tv The Five FOX News February 12, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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>> have a great weekend. >> thank you. >> i'm going to go into a little more detail. it's been a crazy week. we had janet yellin who did not come to the rescue. so catch me. i'm on the fox business network. we survived it. happy valentine's day. hello. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." >> eight days until the south carolina primary takes place on the gop side. and the three front-runners today announcing big shift in the direction of their respective campaign strategies. donald trump's trademark is his bold brass style. he isn't one to mince words. that's part of his appeal to voters. he is vowing to clean up his language after coming under criticism for cursing too much on the trail. he swears he won't swear again. >> i won't use foul language.
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i won't do it. you're all saying do it, do it, no. i'm not. even if it is not a bad word. if it is a little bit off, they kill me. i'll never do it again, actually. and i'll never even copy somebody what they asked me to say. >> all right. trump's campaign is documenting an all positive strategy, pulling an ad that was running in south carolina that attacked ted cruz. cruz, however, isn't letting up accusing his possibly of a long time pattern of sleaze. >> that her home was all she had left but it stood in donald trump's way. and the him peen parking lot he wants for his casino. to him she was a nobody. so trump schemed with the atlanta city government. they steam rolled the little guy. a pattern of sleaze stretching back decades. >> eminent domain is wonderful. >> yes, we have to use the power
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of he wieminent domain. >> that didn't sit well. trump says those are all ads. >> these ads are vicious and they say anything. i home you don't believe the crap. it is all crap. okay? they're lies. they talk about eminent domain. without eminent domain you wouldn't have a road. you wouldn't have hospitals, you wouldn't have anything. by the way, without eminent domain, you wouldn't have the key stone pipeline. >> let's start with you. a good idea or a bad idea for trump to pivot? >> look, swearing slyke, i always compare them to those dried red pepper flakes you put on a beats. a you have to use it sparingly. so when you start relying on swearing too much, it loses its meaning and i think he saw the light which was that focus group by bloomberg. everybody was aghast. he should travel with a swear
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jar. i think that would be a fun thing for him to do. as for this ad, i'm not so sure it exists. this is brilliant. we're still talking about the ad. we led the a block with an ad that we don't even see and we're not even sure it exists. so he's played the media like a violin. we're all talking about it. as fortunate cruz ad, he is right about hospital and pipelines. but that's still not a casino parking lot. that's a private thing. the casino parking lot is a private thing. pipelines for the country, eminent domain is for important matters. >> eight days out. >> yeah, it worked well for him in new hampshire when he was trying to be more positive and stop doing the attacks. two, three days before. they said that worked well for them there. they decided to repeat that. ted cruz is the one doing the negative ads. so he will have to deal with that.
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you have that coming up. >> we'll have a little of that. juan, just a quick thought on trump's new kinder, gentler donald? >> he is alpha male, mr. tough guy. i think the cursing and the profanity which rubio said he can't even tell his kid to use the word, i don't know how to get around this. but he can't use that word because he can't explain it to his own kids. i think that's a legit point. on the other hand, if you are a donald trump fan, i think you say he is not a pc guy. he just tells it like it is and i like it. so i think it sells the trump brand. >> i think sheppard smith pointed out, there are already a few after posts. no more swearing. >> they were little words. little small words that you don't flinch at right away. they said right now we're running a positive campaign. we'll be positive today and that's it. what is so funny about that, from trump that's news. the fact that he will get out there and say we won't go
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scorched earth and make fun of everyone and swear, that co-turn that into a news story. that's a difference for him. i think this is what he's doing today and he'll be back to normal trump. >> when somebody tries to hit him, he'll knock them down. >> ted cruz accuses trump of sleaze. he just suffered a major embarrassment after featuring an adult film star in his attack ad. >> has anyone else here struggled with being lied to? >> well, i voted for a guy who was a teem hero on the campaign trail. then he went to d.c. and played patty sxak and cut a deal on amnesty. >> does that make you angry? >> it makes me feel dumb for trusting him. >> maybe should you vote for more than a pretty face next time. >> do you have room for one more? >> come on in. come on in. >> you can have frank's chair. i'm ted cruz and i approved this message. >> the cruz campaign immediately pulled the ad after realizing she had an x-rated resume.
