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tv   Greta Investigates  FOX News  February 14, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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>> it was a very vicious situation. >> there was nicole with her throat slashed. she was nearly beheaded. >> goldman was stabbed 20 times. he put up a struggle. >> there was literally a river of blood flowing down. >> the evidence was so clear. >> o.j. simpson was malicious. >> no one like this had been on
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trial in this country. >> the trial of the century. >> it turn into a circus. >> if it doesn't fit you must acquit in terms of evidence, it was all right there. >> people had their entire lives around the trial. >> i am greta van susteren. 20-years ago in june of 1994 police were caught at the scene of a horrendous double homicide in los angeles lift to die in a river of blood where nicole brown simpson ex-wife of o.j. simpson and her friend ron goldman. it twisted and turned played out in the courtroom while the
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nation watched on television. i covered the case from the beginning and when i last sat down with o.j. simpson 10 years ago he was a free man. he reflected on his life and sen sayingsnal trial. today he sits in prison. but when 'tis troubles all started he thought he was going to end it all right then and there riding in a white ford bronco on an la freeway. >> i have oj in the car. >> june 17th, 1994, everyone in america remembers how this shocking scene unfolded on the freeways of los angeles. o.j. simpson was lying back down in the back seat of his bronco his gun pointed to his head. a former football player friend was at the wheel. he spoke to him on the phone. >> get rid of the gun. too many people love you, man. don't give it up. >> the football legend and movie
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star was threatening to commit suicide. >> i am just going to leave. >> the slow speed bronco chase went on for 60 miles. he was supposed to be turning himself into police for the murders of his ex-wife and nicole and friend ron goldman. >> they found the bodies the morning of the 13th after midnight. >> when they got there the scene was horrific. there was nicole with her throat slashed. she was nearly beheaded. ron goldman was lying next to her and he had been stabbed to death. >> linda deutsch is special correspondent of the associated press and followed the trial from the beginning. >> on the day they ran they stood by the freeways with steins that said go juice. they wanted him to try. >> simpson was raised for the murders. he assembled a dream team of
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defense lawyers. the testimony began on january the 24th, 1995. >> what you have here is a trail of blood from bundy drive to rockingham avenue and into the defendant's very bedroom. >> he did not commit a crime. >> and lasted 16 months. >> you see any difference between these crimes. >> the entire nation was trance fixed. simpson was the most famous american to ever to be tried for murder. >> he was the juice. he was the ultimate sports hero. it was unbelievable to the public at large that he could be even spiktsed of such a vicious crime. >> the trial had accusations of corrupt cops, racial under tones and media attention that was overwhelming. >> prosecutors portray o.j. simpson as a violent and jealously obsessed ex-husband.
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>> no one that famous had ever been on trial in this country. >> october 3rd, 1995, the jury came in with a verdict 150 million americans watched on tv or listened on radio more than the super bowl. >> we the jury in the above the titled action find o.j. simpson not guilty of the crime of murder of nicole simpson and ron goldman. >> 10 years after the trial i sat down with simpson one-on-one in miami to hear his thoughts on the case. >> oj, how is life? >> pretty good. my golf game is in good shape. i am happy. >> when you say o.j. simpson you think trial of the century. a huge population is mad out there about the verdict. you know that. >> yeah, i know that. i know because of the media. i know that for sure.
