clinton has to earn that vote and i think she knows it. >> hillary pandering to minority voters to help her win the nomination. will that work? it didn't work as it relates to courting women voterss hampshire. we'll ask our panel next.
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enter the x1 voice remote. now when someone says... show me funny movies. watch discovery. record this. voila. remotes, come out from the cushions, you are back. the x1 voice remote is here. welcome back to "hannity." so hillary clinton is banking on getting the minority vote to help secure the democratic nomination. earlier today she was endorsed by the congressional black caucus pac. take a look. >> we believe she's made a difference and she has helped us and helped this country by helping elect democrats across the board. >> now, while that endorsement may be good news for team clinton, yesterday the reverend al sharpton and he warned that she's not guaranteed to get the african-american vote. take a look. >> there's this conventional wisdom out there that hillary clinton has a lock on the
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african-american vote. whatir say you? >> i say that hillary clinton has to earn that vote and i think she knows it. >> also, there are other prominent african-american leaders who say that hillary may have a tough time getting the vote as well including van jones and former naacp head, ben jealous. watch this. >> for these younger african-americans with black lives matter, the issue of mass incarceration and criminal justice reform has been their issue, it's a similar thing. because of that, the clintons look different to these younger voters. they look at bill clinton as someone who really ushered in this mass incarceration era. >> i'm somebody who supported obama early on, independent expenditure effort to try to help him win the early primary states because i wanted to see the black electorate fully engaged, asking tough questions, getting competed for, not getting taken for granted. i find it offensive, quite frankly, you see so many hillary surrogates implying they can
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take the black vote for granted. our vote is precious to us. >> here with reaction, crn host larry elder, former spokesman for the congressional black caucus. doug is with us. and fox news contributor, angela. angela -- >> yes? >> there's a battle, huge battle for the minority vote in south carolina. now, hillary actually led, people forget this, barack obama in polls as it relates to the black vote. and then she lost them. i was watching on new hampshire primary night everyone predicting, oh, she'll do much better with the minority vote in south carolina. is that a given? >> no, it's not a given. i'm so glad to see diversity amongst black folks dealing with candidates because usually they're lock in step on one person, so diversity is good. having said that, though, sean, the worst thing for hillary clinton is she's a clinton. if you remember in 2008 when obama won south carolina, bill clinton said, 07oh, jesse jacks won south carolina, that's nothing. and when ted kennedy wanted to endorse him, he said, hey, man, what are you doing?
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this guy would have been carrying our bags a couple years ago, would have been serve us coffee. that's what's hurting the clintons. >> doug, what do you think about this? i thought the conventional wisdom across the board, flipping the dial, everyone's saying the same thing, she'll do so much better with the black vote, too many white voters in new hampshire, not many minority votes up there. do you think that's a given? >> it's not a given, and, you know, look, i think the point reverend sharpton made and cbc members will make is both sanders and clinton have to earn these votes. you can't take them for granted and can't also write them off because maybe more of the democratic establishment is supporting clinton. i think the important thing is is that you've got an electorate that in 2008 was 61% african-american. so both of these candidates now are playing in a field that is more reflective of the democratic party and beth of them are going to have to make adjustments in their message and also some of their tactics in terms of how they're reaching voters. and i agree with a number of the other comments about reflecting
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a lot of the anxiety and frustration that african-americans feel with the system. >> larry, you know, it's interesting, sanders is now pandering to al now pandering t al sharpton, then, you've got a clinton surrogate, congressman jeffreys saying sanders is not a true friend to black america, then, you've got the nation, the magazine, why hillary clinton doesn't deserve the black vote. it seems like the race card is going to be played here. >> tell me about it. every four years, democrats compete to find their inner malcolm x. the number one reason blacks voted for obama is the economy. don't take my word, take the lefty from xdpbs. he says blacks are worse off, poverty is worse. the wealth gap hasn't been this wide in 25 years, labor force
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participation rate for blacks is at a 40 year low, percentages of blacks that own their own home, down, equity down. i don't understand what any case would be. >> now, you're talking my language. now, you look at the years -- >> who has been disproportionately harmed the most, larry elder? black americans do worse. and being run under a republican president. >> we did. >> yes. >> and barack obama, more of us on welfare, more of us using the ebt cards, okay? more of us depending on the government. republicans want to give us tools to build the house, not give us the house, okay? >> absolutely. >> we're talking about the south carolina primary here. >> now, okay?
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now, we're taking stock. >> i'll give you the last word here. >> how do republicans make the case that their policies will be better for the minority community? >> under ronald reagan, black adult unemployment fell faster than white adult unemployment. my dad was a janitor, cleaned toilets, my dad said he never got a job from a poor person. lighten the regulation of job creators. what obama has done is burdened us with obamacare, with dodd frank and made this the worst economic recovery since the great depression. >> compare what we've done under obama to what we did under george bush. >> more americans on poverty, on
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food stamps and those impacted more are minority americans and black americans. 50% of black teenagers cannot get a summer job. that is how bad it is. >> and the job is to -- rins -- >> i have to go on a hard break. i love you all and have to say goodbye. >> sean, thanks a lot, buddy. coming up, a important question of the day, straight ahead. if a denture were to be
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