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they say she was not vetted fully by the casting company. >> they said she is an actress and it was an open call. >> he put his name on it and somebody should have vetted it. especially when you have actress, open casting call. anything can happen. >> now juan, we're not prudes here. we get it. however, going into south carolina, very evangelical, very religious group. they may not like that and now it's been on every tv for the last 12 hours. >> i'm going to stand up for this young lady. i final this outrageous. this woman said she is a sempt evangelical republican and here you are, condemning her. she may be a saved soul, eric. >> i'm not condemning her. i'm condemning the cruz campaign that didn't vet -- >> i don't think that's -- >> i don't think it would matter in any other -- once they get through south carolina, maybe a little in the south. >> she's an actress. she's an actress. she's been in a ton of stuff.
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who cares? i think they went out and they did a casting -- >> you've been an actress. >> talk about that. >> not the one you have. >> yeah, yeah. >> a christian candidate. a christian candidate should embrace redemption and he could have turned this thing around. when this news broke. he could have turned it around and said i applaud, i laude there woman for making a change in her life. it is a positive thing. instead he turned like a coward and he ran. if he had any guts, he would put that ad back up there and say i was wrong. this woman is doing right by her life. she's made a positive change. i salute her. >> many more people have sustain ad. >> but he's running -- >> trump should put her in an ad. >> pick her up and say we can fix this. >> very quickly, one of the other ads that ted cruz put out today was a play off office
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space. in it, dam, the clintons have it good. the evangelicals are not liking that word either. >> you know what? this is again pandering. you change your language because you're going to a specific state? like it appears you're from new york or something? >> there's the ad right there. >> i thought he said he was not going to curse anymore. then when he's talking about the cruz ad he says it's crap. i don't think this is presidential language. it just looks like -- >> this is the ad we're talking about now is an ad against hillary clinton. >> the whole thing. >> focus, juan. focus. >> this could be a comedy. is this really a campaign? >> i don't i like these ads. and marco rubio didn't fare well in new hampshire. he is now taking a more aggressive approach to reinvigorating his bid tearing into his opponents. >> this notion that i hear from
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some people when i was governor, when i was mayor, when i was whatever. did i this or that. no, you didn't. donald trump has zero experience. negotiating a hotel deal in another country is not foreign policy, experience. jeb bush has no foreign policy experience. ted cruz was, a budget that bragged cutting defense spending. >> so i think trump wears the attack well. i think jeb wears it poorly. i'm not sure. that was better than i thought it would be coming out of rubio. >> it was clear. but he's walking around alone, supported by people who support him. it is a good argument but he doesn't have anyone there challenging him. the only way noinl beats trump is if it comes down to one person and then you have to choose between two. it doesn't seem like he's in a position where he can mount that momentum. it's too late. >> what do you think? >> he has to unploed kryptonite.
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he has to bleach last saturday from everybody's memory. this is what he has to do. he has to do it on a stage facing peel. it is about this saturday. it is not about walking around. it is easy to walk around and say stuff. if you're up on stage, you have to win that battle. >> that was the issue. the inability. >> that here's the return fire. he's so wide open. he is a freshman senator, right? when he talks about no foreign policy experience. wow! i mean, wow, anybody can take him out on this one. this is like -- >> then the question is who will take him out? he took heavy fire from christie. it was devastating. he almost froze like he was going to have a panic attack. where do i go? no response. who will do that to him? maybe, i don't know. maybe bush will try. maybe kasich. >> he has to go. he has to be the aggressor. >> he has to preempt.
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>> one guy who hand changed his strategy, john kasich has vowed to stick to his positive campaign strategy. he's giving jeb bush a dig or two after the florida governor hit him on his record. >> how has he been doing whacking everybody? he spent more money than anybody, everybody combined and he is not even close to winning. so i'm not going on get hung up. >> i'm laying out my reason why i'm the leader to take our country forward. governor kasich is a good guy and he's been a good governor. but my record as conservative reformer far exceeds his. and that's not attack. that's not negative. that's what you call comparing and contrasting. >> so here's what i'm at now. going into the weekend, into the big debate. we have cruz taking on trumpl trump taking on cruz. then you have kasich, rubio, and
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i guess kasich. kasich trying to stay on the upside of things. >> and bush. >> bush is in there absolutely. they're all in there attack each other. that's the fight. >> how do you see it? >> i think that's true. the only reason kasich is so positive is because he doesn't have the money to go negative. he doesn't have the death star like super pack that jeb bush has to shoot at everyone else. he has just gotten there by scrapping along. he has no other tools in his tool box right now until he gets some money. it is not a choice. it is out of necessity. >> he is playing above it all because there's nothing below. there is a hypocrisy complaining about negative that ads. >> mean under the table. >> awesome when he was here onset. >> complaining about, it is like complaining about your opponent's strong offense. if you had it, you would do it. >> i don't mind it. come. on you have to be tough.