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i couldn't understand why people were so into my trial. it was on tv. i meet people they were so into the trial. i had more people tape the whole thing. you know how much tape that must have taken. if you need it -- >> do you hate the media? >> no. i don't. >> i think what will hurt our forefathers never fore saw cable tv. they never saw -- well, they did. you saw the quote of thomas jefferson one who doesn't live through the media is better foirnled than one who doesn't, one hasn't heard the lies and inaccuracies. thomas jefferson was hip to the media way back then. >> some people say cameras are the reasons why you weren't convicted. >>ing the one thing i think cameras still don't make me even though in one area the camera benefited me. >> i spoke with three people closely connected to the case. tomorrow lange was the lead
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investigator. >> he sued him for wrongful death in a sil trial. the plaintiffs won a judgment of $33.5 million. dr. michael baden who was a forensic pathologist hired the defense he met with simpson right after the murders. >> should he love the cameras in the media or not? >> i think he does love the cameras in the media. this guy has got to be out front even in prison we have to hear from this guy. he can't quit thinking about himself being the sociopath that he is being the self indulgent individual where it is all about him. i think he loves the cameras. he loves the attention. >> were the cameras a reason for the verdict or not. do you assign the cameras the responsibility? oo you mean the cameras in the courtroom? >> i have always been against that for a lot of reasons. the main one is if you are
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testifying in open court with live cameras you are not concerned with what you are being asked, you are more concerned about the cameras on you, and i can recall after 8 and a half days on the stand people looking at me and i am thinking well how am i going to answer this. i have to look just right. it effects testimony that's the bottom line. cameras in the courtroom should never have been allowed. >> you won the civil case. no cameras in the civil case. there were cameras in the criminal case. can you have won the criminal case without cameras? >> i think it detracted from the gravitas of the situation of the trial and it turned into a circus. i think with that atmosphere the jury had no problem returning the verdict they did. it didn't have the feel of a double homicide trial as the case progressed. >> coming up... oo oh he's a very narcissistic
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person. true testify anythings of a sociopath. >> do you think of nicole any more? that's where your friends are. seriously, it's, it's really fine. you don't want to be seen with your dad? no, it' oh, there's tracy. what! [ horn honking ] [ forward collision warning ] bye dad! it brakes when you don't. the newly redesigned volkswagen passat. right now you can get a $1,000 presidents' day bonus on new 2015 or 2016 passat, jetta, or tiguan models. defiance is in our bones. citracal pearls. delicious berries and cream.
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♪ >> >> nicole was a great mom and a terrific woman. >> nicole brown simpson was a california beauty who would become simpson's second wife. she was one of four girls born to an american mother and german father. the 18-year-old nicole met o.j. simpson. >> the stories abound about him seeing her and saying, i am going to mare why i -- marry here. >> he swept her off her feet in a luxurious lifestyle. >> they were a gorgeous couple. when they entered a room at a party or at a restaurant people would stop talking and catch
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their breath because they were so beautiful together. >> in 1985 they were married and soon after sidney and justin were born. >> they were the golden couple. it was as if nothing bad could ever happen to them. then the worst happened. >> i never met nicole. describe her to me? >> capable, very, very, very capable. probably as bright as any girl i have ever dated. because she is european born in europe and the flair with her mother, the traditional women more so than a lot of americans with the litters and all of that. nicole was very for a man she was a great girl to have. you could fight and she could still cook you dinner, you know what i mean. those traditional values that women bring to a relationship.
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she didn't let her emotions effect those. >> the years past simpson revealed a violent side. in 1989 pictures surfaced of a beaten and bloody nicole he pleaded no contest to spousal abuse. it got so bad she filed for divorce and tried to start a new life. she moved into a home in brentwood. s simpson wouldn't let go. he began stalking her. october 25th, 1993, nicole dialled 911. the call is chilling. >> what's the problem there? >> my ex-husband broke into the house. he's ranting and raving. >> what does he look like? >> his name is o.j. simpson. i think you know his record. >> do you think of nicole any more? >> yeah, i thought about her the
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other day. it was her birthday, obviously. yeah, from time to time. there are times i am angry at her. >> why? >> because when i feel there's things she could be doing with the kids better than i, if eait' eegsnal stuff especially with my daughter i am angry that sometimes she found herself hanging around, who are these people. it pisses me off every time i see the media say kato kaelin he's a friend. i don't know these people. he and i weren't friends. we didn't hang out together. i don't know these people. i can count on my finger how many times i have seen fay russ nick. these are no mad she started hanging out with. >> when you listen to this what are your thoughts? >> he's a very narcissistic person. i can't believe there's so much