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you have to be able to take the hits and dish them out. i want to be president of the united states. i'm the one you should choose. this guy over herering sucks and so does this guy. deal. you want to be president? commander in chief? >> next, she is accusing him of artful smears. she is accusing him of low blows. some high drama last night. and later, facebook friday we answer your questions. post them now on our facebook page.
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into sports? follow every pitch, every play and every win. change the way you experience tv with x1 from xfinity. last time hillary clinton ran for president, barack obama was her target at the democratic debates. this time around she can't say enough nice things about him. she brought the president's name up 21 times in her sixth showdown with bernie sanders. >> i am a staunch supporter of president obama's principal accomplishment, namely the affordable care act. what president obama succeeded in doing was to build on the health care system we have.
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i think under president obama, we have seen a lot of advances. i think president obama has set a great example. i think what president obama did was to exemplify the importance of this issue as our first african-american president. >> talk about stuck on repeat. hillary was on a mission to defend obama's legacy and slam sanders for not doing the same. >> senator sanders said that president obama failed the presidential leadership test. this is not the first time that he has criticized president obama. >> the kind of criticism we heard from senator sanders i expect from republicans. i do not expect from someone running for the democratic nomination. >> madam secretary, that is a low blow. i think it is really unfair to suggest that i have not been supportive of the president. i have been a strong ally with him on virtually every issue. do senators have the right to disagree with the president? have you ever disagreed with a
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president? i suspect you may have. >> is this a good idea? is she but theering the president up so she doesn't get indicted? is this a good strategy in south carolina? is he popular? >> good luck with that. she practically turned herself into obama's siamese twin. if he went to scratch his back, she would be right there. she can't even rely on her own popularity. she is not popular or credible or trustworthy or a good choice. she is getting crushed by a socialist. who is kind of funny, a saturday night live segment. but commander in chief? i don't think so. >> you know this is about his race, right? >> listen, whatever kind of butt kissing she is doing, it is not going to pay off shelf can't even sell herself. >> i think she is brilliant. remember all the issues like the obamas and clintons can't stand
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each other. >> but what about the general election? you run a montage of her mentioning -- >> coming out of new hampshire where bernie sanders kicks her butt, she needs the south now. >> that's what i'm saying. >> the african-american vote in the south. she is shoring that up. obama got people in% of the african-american vote. so if she looks like she is the next obama. >> she can get south carolina. that's about all she will get. this will not help her in the general election one bit. >> will help her with the general nomination. >> fine. no one is interested in the 90-yard dash. >> yes, they are. excuse me, i want to make this point. the key is she identifies with obama for the black voter in the southern states. the question in my mine, it is a little tricky. what has barack obama actually achieved for black america? yes, he is iconic.
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the first black president. and i think he is a very dignified, intelligent guy. he has been reluctant to offer policies, high unemployment, high poverty, incarceration. because he doesn't want to be identified as the black president. he thinks his critics, specially white critics, will say no, no, he's the black president. >> if barack obama were going to run -- >> because he is iconic, he would get 90%. >> so it doesn't matter what his policies are. but remember, hillary clinton is not black shelf can't use that as an excuse. >> he talks about how she has to use this to get the nomination. i thought she had all the super delegates. i thought this was no race. it was rigged on the democratic side. it didn't matter what the people wanted or went out and voted. she has the super delegates to do what she wants. >> that's the beauty of the super delegates.
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they took delegates that might have belonged to bernie and gave them to her. he has to embrace that. that's socialism. they took what he earned and gave to it someone who didn't need it. some the biggest revelation of the whole thing is you had a hard line progressive in bernie sanders say the country is a mess after seven years of hard line progressivism. so sanders isn't for sanders. you see right and the left join forces against leftism. the reason we did the debate in the b block is it is b for boring. what's boring kills you. socialism sin isism is incredib. everywhere it goes it kills people. we have this answer. we haven't perfected it yet. kit only work if it is perfected. the great thing about capitalism, it doesn't have to
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be perfect to work. >> isn't at this time case that bernie sanders' complaint is from the progressive point of view. you say progressives and conservatives are joining hands here. >> saying it's been seven years of misery. >> he is saying, obama was not liberal enough. >> i clues to ignore that. by the way, sanders talked about henry kissinger more than isis, iran and iraq combined. >> she did have to say that she was not, admit that women didn't vote for her in this case and go out and try to defend what was wrong with that. that was a tough one. >> obviously, she has big problems. i mean, they're going to have to steal the nomination. i mean, they have to problem doing that, right? they feel comfortable doing that. that's what is going to have to happen. she is not doing well. bernie is raising more money. unbelievable to me. figure it out. everyone thought this was a joke.
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bernie sanders, guess what. >> i like when she talked about the poor fate of the coal miners after how many years of destroying the coal industry. >> a lot of hypocrisy. >> you know, bernie sanders was right. the game is rigged. the economy is not rigged. politics is rigged. and he is finding out the hard way. >> one more thing. i wanted to say, kill betterly, for all of your hitting on hillary, i think the thing that told me the most today was priorities usa, a liberal pac, putting half a million dollars into ads for hillary. wow! >> and they spent $4.5 million on outreach to get people to the polls. this is money they had locked up. they wouldn't spend until general election. >> in the primary that she has set up and locked up. >> follow money. big news broke yesterday that hillary clinton's foundation was subpoenaed by the state department. why wasn't that brought up at last night's debate?
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the new investigation rocking her candidacy. that's next. ♪ (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. where are you? it's very loud there. are you taking a zumba class?
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hillary's campaign has been dealt another blow. now we've learned the state department has issued a subpoena for her family foundation. that subpoena issued last fall. it is seeking documents any projects that might have required approval from the government while secretary clinton was at the state department. her camp chocks it up to another fishing expedition. but bret baier and his panel stunned that neither investigation came up at last night's debate. >> bernie sanders, for the love of god. how do you go through the debate and not mention the e-mail? not mention that the i.g. went after the clinic foundation. >> we should point out there was not a question. if i'm running for president,
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you don't to have ask me. >> if i'm mod rating, i would ask. >> it is a very pertinent question. the e-mails, the foundation. surprised that it didn't come up? >> stunning. she had a great night. she performed well and she got a complete pass on a terrible day. >> melissa, one of the interesting aspects of this subpoena from the state department to the foundation is the focus on aberdeen who was working at the state department and the foundation at the same time. >> the foundation is the little slush fund for expenses. they funded everybody that has h to get through. >> a country desperately needs something. so they give the foundation money or they pay bill clinton to give a speech. a week later, what they needed done by the secretary of state is done. and it happened again and again. if saudi arabia, one of the donors who gave between $10 and
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$25 million wanted clean water in africa, they could do it. they dome need to pay the clinic foundation to do it. but they're getting access. it is so blat ant and so clear. >> i think this is more dangerous to the clintons and mrs. clinton than the e-mail scandal. >> you've been saying that. >> it looks to me like a quid pro quo. to be fair to the clinton people, they say this is not about the foundation. it is about something else. so i don't know if it is houma or not. >> whether they received any subpoenas, he should hasn't lied about that. >> you have several congressional committees and investigations. what do you think? >> i think if they wanted to
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find the quid pro quo, it is blatant. there are so many that had to be improved by the state department. that happened after the bill clinton speech or after the donation came into the clinton foundation. clinton cash. right? that's the book. can i just talk about why this didn't come up? >> of course. >> the moderators, remember the controversy in 2008 when she moderated the vp debate between sarah palin and joe biden and she was writing a pro obama book about race in america during that. and the other moderator, judy woodruff who donated to the clinton foundation. do you see that these books are cooked in favor of hillary clinton on the left at pbs and god forbid, there is a vp debate moderated by pbs and they have those two. you know which way it will go. >> well, kimberly. >> the answer to that question
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is yes. >> i happen to agree with you. i was going to say to you. i argue with democrats. i say, you know what? you should let fox do a debate. if kimberly guilfoyle is moderating the debate and there stands hillary clinton, i have to believe you begin with the foundation of the e-mail scandal. >> any responsible journalist should ask that question first. and any candidate that who wants to win should be attacking her on that and hitting her hard thankful god he is not the sheriff. there wouldn't be a bad guy in jail. this guy will not get after it. he is not interested in pointing out what's going on here whatsoever. it is unbelievable to me. >> she says 100% -- >> why do they have 150 fbi agents assigned to this investigation. and it is not getting smaller. it is expanding and it is pay to play which you have a big problem with influence peddling with the clinton foundation. and guess what?