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hot air in one body. if you ever watch he's always shrugging and laughing and turning away. he always knows himself he's not talking the truth when he speaks. i spent literally weeks with this man in a conference room when we were deposing him sat right next to him in the trial for four months. just got more than my hashare o what this man is about. there's nothing good about it. >> he's the true definition of a sociopath in every respect. >> the family seemed to really like o.j. simpson obviously up until the time of the murder. there were so many instances where he was abusing her. did they lack the other way? did they not know it? >> i think they knew it. but your adult daughter doesn't want you to meddle into her affairs with her husband or ex muss which was the case at the end. you don't do it. every day you pick up the papers
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you hear about the abuse. it was a telling story this could have been expected this guy was violent this guy was dangerous and nothing was done ahead of time. i don't think there was anything there that suggested ever it could lead to a homicide like that. >> how sav sandaling was this. a murder from 200 yards with a gun and you have this time. >> her throat was cut. two carotid arteries that cut which bleed out fast. they would have lost consciousness within 10-20 seconds. >> one stroke? >> multiple ones on the neck and six other stab wounds. so it was a very vicious kind of situation. however people should remember the neck is about 4 or 5 inches in thickness. the bone, the cervical spine is more than half of that distance. in this situation even though
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the cut wound went down into the bone but it cut through vital structures. the image of somebody's head almost coming off as played up in different newspapers it just a false image that occurs whenever somebody's neck is cut. that was serious. goldman was stabbed 20 times he put up a struggle. >> he was a waiter at a restaurant. he had seen nicole when she had been there. they had become sort of friends. >> on the night of the murders nicole's mother had dropped her sunglasses at the restaurant. ron a handsome model and inspiring actor offered to bring them to nicole's condo. >> that's how he wound up there at the wrong place in the wrong time. >> nicole was seen on the front steps front door open lights on, gate is open. she is expecting ron goldman. >> a good samaritan totally. not a boyfriend.
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>> not as a boyfriend. he's bringing back judith brown's glasses. >> totally good samaritan. >> sure. she is outside. she is waiting outside. >> i can't remember when they said died first but they were certain about it. >> they thought nicole was attacked first and would have lost consciousness as soon as her neck was cut. goldman was off a few feet away. >> more of my interview with o.j. simpson just ahead. seems ld block. that reminds me... anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea... ...gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against occasional digestive issues. with three types of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'.
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during the murder trial,
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his estate >> during simpson's trial his w. the bloody glove was found there. he heard the famous bumps in the night. >> how many bumps did you hear? >> three. >> can you em straight how loud it was? >> the prosecution argued the sounds kato heard were o.j. simpson bumping into the air-conditioner on kato's window. >> i thought there was someone back there. >> jurors were brought to the estate to see the location first hand. the media followed. >> we didn't get to go inside with the jurors. we went outside of the rockingham estate. there was a pool of reporters who were allowed to go. for a time oj was sticking to a street nearby and waited in the car. then he was brought back in. they had to basically convene a court session in the house. >> we talk about rockingham. when i was there we were there
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with a billion satellite trucks. everybody was watching you. everybody in the media was there. are we still dogging you? >> that has not been the case for a long time. the media dogs me now when there is no news. >> i asked him when i spoke to him what he thought of our justice system? >> what do you think of oh you are justice system? >> i think it works better in autonomy. i think once you put it out in the open, even though i sometimes am intrigued by it. >> you mean putting it on tv? >> on tv. i think it changes everybody. i think it changes everybody. i think the media influences it far too much, their opinions are far too -- i think the public who follow cases are swayed by the opinions of the various pundits who comment on it. then i think -- >> isn't it the jurors that matter? >> yeah. i found out in my case that the
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only people who weren't affected by the media were the jurors because they were totally sequestered. unfortunately most juries aren't sequestered. they are swayed by public opinion. you cannot protect them. you cannot protect them from being affected by somebody a's opinion. somebody else's opinion. >> every time i lost a trial i always thought i wish i had done something differently. looking back do you wish you had done something differently in terms of your participation in this trial? >> in the trial or the investigation? >> in the trial or investigation? >> any regrets? >> i don't have any regrets. if there is a regret it would be that i hasn't there to close down that crime skreeven gages to make sure everything was covered and everybody had done everything they should have done. overall, no, i can't think of
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anything i would change. >> can i defend christopher on one thing, putting the glove on o.j. simpson. i know everyone has taken him apart on that. i don't think he had any choice. o.j. simpson put on weight in jail. he also was on steroids from his arthritis. blow up a little bit. plus he had a latex glove on. when you grow up in wisconsin your gloves get wet in the morning by the time you went home they were three sizes smaller. maybe in you are in california you sdoo didn't know that. had he hpt put it on oj he could have handled it better and so could marsha clark. if he hadn't done that johnny cochran wo done that himself. and pointed the prosecutors and said, why do you think the prosecutor -- closing argument why do you think they would do that? they have oj here and the gloves here they didn't want you to know that. they argued it poorly. >> it's the way that he did it. it makes no sense.