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houma an disnbedin is going to trouble do. so greg, would you allow hillary clinton into your house to fix your heater? >> i think this should have been moderated by pbr. do you know what they considered criminal during debate? cops, wall street and fetuses. that's all they cared about. has somebody defrosted that joe biden yet? the real conflict is when the media covers a liberal. that's the conflict of interest. this is a big story. we're talking about it so it has the fox news feel around it. the other networks don't cover it. when. it is only not news when it happens to a democrat. >> to be fair, i think fox moderatorsing after republicans. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like social media equals anti-social.
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pack by popular demand, three people. it's facebook friday. the first question is from robert. i'll go to you, juan fork no apparent reason. if you had a theme song, what would it be? >> family affairs, something like that. how about brown sugar? or how about -- >> how about lies, lies, lies! >> hey, anita baker. giving you the best that i got. >> that's good. >> you like romantic music. >> i love love songs. >> everything flo is happy. good vibrations, whistle. >> you're so full of it.
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>> that's not your theme song. whoa! >> how about you? >> mine is legs, legs, legs. >> she has legs. >> yeah. >> you didn't sing it very well. >> that's how an alien perceives music. i believe the song goes legs, legs, legs. >> that's what guys do when they seng it. come on. >> i'm going with britney spears, hanging out with you guys. >> i was going to say itsy bitsy spider. then i thought, you know what? a new kind. kick by the cramps. it is about continually trying to final something interesting to put in your body. >> eww! >> yours should be bieber. >> i'm talking about a favorite song. your theme song.
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>> so lisa asks, what makes the best weekend for all of you after a long week of craziness. >> alcohol? no, no. the first thing you say is the truth. >> my children, my children. >> booze came before kids. you're like a "law and order" else. svu. they're going to take your kids away. >> second choice. bahamas? >> you know what i love to do, i run. if i can run a couple times a day on a saturday and sunday. >> i'm not buying any of his answers. no. he does. he's on fox and friends running around the hotel. >> i like sleeping late. as you get older, it is hard to sleep late. >> it is very hard. it is unfair. >> do you know why? you know you have less time on the earth. so when you sleep -- if you get up earlier, you literally add a few hours a day to your life.
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if you split your day into two parts, which i do. then you live twice as long. i get up in the middle of the day. >> you start senting weird e-mails. it is so creepy. he was stalking me in new hampshire. >> maybe, perhaps. >> i could be. >> what? >> what is your best that? >> giving away the house secrets. so i would say, definitely, definitely involves controlled water. yeah. fire places are good. >> i see. >> i was thinking of some kind of medical procedure. you're talking about a hot tub. >> oh! >> do you know what i do, i'm surprised. i do a lot of clarity work with orphans. when i'm done with my saturday show. and the elderly i love the elderly i can't. get enough of them.
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they're great people. >> he is scaring me. >>. >> you should be scared. this is for david wolf any of the five like to debate any of the candidates? and which one? >> either one of the democrats. hillary, i would love to ask about the clinton foundation. i know too much. and then bernie sanders, you would be great with this with the socialism stuff. take him down and expose him. >> i would like bernie sanders. i would like to do math with him. let's go over the numbers. let's drill down a teeny bit on how we'll pay for any of this. how much trading does he think goes on? like $15 trillion? plus, ps, you would kill the trading if you taxed it. so i think he's never met a math book. >> democrats do number way republicans do feelings. it is our weak spot. >> poorly. >> hillary clinton for sure. i would put the hurt on her. >> who pushed the video? >> amongst others and ask cruz,
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who pulled that video? >> i think the most fun would be trump. it would be alls out. all out. whatever. >> alls out. >> i think you invented something. >> right. deja vu. >> no swearing, no bad words, buddy. >> that's great of alls out. >> anyway! >> i would say trump because it would be fun. and i definitely have concerns and i want to talk to him about it. >> we get you a little step stool. >> by the way, your song should be purple haze. >> that's true. i'm continually in one. do we have time for one more? that's it. all right. vallentine's day is on single. if you can use some help in the love darrel, i'll giving away love advice.
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i'm billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. i decided to take chantix to shut everybody else up about me quitting smoking. i was going to give it a try, but i didn't really think it was going to really happen. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic
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or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. being a non-smoker feels great. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you.