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it doesn't fit. if it doesn't fit you must acquit let's get something straight. the gov did fit. we have very large hands bigger than simpson who had large hands. fill didn't have problem putting on the glove. if you want to put it on. if you are allowed to perform in front of the jury in open court and live television you see what we saw with oj. >> coming up. oj was being hidden at the kardashian house. >> not kim kardashian but her father who was an old friend of oj and one of his lawyers. >> during that time oj goes out to say good-bye to some people and disappears.
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>> i am kelly wright. good evening. fox news is learning more about the surprise death of supreme court just sis anthony scalia. the death certificate will say he passed from natural causes and an autopsy is not necessary. now his body is being flown home. he was on a trip when he was found at a resort in west texas yesterday. he was 79. extreme weather freezing the northeast this valentine's day. folks are bundling up to escape the record breaking cold. parts of new york and some new england cities saw windchills dip to minus 40. it also causing dangerous driving conditions. a car pileup in pennsylvania was caused by drifting snow. 3 people killed and 70 others
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hurt in the accident. pope francis is announcing the drug trade again today. the central theme of the five day mexican tour during the mass in a crime ridden city of ecatepec urged them to make the country a land of opportunity not a place that is destroyed at the hands of the dealers of death. the city's plagued by high murder rates kidnappings and criminal extortion. that's a look at news. i am kelly wright. now back to "greta investigates. >> when o.j. simpson was arrested for the murder of his ex-wife nicole and friend ron goldman the police department was as much much in the hot seat as him. the riots that followed rodney
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king verdict still haunted la. as the trial got underway the names of mark fuhrman and tom lange became almost as known to america as oj seven son. >> they determined it was him from the beginning and never looked at any one else. that's a big problem. >> the accusations of a lapd cop had dna evidence to frame simpson. >> tom can pespeak to this ther was an allegation of racism a part of the lapd. this was a case where people quickly drifted off the facts and quickly got into a lot of other topics. sometimes these issues are relevant. bias is always relevant in a trial. but this was used by the defense. >> yeah, it was. it ising there was the defense had a jury consultant. very nice gal. the defense jury consultant said
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the defense should get black women on the jury. they would be partial to oj. marsha clark knew this but over the years she felt she had done very well with black females on jurors that they were responsive to her. they both went looking for female black jurors and got a number of female black jurors. marsha clark knew this was right after rodney king. lapd is hated. this is a minority jury. you put l ark cops out there they have done this and done that. she wanted to stick to the core evidence. she knew this was lapd on trial. fuhrman trial. these are the racist la cops right after rodney king. all of this was going to be put on and she knew that. so she wanted to stick to the core blood evidence because if you put this evidence op you are going to have to put on these la cops, these evidence planting racist lying la cops you got to
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testify to all of this stuff. >> oddly before the 2004 interview he told me he thought detective lang would help him. >> for a long time i thought lang would be my salvation. even since the trial. but once you write a book together you make any income from it i think he compromised himself. i don't have -- i have much worse feelings with van hatter than i do with lang. as a matter of fact when the verdict was read my biggest issue because i had already told my lawyers there would be no celebrating, i wanted to go after vannatter. he was in the courtroom on the end. it took everything i could not to go after this guy. i felt he was responsible for allowing somebody like mark fuhrman to be as out of control as he evidently because during the investigation of this case. >> tom, detective vannatter isn't here.
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he died he can't defend himself to o.j. simpson but he names you. i assume you have a response to oj on that? >> again, a typical sociopath at work. total denial. it's not me. it is everybody else. bs on and on and on. this is what you find in a typical sociopath. >> he does accuse everybody but himself, doesn't he? everybody but himself. >> the dna, this would have been a strong homicide case if dna didn't exist at that time. just the shoe size, the bloody tracks, the cut on his left hand, the trail of blood going back, the fact that he would have had a key to the back gate, blood on the seat council and mats of the bronco. blood at the driveway at his house, the other glove found there. you wouldn't have to know whose blood it was necessarily. all of the physical items in this case were so interconnected
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without the dna portion of it, it could have been tried that way. this would the big exposure of dna to the public and to a jury. i think that the testimony of the prosecution experts on dna and its uniqueness and how it matches up to only a specific individual was presented for about four or five days in a wonderfully technical way for forensic scientists and doctors and all to learn about it, but it was way over the heads of the jurors. >> and mine. i have been practicing law, it was new to all of us. >> the way it was presented to those jurors, they didn't understand the significance of what we are talking about now. >> part of the problem is the police were cross examined quite heavily for instance detective vannatter putting it in his
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pocket and going off with it. >> that didn't happen. he put it in a chocolate covered envelope that is on the videotape. >> that he didn't take it. >> he didn't put it in his pocket. >> that was the allegation. >> i am not challenging. i am not challenging. i am saying that's what people said. >> there's no unanswered questions, there are no mysteries or anything else. i agree with what dr. baden said they over did the blood evidence. there is a bunch of other stuff they could have used. they stuck with the blood and went over with it. as far as vannatter he took the tube and took it to the criminalist who would put it there. >> the thing about him sprinkling blood all over the place all of the photographs of the blood trail were taken at the crime scene that day. photographs existed two hours later that showed all of the blood and where it was there is no way to plant that blood. >> when you saw him the night of
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the chase was he bruised in any way? >> no. he was very depressed. he had been, the murder had occurred a few days earlier but he hadn't been arrested yet. he was hiding in kardashian's. moeb knew where he was. the initial lawyer in the case we were brought up to where oj was before he was arrested being hidden at the kardashian house. >> which i should interrupt. it is not kim kardashian but her father who was an old friend of oj and one of his lawyers. >> the father's house. >> there were people down stairs including young girls young children at that time. but we went up to the second floor to examine oj because shapiro wanted evidence, hair
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samples, whatever for forensic use before he was going to get arrested. he hadn't been asked to be arrested yet. he was hiding out and the police didn't know where he was. while we were doing that bob shapiro gets a call from the cell phone from prosecutors we have an arrest warrant for oj, tell us where you are. shapiro immediately told them where we are the kardashian home. during that time oj goes out and disappears. >> coming up. they didn't have the picture of him wearing the bruney mali shoes. >> we have a witness she is looking at the shoes, she says, well, i have seen oj with those shoes on. (man) hmm. what do you think?
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donald trump: "pedonald trump..." look past the boasting and you'll see right through him. he supported partial-birth abortions. his phony trump university? accused of fraud. he tried to seize private property to line his own pockets. four bankruptcies... and small businesses screwed over. poll after poll shows him losing... to hillary clinton. if trump wins, conservatives lose. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message.
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>> the verdict in the simpson trial polarized the nation. many thought he was guilty but others were over joyed he was acquitted. one year after simpson walked the death civil trial began on behalf of ron goldman and nicole simpson. >> this was not a murder trial. the judge did not allow cameras in the courtroom. it still had enormous coverage. >> the trial was different in significant ways. it was not televised first. second the burden of proof in a civil trial is much lower. third the plaintiffs entered new evidence. most damaging simpson said he never owned a bruno mali shoes a
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luxury brand that left a i am weren print at the crime scene. during the civil trial they had him wearing the same shoes. a picture shown to the jury caught simpson in a lie, a big lie. on february 4th, 1997, the jury found him liable for the murders of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman. many said this was the trial done right. in the civil case i remember you, the civil team, you presented the blood evidence in very short order compared to marsha clark and christopher dared done did it for days on end. >> friday afternoon i put detective vannatter on the stand for i think it was 12 minutes. everybody sat back and thought it was going to be two or three-days of direct and cross examination. >> how about the fact that they didn't have the picture of o.j. simpson wearing the bruno mali shoes as he described hem as
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ugly ass shoes. you had a picture of him wearing those shoes in the civil case. >> i think the media coverage actually helped in that. the initial picture of simpson in those shoes was called a fraud when he was in the national enquirer. it was new year's eve in the middle of the trial i got a call and the film was developed of him in that shoes. something that never would have happened if the media wasn't looking for these things and talking about it constantly. >> we are looking at those shoes right now. those are what o.j. simpson described in that deposition as ugly ass shoes. >> i thought it was they found blood and determined from a footprint they found what shoe it was. what is the chance that they will find out it was this type of shoe from a bloody footprint
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and then they found out he had a shoe. >> the fbi has a catalog of shoe soles for comparison as much as fingerprints and all. we had a witness before any of this that could put the shoes on o.j. simpson. >> from the criminal trial. >> where was that witness? >> that particular witness was nicole's younger sister dominique. i did a 6 pack of news before anybody knew anything about bruno mali's, we didn't release anything. put together a six-pack of shoes much like one would a six-pack of suspects. >> like photos. >> yes. just like a photo. >> six different shoes. one of those was bruno mali's. i showed this to dominique and i admonished her. i said because i am showing you these shoes don't put much thought about why i am doing this. i want to ask you direct questions about these six photographs of shoes.