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two or three, or are hoping to make someone your sweetheart on sunday, don't blow it. listen up. i've got some tips for you. all right. so there is a number of things that i think you can do to help yourself. the number one tip that i'll get you is feed your woman. see this? chocolate. mocha chocolate. >> i've never heard this tip. >> there are some people who are a little slow. feed some claul to her. she will love that. also, if you've been taking her to the drive-through. step up your game. i think it is very important to in fact take her for a nice meal. i would start out with a glass of champagne and then proceed to a nice bottle of wine. >> like an applebees? >> that might be an improvement. it depends where you've been going before that. and i even got this for you guys, too, which is so sweet. and then i think what you can do is maybe do a little home or you
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could write a little card to your loved one. what i really don't like is when you receive a gift and the man has not given you a card to put some sentiment and thought. >> my wife loves cards. i always think, a hallmark card, i didn't write that. but people, she loves haul mark cards. >> you can buy flowers. you can get them at the local deli for like $15. excuse me. my tips. and if you have a house with a backyard, you can get her a little love tree. plant a little tree back. there it is very nice and environmental. >> a love tree? >> a love shrub. whatever is in your budget. >> i sent away for one of those. >> and if it falls on a weekend like this. take advantage of it. take her away for the weekend. >> a love shrub. >> maybe someone -- a shrub is about $20. take her away for the weekend.
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but if you're not that into the guy, do not accept a valentine's day date. especially if you think someone might be proposing to you. should people propose on valentine's day? >> if you've been dating for over a year and you know they want to marry they will, you should do it. >> how much chocolate do you have in there right now in. >> in my mouth? >> three or four or five pieces. >> one piece. it is actually really delicious. i may take these presents back. what do you do? you're very romantic. >> thank you. >> i recommend for you, under, on pandora, the lionel richie station. >> i like barry white. >> it's beautiful. if you play, that it's beautiful. >> i was looking at the number and i was surprised that there are very few people who give flowers. they say they do but they really don't spend on flowers. they spend on dinners. so here, look at this.
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i want to give you flowers. >> oh! >> i love this. >> this is from eric for you. >> we were going to keep this on the down low. >> women love flowers. everybody loves flowers. watches. we also like cars. cars. >> driving back from new hampshire with greg. i was shirtless and he was bottomless. >> valentines is also for people who are marries as well. so do me a favor, adrian, turn, go out of the room for three seconds. what i did was i took her engagement ring and i had it reset. i told her i was getting it cleaned and we're going to have a nice dinner. >> very nice. >> i'm not doing anything. you know why? i married a russian woman and they don't have valentine's day so she doesn't know about it.
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far. you have four more on the books hofl but letting the fox debate team handle one of those? we have a lot on our plate. i'm happy to be here and i always look forward to our conversations and look forward to sparring with you and your hosts all the way through the campaign. >> so you're saying there's a chance. >> i'll saying that i'm here ready to talk to you about the issues. and we'll do so all the way through the election cycle. >> and that was the renks to dumb and dumber, if i'm not mistaken. >> tomorrow on my show i have, a legendary british gad fly. he spoke at rutgers two nights ago about speech laws and intolerance on campus. this is what happened. [ yelling ] >> this class represents hatred!
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>> so you hear black lives matter and you hear, trump, trump, trump going back and forth. like a microcosm of society. we'll have him on to talk about what happened. and i have manny from scar face. so check it out tomorrow. >> you're up. >> so ten years ago the band okay go created this famous treadmill video. here it goes. 50 million views. now the band has gone to russia and they filmed the latest video, upside down, inside out. they did it in a zero gravity airplane. already, 27 million views and you can do it too. tourists are going for zero gravity fights. it costs b 5,000 or $6,000. let me tell you, you better take a barf bag. >> did i a story about these very sweet world war ii veteran
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who reunited with his love after 70 years. we talked about it and here it is on camera. this is norwood thomas, 93 years of age, with doris, 88 years of age. this was his long lost first love. it is very nice to focus this love. on a nice valentines and lingerie. people didn't want me to talk about that. >> that was sweet. >> i have to share this. i came home from work later one day last week. i walk in, my baby sitter, my kids are there. mom, mom, mom, come see this. watch. >> no, no, no. no, no, no. [ laughter ] >> that is my 6-month-old baby daughter cracking up. she can't talk. she barely cries and she is just cracking up like crazy at my son. it was very funny. and we've now watched it about 500,000 times on our phone.
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she would be great audience for you. he is not actually funny and she is laughing like crazy. >> how nice of you. this will be the last time you're on the show. >> have a great week, every one. "special report" is up next. soft core porn, negative ads, threats of lawsuits and courting evangelicals. it is just one day for republican candidates in south carolina ahead of the nation's first southern primary. this is "special report." good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. after several days of relentless attacks on each other, gop candidates might have been expected to play nice in south carolina. four of them were at a faith event in greenville providing sought after evangelical voters with a one stop shopping opportunity. but the whole concept
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