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she is a bright young women. she is looking at the shoes. she says, actually, i have seen this type of shoe before. she points to the bruno mali. s i said why are you pointing to that? i have seen oj with those shoes on. what shoes? >> these bruno mali shoes. >> dwhat did you tell marsha clark and christopher dared enabout them? >> everything. we work for them. we are their investigator. what did they say? >> fine. >> did your complients ever collected any money after you won? >> the estate gets it. >> your client was the estate. >> there was an auction that took place there was a portion to the two plaintiffs. >> you had a big judgment. how much did they get out of their judgment. what percentage out of the judgment? >> what percentage?
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>> it was under 7 figures the total collected. >> the judgment was how much? >> 33 and a half million dollars. >> there's more o.j. simpson coming up. americans. we're living longer than ever. as we age, certain nutrients become especially important. from the makers of one a day fifty-plus. one a day proactive sixty-five plus. with high potency vitamin b12 and more vitamin d.
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>> today o.j. simpson sits in a nevada prison but not nor the murder of nicole simpson and ron goldman. simpson and five others held three men at gun point in a las vegas hotel room.
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he was trying to retrieve some of his stolen memorabilia. >> he was charged with armed rab brie and kidnapping so he went on trial. it was a very strange trial. the judge was adamant, but prosecutors seemed determined to get him. there were over tones of the trial in l.a. to police detectives they didn't get him in l.a. so they are going to get him here. which is obviously not the way sis system is supposed to work but in a way that's how it worked. >> it was one of the most extraordinary trials in american history. >> 20-years later what is the legacy? >> one of the legacies is an established dna is important. normally it takes years and
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decades before new technologies come didn't. in 1994 as a result of all of the publicity dna got it immediately permitted it into mainstream trials and it became routine>> i think there are a couple of legacies. they put a lot of people back on the streets and they were convicted and it helped convict a lot of people who should be convicted using that. the media aspect gave rides to a whole cottage industry the whole cable world was developed around simpson. that caught on and people loved watching these sort of true reality shows and crime and punishment took off after this exploding on the scene. >> or the accidental anchor. i was practicing law and teachi teaching and, you know. >> how many people you look back
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think about 18 years ago in the civil case all of the people who were there covering the case where they are now. it spawned an try of anchors and shows and second careers that came after this case because of it. >> tom, the legacy? >> there's a couple of things that concern me. i hope we would look at this the way it was tried and learn something the way it was over done in some areas under don in others. but the thing that i hope would really sink in is no one was ever in control. the judge was not in control. just like johnny cochran wasn't in control. i think part of that is cameras in the courtroom all of the lawyers played in those cameras. the police were gagged weren't able to say anything. our chief bagggagged us. but the court has to send the message they are in control. you don't do that by having everyone to play to cameras in the courtroom. you don't do it with a lack of a
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gag order. >> gentlemen, thank you. 20-years later who would have guessed, right? 20-years those pretty fast. >> the controversy surrounding the o.j. simpson trial are still being debated today. people argue about the evidence and the trial but what is not in dispute two people nicole brown simpson and ron goldman were viciously murdered 20-years ago ch as strange as it seems to date no one has spent a day in prison for the murders. i am beretta van have yosus str thank you for watching. be good. text mom. boys have been really good today. send. let's get mark his own cell phone. nice. brad could use a new bike. send. [google] message. you decide. they're your kids. why are you guys texting grandma?
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